Little Demon Empress

Raynor finally had a chance to see the Little Demon Empress...

And he was not disappointed...

She is very beautiful and delicate, Raynor had slap himself internally not to just run and hug her and then make her sit on his lap so that he could cuddle her...

Raynor had to snap himself out from his fantasies as she started talking to him.

"The Illusory Demon Realm is indebted to you Sir Raynor, if it's in my power I shall grant you any wish." Before Raynor answered, he summoned Wentian's head and showed to Little Demon Empress who looked at him with slight confusion.

"This is Xuanyuan Wentian head...The Mighty Heavenly Sword Region alongside Sun Moon Divine Hall are group took care of them..." Raynor words only hammered the truth to Little Demon Empress that these individuals are higher realm that [Sovereign Profound]...

Huan Caiyi quickly did small bow.

"Thank you for avenging my Royal Father..." Raynor nodded at her, but then he smiled at her which only send a small shiver through her spine...

"What I want in return for these endeavours is you Huan Caiyi, I will be taking over this whole Mortal Star realm, and Illusory Demon Realm shall join me through marriage..." Before she can say anything Raynor simply released his cultivation base...

He didn't focus on people... instead he simply made the whole continent shake...

Little Demon Empress got the whole picture very quickly...

He wants her, and benefits she will get from him in return are enormous...

She simply sighed and nodded...

There was no hesitation what so ever in her actions ...

"This Empress agrees with your request" The Demon King raised his eyebrow for a second he didn't expect how quickly she agreed to it, even Raynor was expecting some sort hesitation at least...

She then looked at Demon King " Yun Canghai the seal." She ordered him to give her the Imperial seal.

The Old Yun without hesitation gave her Demon Emperors seal.

Huan Caiyi then looked back, at Raynor " I shall return shortly then we can we shall proceed."

Raynor nodded at her, he knows what she is planning, and he knows she will fail...

And that where he will come to help her...

By the end of the day, he will be cuddling her...

Moments later she left, completely forgetting that she got guests and everything...

Yun Canghai could only sight, how impatient Little Demon Empress is behaving...

"My apologies Raynor Valeron... But We will have to wait for her return if you wish to continue talking with her..." Raynor only shrugged his shoulders, he knows quite well why she is so impatient...

They are at borderline civil war... and she is trying to show a strong front...

Even if he is quite a few years early from the original plot which started here...

The tension is still there, Little Demon Empress doesn't have proper Golden Crow inheritance and she can't use the divine beasts flames properly...

With the seal she obtained from The Demon King she can now try to actually try to get the arts from divine spirit itself...

But Raynor knows quite well that she will fail as Golden Crow only gives it to males...

Simply because if a female tries to learn it... she well... explodes...

And in the end, there is only one choice, and since this is a Chinese novel...

She will need to get Yang directly from a 'fitting' male source...

Just to practise these arts...

The Original author was quite a perverted when he thought of this...

But it only suit Raynor quite well in this situation...

And they didn't need to wait long for her return, she came back with the quite sad and devasted look...

Raynor decided to save her day...

"The Golden Crow denied your request?" The Little Demon Empress looked at him, for a second she bit her lower lip, it looked incredibly cute to Raynor.

"I can help in that regard if you wish..." She looked at him, she couldn't understand why he wishes to help her Demon Realm so much.

He sighed and crossed his hands." being strong is important to me, so... let's fix this little problem... and then we can relax and talk..." Little Demon Empress eventually caved in and nodded at him.

Seeing her agree, Raynor looked back at his two girls.

"I will be back in a few minutes..." Qingyue and Chu Yueli nodded at him, Raynor can see that both of them are quite excited that Little Demon Empress is actually joining them so easily...

Raynor then motioned her to give her hand to him, Huan Caiyi raised her delicate eyebrow at him, and gently gave her hand to him...

Next moment he took a step and appeared inside Cave where Golden Crow is...

The Little Demon Empress was quite taken back seeing such movement technique!

"Ho...this noble one sensed space Laws being used..." Moment later pair of massive golden eyes appeared in a dark cave, Raynor could sense the cave turning extremely hot, not that fire can actually affect him anymore...

"You must be the Golden Crow divine spirit..." Raynor walked forward, still holding Huan Caiyi hand, towards two golden eyes, and they are quite massive...

"Who are you? This Royal one sense... that you are Primordial God yet you are not...this doesn't make any sense..." Raynor chuckled hearing that, same time Huan Caiyi clenched her hand, in disbelieve what she was hearing, she looked at him with wide eyes, Raynor only smiled back at her.

"Correct... Golden Crow... I am slowly but surely becoming end of this year I shall become one...maybe even sooner...depending on my mood, but enough about that... I am here on behalf of Huan Caiyi, she needs to learn your arts..." Hearing Raynor request Golden Crow only said single word...

"Impossible" Raynor was not discouraged, hearing that.

"Even if she gets constantly nourished by Primordial Yang energy?" Hearing that Golden Crows quieted down...

Raynor and Huan Caiyi were waiting for the birds response...

"There is only one method to do it..." The Golden Crow said, with certainty...

Raynor chuckled at that, he is not planning to have 'fun' with Little Demon Empress in a cave...

So instead he used his free hand and written a few letters in Primordial energy...

'Yang' 'Primordial' 'Energy' 'Nourishment' 'Soul' 'Attachment'

Six letters fused together and Raynor pointed it to fused with Huan Caiyi who observed it with interest.

Moments later Golden Crow looked at Huan Caiyi with wide eyes...

"T-this is incredible...she can now learn this noble one arts!" Raynor could only chuckle at that, he looked at Huan Caiyi with a smirk.

"Well?" He said that to Little Demon Empress, who wants to start jumping up down from happiness only that she is not showing any of it...

Raynor decided that for his work he at least should get a kiss or something.

"Well, Huan I deserve an award or something? hmm? I just helped you with something big." Raynor words snapped her out.

"What...kind...of award you wish?" She asked innocently, while he only smirked at her.

He pulled her into a hug, the little Demon Empress didn't expect that...

She didn't know what to do in this situation she has no real experience with men or affection showing...

In a sense, she knows what to do, but she has no experience behind it...

"You are to be my pretty wife...So I wish for a proper kiss from you..." Raynor said that with a smirk, oh how he is enjoying this...

The Little Demon Empress didn't really care, from her expression it seems...

Raynor pulled her up to his eye level, her body was extremely soft and very cuddly...

Without any ceremonies, she kissed him right on lips, Raynor had a chance to explore her bum as well...

But for now, he mostly focused on the kiss, her lips were extremely soft...

When they finished it, their lips were extremely swollen from all the kissing they did...

Raynor simply hummed with satisfaction for now...

"We shall continue this once we are back to your palace my Empress... for now let me help you with something as well..." Raynor quickly drew another set of runes which fused with her again, those were the comprehension ones.

Huan Caiyi once more looked at him with more shock...Raynor could see she is no longer has such indifference towards him...

"Now that you are done with all our preparations this Noble One shall give you three drops of this noble one well as chance to learn my arts! The Golden Crows Record of The Burning World!" The Golden Crow spirit said that with pride...

Raynor could only shake his head in amusement, while Huan Caiyi walked forward a little bit and three drops of blood touched her head right between her eyes...

Increasing her cultivation to [ Nine of Sovereign Profound].

Raynor knows that if she is to receive more of the Golden Crow Blood is going to shave her life span even more...

That's if he is to intervene personally, which he will do once everything is set and done.

For now, Raynor allows her to finish her family traditions...

"Now this Noble One will give you time to study Golden Crow's Record of Burning The World!" The Golden Crow said proudly...

Raynor knew she will be away for some time if this to happen, so he took a step appeared in front of her and grabbed the Jade slip...

He quickly learned the whole thing in a few moments with the help of mind acceleration...

"What the meaning of this!" The Golden Crow angrily said.

Raynor sighed at the Divine Spirit of The Golden Crow.

"I don't have patients to wait for Caiyi to learn this thing in this dull cave! So instead I learned it and now I can instruct her personally!" He explained it simply and he gave the Jade Slip back to the bird divine spirit.

"T-this... you already learned this noble one's arts?!?" The Golden Crow said with disbelieve.

Raynor only shrugged at the Divine Spirit.

"it's not that impressive it's just destructive arts, Creation arts are much more difficult..." Once Raynor said that he felt like he broke the bird spirit...

He completely ignored that, as his real goal was to help Caiyi get the Crow blood and get the arts...

"Did you really learned it?" She asked him softly, he simply nodded at her and then gently scooped her into Princess carry.

"Don't worry I will teach you all of the Golden Crows arts, the more you award me the more I teach you..." He said that with a growing smirk the Little Demon Empress could only sight at him.

She obviously has no other way as the Golden Crow Divine Spirit is not responding anymore...

Huan Caiyi believe that Raynor did an ultimate face slap to the Divine Spirit...

"Very well... This Empress agrees to your demands." Hearing that Raynor simply pulled her closer.

And then took a step and appeared back into Demon Capital Palace.

Where Demon King and Raynor girls are waiting for them... oh yeah and Xiao Che was here as well... or is it Yun Che now?

Well, it doesn't really matter...

Qingyue noticed that her lover has Huan Caiyi in his arms, she internally was extremely happy, the load she has to take lowered a little bit...

While Demon King was quite impressed how quickly Little Demon Empress got so close to Raynor...

Only Xiao Che was quite jealous and same time impressed that he already has his pretty girl in his arms!

And Chu Yueli was simply happy that she gets more time to actually sleep now...

Raynor lowered the Little Demon Empress on ground.

The girl quickly got on her feet and took few steps away from him there was a minuscular blush on her cheeks which very quickly vanished, she was actually embarrassed what her retainer saw her in this kind of situation...

"Well then Caiyi why don't we fix the problems your realm is facing now, so that I could focus on teaching you the Golden Crow arts?" The Little Demon Empress eyes widened for second as she looked at him.

"You help me in this situation?" Raynor only shook his head hearing that.

"Yes I do, my goal is to have you at my side, and these idiots not allowing that, so it means they have to be dealt with..." He said that while stroking her cheek. The Little Demon Empress didn't even understand when did he just appeared at her side so quickly and started stroking her cheek...

In the end, she simply nodded, why not? she gets help from someone who is above [Sovereign Profound]