Flexing Godhood

Chu Yueli and Chu Yuechan appeared in Raynor new house inside Holy Land, the Frozen Beauty was taken aback by the house design, she never seen a house like that.

She didn't have a chance to ask about it, as her sister was already walking towards this house.

Frozen Beauty quickly caught up with her, as they entered inside, the younger chu motioned her to take off her shoes, which made her older sister want to roll her eyes, but she followed what her sister asked.

Chu Yueli gave her a pair of slippers and motioned Yuechan to follow her inside...

Moments later they were inside the living room where they saw Qingyue lazing on a couch.

First thing on Yueli mind was...' where is Raynor?'

As Qingyue is pretty much attached to his hip...

"Qingyue where is Raynor?" hearing her old master voice Qingyue lifted her head.

"He got tired of the Divine Master realm, and decided to breakthrough to the next realm." Chu Yueli nodded in understanding, while Chu Yuechan had a dumb look.

He got tired? is cultivation to him some sort of item which they get tired of?

She didn't get an answer to that as well as moments later another girl came from the corridor, her hair was an utter mess and she only had a simple shirt covering her body.

"Does anyone know where I can get some water?" Qingyue pointed with a finger towards the kitchen, the girl nodded and walked toward the kitchen.

'Was that Blue Wind Princess? he already got her?' Chu Yuechan thought with small shock.

"So where is he then?" Chu Yueli asked with disappointment, she wanted to add her elder sister to the fold...

Qingyue sighed and pointed toward the sky.

"I think he went to the moon... as he is quite concerned what will happen to Blue Pole Star if is to breakthrough into True God withing planet itself..." Chu Yueli understood what she means.

The gap between Divine and True God is big and one has never reached it before, so... they don't know what's going to happen.

As they were relaxing in the living room, at least Qingyue and Chu Yueli, as Chu Yuechan was actually Cultivating as the Profound energy was incredibly dense in air, she can feel that she will breakthrough into [Emperor Profound] by end of the day!

But that moment incredible powerful energy washed them all, it was as gravity multiplied hundredfold for just a second.

Chu Yuechan almost passed out, while Chu Yueli and Qingyue had a smirks for a second

Both of them got on feet.

"I am going to see how is he doing!" Qingyue said that to Yueli, as she with single-step vanished.

While Chu Yuechan was still trying to get over that feeling like the whole planet was just put on her back.

"Sister, how did you didn't feel anything?" Chu Yuechan asked her younger sibling.

"My body is that of Primordial Goddess, no matter how much Primordial Energy Raynor has now it doesn't affect me that much, but I can't say that to other Cultivators...

Chu Yueli decided to stay in Holy Land just in case some Divine Cultivators get some weird ideas with this place...as she can guarantee everyone in Primal Chaos felt that shockwave as Raynor Primordial energy is like beacon now...

~~~~~~Brahma Monarch God Realm~~~~~~

A certain beautiful Blonde girl who looks no older than twenty was cultivating when she sensed incredible powerful energy wash her up, she forgot even how to breathe as it was that heavy.

'Someone reached the True God realm!!!' Her golden eyes looked towards the source of this energy, it's far from her location, but she can sense it clearly, it's like another sun in the sky, something no one can miss it!

'Heavens! it's so powerful!' Lust was evident in her eyes, as she got up from lotus position, moments later her Royal Father and her two uncles arrived at her location.

" Ying'er you sensed it did you?" Qianye Ying'er nodded slowly.

"We have to go to this location and pay our respects..." Ying'er could only nod, she was biting her lower lip with annoyance.

'If it's a man then I have my ways to learn his secrets! and then I shall be a True Goddess!'

But Before they could leave toward the source of this energy, they sensed another even more powerful blast of energy wash them up, it was as if they could sense death and life, secrets of the universe at their fingers prints...it was so powerful that whole Brahma Monarch God Realm started to shake.

"D-Did this being breakthrough to Realm of Creation God!? The increase in power was enormous!!!" Qianye Fantian said with a pale face, as he was shaking in fear.

While Qianye Ying'er couldn't wait anymore, she quickly flew towards the location of her Profound Ark.

~~~~~~Snow Song Realm~~~~~~

Planet covered in eternal ice was not spared by this shockwave as Realm King Mu Xuanyin was hit by it, just like the rest of residents of this Realm.

For Moment she even forgot how to breath as the second shockwave reached her and the whole world started to shake...

"By heavens...Someone breakthrough to the mythical realm of True Gods!?!" She quickly got on her feet, by now she doesn't know what to do, should she got and pay her respects to a most powerful individual in Primal Chaos?

His existence will rewrite the whole power base of whole Primal Chaos...

Same time it could mean that he found a way to reach the True God realm, meaning this being close relatives may reach such realm as well!

Mu Xuanyin decided for sake of her realm she will go to this location and pay her respects, and maybe he or she will help with her sister illness, or at least knows how to do it...

~~~~~~Star God Realm~~~~~~

Girl no older than twelve was grinning from ear to ear when she sensed powerful shockwave wash trough whole realm.

'Finally a True God! Now this Princess only needs to ask for his or her help to get revenge on that bitch!' Xing Tong was positive she can get the help of this powerful individual as she knows the location where Heretic God True Legacy is!!!

~~~~~~Blue Pole Star~~~~~~

Qingyue was looking at large Crimson cacoon just above Moon of Her homeworld.

She was standing guard for past few days as she could sense that Raynor power was constantly growing... and growing to point that she can't sense him properly anymore...

Same time she was incredibly excited by the fact that Raynor will take her to Moon God realm and she will be able to get the truth from her mother!!!

Moments later Qingyue sensed a massive amount of Cultivators approaching.

She turned around and saw Profound Arks of all sizes coming, Qingyue was quite excited seeing that she can confirm their Cultivations some of them are similar realm as her, but they are lesser beings compared to her.

If they are to fight her...

She would win hands down because where she is right now... Her laws of Darkness, night... are dominant in Void of space...

As Qingyue was waiting for Raynor transition to Godhood, more and more people were approaching eventually she saw four individuals approaching her.

Qingyue released her Peak Divine Master cultivation, it spread out through the whole area, moments later massive Blue-winged eastern Dragon manifested behind her.


"None shall approach until my darling finish his transition to Godhood..." Qingyue said that while The Massive Yin Primordial Dragon coiled around defensively around Yang Cacoon where Raynor is.

"Young Miss we are not here to cause harm! I am Eternal Heaven God Emperor Zhou Xuzi" The old man said with a kind voice, making Qingyue slightly lower her guard around this old man as her Snow Glazed heart told her that the old man said truth...

"Very well, my name is Xia Qingyue, I am the future wife of my darling Raynor who is right now inside the Cacoon."

All four individuals realised that this girl is next to breakthrough to into Godhood as they sensed that her Profound energy is much denser than theirs!!!

All four started quickly to think how did she achieved that and what kind of legacy she wields! they never sensed anything like her before, it's like she is the devil but not, same with water laws, ice laws, it's like she wields them all! yet they don't know any such gods from ancient era!

" We would like to hear more about this situation which is happening right now..." Qingyue nodded but that moment she grabbed void around her and a blonde woman who looks like twenty years old appeared next to Qianye Fentian...

"Your invisibility technique is impressive...but you are a woman... it's something you can't hide from me... I am cultivating purest of Yin available... apart from my Darling and his harem no one else even comes close to me in strength..." Qingyue said that with a shake of her head.

The Blonde woman didn't lift her head, she didn't want to see her Royal Father face, as he was displeased with her action, especially since he was in such an important gathering in front of whole Eastern Divine Region...

Before Qingyue could say anything more to them, the Crimson Cacoon started to crack and everyone instantly looked towards it.

Next moment third energy shockwave exploded, which forced everyone to drop on their knees...

Such a concept would be hard as they were in space where no proper gravity exists...

But at that single moment, everyone felt like there was gravity effecting them!!!

The only one who is fine, was Qingyue as she had Primordial Yin body and she was herself using Primordial Energy...

Qingyue quickly cancelled her 'God manifestation art' as Winged Blue Eastern Dragon slowly disappeared.

A few seconds later she finally saw Raynor, physically nothing changed, but power wise...

She can't understand his strength...

"Darling you are back..." Qingyue floated to his side, Raynor wrapped his hand around her waist...

"Qingyue dear, this breakthrough was so annoyingly long...the power just kept on growing on and on..." Qingyue could only giggle hearing that.

Raynor then lifted his eyes from her and looked at thousands of gathered people... each of them at Divine Master, Sovereign or King... all of them are rulers of their Star Realm...

Raynor knows basic power scaling used in Divine Realms the only reason he didn't explore it yet, was because he doesn't have proper knowledge of Realm Of Gods yet...

"Well, what a pleasant surprise...I have not expected to see so many people just after my ascension..." Raynor said simply... there was no Primordial energy used in his voice yet everyone heard it, it's like he is speaking directly into their ears...

Such thing alone terrified Star Realm Rulers!!!

"Allow me to introduce myself... I am Raynor Valeron... You may call me 'Master' or 'my Lord'..." Raynor said with a casual hand wave, he is quite tired after the breakthrough, sitting around for hours? how can cultivators do such things?

It's utterly boring...

"V-Very well my Lord! I am Eternal Heaven...Emperor Zhou Xuzi..." Realm King of Eternal Heaven almost slipped and called himself 'God'...

"Really? but you called yourself God-Emperor to me?" Qingyue 'Innocently' said that with finger on her cheek.

Zhou Xuzi wanted to bang his head to the closest planet surface, calling himself 'God-Emperor' is so ingrained into his very being that he forgot to figure out who this young girl is, and now... he knows he is f*cked up...

Raynor 'gasped' hearing that from Qingyue.

"Really Yue'er? He is Emperor of the Gods? does that mean he is really powerful?" Qingyue shrugged her shoulders, she was acting alongside her darling.

"I don't know Darling... you should probably ask to exchange pointers..." Zhou Xuzi paled hearing that.

The other three 'God Emperors' looked with pity at Zhou Xuzi.

"Well then God-Emperor Zhou Xuzi...why don't we spar for a moment! I wish to see the strength of someone who is even above my strength!" Zhou Xuzi started panicking as he started shaking his head quickly.

"M-My lord! Please! We only called ourself God-Emperors because we were closed to such high realm!" The other three 'God-Emperors' paled as well as Zhou Xuzi just spilt beans about them as well!!!

"Really now? then it means you just another mortal who has a big head?" Zhou Xuzi quickly agreed to whatever Raynor just said...

"Y-Yes My Lord..." He said with sweaty head.

Raynor sighed and looked at barren planet some distance away...by some distance it means like several Billion kilometres away...

He then flicked his fingers...



There was nothing there...

Raynor mouth twitched seeing that...

He sighed again...

The Gathered Realm Kings sensed what just happened they paled some of them with 'weak' heart simply passed out...

While a Blond girl who was standing next to her Royal Father nearly climaxed sensing such power...

While only Qingyue looked at her Darling, she absolutely didn't care what happened.

"What's wrong darling?" Raynor once again flicked his hand and the world he blew up simply reformed again...

"Well... I think I only used less than 1%..." Everyone gulped when Raynor said that.

"You think?" Qingyue raised her eyebrow.

"Yeah, since I can't sense limits of my strength..." Qingyue simply hummed hearing that, while the rest of Cultivators simply took a step back.

"That means you are not in the True God Realm..." Qingyue said that after thinking for a moment.

Raynor nodded after thinking for a moment.

"Yes, it appears I miscalculated a little, Laws of Life and Death puts me at the scale of Creation God then..." Raynor said with a simple shrug to which Qingyue agreed herself.

"It appears so, that's is what 'Creation God' is no?" Raynor agreed to her.

By now they completely forgot about the people around them...

As they were in their own little world...