This is the last chapter of this volume, something like a wrap-up before moving on the next thing.
Another which I want to address, which I did before, but will write it again...
This is not dimension-hopping fanfic... meaning that ATG universe is not just get stuffed in a wardrobe and will be kept there until next season is rolling.
Raynor power of travelling is at will, and his 'Base' is there, and most of all the power scaling is based on ATG, simply because how simple it is. (to me)
Be warned this chapter is quite long, I only wanted simple barbeque day in Cultivation world but it turned into something else entirely...
It was the day after Raynor invaded the Canon of ATG.
He was enjoying his breakfast and watching TV in the kitchen.
It's more than a month when he restored Earth to its pristine condition, something which is extremely easy for him to do.
Yet, everyone is still talking about it!
On every single channel, that's the very first thing they do! it's like there is nothing else to talk about!
That's why he instead choose to watch 'Discovery' or 'National Geographic', at least for now, as they still showing some reasonably interesting programs.
For now that is, pretty sure in couple months they release some bullshit series about what he did to Earth, coming up with 'theories' as what 'truly' happened to Earth.
Coming up with 'reasonable' explanation, extremist will probably tell that it's their God, or Gods work, others will say that's some alien work...
By that point he will probably will make his TV show direct streams from Japan so that he could watch his Anime instead of that bullshit.
As he was eating his food he was not alone at the table.
All of his girls are outside, his little sister is taking care of 'her' strawberries, since it's late August, and strawberry season is ending... well it's should have ended... but when you see those teary eyes... one can't say no to her requests.
Anyway, he was alone with his father who was reading something on his tablet, while Raynor was having his tea.
"So son, when can we meet Xia Hongyi?" When his father said that Raynor nearly choked on his tea, not that he can die from something mundane like that, but he still coughed up his tea.
"You look shocked son, You didn't expect that we will be ignorant about the first world you visited?" He showed his tablet to his son, Raynor eyes slightly widened when he saw that his father is reading... ATG, even has an account created for comments... of all things.
"I think it's normal for in-laws to meet up no?" His father said with a grin, oh he knows pretty much everything, he only needed a little bit of research, and a little bit of common sense, and like any puzzle, he learned what kind things his son has achieved, while most of it are speculations, their new redhead daughter is a pretty good indicator what kind of power his son posses, since Xing Tong comes from very powerful background, and she still looks up to his son.
It was quite a shock when he learned that two Princess are living under his roof, one of them being Crown Princess of a world which is bigger than Jupiter!
But this is where he did his math and came up with a conclusion.
His son was at least powerful enough to subdue Royal Star Realms.
Since if it is so, then why not ask him to take them there and see this fantasy stuff with their own two eyes and same time meet one of his future daughter-in-law parents.
Roland looked at his son who was still staring at his father with slightly opened jaw.
"Well?" He asked his son.
"...Are you sure? I mean it took some time for me to teach my girls some 'common sense' and how stuff here works, and I mean there is quite a wide cultural gap." Raynor slowly explained with reluctance.
While he doesn't mind going to his ATG since over there he can help his new girls ascend properly and drop off his Artefacts he collected from Moon God Realm.
"Don't worry I have been reading 'Against The Gods' and I know how dramatical people can be over there, and since you are there nothing will happen to us, by the way, does Light and Serah started cultivating?" His father asked curiously.
Raynor slightly sighed, he never expected his father reading Chinese novels, he can see them doing light research on video games even that used to be a stretch.
'I guess I overlooked the fact that everything now is very real, especially when certain characters just run around under the same roof.' Raynor internally grimaces, this was one of side effect when his powers are off, if he had his omnipresence on he would have noticed such changes.
"Only Light started to cultivate, I was thinking of giving Serah Profound Veins as well, since that pouty look she gives me makes me feel very guilty and... you know what I mean!" Raynor slightly looked embarrassed when he said that, he then quickly continued to drink his tea.
"I see, then it will not going to be hard for your mother and me to start doing that as well?" Roland curiously asked his son.
"Not really, it's quite easy once one gets proper understanding of it, cultivation novels usually exaggerate how hard it is... We'll it is hard for Martial Artist who is trying to achieving peak the regular way." Raynor just casually waved his hand, he is a cheater, and he cheated his way to Godhood, he is more than knowledgeable in 'art of cultivation'.
"Hmm, it does make sense, just by reading this novel I did notice that the main character is slightly insane or just stupid, especially in later chapters..." His father said that while remembering some chapter he read.
"Well you are not wrong, I meet him personally, he has few loose screw." Raynor smiled, remembering from his adventure yesterday.
"I knew this is going to happen you know?" Xia Qingyue said to her boyfriend.
"Right, and you 'accidentally' forgot to tell me that?" Raynor asked with a slightly raised eyebrow.
"Well it slipped my mind, besides it will be interesting seeing our fathers 'bonding'." The dark beauty smiled at him, her small was that of amusement.
"Maybe, with whole cultural barrier and stuff...will be amusing to a certain level." Raynor sighed and took a deep breath, well... since this is happening and summer ending, they should go out with a bang...
Not long after that both of his parents showed up dressed like some tourist who are going to Safari.
Raynor just rolled his eyes at them.
"Right just hold on to me for this."
Moments later the world turned grey and white doors formed in front of them.
~~~~~~Raynor's Primal Chaos~~~~~~
When Raynor appeared back in the living room of his house in Holy Lands, which was full of his harem members, all of his ladies looked at him with slight confusion again, as by all means they just saw him leave with Xing Tong and Cang Yue.
Now he is back with said girls, Xia Qingyue included, as well pair of pink heads and two middle-aged mortals.
"It seems my I have underestimated you son." The male mortal said to Raynor, after seeing the gathered girls.
"Well, Dad you never said what kind of expectations you had for me." The Overlord of Primal Chaos said to his father with an eye roll, he then looked at his first Girlfriend.
"Right, first things first, Qingyue go and speak with your father, tell him what's going on."
The girl nodded and disappeared with a single step, Raynor then looked at girls sitting in the living room.
"These are my parents." Raynor motioned towards his parents, and then at the two pink-haired girls." And these two are Lightning and Serah."
First ones to react were Chu Yueli and Mu Xuanyin, both of them slightly grinned at the pink duo.
Lightning noticed their smiles a quick shiver went down her spine.
'Oh, no! they multiplied!'
But first one to approach was the Goddess of Life herself.
She did a simple bow towards them, as someone who cares about all life in Primal Chaos she doesn't have the natural arrogance which comes with being God.
"It pleasure to meet, the parents who gave birth to someone like Raynor over here, My name is Li Suo, and our Primal Chaos needed someone like him, so you two have my utmost gratitude." The Creation Goddess respectively spoke to Raynor parents, the one reacted the most was his Father who looked at his son with a raised eyebrow, he didn't say anything right now, but he wonders how this Goddess is still around.
While his mother just waved her hands quickly.
"It was nothing! really!" She never expected to hear that the moment they crossed to this reality, she was caught off-guard!
Moments later other ladies went up to speak with his parents and introduce and the same time the pink duo had to answer some... questions from intrigued pair of Goddesses...
"So, what should we do now?" Raynor asked his parents.
"Since as you said times doesn't flow on Earth right now?" His father asked for confirmation, Raynor just nodded at him." Then you can show your sect, as well as other interesting places." Then the God of Yang just deadpanned hearing that.
"Dad... you do realise that Primal Chaos is...very big... and there... is many and I mean many interesting things to see, for that you two need power..." Raynor then fished out from his inventory a pair of pills for them.
"Here eat these and then we can talk about travelling somewhere." He then handed them two pills which look like glass balls with energy swirling inside.
"Are...these even edible?" His mother inspected the pill.
Raynor just rolled his eyes at her.
"They are not for looks mom..." He waved his hand and her pill morphed into a ball of chocolate.
"Much better son!" She smiled at her son when she saw how her pill changed.
"Just eat it for god sake woman!" Roland gave exaggerated look to his wife, before swallowing his pill.
Once that was done they instantly fallen asleep and Raynor just created a clone who took them to one of the empty rooms in his house, while the original went to see his ladies.
"So! how long has it been!?" Chu Yueli was the first one to ask her question.
"Around a month, my house is ready now so, I can bring you girls over," Raynor said with a slight sigh, it will be a hard mission to keep them in check.
"Great! but you don't look too happy about that?" She had a slight teasing smile on her face.
"You do realise the sheer difference of power we have right? I did already reinforced my birth world several folds and the space-time continuum, so that it wouldn't shatter when my or any other ladies emotion go out of control because they were watching drama on television... but that's not all, you see, there is something I noticed, once I became a diety, that our wills are so strong that we can bend reality just by 'wanting' to bend it, that is something no reinforcement I do can negate, so, my dear you will have control yourself if you wish to go and mingle with mortals." Ryanor slightly shocked his girls, especially True Gods and single Creation God in the room.
"...That's the first time I hear such thing... you telling me that you can affect reality with your will alone?" Li Suo was quite shocked by what she heard, none of her 'siblings' could do that!
"Yeah I tried on someone and he was kneeling on the ground until I walked away." Raynor shrugged for second remembering how he make certain someone kneel.
"Are you sure you not mixing up with your pressure?" Shen Xi asked with a small teasing smile, to which he gave her his deadpan look, to which she responded with raised hands in surrendering fashion.
"No, I know the difference, but for now, we have a mission which is to show my sect to my parents, and since it's summer end in my homeworld I want barbeque day!" Raynor said last part with desire, he hadn't eaten barbeque for month at least!
"Um... darling... not that I find barbeque bad choice, but Primal Chaos, doesn't have... proper cooking culture for this kind of thing... I mean I know that it's just meat cooked on a grill, but Cultivators don't 'waste' time with preparations and have no clue what or how to prepare it." She has no qualms of just cooking barbeque for themselves, but dedicated as a celebratory day?
"Well then let's make it official, today is barbeque day," Raynor casually said to his ladies.
"As in today is Primal Chaos Barbeque day." He continued.
"And since everyone cares so deeply about cultivation, let's make it so that it's just more than just eating grilled meat." He started to grin as the idea just popped into his mind.
"Last time you had that look on your face you remodelled whole Cacoon..." Lightning said with a sigh, Raynor just chuckled hearing that.
"Nothing like that dear, I decided to make Primal Chaos size event, basically I will drop lots of juicy Boars all over Primal Chaos, more specifically in selected star realms, then mortals are going to hunt them down and cook them in Barbeque style to get best cultivation benefits," Raynor explained with a smile on his face.
"I-I-I see, but how you going to make everything work in single day?" Cang Yue asked curiously there was some sweat on her forehead, as she realised that his crazy idea is coming along very damn quickly!
Raynor just had deadpan look on his face for a second.
"Dear...we are gods remember?" Raynor just made a cross-hand sign, and several copies of him just popped into existence.
"What an interesting technique!" All the girls quickly went to inspect Raynor copies.
"I will teach you girls this later, now I have some preparations to make!" After saying that they all vanished, leaving only original behind.
"Now, we have to make our preparations as well!" He said happily as he went outside.
"I never meet someone so fickle before..." Li Sou said with a small sigh then it turned into a small smile on her face it was something like fresh wind in her life.
"That comes from his mortal side, Master, since he is new to godhood, he still has that mindset where even single day is important," Bing'er explained to her old master.
"Hmm, I see that is true, mortals do have short lifespans... 50 thousand years is quite short..." Everyone looked at the Goddess of Life for second.
"Umm... Goddess Li Suo... average lifespan of Mortal is considered less than hundred years..." Cang Yue who is most experienced with common people has clarified her.
The Platinum haired Goddess looked with shock at the Blue Wind Princess.
"T-That's... what can you achieve with such short lifespan!?" For Li Suo hundred years is like an extremely small drop of water in an extremely massive ocean!
Most of the girls just shrugged their shoulders all of them have much longer lifespans then mortals, only Cang Yue and Pink Duo grimaced for a second, they don't want to open that can of worms which will lead to long philosophical arguments about perks of short lifespan...
While girls still talk inside the house, Raynor was outside, for a second he looked around and took in the fresh air of Blue Pole Star, since they are quite high in the air, there are no clouds, so it's blue skies as far as one can see.
He then looked around his backyard, he already had beach chairs, proper outside tables and of course the grill, but it was not enough.
So he activated his laws for this.
Expanding the grill, adding more chairs, tables, parasol, A fridge full of stuff...
And most importantly a system to watch the Barbeque day's most important events... The Hunt...
'I could do more of this kind of events...' Raynor for second thought about organising out of this world tournaments.
'Planet size Grail Wars?, Dedicating whole Star Realm just for Olympic games?' He hummed with ideas, before focusing on making the 'Streaming' system working.
While his copies were travelling throughout the whole Primal Chaos, with omnipresence and of course several copies of himself preparing every single Star Realm was quite easy thing to do, using several templates of Boars and Pigs.
For example Brahma Monarch Realm will have Divine Master level Pigs and Boars appearing in wilds.
While other like mortal Realms will have Pigs and Boars appear from Sovereign Profound to Sky Profound.
The concept of flying pigs will come true in this Reality!
Once the things were set, which in total took around 30 minutes for Raynor to accomplish, something which probably would boggle minds of some mortal.
"And...done..." Raynor turned around and looked at the girls who just came out from his house, they stopped in their tracks and looked at Raynor.
"Wait! you already done with preparations?!" Li Sou quickly walked over to him and inspected the backyard, then she spread out her senses through whole Primal Chaos, her eyes widened and then she quickly looked at him.
"Y-You created secret realms IN every single Star Realm!?" She exclaimed loudly.
"Yeah, and connected them through spacial tunnels, so that it would be easier to organise more events like that! for example I can use them as spawn points," Raynor explained to the Goddess.
While the Goddess in question just stared at him with wide eyes.
'T-That is the difference between Creation God and Ancestral God? he can create life, secret realm en mass like this!?' The Goddess of Life was a little bit more than shocked by the power of Ancestral God...
"B-But how? Life is a delicate thing!" The Platinum haired Goddess said with such fierceness, she was so close to the point that she would start shaking him for answers.
He then showed his eyes to her, the Goddess of life took a step back.
"These are Eyes of Gods dear, They help me with micromanagement to large degree, and accessing greater laws is even easier." He said that as he clapped his hands.
"Creation Of All Things..." that moment he separated his hands and showed a white rabbit to her.
"Here you go..." He then tried to give the rabbit to her but was stolen by younger Pink head, followed by a blur of crimson...
Next moment Raynor heard several 'Kyaa~~' 'So cute~~'.
Other Goddesses were more subdued, at this but they do look at the rabbit with interest they never saw such harmless creature before.
They are more used to see creatures with large teeth and claws.
"That was impressive... you operated laws to degree that you created a Legacy in your eyes? which in turn allows you to operate other laws much more easier?" The Goddess of Life got very close to Raynor as she even touched his cheek.
This was the very first time that Li Sou was this close to him, even if she 'officially' joined his harem they never did anything intimate...
In her words, it's too early to do anything intimate yet.
"You are right..." He confirmed her theory.
"Fascinating... can... you... teach me?" She said that while looking at the ground, not at him, never before in her extremely long lifespan she asked anything, but such eyes will help her very much...
His casually answer was something she was not expected...
So when he smiled to her extremely shocked expression she didn't know what to say to him anymore.
And he noticed that the Goddess was out of words, so he instead focused on other girls.
"Anyway... let me explain how this is going to work..."
"Why don't you add some chicken and beef as well? not everyone like pork," Serah pointed that out while she was holding white rabbit in her hands.
"Well I suppose I could add them."
The way he said that sounded like it was nothing special, but for the Cultivators... well they will experience something interesting...
One short message later to his clones, the event was ready, the best part is that it was early morning, so everyone will have quite a bit of time to get their share.
"Cang Yue do you have all the meat ready?" Raynor asked the princess.
"Yeah, I had to use some Time laws for it, but it's all ready!" The girl happily showed large pot she had in her hands, Raynor quickly nodded several times happily.
"Shouldn't we wake up your parents?" more responsible girls like Mu Bingyun and Chu Yuechan asked him nearly the same time.
"The pills have set time, so they will wake up in less than an hour from now, so it's fine. It takes around that much time to cook the barbeque, normal way that is." He calmed both of them.
"Now, then... time for me to make first proper 'public' appearance." Raynor 'smiled' at the girls before disappearing.
All of the girls looked around at each other.
"I hope he is got going to appear with that t-shirt in front of whole Primal Chaos." Chu Yueli said.
"And what is wrong with that t-shirt?" Serah asked with a slight frown, she finds his t-shirt ok to her.
The rest of them sighed at the girl.
"Serah... He is Overlord of whole physical plain of Primal Chaos, and he will appear in front trillions upon trillions of people with t-shirt which says ' I Love Barbeque?'." The Younger Chu tried to explain to her.
"But, that's to get into the mood of the event?" The younger pink head answered back, earning a sigh from the Chu Yueli.
~~~~~~Primal Chaos~~~~~~
Image of Raynor appeared above every single city, sect, village, hamlet, farm, palace, even bandit camps, no one was spared.
"My Name is Raynor Valeron, and I am The Ancestral God of Primal Chaos, I will keep this short, in around 30 minutes in every single Star Realm, in Primal Chaos wild beasts will be unleashed, they will be around the level which most of you can defeat, the point of this is very simple, Today is a special day, Remember this day, because it happens again next year." Raynor smiled for a second, and continue with his explanation.
"Once the beast is slain it will drop meat, and a recipe how to prepare it, once the meat is prepared to exact standards of the recipe and then consumed that individual will receive permanent cultivation boost, to make it fair, that individual can only receive one boost per year on this exact day, because tomorrow the meat will lose its power and will become just tasty dish without any special properties, oh and don't try safekeeping for next year as it's pointless, now everyone... let's begin THE BARBEQUE DAY!!!" After saying his bit and his image vanishing, the thunderclaps spread through whole Primal Chaos and as if the whole reality just... shifted...
People who thought it was a joke... felt that it was real, it's like the world is saying to get 'a move on as good stuff is about to begin!'
~~~~~~Divine Phoenix Empire~~~~~~
Once a massive image of Raynor Valeron vanished from above the Capital City of Divine Phoenix Empire, whole place turned into quiet, really quiet one, for at least minute or so before someone snapped out and started to run.
And then like a massive stampede cultivators started to rush back to sects, or home, or shops to buy weapons or pills! prepare for this event?
While the Phoenix Emperor was sitting on his throne contemplating this, trying to figure out a method how to get as much as possible of this... meat... but he heard the instructions... from an Ancestral God himself.
In the end, he just sighed.
"Let's join this... hunt..." He said to his Crown Prince, who was waiting for his Royal Father.
~~~~~~Brahma Monarch Realm~~~~~~
"By heaven... what is that thing!?" Qianye Fantian said to his brothers as he saw massive... massive Golden bull appear several thousand kilometres away from their capital city.
"It looks like a bull..." One of Brahma Gods said to his Emperor.
"I am not blind can see that! But this beast cultivation is that of Divine Master!" Qianye Fantian snapped for second before focusing on the Golden Bull, who opened its mouth.
"MooooOOO" And started to charge some sort of ball of pure black energy in its mouth, then... it swallowed it!
The gathered Brahmas eyes widened for second before they felt chill going down their spines.
"Everyone Dodge!!!" The Brahma Heaven Emperor roared at his subordinates, before bull opened its mouth and spit a redish black ball at supersonic speed at the Brahma's who dodged it at very last moment.
Extremely loud explosion spread out through whole Brahma Monarch Realm, followed by several more as the Golden bull not just one beast rooming the Star Realm.
When Qianye Fantian turned around he saw massive Mushroom cloud stretching for miles into the air, the mountain which were in that direction were reduced into a plateau...
"By heavens... that Bull is powerful... and they are everywhere in Primal Chaos?" The Ruler of Brahma Monarch Realm just got taste what Raynor can do, even if it's indirectly...
He quickly snapped out of his stupor.
"Everyone lets surround this thing and make sure he doesn't have chance to use this technique again!" He quickly ordered his Brahmas into action.
~~~~~~Star God Realm~~~~~~
While Qianye Fantian is facing massive Golden Bull, Xing Juekong was facing Massive rooster.
It was coloured after Star God realm, with red and gold star patterns.
"Star God Emperor how we should proceed?" one of Star Gods asked him.
'Since I can't progress with the Ritual, maybe this will help me achieve True God Realm!' Xing Juekong though with slightly narrowed eyes.
"We are going to surround this beast, and attack at the same time!" He quickly ordered and they were about to follow his orders, until the rooster spread its wings and unleashed some sort of energy shaped like stars which started following the Star 'Gods'!
~~~~~~Blue Wind Empire~~~~~~
While Royal Star Realm are facing Monsters from most 'hellish' stories, Mortal turning Divine World like Blue Pole Star is faring much better.
The Swordsmen from Heavenly Sword Villa have to face a certain pink 'menace'.
"Father... it's a pig..." Ling Yun said to his father.
"I noticed that son." Ling Yuefeng said to his son.
"And it's flying..."
"I noticed that too..."
The Pigs eyes glowed red before it's started shooting red beams from them at the duo from Heavenly Sword Villa.
"Quickly dodge!" both of them scattered before the beams can hit them, but they haven't expected to hear another...
And more beams were shot at them.
"I think he shoots them every time he says that!" Ling Yun said with some sort realisation.
"You think!?" Ling Yuefeng said with a slightly sarcastic tone.
More beams coming...
~~~~~~Holy Grounds~~~~~~
It has been over a few hours when the event has started and Raynor was watching it with interest while eating his barbeque.
The mortal worlds were the fastest in their killings and even the preparation parts are going quite fast enough.
"It feels like you turned this into a video game event," Serah said to him as she saw how a large pig just turned into a slab of meat, and a note appeared in slayers hand.
"Yeah, to make it feel unique and special, besides it takes time to render the carcass and so forth..." he waved his hand." I made it so that part is not needed." He said to her.
"Not that I am finding this amusing, especially when Moon God Realm is having a hard time, fighting chickens which shoot ceros from their beaks, but this is going to kill many innocent people..." Xing Tong raised a serious question.
"Not really... you did feel the shift in air didn't you?" He asked his pseudo-little sister.
She nodded at him remembering that feeling.
"Well, everyone who died today will wake up tomorrow, basically who died in this event will wake up tomorrow morning, and that means they missed this chance to boost their cultivation."
"So... you just turned off concept of death for today?" The redhead said realising what this means.
"Not turned off, more like altered for a bit." He clarified to her.
"..." She just nodded at him, she was nearly immune to most of the things she hears from him, but there are still some things which can still shake her up...
"Hahaha, did you see the face of Yue Wuya? he probably never expected for that chicken to use cero out of nowhere!"
While Xia Qingyue was having a blast, more exactly she was looking at what is happening in Moon God realm specifically.
While other, like Mu sisters were back in Snow Song Realm helping their disciples, same with Chu sisters who went to Frozen Cloud Immortal Palace, they want all of their disciples to get a cultivation boost, something like that can be considered cheating, but they are not fighting for them...
Even Huan Caiyi went to Illusory Demon Continent, to make sure they got enough of the meat as well, leaving only a small part of his harem with him.
But the most amusing fact was that his parents more specifically his father, took the fact that he rules pretty much everything like fish to water...
Only his mother had a harder time getting that over but, she was more interest in talking and learning some juicy things from extremely embarrassed Xia Qingyue's mother...