Rinne-Sharingan Give Away

"Are both of them asleep?" First one to ask was Xia Qingyue as she saw Raynor descent from the stairway.

"Yeah, it will be an hour or so." He answered her question but then he noticed a quite serious gaze she had.

"Did something happened?" He asked curiously.

"Not really, I am more interested to learn if you checked how much 'light' there is inside Erina?" His girlfriend asking him, he could tell that her question had several meanings.

"Hmm, I did, it was less than average individual has with average childhood." He said that remembering when he met the girl for the first time.

"Thought so, she has hidden darkness, while my connection with that element is not deep as Yueli, I was able to use other ones to perceive what kind of darkness it is..." Xia Qingyue face somewhat turned into a chilly icy one, while Raynor faces slowly turned into neutral, he didn't put much emphasis on the lesser light because rich people never have as large as an everyday people.

"With help with Yueli we pieced it together, Erina's 'godly tongue' is a genetic trait which was trained by her father, to point that it was a traumatic experience." Xia Qingyue explained to Raynor, his eyes for second glowed purple, and his girlfriend fell spike of anger in him for second.

Raynor didn't know that, he only knew that Erina's father was a 'd*ck', exiled from her family and Erina was afraid of him, Raynor stopped reading after he arrived in that banquet...

"I see... for now we do nothing about this until she is comfortable to tell us about it, and Yueli can deal with her darkness, once that is done, we will let her decide what she wants to do with that... individual, but I believe by that point she will be powerful in her own right," Raynor said while reeling in his anger.

"Very well..." Xia Qingyue said that she altered her plans, she decided to help the girl to get over it instead, of just fixing it.

"Anyway, we have around one-hour of downtime, before they wake up." Raynor looked at his friend.

"What do you say if I get Azure Dragon to help you with cultivation?" He asked his blond friend.

Arno eyes perked up hearing that, but Shen Xi who was sitting with her master just pitied him.

'At least he will have dragon constitution after this.' The raven head Dragon Princess shook her head.

"For real?! Oh, man! you didn't told me you have badass Gods under you!" He said with excitement, but then he felt several heated gazes towards him.

'Oh shit...'

Arno quickly go up from the couch and rushed over to get his shoe on, and then looked at Raynor.

"Come on man we wasting daylight!" The Blond loudly said to his friend, trying not to pay attention to the growing darkness in other portion of the living room.

"You do realise that concept of day is under my control?" Raynor mentioned some random facts to his friend.

"Yeah, yeah whatever! I want to meet Azure dragon now let's go!" Arno quickly left the house, Raynor followed right after him in a more relaxed manner, leaving behind his girls who had fake smiles on their faces.

"You know what? I am going to ask my daddy to make that blonde's training regiment extra special." Shen Xi said with an innocent smile.

"Just make sure he is alive and in one piece, Ray darling still needs his friend." Xia Qingyue said with somewhat approving nod.

~~~~~~In Azure Dragon Branch~~~~~~

Raynor and Arno arrived at the place where his Dragoons are being trained, they walked towards the biggest training grounds were several hundred cultivators in blue robes were practising the Way of Spear.

"That's...so cool!" Arno said with wide eyes as they saw a whole group of people moving in the same way doing the same movements at the same time, like a single unit.

Moments later they walked to the front of it, there was a tall man with azure hair watching over the whole training session.

"Master... How may I help you?" Shen Cang Long said respectfully.

"Cang Long! It seems Azure Dragon Branch is growing at a rapid pace even with our insanely high requirements." Raynor said that as he looked at the full training grounds.

"Indeed! because of the sheer fact that this Star Realm has become centre of Primal Chaos and everyone wants to reach peak just like you did Master! Everyone already see this place like a heaven for anything related to power and cultivation! there is nowhere in Primal Chaos who don't know about this place!" The Primordial Azure Dragon spoke with pride and arrogance befitting that of a dragon.

Raynor nodded hearing that, his half baked plan to hold somewhat of a stable number of people in his sect didn't include the fact that Primal Chaos has very, very large number of people...

"Hmm, yes I see, In that case, expansion is in order for Holy Grounds." Raynor more or less said that to himself but rest of them heard that.

"Anyway, Cang Long this is my best friend Arno and I was thinking if you could train him in Way of Spear and what it means to be a Dragoon of Azure Dragon Brach." Raynor motioned towards Arno who was still looking around with awe on his face, the blond was feeling like he was in martial arts movie.

The Azure Dragon looked at the boy, he instantly noticed that the boy was thin like a stick, and has no combat conditioning.

"Very well Master! I will turn him into Dragoon worthy of Azure Dragon name!" The Primordial Dragon promised that and Arno felt goosebumps going through his very being.

"Good! Then I leave him in your capable hands!" Raynor smiled and patted his friend shoulder.

"Good luck Arno! Azure Dragon is best at what he does! and soon enough you will be a real Dragoon." After saying that Raynor left, leaving Arno with towering man.

'Damn!? why I have this feeling that Ray is messing with me!?'

"Why don't we start with several hundred laps around the barracks? I want to see the limits of your stamina, then we can work on a proper training regiment." Cang Long casually ordered.

Arno eyes bulged out hearing that!

'Isn't Azure Dragon barracks nearly size of whole city district!?'

"Well? what are you waiting for!?!" The Primordial Dragon said with narrowed eyes, for second Arno felt like passing out.

"I am going!!!" The Blond started running as fast possible while Azure Dragon just laughed seeing that.

~~~~~~Back In Raynor's House~~~~~~

Once Raynor left his best buddy in capable hands of Shen Cang Long, he returned to his house.

He noticed that Eldest Chu already has left to Immortal Palace where she could be away from her younger sister.

"Oh, Ray you are back! do you remember what you promised when we had that barbeque day?" Mu Xuanyin asked him.

She hates paperwork so much, but then she remembered what Raynor did that day! he created copies of himself!

"Are talking about how I promised to cuddle you more?" He asked that with teasing smile.

"That too! but I am talking about the those fancy eye powers of yours!" She quickly approached him.

"Oh, right you want the Rinne-Sharingan?" He asked her, the beauty quickly nodded at his question.

He then smirked for second as he decided on method how he is going to teach her to manifested the eyes.

"Ok then, but how should I transfer that knowledge to you?" He asked curiously, Mu Xuanyin noticed his smile and realised what this meant.

She then guided him to the couch and got very comfortable on his lap facing him.

"Well... let me persuade you~~" She then leaned in and started a kissing session.

Other girls who were in the same room stopped talking and slowly turned around to look at what was happening.

"Can you two just find a room?" Lightning asked with annoyed sign, there was a small blush on her cheeks as well.


Mu Xuanyin stopped her kiss there was a trail of saliva when their lips separated, the Goddes of Ice hummed with satisfaction and then looked at the other girls.

"And here I brought up important thing, and yet you asked not to share it?" Mu Xuanyin asked that with raised eyebrow.

"Which part is important? we already snogged our boyfriend today." Lightning said that with eye roll while trying to control her growing blush.

"I am talking about the fancy eyes he has!" Snow Song Realm King said while turning around to face Raynor once again.

"Oh, that? you know I possess those eyes as well? you only need to ask, and I would transfer information how to operate the laws to manifest them." Xia Qingyue said with a smirk

Mu Xuanyin eyes blinked for second as she realised what this meant! She realised that she got played! Her ears turned red, but thanks to her long hair they were hidden and no one saw only, Raynor saw Goddess of Ice face!

"Now, now dear it's alright~" He said with a smile as he started to kiss her again, and she slowly started to forget that.


After another couple of long kissing sessions Raynor gave her the information how to operate the laws, not long after that, Mu Xuanyin awakened her Rinne-Sharingan it was blue like Xia Qingyue only it was lighter blue, the colour of icy sky.

Next after one was Mu Bingyun who was pulled over by Mu Xuanyin.

The younger Mu sister was still easily embarrassed with close interactions, so it was quite cute when she was blushing a storm when they started their kissing session.

Then when the younger Mu activated her eyes they were identical to her older sister one's, Raynor noted that down, it is either related to their nearly identical laws, or because they were blood-related?

Next one to end up on his lap was very coy Chu Yueli who was smiling at him, she leaned forwards and started whispering to his ear.

"Once I get those eyes I will bring roped up elder sister to you ~~~" The younger Chu seductively said to him.

Raynor for second imagined that and quickly agreed to her suggestion.

After very hot French kiss Chu Yueli showed her Rinne-Sharingan and Raynor eyes nearly popped because just how 'menacingly beautiful' they were! metallic dark purple he liked very much!

After Chu Yueli it was eager Cang Yue who wanted to jump on him some time ago.

When they finished their kissing session she almost purred like a cat, and didn't want to leave his lap.


Cang Yue looked back and saw pouting Huan Caiyi standing with crossed arms.

"You are sitting in my seat!" The Demon Empress spoke with 'righteous fury'.

Cang Yue pouted for second and looked at Raynor for help.

He leaned forwards and whispered into her ear.

"Don't worry love we can cuddle later~" He said that with a smile, she quickly nodded hearing that and got off his lap and took few steps back.

Huan Caiyi quickly took over and just waited for Cang Yue to show off her eyes.

Which earned several gasps because her eyes were pure silver.

"Damn... I am getting jealous." Xia Qingyue said for second, Cang Yue's eyes looked quite gorgeous.

Huan Caiyi pouted seeing those and quickly started snogging Raynor with passion.

Not long after that, The Demon Empress activated her new pair of eyes and they turned into darker orange similar to her golden crow flames.

"Hmm...looks like your crow blood played part in this..." Raynor said to her as he stroked the Empress cheek.

The Demon Empress pulled out a mirror from somewhere and checked her eyes.

"It seems so..." She slightly pouted seeing that.

It took some time but the Demon Empress finally got off his lap, as there were more eager girls were waiting for him.

But there was a problem...

"Were is Lei'er?" Raynor noticed that his Sword Goddess was gone!?

"Oh, she said that she has some things to do." Xia Qingyue said with a casual shrug.

Raynor blinked for a second, remembering that his prideful sword girl is very...as other girls say... 'crude'...

"I see... then I will have to corner her.." He quickly came up with an alternative to this situation.

"You can do that later... what about us?" Shen Xi pointed at the girls who didn't cultivate his technique.

"Well, I can use the laws on you, but you won't manifest the top tier eyes," Raynor said while getting up on his feet and walking over to the girls.

"Do...we need to kiss you?" Xing Tong eagerly asked him, she hopes he will say yes!

Raynor just chuckled and kissed Xing Tong on forehead, she felt something happening to her, before she needed to close her eyes because it was just too bright for her.

Moments later she opened them and she slightly gasped because she can see... more.

When Raynor saw Xing Tong eyes he only raised his eyebrow for second because his little sister got original colour of Sharingan and Rinne-Sharingan.

But, what she got was just the Rinnegan...

To experiment on this more he was about to kiss Bing'er on forehead as well but the Ice Phoenix was sneaky and make him kiss her on lips, he ended up just rolling his eyes at the naughty Ice Phoenix.

The Ice True Goddess ended up with icy blue Rinnegan just like Xing Tong Rinnegan part that is. Raynor was quite perplexed by this...

'Isn't because she only knows Ice laws?' He slightly narrowed his eyes and then looked at Shen Xi who motioned for him to pull her into a hug.

The Dragon Princess didn't waste time as she French kissed him hungrily, Raynor wondered for a second if they secretly watching some soap operas when they were on Earth? because he doesn't remember that Shen Xi knew how to do that!

Moments later she took a step back from him, there was a healthy blush on her cheeks, but she was able to concentrate and activate her eyes.

Raynor eyes slightly widened because he only saw once such pure white eyes before, on one person! he is not including stuff he saw on his Computer/Tv screen.

"...Wow white Rinnegan..." He said with a slightly amazed look.

Shen Xi pulled out her mirror and looked at herself.

She slightly smiled at that, she had one unique looking eyes!

Raynor, the looked at the pair of sisters with pink hair who looked with interest at the new powers the girls just received.

"Well, who will go first?" Raynor asked curiously, both girls looked at each other, and then shook their heads.

"We will wait for a little bit, we only just started with cultivation after all." Lightning with Serah shook their heads.

After the pink duo decided to skip it this time, there was only one person left in room who didn't received upgrade was Li Sou who was slightly nervous.

Both of her students looked at the virgin Creation Goddess with amused smiles.

"W-Will a kiss on cheek will be enough?" She asked hopefully.

All the girls just rolled their eyes at her, Raynor just sighed at and decided to go with her decision.

'Well at least I am making progress with her.'

She first gave him a bright smile then took a step closer and kissed him on his cheek, that moment he operated laws on her.

After quick 'peck' Li Sou took a step back and closed her eyes and then opened them.

Everyone looked at her new pair of Rinnegan with slightly raised eyebrows because she had the same eyes as Shen Xi, who pouted like a child when she saw that!

"Well I guess the colour of the eyes depend from laws and legacies the person has..." Raynor spoke with thinking look, there is no information on these things in any of his memories or information.