Asura World Spirits

Right so next world Raynor dropping in is MGA, It was not planed one, since it's not in World list, but after chatting in discord I got 'spark' of inspiration, the sheer thought of Raynor just opening massive gates and hordes of creatures pouring from them is kind of exiting 😁


Anyway... still can't figure out where DIO disappeared to, even my minion R.O.B can't find him 🤔

Now back to chapter!!!


['Martial God Asura' Universe detected]

[Adding Gateway to Planewalker]

Raynor dismissed the notification and activated his Planewalker powers.

Once he selected Martial God Asura he saw the timeline... and it was massive...

'Raynor just relax... it's nothing more than rinse and repeat, you are not going there for plot!' He said that to himself.

So, instead of selecting a period from the timeline, he decided to drop in just before canon starts.

With that though world turned grey and the white doors appeared in front of him, with extra vigour in his steps he started to walk into this new universe.

'Let go and collect some pets!'

~~~~~~Martial God Asura~~~~~~

Since Raynor is appearing in place where before canon starts that means he is Ancestral Martial Lower Realm, the Nine Provinces Continent.

Upon his crossing into this reality, he instantly noticed just how thin the energy is in this place.

Not only that but it's even lesser than the one he can feel in different areas of this world.

'Hmm... this place is even weirder then Primal Chaos, hell! who the f*ck builds stairs to space?' He looked around with his Rinne-Sharingan for a second.

'Now where is he...' He 'gazed' at Azure Dragon School.

'Cang Long would be pissed if he saw this place named after Azure Dragon...' Raynor snickered at the thought of bringing his Azure Dragon Branch Master here.

'Damn everyone here is so weak it's difficult to pinpoint him...' He frowned for a second, then he remembered he has some sort of lightning bloodline...

With that though he operated Lightning Laws and instantly pinpointed him in this place.

With single-step, he appeared right in front of him.

Chu Feng's eyes open wide as he just saw a person appear in front of him out of nowhere!

Then Raynor hand faster than lightning strike appeared on his face and his Rinne-Sharingan glowed.

"Human Path..."

Unlike Pein's Human Path, Raynor one is much more diverse.

Once he activates Human Path one's soul becomes like lego, and Raynor can rearrange or simply takes pieces out or just read one mind with ease, especially someone who can't resist him in any way.

He very quickly found his Spirit World and the Palace where the egg and another sealed Asura spirit is, he masterfully cut the palace out and transferred into his Inner World.

Then he rearranged the Shinju he has inside to look like World Tree with wide branches and then he put the Palace on top of one.

Ending the whole thing with expansion of the palace to look like Asgard from Norse Mythology.

Before he released Chu Feng he operated his laws and found ins and out about his two bloodlines, and how to recreate them...

'The Heavenly Lightning, and The Ruler's Bloodline, hmm I have no use for first one right now, but Ruler one...' He hummed internally and released Chu Feng from his hold.

For the guy the whole thing only lasted a second tops but he was confused as hell, why this guy just grabbed him like this and then released him! He hasn't felt a thing happening to him!

"W-What was that for!?" Chu Feng asked him.

Raynor snapped out from his thoughts, he quickly started to think and decided to bullshit his way, just to mess with him.

"I mixed you up with someone else... it was from reflect that I grabbed you," Raynor said that while putting both of his hands behind back like some elders do in martial universes.

Chu Feng had look of disbelieve because he heard Raynor said something about 'Human Path'.

"Yes! anyway... Here you go!" Raynor then pulled out a... carrot and gave it Chu Feng.

"Is...this?" The confused teenager asked why the f*ck this guy is giving him a carrot!

"Carrot, yes... now for some random facts... did you know that carrots are good for one's eyesight?" Raynor asked with raised eyebrow.

Chu Feng just deadpanned hearing that.

"Martial Artist naturally have good eyesight! why do I need carrots to begin with?" He asked Raynor with annoyance, it's a good thing Raynor was hiding his power with genjutsu otherwise Chu Feng wouldn't be able to naturally talk to him like that.

"Yes, that's natural state! but imagine if you eat carrots alongside cultivation! you would have eyes of a predator bird!" Raynor said that as if it was an incredible thing! he then patted Chu Feng's shoulder in a friendly manner and then disappeared the same way he appeared.

Leaving perplex Chu Feng who looked at the carrot for second before pocketing it.

"What a weirdo... are all experts like that?" With that, he continued walking to his small home.


Raynor reappeared high in air with barely controlled laugher, he did saw how Chu Feng pocketed that carrot!

"Ah, people in martial worlds are so easy to troll, the moment they know you are 'expert' they start either worshipping or respect!" Raynor shook his head and then took a few deep breaths and focused for second and then reentered his inner world, and appeared in the Palace.

In front of him was the egg which holds the beautiful Royal Asura Spirit.

With large smile he took a few steps and was in front of it, he then with single poke broke the shell.

Moments later crack spread out through the whole thing and then it broke open.

Seconds later very, very beautiful girl was in front of him.

She was the epitome of Dark Beauty with pitch-black hair and extremely white skin, her one-piece skirt was very unique, which looked like it was done with black feathers something Raynor has not seen before.

Few seconds later she opened her eyes, which were pitch black like a bottomless abyss, then she slowly got up from on her feet, before she can even look at him properly she started to speak to him in quite arrogant voice.

"So, you finally decided to visit..." as she spoke she realised that the person in front of her was something she could not even comprehend! the amount of energy he was radiating made her eyes widened to max, like saucers.

"W-Who are you?" She asked Raynor very careful, there was no arrogance which was there just moments ago.

Raynor smiled at her and the Asura spirit eyes once again widened and she felt massive pull to him.

"My name is Raynor Valeron and I am Primordial God Of Original Yang, I am outsider to the Nine Galaxies reality." Raynor introduced himself to her as he took a step closer to her.

"...A...God?" The Beautiful Asura spirit whispered after some time... this was not what she expected to meet the moment she wakes up from her forced sleep and released from her seal!

Raynor was already in front of her and his hand touched her very soft jake cheek, her skin was white while her clothes and hair were black... what a contrast!

The beauty slightly twitched when he touched her but then she almost turned into a puddle when she felt his endless power starting to seep into her! it was intoxicating!

"Yes... while you are a spirit, making you a pure being of yin, and that is not all... as spirit of Asura world you have natural darkness affinity which means your attraction to me is doubled..."Raynor explained to her why she is so attracted to him.

But then she took a step back and took a deep breath, trying not to get addicted to it!

" T-This is the first time I hear such thing! how can Light fuel Darkness!?" She said the obvious!

Raynor just smiled at that question.

"Have you ever heard a saying 'the brighter the light the stronger the shadow it can cast'?" He asked her, which made her be lost of words, finding his words making sense!

"What you have met before were beings of Yang who are nothing more then it's destructive attribute, but I am Primordial of that element dear." Her blush deepened when he called her 'dear'.

"Anyway... now you know who I am, I want you to become my Spirit." Raynor moved to the main theme of this conversation.

The Royal Asura spirit eyes slightly widened, why the hell a Primordial God wants a spirit?!

"Don't give me that look, I know what you thinking without even me reading your mind, The reason why I am in this reality is that I am going to take whole Spirit Realm for myself, Asura World included, do you know what that means?" He asked her with a smirk, the spirit girl's eyes nearly popped hearing that.

"J-Just how powerful are you?" She spoke with shutter.

"Power? I exist outside its concept, dear, my power no longer can be measured, only my understanding of worlds laws can somewhat discern my limits..." Raynor slightly looked away for a second.

"Now... that I think about it, I haven't checked out if I posses matter or antimatter?" Raynor hummed curiously about that.

While the Dark beauty looked with a confused look at what she just heard, what is he talking about?

He then snapped out from it and looked back at her.

"Anyway, let us deal with that other spirit I took from that Chu Feng kid and then we can make some universe size splashes." He said that with a smile, while Asura spirit girl's just twitched hearing that.

Raynor then patted her head, she was nearly whole head smaller than him, and then he started to walk towards the massive sealed gates.

His Rinne-Sharingan flared to life and started to glow, the tomoes slowly started to spin as he started to unravel the mysteries of Spirit formations.

'This is pathetic... did Chu Feng mother created this to be easily crackable or this is all she can do?' Raynor was disappointed, this was like first levels of candy crush!

With simple hand wave and slight use of Spirit laws, the gates were unlocked...

The Dark Beauty behind Raynor was expecting a primal roar and then charge at Raynor who unlocked the gates but what they saw was a beautiful woman similar to the Royal Asura Spirit only older, were the girl behind Raynor was cute and sexy, this one was on wilder and more on the dangerous side.

"Ha! you expected me to blindly attack a God? you Royals are so annoying..." The woman said that to Asura Royal Spirit behind him, then she started to walk out from her 'cage' towards Raynor...

Her eyes roamed all over his body, she even bite her lower lip to control herself and not to look like a love-struck puppy, as she approached him.

Once she was in front of him she dropped on her knee and started to speak to him.

"Master... My name is Xue Ji and I am at your command." She said that with hope that he will agree and that she could become a contracted spirit of a God!

"Stand Xue Ji, do you wish to become my contracted spirit?" He asked her a question which she wanted to hear from him!

"Yes master! it would be an honour!" She said with sparkly eyes, something Raynor didn't expected to see!

Raynor nodded and they formed a bond soon enough, Xue Ji eyes bulged out as she felt rush of Primordial Energy invade her spiritual body.


The Dark beauty collapsed on the ground as her whole body just twitched and spasms.

"HEAVENS!!! So much power!!!" Xue Ji moans that from the top of her lungs.

Raynor just rolled his eyes at that display, he then turns around and looked at 'The Queen', or 'Eggy' how Chu Feng used to call her...

"You never mentioned what's your name? should I call you 'Darling', 'Love' or 'Honey'? maybe something cuter like Xiao Hei'an?" He said the last one with tease in his voice.

The Royal spirit instantly started to pout at him.

"YOU! 'Little Darkness'!?! do I look like a child to you?!" She started to throw a fit at him.