After checking on his friend, Raynor was walking back home.
The whole situation was quite amusing, but Arno was a 'normal', so it was even more amusing because of the cultural clash.
'That stick is your 'friend'?' Xue Ji asked him with somewhat of disbelieve at what she just experienced.
'Yeah, it's hard to find people who have similar tastes in stuff, while I have converted him into my ways it was not 100% one.' Raynor explained in somewhat disappointing tone.
'And what is 'your way'?' She asked curiously.
"Maybe one day you will understand, it would be very difficult to explain to someone who never lived in my birth world.'
Xue Ji just nodded at him, not wanting to pester someone of his level, even if she knew that he can be girl-handled easily...
After few minutes of walking Raynor was back at his house, the reason why he was walking is because he made rules that flying is forbidden unless emergency, there is of course loophole in this rule, as any rules usually do, and that is using his 'Dragon Leaping' the Space Law technique which folds space.
After getting his slippers on he walked into the living room and saw Bing'er with Mu sisters and another girl which looks like younger Chu Yuechan.
'Did she had younger twin sister!?' He asked himself with confusion.
Funny enough he didn't even noticed her energy signature, only after seeing with his eyes did he noticed that there is another person...
'Bing'er bloodline make everyone signature so similar...' a downside for someone who want to have his own identity...
"Ladies?" Raynor asked them as he got comfortable on his couch.
All of them quickly turned towards him, Bing'er had a look towards Mu Xuanyin.
The Realm King of Snow Song Realm took a deep breath, while Raynor found this whole thing amusing, if they have something to say then just say...
"Ray, darling, I wanted to get you something for those incredible eyes you gave me, so after seeing how Erina has that girl around her, so I decided to get something similar to you as well!" Mu Xuanyin said that while pointing with her eyes at the girl sitting next to Bing'er.
"...And you decided to get me a cold beauty?" Raynor asked with raised eyebrow, they are not really, his type of girl...
He turned two of his 'cold' girls into dark beauties, and only accepted Chu Yuechan and Mu Bingyun because of their sisters, literally pulled them into his bed.
Only Mu Xuanyin and Bing'er were unique exemptions...
"Yes... I know you don't fancy them, but..." She quickly got close to him and started whispering something to his ear.
"Imagine her in those tight secretary clothes." Mu Xuanyin said that with smirk.
And Raynor quickly looked at the younger version of Chu Yuechan and undressed her with his eyes and put on those tight black office clothes, then put on sharp-looking glasses and red lipsticks.
"Yeah...I am keeping her..."
~~~~~~Mu Feixue~~~~~~
When her grandfather told her that he will talk with Realm King to pick her up as Direct Disciple she was quite happy with the chance to study under actual goddess.
Her birth world went under so much change in such a short time it was an unprecedented thing, their realm was considered High Star Realm because of their Realm King but everything else was still in the realm of Middle Star Realm.
Meaning that her future would be that around Divine Sovereign just like her Grandfather, and if she is fortunate then maybe somehow Divine Master, but according to elders, her talent was not at their Realm King Mu Xuanyin level.
But, then HE appeared out of nowhere... from a mere mortal world, in one fell swoop he took over whole Primal Chaos!
An Actual God with power from ages long past...
It didn't stop there as one after another more Gods started to appear who are related to him in some, many people started to think how to get close to him.
Her family was no different, not that they had any means to have a connection with him...
Well, that changed when their Realm King didn't return for several days...
Then upon her return, the whole Snow Song Star Realm learned that their Realm King became part of HIS harem.
Such news send whole place even their neighbouring Star Realm into no small upheaval...
Over single night their Snow Song Realm became something even above Royal Realms, standing at very top alongside The Holy Grounds.
"So, you are Mu Feixue." The Realm King of Snow Song Realm asked her.
"Yes, Realm King." She answered back with a neutral voice.
"This is going to take some time but, I think we will be able to make it work." Mu Xuanyin said while inspecting the girl.
"Great Elder, while I don't need a Direct Disciple, my beloved would need an assistant." Mu Xuanyin words were like a clap of thunder in clear skies.
Her Grandfather gulped down hearing that.
"A-Are you sure Realm King?" He asked with a shaky voice, something she never heard before from her Grandfather.
"I have my ways to introduce her, Mu Huanzhi, but before we can do that, she needs to understand what is expected from her." Her Realm King looked at her.
"I understand Realm King I will do my best." She answered while giving a bow to her Realm King.
"Good, if you impress him enough you will not going to be worrying about cultivation ever again."
After that, she spend two days learning everything related to her new Master.
To say that she was enlightened was understatement of century.
Because of his power which exist outside the concept of cultivation he no longer needs to cultivate.
Something like that would take her several hours to get over with, but she was with her Realm King and she had no chance to do so.
"As, his assistant you will need to know how to make his favourite tea to massage his shoulders." Her Realm King explained simply.
Now she started to feel a little bit of fear, she never really done anything like that!
"I can feel that you are conflicted, that's why I am here."
Moments later Mu Xuanyin put her hand on her shoulder and she felt some sort knowledge and experience was started to flow into her mind!
"Now you know what to do, the only thing you need to watch out is when to appear at right time and not to annoy at the same time as well." Her Realm King explained seriously.
"I understand... I won't disappoint you." She bowed to Mu Xuanyin.
"You better be, otherwise it will reflect badly on me, and our Star Realm." Mu Xuanyin warned her and, she felt fear for her life, she was reminded that she was standing in front of realm Goddess.
"My Lord I am Mu Feixue."
Raynor looked at the girl, he finally learned her name, and from the story he knows who she is.
'This girl is stronger than me!' Xue Ji slightly pouted when she said that.
'If it feels any better I can offer you a technique which you might find to your liking?' Raynor offered her.
'Oh? really? a technique from Primordial God?! I am in!' The Asura spirit's eyes sparkled when she heard the offer.
'Good, I will teach you when it's all over here.'
"I see, so does Mu Xuanyin explained what you going to do?" He asked curiously.
"Yes, Realm King explained about my new master as much as possible and I am ready to serve in any way I can." the girl did a proper bow to him.
'Heh, it seems this girl is more loyal then you are Xue Ji.' Hei'er teased her fellow Asura Spirit.
'Don't be ridiculous! there is nothing more loyal then Asura World spirit!'
Raynor wanted to facepalm hearing that, is this another type of competition? his life is turning more and more into anime.
'I bet the white-haired dude is enjoying watching my life, which is turning into anime harem show.' The Yang God internally sighed.
'Well, since she is so eager, and Xuanyin took that extra mile to prepare her.'
"Very well, then why don't prepare some tea for me?" Raynor ordered her casually.
"Of course master, I will be right back." With that Mu Feixue left towards the kitchen, while Raynor looked at the satisfied Mu Xuanyin and relieved Mu Bingyun and Bing'er.
"Right, there is one thing." He got their attention.
"Read 'Martial God Asura' for at least two to three hundred chapters." His words slightly confused the two Spirits inside his inner world.
"Oh? are you planning to go there?" Curious Mu Xuanyin asked him.
"I already been there, now I only need for my ladies to understand something from that world." Raynor leisurely answered her question.
"What? you already been there? But I wanted to come with you!" The Goddess of Ice pouted at him.
"I have only been there for a few hours." He said that as if it was no big deal what he did there.
"Besides, I need you all to know few things, as I will be adding them to this reality."
All Three girls eyes widened as they realised that this going to mean!
"I am going to add a new type of cultivation to this reality, and it will be exclusive to my sect and my family, so start reading, I won't be explaining anything until then." His word was final on this.
And all three very quickly nodded to that, and pulled out their tablets and started to search if they have this novel downloaded, because of their very unique situation, Raynor's harem has downloaded and read quite a bit of stories, after all, it's not fiction to them anymore.
Few more days have passed and Raynor enjoyed his time with new assistant, now he knows why Erina likes to have one around.
Only there was the slight situation in his household which was his first girlfriend's reaction.
She had looked like someone slapped her, which was amusing on its own, but after that she was in deep thought, as if plotting something.
It seems she realised that she was lacking in one department, which was ruling a Star Realm.
Especially Star Realm like Snow Song Realm which holds 80% female population, Mu Xuanyin has quite a pool of people to select an assistant from.
But, for now let's return to more important stuff! and that is the moment he was waiting for!
Over the past several days Erina advanced to the third stage of his cultivation method.
Reacting the same stage as his pink Duo.
"Let me explain what's going to happen." Raynor looked at three girls in front of him, while most of his gathered girls were looking at this from distance, even his two maids were some distance away looking at this with deep interest, not first time seeing birth of new God, but still it's an awe-inspiring sight.
"First I am going to disable all senses, especially pain receptors, as otherwise all of you would die from pain, or go insane." All of them shuddered as how casually Raynor said 'die' or go 'insane'.
"Then all your bones, organs and muscles will be infused, and refined with your dominant law." All of their eyes widened when they heard that, they did wonder how do they gain their dominant law!!!
"Any questions?" He looked at them, all three just shook their heads.
"Good... then let's begin."
"It's quite amusing how our Master found method to reach godhood in just mere weeks after he arrived in our Reality?" The ex-Devil Queen asked her fellow maid.
"While we spend centuries of plotting, killing, destroying lives of people, and yet we were stuck in the Realm of Divine Master..." The Dark Beauty continued to speak as she saw how three cocoons of pure energy appear around three girls.
"What's our point of telling me this?" The golden maid asked back, she was annoyed and jealous as another several women ascended while she was just looking at this from sidelines.
"My point is that we have a chance of being right over there." Chi Wuyao pointed at the three energy cocoon, she had a knowing look.
The Golden woman had a sceptical look when she heard that.
"We have been here for several months... even went to different reality... nothing changed." She spoke with an annoyed look.
The ex-Devil Queen just shook her head, she was disappointed just how her fellow maid doesn't know how to gather information, well it's to be expected, she was born into luxury.
"Oh, how little do you know about men, you used your looks to make them worship you, so did I, but unlike you I learned about them before discarding them." She smirked while saying that.
"You see, I already know the full profile of our handsome master, what about you?"
Qianye Ying'er slightly shuddered when she saw the poisonous smile the woman had on her face, now she knows why even her Royal Father is afraid of her!