The Sport Of Beast Hunting

The Dark Haired beauty doesn't know if she should regard this as a fateful meeting, or something like waking up from a dream where she was a cultivator and living life as a martial artist, but then she is awakened front this dream, and found out that there much more then just martial arts and cultivation, where her life was nothing more then a story to some people in far ends of Omniverse.

"If you asking me to join you, then I will, because this... 'wake up' call as you call it Your Excellency, was too much for me to return to normal cultivation life." Mo Qianxue said with a sigh, in a way she is saying that she is giving up on something.

Sometimes just knowing the 'truth' can change a person forever.

"I see, the I am glad to have you 'on board'." He smiled for a second, he has another 'Mu' to join him.

"Your Excellency..." Before she can continue he raised his hand to stop.

"Call me by name or just 'Master', you are not just some simple subject who worships me." He said with sigh.

"Very well, then Master, before I start earning my upkeep can I ask for your help to find my younger sister and track a certain someone?" She said the last part with an icy voice which reminded him of his icy girls.

"Sure thing..." with a snap a copy of himself appeared in front of her.

"I will take you where you need to go." Raynor's clone gave her his hand.

Mo Eversnow only hesitated for few moments before giving him her hand, and then they disappeared.

Once they were gone Raynor was left with his Dragon Empress and Mu Feixue.

Seeing that the coast is clear Long Qing quickly ended up on his lap once again.

She started snuggle, while Bing'er from some distance pouted, and Xing Tong huffed and summoned her Lion 'Tom' and started to hug him like a teddy bear.


Raynor and his group of girls were standing in the area which will be the chocking point for the beast horde.

In the distance, they can see a large cloud of dust moving towards them.

"How are we going to deal with them?" Cang Yue asked.

"I want them to be intact as much as possible." The Heiress seriously said to the rest of them.

"So, no erasing, no burning them up, no use of laws which can corrupt the flesh like the darkness laws." Chu Yueli said from top of her head.

"Correct, that why we will only use our avatars hands," Raynor said that as ribcage manifested around him and pair of shoulder blades with pair of skeletal hands manifested, seconds after those hands were holding pair of ethereal broadswords.

"This way we can have a competition..." He then pointed at one of the mountains and it transformed into massive board which has their pictures on it and number zero bellow them.

"This board will record how many we have killed, and for the one who wins... well, we can decide that later." The moment he said that the girls looked at him and there was fire in them.

They are going to win! and then they can ask something of their hubby? maybe visit some world of their choice? maybe go on some date?

So, many choices!

They all nodded in agreement and activated their God's avatars.

"Qing'er dear, make sure no flying beasts get past this point," Raynor said to Dragon Empress who nodded at his order.

"And make sure they are in one piece," Erina said from her end.

"Then, I just going to pierce their hearts." She said with a simple shrug, and flew into the air.

"Master I will help her with my ice techniques, I am sure frozen beasts are good as well?" The Icy secretary of Raynor said that to the Chef Goddess.

Erina was about to say that there is quite a large difference in taste when one is frozen and then defrosted.

"Feixue dear, you still need to learn quite a bit about food, my suggestion is just to freeze their hearts, I am sure it can be some small training exercise for you," Raynor said with a small amused smile, he is going to give her a crash course on the regular world once he is back to his Earth.

"I understand Master." Mu Feixue said with a slight bow and followed after Long Qing into air.

Not long after that more girls returned all of them looked with interest what Raynor has cooked up this time, once they learned what kind of rewards for this will be they all quickly decided to participate.

Only girls who don't have 'Susanoo' started to pout.

"Bing'er once we are back we going to ask Raynor for the technique." Shen Xi said to her junior disciple sister.

"It's fine for you, but I am no Dragon, I wonder if master can create a technique for a Phoenix." The True God Ice Phoenix had a thoughtful look.

"I am sure he can develop a variant just for you." The Dragon Princess said that with a smile.

The Ice Phoenix's thoughtful look didn't disappeared she looked at the sky where her new 'rival' was, she doesn't see Xing Tong as rival yet, maybe in few years but not now, and the Little Demon Empress is busy with running her Empire, that leaves only that newcomer who was 'created' to be 'perfect' to her master.

A very difficult opponent indeed, but that dragon god girl is considered just a little girl compared to her who is around for some time.

"I will have my time..." Bing'er said to herself resolutely.

Shen Xi just smiled hearing that, it amuses her to no end just how far her old friend will go for their beloved lap...

'If she was this driven before to improve her Profound Arts and cultivation, then we would had another Creation God in last war.' The Dragon Princess smiled, Bing'er looked at her friend and narrowed her eyes, the Ice Phoenix can feel Shen Xi is thinking something about her.

"I will go up and help them, I can feel tens of thousands of... Beasts approaching, while they are weak, they will become a nuisance." Bing'er said to Shen Xi before flying up into the air.


"Well here they come, just don't reveal your cultivation pressure otherwise they would run away," Raynor smiled at the incoming horde of monsters.

The rest of his ladies got themselves ready, Long Qing and other girls in air already started to slaughter their way through the flying ones with utter ease, the Dragon Empress was using her Heavenly Treasure level spear and killing ten to twenty beasts with a single spear thrust.

"As I thought using weapon in this situation is utterly pointless, no sense of sportsmanship." Raynor sighed as his Susanoo started slicing and dicing through first monsters which are the speedy ones, mostly felines and canine types.

"You seriously categorising this as 'sport'?" Lightning said that him as she is in this one just to 'train'.

But other girls just snickered, because the elder pink head was just acting like a 'tsundere'.

"Well by this point it's a sport..." He said that as one of his Susanoo skeletal hand grabbed incoming bear beast by the neck and then used another hand to stab the bear through its heart, and then threw the carcass away moments later it disappeared as it was collected by one of their clones.

Soon enough couple hours had passed and the girls who had not been very efficient with their Susanno's got the hang of it.

And they started to catch up in this race.

The beast who passed them were teleported back Into 'queue' so that they would not pass this choke point.

Raynor looked at the scoreboard and his eyes slightly widened because he was in fourth place!

First one is his darling Girlfriend who has a very bright 'smile' on her face as she brutally dissect the enemies, second place was very focused Jun Xilei who had air of frustration around her, while third place was his Warrior Goddess who was starting to catch up to them!

'Damn! I need to pick up my pace!' Raynor started to focus more, the moment he was surrounded by the feral monsters he did a whirlwind with his Susanoo taking out tens of creatures.

But then he noticed something...

The beast realised that they can't progress and that it's a slaughterhouse.

Raynor just snorted at them.

"You guys realised that little too late..." The moment he said that massive walls started to rise behind these beasts.

"Time to finish this..."


Raynor and his harem has returned the temporary house and they were gathered into expanded Living room.

One of the walls has been transformed to show the 'hunts' results.

"So the first place goes to dear Yue'er..." Raynor said that to his darling girlfriend who had a massive smile on her face.

The rest of girls slightly gulped down seeing just how brutal, sadistic and cruel she was in that little display, her Susanoo was dissecting the beasts like a machine with precision cuts, those were the lucky ones who died instantly from having their head chopped off, but others were not that lucky, like getting their limbs cut off piece by piece! or getting swords stabbed into sensitive areas...

Xia Qingyue is brutal to her enemies, the new ladies realised that... and they don't want to end up on this woman's bad side.

"Well, dear any ideas what you want from winning this little competition," Raynor asked her.

The Dark Beauty put her finger on her chin and looked at the ceiling for a second.

"I want a date darling, but first let me organise some stuff!" She smiled at him and Raynor pulled her into his lap and she snuggled to him.

~~~~~~Raynor's Primal Chaos~~~~~~

Few days have passed since the 'hunt' and the more responsible ladies started to sense that something fishy is happening!

First one to notice was Li Suo who understood that it's quite hard to keep Raynor away from internet, and anime in general.

She went to talk with others... more responsible females like Chu Yuechan.

They quickly realised that Raynor is evading his home verse for some reason.

And so...

~~~~~~Home Verse~~~~~~

"That why I am thinking that one girl is better than army you have," Arno said to his friend as they were walking back to Arno's place.

"Once they decided something and it spreads out through the whole of your harem, then you are toast." The Blond teenager sagely said to his best friend.

"Yeah, Yeah I should not underestimate the power of woman intuition," Raynor said what with a sigh, for a second he looked back at Mu Feixue who was following him as well.

She was dressed in modern clothes which were hugging her body very nicely.

"Of course! and then you combine that to your Harem, and it's a guarantee that you are going to be discovered that you are up to something." The blonde said with a knowing look, thank heavens above and earth bellow he finally was able to leave that Gods forsaken place!

The blonde looked at his own growing muscles.

He then remembered what happened some days ago.

"Right! I completely forgot! dude! why you didn't tell me I had freaking Sharingan!" He said that and his eyes transformed into one tomoe Sharingan.

Raynor looked at him as if the blond was a moron.

"I gave you that the day you got your Cultivation, way back in August! you only now unlocked it?" The Yang Primordial just laughed at his shell shocked friend reaction.

"Well, you were the one who wanted to dress as one of Uchiha's for the Halloween, So I gave you the eyes! once it's November you won't going need to buy the contact lenses!" Raynor happily nodded once he remembered that, he still remembered how hard they were into Naruto a few years back.

"While I do love the perks these eyes give me do I get the negative effect of these eyes?" He asked with slight panic in his voice, he doesn't want to die from blood loss because just how much they show them bleed in Naruto!

"Nah, your body is not imbalanced like most Uchiha's, and you can unlock Mangekyo under stress, I am sure I can help you with that! Cang Long was quite satisfied with your performance, he said next time you will come over he will train you seriously." Raynor said that with shit-eating grin, his friend just had chills going down his spine.

Raynor is sure once Cang Long is done with his friend he will have a Shonen Protagonist of his own.