Morning In Beacon

Next on Raynor list to do is to have breakfast in Magical post-apocalyptic academy cantina, well he ticket that in his notebook, he still needs to visit a bunch of school settings as any Otaku would do in his situation.

"...Ray... I am coming with you..." Est said to him with an indifferent, but cute look.

Raynor didn't complain, so just for this occasion he created the Areishia Spirit Academy uniform for Est.

Seeing this Restia decided not to return to Inner World as well.

So, moments later Raynor left his pocket dimension and appeared in room which was given to him by Ozpin inside Beacon.

Once there he left the room and went walking towards Cantina, followed by four girls this time!

The Primordial Dragon used his sense to feel where RWBY is, the time was around 9 in the morning and as he expected they were eating their breakfast.

Since Weiss showed him around he knew where to go, that means he doesn't need to use his powers.

Est quickly took his hand, Restia rolled her eyes seeing that, the Demon Slayer wants to get spoiled, and it was grating nerves of the Darkness Spirit!

Few corridors later they arrived at the Cantina, there was a bunch of colourful people around.

It's part of this world's thing to be as 'colourful' as possible, the more positive energy one emits, the better!

Eventually they arrived at a specific table, the moment Weiss saw the white-haired cute girl she dropped her fork.

She looked like Schnee! white hair, blue eyes! and worst of all she was holding Raynor's hand!

The table was quite big so even if it had already nine people sitting there.

Arno was given a room, and the blond was doing his own thing, so he already was sitting with RWBY and JNPR.

"R-Raynor who is this little girl!?" Weiss instantly asked him, she felt... threatened!

She then instantly noticed another girl around her height standing very close to him as well!

'Who are these?' She narrowed her eyes at them.

"White-haired girl is Terminus Est, she is one of my sword spirits, and this one here is my other sword, which you all saw it yesterday the 'Vorpal Blade', her name is Restia." Raynor introduced Restia and Est, the darkness spirit winked at Weiss making her slightly blush in annoyance, The Heiress instantly branded the girl liking to tease like Yang!

Since Est was holding his left hand, his right was free, he stroked Restia hair, who simply blushed from his actions.

It didn't go unnoticed by the girls sitting on the table.

"Y-You have girls turning into weapons!? T-That's is awesome! can you make my Crescent Rose into one!?" Ruby asked with starry eyes.

She can already imagine all the thing she could do if her 'baby' is a person!

Talking about explosives, comics, COOKIES, slaying Grimm like badass superheroes, and more COOKIES, bullets... lots of interesting stuff!

"Then you wouldn't be able to upgrade it anymore, or even use it as sniper rifle, and it would lose its mecha-shift function."

Hearing all that Ruby instantly deflated, and decided... nope! she doesn't want that at all!

Raynor seeing her reaction, he just shrugged and got himself comfortable, his Dragon Empress got to sit next to him and to Long Qing left side was Pyrrha.

Restia was on his right side, while Est ended up sitting on his lap.

His assistant went over to pick him some food from Cantina.

Weiss was sending daggers with her eyes at Est who was telling to Raynor to feed her!

The Primordial Dragon pulled out some cookies he got from Erina, and started feeding the sword spirit.

That moment Ruby, like a predator, smelled the cookie her eyes zoomed in towards him, the little reaper observed how Raynor was spoiling the sword spirit, she started to pout, but her pout didn't work as the teenager's attention was on feeding Est, nothing more.

"Damn...she is so cute..." Yang said with awe, Blake next to her nodded, the blond brawler never though she will see someone who can rival even her utterly cute little sister! but this... sword spirit... she doesn't want to admit it! but this white-haired girl was on a completely different level!

While Weiss fork started to bend in weird angle as she was trying to control her growing jealousy.

And Ruby? the little red reaper for the first time felt like she lost some sort of battle she was not aware of!


While RWBY were blown away by Est, anyone would, JNPR were not that different except for Pyrrha who was sitting next to Long Qing.

More like the Dragon Empress ended up sitting next to her.

"I have heard that you are good at fighting." The Ravenhead asked the redhead.

"Y-Yes, I have won some tournaments." The spartan girl said nerviously, for some reason she has this feeling that she is talking with a natural predator and she has a hard time not being nervous around her.

"Hmm, I see, why don't we spar after the breakfasts? it help your blood flowing." The Dragon Empress offered with a smile, which Pyrrha though is hard to say no to, but she can redirect it!

She would never say no to a challenge, but this... is no challenge! her inner fighter is telling her not to fight nature itself!

"I would love to! but Jaune needs some more training before fight today!" The redhead girl said with a smile directed towards Jaune.

The Blond and lanky member of team JNPR looked at her with wide eyes.


Pyrrha eyes were saying 'agree to It, you idiot!'

"No! I am fine Pyrrha! I need to save all the energy I need!" Jaune quickly said no, and Pyrrha instantly grimaced.

Long Qing wrapped her hand around the redhead's shoulder and pulled her closer.

"I guess your partner needs to rest Pyrrha dear." The Dragon Empress said that with a smile, and the redhead looked at her partner, her eyes were pleading to save her from incoming natural disaster!

"That's great Pyrrha! I bet she will teach you all sorts of stuff!" Jaune smiled and gave his partner thumbs up.

Only Lie Ren gave the redhead pitying look, while Nora was just stuffing herself with pancakes, not paying attention to anything.

'Nooooo!!!' Pyrrha internally screamed as she felt her fate is about to change...

~~~~~~After Breakfast~~~~~~

After breakfast was over there are still a couple more hours before Vytal tournament will continue so everyone did their own thing.

And it was the perfect time for Raynor to get some quality time with Weiss.

The white-haired girl was slightly panicking when Raynor appeared from nowhere and decided to pull her to talk since there is still a bunch of time left before she is needed in the coliseum.

Never before she had someone this forward with her before!

"So, I saw how you looking up to your sister, is she your role model?" Raynor question snapped her out from nervousness and practically opened the floodgates.

"Of course she is! She is perfect! Did you know that she is one of the youngest specialists in Remnant? not only that but she..." And after that she started to tell him pretty much her older sister's whole military career, from getting removed as heiress of SDC which made Weiss the next Heiress, to become Specialist...

Without even asking he practically learned a lot of about Winter...

And Weiss, she realised what she did only after she told him everything...

"I-I am sorry! I g-guess..." The white-haired girl looked around trying to figure how to change the theme of conversation.

That moment's someone pulled Weiss skirt slightly, and the Heiress looked back with a confused look, who appeared behind her?

What she saw was the other white-haired girl giving Weiss a cookie.

"...Are you... okay?" Est moved her head sideways and gave the heiress one of 'Est' looks.

Weiss was blasted away by Est cuteness and same time she was confused how did this girl appeared here!?

The Heiress looked at Raynor for explanation but he only shrugged his shoulders, how he suppose to know that? even his powers don't react to this anomaly!

Eventually Weiss just sighed and took the offered cookie, the sword spirit then gave her a look, telling her to eat it!

Once again the white-haired Heiress felt invisible pressure pushing her to do it! eat the cookie!

"Fine, I will do it! can you just stop looking at me like this!?" Weiss caved in and ate the cookie.

The moment she took a bite of it she felt her taste buds explode and the Heiress barely controlled her moan.

Raynor very closely observed Weiss 'foodgasm', if he could rank Erina's domains, then In first place would be her ability to make people reach so-called 'foodgasm', she can do that without even being in specific reality, scary stuff...

Once again Weiss realised how 'un-lady' like she just been, but Est pulled her to look at her.

"...these cookies...good?" to sword spirit's question Weiss quickly nodded, not wanting to explain her behaviour, not that Est will point it out.

Eventually The cute sword spirit returned to Raynor side.

"Why don't we go somewhere to sit?" Raynor offered to the Heiress.

Weiss quickly nodded, the quicker Raynor forgets her 'un-lady' like behaviour the better... not that he can forget it with his perfect recall...

~~~~~~Long Qing~~~~~~

The Heavenly Dragon Empress pulled the Spartan girl to one of practising arenas.

"What I am going to teach you is pure spearmanship." Long Qing closed her eyes for second and then opened them, she had dark purple ringed eyes, she then clapped her hands for second before separating them slowly.

Seconds later she was holding two identical spears.

Pyrrha looked at Long Qing with shell shocked looks as she just witnessed the creation of wooden spears!

She never heard or seen someone who can do such things!

"Don't look surprised, my ability to create is minuscular compared to my master." Long Qing chuckled at the redhead girl before throwing one of the spears at Pyrrha.

The redhead caught it, but then her eyes widened for a second, the thing was heavy!!!

"Now attack me with intent to kill." The moment Long Qing said that her whole demeanour had complete 180-degree change!

Pyrrha snapped out from this small shock and started to attack the ravenhead girl.

Long Qing had indifferent look on her face, she incredibly easy dodged her attack, and with blunt side of spear bumped into Pyrrha side.

Sending her flying a few metres.

That moment protecting aura around Pyrrha ceased to protect her because it received too much damage!

The redhead's expression was utter shock when she noticed that!

'J-Just how powerful is this woman!?' Pyrrha internally started to panic.

"You probably already know that we came from different reality? I believe that hyperactive girl from RWBY already has 'spilt beans'?" Long Qing asked the Spartan Girl.

"Y-Yes... she did," Pyrrha confirmed.

"Good, then I don't need to beat around the bush, in my home dimension we considered the Spear to be compared to Dragon and the sword to a Tiger, do you know why?" Long Qing asked curiously as she did a masterful spin with her spear, that moment behind her a silhouette of Eastern Dragon manifested just for a single second.

"B-Because spear's single thrust is like dragon's assault? and the sword is like tiger's lunge?" Pyrrha said whatever came to her mind.

"Yes... Spear is all about the Spear tip, master's of spear, like me, can manifest spear intent and even go further beyond that making the whole concept of Spear being a dragon into reality..."

Long Qing took her stance and dragon silhouette behind her became more visible than ever before, it only lasted a few seconds...

"While... yours was like fish out of water..." Long Qing said with deadpan voice.

Pyrrha cringed bearing that.

"Now try again..." The Dragon Empress motioned for her to attack.

"B-But my Aura!" Redhead fearfully said that.

"What about your aura? I am training you, not your aura!" The Ravenhead said with narrowed eyes.

Pyrrha gulped down with a nod, and once again attacked Long Qing.

Sending the Spartan girl flying once again, with a simple sidestep and just using spear's blunt side.

"Try predicting my movement, I am on purpose using very basic way to dodge you, you know."

She smiled at the girl who was slowly standing up.

Pyrrha can't remember when was the last time she felt pain like this!