The last thing Cinder knew was that darkness has claimed her consciousness.
Raynor looked at collapsed black-haired woman, his gaze then went to last member of Cinder's team.
"I thought you were in jail with that orange boy? who pulled you out?" The Primordial asked curiously.
The girl quickly pointed at Cinder.
"I see... then goodnight." He said with a thin smile.
The girl for second was confused before simply collapsed on ground.
Raynor gaze then went to Ozpin and Amber both of them gulped down nerviously.
"Take them to proper cells and this time make sure none of them escapes!" He snapped at them for a second.
"And we have some things to talk Ozpin!"
After battles settled down, members of White Fang were captured, Atlas Knights got turned off or destroyed and Grimm of course were erased by Raynor's Iron Sand.
Raynor used 'The World' to fix Vale and Beacon, and left Atlas and Beacon to come up with an explanation how all this has been fixed...
After that Ozpin and Ironwood alongside some other people, Raynor and his group gathered in the Headmaster's office.
"I gave you all the information needed to stop this before it happened! the woman and her minions were living under your roof for several weeks now!" Raynor with slightly pissed off voice said to the headmaster.
For him, it was like he had to skip the movie's most important part! because of something which was easily stoppable!
"We have underestimated Cinder Fall's resourcefulness, Grimm and White Fang were expected but Atlas machinery turning on us was not." Ozpin nerviously explained himself, his gaze went to James Ironwood.
If not for Raynor's intervention Vale would have been severely damaged and many civilians would have been killed or severely hurt.
And if it's to believed James have intended to bring even bigger numbers if not for Raynor's appearance...
It would have been a catastrophe...
"Headmaster Ozpin is right, I have not expected for someone to hack our systems like this, Salem has very competent people under her." General Ironwood agreed with Headmaster.
"Then from now on make sure your 'Knights' are getting routinely checked and their OS updated regularly! and this might as well was job from someone from Atlas Military! as they turned on your soldiers and civilians completely ignoring White Fang and Grimm!" Raynor said with narrowed eyes.
"While I enjoy destroying property and blowing up cheap imitations of My Asura spirits, I dislike when my entertainment, which is a world-class event as well! get disturbed like this! there will be no more messing around!"
Both Ozpin and General Ironwood paled hearing that, so were other people in the room from their side.
"You will going to explain me your plans, or I am going to do this my way, I believe another continent appearing on map will reshape the world to look nicer, maybe even going to make it look like Big 'R' in my honour!" Raynor said the last part thoughtfully.
"O-Of course Mr Valeron! I will explain anything you want!" Ozpin quickly agreed before it can derail and Raynor will just do his thing!
Everyone calmed down for second on Ozpin side, they have averted real catastrophe this time.
"Great! let's hear it..."
Salem was pissed, scratch that! she was livid! how could whole invasion fall so badly! scratch that! why it happened so soon? While Vytal tournament finals were the perfect time to attack, there was one incredible large deterrent not to do so!!!
"Humans! they are so impatient!" The Grimm Queen growled furiously, this failure will cost her a lot of time!
Cinder is replaceable, but it will take time! for now, she decided to bolster her defences, because there is the possibility that her location might get revealed by Cinder, she can't be too careful with that Deity around.
"Stupid child... I thought I trained her better than this!"
The plan is quite simple, Ozpin is going to reveal Salem existence to the world by using Cinder and her cronies.
To make it more believable Raynor is going to help by extracting Cinder's memories about Salem and it will be shown on news and television across the Remnant.
Ozpin is planning to unite all the Kingdoms to deal with her.
Not only that but Ozpin will finally know her location.
Once they know her location they can send a task force to deal with her, even if she is immortal they can still lock her up at least...
Or, Raynor can strip her immortality and be done with...
After hearing a satisfying plan from their end, Raynor can return doing what he originally came here to do, apart from watching the tournament, he can spend time cuddling the snow princess with rebellious streak.
Or at least what original authors intended to make her, in the end, she was a tsun tsun...
It only took moments for news about White Fang and Grimm collaborative attack on Vale to spread.
Such news shell shocked Faunus around the globe, never before the so-called 'peaceful organisation' for equal rights has stood so low.
This lead for other Kingdoms to raise their guard against White Fang even more so, even actively hunt them.
It was only one of several aftereffects of the failed invasion of Vale.
The other much lesser on scale was that Weiss father decided personally go and pick her up.
"Tell me how you want me to deal with him?" Raynor asked the antsy white-haired girl.
"As long as you are satisfied I can do anything you want..." He shrugged saying that, he knows the man is a 'piece of work', he has no qualms from brainwashing to turning him into veggie, so that Weiss mother could take back the company...
"W-What do you suggest?" The girl asked with uncertainty.
"Anything really, it's your father..." He seriously told that.
The Heiress gulped down for second, he really could do anything if she is to ask him!
"C-Can you just remove him as CEO of SDC? he is still my father." She said with a sigh.
Raynor just smiled hearing that, she is a softy inside, but trying to be cold outside...
Basically... a tsun tsun...
"As you wish." he did a respectful bow with an amused smirk, Weiss slightly got embarrassed seeing that it reminding her of Atlas.
Around ten minutes later, a fancy private jet like plane landed not far from Beacon, it had SDC and Schnee snowflake symbol on it.
Moments later man dressed in white descended from it, he behaved like he owned the place, looking down everyone and everything...
Raynor had dealt with this kind of idiots before, how is he father of Weiss, and Winter is beyond him.
Probably most of it comes from their mother's side...
"Weiss who is..." The man was about to go on his monologue... but...
"Henceforth you are not allowed to talk," Raynor said with an eye roll.
And... Jacques Schnee could not talk anymore...
"How can you stand him for that long is very impressive Weiss," Raynor said with slight awed look, he could barely stand him for few second before using power over the world to make this man cease to have ability to speak!
While Weiss didn't know if she should take this as a compliment of not... instead she just rolled with it.
She was more awed by the fact that Raynor only needed to say a sentence to make her father be lost for words... literally...
It was quite funny to talk about the man who is in front of them, and he can't say anything to them!
"Anyway, Weiss lets get this over with, we still have our date." Raynor looked at the man in white, while speaking to the white-haired girl.
"W-What? T-T-T-Today!?" Weiss cheeks exploded in pink, why did he decide to drop this out of nowhere!? not only that but right in front of her father!
"Right... Anyway, Henceforth from today you are to resign as SDC CEO and make your wife the next CEO." Raynor said very casually as Jacques Schnee eyes turned glassy for second.
"Next, you will spend the remainder of your life trying to fix all the mess you have caused while controlling SDC," Raynor said this with a smile, thus a pro-equalist of Faunus and Human rights was born today...
"Oh, and you can talk again." He mentioned the last one with a casual hand wave.
"As you wish..." Jacques said with a nod, he then looked at his youngest daughter.
"Weiss, if you wish to continue being Huntress then do so." After saying that he turned around and started walking back to his private jet.
"Oh, and don't worry about your credit cards, I will un-freeze them the moment I am back in Atlas." The former CEO to be said softly to his daughter, which was very weird listen to! for the Heiress!
And just like that Jacques Schnee left as changed man...
The Heiress mouth opened and closed for second...
After getting over the shock that her father is a changed man, which is still very hard to believe that her father started to speak in a different tone as well!
Raynor pulled Weiss to Vale, the city looked like nothing has happened to it, many citizens still scratching their heads, many still remembered being gunned down or even eaten by Grimm, yet they woke up like nothing has happened.
The Primordial Dragon is of course saying nothing about this, he is waiting to see what kind of explanation Ozpin and Ironwood will come up with.
"I can't believe... Vale is like nothing has happened!" Weiss commented as she looked around the city.
While Raynor was looking at the city in more detail this time, yesterday he was destroying this place with iron sand which he has stashed in his storage dimension, all 250 tones of it.
And today he is going on date in the very same city, very... chaotic of him.
Vale is very... European looking, if not for dust used in certain areas like street lamps he would have felt that he was in Earth.
"Because it has not happened," Raynor said to Weiss as he took her hand.
The white-haired girl looked at him with narrowed eyes for second, eventually she just gave up, and allowed him to hold her hand.
"What I did was rewind the time for the city, while people remember the attack, the 'city' does not, because it never happened," Raynor said to her.
"...Time laws?" She asked after trying to understand what he just said.
"Yes, otherwise Vale would have lost half of its population," Raynor said with sigh.
Weiss gulped down realising how would Vale looked if he was not around.
She squeezed his hand, realising that she would probably would have a no chance to see it as well, as her father would have taken her away.
Eventually they arrived at some simple looking dinner.
"..." Weiss looked at him with deadpan look.
"Have you ever been in a simple diner before?" He asked with a smile.
"I was... well, not diner... does the stand in Vytal festival count?" She asked with a slightly embarrassed look.
"Technically not, as it's open area. Anyway, my point is that you never been in places where normal people go to, because well your status... which I have same problems as you when I go out in one of my conquered realities." Raynor said that while remembering going out in his Primal Chaos...
People either drop on their knees or keep massive distance away from him... it's less drag in his Holy Grounds, but it's still there...
"...C-C-Conquered realities?" Weiss asked with wide eyes.
"Yeah, It should be obvious with my kind of power I have...large amount of territories."
All his spirits inside inner world just snorted hearing that.
"I...see... so you are like a King or Emperor of sorts?" She asked curiously.
Both of them got a seat, and Raynor decided to play with laws little bit, so that no one would bother them, and the waitress would only see them as regular clients...
"Slightly above that Weiss, when people pray to you and drop on their knees... I am sure you should know how people regard those beings." Raynor said with knowing smile.
Weiss that moment remembered what that Cinder woman called him, and then all things he can do...
It very hard to believe, but she eventually came to the conclusion that...