He Got R.O.B'ed

Author here, before anyone starts screaming 'I am back' or something like 'Morrrre', or even more crazy like 'WRYYYYYYY'...

Let me tell you I was not gone or anything like that, I am active on Discord, (If not then I am reading stuff or working...) I got 'new' fanfic 'Cheating To Heaven' Which is pure CN Multiverse based on (Xianxia, Wuxia, etc).

And working on Anime one as well...

Before anyone screams that I Have 'Otaku' and 'Elder Brother', Yes I do... and?


What does Raynor do in his free time? Well, if it's back on his Earth then it's quite obvious...

He does what most Otakus do...

Playing videos games, reading manga, since he knows Japanese he doesn't need to wait for translations and such, he read directly from the source.

Still, this is the stuff he does on Earth, but not in Primal Chaos.

Over there he operates under different guidelines.

Why? it's to keep him anchored and not get lost himself in the amount of power he possess.

Yet, once he is in Primal Chaos he doesn't have to control himself he can do whatever he wants.

As long as he keeps it in check, otherwise, some of his girls will be angry and sad with him.

So, instead of doing something big, this time he is going to do something small BUT entertaining.

He is going to act as R.O.B for this one! and then watch HIM go on a 'journey.

Basically, like what people do on Earth with a secret camera stuff...

Giddily Raynor walked outside, behind his mansion. It's where he does his Barbeque stuff, he can see his 'streaming' system there, the same one he used for his Barbeque event.

This time it's going to focus on one individual who will be 'robbed' and put on his Blue Pole Star!


"Time for some entertainment!" Raynor rubbed his hands like some small-time villain.


~~~~~~ARC 3 Special~~~~~~

"What..." A certain character looked confused around.

He remembered how his grandfather just sacrificed his life so that he could leave the seal. Same seal which they were both sealed in.

Over the past several months he ruthlessly trained himself to be strong, he knows that he is quite powerful now!

After all, even consuming Emperor Profound beast flesh does hurt him anymore! That makes his body as strong as Emperor Profound!

'Something is not right here! I felt very powerful and subtle use of Space laws!' He heard her voice.

'Space laws? what is that?' He asked with a confused look on his face, he never heard such a term before!

'It doesn't matter! all you need to know that you have been transported somewhere!' The girl snapped at him from inside the poison pearl.

'Transported? but, this looks like the Sword Management Terrace!' He said that while looking around.

'You fool! use your senses! Can't you feel how much more potent Profound energy is in the air? Can't you sense the cultivation level of people in this place!?'

Now that she mentioned it, Yun Che looked around he could feel just how much more potent the Profound energy is in the air.

He turned back and looked where the supposed Sword which sealed his grandfather should be, but the massive sword is not there, in fact, it looked like it was not there in the first place!

"You! who are you? what you doing here!?" Yun Che was snapped out from his thinking when he heard a familiar voice.

He quickly looked at the source and saw Ling Jie! he looked slightly younger than he remembered.

Internally Yun Che frowned, was he transported to the past? but it doesn't explain the abundant amount of Profound energy in the air!

He used his senses on Ling Jie and he was slightly baffled when he felt that the young kid was at Emperor Profound!

'What is this place!? why Ling Jie is at such high level!' Yun Che asked with a shocked look.

While Jasmine inside the pearl frowned, sensing that, she was wondering why he was at such a small realm! with the amount of profound energy in the air, they should be at Divine Path by now!

'Unless this place only recently got an increase in the quality of Profound energy... but how?'

"I am Yun Che, I got transported here."

Ling Jie frowned hearing that.

"Are you now? you look older than me but you also weaker than me, do you come from mortal realms?" The younger boy asked curiously as he slowly approached the older one.

Yun Che eyebrow twitched hearing that he just spend close to a year sealed underground, constantly torturing himself to get stronger and quickly as possible, and the first thing he hears is how weak he is!?

Especially from someone which he had beaten in the tournament!

"No, I am originally from Floating Cloud City, I doubt you heard about it."

Yet the reaction was something Yun Che was not expecting!

Ling Jie hand instantly moved toward the sword on his hip.

"Who are you? I am a member of the White Tiger's Branch of The Holy Grounds!" Ling Jie pointed his sword at the older teenager.

"And I have not sensed anyone like you before, I can feel Creation God-Level residue from you." the younger teenager narrowed his eyes at him.

While Yun Che quickly went defensive, Ling Jie then activated his Profound cultivation method and a white aura surrounded him.

'T-This is... why I senses Primordial energy from him!?' Jasmine said that with shell shocked look.

"Last warning, Only True Gods and above should have such residue, I know all the True Gods which reside in Holy Grounds! now tell me where you got it!?" Now he has started leaking sword intent which put Yun Che on edge.

'What a monster! Yun Che, we have to leave now!' Jasmine snapped at him through their connection.

The teenager quickly nodded at her and used the Star God's Broken Shadow to run away.

Lin Jie clicked his tongue seeing that, he then has a realising look as he knows this technique.

"How does this bastard know Star God Arts? did he stolen it!?" Anger started to build in him.

Star Gods are closely related to the Holy Grounds Sect Master! and one true Ruler of Primal Chaos! yet this bastard dares to use these techniques!?

"This is unforgivable! I will kill you bastard!!!" Ling Jie's Primordial Energy roared to life and he started to chase after the bastard.

"You think you are smart! but I have experience fighting this Technique!"

After all, they have Heavenly Wolf Star God residing in the White Tiger Branch of his Sect.

~~~~~~With Raynor~~~~~~

"Well, well what a development! So, this is how Ling Jie looks when you get on his bad side." Raynor popped some popcorn in his mouth as he watched the stream.

Watching Yun Che run away like this is amusing on its own. But, watching him run from Ling Jie, who he beat not long ago is something else entirely, cultivation novels don't usually bring up opponent which already are beaten once.

"What are you watching master?" Long Qing walked over to her Master side.

She looked at the screen and saw a guy running.

"It's a new TV show called Journey of Yun Che. It's basically, his adventure in an alien yet so familiar world." He with a smile explained to her, the way Long Qing understood this was like this:

'I kidnapped a guy from a different world and make him fight for his survival.'

"I see, wait! isn't he the main character of ATG? mistress Qingyue is constantly complaining about?" The Heavenly Dragon Empress said with realised look.

"Yeah, same one! now darling come over here." He patted the seat next to him." While the couch is good nothing beats a lap pillow of a Goddess." He said that seriously.

Long Qing rolled her eyes and walked over to him, She wonders how would Xuanqing react to the fact that she spend a very long time cultivating so that in the end she would be used as a pillow?

Probably cry in a corner somewhere.

~~~~~~ Back with Running Yun Che~~~~~~

"This isn't good! what the hell is going on?" Yun Che almost scream from his frustration as he was running away from several elders dressed in Heavenly Sword Villa robes.

They were all in the middle to late stages Of Emperor Profound realm.

Ling Jie enlisted the help of his families Villa to capture Yun Che so that he would be brought to Holy Grounds.

If he is truly part of that place then His Branch Master who is Ancestral God would know, but so far it was not the case as he is running away from him.

Besides, it's quite confusing for him what he was sensing from this teenager.

Bloodline of Primordial Azure Dragon, Phoenix and some sort of Creation God as well.

The only Creation God he knows is Li Suo, so did this teenager got another one's legacy?

"Young Master we lost him..." One of the elder said with a downtrodden look.

"Yes, I noticed that." He said with a deadpan look. being trained (tortured) by an emotionless Ancestral God, tends to rub off and one picks up one or two traits from its Teacher.

The elder looked away in embarrassment, a mere Earth Profound escaped them!

"Well it doesn't matter he is heading to Empire's capital, some other disciples from Holy Grounds will notice him, I already notified the sect of his existence." Ling Jie sighed after telling that.

What a slippery foe, he never faced someone who uses that technique for escape, none of the Star Gods he trained with ever used such technique in such disgraceful manner as running away...


Yun Che snuck into Blue Wind Capital City with his disguising technique.

He sighed with relief for a second, thank Heaven he escaped the Heavenly Sword Villa elders.

'That Ling Jie! what kind of technique was that? I felt like my whole body was on edge!' The teenager shuddered for a second remembering the feeling.

'This Princess has sensed it before...' The redhead inside the pearl muttered softly, doesn't want to believe what she sensed.

'Truly?' Yun Che asked curiously as he entered the streets, his senses scanned the place, he instantly gulped down, because he sensed multiple Thrones and even something of higher level!

'Yes, I did, I felt something similar from the place I came from, all you should know that it's something above Sword Intent...' The redhead said seriously, she then scanned the whole city and paled sensing something truly horrifying in the Imperial Palace.

'Yun Che doesn't dare going to the Imperial Palace!!! No! better doesn't dare to use your Profound Energy in this city!' The Crimson Haired girl quickly said that with a fearful look.

'What's wrong Jasmine? what did you sensed?' Yun Che seriously asked as he looked at the Imperial Palace in the far distance.

'Don't even look there! there is something extremely powerful over there! the amount of energy that being emits strengthens the whole Star Realm just by being there!' The girl said with an extremely pale face as she concluded that it's probably a True God or even above that!

She quickly remembered what that Ling Jie mentioned!

'Do True Gods still exist in this strange reality?' She asked that to herself.

'Yun Che, we must gather as much information as possible in this city! do you know how to hide your cultivation?' Jasmine asked seriously.

The teenager's eyebrow twitched for a second, he usually doesn't need to do that because his cultivation is always lower and people look down on him, but this time he needs to hide it because somehow they learned to sense his legacies!?

'Yes, I know how to...' He sighed and started to hide it, he quickly pulled out a cloak and cloaked himself, then he started walking through the streets.


Yun Che didn't need to look far, as pretty much everyone in the city is talking about the 'Holy Grounds'...

The Sect which rules the whole Primal Chaos, the four different Branch Sects under it which focus on its respective weapons and where this sect is located.

When Yun Che heard it he almost collapsed from shock and passed out.

This monstrous Sect which rules the whole reality is built where his hometown is situated!

Hearing all that, nearly made him snap at people for speaking such bullshit.

But, Jasmine calmed him down as she neither confirmed or denied that, but the monstrous existence in the Imperial Palace said otherwise!

"With Princess being a Mistress in Holy Grounds, She will lead us to become number one Nation in Profound Sky Continent in the next Seven Nation Tournament!" One of the patrons in the tavern said, Yun Che hand twitched for a second.

There is only one Princess in the Blue Wind Nation who is not married and can be part of some sort of sect...

And that is...

"Princess Cang Yue right now is visiting her Royal father the Emperor, can you sense how her presence alone increased the amount of Profound energy in the air?" Another of the patrons marvelled this event.

No matter how often they experience this phenomenon it's still awe-inspiring!

"Hmm, I know! with Holy Grounds being situated in Blue Winds Empire's territory we get the best benefits from this! my son advanced three realms in just one month!" Another Patron boasted.

"Bah! my second cousin's wife's brothers son is part of the Holy Grounds lower sect!" Another patron boasted.

By this point Yun Che stopped listening in, he realised that Cang Yue is part of these Holy Grounds...

'Don't even think about getting close to that place unless you wish to be dissected for the legacies you have!' Jasmine seriously warned him.


'You heard yourself, Jasmine! they have True Gods and even Creation Gods around in that place! and this Sect Master is said to be an Ancestral God!' Yun Che said with reason, to which Jasmine had no reason to disagree, if the leader of a sect is truly an Ancestral God.

Something she finds hard to wrap her head around.

'Even so, you should be careful as you possess Heretic God legacy! who know what kind True Gods or Creation Gods there are! Heretic God was a true master of elements and his veins hold the key to learning all that!' The redhead explained to him.

'Once they find you... you will be at their mercy, there is no escaping, even If I had my body I would be powerless to stop them.' Jasmine said seriously.

Yun Che could only gulp down nervously, this was truly the first time when he felt danger for his life.

Not long after that, he had to leave the tavern as it would be suspicious for him just to sit there for hours to no end.

Besides, he needs some sort of plan, he needs to return to his reality some way!

'Jasmine, do you have any idea how to return to our world?' Yun Che asked her while walking through the busy streets of Blue Wind Imperial Capital.

'...Whoever did this, is a very powerful being, it could have been one of the True Gods, or Creation God. You do possess several powerful legacies and have small cultivation... a perfect target.'

Yun Che could only gulp down once more, some True God pulled him in so that he could get his legacies?

Such through horrified him! He was extremely weak compared to True God!


As Yun Che was walking through the streets he noticed a large number of people dressed in Blue and Red sect uniforms.

'Be careful Yun Che! their cultivation level is in Tyrant and Sovereign Profound!' Jasmine voice ringed in his head.

He could only gulp down seeing them holding something similar to the poster with his face!

'These guys work extremely fast!' He sweatdropped seeing all those sect members from Holy Grounds!

"Has anyone saw this criminal scum?" One member dressed in red showed a poster of Yun Che, which say that he is accused of stealing Profound Arts of Star God and that he is wanted dead or alive.

The residents of the Capital city were utterly shocked to see the reason why Yun Che is wanted!

Stealing arts of Star God!? is the nuts?

"N-No esteem seniors! we have not seeing this criminal!" The residents quickly shook their heads in denial.

"I see, make sure to notify the closest member of Holy Grounds if you see someone similar to him, he is weak but very slippery, he uses Star God arts after all."

The residents of the city seriously nodded and started to look around.

Once again Yun Che felt like he was slapped in the face when they called him weak and the only reason he was alive was the Arts of Star God.

While he was brooding, Jasmine was deep in through after hearing about Star Gods.

Do they have someone from her clan or the original Star Gods in Holy Grounds?

The inheritor of Heretic God had enough as he started walking towards the gatehouse of the city.

He can't stay here anymore it was crawling with people from Holy Grounds!

He on purpose was mixing up with people in the crowd so that no one would pick him up, but that was a mistake...

As his cultivation is hidden and he was among people who are not hiding their power...

He was like a black spot on a sheet of white paper...

"Hey you!" One of the sect members noticed something was odd in the crowd and quickly noticed a guy with a cloak.

Totally, not suspicious...

Yun Che stopped in his tracks.

"Why are you hiding your face with a cloak?" A sovereign profound asked Yun Che who has started to sweat.

Jasmine facepalmed hearing that, didn't he used his technique to change his face? then why the cloak!?

'It doesn't work on higher cultivation beings!' Yun Che as if knowing said that to Jasmine.

The redhead frowned hearing that, will this going to lead to the point that she will have to reveal herself!?

"You? you! are that criminal scum!" The Holy Grounds member unleashed his Sovereign Aura, alerting others.

Yun Che clicked his tongue, the only thing he can do is try running away but it will be near impossible!

He didn't had a chance to react much as tens of cultivators already surrounded him.

They all released their cultivation bases and moments later Yun Che was on the ground sweating bullets and can't even lift his head anymore!

Jasmine couldn't take this anymore and quickly left the pearl.

She made herself visible to regular cultivators which made the Holy Grounds sect members gasp from sheer shock seeing her!

"P-P-Princess Xing Tong!" They all quickly stopped releasing their pressure and respectfully bowed to her.


Jasmine blinked several times hearing that, they all know her!?

While Yun Che was shocked when he saw how these guys reacted to Jasmine.

~~~~~~Back With Raynor~~~~~~


"She had to make her appearance..." Raynor slightly pouted saying that.

It was just getting interesting!

"Well, the odds were quite against him, It's surprise he could hide that long as it is..." Long Qing commented from her side.

"As they say he is slippery, I am surprised that he got caught that fast... he is usually is more smarter than this," Raynor said with a sigh.

"...Are you defending him?" She asked curiously.

Before answering he rolled his eyes at her.

"He is my entertainment, Qing'er... I don't want this to end that soon."

His Dragon Empress nodded in understanding, after all, it takes time to prepare a proper entertainment system...

"Still, with Xing Tong appearance this party is pretty much over, Cang Yue is in the city she will feel my little sister's presence."

Raynor observation was spot on as Cang Yue appeared in the city soon after...


"Tong'er? What are you doing here?" Cang Yue like a ghost just popped several metres away from Yun Che and Jasmine.

The sect members one after another bowed to her with utmost respect.


Some of them could barely control themselves and not just start shuttering like some idiots.

They were just some grunts from Lower Sect! a sect which basically, holds all the discarded people who didn't cut to the main four branches!

In layman terms... cheap labour and people for grunt work...

"At ease... what with this commotion here?" Cang Yue asked seriously, she was having dinner with her Royal Father when she felt an influx of Tyrants and Sovereign and then out of nowhere she felt Heavenly Slaughter Star God energy...

"M-Mistress! this criminal over there knows Star God techniques and holds Primordial Azure Dragon's Bloodline!" One of the grunts pointed at Yun Che.

While Yun Che was mesmerised by Cang Yue appearance, she was more stunning than ever before!

Cang Yue eyes furrowed for a second, her gaze went to Yun Che, her Divine Sense scanned him completely.

She could feel Phoenix and Primordial Azure Dragon bloodline in him, as well as the Great Way of Buddha technique... and some other legacy...

"This is strange... what kind of creature are you? so many legacies..." Cang Yue curiously commented on him.

Yun Che felt like someone just stabbed him extremely cruelly in the heart.

"Anyway...I am taking you to Holy Grounds so that my beloved could make sense who you are." Cang Yue off-handily mentioned that, once again without knowing her words stabbed Yun Che's heart once again.

"W-Wait you know me? what is going on? who are you anyway!?" Jasmine couldn't take this anymore, she was in a familiar place yet everything is strange and weird, and cultivation is all-over the place with these people!

Hearing all that, Cang Yue gaze returned to Jasmine, this time she properly scanned her.

"Where is your body Tong'er? and why are you poisoned to begin with?" The Princess of Blue Wind was shocked sensing all that, the girl is barely alive! how did this happened!?

But, then she felt residue energy of space and time laws around them.

Her eyes narrowed for a second, then they turned silver with six rings and nine tomoes.

Jasmine gulped down nervously, when those eyes manifested, she felt Cang Yue presence magnify multiple times, now she knows that she is standing in front of unfathomable existence.

'T-This is no True God or even Creation God! none of the memories I possess has anything like this recorded!' The redheads internally panicked while thinking about the situation they are in.

The eyes only appeared for a few moments before Cang Yue closed her eyes and opened them again, this time it was her regular ones.

Yun Che could finally breathe again, as the pressure he felt just by standing in front of Cang Yue was extremely difficult!

While both Jasmine and Yun Che were out of breath or simply too shocked to do anything, the Princess of Blue Wind just sighed and did a grabbing motion...

The next moment she was holding Yun Che left hand by the wrist.

She then checked his palm... and saw the green tattoo...

It took a few moments for Yun Che and Jasmine to understand what just transpired!

'The Poison Pearl.' This confirmed his identity...

"You must be Yun Che..." Cang Yue said with finality.

"Senior Sister Xuerou" Yun Che said without thinking.

"Senior Sister Xuerou? where did you got this name from?" Cang Yue had a baffled look, why he called her like that? did her counterpart left the palace in disguise and made up that name?

She should read up on the story instead of just listening to complaints from her fellow sisters about the story...

"Call me by my name..." She said that before Yun Che can say anything.

The Blue Wind Princess then looked at the sky.

"Ray I know you watching, can you come over and fix this mess you made..." Cang Yue said with a sigh.

She then looked at Jasmine completely ignoring Yun Che.

"My beloved though it's entertaining to watch him..." she pointed at Yun Che off handily" 'adventuring' through unfamiliar yet familiar lands..." Cang Yue pitched her nose bridge from small frustration while explaining to Jasmine.

~~~~~~With Raynor~~~~~~

"Ray I know you watching, can you come over and fix this mess you made..."

Raynor watched how Cang Yue was looking at the sky, more specifically him, it was as if the distance didn't matter to them and she was speaking directly to him.


"Well, cat is out of the bag, so much for afternoon entertainment..." He said with a disappointed look.

Long Qing just shook her head in amusement, Raynor looked like he was caught red-handed while stealing cookies from Erina's cookie jar...

"Hmm, next time I will do proper preparation when I will do something like this again," Ha said that to himself as they leapt to Blue Wind Empire's capital.

~~~~~~Blue Wind Empire's Capital~~~~~~

Moments later when Cang Yue stopped talking, a pair of people appeared few metres above the air.

And descend just a few steps away from them.

The grunts around them paled seeing the Sect Master himself appear like that!

This way above their pay grade!

"Ray!" Cang Yue smiled at him for a second, before rolling her eyes and pointing at Yun Che and Jasmine.

"Fix it! why did you pulled them from their reality in the first place!?" The Princess of Blue Wind asked with a huff.

"I was bored, and I wanted to see how much his luck and plot armour will carry him." He said with a casual shrug, one of his hands was in his pocket, he was dressed like neet and gamer this time, it was one of those casual 'Saturdays'.

When Yun Che and Jasmine heard that they were dumbstruck!

While Cang Yue's shoulders sank, she sighed... again...

Still, the hotblooded Yun Che could not take this anymore, hearing how he got pulled out from his world, and put in this one, then got branded as a criminal, for sake of amusement...

He snapped...

His Dragon Fault, the Emperor Profound weapon manifested in his hand, he swung it with everything he had at this Ray guy...

Jasmine mouth opened wide she can't believe this was happening!

The redhead could have stopped this, but she was far too shocked by the absurdity of this situation to realise that Yun Che was close to snap...

Still, it didn't make much difference...

As... the massive greatsword blade was caught between fingers...



Raynor, casually, snapped half of the blade off...

He then squeezed the metal further and the blade in his hands turned into dust which was blown away immediately after...

"Before you face a being who exist outside the concept of cultivation make sure you are one as well..." Raynor said with a casual voice, his face looked like he just woke up from a great nap, and he regularly breaks swords like that...

Yun Che looked at half-broken Dragon Fault with disbelief.

"Anyway, I do apologise for kidnapping you like this Tong'er... please forgive your big brother, I will give you a new body if you do~" He said the last part in a sing-song voice.

Jasmine eyes gleamed hearing that, she decided not to question the whole fact that he called himself her 'big brother', nope...

"Very well, This Princess will forgive you this time!" The redhead said that with a huff of her own.

Raynor just smiled in turn and snapped his fingers, that moment Jasmine glowed and a second later she was alive like nothing happened in the first place.

The Crimson Princess inspected herself for a second before looking at him with awe.

"Yes... I know I am the best~ Until next time Tong'er..." He waved his hand at her, she didn't have time to say anything as she disappeared

"H-Hey! Wait! Wha..." Yun Che didn't have a chance to finish his sentence before he was sent away...


"As if I award him for failing to entertain me more..." Raynor huffed while saying that.

Long Qing and Cang Yue looked at each other for a second before sighing...
