Arriving at the Colonies (Edited)

The nation created by Coordinators is the situation on Lagrange 5. Over 120 PLANT's have been built to house over 10 million Coordinators. These colonies are built-in systematic order, 10 PLANT's make one 'city' which are named after Roman Calendar months. Like Januarius, Februarius and so on.

To differentiate further it… for example, the Capital PLANT where the council is. Is situation on the Aprilius One. There are another Nine Aprilius PLANT's which make the 'City' Aprilius.

Each PLANT is shaped like an hourglass. At the two ends of discs shaped areas make up the living space of the colonies. These discs areas rotate around a central hub. Thus creating gravity for the colonists.

The two discs are anchored to the central hub by a 30-kilometre long central shaft, as well as a network of high tension strings and High-speed elevators running from the centre of each disc to the central hub.

That's not all, as the hubs have a connection to external mirrors which reflect sunlight to the colonies and of course the several docks.

While it's quite easy to build these PLANT's. The catch is that they are extremely fragile. After they are built with glass not metal like asteroid based colonies.

This is why these PLANT's want to release their first ships as quickly as possible. 

As Raynor was explaining the about the PLANT's to the girls, they all looked through the window, waiting for the moment they could see these hourglass-shaped colonies.

The Primordial brought them to a civilian ship, which goes to the Aprilius One. After all, the game hasn't started yet, so Raynor is still using his powers to get them where they want.

And at the moment they're going towards the capital of the Coordinators.

The moment they saw the colonies, the girls got attached to the window screen and looked at the rows of constructs.

The only one who didn't bother as much as the Remnant girl was Raynor's assistant. Regardless, though, she was baffled how these humans without any cultivation or other powers achieved all this!

"As you said… they look so fragile… I don't know if I could live in such a place without worrying about the glass breaking and getting ejected into the void of space." Weiss said to Raynor after seeing these colonies in person.

"Indeed, this is why they're rapidly developing their spaceships and mobile suits. As well as military outposts in the asteroids they brought from the Asteroid belt." He explained to the white-haired girl while looking at the colonies himself.

"In other words, they are building a defensive line against Earth Alliance. Not that it helped them that much with the-" Before she could finish, she was silenced by Raynor and Arno. 

After all, they were infiltrating into the PLANT's at the moment.

"Don't make me mind wipe people all the time." The Primordial Dragon sighed at her.

"Sorry. As I was saying-"

"GUYS-GUYS-GUYS!!! LOOK!" Ruby quickly got everyone's attention as she pointed at a squadron of four GINN doing a fly-by patrol not far from their route.

The girl's attention got everyone's attention, some coordinators on the ships rolled their eyes as they saw what the girl was pointing at.

They didn't expect that someone would be so interested in mobile suits and weapons technology… it's a… weirdly unique experience in such a high-tension situation as the world is right now.

"Ruby… stop embarrassing us like that!" Weiss said that with a hiss. As she looked around and saw some civilians looking at them with amused looks.

"... Sorry, I just wanted to see those GINN." She said in a sorry, but not sorry voice. They are here for these mechs, so she is not sorry at all. Only pretending… sorta?

[Preparing for docking procedures in Aprilius One. Prepare your I-D cards, and please remember to stay safe.] The group heard the stewardess speaking through the microphone. 

As she mentioned that, the group looked through the windows as they saw how the civilian ship was entering one of the docks meant for civilian ships. Not far from there they saw a much larger green ship being docked which looked like it was being loaded with goods.

"Is that…" Weiss asked, and Raynor knew what she meant…

"The Laurasia-class frigate. Pretty sure the pair of double cannon on the top of it distinguishes it from the rest of the spaceships." 

"... Why green though?"

"Their…army ranking is quite similar… regular soldiers are with green uniform, Reds uniform or Red cloaks are the elites, white are the Commanders and the purple-black are the council members who make half of the Supreme council.

The council is spread into two parties, the Zala faction which created ZAFT and the Clyne Faction which is the other half.

In other words, the next ship of the Nazca-Class will be of different colour as well. The blue one. And the future Minerva Class will be a red one."

"... I see… I kind of like it…" The white-haired girl said with a nod. She likes stuff like that. Like these multiple colours for one's uniform. It's part of Remnant, like all the colour naming they have. So, she is all up for that.

"Me too… I'm going to steal one of those white uniforms…" He said that in a whispering tone as he leaned forward towards his girlfriend. 

His tone was quite shameless as he said that with a smirk as well. Still though, Weiss wanted to know why white specifically…

"Oh? Hmm… why white specifically?" She asked curiously. Wanting to hear it.

"Because they are the coolest of ZAFT, and it kind of reminds me of something." He said the second half while looking at her hair.

"Reminds you? Of what?" She asked even more curiously. The more she knows about him, the better it is for her…

"Isn't it obvious by this point?" As he said that, he lifted his hand and stroked her hair for a short moment. That moment she realized something and started blushing hard.

She quickly shook her head for a bit and quickly took several steps forward and accelerated her walking speed towards the border terminal where ZAFT check their I.D's… 

Raynor could only smirk for a bit. Yes, she is still easy to embarrass. However, he needs a specific time now. When she doesn't expect. However, all that slowly disappears as she gets used to it.

"Nice way to add that to your obsession with those white cloaks," Arno said with a knowing tone as he was behind Raynor.

After all, the Otaku liked white cloaks way before he meet Weiss or learned about RWBY.

"Calling them obsession is a stretch, you know?" Raynor said that with a slight frown.

"Hmm, maybe, but I remember you mentioning how cool those robes looked. For me, they looked just like any other uniform."

Once again Raynor tried to remember him mentioning that, and yes, the moment he wanted to recall it, he did… 

'Stupid, perfect recall…why do you not fail when I want you to fail!?'

'Master…are you seriously getting irritated at your powers?' Restia asked with a baffled tone.

'Restia…sometimes not recalling something is a good thing!' The Primordial Dragon said internally with an irritated sigh.

"Well, from your expression, I can say that you remembered it. Anyway. I am sure we're going to find one or two ZAFT made uniforms in one of those." Arno said that while motioning at one of the Laurasia-class ships in distance.

Raynor nodded as they arrived at the border terminal. One thing that he forgot to mention and they had fun with was the gravity… or more like lack of gravity.

'You know… you were the one who wanted to recall, so your power did it. Why are you getting irritated by success?' 


~~~~~~On Titan~~~~~~

While the group were in PLANT's, Tony had some time to run some basics tests.

After getting all his stuff set in his room… well, calling it 'set' is a stretch as he just dropped everything in a corner and pulled out a laptop which had his JARVIS.

Once he had the laptop, he quickly walked to his new workshop and connected to the central computer.

The central computer memory banks are at the moment empty. 

So he quickly transferred all the information from the laptop to the central computer.

With a single press of the laptop the workshop and with it the whole base came to life.


"Jarvis, you up?" Tony asked curiously.

[Yes sir. It… appears I am connected to some sort of massive complex… is this… your new house? I didn't have any previous information on this facility…] The Iron Man's virtual butler was confused, to say the least.

The A.I. just got connected to a huge base which has pretty much anything one wants to have a small army, trained, maintained and technology for this army developed.

"Do you remember the mysterious visitor at the battle of New York?" Tony asked that, since he got JARVIS's recent memories into his laptop before he arrived here.

[Yes. Is this the new facility you are going to work in?] Tony could only smirk for a bit while hearing that. It seems Jarvis already understood what is going on. The processing power of this facility is astounding, to say the least!

"Yes. This is my new workshop on one of the Saturn's moons. Don't dig too deep into this. We still need to find a way to connect to Earth and its internet. Since we are in a world which is in the 23 century… and quite close to the 24 century.


As Tony was quite casually explaining all of this, his A.I. was barely keeping up with all the information it was receiving. As it's in the A.I. protocol to check on this information… 

It was having a hard time comprehending what it was receiving from the age they were to the fact that they were on one of the moons of Saturn… without any protective gear…

To make it weirder, JARVIS was getting information from outside the base… like temperature and wind speeds… and the radiation levels… all of them were normal…earth like standards…

Simply put… the A.I. is just confused… 

"I want you to pull my latest model and enlarge it… to let's say… 20 metres tall?" Tony asked with a thoughtful look as he remembered the sizes of these machines…

[Very well. One moment.]

For now, JARVIS decided… that it doesn't understand…

~~~~~~Back on Aprilius One~~~~~~

After passing the border, the group split up to explore the capital city of the Coordinators. For that, Raynor prepared an abundance of funds and allowed everyone to get wild with reason.

For one, he told his best friend to make sure Yang doesn't get drunk in some sort of bar. She can do that later after they secure a Laurasia-class Frigate and at least six GINN. Six is the amount one of these Frigates can carry.

"This is the place where the council is situated," Raynor said to his assistant, who was with him.

Both of them looked at the large building quite close to the centre of the disc. They could see the multiple lifts going up and down from the hub. 

"... I still don't understand the purpose of these democratic debates" She said with a small frown.

"Funnily enough. I'm having problems understanding it as well. This is most likely the result of my power. But it exists when a multitude of beings of the same power try to decide something."

"... I understand… like the elders from my home world?" As Mu Feixue said that Raynor's attention went somewhere else as he noticed something…

A pink ball which is a robot… rolled next to his leg…

"A Haro?" For a second he was confused but, then, he saw a person rushing towards him… with a slightly embarrassed look.

It was a she, and she got pink hair.

That moment, Raynor sensed a slight pull from karma and destiny… 

'You two are getting naughty…'  He could only sigh internally.


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