Preparations and Break-In (Edited)

As nighttime arrived, Raynor and his group ended up in an apartment which the teen Primordial has prepared when they had arrived in the colony.

It was quite close to the lifts which will take them to the hub and then to the docks.

"Here it is." the Otaku motioned at the several crates with the Yin-Yang symbol. A pair of eastern dragons coiling around them.

"This is?" Ruby asked with an excited tone. She has this feeling… there are weapons there!

"Stuff I prepared for our 'mission'."

When Ruby heard that, she walked over and opened one of the crates.

What she saw were black hoodies with embroidery symbols. All of them were different.

"I decided to go with 'street theft' style. These hoodies are special as they can protect from bullet fire and other damage. In the other crates we have leather gloves, masks, leggings, shoes and weapons I prepared for this." As Raynor finished saying that, Ruby quickly pulled out all the hoodies.

"Whoa… look at these! Weiss!" The hyperactive girl showed a black hoodie with dark red rose petals embroidered on the back, front and arms.

"Impressive needlework. You made these with your powers?" Weiss asked curiously as she inspected another hoodie, which she has no doubt is going to be hers.

Black and white with light blue snowflakes. Then there is another one which has ice winds… but that's no doubt is for his assistants…

"Don't be silly. I'm trying not to use my powers as much as possible. These hoodies are custom-made in other PLANT's. The only thing I did was the enchantment on them."

"... You bent time regardless. Isn't it easier just to use 'Creation of all Things' to make these instead of travelling through time?" Weiss asked about this… wastage of powers…

"You're missing the point. I would have to use more of my power to learn about the materials, how to craft and then the hardest part, the embroidery."

"It baffles me that it's easier for you to bring people to life or create a whole universe than clothes and needle work." Weiss said with a deadpan voice. While the rest just looked at this with amusement.

"For these clothes, I would need to use multiple laws to get good at it. Which would require more effort from my side. So I would rather allow people who are good at it to do it for me." He casually explained to her before opening another crate.

Inside this one, were the weapons. An expandable pole for Arno, fighting gloves for Yang, a sniper rifle for Ruby. A rapier for Weiss. There were no weapons for Raynor or Mu Feixue as they don't need any.

"Xue'er for this one I want you to only channel chilly winds since anything else would be an overkill."

His assistant nodded at him. She can do that.

He then looked at Ruby, who was inspecting the sniper rifle.

"For your weapon, I prepared special ammo which will knock people out. Just make sure you don't hit the head. I can trust you on that?"

The youngest of RWBY quickly nodded at him and inspected the ammo he just mentioned.

Turns out these bullets were blunt, but at the same time they were made from material she had never seen before…

While Ruby was checking the bullets, Weiss looked at her Rapier. It was a simple one with blunt edges.

"Just how you want me to fight with a blunt weapon? I get the point that we shouldn't kill ZAFT forces, but I can't hurt them like this. Not to mention we are going to get captured and then you will have to use your powers to undo all that." The white-haired girl said with a small frown.

With a blunt weapon like that, she could only tickle her enemies. Especially if they are genetically altered people who have more robust bodies.

"I know. This is why these weapons are based on the ability to pull on my blessings. This means that you won't need to reveal any of your flashy glyphs, and instead you can fight with just the blessing."

"You mean the physical augmentation one?" Weiss asked him, but she kind of understood what he was talking about. Since Raynor is the Primordial of physical aspect

"Yes. This means that each of your rapier thrust will be like a hard punch to the gut."

"And with the hoodies, we will be able to tank the bullets. While Rubes can cover us with her rifle." Yang already got the idea on the tactics as she took the hoodie with flame patterns.

She knows this one was made for her!

"Yes. That's the basis on this gist." Raynor nodded as he pulled the last, much smaller crate and opened it.

Inside this crate, there were white masks with specific facial expressions.

A happy one, an angry one, a smirking one, a haughty one, a laughing one, and a serious one.

"They kind of look creepy…"

Ruby said while picking her one. It was a mask with a happy expression.

"That's the whole point. Besides, those masks have special abilities."

"I do not doubt that. After all, we will be stealing a ship while holding back a lot of our powers" Weiss said while picking her haughty mask.

She didn't comment on the fact that there is no way for this mask to stick to her face. Meaning that there is some sort of power added to this mask…

"Yes, you got it right. Now go and change." As the Otaku said that, he picked the serious mask and handed it over to Feixue who looked at it with an indifferent look. The mask expression and hers at the moment looked quite identical.

"So laughing or smirking one?" Raynor asked his blonde friend.

"Honestly, I don't care. Because I won't be seeing it…" Arno said with a shrug.

"True. Then I will take the laughing one. Since I will use martial arts to fight the army."

"Well, though as much."

~~~~~~Around Midnight~~~~~~

The Otaku looked at his girlfriend with an appreciated look. The street style looks amazing on her. Since she needs to have her hoodie put on for the effect to kick in, she has put her long hair into a bun.

"I just realized, that none of us here knows how to pilot one of those ships," Weiss said with realization as looked away from her mask and towards her boyfriend.

"No worries on that front. I will do it. This will be our last power abuse before the game starts."

"... Right… I want to see how long you are going to last without abusing your powers." Her tone said that she doesn't quite trust him not to do something crazy.

"I don't think he can return to being a regular being. As most if not all of his laws, domains and authorities have passive abilities." Arno said from their side as he looked through the window. They were moving up in the lift which takes them to the hub of the PLANT.

"Tell me about it. Even the amulet I created when I first returned from Primal Chaos is quite useless. Karma, Destiny and Fate can work around it quite effortlessly. Since it's not connected with me directly, but my surroundings." Raynor said with a resigned sigh.


His friend simply snorted at him before turning around and looking at him.

"So when you seal yourself, the world around you will help you instead?" The blonde asked with an amused tone. It appears his classmate just turned into the favorite of 'Heaven'.

"Indeed. This is why I don't care about this anymore." As Raynor said that he pulled out his laughing mask and put on his face followed by the hood. He then inspected his leather gloves.

"We are here," Raynor said as he looked where the lift doors soon going to open.

The group nodded, hearing him. The way his voice sounded, they could not say what gender he was! They even struggle to tell how he looked! Or even discerning his features.

"This is kind of cool…" Yang said with some awe. She quickly followed what Raynor did and put her mask on as well, followed by her hood. Her hair just like Weiss was done in a bun. Which was a chore on its own. But she relented, for sake of some action she changed her hairstyle…

"I feel weird…and quite powerful?"

"Good. It means the blessings on the clothes and mask are working."

"This sounds great and all… but where should we go now?" As the disguised white head asked, the next moment she knew where to go.

"Never mind… let's go!" Feeling quite… invigorated and realizing that she doesn't need to care about her looks, Weiss started walking towards the entrance, where the docked Laurasia-class Frigate was.

The thing about this is that Raynor made sure they were here at a specific time, when the war ship is fully loaded with those six GINN. Normally warships like this one are not docked at PLANT as they have their dry docks outside the PLANT.

Yet, here they are at a very specific time when those six GINN rolled out from their factory. And personnel is about to get aboard it.

As they rushed forward, they quickly passed through the empty docks, as it was nighttime and docks are supposed to be closed.

"Hmm? What-"

Raynor started sprinting forward, panicking the green dressed ZAFT soldier. As he was just a few meters away, he spun, kicking the guy's weapon. The moment he landed, his palm thrust into his chest. Rattling his organs before the guy collapsed.

Seeing this was happening. The rest sprang into action.

Sure enough, they all realized that they have gravity in this place… even though in the HUB space, one should have a limited amount of it. Yet they all have enough of it.

After dealing with very shocked ZAFT guards, the group quickly passed through heavily armored doors. Raynor knew the passwords. And none of them asked about that.

Once inside, the group quickly rushed in.

There were very few guards around the docks as they were close to space itself. Few pressurized doors were keeping them away from the vacuum of space.

"Who the hell are you guys!?" One of the soldiers said that. Sure enough… alarm blared through the whole docks…

Regardless, there were still guards here. After all, this was the capital PLANT…

Without answering, Yang lunged forward. It was her time to pummel the guard.

The soldier in question was trigger-happy, so he pressed the trigger and shot the incoming person, which he couldn't grasp what he saw

Still though it should bleed from bullets, right!?

Yet, the moment the bullet smashed into the attacker's hand, it simply brushed aside.

"This stuff is quite slow. Are you sure you want to use them?" As Yang said that, she grabbed the gun and yanked it away before smacking her armored glove in the guy's face. Making him fly away.

"You do realize that your reaction time is much faster because of your clothes. Anyway, let's go! We need to enter the ship!"

As Raynor said that, they rushed forward towards the entrance of the ship.

While the group were rushing towards the entrance of the ship, alarms blared throughout the military bases stationed on Aprilius One.

GINN were ordered to prepare, while simultaneously the order was given to encompass the dock as fast as could be expected.


"What do you mean someone broke into docks in Aprilius One!? It's the capital! We are surrounded by our armies here!!! Who could BREAK IN!?" Patrick Zala screamed into the phone. As the top man of the military, he was the first one informed about the break-in.

"I-I don't know… Sir…"

"FIND THEM! AND ARREST THEM! They won't make a joke of ZAFT!"


The man slammed the phone into its position before taking his seat.

"This is ridiculous." He said while releasing a sigh. Why can't they get a break before things get into position?


Edited by Don Fluffles



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