Chapter 1 Premonition



"What the hell is that? "

The World began to stop when millions of people all around the world began to look at the sky. A large unidentified airship began to emerge from the clouds. A loud humming sound can clearly be heard which lead to the rising anxiety of people. Broadcasting station's all around the world stopped their programs and began to focus on the large object covering the skies. Then suddenly a flash of light burst out blinding all of humanities vision all around the world. The earth vanished and suddenly a white blank space appeared and creatures with peculiar appearances started to emerge from everywhere. The place was silent as all of the ones who are present never wanted to speak because of confusion. Then an untraceable voice began to speak.

["Hello?" ]

["mic check" ....]

Tap tap..

["Seems fine"]

The voice cannot be distinguished between a woman or a man. The speaker cannot be seen anywhere. The people were dumbfounded yet none of them were feeling fear nor anxious, just pure confusion.

["Looks like everyone is here"]

["Then I'll start!"]

["Hello to you all! People of the universe! Just don't let us greet you all one by one because it's tiring. On behalf as what you call your planet is, we don't usually care though welcome you to the white paradise!"]

["All of you may be confused as to what's happening right now right? Well because it's the time of the 3 stars of origin's alignment! Or should I say THE BEGINNING OF TIME. This is a phenomenon where time is stopping every millennium years!"]

["We gathered here those capable from every galaxy around the cosmos to this large scale event!"] ["Now, now, some of you might think that we will exploit you to death? No way! We will never do that! Though some may die but! That's why we gathered you all here on this particular place!"]

[" I'll explain now why you all are here. It is because to repel the other side."]

A serious tone began to radiate on the speakers voices.

["As you know our universe was created to balance the laws of existence. I hate to admit it but our universe we're created to release the excess energy from the god's domain, the rulers of existence. Their domain cannot keep up with so much energy that it can kill them when it will go haywire! So they created another domain which resulted to us. They just randomly throw out the excess energy from there domain into the empty void. Such irresponsibility! Anyway, those excess energy where condensed into three balls of fire, thus called the three stars of origin."]

The listener's where confused about what the person is saying.

["Time passes by as our universe where created, galaxies are formed and creatures roamed the cosmos. The Rulers of existence were shocked about our fast progress and felt the creeps about our capabilities. They tried to wipe us out but failed because of the fast advancement and progress made by our universe. They mostly feared the blessed ones, like me he he. Those who accidentally acquired laws of existence because of their irresponsibility of randomly throwing out they're problems"]

["Anyways the rest will be explained by my subordinates. You will automatically be assigned to a troop base on your capabilities. Also, another tip for you guys. "]

["Try to understand THE SPIRITS WILL."]


beep. beep. beep.


Tweet tweet!

birds chirping outside.

'I woke up from that weird dream again.

How many times have I dreamed that?'

'Oh crap.'

'I'm late again.'


Students crowded at the entrance of the University as they scan their ID's to enter. Students are running, chatting, flirting, and studying inside the campus grounds.

A student sneakily enters to the room. The professor is halfway through the lecture and just ignored the late comer.

"Pssst! Your Late again bro?"(Whispers)

"Traffic is bad."(Whispers)

"Don't lie haha."

The two student converse discreetly as they listened to the professor.


" We'll see you tomorrow, class dismissed." the professor left the room the the students followed after.

"So what happened last night? The weird dream again?."

"Yeah. I don't know why it recently appeared again."

"Then let's go get lunch."


My name is Calin, an art student. I recently dreamed about being in a white place with extra terrestrial beings. At first, my memories are kind of fuzzy and remembering, but as the dreams frequently appeared it became clearer and clearer.

"I'll buy sandwich." said the other guy

This is my friend Jackson. He's in the music department. We met on a minor class then became friends.

"What class do you have today?" said Jackson

"Sculpture I guess?" I said.

"Want to hang out with the girls from the nursing department?"

"Nah I'm just gonna go home."

"Come on bro! Chill with me sometimes!"

"I have plates to do you know."

"Well ok, ok, you're life, not mine!" he shrugged.

After class I immediately walked towards the exit and bid farewell to Jackson. After I arrived at my apartment I cooked food and went to bed. My body felt weird the reason I went home immediately. I went to sleep after sometime.




"What the hell is that!?"


"Get out of the way!"

People began to look towards the sky.

An unidentified aircraft appeared

People panicked and screamed. All the worlds focus was at the unidentified aircraft. None of them knew what was happening. Jackson who was in tha bar began to peek outside the window. He was baffled, then he remembered Calin's dream. "No way! Calin's dream!? No way!"

Then a flash suddenly broke out.

"Urghhhh.. What the? Where am I?"

"Calin, you ok?" A pale woman with pointed ears asks him.

"Huh? You are?"

"Huh? We just talked a moment ago. Anyway listen to the person in front. It's an important lesson."

'Wait a minute? Why is my clothes different?'

Calin looked around. He was in a bright room and unknown creatures where sitting in table's like a classroom. He then suddenly realize.

'What the heck it was actually the reverse. I remembered now. I remembered everything. I am the only representative of the earth.'