Chapter 4 Beginning

I woke up exactly after 8 hours of rest. Zumerius has woken up early and already started preparing. I on the other hand was still on my pajamas. I need to get ready. I then got up wore my uniform.

After we prepared and got ready, the four of us went immediately towards our designated room. We all were in the same troop so the four of us went together. When we arrive the other troop cadets were in the formation, I also saw Luminan at the front of the formation.

'She's strong to be place in front.' I murmured.

We joined the troop afterwards. As the people were chatting casually the door slammed open. Then Sergeant Arkumar appeared.

"ATTENTION!" shouted sergeant Arkumar.

We quickly straightened our bodies and fell silent.

"We will now explain to you everything you need to know about what is happening right now. We will proceed to our troops tactical room. Follow me."

We followed Sergeant Arkumar into a small classroom. We all then sat on our respective chairs. We all have our own table which has advance gadgets and a holographic screen.

"This will be your room."

"You are part of the Pegasus Corps troop number 198. You will be trained by the Representative of the Universe so that you can help us to repel the Rulers again this time. You are all still cadets and you will undergo special trainings to awaken your body's divine energy. Each of you has unique abilities and will be an important asset on this military."

All of us in the room listened seriously on the lecture.

"I know all of you still have questions, I know because I was also like you when I first came here. I'll tell you first the history of the universe."

"Before everything in this universe formed. The three stars of Origin released energies throughout the void. These scattered energies then miraculously formed into stars. As time passed by the Three Stars of Origin developed personalities and intelligence similar to the Rulers of Existence on which was a major factor in helping on the development our universe in a very fast way. The Universe spread and galaxies formed thus resulting on the creation of our very own Universe. The Rulers of Existence was late to notice our rapid progress and they annoyed on their mistakes. They felt endangered about our universe capabilities. This leads to the Rulers of Existence Plan to absorb back the Three Stars of Origin and destroying the Universe. The Three stars of Origin then sent vision of the dangers to all capable individual throughout the cosmos and thwarted the Rulers Plan. These Individual's where the first to receive the Three Stars of Origins Power. The War lasted for more than ten billion years. Many planets were destroyed and many races went extinct as both sides received massive damage. When A high ranking Ruler died they decided to pull up their forces and left the Universe."

"Now after they left the Universe then progressed more slowly than before which was also the aim of the rulers of Existence. The Three Stars of Origin started to get weary and decided to prepare for their next invasion. So every Millennia they align themselves to create a special space where time stops moving and picking suitable candidates to receive their powers."

"Our Military capabilities now still can't be compared from the past but each and every creature in this army's is capable enough to repel the Rulers Army. So far we have 6 million abled personnel and soldiers divided into three star bases. Guess what? We are inside one of the Stars of Origin."

"Each Star has its own base. Over 2 million creatures are operation in each star bases. And each base is governed by The Stars Of Origin by itself."

A holographic representation then appeared in our table. It represents the star we are currently in. The star has a small planet inside which has May resources that is being handled by the current star's base. The planet has towns, forest and oceans with different flora and fauna. It was like a paradise but there are also monsters inside.

"You will be dispatch outside of the base to perform missions and train yourselves. You will meet the native creatures of this planet as well as defeating hazardous monsters threatening it."

'Amazing, it's like from the movies.' I was in awe as I saw the beautiful scenery as I browse the planets geography.

'I really want to paint these places.'

"Also you will be given the official schedule of your day to day activities. There will be breaks in between as we'll as food break. You must attend all class to receive merit points. You will know the value of these points some other time. As for now I want you to explore the base and its facilities to familiarize it. We also have bars and other stuff that will help you not get bored here. We also value the soldier's satisfaction. We can't fight a war with low morale anyway. After 504 hours your overall performance will be analyze and the result would be your given role in the army this will be your asset as each role has its own importance. Please focus more on developing your bodies and awakening your divine energy and just don't be pressured by the given role in the future."

"You are all dismissed." said Sergeant Arkumar and then he immediately left the room.

"Let's go slave." said Zumerius

"Yes! Master." I replied quickly. 'I had forgotten i was made into a slave.' Our two other companion joined us.

After the brief lecture we went to the cafeteria to eat breakfast. Me, Zumerius, Arv and Chaelus went together. There's a variety of food displayed depending on the races so no one complaint about eating food. We sat down together at a wide table when a familiar face suddenly sat beside me.

"Hey earthling." said the Luminan the elf beauty. She was with her female companion. A human with blue eyes and blue hair, a beauty also has appeared.

Luminan was a blonde elf with short hair who was fairly tall. They asked permission if they can sit with us and my companion heartedly welcomed them. Her human companion then introduced herself.

"I'm Solastina. I'm a half elf from the same planet with Luminan." she said.

"I'm Luminan. We came from the planet Of Lirithuania. Nice to meet you all." she smiled as she introduced herself.

Zumerius, Me, Chaelus and Arv introduced ourselves and then we chatted casually.

'Ah such beauty! Two goddesses sitting with us? Amazing! If Jackson see them… Wait, I forgot about earth. How are they doing there?'

As they eat merrily a sudden sound came from everywhere. A siren loudly broke out and an announcement was made.

[All personnel prepare for an invasion!]

[I repeat! All personnel prepare for an invasion!]
