Curvilinear Motion in Zurich


Aside from the Professor's lecture about the laws of Thermodynamics, small chatters of ill manners attributed to someone could be slightly heard. Inside a medium-sized lecture room, students are seated in separate groups, probably intentionally.

There are many men, a handful of women, and one single person sitting at the very front row alone.

The Professor talks as he wrote down equations on the chalkboard in front of the class, showing his back to his students.

"… so, based on Clausius' interpretation that there cannot be any work, or process, of transferring heat from a colder body to warmer body. This was popularized as Clausius' Statement."

The Professor stops writing and puts the chalk down

"On the board is the Clausius' theorem which explains the statement. Now, what could he mean by that? What does this equation mean?"

The Professor turned to the students, looking at them, silently asking them to answer his question.

His stare is answered with silence. Of course, because nobody actually pays attention to him because the topic of Thermodynamics is so fundamental it is downward boring.

Nevertheless, some people do not have a choice but just to suck them up.

The Professor stares at one person that sits alone at the front row.

"Gottschalk, I suspect you already know the answer?"

The person, without standing up or adding needless responses, answered the question.

"Clausius' statement and theorem prove that you cannot transfer heat from a colder body to a warmer body without adding any external force. If we look at the equation itself, the result of the equation should be less than zero. Thus, proving that there is an inequality of the amount of heat or energy involved in the cycle process…"

Nobody applauded; rather, nobody even pays attention to the person's answer.

"Very well, the equation tells us that the result of all the heat transformation in a cyclical process can only be less than zero. But, Gottschalk, you are a step too far. While it is true in the end we will reach the conclusion that it is impossible to transfer heat from a colder body to a warmer body without adding an external force, we are yet to reach that because we have not proven the equation form Clausius' theorem…"

The professor looks back at the person again.

"…could you explain it, Gottschalk?"

"No, sir, my apology…"

The professor nods, and then continues on his lectures.

It has always been like this. Every time the Professor tried to engage with his students, nobody would really answer except they really have to, nobody but the certain person who sits alone at the very front row of the class.

There is a certain atmosphere in the class that makes it pretty unbearable to stay in there, let alone to concentrate on the lecture itself.

"…and that's how we laid the basic principles of the Second Law of Thermodynamics. Starting next week, we will start discussing on the concepts of Entropy. Good afternoon."

After another hour of excruciating lecture, the lecture is ended and class dismissed. The students quickly exit the lecture hall as if they could not spend any more seconds in that hall. The majority of men of the class have left, so did a minor number of women. While the person who sits alone in the very front row of the class leaves the last.

If you wonder why this person is alone, the answer is pretty simple. This person does not belong in either of the groups.

This person does not belong to the majority of the men, nor does this person belong to the minority of women. This person is not qualified to be a man, nor this person qualified to be a woman.



Zurich is a big city. Not as big as London, Paris, or Berlin, but still big. You can see it as people bustling in the street, minding their business. There are men, businessmen, walking with their briefcases in their hands. Some labourers and workers are carrying loads of deliveries. You can also see women and young ladies in nice dresses, chatting with each other in groups while sipping their coffee in coffee shops.

Zurich is quite famous for a few things among the others. One thing people might notice the very first time when they hear the city of Zurich is their banking services. Credit Suisse, is one of the famous banks in the Confederacy of Switzerland, the second oldest in the country in fact. Or maybe one would think of the beautiful Lake Zurich.

Probably less known than any of those above, but still a noteworthy existence in Zurich is the Eidgenössische Polytechnische Schule, or the Federal Polytechnic School, or locally known as just the Zurich Polytechikum. As the name suggests, it is an educational institute in many subjects, but probably mainly focused on science and mathematics. The Polytechnikum will see many scientific breakthroughs in its upcoming years of operation.

While the Polytechnikum is widely known to train young aspiring students at a diploma level degree, they are also conducting classes and research programs for postgraduate degrees. While still young at age, the Polytechnikum is already known as an excellent academic and research institution. They will accept anyone with bright ideas. But bright ideas might be an understatement.

Ideas that are so bright and futuristic, sometimes they are deemed as pseudoscience. And people who are so ahead of their time, they were regarded as insane or mad, even between their academic peers.

Every bright mind has their own kind of ideas. Each has their own quirks, uniqueness, and novelty. They develop creativity to think the unthinkable and to make possible the impossible. They are the irregulars among the regulars. One might say that their existence is detached from the commoners. For a different human being, there are senses of exclusivity for their way of thinking.

But that might be wrong.

Bright minds think alike. They do not accept strange and foreign values that oppose their way of thinking. For most of them, science is a dogma. Should you ever voice a different opinion, you will almost certainly be excluded from the community. Being excommunicated is not that uncommon within this group that filled with exclusivity pride.

In which a wall that someone had to leap.

Nevertheless, that is how science works. A fact will stay true until being proven as false. Scientists strive to uncover the secrets of nature, even when those around them being pessimistic. Groundbreaking discoveries may shake the world if it falsifies what people believed for years. The more it becomes when it contradicts the values people held.

But science is supposed to be value-free, right?



Walking in between the crowded corridor, a certain person is treading steps carefully not to bump to any people. It has been only a few minutes after classes are dismissed, so the Polytechnikum corridors are filled with students.

Everybody is minding their own business. You certainly cannot postpone a groundbreaking invention any longer, can you? They look straight, forward, to their place of destination. But as per their curiosity, their attention will be directed towards something that is unusual for their eye. That is when a young boy, no, a young girl who looks and dresses like a boy, walking in the Polytechnikum corridor. More questions have arisen when the said young girl is entering the office of the Department of Natural Science and Mathematics.

The name is Gretchen Gottschalk. She is a young lady of Nordlingen, Germany origin. One of the very few women accepted to study in the Polytechnikum. What's more of it, at a very young age of 20 she already signed for a Master's Degree in theoretical physics. She is a brilliant mind of her own kind. But that does not mean her chronicles are without any obstacles.

She is supposed to meet her academic advisor for her master thesis topic. She has been struggling to find one that suits her. Thanks to her talent in mathematics, she can enroll in the Polytechnikum with almost no effort. But she's studying physics, which is more than just mathematics.

In the Department of Natural Science and Mathematics, she heads for her advisor's office. Because of the glass panel on the half upper part of the door, she noticed that her academic advisor is in his office right now. She knocked on the door, to gives the signal that she's present.

"Excuse me, Professor Rosenrot?" she greeted

The professor inside noticed, "Ah, Gottschalk, please…" he welcomes as he signals her to come in and sits on the chair in front of his desk.

The Professor is a middle-aged man with glasses, sitting behind his desk puffing his cigar, and working on his paperwork. He is the very same professor who gives a lecture on Thermodynamics a while ago in the class. No later after Gretchen sits down on the chair, he puts down his pen then begins the conversation.

"So, Miss Gottschalk..." the Professor said

"Yes, Professor Rosenrot?" Gretchen answered

"I have noticed that you have not found a topic yet for your thesis, am I wrong?"

"...Yes, Professor, I met a dead-end on what should I research for..."

Puffing his cigar "Well, you are exceptionally outstanding with your mathematics yet you mostly dumbfounded to explain the foundations behind it just like how you did in the class today. Not exactly a waste, but as an academic you need to put use your ability in an academic way. Except you want to bail out and start to work with the industries..."

"...that's not exactly what I have in my mind, Professor. While women did have the opportunity to enter the workforce more now than ever, I want to be more than mere hard labour..."

"Which is why, you need to prove yourself exceptionally useful..."

Gretchen frowns in silence, because she knows that she's at the end of her fruitless effort.

"Actually, I may have a chance for you..."

Gretchen raises her face

"...doing a joint thesis may be an option for you, if you don't mind that is"

"I don't mind doing a joint thesis, Professor. In fact, probably that is the only way I can contribute my ability!"

"Well then, I'll see what I can do. I believe several people in the Department of Natural Sciences and Mathematics are willing to do a joint thesis" Professor Rosenrot opens a drawer filled with documents and browses through it.

"I will be very grateful for your help, Professor" Gretchen thanked him

"Miss Gottschalk, as I've said before, your ability is outstanding and personally I would think it is a waste to let you dropped out because of this. Of course, I will help and support you in every way I can, you will not find this kind of favour with other professors."

Professor Rosenrot glanced at Gretchen

"You're very aware about your position, socially, within this institution, aren't you?"

Gretchen nods, her expression become tense again

"Am I not supposed to be here right now at these circumstances? Is that what are you hinting, Professor?" she asked

"You've survived for quite a while here when you're supposed to be kicked only in a matter of weeks from this institution from social tensions. If I were not there to be your academic advisor, you wouldn't be here right now..."

Gretchen becomes tenser

"You know, Miss Gottschalk, I do not discriminate my students based on their gender, age, race, or whatsoever. I believe science should be free from those kinds of values. If you have a brilliant mind, even though you are an Indian or a Negro, I will support you wholeheartedly"

Gretchen raises her face, hearing those words

"So don't worry. Make that achievement, make me proud, and make yourself proud. I will help you along the way"

Professor Rosenrot didn't smile and keeps his deadpan expression, but it is clear that he is attempting to cheer Gretchen up.

Gretchen smiled as she stands up.

"Of course! Thank you very much, Professor Rosenrot!"

Professor Rosenrot nods "You're very welcome, you may see me again tomorrow for updates. And, unless you have other business with me that will be all from me."

Gretchen nods, and then leaves the room.



Feeling very hopeful, Gretchen walks joyfully from the Polytechnikum building. She cannot wait for tomorrow to come. For the past few weeks, she has been very anxious about her future in her studies. But for now, she is very grateful that her academic advisor is very helpful for her.

She is now headed to the Limmatquai, a street at the side of the Limmat River. It's just a few minutes of walk from the Polytechnikum building. There is a tram route passing the location, but she prefers to walk instead because she enjoys the city scenery of Zurich.

Autumnal scenery of Zurich is very pleasant. The combination between concrete buildings with a mix of red withering leaves is not scenery she often sees back in Nordlingen, Germany, her hometown. Nordlingen is a much smaller town, closer to a village compared to Zurich, so the natural view is the majority there. She still loves that seasonal red-orange carpet look at her hometown, but the additional greys make it somewhat unique and better for her.

She arrives at the Limmatquai. Limmatquai is stretching along the Limmat riverside. You can find most shops for daily needs for special needs there. From bakery, grocery, butcher shop, to used books store, pawnshop, even a shop special for engineering students' needs. The district also covers all ranges of the shoppers' economics, from the lower class to the top class. You can see run-down bars and tavern, and you can also see some high-end dining restaurants. Gretchen enters a middle-class-ish restaurant in the district, where she is a regular there.

She sits in a table for two at the corner of the restaurant near the front window. There, while she can avoid the crowded center of the room, she also can take a glance at the Limmat riverside view. She then took her books about the Mathematics of Physics. She considers it as a collection of equations she should solve because of her exceptional ability in mathematics.

She took her pen and began to scribble down the numbers and equations on a paper. She solves the equation in a matter of seconds. That is the exceptional ability she has. She is very good at solving mathematical equations, no matter how hard it is or unsolvable it is. But the problem she has is, she only knows the answer with the process, but she cannot explain how she did it. Every time she solved an equation, she always tries to create a thorough mathematical explanation and proof of it and the process behind it.

After a few futile attempts, she distracted by a figure that passed by the window beside her. A female figure wearing a dark pink gown that makes her stand out between the passerby. She enters the restaurant, looks around, and as she spotted Gretchen, she approached her.

"Hi, Grace, did you waited too long?" she greeted with a beautiful smile. She sits in front of Gretchen.

"Not at all, Lynn. I will be always waiting for you no matter how long it is" Gretchen answered as she closes and tidies up her books.

The girl in front of Gretchen is Lynette Lindemann. She is her childhood friend and an older sister figure for Gretchen. They have been together for as long as they have known each other. Lynette is three years older than Gretchen. She went to the University of Zurich, enrolling in Archaeology.

As Gretchen packs up her books into her satchel, then she took a relatively large box wrapped in pink ribbon.

"Lynn, Happy Birthday!" Gretchen said as she gives the gift to Lynette

Lynette's face shows her surpriseness.

"Aaw!! Thank you so much, Grace! You know you don't have to do this you know?" Lynette said joyfully as she accepts the gift

"I was planning to give it this morning, but I haven't got the chance since you seem in a hurry this morning. But at least I get to say Happy Birthday this morning though"

"Aw, Grace, I love you so much~!"

"Yeah, I love you too Lynn"

Lynette puts the gift at the side of the table on the floor, "I'll open this later" she said.

"So, what happens today at the campus?" Lynette asked, "You were consulting about the future of your studies, right?"

"Ah, yeah, about that, my academic advisor said that I could do a joint thesis with other student or researcher"

"Well, that is certainly a way to solve that, I figure. Do you already know who will be your partner?"

"No, my academic advisor will be the one who looks for them. You know what's going on in Graduate schools for women like us, Lynn" Gretchen's become a little woe with her tone

"...ah, I see" Lynn follows the same emotion

"Just how bad it is at the Polytechnikum anyway? I mean, I still have a handful amount of women in my department, but you're in natural science..." Lynn asked

"Well, you can count the number of female students left with both hands, and we are kind of... segregated? Not only between the male students where they mostly look down on us, but we also had some professors there who shared the same view. I'm lucky to have my current academic advisor who doesn't share such views" Gretchen explains

"...also, the case becomes even more... special, with me. Because you know…, my appearance."

Gretchen become a little bit more melancholic in her tone

"I don't belong in both of groups. I can't join the male students because, obviously, I'm a girl. And at the same time, I also can't join the already-exclusive female group which all of them are survived the tensions due to their families' influence."

Lynette hugs Gretchen

"Don't be like that, Grace. You know who you are, you are what you are. You don't really have to listen to those who resent you without knowing who you really are." she said cheering Gretchen up

"I know, Lynn." Gretchen smiled

"Let's drop this topic okay? How about dinner? Let's feast for the occasion, it's my birthday anyway!" Lynette tries to re-merry the mood

"Yeah, let's. Thank you, Lynn" Gretchen smiles.



After a not so very fancy but still a joyous dinner, Gretchen and Lynette go home. Both of them share a flat, located at the other side of the Limmat River, another few minutes of walk from the Limmatquai through the Rathausbrucke near the St. Peter Church. The flat is actually a four-story building affordable by most of the students in the city. Gretchen and Lynette rented the third floor of the building for themselves.

The flat is nothing fancy but definitely not a rundown either. It has a living room, a kitchen and dining room, a small bathroom, and a bedroom. The flat came fully furnished, so Gretchen and Lynette share a king-sized bed in the bedroom.

If only Gretchen was by herself in Zurich, she would not be able to rent a flat like this. It was all thanks to Lynette and her rich family they could share a flat like this. The flat itself is actually a compromise because Gretchen did not want to somehow take advantage of Lynette's fund. While Lynette was actually offering a fully furnished small house to rent, Gretchen declined then said that a flat like this would be more than enough.

Gretchen still has some homework left to do, so she went to the study desk on the opposite side of the bed in the bedroom beside the window facing the street. It's already nightfall but she still can see a spark of red on the horizon between the mountains. She took her books out of her satchel bag and starts to do her homework, while Lynette went to the bathroom to change her clothing.

"Ah, Lynn!" Gretchen called

"What is it, Grace?"

"Maybe you want to open my present now!"

Lynette took Gretchen's present box, unties the ribbon, and then opens it.

"Oh my goodness!" Lynette cheered.

Gretchen smiled and giggled as she hears it.

Lynette quickly went to the bedroom, wearing a white long nightdress which is Gretchen's birthday present for her.

"Grace, this dress is so beautiful!" she commented as she spins around showing how the dress fits on her body

"Of course, Lynn. Such dress is beautiful if worn by a beautiful lady like you" Gretchen smiled

"Oh, Grace, please don't embarrass me!" Lynette blushes

"No, really, I had a hard time choosing which dress would suits you best, but for someone as feminine as you any dress would fit you well, so I choose the simplest dress I could find so when you're wearing it, your natural beauty would not be overshadowed by the dress." Grace said

"Aw, Grace, you're embarrassing me!"

"Ahahaha, don't be so bashful, Lynn"

"I'm not~!"

"Alright, alright..." Grace turns back to her homework as Lynette lies on the bed

"Grace...?" Lynette calls

"Yes, Lynn?"

"...are you going to sleep late again tonight?"

"Perhaps..." Gretchen answered "...if you want to sleep first, the please do, Lynn. It's okay if you also want to turn off the light, I'll use this table lamp instead"

"...alright, goodnight Grace" Lynette said as she turns off the gas lamp

"Goodnight, Lynn, have a nice dream"



"...yesterday, I've told you that I would look for someone in the Department of Natural Science and Mathematics who wants to accept a joint research thesis for you to collaborate with..." Professor Rosenrot says as he puffs another cigar.

As appointed, Gretchen returns to Professor Rosenrot's office the next day to hear the news about a possible joint research thesis. She came filled with spirits and hope. She is very energetic and impatient about the news.

"Good news for you, she, the person I'm talking about right now, is accepting for a joint research thesis. She's researching about electromagnetism, or so I heard; I believe she will appreciate your assistance"

"Really Professor?!" Gretchen rises from her seat

"Yes, I've asked her and told her about you yesterday, and she told me that she would probably accept the offer..."

"Thank you so much, Professor! I am so grateful for this! Where can I meet this person?"

"In the Laboratory wing, third floor, last door of the west corridor..."

"Thank you for your help again, Professor!" Gretchen took her satchel and begin to leave the room

"Hold on a moment, Miss Gottschalk..." Professor Rosenrot halts Gretchen

"Yes, Professor?" she stopped

"She is, the person, might be a little bit more than an eccentric, try not to be too surprised..."

Gretchen aborts her exit for a moment.


"Yes, she's actually a full-fledged researcher by default, but because her current research requires a doctoral degree to conduct within the institution, so she took the doctoral research program instead so she could become a full-fledged researcher in the field" Professor Rosenrot explained

"Eh? I don't really understand, Professor..." Gretchen asked in confusion

"She's about six years older than you, but she already possessed four majors in different fields. Somehow, she could mix all of those fields she learned into one, which is she is researching now"

"...oh my, but that just makes me more eager to meet the person!"

"I figured, though she is commonly disliked between the faculty member due to her, as I said, eccentric behaviour and wild ideas, I think you and her would become a dynamic duo perfectly"

"We'll see about that, Professor."

"Oh, what's her name anyway?" Gretchen asked before she really leaves the room

"Kriemhild. Kreszentia Kriemhild." Professor Rosenrot answered

"I see, Miss Kreszentia Kriemhild, I wonder how eccentric of a person she is!" She energetically left the room.

Professor Rosenrot puffs his cigar again, as he browses on a document.

"Kreszentia Kriemhild. Miss Gottschalk, I hope you can really help her with her research. Both of you are my greatest students after all..."
