Curiosities Takes the Biscuits


It is mid-autumn now. Most of the trees already shed all of its leaves, giving scenery of red-orange carpeting in the streets and parks. Gretchen is walking to the Polytechnikum as usual. Today is nothing special, just like any other day. But it has been three weeks since she joined with Kreszentia, and she should give a progress report to her academic advisor, Professor Rosenrot.

Because she had classes and other assignments to take care of, she only came to the lab four times in a week. There are no meaningful progresses from either her part or Kreszentia's part of research. Kreszentia has not came up with any decent design of her proposed device, and Gretchen herself is cooped up trying to figure out the equations needed in order to create that device.

Not to mention that Kreszentia is probably an actual mad scientist who is willing to make her partner a test subject.

Gretchen sighed as she thinks what kind of things she had to keep up in the future.

She almost arrived at the Polytechnikum. In front of the Polytechnikum, she spotted a carriage stopping. On the other side, is her academic advisor, Professor Rosenrot. He's apparently talking with someone inside the carriage. She can't really hear clearly due to the crowds, but from distant she can tell that the carriage's passenger Professor Rosenrot talking to is a woman. Maybe they're already talking for a while, because when Gretchen reached them, the carriage's passanger window is closed and the carriage leaves.

"Good morning, Professor…" Gretchen greeted

"Hm? Good morning, Gottschalk." Professor Rosenrot replied

"…an acquaintance?"

"Yes, some sort of" he replied coldly, then he walks away from Gretchen to the opposite side of the road

"Ah, wait a minute, Professor!" Gretchen halts

"Yes?" Professor Rosenrot answered as he stops

"…uh, I want to report on my research progress with Miss Kriemhild…"

"Alright, let's go to my office then…" Professor Rosenrot turns and headed back to the Polytechnikum. Gretchen follows her.

"So, what do you have for me? How's your research with Kriemhild?" he asked while walking

"Eh? Well, I suppose I did help with her research I guess… I've solved the equation she's stuck with…"

"Really? That's great then…"

"But I find her research is amazing, I'd say her proposal is bizzare, but I can see how it might be working…"


"Honestly, she is a bit scatter-minded; I can see why she was stuck in the same equation for months..."

"Yeah, yeah…"

"Not to mention, she's a really messy person, I really need to adapt to her behaviour…"

"I see…"

Gretchen and Professor Rosenrot arrive at his office. Professor Rosenrot signals her to sit at the chair in front of his desk, as he hangs his coat then puff a cigar before he sits on his chair.

"It's good to know that you're already on good terms with Kriemhild, but we're not here to discuss her personality, you've told me you're going to report on your research progress…"

"Ah… I'm sorry…"

"Quite alright, continue…"

"Well, Miss Kriemhild is proposing to build a device that can prove her hypothesis, so we are now tinkering with designing and creating a blueprint. For helping with that, I'm also trying to figure out some engineering aspects…"

"A device?"

"Yes, she wants to create a device that can read brain waves"

"…can you elaborate more?"

"Well, she wants to create a device with some sort of helmet that can capture the electromagnetic waves emitted by human brain. Then device would process the received electromagnetic waves into analogue radio waves that can be transmitted and received by regular radio receiver. She is hoping to create a wireless communication device, or so she said…"

"That took my interest; I'm hoping to see the progress soon."

"She hasn't told you this yet, Professor?"

"No, Kriemhild rarely reports on what's she's working on. Maybe I will rely on you with the progress report from now on…"

"…I guess I have to…"

"Great, I will be counting on you. It was really a good decision to assign you with Kriemhild."

Gretchen stares back in suspicion

"Professor, you're not assigning me to her to babysit her, are you?"

"No? What makes you think like that?" Professor Rosenrot answered, still in his deadpan expression

"Well, I heard from her that you often take care of her…"

"Oh, that. Well that's true, but it's just out of kindness and worry though. I'm still taking care of her; last Saturday I've bought another basket of dry breads for her."

Gretchen astonished a little. She never thought the word 'Kindness' and 'Worry' would come out of Professor Rosenrot's lips, given the impression of his personality.

"…how did you end up with her anyway? Surely she didn't just waltz into the Polytechnikum with such bizarre idea and got accepted easily. Let alone her idea, being a woman herself should put some obstacle on her…"

Professor Rosenrot puffs his cigar and glanced at his pocket watch.

"You can say we had our ways. My apologies, but I have a lecture after this, so if you excuse me, Gottschalk…" Professor Rosenrot said as he rose from his chair

"Ah, it's okay, I'm sorry Professor…" Gretchen also rise from her chair "…thank you very much for your time"

"You're welcome, Gottschalk. Best of luck with your research."

"If you may excuse me, Professor…" Gretchen said as she exits the office.

Gretchen heads to the lab. She is still curious on how Professor Rosenrot met with Kreszentia. For someone who takes care of her consistently, their relationship must be more than just an academic acquaintance.

The idea of the two might have a romantic relationship crossed her mind. She giggled a bit, banishing the idea, thinking as if two people with personality like that would be engaged in a romantic relationship.

She decided she might ask about it to Kreszentia later.



Working with Kreszentia isn't all hell for Gretchen. Surely she really needs to adapt to Kreszentia's antics, but other than that, Kreszentia is a really capable fellow in academics and research.

Gretchen is already accustomed by the messiness of the lab. She already gave up on cleaning the lab after three consecutive attempts where Kreszentia always managed to turn the lab upside-down again the next day. She plays chill with it now, as long as her desk isn't touched.

She thinks nothing will surprise her anymore.

But she's wrong.

Gretchen arrived at the lab. It's quiet as always in the third floor, west corridor of the Laboratory wing. She then proceeds to open and enter the lab.

"Good morning, Miss Kriemhi—OH MY GOD WHAT IN THE WORLD--"

Gretchen walks into a slightly unsightly sight in the lab.

Kreszentia is standing in the middle of the lab, staring at the chalkboard with design scribbles, wearing nothing but only a single towel draping down from her neck, barely covering anything of her body.

"…hm? Ah, good morning Gottschalk…" Kreszentia replied, she seemed undisturbed by the situation

Gretchen is still standing startled motionless

"Would you please close the door?" Kreszentia asked

Gretchen complied without words. She closes the door and then heads to her desk, putting her satchel on it. She does that, without breaking her stare on Kreszentia.

"…M-miss Kriemhild, why don't you get something to wear…?"

"Huh? I'll get dressed later…"

"…but it's unsightly—"

"…Gottschalk, we're both women, and don't annoy me with that kind of thing…"


Gretchen grabs a lab coat, supposedly Kreszentia's, then approaches her clumsily

"…just please, wear something!" Gretchen said, as she tries to hand Kreszentia the lab coat.

Because Gretchen is flustered due to the situation, she clumsily stepped in the narrow footing between piles of books on the floor. She tripped by a book pile, then falls on Kreszentia.

Gretchen is on all fours with Kreszentia under her. Both of them are staring at each other's eyes. Because of the eye contact, Kreszentia's face is look as if it's closer to Gretchen's face from her point of view. Gretchen blushed even more. She unconsciously stared and jeered on Kreszentia's almost-naked body. Kreszentia is always wearing her baggy oversized lab coat, hiding the shape of her physique. Now that no thread is hiding, Gretchen is able to look the actual appearance of Kreszentia's body.

Kreszentia's body is thin, very thin that her collarbone and ribcages are slightly showing, but she wouldn't consider her as anorexic. But as thin as she is, her figure is actually what most women desired, a slender waist and defined hips. Her skin is very pale, almost grey, as if she never contacted any rays from the sun. From a glance, she really looks like a porcelain doll.

Why would Kreszentia standing in the middle of the lab only with a towel hanging from her neck? Probably she took a bath short before. That would explain why Gretchen realized that somehow a nice smell of aromatic plant scent came from Kreszentia. Gretchen identifies the scent is a patchouli scent.

Gretchen inhales that smell, making her face is as red as boiled crab. The more she stares at Kreszentia's face, the more she thinks that even though the unredeeming quality of her personality and the bags under her eyes, Kreszentia has her own beauty on her face. The impression of a witch immediately gone and for the very first time, Gretchen thinks that Kreszentia is kind of cute.

Kreszentia's half-opened lips are very tempting. Gretchen swallows down. Her mind went blank and her reason almost flying out of the window.

"…Gottschalk, get the fuck off me…"

Kreszentia's voice kicks Gretchen's sense back.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" Gretchen repeatedly apologizes as she rises up also helping Kreszentia to stand up.

"Goddamnit Gottschalk, that kind of hurt you know" Kreszentia rubs the back of her head.

Kreszentia took the lab coat from the floor then wears it as it is, still doesn't wearing anything underneath it.

"…put on decent clothing later, will you?" Gretchen said

Kreszentia approached Gretchen, standing very close to her, then stares at Gretchen's face

"What are you blushing for Gottschalk?" she asked

"…eh? What?"

"You're as red as a lobster, why are you flustered over me?"

Kreszentia keeps shrinking the space between her face and Gretchen's face. She only stops when their noses almost touching.

"…well, you know… decency?" Gretchen tries to answer nervously, while trying to avert her eyes. She doesn't really know where to look, as Kreszentia's clothing is still revealing enough.

"Oh, really?" Kreszentia smirked

"…what are you implying…?"

"Well, you know, Gottschalk, this is not my first time…" Kreszentia said, as she drawn even closer to Gretchen.

Gretchen's brain stopped working. She's trying to figure out what Kreszentia is hinting. Her secluded personality from common society does not help at all with her knowledge.

A knock on the door disturbs it all.

"Miss Kriemhild, quick! Get dressed!" Gretchen pushed Kreszentia

"…alright, alright, don't push me like—whoops"

Again, the two of them stumbled on a towering big pile of books. They fell on the same position, Gretchen on top and Kreszentia on the floor. The pile crumbles down and generates a big noise of books hitting the floor.

The door opens.

"…ah, it's unlocked…"

Gretchen hears the voice she's familiar with, but not who she is expecting, and it is a really bad time for that person to come in.

"…my apologies for intrusion, I heard a noise and I thought something happened…"

Lynette appears from behind the door.

Lynette sees Gretchen and Kreszentia's condition. Gretchen is on top of Kreszentia, who is dressed very skimpy. With the mess around them, it would look like Gretchen is assaulting Kreszentia. Lynette just stands by the doorway in silence. Her face shows that she's shocked by what she is seeing.


There's only silence in the lab.

Gretchen drops a cold sweat.

Lynette puts on a face that is filled with disappointment and sadness.

"…Grace, how could you…"

"No! Lynn, it's a misunderstanding!!"

"…for fuck's sake Gottschalk, get off me…"



Kreszentia pours coffee into three cups; one of them is a little bit nicer and proper serving cups than the two others. She then brings two of them to Gretchen and Lynette, who are now sitting by Gretchen's desk.

"Coffee or tea?" Kreszentia asked, sarcastically

"Tea, if you will, please…" Lynette answered

"Too bad, it's coffee" Kreszentia puts the nicer cup on the desk at Lynette's side. She gives the other one to Gretchen.

The crisis has averted, as Gretchen immediately explains what actually happens. Kreszentia, who finally get dressed properly, with her usual unredeeming personality, also testified in compliance of Gretchen's explanation.

Lynette, who at first still having a difficult time to acknowledge that such woman with such attitude like Kreszentia exists, finally understood the truth Gretchen is telling her.

"…so, you must be Miss Kreszentia Kriemhild…" Lynette said a little bit hesitant

"Quite obvious isn't it? Who else would be in this lab?" Kreszentia answered, sarcastically as usual

"…uh, Miss Kriemhild, this is Lynette Lindemann, my friend…" Gretchen tried to bridge the conversation

"Lindemann, I've heard that name before, if I'm not wrong that's the family who holds quite influence in the state of Bavaria."

"…precisely, I'm the daughter of the current head of the Lindemann family" Lynette said, putting a smile

"Mhm, well then it's nice to have your acquaintance, Miss Lindemann" Kreszentia said again, still with her sarcastic tone.

Lynette still smiles, but Gretchen knows that there's a little bit of displeasure in her expression. Gretchen realizes that Kreszentia and Lynette is a good example of a poorly matched conversation converser. She had to butt in before the conversation heats up. She then noticed that Lynette came with a basket with her.

"Uh, Lynn, what brings you here? How did you know the location of this lab in the first place anyway?" she asks, pretending not to know

"Oh, I just asked the office downstairs to locate if any researcher with name Kriemhild have a lab here" Lynette answered

"…okay, so what's the occasion? Why didn't you tell me you're coming? Don't you have class this morning?"

"Oh, the professor did not show up, so the class is cancelled. Remember when I told you that I will bring you some sandwiches?"

"Sandwiches?" Kreszentia said

"Yes, actually I made enough for three people!"

Lynette reaches the basket and then opens it. Inside it are stacks of sandwiches. The sandwiches are really simple sandwiches. It only contains egg, tomatoes, and a slice of fried bacon in it.

"Please help yourself!" Lynette said

Gretchen and Kreszentia grab a piece of sandwich each. They bite into it, chew it, and taste the sandwich Lynette has made for them. Lynette noticed the change of expression from Gretchen's face, while Kreszentia is only raising an eyebrow.

"So? How did I do?" Lynette asked after Gretchen and Kreszentia finished eating

"It's amazing! You never made any sandwich before, so this is a good one for first time!" Gretchen said

"It's good, I admit. I bet you're copying someone because I'm familiar with this taste" Kreszentia said

"Oh? You know?" Lynette asked

"It's quite common of a British breakfast sandwich. The ways you scramble the egg and fried the bacon are really British. I've never met anyone from Europe who successfully copied it before unless they lived in England for quite some time."

"Ah yes, I remember you did obtain your masters in England…" Gretchen said

"Mhm, two years in England, two in Scotland, to be exact..." Kreszentia nods

"My, thank you very much! I've saw one of my British colleague made it for me once when I was studying in Paris!"

"…once?" Kreszentia raises her eyebrow

"Yes, I'm able to memorize everything!"

Kreszentia turns to Gretchen

"Gottschalk, is she…?"

"Yes?" Gretchen a little bit confused

Kreszentia turns back to Lynette again. Now she's staring at her.

"What's wrong, Miss Kriemhild?" Lynette asked

Kreszentia didn't answer, yet she keeps on staring on Lynette as if she's judging her in a way nobody knows. Her eyes are fixated on Lynette's eyes.

"…Miss Kriemhild, you know it's impolite to stare at someone like that you know…?" Gretchen tries to warn her

"Shut it for a moment, will you?" Kreszentia answered rudely

She sighed as she finally takes her eyes off Lynette

"…as expected…"

"…I'm sorry?" Lynette asked

"Forget it, I will tell you when I have to…" Kreszentia answered, sipping her coffee

"My… for someone who went to England, you're quite an uncouth fellow, aren't you?" Lynette said

"…mhm, I went there to study, not to have a tea party"

Lynette turns to Gretchen, as if asking what in the world this person is. Lynette has never met anyone as rude as Kreszentia.

"…I've told you…" Gretchen said

Lynette sighed.

"Alright then, I think I just could spend no more time in here. I will be taking my leave…" Lynette said

"…hm? You're leaving already? You're not going to grab any of the sandwiches you're making yourself?" Kreszentia asked

"It's quite alright; I've prepared them for Grace though."

Lynette grabs her purse, then proceeds her way out of the lab

"…ah, do you want me to see you out?" Gretchen offered

"No thank you, I have other business to attend to Grace. It's only the morning class that has been cancelled after all…"

"…okay then… be careful on your way, Lynn…"

"Of course, I'll be seeing you later home, Grace…"

Lynette left the lab, leaving Gretchen and Kreszentia both alone again with a basket of sandwiches to feast.

"…I really can't believe you've done that, Miss Kriemhild…" Gretchen said in disbelief

"Her frequency is high; she's one of us…"


"Like I said, her brain wave frequency is high, 83 Hertz, even higher than you. Probably that's why she has good memories…"

"…really? Is that really what comes to your mind first after she told you that?"

"Well, yes, what do you expect of me?"

"…honestly, you're really obsessed with your research, aren't you?"

"Of course I do, because I only lived for the sake of it…"

There's a hint of gloominess in Kreszentia's tone and facial expression.

"…huh? What do you mean by that?"

"Never mind that, it's just some sentimental rubbish…" Kreszentia answered.

She puts her cup down, then heads to the chalkboard.

"Come, Gottschalk, we have a research to do…" she said

"…alright, alright…" Gretchen said, and then puts down her cup too.

"Oh, by the way…"

"What is it?"

"…tell her that her sandwiches are good"



"Kreszentia, couldn't you become as diligent as your elder brother!? You're such a sloth!"

"Kreszentia, even your younger sister has mannerisms better than you, don't be a disgrace for the family…"

Those harsh words are echoing in Kreszentia's ears almost every day.

She was born into a family of medical doctors in Basel. Her father was a surgeon in the Basel Hospital while her mother is the head nurse in the same hospital. She has an elder brother who follows the career path of medical doctor. By 1898, her brother is a practitioner in the Russian Empire.

She had two younger sisters at first, but the first sister died due to sickness. Now she only had one younger sister who has an age gap of 14 years with her.

Coming from a successful medical doctor career family, she was expected to be as smart as, or even smarter than her parents. She was definitely not a stupid girl. Her grades are top-notch. But the problem was never about her intelligence.

Ever since she was a child, she will only be serious about what she's interested in. She just does not care about anything else, once she's absorbed in one thing.

"How many times I have told you not to sleep in class, Kriemhild!"

"Picking the library out of all places to skip class, Kriemhild? Don't think it's a good justification for your actions!"

Even though her grades are high on paper, her performance in school was less than desirable. She slept in class, skipped class to read at the library, gets on a fist fight with the boys, and even engaged in a heated debate with her teachers.

She was not a good follower of orders either; rather, she was quite of a rebel. She never wants to do thing the way she was told to, she was always experimenting with new things. With her intelligence, she never fails to create her own way.

"Kreszentia, why don't you brush your hair often?"

"Kreszentia, wear the dresses properly!"

Even so, such behaviour is not acceptable. The reason was less of her coming from a respected family of medical doctors, more of because she was a woman. She was expected to be obedient and to follow orders. In which she almost never did. As a girl she was expected to be gentle and 'feminine'. Both also she never did. She always thinks that such expectations are unnecessary and stupid.

Kreszentia did not hate such social dogma, rather she just uninterested in them. She never brushed her hair, just because she is too lazy to do it. She never wears fancy gowns her parents bought properly; she never wears the corsets, thick petticoats, or the iron cage, making the gown mostly looks sloppy on her. She never did that because she was too lazy to wear and bear such clothing, calling them stuffy and impractical.

But nothing really stopped her behaviour. Even though she was constantly bullied at school, she never really responded to it, merely brushing everything off. She will only stay silent no matter what kind of bullying done to her. No attempt of struggle or even a tear shed from her eyes. Bruises, black eyes, and bleeding nose are not something she rarely came home with. The only few moments she actually fights back is when her books or study materials are being stolen and damaged.

There was a time where the boys ganged up on her then attempted to rape her. She did not resist or fight back. Fortunately, it was discovered by the teachers. The boys who did it were expelled and went to the prison. By the time of questioning, she did not spoke a word and averted her eyes. While she was diagnosed with psychological trauma, she went to school the very next day as if nothing really happened.

She never really cared when she was punished at home too. When she wasn't allowed to have dinner as a punishment, she went all the way starving herself for few days, surviving only with water, until she collapsed. The same also happened when her parents confined her in her room. When it was intended for only few hours, Kreszentia didn't step out of her room for two days, only to be found collapsed in there due to hunger.

"…She has to endure such thing, what a pitiful person"

"She's filth! After such thing happened, she's no longer a pure maiden!"

"She didn't even flinch after all of that, does she even have a soul…?"

Because of no change in her attitude, her parents gave up to try to change her behaviour when she's at her final years in the Kantonsschule. As long as she did not harm herself to the extent it could be fatal, her parents gave her the leeway of it. Things went different, but not better at her school. Because of the rape attempt incident spread throughout the school, things went very awkward. Some pity her, some are disgusted by her, and some even scared of her. She never had a friend during her long years in the Kantonsschule.

Kreszentia graduated from the Kantonsschule in the age of 17. She immediately enters the University of Basel. She was one of the very few women who signed up for the medicine and physics, and she is the only woman who took multiple degree courses.

She shows a really special interest in both human biology and physics. Because of that, she is really dedicated to her studies. Her grades are top as usual; she managed to be the best in both of her studies among her peers. She produced papers, publications, and joins conferences, making her quite of a prominent name in the academia. She acquired both of her degrees in just four years.

These years is when Kreszentia detached herself even more from her surroundings, even from her family. She is very absorbed in her studies she practically does not have other life outside of that. She spent most of her times confined in her room, studying or experimenting. Her room is filled with books, papers, and notes among other things. She rarely eats adequate meals, sometimes surviving only with dry breads and water. Of course her family is worried about her, but after all these years, there is nothing to stop Kreszentia from doing what she loves the most.

"I'm not interested in becoming a medical doctor…"

When she graduated from the University of Basel, she declared to her parents that she will not take the career of medical doctor, saying she is not interested in practicing the career. Among the graduates, she was the only one who did not take the medical doctor profession licencing exam. Instead, she departs to the United Kingdom to continue her studies.

Kreszentia never really had a special attachment to her family. She did grateful for her parents for supporting her selfish self, but when it comes to depart, she will have nothing to lose. She acquired some savings she made from publishing papers and conference awards; she also received a scholarship from the British government, the very reason why she will continue her studies in the United Kingdom.

First, she went to the Oxford University to study physics. She published her master thesis about electromagnetism, graduating in two years. And then she continues her study at the University of Edinburgh Medical School, obtaining her master degree in surgery. She chose to be specialized in nervous system and neural surgery.

She also obtained her certifications for surgeon, physician, and coronary profession, not that she intended to, but somehow she did obtain it. Due to her contribution to the university she was studying at with numerous publications, she was also awarded with a fellowship at the Edinburgh Royal College of Surgeon. She also did not take a very keen interest in this.

Without anyone to watch over her like when she was at Basel, her lifestyle is far from healthy. She collapsed numerous times due to hunger in her rundown flat because she was immersed in her studies. Her diet often only consists of dry breads and water, sometimes added with coffee or tea when she had the will to actually shop something. She became malnourished, obtaining her current skinny figure. She had few to no friends. She's known to be very secluded and anti-social. Though she did not really reject anyone who tried to be closer to her, but most of the people who tried cannot bear with her behaviour.

During her years in United Kingdom, she often travels to other large cities like Manchester, Glasgow, Bristol, Dublin, and Liverpool to attend conferences. In one of those occasions, she met her current academic advisor, Professor Richard Rosenrot during a conference. Professor Rosenrot took interest on her publications, saying that she had a great potential.

He offered a seat for lecturer at the Zurich Polytechnikum, which she declined because she has no interest in teaching. Then, he offered a place to conduct her research, should she want to pursue her academic career further, and she might be able to obtain her doctorate degree there. Kreszentia accepted that offer; she decided immediately that she will definitely go to the Polytechnikum right after she finished with her studies in Edinburgh.



"…of course, when I saw a chance, I take it. So here I am, doing crazy experiments, practically indebted to him…"

"Is that so? Sounds too convenient for me…"

"Think as you like, I never really think much about it. Richard took care of me ever since I returned to Europe and that's it. He just asked me to produce good results, which what I am trying to do right now…"

"…I see…"

Gretchen finally asked about the history behind Kreszentia's relationship with Professor Rosenrot. Kreszentia did not pretend or trying to cover it up, she just told her straight up. How she meets Professor Rosenrot at a random conference and he approached her first.

"…but it's amazing for someone being able to hold up with you that long…" Gretchen murmurs

"Are you mocking me, Gottschalk?" Kreszentia sarcastically asked

"…Am I?"

"Well you sound like you are."

Gretchen sighed

"But he did take care of you all this time before I'm here right? You should show him some gratitude, you know?"

"Like what? Have sex with him?"

"…I didn't say that…"

"If he really wants me to shine, then seeing me shining should be enough of a gratitude for him. As I've said, right now I am doing my best to repay my debt for him…"

"I see…"

Gretchen flips the page of the book she's reading. Kreszentia tries to draw a rough sketch of the device's blueprint design for the umpteenth times already. The research is getting slow because they are still having a crash course on engineering. While Gretchen is able to produce some equations needed to operate the device, they did not have any picture yet of how is the device going to look like.

Suddenly, someone's knocking on the lab's door.

"Is that your mighty mistress again, Gottschalk?" Kreszentia asked sarcastically as usual

"I don't know, except her class is cancelled again, she should be done in the evening…" Gretchen answered "…oh, and she's not my mistress!"

"Yeah yeah…"

Gretchen approached the door and opens it. Behind it is Professor Rosenrot.

"…ah, Professor Rosenrot…"

"Good afternoon, Gottschalk." Professor Rosenrot greets

"Is it Richard?" Kreszentia asked, half shouting from inside the lab

"Ah, you want to come in?" Gretchen offered

"Yes, I have something to tell to both of you"

Gretchen opens the door wider so Professor Rosenrot can enter the lab.

"Ah, Richard! How's it going?" Kreszentia greeted him, though she's still facing the chalkboard

"Shouldn't I be the one who ask you that question?"

"I'm sure Gottschalk is already giving you heads up on what I'm doing…"

"Well, she did. Anyway, I got some news for you…"

Kreszentia puts down her chalk, then turns to face Professor Rosenrot. Gretchen is amazed for a bit since she never saw Kreszentia shifts her attention that easily.

"What is it?" Kreszentia asked

Professor Rosenrot takes out a letter from his jacket inner pocket, and then shows it to Kreszentia and Gretchen.

"I suppose both of you does not have any problem with French language?" Professor Rosenrot asked

"I'm good with that…" Kreszentia responded

"Me too, my French is considerably good…" Gretchen too

"Great. There will be a conference in Paris in March next year; the theme is of course about physics. It's not a big conference, hosted by the University of France, Paris Sorbonne, the Paris Ecole Normale Superiure, and the Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers. We are invited as participants and panellist, should we wish."

"…so, you're asking us to join the conference?" Gretchen asked

"Yes. Gottschalk, some of your papers are worth to be published there. And I think I should need to ask from you, Kriemhild…"

"You're joking right?" Kreszentia smirked

"Of course not, the department has already consented that we will be the one to represent the Polytechnikum"

Gretchen and Kreszentia looks at each other

"Well, there are still few months to go, right? We're still in November…" Gretchen said

"Yeah, but time will go fast, not to mention we got holidays too. So I figure I should tell you this so you can get prepared early"

"…Richard, you know we are in the middle of our own research, right?"

"Oh of course I do, but as far as I am concerned you're hitting a wall of brick here. You should take a break, and look for inspirations in mean time…"

"…Professor, I don't think pausing this research only to write another research paper is considered as 'taking a break'…" Gretchen said nervously

"I'm sure you can handle it, Gottschalk. If Kriemhild can handle it, you should be able to"

"…Professor, I'm still a normal human—Ouch!"

Kreszentia throws a piece of chalk to Gretchen's head

"What's that for!?" Gretchen raises her voice in annoyance

"Don't talk as if I'm lesser than you" Kreszentia answered in a mocking tone

"But I didn't say that!"

"You didn't, but you're implying it…"

"Look I'm a straight forward person, not a sarcastic one like you!"

"Do you think that makes it any better?"

"I suppose not, because I'm only telling the truth!"

"You're so said truth is subjective, so I will still object on that"

Gretchen scratches her head and gives up, thinking that she will never win against Kreszentia in terms of arguments.

"I see you both are already this close…" Professor Rosenrot said

"No we are not!!" Kreszentia and Gretchen deny in unison, then stares at each other again.

Professor Rosenrot shrugged, then placing the conference invitation letter to the desk.

"I'll leave this here for you to read the details of the conference. I'm expecting the abstract of your paper very soon, good afternoon" he said as he leaves the lab

"Damn that Richard! He really knows when to step in!" Kreszentia scratches her head

"What do you mean, Miss Kriemhild?"

"He might be right, we should pause our research for a bit to clear up our head."

Kreszentia inspects the invitation letter; Gretchen peeks from behind of her shoulder.

"…it's said to submit only one paper…" Gretchen reads

"Two authors and one faculty observer…" Kreszentia reads too

The invitation letter specified that the invitee to submit and present only one research paper, written by one or maximum two authors. And then during the conference, the authors should be accompanied by a member of faculty as an observer.

"…which means, Richard is pushing us to write a paper together, and he's acting as the observer at the conference…"

"…uwaah, then it's not much different than usual…"

Kreszentia sighed

"Alright, we'll just play along then. It's been awhile since the last time I attend a conference…"

"I guess I don't have a choice, what should we write about?"

"Do you want to play with Electromagnetic Field?"
