CH.6 - Thalia and Zoe at Chiron's office

Chiron's brown eyes stared with intense disappointment at the two huntresses in his office. Zoe and Thalia both sat on the wooden chairs. They avoided Chiron's intense stare and they were both uncomfortable with the situation they found themselves in.

What the two huntresses didn't realize was that Chiron was also angry. He struggled to reign in his anger when he learned about what happened on the quest to rescue Lady Artemis and how the two of them together made the quest more dangerous. He was even more disappointed and angry about it when he realized how they were acting before the quest.

Thalia and Zoe lowered their heads when they heard Chiron give off a tired sigh. A second later they heard four feet moving realizing that he was now as a Centaur instead of in the wheelchair.

"Stand up," Chiron said from behind them.

Both of them did so, not wanting to incur the wrath of Chiron. Chiron couldn't stop his eyes from roaming over the two hunters backsides. He was a Centaur but that didn't stop him from appreciating a woman's features and he could tell both Thalia and Zoe had great asses.

Chiron moved forward and the chairs made an irritating sound when he moved them away and the two huntresses shivered because of it. Thalia and Zoe stiffened in unison when they felt a hand on their backs. He pushed them forward and both of them were confused until they understood what had just happened when their chests met the desk and their delicious rears stood out.

Thalia and Zoe both stared each other with amazement at the boldness of Chiron's actions before they were even more surprised. Both of their eyes widened and their mouths opened in a scream when the Centaur behind them smacked their asses hard.

"Silent," Chiron said, his voice rough and cold and they closed their mouths fast shocked at how dominating Chiron became. His hand came down again with a powerful smack and they no longer screamed—instead their screams were muffled when they bit their lips.

Chiron flipped their skirts up, and pulled their panties down to their knees. Thalia's blue panties came first and she shivered. Zoe's red panties were next and she shook but to Chiron's surprise her red panties were damp. His hand moved up her legs to between her smooth thighs and he touched her pussy lips which made her shiver and to his surprise she was wet.

Chiron prodded her pussy with his finger and a moan escaped Zoe but she managed to stop. Thalia looked at Zoe with a betrayed expression but Thalia herself couldn't stop the pleasure that started to tingle inside her. Zoe ignored Thalia and instead pushed her hips towards Chiron hoping for more but she groaned when he stopped.

Thalia's eyes fixated on Chiron's glistening finger in front of her face and she knew what his finger was covered in. Chiron prodded Thalia's lips with his finger that was covered in Zoe's juices. She was hesitant to open her mouth but the continuous prodding by Chiron made her open her mouth and in an instant Chiron shoved his finger down her mouth.

Her eyes widened at the honeyed taste and she involuntarily licked the finger before finding that she quite liked the taste and swallowed. Zoe watched her with obvious lust in her eyes as Thalia licked and swallowed on his tongue. Their eyes met and Zoe licked her own lips delicately as she imagined herself sucking Chiron's finger.

Thalia couldn't believe that Zoe was getting turned on by what was going on. More important was the fact that Thalia could feel herself getting turned on by the crazy situation.

The horny Centaur pulled his finger free from the huntress' mouth with a pop. Thalia stiffened when she felt his finger prod her pussy and groaned when he pushed it in her tight opening. Her thighs quivered and she looked away from Zoe's lustful eyes. She flushed red and relaxed when Chiron pulled away after a slight moment. Out of the corner of her eyes she noticed Chiron doing the same to Zoe as he did to her.

Zoe enthusiastically cleaned his finger with her tongue and swallowed Thalia's juices down moaning at the same time and closing her eyes in obvious pleasure.

"I'm disappointed in the both of you," Chiron commented removing his finger from Zoe's mouth who herself looked disappointed by the removal. The two huntresses although were confused and didn't understand why Chiron could be disappointed with them. They wanted to ask but they remained silent when his hands moved back to their nude butts and he slapped their asses again leaving behind a red mark.

Zoe groaned, her eyes lit up with lust and raised her hips for the next blow. A scream pierced Zoe's haze of lust for a moment and it annoyed her and at the same time made her worried of Thalia. Her eyes widened when Chiron snarled and crouched. She tracked his movement and an undignified moan wretched itself from her throat as Chiron stuffed blue panties in Thalia's mouth.

"Be silent you fucking whore," Chiron growled and slapped Thalia's ass again, her scream muffled by her panties as she winced. Chiron slapped her again and again and Zoe found that she liked to watch Chiron punish Thalia. Zoe knew that Thalia and she had a rocky relationship of love and hate. Zoe enjoyed seeing how Chiron slapped Thalia's bright red ass, how her eyes were wide and cheeks were stained with tears.

Thalia's mind couldn't wrap around it. She couldn't comprehend how her old mentor was behaving. And she couldn't stand it and see Zoe' enjoying her torment out of the corner of her eyes. She just wanted it to be over and hoped Chiron would leave her be and start on Zoe.

"Why? You might be wondering," Chiron said as he slapped Thalia again before slapping Zoe who he noticed seemed to be enjoying Thalia's punishment. "It is because of how you two were acting before your quest to rescue the goddess Artemis."

They flushed crimson as they both remembered how they behaved before and on the quest. They knew they were being despicable to each other but they couldn't stand each other.

"I am furious with the two of you," Chiron said, his voice harsh making the two of them wince because of it and for a moment they wondered why Chiron was angry with them because of their misbehaving. Chiron's horse-cock involuntarily hardened and started to poke out from its sheath. He tried to stop it but the scent of Zoe's juices started to arouse him and their submissiveness…

"Your actions could have gotten someone killed!" Chiron said making the two huntresses frown before their eyes widened and they realized that Chiron was right. "You are both lucky that no one died on that quest because of your reckless arguing and fighting!"

Zoe thought she heard something other than anger tinged in his voice. She looked at Thalia but her head was turned away in embarrassment, she looked back at Chiron and she froze as her eyes fixated on something else rather than on Chiron's furious face. She was caught off guard and on an impulse she licked her lips as she admired the tip of Chiron's hard and thick cock that she could barely see. And that made her lower her head more to get a better look at it and her mouth opened wide when she saw how long it is.

Chiron was puzzled as Zoe was distracted by something that was under him. Realization struck him when Zoe's eyes widened and her mouth opened before she moaned. He stiffened for a moment and flushed red before he relaxed but he couldn't stop himself from reacting to Zoe's attention. His erect cock hardened even more and he wanted to climb the bitch and fill her with his cock.

Inspiration struck him and he locked the door to his office before pulling the blinds down so no one could see inside the office. Thalia was watching Chiron with confusion and her eyes too fell on his dangling cock under him and her mouth fell open at the sheer size of it and unable to stop herself—her thighs quivered.

"Now, I'm going to teach you two how to cooperate," Chiron said, his tone gentle before he took a harsher tone. "On your knees sluts! Now!"

Thalia and Zoe both dropped to their knees and pure awe dazed them when his cock dangled and bobbed towards them. Zoe was more enthusiastic than Thalia and her hand gripped the horse-cock as soon as she could and she almost dropped it from her hand from shock at how hard and thick it was. She could feel it throbbing and pulsing and she couldn't wait to wrap her lips around it.

Chiron groaned when he felt her slim hand barely fit around his thickness but he growled when only one hand remained on his cock for a while. "Both of you!" he growled

And in seconds Thalia's hand joined Zoe's and in unison they began to stroke Chiron's horse-cock. Zoe wet her lips and brought her other hand up to stroke him better and motioned for Thalia to do the same.

"Good job," Chiron congratulated them on their small accomplishment making the two smile albeit Thalia smiled more awkwardly. He let them stroke him off for a while, enjoying the sensations their smaller hands brought him before he shuffled on his legs and said, "One of you sluts wrap your pretty lips around my cock and the other do no stop your motions."

The two huntresses looked at each-other and tried to communicate through their eyes at who should go first. Unsuccessfully they communicated and the more enthusiastic one took his thick cock in her warm mouth and wrapped her wet lips around it.

Chiron grunted when one of them took him in her hot and wet mouth and started to use her tongue to lick the head of his cock and the slit. From shock, he guessed, the other huntress stopped her hand motions before getting over it and continuing moving her hands back and forth on his cock.

Thalia's eyes were transfixed on Zoe's lips and mouth as she moved her head back and forth on Chiron's long cock and leaving it wet with her saliva and she found her hand stroking Chiron's wet cock now.

"Fuck," Chiron groaned and stomped his feet as he shuffled forward and he hit the back of her throat making her choke and gag. She pulled back to catch a breather before going back to her job of sucking his cock. Chiron started to thrust slowly, back and forth, as he fucked her mouth.

Zoe moaned with a mouthful of cock and her hands groped and squeezed her breasts through her shirt. She wanted it off. She looked at Thalia and made eye-contact as she bobbed her head. She motioned to her clothes and Thalia slightly gaining more courage nodded and removed her hands from Chiron's cock who grunted in slight annoyance and she apologized before telling him what she was doing.

Thalia for a moment froze on the cock that started to thrust faster as she heard the slurps and gagging from Zoe. She shook the momentary freezing off and hugged Zoe from behind as she smashed her breasts to Zoe's back. She pulled Zoe's zipper down and removed her jacket. She realized she couldn't get her shirt off properly so she pulled her shirt down roughly till her shirt was below Zoe's black lacy bra.

Thalia cupped Zoe's breasts in her hand and squeezed her from behind and Zoe moaned—her mouth opening wider as she took the horse-cock deeper inside her throat. Thalia then pulled her bra down too until they were below her tits and slightly pushing them up and she then twisted her nipples and Zoe gasped in pained pleasure as she gagged on the cock when Chiron thrust hard inside her mouth.

"By the gods," Chiron moaned. "You're a fucking good cock-sucker, something that you shouldn't be."

Zoe flushed crimson and her eyes shined with pride. Chiron stepped away slightly and chuckled when Zoe's face moved along and kept her mouth on his cock. He stepped even more and his cock popped free from her mouth and he looked down at the two. Zoe's lips were wet and slightly bruised and Thalia was behind her with her eyes wide and groping Zoe's breasts.

"I'm going to fuck one of you now," Chiron grunted taking a step towards them. Zoe looked up at him, her eyes pleaded him to take her but he had other ideas. Thalia was looking at him with slight apprehension but he could see the buried lust in them. He stepped from Zoe towards Thalia and her mouth parted wide when she realized that he wanted her.

"Zoe!" he growled and Zoe straightened her back when she heard him. "Get Thalia ready, I want to take the little slut from behind."

Zoe moaned and turned around, latching her arms to Thalia and turning Thalia around. She resisted at first but Zoe had been training longer than Thalia so she had more strength. She managed to push Thalia to her knees and hands before pushing her back down and leaving her firm ass in the air.

"Is she wet?" Chiron said when Zoe got out of his way to the side. Zoe checked, her fingers probing her pussy lips and already her fingers were wet. Zoe nodded, and Thalia moaned when Zoe pushed her fingers inside her tight cunt and she thrust once, twice and thrice before pulling her fingers out with a schlick.

Zoe brought her fingers to her mouth and licked them clean tasting her honeyed-juices. Zoe licked her lips and said, "Yes. The little bitch is wet."

Chiron shuffled behind Thalia and Thalia stiffened when she felt wetness dripping down on her ass. Zoe noticed this and whispered in her ear and slowly Thalia relaxed. Zoe parted her lips in 'O' expression as she gripped Chiron's cock in her hand and guided his cock to Thalia's cunt. Thalia groaned as his thick and hard horse-cock prodded her lips before she groaned as he pushed into her wetness.

"By the gods," Chiron murmured as he kept pushing into her tight, hot and wet cunt. Zoe's breathing was heavy as she stared at the horse-cock invading Thalia's pussy. Thalia grunted and relaxed her muscles even more and pushed her hips back at Chiron.

"Fuck," Chiron grunted before he gave a vicious thrust and embedded 8' inches of his horse-cock into her. Thalia screamed, her eyes wide as his cock rubbed her walls and throbbed inside her.

"Oh gods," Thalia groaned. "That's fucking big and hard."

Zoe began to rub Thalia's smooth ass and squeezed her cheeks and her eyes fixated back on Chiron's cock when he started to pull out as Thalia whimpered. Zoe licked her lips at the sight of Thalia's wetness on Chiron's cock and Zoe moaned along with Thalia when he pushed back in.

Chiron began to move, and he was brutal.

Thalia screamed from pleasured and painful sensations tingling inside her. She grunted when Chiron thrust his cock hard and fast into her and she felt herself getting moved slightly on the floor. She planted her hands firmly ahead of her and tried to hold herself still.

Chiron moaned above her and Zoe watched fascinated as his thick cock moved back and forth inside her cunt with sloppy sounds. Wetness dripped from Thalia's cunt down her thighs and Zoe gathered some with her fingers and brought it to her mouth and she moaned around her finger as she swallowed Thalia's juices.

Chiron grunted and ordered Zoe to get in front of Thalia and to lay down on her back. Zoe moaned in acceptance before she rid herself of her clothes and hurriedly laid down on her back in front of Thalia. Thalia groaned, her tongue lolled out with drool dripping down and her eyes widened when she noticed Zoe's wet cunt in front of her face.

"Lick her," Chiron growled as he set a punishing pace and drove his cock inside her depths. Thalia moaned and jolted forward from his hard thrust and found herself face-first on Zoe's wet cunt.

Zoe quivered when Thalia took a tentative lick of her pussy. Thalia found that she liked the taste on her tongue and she licked her lips of Zoe's wetness before she buried her face back down between Zoe's thighs and earnestly began to lick and kiss her pussy. She licked, kissed and swallowed. The room was full of sweat and the sounds of sex. Slapping noises followed by their moans, grunts and groans and Zoe and Thalia were both shaking and quivering under the overwhelming tingle of pleasure inside them.

Chiron grunted as he destroyed that slight annoyance instantly when it came. He wanted to push the entirety of his cock inside Thalia's moist cunt but he was afraid that he would break her in half so he limited himself.

"Bitch," Chiron growled as he felt himself hardening even more and nearing his first climax. He sped up his thrusts. Zoe looked at Chiron's strained expression and she realized that he was going to come. Zoe moaned at the thought of Chiron unloading his cum inside Thalia's pussy. Zoe delighted in this and gripped Thalia's hair in her fist and pushed her head down on her cunt.

"Lick me you slut," Zoe said and moaned when Thalia increased her own pace. She licked faster and probed Zoe's pussy with her tongue. Zoe screamed, spasmed and arched off the ground slightly and pushed her cunt against Thalia's mouth.

Chiron grunted at the sight of Zoe's orgasm and he thrust balls-deep into Thalia and stayed buried inside her. His horse-cock pulsed and shot thick globs of thick white cum inside her. This set off Thalia, her legs stiffened and her mouth opened in a scream, but it was muffled by Zoe's cunt. Thalia quivered and spasmed as her cunt tightened around his cock and she swallowed the constant flow of juices coming from Zoe down her throat.

Zoe released her fist from Thalia's hair and when Thalia pulled away from her cunt, Zoe couldn't stop the smile that formed on her face at the sight of Thalia's face. Her face was wet with sweat and more importantly her lips were glistening with her juices.

Thalia smiled back at Zoe and moaned when Chiron pulled out of her, his cock shining with his own cum and her wetness. Zoe's eyes turned from Thalia's and they widened when she realized that Chiron was still hard.

"My turn," Zoe murmured. Thalia realized what she meant and her eyes widened too when she understood that Chiron had just fucked her hard and fast and came inside her remained erect. Zoe looked around and climbed on the desk and laid down on her back and spread her legs wide open for him.

Chiron's eyes darkened with lust and shuffled towards her. Thalia watched him walk past her and she watched Chiron raise his front-legs and place them on the desk by Zoe's head.

Chiron thrust but missed and hit her quivery thighs.

"Wait," Thalia said making the two groan with annoyance. Although Thalia smiled and crawled on her hands and knees under Chiron. She gripped his length in her hand and brought it to her lips. She smeared her own juices and his cum on her lips before she opened her mouth and wrapped her lips around his shaft.

Chiron moaned when Thalia began to move her head back and forth. She used her tongue to lick the underside and the head before swirling around his tip. She swallowed with big gulps and she shivered as she enjoyed her own taste mixed with his.

She pushed herself down on his cock—taking him deeper and deeper till she felt him against her throat and she gagged. She pulled off slightly before doing it again and kept gagging. She pulled off after gagging few times and kissed his cock head before she guided his cock at Zoe's glistening cunt.

Chiron moaned at the hotness of her cunt when his tip touched her pussy lips. When Chiron felt that he was at her entrance he gave a single powerful thrust and the huntress on the table screamed and he groaned as he buried himself into her tight depths.

He didn't waste any time. Immediately he began to pull out before thrusting back in and started to viciously thrust into her. Zoe grunted and slid back and forth on the rocking desk.

"Shit," Zoe moaned, she raised her head slightly and looked down between her legs, her eyes widened when she saw his hard and long cock moving back and forth into her cunt and her head fell back down on the desk.

"Fuck," she grunted and tried to push her hips back at him but it was useless. His thrusts were powerful and harsh and all she could do was lay on the desk and take it like a bitch so she closed her eyes and moaned.

"Gods..." Chiron murmured. "You're so tight, tight and hot and just as I like it."

Thalia hurriedly moved to the other side of the table and without regret nor shame she bent over. Her wet lips connected with Zoe's wet lips. Zoe's eyes opened wide in shock as she stared at the lustful eyes of Thalia. Zoe opened her mouth and moaned into Thalia's mouth and they began exploring each other's mouths and tongue.

Chiron' gaped and started to climax again at the hot huntress action. He increased the pace and harshness of his thrusts and went even deeper in her tight cunt.

Thalia and Zoe both closed their eyes and kissed each other. Thalia's hand blindly came up and slid over Zoe's naked chest before she found her tits and she squeezed it in her hand and Zoe moaned again into her mouth.

Zoe stiffened and licked Thalia's lips and enjoyed the taste of slight salty-cum and juices.

"Oh fuck," Zoe screamed against Thalia's mouth before arching her chest out. Chiron's cock pulsed and throbbed inside her but he kept moving as he spurted hot cum inside her. He kept thrusting as he painted her walls white. Zoe spasmed and shook on the table but Thalia quickly held her down and opened her eyes.

Thalia looked down at Zoe's blissful expression and smiled before she kissed her lips slightly and pulled away. Zoe opened her eyes and looked up at her in a daze and she whined when Chiron pulled his spent cock out of her and touched her clit and she jolted and moaned because of it.

Chiron looked at the two human bitches who were in a slight daze—Zoe more than Thalia—and he smiled. He hoped this would bring the two together but if not… Then he would just have to have the two back in his office and try more harsher means… His eyes travelled down to Zoe's tight ass hole.