CH.10 - Medusa, the Rumormonger

Artemis knelt before the black-haired woman. She couldn't believe this and looked up into the green enchanting eyes belonging to a pale-skinned creature. A monster hiding behind magical illusions and she attempted to break the illusion. The illusion shattered in her minds-eye and revealed who hid beneath yet it remained in place and did not reveal the monstrous form,

"Medusa," she said.

"You are indeed correct, dear Artemis," Medusa said.

"Alright," the goddess sighed. "What is it that you want?"

Artemis recognized the smile Medusa showed and it's one of the dangerous kind. A shiver raced down her spine making her wonder what the cursed woman had in mind for her. She came here for one thing but instead she lay on her knees for another.

"You want to make me suffer, to silence me and to kill me. You want to make sure I stay quiet and spread rumors about you," she said.

Artemis nodded. Fire burned in her eyes as she desired to slice the rumormongers throat open. It would be so easy but she couldn't. Not now and not ever. She had underestimated the deviousness of Medusa.

"Unfortunately if you do kill me then I can continue to spread some rumors about you. Truths and stories that you do not want to spread out there." Medusa smirked. "There is a way for you to keep me silent."

Artemis sighed. Oh, how she wanted to kill the filthy monster in front of her but she did speak the truth. She knew if she killed her here then she would regenerate in Tartarus and then she would have to hunt her down again.

She wished for the ground to open up and drag her down but she swallowed the nervous lump down her throat and said. "What is it. What would you have me do?"

Medusa smirked and walked circles around the kneeling goddess. She still couldn't fathom the fact of the virgin albeit no longer a virgin goddess fucked the Minotaur and others despite how unwilling she was in the first place.

Artemis shivered. She felt hunted which she should not feel because she is the hunter. She is the predator, but right now at this exact moment, she understood that she wasn't the hunter. She wanted to grip the bare feet of Medusa that passed in front of her face every few seconds with a bone-crushing grip and pull her down and jump on top of her and establish dominance.

"How did the Minotaur's cock taste?"

Her brain froze at the unexpected question before it warmed up from the memories of the encounter with the bull. Delightful, salty, amazing and she wanted more of it.

"Disgusting, filthy..." she would have kept ongoing and going if not for Medusa stopping her.

Medusa gripped her jaw, pulling her head up and stared down at the goddess. A few seconds later she released her. Medusa bent over slightly and looked into her silver eyes before brushing her cheek with a single finger.

Discomfort from the rough handling and her cheek burned from the touch. A touch that lit up her nerves. She sighed and flushed red but leaned her head towards the finger.

"Do not lie to me, my dear goddess," Medusa said.

Artemis listened. What happened to her voice? It sounded dreamy, alluring and hypnotizing. Why did she lie? She didn't want to lie. She should tell the truth. She liked this voice and she wanted to hear more of it.

"How did the Minotaur's cock taste? Did you enjoy it?" The sensual voice continued.

Memories flashed and she saw fragments of the Minotaur. The Minotaur fucked her mouth, her cunt. It abused her and she enjoyed it. "It tasted… sweet and salty. That's an experience I enjoyed and wish to repeat."

"How did the Minotaur treat you?"

The finger on her cheek trailed down. She moaned from the sensation it left behind as it moved down to her neck and to her cleavage. She moaned. "Rough. Hard. It treated me like… like a whore. I, a goddess, was nothing more than a piece of meat for him to satisfy his lustful desires."

Medusa smiled and walked to the goddess' side. She bent over and her hand moved further down and she gripped the goddess' breasts with a tight vice and squeezed.

"And did you enjoy it? Did you want more?" she whispered close to her ear. She licked it. Medusa smiled when the goddess swayed and shook. She looked breathless. Medusa then pinched and twisted the nipples and enjoyed the sound of a sharp inhale.

Artemis nerves were wrecked and out of control. A pillar of flame kept on rising inside of her and she reminisced. The Minotaur took absolute control of her and dominated her. She remembered having zero control over the situation and she enjoyed that. She did not want to admit it but she enjoyed it.

"Yes!" she screamed, her eyes wide and passion burned in them. "I enjoyed it! I loved it! I wanted more!"

"Good, good," Medusa commented, "now follow me."

Artemis began to stand up when she oomphed when Medusa pushed her back down.

"No no," Medusa said. "I want you to follow me on your knees."

Artemis swallowed. For a goddess to walk after someone on the knees is outrageous and incomprehensible. A goddess does not lower themselves to such standards. But to deny a beautiful creature like her with the sweetest voice she had ever heard of? She couldn't deny her. She stayed on her knees and crawled. Small rocks dug into her knees on the dirty, grassy ground and she could not think anything more degrading than this. Except the recent action she had with monsters. She had felt degraded, humiliated and brutalized. Then again it was also gratifying, enjoyable and satisfying.

This is plain humiliating and she was excited. Excited and wet. Her eyes roamed and fixated on Medusa's backside and her hips swayed.

A wooden door with fading blue paint. Medusa opened it and stepped to the side. "Go on. Get inside," she said.

Artemis crawled inside. The room smelled of sex and she breathed it in. The place looked never cleaned but in the middle of the room. There lay a queen-sized bed with red silky sheets and white pillows. She knew what happened on that bed. And she could only guess what will happen next.

The door slammed shut and locked. Medusa walked inside and sat down on the edge of the bed and crisscrossed her legs. She looked the goddess over and appreciated the sight. Flushed red and excited from the slight sweat she could see and a slight trail of wetness on her thighs.

"Come here," Medusa said, smiling when Artemis continued to move on her knees and stayed on them in front of her legs. "Do you remember why you are here?"

Artemis frowned. What is this about? She mulled over it before the haze lifted over her mind and faded. She remembered. She came here to kill her. She came here to make her suffer but then…things happened. Things she didn't have control of.

"Yes," Artemis admitted. "I want to make you suffer for what you've done. For the rumors you've spread but you told me that if I were to do that then there's no stopping you. I would kill you, but you would regenerate in Tartarus and you would..." she trailed off.

"Yes I would," Medusa agreed. "But I will stay quiet about everything when you do as I say."

Artemis frowned. She definitely didn't want to do everything she said. She didn't want to follow the commands of a mere monster, a monster ordering her around.

"You fucked the Minotaur," Medusa said.

Artemis thoughts were abruptly stopped by what she said.

"You fucked the Minotaur and you enjoyed it. I would've enjoyed it too there's no doubt about that. He's got a big cock, didn't he?" Medusa said. "No doubt you want to experience it again. There is no doubt about it that you wish for the Minotaur to bend you over and make you scream loud enough for all of Olympus to hear."

"Okay! Okay!" Artemis exclaimed. She knew it will bite her in the ass sometime soon but anything to silence her. "What do you want!?"

Medusa smiled. Her eyes lighting up with joy and delight. "I want you to worship me."

Artemis froze. Worship her? Worship her how? There were many different forms of worship that she knew of. She took another quick look around the room and she then knew what kind of worship she was talking about. Could she do it? Could she do this worship a monstrous creature?

Yes. She could do this. Already there were discussions in certain Olympus circles of her and monsters. She had heard some. *Did you hear that Artemis fucked the Minotaur? Did you hear that Artemis submitted to a hell-hound? By submitting I mean fucked.* Yes, she could do this if it would stop her from talking further.

"Okay," Artemis said. She sighed, dread inside of her but continued. "I accept your terms. I will worship you in exchange for you to keep silent and stop spreading further rumors."

Medusa wanted to shout and scream with happiness but she didn't. She stayed calm and aloof. She leaned back a little and uncrossed her legs. She pushed her leg forward and rubbed Artemis' knee with her foot.

"I want you to start with giving me a sensual foot massage," Medusa said and propped her feet on Artemis' knee.

Artemis frowned but gave a shaky smile. She gripped the leg on her knees and she was surprised. She would've thought her feet would be dirty and filthy but they were not. Even after walking on dirt and grass her feet were clean. As if she came out from the shower minutes before. Even more surprising is the scent of her feet. Lavender and... something else she couldn't figure out. Something intoxicating.

"Easy," Medusa said. Slight anger and disappointment in her voice.

"You do know the meaning of a massage?" she said.

Artemis eased up her grip but wanted to twist her leg enough to break it. She heard the slight condescension in her voice and she hated it. She took a deep breath and relaxed. Using both of her hands she began to rub her feet and added pressure slightly with her thumbs.

Medusa sighed and relaxed. She eased down onto her back on the soft bed and closed her eyes. She breathed in and out and enjoyed the massage she received from the goddess. Truthfully a volatile excitement rose inside of her but she kept it under tight control. She couldn't believe that she had the goddess of hunt worshiping her like this.

Artemis circled, touched the toes and added small amounts of pressure before she moved up her feet. She gently rubbed the ankle and below her feet again before she moved further up to her knees. She spread her hands further apart. Gently she touched and caressed Medusa's thigh and the other hand rubbed her feet.

Why is her foot moving closer to her face? Artemis wondered. She swallowed down the disgust in her throat. She guessed what Medusa wanted. Did she want to do this? Her mouth opened and her flushed lips closed around the big toe.

"Oh yes," Medusa moaned.

Oddly, Artemis found that it did not taste disgusting or dirty. It tasted lavender and she could still not tell what the other intoxicating scent she smelled. She sucked and licked. She added constant pressure on the foot. She plopped the big toe out of her mouth before kissing her other toes. She moved up her foot adding small kisses along the way. Her tongue left behind a trail of saliva.

"The other leg," Artemis heard her say.

She eased her leg down gently before she began to work on the other leg. She used all the same and old tricks on this leg as she used on the other one. Further along, she discovered that in some weird way she relished doing this. She didn't know why nor how but all she knew is that she enjoyed this.

"Stop. Close your eyes," Medusa said, having enough of her foot massage. She wanted the special now.

Artemis stopped. She eased her leg back down and shut her eyes closed. She heard Medusa removing her dress and she thought what she wanted now. Was she going to...? She'd never tried that before. Something sticky and hard touched her cheek. She wanted to open her eyes but she didn't yet.

Hands gripped her shoulders and pulled her towards the bed. She went along with the pull and crawled on her knees forward.

"Open your eyes now," Medusa ordered.

She did as said and her silver eyes widened from surprise and excitement. Mere inches from her face stood rigid an 8'inch cock. The tip glistened wet and she could smell the scent of pre-cum. Tight and big hairless balls hung below and she figured they were full of delicious cum. For a moment she wondered how could Medusa have a cock and that thought vanished quickly. She didn't want to wonder that. She wanted to taste it. She couldn't deny that recently she had an urge for cock and a craving for cum.

"I want you to worship my cock," Medusa said. "Worship it as if it were your god. Your king. Your lord."

Artemis hummed. She touched the tip with a single finger and it twitched. It looked real it felt real. She closed her fist around it and it throbbed. She began to move her hand up and down with slow strokes and she gently massaged the balls below with her other hand. She couldn't wait any longer. She wanted...she needed to taste it. She lowered her head and kissed the head.

Medusa moaned.

"Oh, gods. Oh yes," Artemis pulled back. Her tongue snaked out and licked her red lips and she swallowed down the pre-cum that covered them. "So good."

Medusa's eyes were wide when Artemis dropped back down and took five inches of her cock down her willing, wet and warm mouth. She groaned, enjoying the delightful heat of her mouth and her tongue on her cock. Her hands worked wonders on the base of her cock and balls. Medusa could not believe the experience Artemis showed.

Artemis did not waste time. She pulled back up. Her lips were closed tight around the head of Medusa's cock. Her cheeks hollowed and she swallowed. Her tongue traced circles and swirled on the tip. She then licked the underside of the cock before she pushed her head back down and taking her cock deeper down her throat than before. She pulled back up, back down and kept on going. She bobbed up and down each time taking it deeper down her throat until she had all 8'inches in her mouth. She gagged and choked but that did not stop her. She held herself down and her eyes began to water and a tear trailed down her cheek. She pulled away and coughed. Her chin wet with her saliva.

"Fuck," Artemis said after coughing. Her face turned redder from the awed murmur of Medusa. Artemis leaned back down. She stroked her full length this time and kissed both sides of her cock before she licked both sides of the cock. Pulling away again and she gathered saliva in her mouth before she spat on the head and immediately rubbed it all over her cock.

She kissed the head again. She could not get enough of it. She loved it. She grew addicted. She craved it. She opened her mouth again and plunged down taking all of it down her throat in one fell swoop and making herself gag. She did not pull up. She kept still. Her back arched and her vision began to blur. She began to feel dizzy before she pulled off again.

"I love cock," she breathed. Her lips close to her desired cock and making it twitch from her hot breath. She rubbed the cock on her cheeks and lips.

Medusa felt faint. She couldn't believe the sight. The proper goddess looked like a whore. Her face filthy, sweaty and covered with saliva. Her hair's a mess. And she liked it. Gods she wished she had a camera. She smiled and gripped Artemis' hair tight.

She stood up and pushed her cock against her lips. Artemis opened her mouth and her cock plopped into her willing mouth.

"You are a proper whore aren't you?" Medusa said. "You're a cock hungry filthy whore."

Artemis nodded with the cock in her mouth. She showed clear desire. A desire, a craving for cock and sweet cum. She pushed her chest and face out and took her hard cock deep. She gripped her ankles behind her. She held herself still and balanced herself. She knew what came next and she lusted for it.

Medusa smiled. She caressed Artemis' cheek once and twice before she yanked her hair. Medusa groaned. Artemis' eyes bulged, and she choked as her cock stabbed at the back of her throat. She sucked. She played the head with her tongue. Swirling, licking and swallowing.

Medusa didn't bother with the niceties. She pushed and pulled Artemis' head back and forth. Hard and fast. Her balls slapped against her chin every time she bottomed deep into her hungry mouth. Medusa got even more furious with yanking the goddess' head when saw her eyes watering and tears staining the cheeks. She did stop.

Artemis did not want her to stop. She wanted her to abuse her. She wanted her to use her mouth as one would abuse her juicy cunt. Gods. She did not know nor understand when she changed from the cold unfeeling goddess to a lustful slut. She thought of the Minotaur and perhaps that began her change and she was glad for it. She wanted this. She wanted to stay a slut.

Medusa pulled out of the dazed goddess' mouth. Her cock glistened wetly with saliva. Excessive saliva dribbled from her cock on Artemis' cleavage. Artemis breathed in the fresh air and savored it. Her eyes though remained on the cock that abused her mouth. She loved it. It throbbed and pulsed and she knew Medusa neared climax. Oh, oh how she wanted that cock throbbing and spurting cum into her mouth.

And she got what she wanted. A rough pull on her hair yanked her back. She opened her mouth and closed it tight around the rock-hard cock. It throbbed. It pulsed. And she sucked.

Medusa took her time pulling her cock out of her mouth. A slow and gentle pull and she left one inch between her red lips before she stabbed back inside hard and fast. Medusa fucked her wide open mouth again with brutal powerful thrusts. Her hips went back and forth. Her balls churned hot and she pulled out quick.

Artemis' took joy at the sight. Medusa stroked her cock and aimed it at her face. The goddess opened her mouth wide and stuck her tongue out. The first spurt of cum streaked from her cock and splattered her cheek. Artemis moaned. It warmed her cheek. The second spurt splattered her other cheek. The third rather large rained down on her hair. The fourth stained her lips white. The fifth shot straight into her mouth and hit the back of her throat making her gag. She swallowed delighting in the taste of cum. It tasted salty and…strawberries? Her tongue slithered out and she licked her whitened lips and swallowed that down too.

Medusa watched and watched as the goddess degraded herself further by caressing and rubbing her stained cheeks and spreading the cum further along her face. Oh, how she wanted a camera to take a picture of this. To savor this moment. She honestly looked like a filthy whore. She shined wet with sweat. White drops of cum on her hair. Artemis took a hold of her cock again and dragged her tongue across it before taking the head inside of her mouth and sucking on it.

She wasn't surprised. Medusa moaned. Now she had to figure out a way how to repay Hecate for the magical gifts she had blessed her with. But for now? She will enjoy this.