CH.04 - The Manticore

-Set while Aphrodite currently is still with Cerberus-

Thalia Grace was on a hunt and a rather lucky hunt to be more precise at that. She had spotted the infamous Manticore in the shadows sneaking and she dropped her job of gathering wood. She spooked the monster and it took of in a run thinking it was a ambush and she had cursed and followed in a fast sprint, her silver bow glinting in the dark forest held by a strong and firm grip.

Her usually spiky hair was now messy because of the rather harsh wind pushing against her and her buttoned silver jacket had popped open. She didn't know how that happened but guessed some weird maneuvering of the powerful wind. She wore a loose-fitting T-shirt and her tits bounced. A Barbie doll was on the front of her shirt with an arrow through its head and lightning coursed through the arrow into the barbie.

Her long sexy legs strained as she kept sprinting like she had never before as she tried to keep up with the Manticore. The Manticore itself didn't have a problem with running for long periods of time but he was confused by the fact that the Hunters of that pesky goddess had still made no attempt to trap him. They should have cornered him by now and that thought made him take a wild turn before taking another and another and he ran into thick bushes and crouched down, his massive frame slightly hidden.

Thalia stopped, out of breath and confused as the Manticore's tracks went haywire and trippy. She huffed and lowered herself to one knee and traced her fingers through its tracks, trying to make sense what happened and where it could have possibly went. The Manticore was observing the daughter of Zeus and also waiting if other hunters were to show up but didn't. The Manticore raised his scorpion tail, readying to shoot his spikes tipped with poison.

Confused, the Manticore met the blue eyes of Thalia Grace as she stood up fast and drew her bow and aimed out of habit, when she felt a sudden sharp pain in her arm. She groaned and in just a second her arm went limp, her bow dropping followed by her arm dropping to her side.

The Manticore walked out of the bushes, a dangerous smirk on its filthy and dirty face as she fell to her knees. She barely managed to move her head to look down at her arm and found a spike in her arm, oozing pink mixed with red liquid inside her. The stinging pain by the spike had disappeared and she was confused when her arm remained limp yet for some weirdly stupid reason she felt really good despite the situation.

The Manticore stopped before her and to Thalia he looked like a king who would just take what he wants. His lion's body, powerful muscled legs covered with thick fur and her dazed eyes went wide when they fell on the Manticore's thick, long and powerful cock. Her mouth salivated and she started to get wet. Badly wet. Slowly the lust from the experience with Chiron and Zoe returned, because, unknown to her the poison that was now running in her was a very different kind to the one that the Manticore used to kill and torture enemies.

This poison that Thalia had received was used to increase sexual arousal beyond normal and made them more willing and to do things that they won't usually do. Like a human wanting to fuck, or to be more precise a certain demigoddess wanting to fuck a certain monster . It also made them weak weaker than normal but still operational. Sometimes the poison didn't work its affect and the Manticore had no clue why yet the weakness worked always.

Her eyes were fixated on Manticore's cock as it dangled and inched towards her. The cockhead, slimy and hard prodded her wet lips and she opened her mouth, its cock inching inside her wet and willing mouth and she moaned around it and the monster above her groaned as the huntress took him in her very hot mouth that made him harden to monstrous proportions and arch.

Her eyes were half-open in dazed lust as she sleepily bobbed her head back and forth on the huge, barbed, monstrous cock. Her tongue licked the underside of the head before swirling around the head and licking the tip.

The Manticore grunted, stamped its feet, slightly moving forward and Thalia's eyes bulged, her mouth widened and saliva dribbled from the corner of her lips wrapped around the thick monster cock that forced its way down her willing throat.

She choked and gagged on the Manticore's beastly cock yet she continued to swallow, suck and lick it never taking her mouth of his cock. She had a need, a desperate need to drain the Manticore's sweaty and humongous balls dry. She didn't care where he came just as long as he did it.

She gagged and her eyes watered slightly when the Manticore gave a slow thrust and hitting the back of her throat with his cock. He thrusted again and she choked and attempted to pull back to catch a breath but something strong and thick stopped her. Her eyes widened when she saw it coming around to her chest, the Manticore's thick tail wrapped around her supporting her and holding her still.

She trembled and shook, her eyes dazed and teary and her arms were limp at her sides because of the poison and her stomach held tightly by the Manticore's tail with her tits resting on the tail. The Manticore began to thrust with slow thrusts first. She choked and gagged on his cock as he kept hitting the back of her throat. The Manticore growled and sped up its thrusts. The daughter of Zeus trembled as the powerful monster started to properly fuck her throat with fast and hard thrusts. His large balls smacked against her chin every time he hit the back of her throat, making her choke as globs of saliva dropped from her lips whenever he thrust out slightly.

Her face glistened with sweat, tears trickled down her pink flushed cheeks, her chin was red and filthy wet with her saliva trickling down. She rubbed her thighs together, desperately wanting to touch her wet pussy. Her tits ached for attention and she wanted to relieve herself but the Manticore didn't let her. As if the Manticore knew what she was thinking about, his tail tightened and made her gasp around his cock as the Manticore let loose a menacing growl that made her shiver. Something about that growl also her more wet and even more desperate for his cock, she wanted that fucking cock in her drenched cunt.

Luckily, Thalia got what she wanted when the Manticore began slowing down and its tail unwinding and releasing her. She coughed when his cock popped free from her abused mouth and a strand of spit broke and dropped between her tits. Thalia moaned as the Manticore's thick cock throbbed and pulsed in front of her face covered shining wet with her saliva and as she stared at it she realized that 3 or four strands of salvia and pre-cum connected her mouth to his cock. moaning she put her tongue forward and broke the bonds.

She grunted and yelped when the monster shoved her and made her turn around. Her face met the ground and she winced from slight pain. Her backside remained upright and the beast behind her tore off her skirt and panties with a ripping sound and she yelped. She moaned when the cool night air hit her glistening pussy and felt her juices were dripping down her thighs.

The Manticore gave her no respite from the harsh facefucking. He towered above her and prodded her pussy with the tip of his cock. He groaned at the hotness of her cunt and thrust forward. She screamed with lust and her eyes widened in the painful pleasure of his monster-cock embedding itself in her depths fully.

His barbed-cock rubbed against her walls with every thrust and made her moan continuously. The slight pain was dissipating and the pleasure started to increase and soon she started to moan like a common whore. The beast above her growled and pounded into her tight and soaked pussy harder and faster. His powerful thrusts were driving her into the ground so hard that the Manticore had to keep her upright. His tail came back around and went around her and held her steady.

The Manticore groaned stiffening. He tried to hold back but it had been a very long time since he had fucked a human let alone a demigod. Honestly, the last time he fucked a human bitch was about 300 years ago. And by the Titans he remembered that so well...that woman had begged and begged him for more like a cheap slut and it seemed like the daughter of Zeus was turning out to be just like her.

"Oh gods," she moaned. "Fucking hell! Harder!"

The Manticore listened to her, considered her plea and did as she asked. His thrusts becoming more powerful and faster and he could barely hold her still with his own tail because of his powerful thrusts. The sounds of balls smacking skin and sloppy, wet sounds came from their fucking. The beast loved to hear the huntress beg him to fuck her.

He groaned and kept thrusting inside her as he came. His cock pulsed and spurted the first shot of hot cum inside her tight and wet pussy and setting her off to a orgasm as well. She screamed loud to the gods as the pleasure overrode everything. Her body shook in entirety as her cunt tightened around his cock before she sprayed her juices on his cock.

"F-fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!" She kept moaning over and over as she enjoyed the pleasure which she never knew existed. The monster's cock felt so good inside her and his warm and thick cum even more.

The Manticore's menacing laugh made her flush with shame, embarrassment and yet the lust and overwhelming desire to be fucked by the beast destroyed all that shame and embarrassment.

The Manticore's overall dominance increased even more as he fucked the submissive lieutenant of Artemis. He didn't care that she was high with lust because of his poison as long as she was high with lust. He finished spurting thick globs of cum inside her pussy and finished painting her walls white with his monster-seed.

The Manticore remained still and gave a chuckle when Thalia began to move her hips. He started off again with ferocious thrusts fucking her sloppy cunt and making her moan.

"Oh gods," she cried out. "Fucking gods. Your cock is so big and thick! And so good!"

The Manticore gave a feral smile and gave a deep thrust, his cock inched deep inside her abused cunt and his balls sweaty between her thighs. Cock appreciation was always appreciated and even more from a huntress.

"Oh my gods!" Thalia screamed as she orgasmed, arching her back. She shook her head repeatedly and she yelped when the Manticore came again. She could feel his hot cum spurt further inside her and she praised the heavens for what was happening right now.

The Manticore pulled out slowly, his cock glistened with his own cum and her juices. She groaned and fell over when the Manticore pulled away and removed his tail. White-hot cum trickled out of her pussy intermixed with her own juices and involuntarily she managed to move her hand down between her thighs and prodded her pussy lips with her fingers getting them wet. She brought them to her mouth and tentatively licked them before her eyes widened in amazement and she enthuastically sucked them clean enjoying the taste of salty honey.

The Manticore slapped her bright-red ass and made her scream and wince. The beast stepped over her, his cock dangling over her and she moaned and tried to reach out for it but the Manticore laughed and stepped away from her despite wanting to go back at it again and fuck her more.

"Why?" Thalia asked, disappointed that the beast who just fucked her was leaving. "W-where are you going?"

The Manticore's tail came lightning fast and wrapped around her neck and choked her. Thalia's eyes widened in stunning shock at how fast the situation changed from sexual to very dangerous yet something inside of her liked what the Manticore was doing right now.

"You don't question your Master, whore." The Manticore growled and he chuckled when he noticed even more juices trickling down her thighs and her shivering. "You like pain, whore?"

Thalia shook her head, trying to deny it but her body clearly said otherwise.

The Manticore laughed. "Don't worry, my little whore. I'll be back to fuck my slave more. And you better be wet."

His tail released her neck and her tired hand came up to rub her bruised neck and her eyes caught him sprinting away.

"I am so sorry, Milady Artemis," Thalia murmured to herself. "But that was so good..."