CH.13 - Initiation of the Bitch ( II )

-3rd Thalia, POV-

"SLUT! At my feet. NOW!" yelled Lycaon from out of nowhere, scaring the living Hades out of the trio.

Annabeth and Thalia, both dazed, confused and wide-eyed looked at each other and then turned to look at Artemis. Only they couldn't because Artemis had suddenly disappeared.

"Wher'd she go?" Thalia asked. The only reply she got was a shrug from Annabeth before she gasped and covered her mouth with one hand and pointed at something behind Thalia with shock and dismay.

Thalia turned around to see a small pack of wolves and four bulky werewolf standing next to a gold throne. And on that gold throne was the king asshole of werewolfs himself,

"Lyacon," Thalia spat with venom. Her arm instinctively reached for an arrow and she realized that herself and Annabeth were still actually standing in front of Lyacon in all of their naked glory. "Shit," Thalia muttered as she felt Annabeth stand next to her, covering her boobs with her arms the best she could.

Thalia, risked a look at her and instantly regretted it. For all of her attempts to cover herself up, all that Annabeth actually acheived was to push up her boobs and make herself look more sultry than she normally looked.

Thalia felt her feelings from earlier on rise up inside her again. She always knew that she was bisexual, only that she knew that she had a desire for monster cocks that derived from her experiences with the Manticore, Chiron and the Laistrygonian Giants.

She couldn't help but notice how sexy Annabeth looked like in this moment. Crazy sex hair, the sun shinning on her ass, her eyes. If Annabeth hadn't told her that she secretly liked Percy after their quest to save Artemis and Annabeth, Thalia had no doubt that she would have stuck on with Percy or tried to form the three of them into a love triangle.

Thalia frowned as she saw Annabeth's eyes widen and shock filled her face, she turned around and faced Lyacon and she suddenly realized why. And even though, she was definitely not as smart as Annabeth, everything clicked together in Thalia's head in an instant. And Thalia just couldn't stop the gasp of disbelief that escaped her once she saw the sight.

Her lady, the commander of The Hunt, The Hater of Werewolfs, The Nemesis of Lycaon was sitting at his feet like a common bitch from his pack. She saw a gleaming bronze chain starting from the Slut dog collar on Artemis' neck go straight into Lyacon's hand. And the asshole Wolf-King himself sat on the throne, titled to the right while he groped Artemis' left tit.

Thalia couldn't turn away, her eyes were glued to the degrading position of Artemis and her new master.

-3rd, Lycaon's POV-

Lyacon noticed this and he gave a dark smile. "Like the new improvement on the Slut?", he asked as he gave the chain a little shake.

"My cock needs attention Slut, do your job," he commanded as Artemis crawled to Lyacon, knelt in front of him and started sucking. "That is amazing shit right there, don't worry you'll get your turn too." Lyacon winked at Thalia and Annabeth.

"How dare you degrade Artemis like that you dog!" Thalia yelled. Lyacon frowned at them and stood up and pushed Artemis off him. "Slut, tell them what you told me", Artemis at this turned on her knees and faced Annabeth, not able to look at Thalia "I am the property of my Master Lyacon.. He owns everything that I am and have, including my mind and body and The Hunt,"

"Artemis! How could you?" Thalia asked, at this Artemis looked away either unwilling or unable to respond.

Seeing this Lyacon chuckled, and simply said, "Slut, my four loyal men need cleaning, use that tongue of yours and do the job," and shoved her towards the four eager looking werewolfs, but not before she spanked her and hooked her chain to the side of his throne.

He now faced the two demigoddesses and he couldn't help but smiling, the Princess of Olympus and the girlfriend of the two time Savior of Olympus standing in front of him? Not to mention that they were facing him in all of their naked glory.

The scared yet excited look on Annabeth's face and the defiant look on Thalia's, that darkened as the sounds of Artemis moaning, her slurping, choking and gaging combined with the werewolfs' sexual grunts? His cock twitched. "Don't worry whores, your next," He promised them.

Before Thalia or Annabeth could react several wolves surrounded them and two werewolfs grabbed a stunned Annabeth while three dragged a resisting Thalia.

Lyacon motioned for his wolves to put the two on their knees, bowing to Lyacon, at his feet. He smiled at the sight.

"Now I'm going to give you three options, 1) You can just agree to become part of my Hunt Harem on the spot and I might just go gentle with you. 2) Refuse, Try to kill me etc, etc. I'll just take you anyway and I'll punish you as well. Still refuse then this leads to option 3) I take you either way but I torture the other one while you can decide if you go with option 1 or 2. I won't put my dick near you but I will tie you up. So choose bitches!" Lyacon laughed spreading his arms in mock victory.

-Annabeth's 1st POV-

I felt myself getting wet as Lycaon spoke and the sounds of Artemis swallowing dicks, occasionally multiple dicks down her throat. I always wanted to be dominated but Percy was always getting himself in a quest, not by choice but still.

"Oh and if you choose option 1) pick a collar, kiss my feet then my cock, then bow down to me like a little bitch. But you are to hold out your chosen collar so that I can give you the honor of putting it on. Also call out a similar vow like Artemis', " Lyacon told us before he tossed something down in front of us. It turned out two be two similar collars to Artemis although one was pink and glittery which read out 'Whore' while the other one was a deep purple with black studs and a neon white 'Bitch'. Both had a bronze and gold chain hook attached similar to Artemis' one.

I immediately wanted that one, I always wanted to be treated like a bitch. Plus that collar was the better looking out of the two. I made up my mind about my choice and I was about kiss Lycaon's feet before Thalia stood up and spoke, "Never go fuck yourself, I'll kill you" then she attempted to choke Lyacon before a wolf jumped suddenly and slammed her to the ground.

"Guess that's option two. You did say 'I'll kill you' and I specified that in option no 2." Lyacon sighed, "Too bad, I was hoping you'd go for option three or one. Slut! stop trying to get Jessidra and Konsir's (made those up) dicks down your throat! Crawl over here, drag this bitch to my throne and tie up." There was a loud choking sound. I turned my head to the left and saw Artemis choke out two dicks and crawl over to us. Thalia started struggling and fighting against the wolves holding her down.

I think I saw Artemis mouth "I'm so sorry," before she looked at Lyacon for confirmation. "By the hair," he told her before he turned his attention to me. I then saw Artemis stand up, grab Thalia's hair and dragged her all the way to Lycaon's throne. She pressed a hidden button next to her chain holder, how long was that chain?

The throne split open into an outdoor bondage room. At the sight of this Thalia screamed but Artemis, being a god, dragged her over and tied her up. She shoved a ball gag in her mouth while she tied her arms and legs to the pillars, suspending her in the air and giving her a full view of what was happening.

"Slut continue servicing my men," Lyacon commanded before he continued staring at me, all he said was "Your turn, Blondie, you got three minutes."

In less than 30 seconds I got on my fours and grabbed the purple collar. I then kissed his feet, which felt weird and degrading. Then I got up on my knees and saw what looked like heaven.

A roughly 14 inch cock with throbbing veins and a purple head gently pulsed in front of my eyes. That amazing, salty tasting pre-cum gently oozed out. I kissed the tip, coating my lips with pre-cum and I couldn't help put licking my lips. It tasted salty but sweet and just like nectar, it was like licking liquid gold. I moaned and pressed my lips back to the cock, getting as much pre-cum as possible before I felt a push that made me sink down again.

Remembering the previous predicament I bowed down, raised my arm and the purple collar and called out, "I am the property of my new Master Lyacon . . . He owns everything that I am and have, including my mind, body and free will. Please give me the honor of putting this collar on my neck and giving me the title of 'Bitch' master."

"Well then welcome to the club Blonde Bitch," Lyacon laughed as he grabbed the collar with one hand and swept all of my hair over my left shoulder. He put the collar around my neck and clasped it shut. I gasped, it felt slightly uncomfortable, cold and tight.

"Now suck my dick bitch, " Lyacon commanded, in a cold dark tone.

-Thrid POV-

-A few Moments Later-

As Lyacon's thick cock slid deeper into Annabeth's mouth the Wolf-King moaned at the loud gagging sound his bitch made. As she sucked, swirled and swallowed, she tried her best to fit as much of his massive cock in her mouth as possible.

"You'll get used to the size Bitch! Now show me how bad you want it!" Lyacon growled as he watched Annabeth's bushy, blonde hair bob up and down as she desperately deepthroated his cock.

"Yes Master!" Annabeth gasped before hurriedly trying to take his cock even deeper into her mouth.

Annabeth was desperate to show what a good little bitch she could be for him. His cock gave her immense pleasure from simply sucking on it that not even Percy Or Jason gave while fucking her to their hardest. She wanted this so bad.

"Suck it properly you little bitch!" Lyacon snarled as he grabbed a handful of her hair and forced his cock deeper down her throat.

He enjoyed the feeling as she struggled for breath while fighting to keep his cock inside her mouth. Her eagerness gave him a powerful sense of control. It was a control he felt when Artemis sucked and rode him.

"Fuck! You're gonna make me cum you dirty whore!" Lyacon called out. Annabeth moaned in pleasure of his announcement and began massaging his big heavy balls and making a humming noise at the back of her thoat, sending vibration down his dick, determined to coax the amazing, sticky cum out.

He pulled his cock from her mouth and as she gasped for breath she squeezed her big boobs together.

"Please Master! Please cum on your Bitch's tits and face!" Annabeth begged. She pleaded again and again while Lyacon furiously jerked off, although she didn't have to beg for long and within moments Lyacon was squirting his cum all over her large breasts. Spraying her face with his sticky Monster Cum.

"Mmmmmm…. Thank you for the honour Master!" Annabeth moaned as she licked a bit of the cum off her tits.

"You aren't done yet Bitch. You've shown how talented your mouth is but there is more to test" Lyacon smirked.

He nodded somewhere behind Annabeth and suddenly two pairs of strong arms grabbed hold of her from behind. "What's happening?" Annabeth asked as she was forced down onto all fours.

"You don't ask questions here Bitch! All I want to hear is yes master or no your master unless asked to do otherwise. Understood?" Lyacon growled agrrsivley, slapping her hard.

"Yes Master" Annabeth nodded nervously.

She knelt there on all fours she shuddered in anticipation. She didn't know what was going to happen next but she knew she was wetter than she had ever been. Her master was treating her like a common, stereotypical, blonde bimbo, as though she was just an object to be used and she was loving it.

"I think I need to punish you for your disobedience, I'm going to spank you hard bitch" Lyacon told her as he walked behind her, grabbed her hair and pulled. Her head was jerked up and was greeted by the sight of Artemis choking herself on 4 thick cocks.

"I hope you haven't had an orgasm yet Slut, otherwise your going to pay." Lycaon called out as he groped Annabeth's ass, making it ready.

Without warning he slammed his hand into Annabeth's jiggly ass, making it jump and making Annabeth groan. He laughed and did it again, alternating ass cheek, hitting it a further fifty times. Annabeth's ass turned red, and it stung like Hades.

"Now for some consolidation," Lyacon told her before he slammed his cock into her wet pussy, gripping her hair and wrapping it around his hand.

She cried with pleasure when he thrust its cock back and forth, inside and out of her moist cunt. His thrusts were powerful, so powerful that she kept lurching forward and backward with every slam.

Annabeth screamed with lust, her voice echoing as a powerful wave of orgasm hit her. She shuddered and quivered, her cunt convulsing around his thick and juices-covered cock.

Annabeth sucked in a sharp breath when Lyacon filled her to the hilt. She bucked beneath him and and rocked her hips back against him, grinding her ass against his dick.

She cried out again as she had another orgasm yet again. She screamed to the world while Lyacon grunted and continued slamming.

"Get ready bitch!" Lyacon warned her as he pulled out of her abused cunt, making her whine with the loss.

However that was replaced with a moan as Lyacon slammed his cock into her abused pussy once again. She let out a loud groan as he hit her g-spot and clenched around his cock. Within moments, Lyacon released powerful shots deep into her cunt. When the last of his orgasm went into Annabeth's overfilled pussy, he finally let go of her and she collapsed on the ground and passed out as her most powerful orgasm was triggered.

"Right, now it's time to teach you a lesson you little whore," Lyacon growled to Thalia, who had cummed at least five times herself.

He picked up the pink, girly collar and walked towards Thalia, who was shivering with fear mid-air.