CH. 15 - The Calydonian Boar (Extended Version)

{Random 3rd POV}

It is well known that Atalanta was wild, literally, she was left to die in the wild as a baby and she "died" later on in life as a lion.

A female bear raised her, two hunters found her and then she started being more civilized, although... she hunted down and killed the Calydonian Boar, agreed to a marriage only after the suitor managed beat her in a race and if they didn't well R.I.P to them. She even went on the Argo.

Finally she and her husband, Hippodromes, had sex in a temple of Rhea after Aphrodite subtly caused it and they were turned into Lions and eventually died,

blah blah blah...typical life of a Greek hero, or in this case a Greek heroine, right?

I mean it's also known that she "took a vow of Chasity", right according to Wikipedia anyway?.

Wrong! Like I said, it's well known she was wild, how wild exactly you ask? Let me tell you...

She fucked the two hunters who found her and she was only what?, 14?. She then fucked with every member of Meleager's hunting party before they hunted down the Calydonian Boar.

She had sex with her father until it was advised by an Oracle that she needed to be married off.

She fucked every suitor the night before the race and then she killed them once they lost.

She engaged in massive orgies while on the Argo with the other Argonauts, partially because she was the only girl there, partially because that was the only way to prevent a war on the boat and mostly because she was really fucking horny.

What else, oh yeah, those two centaurs that tried to kidnap her and marry her when she was younger...yeah you guessed it, she fucked and then she killed them.

In short, Atalanta was a wild slut. But the most kinky/slutty thing she did in her life as a whore was probably that she fucked the Calydonian Boar to give Meleager and the others time to escape and get reinforcements.

And that's why he gave her the skin, which had the Boar's dick, an ancient form of a dildo, a weird ass dildo but a dildo nonetheless.

And now here's the story of how Atalanta fucked the Calydonian Boar!

{3rd POV, revolving around Atlanta}

"Oh Hades! Run, Abort, we're doomed!" People yelled while others scrambled to their feet and ran for their lives. Before they got speared by the boar's tusks.

Meleager slipped in the mud and froze in fear as the Calydonian Boar killed yet another on of his hunting party members, "Help me please," He whispered loudly, too loudly because the boar snapped his head towards Meleager.

Meleager whimpered and started scrambling backwards, away from the boar as quick as possible while the boar lowered his head and ran for Meleager, ready to impale him with his massive tusks.

Suddenly Atalanta came hurtling out of nowhere, smashing into the boar and throwing it off course further into the forest. "Run, I'll make sure it doesn't come after you, get backup," She yelled at Meleager.

"How, that thing killed about 30 of us," He yelled back while getting to his feet. "How do you think idiot?" Atalanta asked, swaying her hips to emphasize her question.


Atalanta was currently in the middle of an intense stare off with the Boar. She could tell that it was acting out of sexual frustration because a) She was raised by bears and grew up with animals and b) she could see its cock which was currently extremely hard.

She also knew that there was no way that she could kill the beast so the way she saw it she had two options: She could keep it occupied by either fighting it or fucking it until Meleager came back with reinforcements.

"Fuck this," Atalanta said, gritting her teeth. While she was with the female bear growing up, occasionally she had to fuck a bear in order for it to not kill her, but first she needed to make a universal animal hand signal.

She made that signal now and the boar immediately stopped. The boar just grunted and waited.

Sighing, Atalanta got on her hands and knees and crawled over to the boar. The boar was standing on a stone in such a position that it was clear that he wanted her mouth first.

The boar grunted and shuffled forward, his cock practically poking Atalanta in the eye. She grabbed the boar's cock and aligned it with her mouth. She then opened her mouth as wide as she could and the boar suddenly thrust forward into her mouth with surprising speed.

His cock hit the back of her throat making her gag. Atalanta's eyes watered, her throat bulging and she choked. This cock was surprisingly big, way bigger than the other cocks she had sucked off before.

Saliva started slowly dripping out of her mouth, down her chin. She kept sucking, not daring to remove the cock from her mouth.

She started to move her lips up and down the shaft while rubbing his balls softly while the boar let out a loud grunt.

If anyone was currently hiding in the bushes or even passing by, they would have seen a treat. Her head bobbing was amazing. Her mouth went down as far as she could humanely go. She kept alternating what kept her hands busy, either she would start fondling the boar's balls with Cerberus' balls, groping her tits or fingering hr own pussy quickly before moving her hands back to the boar's cock, swallowing the constant river of pre-cum running into her mouth.

And to her surprise she felt the cock harden even more. As it throbbed, the boar grunted and shoved its cock as far down her throat as it could manage, before it exploded.

Atalanta choked from the first blast of the boar's cum filling her mouth. It was overflowing as the next few shots were just an endless stream of cum.

She could do nothing but swallow the endless river.

His cock throbbed again and shot its cum straight down her throat while she choked. She tried to swallow but his sperm completely overwhelmed her and she started to choke and gag even more.

She sat there, choking and gagging on the monster's cock before the boar pulled out. She breathed the air, coughed and spat out bits of cum. That didn't bother the boar much. His cock throbbed on her cheek and spilled the last of its cum on her face.

She sat back, on her thighs, kneeling as the boar stood it's ground. As she got her breath back she noticed that its cock was still hard and it was making those animal signals which meant it wanted another go at another one of her holes.

Sighing she turned around and slowly grinded her ass against its cock to motion that she was ready.

Reaching back, she grabbed the cock, gave it a quick jerk and aligned it with her pussy. The boar gave a loud grunt before it gave a powerful thrust and embedded its thick, long and slimy dick inside her tight wet cunt. It wasted no time and started pounding the female bitch with vicious and fast thrusts.

"H-Holy shit!" she screamed, her eyes went wide.

"Oh just fuck me" she screamed before moaning in lust as she felt its cock thrusting deeper than any before it and she realized the cock was now pushing at her g-spot. Not even the bears were this big.

She kept groaning and moaning as its cock kept swelling and growing inside her, rubbing against the walls of her tight cunt and hitting her g-spot.

After a few more moments of this blissful experience, she felt the boar's thrusts slowing but only gaining more power. She knew this could only mean one thing.

It was about to explode. She quickly moved forward and turned around. She then wrapped her tits around the boar's cock and started titty-fucking it while licking and sucking on the tip, knowing that this would result in a better cumshot.

And she wasn't wrong. The cumshot she received was enough to fill her mouth and also splatter all over her face.

For a few moments she couldn't see properly until she wiped the cum of her eyes and sucked it clean after swallowing the load on her face.

As she knelt back on her knees, watching the boar, she suddenly realized that it was no longer acting aggressively.

On further inspection she noticed that the boar's boner had also shrunk down.

Suddenly an axe flew out of nowhere, missing both Atlanta and the boar. Several arrows flew too, but none of them actually hit the boar, all they did was made an enclosure from which the boar couldn't escape from.

With lightning speed, she grabbed the axe and swung it down on the boar's head, killing the beast.

She then stood over the boar, panting and removing any trace of the boar's sperm from her face. She then turned around to face Meleager and the other men who had come as reinforcements.

"And that boys, is why you don't send men to do a woman's job," Atalanta said seductively, her hands on her hips while she gently swayed from left to right, gently making her boobs move in an erotic manner. When realization struck the men that boar had been killed, they started cheering and whooping.

"So boys, celebration orgy now or after the celebratory feast?" Atalanta asked, receiving boners and sexual lustful looks from each man as they started stripping to answer her.

"I guess that means now," She said, answering her own question before several men convulged themselves on her, ripping her clothes off. They started groping random parts of her body.

3 men rushed started filling each of her holes with their cocks while two others guided her hand towards their cocks. Another man simply sat on her and started to fuck her tits. The rest either started jerking off or patiently sat, watching while waiting for their turn.

Within minutes, the entire forest was full of sounds of men grunting, skin slapping skin.

Atalanta only managed to let out one thing before another cock filled her mouth and men swapped the places. "Gods I love my life,"