
Chapter 18: Trouble in Gotham

After the fight, I excitedly went to my room.

It seems the system recognized that fight and provided me with a lot of experience, directly allowing me to level up.

With the new character slot, I already synched with Martian Manhunter's character so I could use his powers.

[Name: Lucas Wayne]

[Level: 7 (000/700)]

[Characters: ]

Superman (Clark Kent/Kal-El) : 100%

Wonder Woman (Diana): 100%

Mera (Y'Mera Xebella Challa): 100%

Darkseid: 85%

Blackfire (Komand'r): 48%

Green Lanter (Hal Jordan): 82%

Martian Manhunter (J'onn J'onzz): 21%

Looking at my status window, I nodded in satisfaction.

Man, I'm getting way and way more OP...hm? Darkseid's percentage increased by 1%? But I didn't even see him…

Looking at the small increase of 1%, I frowned and didn't dare to simply brush it off.

The way the system works may be quite whimsical when handing out experience but...a character synchronization rate doesn't simply increase without a reason.

It has not increased for the past 5 years. Why would it increase now?

...Could it be? Does Darkseid know that I have returned?

Or maybe the increase was based on how much I've been using Darkseid's power?...No, that shouldn't be the case. I already tested this long before. The only way to increase a sync rate is when the character acknowledges me to a certain extent.

Did something happen in Darkseid's side which caused him to acknowledge me a bit more?

Maybe he got intel that I reached Oa...after all, I didn't really hide back then. I should've been more careful.

Well, whatever the case, it's better to be more careful now.

As they say, better late than never, right?

After thinking about it, I momentarily put the thought aside and tested on Martian Manhunter's powers.

I tried to shapeshift and found that I can only maintain it for a period of time. Around 1 hour at most.

I also tried to use density shifting but it was harder than I thought and I didn't want to end up materializing inside a concrete wall...it was better to wait for the sync rate to be higher to try it out again.

As for invisibility, it was the same with shape-shifting as I could only maintain it for a period of time.

Then there's the mental abilities.

Truthfully, Darkseid also has psychic abilities. Combine with Martian Manhunter's powers...I reckon I am now one of the most powerful psychics in the universe…even better if the sync rate of both shoot up to 100%!

But of course, I am not willing to sleep with either of them just to quickly raise the sync rate...not even if Martian Mahunter shapeshifts into a woman!

I'd rather find Ms. Martian instead!

Cough, anyway...it's time for me to think of my next moves.

After inquiring with my brother a bit before, I found that most of them had indeed already recruited their sidekicks.

Dick Greyson, AKA the current Robin. Wally West, AKA Kid Flash. Roy Harper, AKA Speedy. Donna Troy, AKA Wonder Girl. Kaldur'ahm, AKA Aqua Lad.

These are the only ones for now. 

I recalled a tv series called Young Justice back in my previous world and was confused.

It seems that the team isn't complete yet...no matter, that was just a tv series anyway. It's not like everything in it will happen here.

Still, it didn't mean that the idea of the so-called Young Justice isn't bad.

After thinking about it, I got up and looked for my brother to consult him about my idea.

"The Young Justice...is it? Certainly, it does sound like a good idea. And if you're going to be the one training them, even better. Truthfully, Dick has been wanting to do more but I was afraid of getting him in trouble. Unlike Barbara who I have trained longer than him, he is also still young. If you want to use this opportunity to teach these kids a few moves, then I support you."

Batman nodded.

It seems that in this world, Barbara is a lot older than Dick Greyson. Which is weird but not really that much of an issue.

"Yeah. And while you all show yourselves to the public, the Young Justice will support you from the dark. I plan to let them handle small covert missions like retrieving intel or such and they can also act in circumstances where the League cannot or unable to."

Hearing me pitch my idea, Batman nodded again.

"Sounds good. I'll call the others and let them know about it in the next meeting. I'll update you when the rest agrees. For now, just relax."

"Haha, right. Sorry, I just felt a bit impatient."

Batman smiled and patted me on the shoulder.

"Go. You want to go find Pamela right? I'll open the Zeta tube for you."

"Thanks bro."

After stepping onto the Zeta tube, a mechanical voice rang out.

[[Recognized, A-00 Batman's Little Brother]]



While I was still dumbfounded with what the computer called me, I saw a smirk appear in Batman's face.

"Oi! Bro! Can't you give me a cool name!? I even gave you the name Batman! How can you do this to me!?"

"Exactly because you gave me a weird name!"

"Change it! Bru-!"



Having already been teleported away, my face twitched a couple times.

That damn brother!

How can I still have the face to use the Zeta tube again!? Wouldn't I be too embarrassed to use it in the future!!!???

I grumbled and grumbled but there was nothing I could do. Anyway, I was already teleported back in a familiar alleyway of Gotham…

I sighed and walked out of the alley and was overwhelmed with nostalgia.

This is Gotham!

This was the city I was born!

Looking the familiar sight, I sighed once more then went back to the alley to shape shift first.

I only changed my appearance a bit but it was still enough not to relate me to Lucas Wayne.

You'd think that there was no need for me to do this since no one probably remembers my face right? Well, you're wrong! There are goddamn posters and statues of me everywhere!

It seems Gotham took pride in being the birthplace of the Hero who defeated Darkseid…

After thinking for a bit, I realized that a lot has changed for the past 5 years and I didn't know where Pamela may be.

So I asked a woman who just happened to pass by some questions.

"Hi. Sorry to disturb, I'm new to Gotham. Do you mind if I ask where I can get an apartment with safe environments? You know, away from Batman's enemies or something. Money isn't an issue, just tell me which places are good."

Yep, as long as I just eliminate the safe areas, I can investigate more on where the territories of the various supervillains are and just see if I can find Pamela in any of those places.

The woman was surprised to be suddenly asked with this question but smiled soon after.

"I see, but if you're looking for a safe place to live, why don't you go to Metropolis? The big blue and red guy is there."

"Superman? Nah, I hear that aliens invade that place a lot and lots of properties get destroyed too."

The woman giggled at that.

Looking at her smile, I felt confused.

Now that I take a good look, she's indeed pretty...and she looks familiar too...but where have I seen her…?

"You're an interesting guy. I am Selina by the way. Can I ask what's your name?"


As in...Selina Kyle!? THE Catwoman!?

I sweat! Why did I meet this unlucky cat when I was just pulling out strangers on the street at random!?

"Ah...right. I'm called Luc-...Luke."

"Luke, right? Well, going back to the topic, you said money wasn't an issue?"

Selina smiled but I can tell that this cat is plotting something!

Dammit, I shouldn't have said that! No doubt, she's probably planning to steal from me...which would suck because I don't even have money on me!

I coughed to clear my throat.

"Ahem. Yes. But it is still preferable if it's cheap…"

Downplay...I need to downplay for now…

Selina didn't seem to mind and only nodded.

"I'll show you the places I know then. Follow me."

"Eh? Weren't you headed somewhere? I don't want to trouble you! You can just point me in the general direction and I can take it from there!"

"No, how can I do that? As a Gotham citizen, if I don't help you properly, you might think less of the people of Gotham."

No no, I'm just afraid you will try to steal from me then find that I don't have money!

Though I'm not really scared...it's just so troublesome and my shapeshifting is also not able to last long!

If Selina was like any of Batman's villains, it would've been fine since I just need to defeat them...but this is Selina Kyle! Isn't she like...Batman's love interest or something!? I hear they even got married at a certain point in the comics!

Which means she is my potential sister-in-law!

"Are you coming or not?"

"...I am…"

I sighed and gave up.

Geez, my brother bullying me is one thing...now I have to pretend to be weak so as not to hurt my potential sister-in-law...I also need to make a good impression. What if she hates Bruce because of me?

...No, that's stupid. Anyway, I am in disguise...so it should be fine if I hurt her a little...right?

...Anway, let's just see how this flows out. Who knows, maybe nothing will happen…

A few minutes passed as Selina led me to various areas that she considered to be safe but I can tell from the locations that there is an apartment building a few distances away that always has a visible sight to the locations she introduced.

She probably lives in that apartment and she introduced the places in which she can keep an eye out for me if she's short on cash…

Still, she was nevertheless correct that these areas are safe spots from the criminals' territories as she also explained where the local criminals usually hang out.

Oi oi, isn't your disguise slipping!? How can a normal person know where the criminals hang out!?

I sighed and pretended not to notice as I simply followed her around.


"Where's Cat? She was supposed to be here an hour ago!"

A certain red-haired woman wearing a green dress pouted as she stomped her feet.

If Lucas was here, he would've recognized her as his good friend, Pamela! Now known as Poison Ivy!

"Relaaaax Ivy. You know how she is. She always makes an entrance. Just chiiiill~"

Another woman with blonde hair wearing heavy makeup and red and black outfit spoke as she simply laid down the sofa upside down without a care for her appearance.

Ivy's face twitched seeing her so laid back.

"Harley! Even if she wants to make an entrance, she wouldn't have waited an hour! Come on! Let's go find that cat!"

"Ehhh~ I don't wanna!"

"Get up! Or I will drag you out if I have to!"

Seeing Ivy so mad, Harley grumbled but still got up and followed her as she muttered.

"Sheesh, I can't believe you're planning a heist while it's 'that' time of the month…"

Though she spoke quietly, Ivy still heard her and was angered!


"Okay! Okay! I'll shut up about your...lady parts."

"Grrrr! Whatever! Let's just go!"

Ivy sighed and left their hideout.

Actually, Ivy didn't want to go outside herself as there were too many things that made her remember 'that' person.

When she had heard how Lucas had died in that battle 5 years ago, she was convinced that being a hero was a dead end.

Lucas had fought for the world and for what? He's dead and now, there are more supervillains than ever…

After gaining the ability to control plants by accident, she has led the life of an outcast. She didn't want to interact with anything or anyone.

However, when people keep on invading her territory, her plants act up to defend her. Just like this, she was categorized as a supervillain.

She even fought with her good friend Barbara a few times...neither of them enjoyed it, but both sides were unwilling to give up.

On one hand, Barbara wanted Pamela to change her ways while using Lucas as an excuse. Pamela always finds it irritating that Barbara would keep using a dead man to change her so she lashed out every time.

Eventually, they had already forgotten the original reason why they fought and simply fought when they met.

A year ago, Batman and Batgirl launched an attack on the Joker which resulted in his loss. In order to escape, Joker didn't hesitate to throw Harley Quinn away and left her to fend for herself.

That was also around the time they met each other. For a period of time, they even had an intimate relationship...however, that ship sank only after a few days when Joker got back with Harley.

That also still didn't last. Turns out the Joker only needed Harley to act as a diversion and threw her again when Batman foiled his plans once more.

Harley went back to Ivy but since then only maintained a friendship with each other.

Soon, they met with Catwoman who was heartbroken due to some reason which she wouldn't tell.

Like that, the three of them formed a group and acted as a group as well.

Usually, they rob banks or steal a few things. It was mainly Catwoman who planned things while Ivy and Harley were the muscles of the group...well, Harley is more of a distraction really…

Today, they were planning another heist but Catwoman has yet to appear.

Though Pamela appeared angry, she was worried if something had happened to her as well.

The two of them looked around for a few minutes and finally found Selina.

She was...hugging a man's arm while walking around!

"That bitch!"

Pamela's worries were immediately shattered and quickly changed to real anger!

Turns out that this damn cat is seducing another guy! I was worried for nothing!


Well now...what to do…?

I laughed wryly while looking at the woman who had her arms wrapped with mine.

...Just how did this happen!?

They were still separated earlier...but little by little, Selina seemed to be closing in.

At some point, Selina started to grab his hand and dragged him around.

I didn't think much of it at that time...but without noticing it, she didn't let go of my hand even after that and is now hugging my arm!

What the hell is happening!?

I screamed to myself then felt an itch on my face.

...Damn, my shapeshifting is about to end!

Before I can even speak again to try to find an excuse to leave, two people suddenly blocked our path.

One of them had blonde hair with red and blue highlights while the other had rose red-colored hair and a green dress…

Is this...Harley Quinn!? And...Pamela…!?

...Shit! If my shapeshifting ends and I revert to my normal appearance, adding to that the current situation where another woman is locking arms with me…

...Oh God, maybe it was a mistake to go back to Earth…?


Oh man...even I don't know what to do in his position XD

The Young Justice is also about to happen but it will happen very differently here. One: because Lex Luthor is an ally here. Two: the members are different. Three: because the MC is here!]

Also, help me think of a cool superhero name for the MC!

Sorry if this chap is late. I was busy working the whole week even yesterday...which I know is a Saturday but I am still required to work so...yeah...

See ya next chap!



Comments (32)

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Alfha_Robby· May 3, 2020

why the fuck Lucas always so easily meet with other Important Character whenever he stroll around.

first he accidently meet Batgirl during his stroll outside.

second when he accidently meet Poison ivy get bullied.

third he got saved by Superman when one of Lex's Subordinate almost hit mc using Truck-Sama.

fourth when Lucas decide to go into Pacific he accidently get washed up into Wonder woman.

fifth when he go into sea again he accidently meet up with Mera who is Diana's Acquintances.

sixth when Lucas get blown up at Space he accidently meet Blackfire aka Komand'r.

and lastly he literally meet Cat-Woman / Harley Queen as well while he's trying to find Poison Ivy wtf.

its as if some kind of Force always guide him into Harem King of DC Universe.

also what do you mean by this line

Soon, they met with Catwoman who was heartbroken due to some reason which she wouldn't tell.

does Batman in this Fanfic didn't accept Catwoman's love confession or something ?

maybe that's why she end up using Luke in order to unleash her frustation or something ?

Reply · 9 Likes ·  · 

Imbreak· Author · May 3, 2020

its as if some kind of Force always guide him into Harem King of DC Universe.

Click to expand...

I call it, the Author Force!

Also, for the last one, I purposely made it suggestive and leave room for more info in the future XD

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DragonkingKyo· May 4, 2020

I don't mean to be rude but have you read any other fan-fic like ever or any other original story where the MC meets people who will be important?

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hassan.h· May 3, 2020

name him bat boy

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TreeDungeon· May 3, 2020

umu thanks for the chapter!

RIP Lucas ...2nd round of Snu-Snu will initiate!

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hassan.h· May 3, 2020

only this time he will have a tree growing from his back side 

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edward_nigma· May 3, 2020

For super hero name I came up with "Helix" because of his unique genes or something. Tried to think of something better but came short shrug.

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devilslayer· May 3, 2020

plz author dont keep increasing his harem. it gets boring preety fast.

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DragonkingKyo· May 4, 2020

I disagree keep increasing it and it isn't increasing the harem numbers would make it boring but if the author did it wrong without development it might make it boring

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GonZ555· May 3, 2020

Since he defeated darkseid, and his powers are the color white somehow.. how about whiteseid. You can make one of his harem name him that with a pun of white seed

But i also agree with devilslayer a bit, dont make the harem part of the story become the main part of the story. I dont mind it if it's character building the MC & his girls..

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KidBuu699· May 5, 2020

I'd say look at the gods for an example. For some reason Titan and Atlas come to mind.

Titan for his power. Atlas would be more symbolic that he is/was holding up the world. Personally I think at this point in time a superhero name isn't the correct way to go. People know who he is. So unless he is going to put on a mask to hide himself now its pointless. The world already has a name for him, why would they change their hero's name?

For example: Lucas the Titan.

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ShiroiShinigami· May 4, 2020

How about 'LUCKYMAN' , seeing how keeps meeting important character every time he is thinking about that character and his luck in finding harem members and getting laid.

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Ryu· May 4, 2020

Thank you for the chapter. Also, wow, it's rare that a cliffhanger makes me not want to read the next chapter, but I'll get through it because this story is just that awesome. Just, please, don't make it too painful to read.

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