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Wandering of a Sword Hero by A Dyslexic Writer

 Fate/stay night & Rising of the Shield Hero/盾の勇者の成り上がり Xover Rated: M, English, Shirō E., Firo, Words: 221k+, Favs: 7k+, Follows: 8k+, Published: Jan 27, 2019 Updated: Sep 22, 2019 8,517Chapter 11

"What is wrong with the monsters in this world, prioritizing trying to kill us over their own survival!?" Shirou growled as Firo made another evasive maneuver in order to avoid the lung of yet another Griffin, Shirou thrusting back at it from on top her back with Jian's [Bronze Spear Sword] form which he held in his right hand. Getting the Griffin on the side of the neck and opening up a bloody wound. But even with him reinforcing his strength to the fullest, he couldn't deliver a killing blow, even with such a well-placed hit.

Normal animals would have backed off. Shirou and Firo were too much trouble to count as a good meal, and the way they were running would suggest that they aren't challenging the bird/lion things for their territory. But the damned creatures just kept coming.

[WARNING!] [Griffin: Lv 57]

Jian helpfully informed him.

Shirou spun his head around and lifted his left arm to block the strike of a second Griffin that had been approaching while he had been distracted. Attached to his left arm was a [Steel Blade Shield], a large kite shield that housed a retractable sword inside of it. As the shield hadn't been magically altered in order to contain the idea of a sword, it was not degraded like the rest of Shirou's dual-identity weapons, and the defense boost from it was extremely useful.

But even with the boost in defense, it felt as if he was trying to block a kick from Berserker as the Griffin's talon slammed into the shield, bringing Firo to the ground, with Shirou still on her back. Firo kicked at the Griffin with a blow that Shirou knew could have shattered stone, but barely more than pained the monster than now pinned them to the ground.

'Defense' was as logic breaking as ever. Ignoring simple things like the conservation of mass and energy. If a Servant took such a kick at that kind of an angle, they would be sent flying into the sky, even if their bodies took no damage from the hit.

The Griffin grabbed onto Shirou's shield, pulling it down as it reared its head up in preparation to attack. The [Bronze Spear Sword] in Shirou's right hand changed into the Jian's [Griffin Sword] form, and Shirou swung the blade up just as the Griffin dove down to bite his head off, neatly cutting through the top half of the bird's head.

"Thanks." Shirou said, as a clear glass vial fell from the [Griffin Sword] into his left hand. He quickly popped off the lid with his thumb and drain it down. Tasted like grape juice.

Green light escaped from Shirou's body as his [Medicine Effect Area (3 meters)] came into play, passing the effects of the [Healing Potion] onto Firo, who had shrugged off the Griffin's body and was continuing her run through the forest as the sounds of the Griffin flock/pride echoed around them.

Weapon Enhancement

By using the energy converted from absorbing the lifeforce in the monster's absorbed into the Legendary Weapon, individual weapon forms can be 'Enhance' in order to grant type advantages related to the weapons ideal enemy type.

Jian reminded him that the only reason he was able to cut through them so easily with that sword was because of her timely advice about Weapon Enhancements, and he could feel just how pleased she was with her self for it. Shirou sympathized with swords. Above all else, swords were the one thing he understood, which was why he was easily able to read Jian's emotional state, even if she was unusual for a sword.

Shirou only grunted in response to the sword's smug comment, though he had to admit she was right, the effects of 'Enhancing' the [Griffin Sword], after he unlocked it from absorbing the first Griffin he had killed, were paying off.

[Griffin Sword (0/10) (Awakened) – Rarity: Common – Base Power: 11 – Equip Bonus: +6 attack, +3 speed, +10% damage-to-hybrids (mastered) – Proficiency: (86%) – Enhancement Lv: 6: +90% damage-to-hybrids]

Even with the massive difference in their levels, the +100% damage-to-hybrids allowed Shirou to cut down the Griffins that got too close with his reinforced strength. Without them, Shirou would have probably been forced to turn back already… or died.

Firo moved through the thick trees with surprising speed and grace, barely hampered by the uneven grounds and random clutter. They were making good time, despite the inconveniences. The best defense they had against the Griffins was to keep moving through the trees, not allowing themselves to be too surrounded and making their wings less useful. Shirou hadn't even needed to guide Firo on this type of strategy, the bird seemed to just know it on her own.

Still, their luck, if you could call being chased through the mountainous forest by a swarm of half-bird half-lions lucky, eventually ran out, as they reached the edge of the trees and found themselves running into a clearing with nearly fifty Griffins there waiting for them.

The monsters were as big as Firo, with the upper-halves of eagles and the lower-halves of lions. They screeched at Firo as the Filolial was forced to come to a stop, turning around only to find still more Griffin's swooping down to cut off their retreat.

Things were looking hopeless, and Shirou was just about to use the transport sword to get them out of there, when a horrifying presence let itself be felt. An absolutely stifling amount of mana filled the air, and the trees shook from the a powerful, beating wind. The Griffin's screamed in terror as the sun was momentarily blocked out by a pair of wings, each of the hybrid monsters turning and running away as fast as they could.

Shirou didn't even have time to look before the creature arrived. It landed on the ground with a sound like a mortar shell going off and kicked up about the same amount of dust. Its shadow leaned over them, the monster being as big as a four-story building even while crouched on its hind legs, with two sets of powerful wings, each wing being the size of a soccer field. Its long limbs were almost spiderlike in how they were positioned, and the front talons had an extra finger and were arranged to look like human hands with apposable thumbs. Rather than a lion's lower half, this creature's lower body was more lanky, like a monkey's, and the curved beak of an eagle was replaced with a more straight, spear like beak. Large parts of its fur and feather were discolored and there was a third eye in the center of its forward.

"Firo, move!" Shirou pushed the Filolial's sides, getting her gone just in time to get out of the way of the creature's massive front claw as it wracked at the earth where they had just been standing. The monster let out a piercing scream as Shirou and Firo bolted back into the woods, its open mouth revealing multiple rows of shark like teeth inside of its beak. "What in the world is that thing!?"

[Mutant Griffin: Lv 106]

[A remnant of an old experiment performed by an alchemist hundreds of years ago in an attempt to create the ultimate monster. The alchemist wished to rediscover the method for breaking through the level 100 cap. Unfortunately, he succeed. The Filolial and their Queen warred against the Mutant Griffins and their king in an attempt to erase their threat from the world, but some of them still remain in the more remote regions of the world.]

"Fucking Alchemists!" Shirou shouted, the memories of dealing with some of Atlas's escaped experiments coming back to him. It had been the mission that had given Shirou a deep seeded trauma about dealing with Alchemists and their experiments. It seemed like they were the same in this world too. Who in their right minds thinks that engineering a super monster that could threaten the world was a good idea? Honestly, even the Clocktower wasn't that stupidly blind when it comes to research.

Rather than flying, the Mutant Griffin pounced after them, like a cat trying to catch a grasshopper, each time it jumped it would attempt to trap them inside of its talon-like hands and each time Firo would narrowly escape capture. During one such lung, when the Mutant Griffin came exceptionally close to grabbing the duo and its head came within Shirou's 15-meter range, Shirou tossed the Griffin Sword at the monster's eye with all his reinforced strength.

The sword broke through the sound barrier and hit the creature square in the eye, but rather than cutting the monster's eye out, there was a sound like a pebble bouncing off sheet metal and the blade just glanced off the surface of the eye without inflicting any damage at all. The sword vanished as Shirou left the 15-meter range of it, before he received any punishment for dropping the sword. Even with the buffs against hybrid monsters, the difference in level made the beast immune to Shirou's attacks. He needed a bigger weapon.

Jian gave him a mild mental prodding, warning him against breaking the rules of their forced contract. Even in a life or death situation, she wouldn't let Shirou use any other weapon but her.

This was ridiculous. They had multiple miles left to go, they couldn't keep running for six hours with this behemoth on their heels. He would just have to transport out and find another way around the border.

[WARNING!] [The Mutant Griffin's passive territory creation magic is blocking my [Transport Sword].]

"Typical." Shirou grunted before tracing a copy of Angurvadal. "Firo, close your eyes!" Shirou told the bird before Breaking Angurvadal and tossing it over his shoulder. A painful convulsion shot through his arm as he received his punishment from Jian. Luckily, it was still not using Angurvadal in the form of a real weapon, as no physical damage was done, so the punishment was minimal and only left his right hand feeling a little numb.

The light and noise from the sword's detonation could be seen from miles around, and the Mutant Griffin's unfair defense stat, didn't protect its eyes against this type of attack. The Mutant Griffin's scream was hollow as disorientation cause it to start to puck. Even though Angurvadal's effects wouldn't normally stager allies, the Broken sword left Firo stumbling a few steps before she managed to pull herself together and continue her mad dash, quickly building up distance between them and the abomination that was at their backs.

Having lost its quarry, the Griffin took to the sky, its wings shaking the trees all around it. Shirou hoped that they would manage to escape its eyes with the beast with the canopy above their heads, but this hope disappeared as he sensed a coming unnatural phenomenon.

"[Hundred Swords]!" Shirou shouted as he pulled up on Firo's reigns, bringing her to a stop. A hundred copies of Jian's base form appeared behind them, each one dug into the ground close together with only a little bit of room between them. "[Sword Change]!"

[Giant's Dagger]

Each of the weapons was twelve feet long, a foot wide, and forged of solid iron. The hilts alone were each as wide as a human waist. The weapons were once wielded as dagger by one of the giants of Arthurian Myth. They were completely unwieldable by human hands and not of the finest quality, making them have a rather low level requirement with Jian. Shirou had copied them into her arsenal not to ever be used as a sword, but rather as an impromptu barricade.

He was glad he had prepared for something like this.

The blast of raw magical energy hit the ground somewhere behind the barricade and the ground shook from the impact. The forest all round them was destroyed as the blast blew the trees straight out of the ground. The force from the wind alone broke through a few lairs of Shirou's defensive wall, though the barricade took the brunt of the attack. In the end, they were protected from the attack itself, but not the after effects.

"Firo!" Shirou cried as Firo collapsed to the ground as the pressure from the magical energy sent her into shock. While the bird had a large quantity of magical energy, she didn't know how to use it in order to protect herself from such an intense pressure. Shirou himself was barely dazed by it, as his own Magic Resist and the effects of the Holy Shroud, even weakened by tracing, were enough to protect him against even a pressure of this intensity, but Firo would need time to recover.

Time was not exactly something they had though. The dust kicked up by the magic bombardment was shielding them from the Mutant Griffin's eyes at the moment, but once it settled, they would be exposed. The trees all around them had been destroyed and it was a good quarter mile to get back into cover. Shirou could make it on his own… but that would mean leaving Firo behind to die. That was not an option. Monster she maybe, but Shirou liked the Filolial and wasn't about to give her up.

This only left one thing. "Trace on." Shirou said, hardening his pain receptors in preparation for what he was about to do.

[A Hero can't fight with anything other than the legendary weapon in his possession.]

Jian warned Shirou, though he ignored her. It wasn't like he had any other choose.

Shirou changed Jian back into a sword and buried her in the ground before lifting up his now free hands. In his left hand he traced the black bow once wielded by Archer, and in his right he traced a long black sword, shaped into the form of an arrow.

Sparks began to appear on Shirou's body as the punishment began, though Shirou pushed on, Notching the arrow to the string and pulling it back.

Legendary Weapon Rule Violation: Contact With Unauthorized Weapon

That was when Shirou's world exploded on pain. Now that he thought about it, this was the first time he had tested the results of the punishment in actual combat. Swinging a sword in practice brought about horrible pain, but actually having the intent to kill a target with an arrow was bringing about something worse. The intensity of the punishment grew until Shirou's vision began to go black. He could feel the skin on his hands being burned away as he struggled to maintain his grip on his weapons and pull the arrow all the way back into firing position. His world spun from the pain and it was a struggle to control his body at all.

Firing an arrow with any amount of accuracy in this kind of condition was impossible. Luckily, he didn't need to aim, the arrow would do that for him. His hands guided themselves as Hrunting, the Hound of the Red Plains, sought out its target. Shirou could feel it, waiting to be released, and so he added as much prana as he dared and then let the arrow fly.

Shirou didn't see the arrow, or its target, he only felt the arrow around him tear as Hrunting slipped between his fingers as went straight for the Mutant Griffin. First Shirou collapsed to the ground, the bow disappearing and him sucking in air in an attempt to combat the electric pain that echoed within his body. Then something else hit the ground.

The Mutant Griffin was dead, unless it had the kind of healing power necessary to survive being hit in the head with a legendary sword that was made for the solo purpose of killing monsters, going at ten times the speed of sound. Shirou had his suspicions confirmed by a tiny 'bing' sound, informing him that he had gotten the EXP for the kill.

[+382440 EXP]

[Emiya Shirou: Lv 42]

[Firo: Lv 35]

That one monster was equal to five hundred other Griffins. The term 'boss monster' came to mind.

"…J…Jian… Potion." Shirou coughed, tasting blood in his mouth. He seemed to have bitten his own tongue to the point where a large chunk of it was flapping around in his mouth. Jian only hesitated for a moment before letting the potion drop out of her crystal. Shirou pulled himself too it, then popped it open with his blood stand hands and took a drink. The effects weren't instantaneous, but he could feel his body knitting itself back together. "You could have killed me."

[This wielder brought it upon himself.]

"If I didn't use other weapons that thing would have killed us." Shirou argued.

[A Hero can't fight with anything other than the Legendary Weapon in his possession.]

"Heroes die all the time because they listen to unreasonable patron gods like you. How many of your past wielders have died because of your restrictions?" Shirou grumbled. Shirou expected to be shocked for his comment but wasn't. Jian responded after a short pause.

[The Legendary Weapons are created as blank slats each time the Heroes are summoned. It is up to the Hero to help them grow.]

[I have had no other wielder.]

So, the Legendary Weapons are something like Servants, in that they are different each time they are summoned, copies of the ideal that exists somewhere within this world. Made sense.

Shirou could actually feel the sword's embarrassment at having admitted such a thing. "Sorry… If I knew you were a virgin, I would have been more gentle with you." Shirou said with a cheeky grin, and was promptly shocked.


[Some items can help unlock new forms for the Legendary Weapons. No upgrades are retained.]

"Are you sure you want it? It was killed by unclean means." Shirou said as he pushed himself to his feet. Jian assured him that she wanted it, so he went to grip Jian's hilt but stopped when he noticed the raw state his hands were in. This was going to hurt like a bitch when the adrenalin wore off. He traced bandages and wrapped his hands before drawing the sword. By now, Firo was back on her feet and helped Shirou by carrying her master all the way to where the super mammoth sized Griffin's corpse lay. "So, what part of it do you want?"

At first, he was skeptical, but then the space around the monster bent and the entire thing was sucked into Jian at once. Shirou's jaw dropped open as the list of unlocks and item drops came up. He scanned it for the list of meat and found that Jian had just ate a creature that weighed over 1,500,000 pounds in a single bite. "It's official, you are the biggest eater."

[Griffin Sword II (0/20) (Unlocked) – Rarity: Uncommon – Base Power: 25 – Equip Bonus: +7 attack, +4 speed, +10% damage-to-hybrids (unmastered) – Proficiency: (0%)]

[Griffin Sword III (0/35) (Unlocked) – Rarity: Rare – Base Power: 52 – Equip Bonus: +12 attack, +7 speed, +12% damage-to-hybrids (unmastered) – Proficiency: (0%)]

[Griffin Sword IV (0/55) (Unlocked) – Rarity: Very Rare – Base Power: 91 – Equip Bonus: +18 attack, +11 speed, +15% damage-to-hybrids (unmastered) – Proficiency: (0%)]

More powerful versions of the Griffin Sword became unlocked. The most powerful one, Griffin Sword IV, being just shy of an E rank noble phantasm in base quality, though it lacked the Mysteries that made Noble Phantasms truly powerful. It was still the most powerful weapon Shirou was capable of using… without being punished.

Well at least something good came out of dealing with that monstrosity.

"Guee…!" Firo called out, bringing the pain dazed Shirou back to reality where Griffins were still circling overhead. The died of the Mutant Griffin leaving them confused, but if they noticed Shirou was injured they would probably go in for the kill.

"Right, be better get… better get…" Shirou started to try to get back on Firo's back but fell off immediately, frightening the bird. Everything that had just happened to his body was catching up to him. As he struggled to get up, the Griffins started to land around them, and circle like a pack of lions. "This… isn't good." Shirou changed Jian into the new [Griffin Sword IV] form and instructed her to enhance its anti-hybrid effects, preparing for a fight. "Jian, can you teleport us out now?"

[The Filolial Queen's territory creation magic is blocking my [Transport Sword].]

"…Filolial Queen?" Shirou said, puzzled. Then he realized that his head wasn't just spinning from the pain and that the fog in his vision was real. Something was there, a presence so vast that it made it difficult to even comprehend.

As the fog thickened, the Griffin's in front of Shirou started to tremble and back away, as if frightened. The Griffin's tails lifted and poop came splatting out as the hybrids actually shit themselves in pure terror. Shirou turned around… and then had to look up.

Standing in front of him was a white and sky blue Filolial, one of the same kind of body shape as Firo… but if Firo was large for her breed, this thing couldn't even be compared. Calling it a giant would be laughably underwhelming. While of around equal height, it was more than twice the size of the Mutant Griffin and was radiating a level of power that Shirou had only ever associated with the Greater Holy Grail, or Zelretch when he was actually being serious. Actually, this might have been even more powerful than that.

[Filolial Queen: Lv 250+]

Other, more normal Filolial surrounded it, each looking at the Griffins with an expression that could only be called, hungry. The Griffin's tried to feel, but as they took to the sky and retreated, spaced bent around them, sending running them straight back towards the army of Filolials.

Fifty Griffins and around three hundred Filolials. It was a slaughter. Though Shirou didn't watch any of it. He was too busy just staring dumbly at the massive bird that was right above him. It was the humbling knowledge that this thing could destroy him with a thought if it so chose that routed him to the ground. He thought he might pee himself.

When the Mutant Griffin released its power, it must had drawn the attention of the one that hunted it. If Shirou had just held out for a little while longer, it would have probably killed the Mutant Griffin for him without him having to use any Noble Phantasms.

The Filolial looked down at Shirou and Firo who both stared up at it with open mouths, Shirou frozen in fear and Firo stammering with excitement. After a few moments, the giant bird seemed to tilt its head in a smile before the crown of feathers on its head began to glow and a single feather fell down to Jian, who greedily absorbed it.

[Filolial Series Unlocked]

…Well, it seemed that the God Bird had decided to bless them instead of eating them.

The other Filolials quickly devoured all of the Griffins and then the Filolial Queen and her subjects all turned to leave, the fog disappearing with them.

As the fog faded, Shirou realized they weren't in the same location they had been in before. They were now out of the mountains and in the middle of a plowed field of what appeared to be corn.

Confused, relieved and tired, Shirou collapsed to the ground, his consciousness failing him.

Shirou awoke to the all too familiar feeling of a small naked girl holding on to his right arm and sighed. This was why he didn't sleep naked anymore when alone. "Illya… how many times have I asked you to stop sneaking into my…" Shirou paused as his eyes opened and he realized he wasn't in his room. He then pulled down the sheets to find that the person holding onto him wasn't Illya, but a child he didn't know. A young girl of around ten years old with long blond hair that reached down to her waist… and white feathered wings.


Exposed, the girl shivered and started to wake up, as she did so, there was a low grumbling sound. "Uh… Master, Firo's hungry." The girl said sleepily as she pawed at her eyes.


Suddenly the door to the room opened and a strange elderly looking Demi-human with bright red hair and wings walked through the door. "Ah, I see you are awake. Very good. Very good indeed." The man said before closing the door with a hand that looked like a bird's talon. The man looked like a mess, his hair and wings both looked very unkept, his clothes were stained and probably hadn't been washed in a while, and he had a healthy bread growing on his fat neck. His overall appearance, along with his girth, gave him the look of a stuffed rooster as he hobbled towards Shirou. "Hero-sama, it is an honor to have you in my humble town, and I will gladly do anything within my power to assist you on your noble journey… but… if I may be so bold, I have one small request." The man said, as he awkwardly shifted from one of his fat chicken legs to the other. "You see, it would benefit my research immensely if I could have just a small sample of your sperm."


[Waypoint Discovered – Lord's Manor, Halbstadt, Siltvelt]

I'm going to put it here so that I don't get a hundred people telling me I'm wrong. Heroes don't get class ups. So there is no level 40 level cap on Shirou. Nor do they have level 100 caps.

Because of popular demand, I returned Jian to only speaking in misleading messages.

The original Filolial Queen bends space and time simply by existing, is powerful enough to travel between timelines at will if she so wishes, and can just ignore attacks made by even pureblooded dragons that fully powered heroes couldn't fight head on. We are talking 'could destroy the world if they felt like it' levels of power. Filolia IS a god. Yes, Shirou would be intimidated.

Naofumi's opinion of the queen was that this was a being that could kill all of them at any time if it so choose and that it was best to not get on its bad side, and he couldn't even feel the effects of her bending space and time around them.

She single handedly killed all of the heroes multiple times (across multiple timelines), and then defended the world against all the waves (which were stronger because of the deaths of the heroes) by herself. The only reason Naofumi and the others weren't immediately killed for their infighting, was because she had become depressed from the long years and didn't wish to continue killing for the greater good (kind of like Archer).

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