
is going brilliantly! My professors are excellent and I am learning so much! The year at St. Mungos as a medi-witch paid off. I understand better then my fellows how a hospital works, not just what the books say."

"Is that what you planned when you took that position?" James asked.

"No, I thought I wanted to go back to Hogwarts and take Madam O'Niel's position when she retires in a couple of years."

James grinned, "If I knew you were going to be in the hospital wing, I would find a reason to go!"

Sarah giggled. "You are naughty James! You shouldn't say things like that!"

"Sorry," James said. "I am still not used to the rules here. Forgive me."

Sarah waved this away. "No, it is fine. I believe you are just saying the same things we are all thinking anyway!"

James decided to try to turn back to a safer topic. "So what made you change your mind about becoming a full Healer?"

"Pure luck actually," was the candid answer. "A new charity was looking for someone to work for them for three years after graduating in return for paying a large part of the tuition. One of the Healers mentioned it to me one night. I figured I couldn't pass it up. So I applied."

"Very good! What charity was it?" James asked.

"It is very new. It is called the Phoenix Foundation."

James paused, his face blank for a moment. Could she know he was the finance behind the Phoenix Foundation? He had kept his name out of the press as much as possible. Mrs. Catchbottom was the face of the Phoenix Foundation.

"What do you think of their work?" James asked in a casual voice.

"Well, I would not have taken the position if I did not approve. The money didn't matter that much. Those kids deserve a good place to stay without hiding who they are," came the immediate answer. "Don't you agree?"

James started to agree but was interrupted by a happy eight-year-old voice.

"Mrs. Catchbottom is really nice! She runs the orphanage a lot better then Mr. Roughton did!"

Sarah looked stunned. "Was that the place you were in before Tommy? It was horrible before! No wonder…" Sarah bit off the rest of what she was going to say. James could almost complete the sentence for her through.

Sarah looked at James. "Is that how Mrs. Catchbottom learned about that place? Did you tell her?"

"In a manner of speaking," James said.

"Can I be excused, please?" Tommy asked. "Snuffles and Tufts want to play some more." Tommy used the cute little boy voice coupled with big, innocent brown eyes.

James snorted, "Take off you three. Be home before the sun goes down. There is a full moon out tonight."

"Yes, Uncle Jimmy!" Tommy yelled back as he bolted out of the room.

Sarah said quietly, "You have really made a difference with him. He does not seem like the same boy."

Almost to himself, James said, "Merlin, I hope not."

"How does Tommy know Mrs. Catchbottom. She did not start Phoenix until months after you brought Tommy in."

James shrugged. "I guess you could say I am her silent partner."

Sarah's eyes grew big. "You are her anonymous donor? Everyone in London is curious about who is funding Phoenix. Why don't you tell people?"

James sighed. "I don't like people pointing at me. I just want to be normal. Helping those kids was just the right thing to do. Just like with Tommy."

Sarah looked touched by James quiet comment. For a moment James was tempted to use Leglimancy to find out what she was thinking. He pushed the temptation away.

They moved to the Sitting Room and talked quietly for a couple more hours. James enjoyed this time immensely. Not since his Sixth year in the Gryffindor common rooms had James had the opportunity to simply sit and talk with a peer just for the pleasure of it.

The longer the conversation lasted, the more James wanted to tell her everything. The need to talk about all of the things he had endured for the last several years astonished the young wizard.

Finally, Sarah stood and prepared to leave. "Thank you for a wonderful time. I really enjoyed myself."

James stood with her and said, "I enjoyed it more then you can know. May I call you up again?"

Sarah's smiled with hints of her dimples and a sparkle in her eye. "Yes, Mr. Evans. Most definitely yes."

Then she took a pinch of Floo power and tossed it into the fire. As the fire flared green, she turned and quickly gave James a light kiss on the lips. It felt like his lips had been brushed with a feather. The she stepped into the fire and was gone.

James stood with a happy grin. For the first time he truly felt happy. Then he hard a sly voice say innocently.

"See Snuffles, I was right. Uncle Jimmy does have a girlfriend!"