

Just In




Altered Destinies by DobbyElfLord

 Books » Harry Potter Rated: T, English, Supernatural & Suspense, Harry P., Tom R. Jr., Words: 289k+, Favs: 8k+, Follows: 3k+, Published: Sep 16, 2006 Updated: Sep 1, 2007 3,864Chapter 9: Histories Revealed

A/N: 11/29/2006: Chapter 1 has been revised to correct some errors. Nothing to change the story just some inconsistencies, mistypes and grammar errors.

Chapter 9 – Histories Revealed

January 1, 1938

James sat eating a breakfast at the kitchen table. The house was quiet. Silence rarely occurred anymore in the Evans house. James enjoyed his tea while reading the Daily Prophet. The silence did not last long.

The sound of a crying baby circulated throughout the house.

'That kid could out-wail a banshee,' James thought. James set the paper aside and left the table. He hoped to reach the source of the noise before Sarah woke up.

Another new addition to the Evans house popped into view at James's side. "Master James, the little mistress is awake."

"Yes, Cillie, I heard her. Could you please get breakfast ready while I pick up her highness?"

The house-elf giggled, "Yes, Master James."

James walked down the hall to the sound of the infant in distress. The addition of Cillie came at the recommendation of Elizabeth Potter. With James disappearing occasionally for the DoM and Sarah's Healer duties, the hiring of the elf was a huge blessing for the parents.

Elizabeth Potter asked the Potter elves to locate an unemployed elf. Cillie was the niece of the head Potter elf. James offered her freedom and wages. The poor elf almost died of fright on the spot. After calming the scared elf, James told her he would provide a savings for her and promised her freedom whenever she wished for it. Sarah provided her cloth to make clothes. Callie made several outfits similar to a Muggle butler. James did not have the heart to tell her that they were usually men's clothes.

James reached the sound of the news and picked up the crying infant. "Katie, shhh. Don't wake your brothers."

"Too late," a voice came from the hall.

James turned to see the now eleven year-old Tommy (Call me Tom!) Riddle rubbing the sleep from his eyes. "Little miss has a voice like an air raid siren."

James snickered. Then he said, "Check on her partner in crime."

Tom walked over to the other crib in the room and glanced down. "Still asleep. He can sleep through anything."

"Natural defense from sleeping in the same room as Katie."

James finished changing his 10-month-old daughter. Katie Elizabeth Evans was born on February 20, 1937. She preceded her brother, Michael Thomas Evans, by five minutes. Katie had her mother's blond hair and James's green eyes. Michael looked like a mix of his parents with James's black, unruly hair. His eyes were odd. One was James's green and the other Sarah's blue.

Katie's personality demanded attention. She loved to have a fuss made over her. Michael seemed content to entertain himself. Katie did not like to allow Michael out of her sight. The little girl seemed to dominate her twin brother. Michael just smiled and gurgled at his sister.

James could feel a slight pulse of happiness come from Tom. Tommy disappeared on the day he found out his siblings were on the way. James felt the boy's happiness all the way in Germany. Tommy felt that if he was going to be a big brother, he should be called Tom instead of Tommy. James and Sarah also moved from being Uncle and Aunt to Dad and Mum.

The pure happiness and excitement of the then 9-year-old seemed to reconnect the link between Tom and James. James suspected the extremely strong emotion forced the link back into existence. It did not seem nearly as strong as previously, but when he was close or the feeling was very strong James picked up a sense of what Tom felt.

Picking up his daughter, James said, "Cillie is making breakfast. Lets go eat."

Tom grinned at his adopted father, "It would be silly to miss it."

James groaned as they walked out of the room. "Why did I teach you about puns? I should have known better!"

"Maybe you left your common sense in the '90's?" Tom cheekily asked in a mock-concerned voice.

James smiled back at his oldest son, "Brat."

As they called into the kitchen, Cillie called out, "Happy Birthday, Little master!"

As Tom thanked the elf, James asked, "Is it someone's birthday?"

"Dad! You know it is my birthday!"

"Really. Maybe that is why that owl kept flying around the house last night. I finally got it to go away." James thanked his Occlumency training for his ability to say this with a completely straight and serious face.

Tom's face went white and panic set it. "You sent away my Hogwart's owl! Dad, you know that is what it was here for! You have to Floo Professor Dippet and have it sent back!"

James took on a surprised expression. "Did you want to go to Hogwarts? I never knew that."

Tom realized his father was winding him up. "You have the letter! I know it! Where is it?" Tom started looking excitedly around the kitchen. After not seeing the expected envelope with green writing, he started patting the pockets of James's dressing gown.

James chuckled and dodged Tom's attempts to pat him down. Katie giggled as they whirled around the room.

"You three are having fun this morning." Sarah observed from the doorway.

Tom threw his mother the puppy dog eyes. "Mum, Dad won't give me my Hogwarts letter!"

Sarah produced an envelope in her hand. "You mean this letter?"

"Yay!" Tom dashed over to his mother and grabbed the envelope. "Thanks, Mum!" He tore open the letter and read for a moment. "I am going to Hogwarts! Can I go get my wand and things now?"

James stood with his arm around Sarah's shoulders. "Congratulations Tom. We know that you will do fantastic at Hogwarts."

Sarah gave Tom a hug. "We will go to Diagon Alley this weekend. Nothing is open today."

"You've already ready most of the Magical Theory books in the library. Even some of the ones I told you NOT to read," James commented from the table with Katie.

Tom flushed a bit at realizing he had been caught in his midnight raids. On the other hand, Dad did not seem upset. "Sorry Dad. I just want to learn everything about magic."

James smiled slightly. In his mind, he saw the image of a bushy brown haired girl nodding excitedly next to Tom. "I understand Tom, but some of those books are too advanced for you now. After you've been at Hogwarts for a while we will start working on some of the advance stuff during the summer, but only if you control your curiosity now. Deal?"

Tom grinned at his father, "Deal!"

January 5, 1938

The eleven year-old Tom Riddle led the way down Diagon Alley. James and Tom had already picked up all of the books required for a First year. All of the potions supplies and other materials had already been purchased. Only one thing remained.

Tom almost dragged James into a small dark shop. Shop was their final destination. The shop looked as small and shabby as it was when Harry arrived here for his wand. It looked like the same purple pillow with a wand on it sat in the display window.

James stepped in behind Tom. He then turned immediately to face the corner where Ollivander was lurking in the shadows.

"Good afternoon, Mr. Ollivander," James said.

Stepping into the light, the wand maker said, "Er, Good evening sir. I know everyone I have ever sold I wand to, but I don't remember you. I feel I should though."

James ignored the implied question. "My son will be starting at Hogwarts soon. We would like to pick up his first wand."

The creepy wand-maker tore his eyes away from James and stepped around the counter. "Ah, young sir, what would your name be?"

"Tom Riddle"

"Let's see what wand chooses you Mister Riddle." Ollivander pulled out his tape measure and went to work. He used the same tricks he did when Harry Potter arrived here.

Tom picked up his first wand and shook it with no effects. Undeterred, Ollivander pulled one long thin box after another off of his shelves. None of them fit Tom correctly.

After an hour the wand maker stared at Tom with a perplexed look on his face. Quietly to himself he mumbled, "I wonder…" Without another word, he stepped into the back.

In a moment he returned with a wand on a pad. "I recently finished this wand. I am still working on its brother. I am curious though." He handed the wand to Tom.

Tom moved the wand slightly. Instantly sparks started to shoot out of the tip. Ollivander clapped delieghtedly.

"The core of this wand came from a phoenix I recently made the aquantence of. He gave me two feathers only. I never expected to sell one so quick. I wonder if the other one will go as fast?" Shaking off his own comments, the wand maker said, "This wand will be excellent for charms and very good for dueling. At 13 ½ inches, it is a little long to be a perfect dueling wand."

James smirked as he thanked the wand maker and paid his five Galleons.

James chuckled to himself as he followed Tom out of the shop. Tom was oblivious as he admired his new wand while they walked. James recognized the 13 ½ inch yew wand. Its exact duplicate sat hidden in his locked trunk in his home. It was the same wand Harry took from the fallen Voldemort.

June 15, 1938

Sarah had taken Katie and Michael to visit Sarah's mother for the day. The old battle-axe still refused to accept James the Half-Blood as her son-in-law. Sarah hoped the presence of magical grandchildren would ease her mother's resistance. James wasn't willing to make book on the odds.

James and Tom were left alone in their house. Tom split his summer between his schoolbooks, his friends from the village and playing Quidditch. James almost choked himself on pumpkin juice when he found Tom reading Hogwarts: A History aloud to his younger brother and sister the previous week.

James called Tom into his study and sat him by the empty fireplace. Tom had a concerned look on his face. James did not usually look this serious unless he was leaving on one of his business trips.

"Tom, you are getting ready to go to Hogwarts. I wanted to talk to you a bit about the past," James started. Tom paled a bit to here that opening.

"Tom, relax. This is not really about that other person in my past. I need to tell you a bit about where you came from. Sarah and I consider you our son just as much as Michael is. I think you will need to know at least some of this before leaving for school."

Tom nodded, "Okay," in a small voice.

"Your father comes from an upper class family; not nobility but moneyed. They owned most of the land in and around the village of Little Hangleton. Obviously, their names were the Riddles. Your fathers name is Tom also. They viewed people with less money or different then them as being their inferior.

Your mother's name was Merope Gaunt. She lived with her father Marvolo and brother Morfin in an small, old house outside of the village. They were descended from a very old Pureblood family. They took great pride in that fact. They were very similar to the Riddles in their pride, but they valued very different things.

Your grandfather and uncle did not treat your mother well. Feeling trapped, she developed a crush on your father. In her imagination, he loved her back. One day a man from the Ministry of Magic came because Marvolo and Morfin broke the law. They were sent to Azkaban.

Merope used the chance to escape. I believe she used a love potion on your father. They ran away to London together. After she became pregnant with you, I believe she thought your father would truly love her now. He was very upset when the potion wore off and left her alone in London. This broke her heart. She held on until you were born, but used the last of her strength to give you life."

Tom listened to the story with a pale face. Tears started when James talked about his mother. "Why didn't she stay with me?"

James held Tom close to his chest. "She didn't have a choice, Tommy. She was never very health. While she was pregnant, she never could afford much food or medicine. She sold some things she stole from your grandfather, but people took advantage of her ignorance. Merope fought to make sure you survived. She gave you everything she had."

Tom rubbed his eyes. "Like your mum?"

James nodded, "In a different way, yes." (1)

"Are the others still alive?"

"Your father and his parents are still alive. Your mother's father died not long after you were born. Your uncle still lives in the same house."

Softly Tom asked, "Can I meet them?"

A slight fear clutched at James's heart. "If you wish." Tom nodded.

"I see you have been reading Hogwarts: A History. What did you think of the Founders?"

"They seemed interesting. It was sad that Gryffindor and Slytherin stopped being friends. It didn't make sense though."

James asked, "What didn't make sense?"

"Wouldn't they have talked about who to teach before they built the school? Why didn't it come up before they opened the school? I think a piece is missing."

"I have heard that question before," James answered. "There is a Muggle saying, 'History is written by the victors'. Do you understand what this means?"

Tom nodded. "So the other side of the story may be missing."

James nodded, "The important thing we need to talk about is Salazar Slytherin."


James sighed. He feared this conversation for the last couple of years. James knew in his past Voldemort learned of his relationship with Slytherin his first day at Hogwarts. Tom needed to be prepared for that knowledge, but James feared it would lead him down the wrong path. However, he feared Tom's reaction if James hid it and Tom learned of it on his own. Shades of Harry's Fifth years and those revelations still haunted James.

"The Gaunt family is descended from Salazar Slytherin. That is why you are a parceltongue. All of the Gaunts had that ability."

Tom looked stunned. "I am descended from Slytherin?"

James nodded. "Actually, I think it is kind of cool. Did you know that the Potters have a magical painting of Slytherin and Gryffindor together? They talked to me once."

Now Tom looked excited. "Really, could I talk to them?"

"Maybe. Do you still want to go meet your living relatives?"

Tom nodded, the excitement leaving his eyes.

James placed his hand on the boy's shoulder. "Tom, remember you are my son now. Nothing will change that. I hope you can establish something with the Riddles, but Sarah your brother and sister and I will always be here for you."

Tom smiled though his face revealed his nervousness. "Can we go today, Dad? I don't want to sit around and think too much about this."

"Why don't we wait until after lunch. That gives you some time to think. Then we will Portkey there," James suggested.

Tom grimaced, "It sounded okay until you mentioned the Portkey. Can't we Floo?"

James grinned, "Sorry, there are no other magical families in the area."

Tom just groaned.

A very normal looking pair walked into the village of Little Hangleton. Although they arrived on foot, their expensive looking clothing spoke for them. They walked through the village. The young boy in the pair looked around the village in curiosity. The young man with him pointed out Riddle Manor on the hill overlooking the village. The locals noticed the boy looked much like young Tom Riddle, Mr. Arthur Riddle's son did as a young lad.

James and Tom walked up to the front door of the Riddle Manor. James pulled on the door chime. He smiled comfortingly at Tom while they waited.

After a minute, the doors opened. An older servant stood in the door. "May I help you?"

James smiled, "Good afternoon. My name is James Evans. Would I please be able to speak with Mr. Tom Riddle?"

"Do you have an appointment?" the man asked in a disinterested voice.

"No, I am afraid I don't."

"I am afraid that Mr. Riddle is too busy to meet with anyone toady. Please try to make an appointment for another time." The servant made to close the door.

James pulled Tom up beside him. "Tell Mr. Riddle this deals with his biological son."

The old man glanced at Tom and blanched. "Just one moment, sir." The door shut but they could hear the man's footsteps scurrying away. James and Tom smiled slightly at each other.

Five minutes later, the door opened again. An older gentleman in a suit stood in the door. He scowed at James, "You claim this whelp is my grandson?"

James kept his face neutral. "I claim nothing. This boy is Tom Riddle. He is the child of Tom Riddle and Merope Gaunt."

"Sir," Tom started. The old man turned his glare on Tom.

"Sir, I don't want anything from you. My father provides me anything I need. I just wanted to know where I come from." James was so proud of the maturity of his son's comment.

The old man's face turned violet. "You came from a trick played on my poor son. Those Gaunts are freaks. Get away from here! Never come back!"

The door slammed in their faces.

James led a dejected Tom away from the door. He wondered if there was some chance the Dursleys and Riddles were related.

As they exited the garden, a voice stopped them. "Please wait."

James and Tom turned at the sound. A woman in her late fifties stepped out from behind a bush.

"Is it true you are my Tommy's son? You look so much like him. Please come sit with me. My husband cannot see us from the house here."

Tom and James followed the woman into a gazebo. The woman sat down. James and Tom sat down across from her.

"What is your name, child?"

"Tom Malvolo Riddle, ma'am"

The woman's eyes started to tear. "I am so sorry for what my husband said. It is not your fault. My Tom was a sweet boy growing up. He got into some trouble but he matured out of it. He was to attend Eton but he disappeared one morning.

He left a note saying he had married Merope Gaunt. His fiancée, the daughter of my best friend, suffered a breakdown. We heard no word for over a year. Then he returned with a bizarre story about drugs forcing him to love the girl. No one believed him. His fiancée refused to ever see him again. He has sat in the house haunted by pieces of memories for the last eleven years. In many ways my son never really returned to us."

Tom looked guilty at this story. He glanced at James and stepped over and sat next to the woman. "I am sorry for what happened. My mother was scared and wanted to get away from her father and uncle. She died when I was born."

Tom's grandmother smiled and asked, "This man raised you?"

Tom nodded, "Since I was six. Before that, I lived in an orphanage. Dad saved me from that horrible place. Now I have a father, a mother and a brother and sister."

"I am glad for you, child. I am sorry for everything, but I can't change the past. You won't be able to come here again. My husband and son would not be able to handle it."

Tom looked devastated at this news. James intervened. "Madam, I have not introduced myself, I am James Evans. I am Tom's father now. I understand what you are saying. It is not fair to Tom or yourself, but again, I understand.

Before we go, I would like to give you my card. I work with a Foundation that may be able to help your son. Maybe then your husband and son would feel different."

"Thank you, Mr. Evans. We have tried all types of specialists. I doubt yours could do any better."

James shrugged, "Perhaps, but could they do any worse?"

Mrs. Riddle considered a moment and nodded. Then she turned to Tom and said, "I am sorry for what I needed to say to you today. You seem a bright boy. You look just like your father at your age. Would you be willing to do one thing for me before you leave?"

Tom glanced at James before nodding.

The woman looked down. "Would you please give your grandmother a hug?"

Tom wrapped his arms around his grandmother. James watched as they both began to cry. After several minutes, Tom's grandmother pushed Tom away and stood.

"I am sorry. I have to go now. My husband will be missing me." Without another word, she fled the gazebo.

James wrapped his arm around Tom. "We can just sit here until you feel better."

Tom nodded and curled into his father's lap. Neither spoke for a while after that.

James and Tom approached a wretched looking shack outside the village. It sat on a small wooded hill. The scenery was picturesque, except for the shack itself. The shack looked worse then the memory Professor Dumbledore showed Harry in Sixth year. The Shrieking Shack looked more structurally sound and weatherproof then this wreck did.

Standing on the lane in front of the shack, Tom stopped as if reluctant to move closer. He glanced up at his father with an unsure expression on his face.

"I don't think I want to do this anymore."

James glanced at the shack and turned to Tom, "I wouldn't blame you. You don't need to do this."

No sooner had the words left James's mouth the shack door was flung open with a loud crack. Emerging from the house was a dirty, hairy man. The man appeared vaguely simian in his facial features. (What James could see under the dirt and matted hair.)

"Get out of here you stinking Muggles! Damn mudbloods! You are not worthy to be here!"

James turned to face the repulsive man. "Knock it off, Gaunt. We know exactly who and what you are. Are you so sure about us?"

Morfin Gaunt glared at James and Tom. He let out a hiss of parceltongue. James looked disgusted by the comments the pureblood wizard made. Tom looked confused. He didn't know what half of those words meant.

In the same language, James hissed back, You sit here wrapped in the glories of your ancestor while you squalor in the mud like a pig. Wouldn't Salazar be proud of his ancestors?

Morfin looked shocked as he heard another speak parceltongue for the first time since he and his father were sentenced to Azkaban.

Tom enjoyed the look of shock on the horrible man's face. He added, At least take a bath occasionally. You look like your mother mated with a sick ape.

James snorted with laughter at Tom's comment. For a 'puff, Sarah could have a temper. His wife could wield her tongue as a lethal weapon. Apparently her influence was rubbing off on Tom.

James gestured at Tom and said in English, "May I introduce you to your sister's son? This is Tom Malvolo Riddle."

Morfin sneered at Tom, "So you're that worthless squibs whelp. She was never any good. Never did anything right. Glad she is dead."

A cold look came across Tom's face. It was a face James had never seen before, but one Harry knew all too well. It was the same look of pure hate Harry saw whenever he faced an angry Voldemort. For the first time in four years, James felt his scar ache.

Never speak of my mother again. Your family ends here with you. The Gaunts will pass unnoticed and unremembered. I think my mother would have liked that. Turning to James, Tom asked, "Can we go home now, Dad? I don't have any family here."

James smiled proudly as he felt Tom step back from the brink the 16-year-old Tom had crossed. It had been a near thing. If Tom had known the spells, would he have held back or given into his impulse? James felt proud but he worried also. The dark impulses that led to Voldemort still seemed to lurk inside his son. Was his new family enough to help Tom suppress those urges?

James stuck his hand out to his son. "I am proud of you Tom. Let's go home."

As they walked away from the shack and its occupant, Tom asked his father, "Can I stop being Tom Malvolo Riddle?"

"What do you want to be called?"

"Tom Evans. It sounds much better."

James stopped to hug his son. "I think that sounds perfect."

July 31, 1938


James jumped with his wand coming instantly to his hand in mid-dive. His in-flight recognition of the source of his surprise kept him from releasing the spells the leapt immediately to his mind.

James received an owl at his office this afternoon asking him to stop at the Potters on his way home from work. At the appointed time, James Apparated to Potter Manor. The welcoming cheer sounded as soon as he appeared.

Coming out of his landing roll, James recognized Sarah and his children in the small crowd. Thomas and Elizabeth Potter, Professors Dippet and Dumbledore, and a number of other people James had met in his personal and professional (Phoenix Foundation) lives since arriving here. (James could not see any of his Unspeakable colleagues but that did not mean they weren't here somewhere.)

James turned a bit red as the assembled crowd laughed at his antics. Few of them realized the possible magical results of startling James. James put his wand away with a sheepish smile.

Elizabeth Potter stepped forward to wrap James in a one-armed hug. She was holding her goddaughter in her other hand. "James Evans, I swear you never age a day! You'll have to tell me your secret. Happy birthday, dear."

James accepted his (unknowing) grandmother's embrace. "Thank you, Elizabeth. Sorry for my entry there. Over-trained, I guess."

"We enjoyed watching you roll around like a Muggle acrobat. Didn't we dear?" Elizabeth addressed her question to little Katie Evans, who gurgled happily in reply.

James smiled at the sight. Thomas and Elizabeth Potter were in truth Katie and Michael's great-grandparents. Since James could not come clean about the relationship, Sarah suggested making them also the godparents. It allowed James to ensure his grandparents were active in his children's lives. James grinned to himself. He didn't think his grandmother would have given James the choice anyway after the fuss she made over the twins and Tom.

Elizabeth Potter smiled at the young man and stepped away to allow James to greet the rest of the guests. He reminded her so much of her Thomas as his age. The Evans were such a delightful family. It filled a hole in her heart to have them near. She and Thomas had tried for years to have a child. No magic or Muggle methods had worked. If she had a son, she would have wanted him to be just like James. Something about him pulled at her heart. Plus, she adored the three children and Sarah.

Unaware of his grandmother's thoughts, James turned to great the rest of his family and friends. James hugged his wife and kids. Then he exchanged greetings with Thomas Potter and Albus Dumbledore. Before they could really do more, a voice interrupted James.

"Do you really need the beat up my Aurors so badly, James?"

James turned to the source of the voice with an innocent smile on his face. "Director Franklin! What a nice surprise. I am sorry; I don't know what you are referring to."

The lead Auror for the British Ministry of Magic snorted at the show of innocence. "You filled half the beds in the infirmary after your last demonstration."

James gave him an innocent smile. "Exactly, Stan! I wasn't that bad. I didn't fill the other half."

Stan Franklin joined Thomas and Albus in laughing at James's show of innocence. As Director of DMLE, Stan knew about James's Unspeakable status. Only the Director knew who the Unspeakables were in case an Unspeakable were arrested in the course of their duties.

"Moody thinks you were targeting him. Yelling 'CONSTANT VIGILANCE!' and calling him Mad-Eye. Why do you call him Mad-Eye?" The question contained simple curiosity, nothing more.

James smiled broadly. "I think Alistor will make a great Auror. I just love the way he glares at me whenever I call him that. It reminds me of someone I used to know that did the same thing."

"The rest of the Aurors are calling him Mad-Eye now. It gets his temper up too easy for them to resist."

James joined in the laughter but thought, 'Hopefully he will never received the magical eye that really gave him the nickname.'

The party settled around the dining room table for the next hour. James enjoyed the gathering of his friends from this time. They did not feel as close as his Harry's friends had been, but they had also never had to deal with the trials Harry and his school friends did either. Still, the inclusion of his wife and children made this one of the happiest nights of his life.

The party was winding down when James led Tom into the Thomas Potter's office. The room was unchanged from James's last visit. James led his son over to the painting of the two male Founders.

Before James could say a word, the portrait of Salazar Slytherin spoke in a hiss, "Greetings my descendant."

Tom nodded hesitantly towards the painting, "Hello. My father wanted me to come and see you."

Slytherin sneered at James but his words were to Tom, "This blood-traitor is not your father. He is of his line." The Founder twitched his head to indicate his companion in the painting. "Your father was a disgusting Muggle. Your mother ruined the purity of my line."

For the second time in six weeks, James saw the expression of hate on his son's face. "You will not talk about my father that way. He saved me and gave me a family. My birth mother gave me life. You are nothing but ink on canvas with a spot of magic. A memory." Then he turned to leave.

"Wait," the voice of Godric Gryffindor requested. "We are sorry to do that to you. We needed to know."

The 11-year-old turned back. "Know what?"

"If you are the one." Gryffindor pointed at James. "We already knew about him, but we needed to know about you. Harry is born of my line but has the ability to be an excellent member of Slytherin House.

"You, my heir, have all of the traits of our house but also the traits to be a member of Gryffindor House. Together you can answer the prophecy," Salazar finished. "Let me tell you a story."

For the next thirty minutes, Salazar and Godric told the story of the breakup of the Hogwarts Founders. The story told in Hogwarts: A Historywas true, according to the portraits, but not complete. Some ten years after the founding of the school, Salazar Slytherin was teaching potions and arthimacy. While doing research on a spell to fight dementors, an accident occurred when a young wizard played a prank.

The prank caused a violent explosion when the unstable magical energies ripped through the lab. Although severely injured in the explosion, Slytherin did not seem to carry any lingering effects.

On his release from the Hospital Wing, the young wizard attempted to apologize to the Founder. The professor rejected the apology and accused the young boy of deliberate sabotage. The boy was devastated. The Founders were already revered and the rejection was harsh.

Over the next several months, Slytherin blamed a great deal of occurrences on the young wizard. Since the young wizard was a Muggle-born, Slytherin transferred his suspicion onto all other Muggle-born witches and wizards after the original wizard graduated. His suspicion grew into madness. For a time the other Founders merely watched in concern as their long time friend spun out of control. They sought a way to reverse the changes caused by the magical accident.

Slytherin's madness started in influence certain members of his House. Some of the more politically ambitious pureblood House members rallied behind Slythin's cause. They found it much easy to gain power with a scared populace. Also the preference of purebloods in powerful positions created a self sustaining system to keep power concentrated.

The other three Founders moved to confront their friend. They saw his motives and magic turning Dark. The confrontation grew into a fight in the Great Hall during noontime meal. Godric Gryffindor had learned his oldest mate had been attacking Saxon and Celt villages. The ensuing fight almost destroyed the Great Hall. Unable to fight the combined magic of the other three Founders, Slytherin fled together with several of his followers.

For the next five years, the forces of Slytherin attached a number of Muggle villages. These raids were blamed on various raids from tribes in Scotland and the Norse. They also sought out the Muggle-born witches and wizards in Britain and France. The chaos after the Muggle Norman invasion of Saxon Britain allowed the Council of Magic to hide the wizard war.

Eventually, the Dark Lord Salazar's forces attacked Hogwarts. Salazar fell in the battle but at a huge cost. Helga Hufflepuff along with over a quarter of the Hogwarts students and half the staff died in the battle. Devastated by the battle, the remaining Founders helped rebuild but then left the school forever.

After leaving the school, Slytherin married a young pureblood witch and had a daughter. Years later, she married into the prominent Pureblood, the Gaunts. The family tended to intermarry to keep the Slytherin line 'pure'. Not only did this cause the normal issues with marrying within the family, but it reinforced the madness passed by the spell damage.

"Tom," Salazar said, "you are a half-blood. You have the strengths of my line. We hope the counterbalance of your Muggle blood will allow you to break the cycle of this curse on our family."

James spoke up. "The Potters are descended from Godric Gryffindor? I never heard that before."

"Technically, you are not the senior line. Unlike the Slytherin line, my family spread out over the last thousand or so years," Godric explained. "However your family line is unusually important. You see after Rowena and I left Hogwarts we moved into village in my native Wales. My wife died in the Final Battle. Rowena's husband had died several years prior in an accident.

In the pain of our losses, we turned to each other. We found solace and understanding in each other. We took the name Potter and lived out our lives as an unknown married couple. My son did rename the village Godric's Hollow after my death."

Now James was stunned. He was descended from two of the Founders? "Why didn't I ever hear this before?"

"Only the head of the Potter family was ever told. It was never recorded anywhere. Your grandfather knows the truth. I can only guess that the story either died with him or your father," Godric answered.

Any further discussion was cut short when the doors to the office suddenly flew open wide. Thomas Potter walked into the room with an angry expression on his face. Albus Dumbledore hovered in the hall outside.

"What are you doing in this room? How did you open the door?" He demanded.

James was shocked by the anger in his grandfather's face. "I apologize if I invaded your privacy. My son and I needed to talk for a moment."

"How did you get in?" Thomas Potter demanded again.

Confused, James answered, "The door was unlocked. We simply opened the door and walked in."

"Rubbish! That door is always locked!"

Tom tried to head off the argument. "I watched Dad just open the door sir. He didn't use any magic."

"This door is charmed so only a Potter can open it. Even Albus can't open it. I know he has tried before on a bet. So tell me, how did you open it?"

James grimaced. He turned to his son. "Tom, can you please go with Professor Dumbledore back to the party. I think I need to talk with Mr. Potter alone."

Tom nodded and got out of the room with a relieved look on his face. Before Dumbledore could object, Tom shut the door behind him.

James looked at his grandfather. "I will need your Wizard's Oath not to reveal anything here without my permission."

"Is it illegal or unethical?"

"Um, good question. I guess the Ministry would say yes. However, in the greater good I would say no. I am willing to take an Oath to tell you the truth. I won't tell you everything but it will be true." James answered.

Thomas nodded his agreement and waited while James took his Oath. Then Thomas did the same. When he was done he said, "Now talk."

James sat down. "My birth name is Harry James Potter. I am from a time in the future when a massive wizard war will devastate the magical communities of Britain and Europe. Hundreds of magical and Muggle people will die. The Ministry will fall, as will Hogwarts. I came here to stop it."

Thomas went white at James's bald account. "Grindelwald wins?" The older wizard sank into a char.

"No, this is another Dark Lord. He makes Grindelwald look like a Second year." James answered. "We win, but the cost is too high."

"How far in the future? And why send you?" Thomas asked.

"I can't tell you too much information about the future. I've already changed too much. I never planned on having a family here. It just happened. I was supposed to do my job and then lay low. Not have a family and get involved in current affairs." Then James shrugged, "Why did they send me back? I was the only one left alive to send."

Thomas looked shocked at James. "I have to ask. Are you my son?"

James smiled. "No, I am not. I never met you before I arrived here."

"Katie and Michael are Potters too then! And I am going to be a father!" James laughed as his grandfather danced around the room.

James held his hand up. "Maybe. I have already changed history. I am trying to limit those changes but it may already be out of my power to judge that. Don't think this means you are guaranteed to survive the war.

Magical philosophy was never a study area of mine. Obviously, history has changed or can change. (Merlin, this gives me a headache!) I don't know if this is still the same timeline that changed or now an alternate one. You may not have a son this time around."

"Are you going to return to your previous time?"

James looked sad at the question. "I wanted to. I don't want to leave Sarah and the kids. I am trying to find a way to avoid it."

Thomas sat next to James. "You are a good man, Harry. You make me proud of the Potter name."

A/N 1: James told Tom part of the story of the death of James and Lily in Chapter 6. I know this is a different spin on the events Dumbledore showed Harry in HBP. Factually they are the same, but I have James making it a lot softer. An angry and alone Tom Riddle at 16 would have viewed this much differently then this 11-year-old Tom.

Next chapter: Tom Evans starts at Hogwarts!

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