
Chapter 10 – Off to Hogwarts

It was very cold and wet. Surrounded by darkness, the pressure crushed down on his chest. He felt pinned. His arms suck. He was trapped.

"TOM EVANS! Get out of bed! You are going to miss the train!" called Sarah Evans.

Those words pierced Tom's sleep. Slowly opening his eyes, Tom knew where his dream came from.

"Snuffles! Get off me!"

The large, black dog in question gave his owner a dog grin, his large wet tongue hanging out. After repeated hollering, the dog climbed off the bed and sat by the door.

With a huff, Tom Evans pulled himself out of bed and looked around his room for the last four years. Much of the things that meant the most to him were already locked away in his school trunk. Only his broom sitting on its self remained of his prized possessions.

Snuffles wandered over and placed his large head on Tom's knee and looked up with sad doggie eyes. Tom reached down to rub his best friend behind the ears. Tom had looked forward to today for the last four years. It was September 1st. Time to go to Hogwarts.

Now that the date had arrived, Tom felt afraid. Since the night St. Mungos release him after Dad rescued him from a beating in a London Alley, Tom never slept anywhere else. Now he was leaving home. Sure, Hogwarts was only a fifteen-minute walk away. What if the kids at Hogwarts were like the kids from the orphanage?

Tom Evans dragged himself out of bed and started to get dressed. Snuffles jumped back onto the bed and curled up in the warm spot left from the boy. As he walked to the loo, Tom frowned at his best friend. "Traitor." Snuffles just wagged his tail slightly.

After his shower, Tom started to feel excitement for his new school return. He was going to get to use magic! Mum and Dad allowed him to read a lot about different theories and spells, but now he would get to try them out! The nervous fears of an eleven-year-old leaving home were quickly replaced with the excitement of the new school.

Tom's trunk was packed with all of his books and other equipment. Dad bought him a wand holder that could go on his forearm or belt. Tom's arms were still a bit too short for a 13 ½ inch wand to fit comfortably. A couple of discreet charms were cast on the trunk. Only James, his parents or a Hogwarts teacher could open the trunk. It was also significantly lighter then it appeared.

The events of the early summer still haunted Tom. Meeting his remaining biological family members left Tom feeling a bit lost. Like most orphans, Tom developed elaborate fantasies while in the orphanage to explain why he had no family. Reality turned into a let down.

James understood Tom's feelings. James told Tom about his relatives, the Dursleys, after their return. Hearing about James's life before Hogwarts, Tom's comment was, "And you didn't join the other me why?"

James just laughed and answered, "Sometimes I wondered the same thing."

The conversations with James helped. Tom felt the need to prove to his new parents and the relatives that didn't want him his worth. No one would cast him aside as worthless again. He would make James and Sarah proud of their adopted son.

Tom ran to get breakfast with thoughts of Hogwarts running through his head.

Tom enjoyed his last breakfast with his family before leaving for school. Mum was feeding Katie while Tom held Michael on his lap. Michael kept trying to steal the pancakes from Tom's plate. To his delight, Tom kept preventing his theft. This created a game both boys enjoyed. Michael's little belly laughs filled the kitchen.

James wandered into the room. "Good morning, all! I hear Michael is having a good time."

Tom grinned as his dad. "He seems to want my breakfast."

Sarah handed Katie to James. Then she walked over to Tom and wrapped her arms around him. "I am going to miss having you at home. It will be too quiet here."

"Quiet," James snorted, "with these two still here?"

"Ignore him, Tom," Sarah said. "He knows what I mean."

Tom grinned at his dad with a cheeky look. "He will the next time he wants someone to play a pick-up Quidditch game." Then Tom turned his grin on his mum, "Although Dad did tell me about the tunnel from Hogwarts to the Honeydukes basement."

Tom expected this to lead to a minor explosion. It did.


Tom snickered at his dad's nervous expression. "Nothing dear. I was just telling him it was there."

"You know he will use it! Only after Second year are students allowed into Hogsmeade!" Then he turned to where Tom was snickering. "I better not catch you sneaking out of school!"

Tom looked at his mum's expression and his face dropped. He dropped his head down and murmured, "Yes, Mum. I won't let you catch me sneaking into Hogsmeade." Then he shuffled out of the room.

James started laughing at the sad expression on his wife's face.

She turned to him and sadly said, "I won't see he for almost four months. I shouldn't have been yelling at him."

James wrapped his arms around her. "Don't worry. He only said he wouldn't let you catch him. Not that he wouldn't come.

"That little brat!"

The sounds of Tom laughing came down the hall as he ran away from his mum. Snuffles joined in, barking behind her.

Tom stumbled into the Leaky Cauldron and crashed over an obstacle laying on the floor. He collapsed in a heap next to his trunk.

Two voices came from the floor in almost perfect synchronization, "I hate the Floo!"

James and Tom glanced at each other and grinned. Pulling themselves up off the floor, they gathered up Tom's things for the last part of their journey to King's Crossing.

Climbing into a cab, Tom returned to a conversation they had continued all week. "I still don't get why I have to travel to London to spend the day on a train to travel to the place I just came from! The station is only a five-minute walk from our house! It doesn't make sense!"

James grinned at his son. He leaned over and quietly said, "We are wizards. Logic doesn't play a part!" James leaned back. In a more normal tone of voice, he added, "Besides, the train ride is part of the experience."

Knowing his father was laughing at him, Tom let the argument lapse for now. Instead, he looked out the window at Muggle London. Although Tom knew from his father that war was approaching, life had not seemed to change in London. People scurried about in their normal business, the events occurring on the continent a world away from their daily lives.

"Why don't the Muggles seem more concerned about what is going on?"

James glanced out the window too. "You have some knowledge they do not. Also, it is not a Muggle thing. It is a human thing, magical or not. Even in the face of absolute knowledge of danger, the majority of people will ignore it and hope it goes away. Prime Minister Chamberlain is still telling them a diplomatic solution will be achieved. He is ignoring everything the MoM has told him about Grindelwald."

Tom snorted, "Sheep"

James disagreed. "They need leaders. They are not sheep, but are more concerned with their immediate lives then what may happen. Not many take the long term view."

Tom shrugged as the cab pulled into the station. Quickly unloading the trunk they made their way down to Platform 9 ¾.

"I wish Mum could have come with us."

James wrapped his arm around his son's shoulders. "She did too. Katie and Michael would have been a handful getting them down here. Maybe when we pick you up for Christmas break they will be able to come."

The pair approached the correct pillar for the entrance. James wandlessly cast a Notice-Me-Not charm. James walked through first, followed by Tom. An irate young girl with long dark hair and a compressed, unapproving expression followed Tom through.

"You walk right through the gate without even looking if any of the Muggles were paying attention! You could get yourself in trouble with the Ministry. I understand you are a Muggle-born and a First year but …"

Tom looked at the girl with an odd expression. "I am not Muggle-born. I live in Hogsmeade."

"Then you should have known better then to risk …"

Tom again interrupted her. "My father cast a charm so the Muggles wouldn't notice. Obviously, you didn't either." The last was said as though to a young child. The young girl glared at Tom for a moment and then walked off in a huff. Tom looked at his father and said, "She's going to be a nightmare."

James did not answer. He starred after the retreating girl with an odd expression on his face. He recognized the Scottish brogue and expression of disapproval. Minerva McGonagall. The sight of his twelve-year-old Transfiguration professor brought a strongly suppressed bubble of laughter. The rant had been pure Hermione Granger. No wonder McGonagall had been her favorite teacher.

Tom looked up at the laughter in his father's eyes. Something special had just happened. That conversation seemed to touch Dad. Tom shook his head. This time travel and paradox stuff gave the boy headaches. Tugging at his Dad's sleeve he said, "Come on Dad. We are going to miss the train."

Tom led James to the waiting Hogwarts Express. It looked exactly the way James had described it.

He heard James murmur, "You think it would have changed in fifty years."

Tom snorted to himself. Dad was weirding himself out again. Ever since admitting the truth to Tom about who he is and why he came back to the past, Dad had been very open about a lot of what his previous (future?) life had been like. Tom appreciated his Dad's openness. He understood some things were not shared but Tom was a bright boy and was afraid he had figured out a good bit that went unsaid.

At the foot of the train, Tom turned and embraced his father. "Thanks Dad. Tell Mum and the twins that I will write."

James hugged him back. "Have fun at school. Don't cause Professor Dumbledore too much chaos."

Tom smirked back. "Who would I have learned that from?" he asked in a cheeky tone.

After a few more words, Tom climbed on the train with his trunk behind him. He found an open compartment. He opened the window and waved at his father.

A noise behind him caused Tom to turn from the window. Two boys stood in the doorway.

"Can we sit in here?" the short, blond haired boy asked.

The other boy, a bit taller and heaver with thick black hair simply barged into the cabin and dropped into the seat across from Tom.

Tom introduced himself to the two boys. "I am Tom Evans. I'm a First year."

The dark haired boy snorted. His companion gave Tom a polite half-bow and said, "I am Edward Nott. My grumpy friend here is my cousin, Antonin Dolohov. This is our First year also."

Dolohov snorted, "Don't waste your time on the mudblood."

Tom's blue eyes turned glacial. "Why do you call me that? I assume that means you consider yourself a pureblood and my better."

Dolohov growled back, "I am a pureblood and I know I am better then you! These are no wizarding families named Evans. So you must be a mudblood."

Tom leaned back in his seat. "Clever comeback. Definitely Ravenclaw material. If you will just excuse me, I am going to take a nap. We have a long train ride ahead of us."

The larger boy sneered but Nott gave Tom an odd glance. The new boy's reactions were not what he predicted. Most mudbloods would not yet know what an insult that it was to be called that. That meant he had a wizarding background. An instinct warned Nott his cousin had made a bad mistake.

Tom slept through half the train ride. When an elderly witch came past with the snack cart, Tom woke up. Another boy and a girl had joined Nott and Dolohov. He silently observed the four. Tom learned the boy was named Michael Boot.

From the conversation, Tom gathered he was another of Nott's cousins but not Dolohov's. The thin boy with brown hair and a hooked nose seemed a bit nervous. He kept glancing out of the compartment. Tom was not sure if he was looking to escape or not.

The girl was Penelope Midlands. The most noticeable thing about her to Tom was she was completely nondescript. She was average height and weight with no significant features. She would easily disappear in any gathering. She sat next to Tom but a good two feet away. She did not speak just sat and listened to the conversation.

Giving up on sleeping, Tom sat up and pulled out his First year charms book. Although he had read the book twice since July, Tom wanted to revise some more. It also kept him from having to talk to the others.

Unfortunately, Nott noticed the movement. "So you decided to wake up."


The Boot boy gave a nervous laugh. "That doesn't seem very friendly. What are you reading?"

Tom sighed. Other kids made him uncomfortable. Why couldn't they just leave him alone? "It is our Charms text."

Dolohov snorted again. (Tom noticed it the other boy did that a lot.) "Think a bunch of studying will make up for being a mudblood?"

The quiet girl finally spoke. She asked Dolohov, "What House do you think you will be in?"

"Slytherin, of course," the boy replied, "only house worth anything. All of my family is in that house."

Nott chimed in, "Father told me I would be in Slytherin. He works for the Ministry in the Department of International Cooperation and he told me it is the only House to be in if you want to reach a major position."

When she glanced at Boot, he laughed slightly. "I don't know. I'll be happy with any of them." Turning to his cousin, he said, "Umm, I'll see you after we get to Hogswarts." Then he left.

Dolohov grunted towards Tom, "I guess you'll be a 'puff?"

Tom ignored his comment. This seemed to anger the boy. The larger boy reached over and pushed Tom's shoulder, "I am talking to you."

Tom continued to ignore him. Penelope and Nott seemed to step back a bit. Dolohov leaned forward and attempted to smack Tom in the head. He missed as Tom pulled his head back without really seeming to notice.

Without looking up from his book, Tom commented, "Please don't do that again."

His anger up, Dolohov moved to leap across the space and beat the boy in front of him. He was stopped by a thin piece of wood pointed at his throat. Tom did not seem to look up at the bully in front of him. In a cold voice he said, "Sit down."

Dolohov sat back and joined the other two in the cabin at staring at Tom. Tom's wand seemed to disappear and he continued reading.

Tom was not really seeing the words anymore. He was thinking about what could have been. Did his alternate self sit in this same cabin and face these three? Tom guessed he would be in Gryffindor or Slytherin. Dad said he was almost Sorted into Slytherin and Salazar from the painting didn't seem too bad a man no matter what happened to him later. Tom wasn't sure he could be Housemates with Dolohov. He played the village idiot and bully well.

No one attempted to speak with Tom the rest of the ride to Hogwarts. Tom used the remaining trip to observe the other students. He was not too impressed. Tom remembered Dad's comments about the Hogwarts Express experience. Tom looked forward to the start of classes. School had to be better then this!

The Express arrived in Hogsmeade exactly on time. Tom stepped off the train in his new school robes. Glancing around, the familiar village felt odd to Tom. He and Snuffles had walked through the station many times but this was his first time ever arriving here.

A man's voice called out for all of the First year students to gather around. Tom walked over to where the middle-aged wizard was gathering the other First years. The large man wore plain brown robes with patches on the elbows.

"Is everyone here? Great! I am Mister Ogg. I am the groundskeeper and Keeper of the Hogwarts Keys. If you will follow me, I will lead you to the boats for your first view of Hogwarts!"

An excited murmur ran through the crowd of small witches and wizards. Tom followed the crowd from the rear of the group. The reached the small boats by tied to a small dock. Mr. Ogg called out for no more then four students in a boat. Tom noticed Nott, Dolohov, Midlands and another boy climb into the very first boat. Tom climbed into the next to last boat with Michael Boot and two witches.

The first half of the journey across the lake was uneventful. Boot chatted with the two witches. He seemed to know one and was introduced to another.

The nervous boy glanced at Tom and said, "This is Tom Evans. He doesn't talk much." Boot indicated a small strawberry blonde girl. "Tom, this is Amelia Bones. Our mothers are cousins. This is her friend Alicia Tidweiter."

Tom nodded politely and said, "It is nice to meet you."

Any replies the witches may have made were cut off when Hogwarts came into view. The castle was lit with brilliant colors on a cliff overlooking the lake. The castle's reflection in the calm waters of the lake seemed almost solid.

Tom sat mesmerized. Living in the shadow of Hogwarts for the last four years, he had never seen the school look like this. Tom decided he owed his parents an apology for making him take the train. He swore to himself he would never forget this first site of the magical school.

The boats entered a small cave at the base of the cliff. The magical boats were guided along side the docks by an unseen force. They touched the dock with barely a bump and allowed the students to get out. Mr. Ogg led the students up a staircase and into the catle proper.

A wizard waited at the top pf the stairs for the First year students. Tom recognized the wizard but again felt he was seeing him for the first time. The tall wizard had long brown hair and a long beard of the same color. His pale blue robes had stars and other shapes on them.

"Good evening students, I am Professor Dumbledore. Welcome to Hogwarts. I know you will enjoy your magical time here." Tom noticed a slight twinkle in the professor's eyes. "I teach Transfiguration and am the Deputy Headmaster. In a short time, I will be leading you into the Great Hall where your fellow students in the older years await. After your Sorting, you will join your new House tables.

Your House will be your family while at Hogwarts. Your triumphs will be celebrated together. You will support each other through your trials. Success will be rewarded with House points. Rule breaking will be punished with the loss of points and detentions. Your House prefects will explain the House Cup."

The professor smiled at the students. "You are starting a great adventure. I encourage you all to make the most of it."

At an unseen signal, the professor turned and led the way into the Great Hall. Although Dad took Tom flying around the school often, this was Tom's first time inside the Great Hall. The ceiling matched the clear, starry sky outside. Numerous torches and chandeliers lit with magical flames gave the Hall a cheery light.

Tom noticed a stool with an odd crumply hat sitting on it. Professor Dumbledore walked over to the hat and turned to face the waiting First year students.

"I will call each of you, one at a time. I will place the Sorting Hat on your head. It will determine your House. Now we will begin."

Tom grinned to himself. Dad told him they had to fight a troll! Tom didn't really believe him because of the mirth in his eyes, but a part of Tom still worried about it. Tom smiled slightly. He would write Mum to tell her about Dad's prank, and play up how nervous he had been. No more revenge would be needed.

The professor consulted his list and called out, "Alberts, Jonathon!" who became a Hufflepuff! He was followed by "Bones, Amelia" Gryffindor!, "Boot, Michael" Ravenclaw!, "Brown, Michael" Gryffindor! Antonin Dolohov became the first Slytherin. Then Sylvia Egleton became a Hufflepuff.

Then Tom heard his name called, "Evans, Tom!"

Tom approached the professor and the Sorting Hat nervously. Professor Dumbledore smiled at Tom in a supporting fashion. Tom sat on the stool. The Hat descended over his eyes and cut out all view of the Great Hall.

"My, I haven't seen a mind like this in a long time…" a voice sounded in Tom's head.

"Hello?" the boy asked.

"Hello, Mr. Evans. It has been a long time since I have had a Heir of Slytherin under me. The Gaunt family has not sent a pupil here in several hundred years. Ah, I feel anger in you at being called a Gaunt. Interesting.

Let us see what kind of mind you have here. I see a great deal of intelligence. You love the study of magic. But I don't see you studying simply for the sake of knowledge. You have courage in abundance as well. You would do well in Gryffindor."

Tom started to get nervous when he heard the students starting to murmur amongst themselves. This was taking a lot longer then it had for the other kids.

"Don't worry about them," the Hat assured him, "I take as long as I need. Hmm, I see a great need here to prove yourself. A great desire to surpass all expectations. I see here a knowledge of a potential future. Interesting. You are indeed your ancestor's true child. So you must be in SLYTHERIN!" The last part was shouted out to the entire Great Hall.

Before the Hat was removed, the Hat said, "Tell your father to come and talk to me. I must talk to the Gryffindor I have never sorted."

The Hat was pulled away. Tom looked up at Professor Dumbledore.

The professor smiled and said, "Off to your House now, Tom"

Tom nodded politely and walked calmly over to the Slytherin table. He sat down opposite Dolohov, who sneered at him but said nothing.

Tom watched as he was joined by Skullion Mulciber, Edward Nott, and Evan Rosier as the new Slytherin First year boys. Six girls were sorted into Slytherin. The quiet Penelope Midlands from the Express was joined by Tabitha Figg, Mary Greengrass, Laura Parkinson, Alicia Todweiter, and Sumta Xurana.

Once the final student, Sumta Xurana, was seated the Headmaster rose from his seat. "Welcome to anther year of magical learning at Hogwarts. I am Professor Dippet. Before for we start with our feast, I would like to say a few words. We welcome two new staff members to out teaching staff for this term.

The first is Professor Slughorn. Professor Slughorn recently completed his Potions Mastery. He will also be taking over as Head of Slytherin House." The students of Slytherin House applauded but the rest of the Houses only made token gestures.

Professor Dippet waited for the clapping to stop. Then he introduced the very small man standing next to him. "Assistant Professor Flitwick will be joining us to teach the younger Charms classes. Professor Flitwick is completing his Charms Mastery with an apprenticeship to Professor MacTavish. Our new Charms teacher is also rated a master dueler." Some polite applause came for the small teacher.

"A reminder that the Forbidden Forest remains just that. Madam Pringle has posted a list of proscribed items from Zonko's on her office door. Please take the time to read her list. This includes you Professor Dumbledore." The older students all laughed at this last remark. Dumbledore just looked innocent.

With the first smile Tom had seen on the Headmaster's face, the professor said, "Let the feast begin!"

With a clap the tables filled with large bowls and dishes of the most wonderful food Tom ever smelled. All the students eagerly started to eat. The day on the Express prevented most of them from eating a full lunch. As it was now close to 8:30, the students were starved.

Tom felt a chill run up his spine and his left side turned cool. He glanced over to see a ghostly form hovering next to him and glaring. Mary Greengrass, sitting next to Tom, gave a squeal when she noticed the ghost.

"I-i-it's the Bloody Baron!" Nott stammered out. Some of the older Slytherin students laughed at the fright of the First years.

Then the Baron floated closer to Tom. In a low whisper, the Baron said, "Welcome to the true Heir of the Founder." Then the Baron nodded politely and drifted away.

The surprised look on Tom's face was taken as more fear by the other students. Their laughing increased. Two sets of eyes noted it as surprise and not fear on Tom's face. One sat at the Head Table and the other at the table with him. Tom, ignoring the laughter, concentrated on his meal and did not notice his watchers.

After the Welcoming Feast, Tom joined the other First years in following the two Slytherin Fifth year prefects down to the Slytherin Dorms in the Dungeons. As they approached a painting on the wall, the Prefects stopped and turned.

The Fifth year boy had introduced himself as Malcolm Fudge. "This is the entrance to the Slytherin Commons. We will tell you the password. None of the lesser Houses is to know it."

The Slytherin female prefect, Georgianna Scandalfenie, added, "If the other Houses learn the password, we will find out who told." Then she turned to the plain stone wall and said "Purity". The wall slide back and over to reveal the opening to the Slytherin Common Room.

Tom followed the other First years into a long room with a low ceiling. Magical lamps hanging from chains gave off a greenish light. The walls and ceilings were rough stone. The floor was covered in a thick, plush carpet. A massive fireplace sat midway down the room. A scattering of couches, tables and high backed chairs sat around the room. Tom counted ten doors leading out of the common room.

The older Slytherin students stood waiting along each side of the room. Based on their heights, Tom guessed they were lined up by years. Two older students stood in the center of the room facing the new Slytherin students. Tom assumed they were the Seventh year prefects.

Once all of the students were in and the common room door closed, the boy standing in the center started to speak. "Welcome to Slytherin House. We are the house of power. We are the ones of destiny. You will bare the responsibility of carrying on our tradition of greatness.

An image of Salazar Slytherin appeared between the two prefects. Now the girl started to speak. "The greatest of the Founders taught only the best students. Those students of cunning, ambition and power. You must prove yourselves worthy of the honor.

Tom wanted to snort at the cheap showmanship of the two prefects. Dad would have found this hysterical.

The boy picked up the rant. "I am Anthony Cumshaw-Parker. This is Cynthia Zindle. I am the Head Boy for this year. Cynthia is the Seventh year Prefect. There will be no fighting outside these walls within this House. Strive with each other but not where the lesser Houses may witness it. The Houses are our competition. We hone our skills for life now. Strive to surpass and dominate the other Houses."

Zindle added, "The school uses House points to determine standings. Our House strives both within and without. Grades and other achievements will earn you standing within the House."

The image of Salazar Slytherin dissolved to be replaced by a great hooded snake. "You will each approach the snake of Slytherin. The snake is our symbol. A snake is calm, cool, and patient. It stays out of sight until it is ready to strike. When it strikes, it strikes without hesitation or mercy."

Cumshaw glared at the First years. "You will approach our House symbol one at a time. You will face it for its acceptance. Now we start. Antonin Dolohov! Come forward!"

Dolohov strode forward with an arrogant stride. He walked to the waiting Seventh years. Stopping just before the snake, he glared at the image. The snake slithered around to stare into his eyes and hissed. Tom could not see the boy's face, but his shoulders seemed to shrink. Then the snake pulled back and seemed to nod.

Cumshaw announced, "Dolohov, you have been accepted. Step forward."

Dolohov stepped around the Seventh years and walked past them. When Zindle called out, "Tom Evans!", he sneared, "How did a mudblood get down here?" The words were not loud but students on both sides of the room heard them. It was whispers passed up and down both sides.

Tom stepped forward to stand before the snake. The snake gave Tom a nasty stare and hissed, Another one unworthy of the great Master.

Tom smirked at the snake and hissed back, What makes you say that?

Snakes can't really show expressions. Somehow this snake did. You speak the noble tongue? How is this possible?

I am Tom Evans, adopted son of James Evans. My mother was of the House of Gaunt.

The snake seemed to bow. You are of the line of the great Salazar Slytherin. It has been too much time since one of his line has stood before me. Be welcome in your House. The snake then pulled back from Tom.

Tom looked around and noticed that the room had gone silent. The other students stared at Tom in shock. Finally, Cumshaw asked, "Did you just speak to the snake?"

Tom's lips curled into a smirk again. In an innocent voice he asked, "Sure, can't everybody?"

Shock still on his face, the Head Boy motioned for Tom to join Dolohov. Tom walked over to the shocked First year. Tom noticed a glimmer of fear lurking in the larger boy's eyes. A sense of satisfaction ran down Tom's spine. Maybe this wouldn't be so bad after all.

The remaining First years passed through the rest of the ceremony. After Tom's encounter with the snake, most of the other First years made some type of display of courage while facing the snake. Mary Greengrass and Sumta Xurana simply stood their ground. The rest tried to out do Tom. Evan Rosier went so far as to hiss back at the snake. Tom winced when the hissing sound came out close to an insult. The magical image did not take kindly to the unintentional comment.

Tom sneered at their petty game of one-upmanship. He remembered his father's stories of the future their games would bring about. No other surprises occurred, although the snake kept turning around to peer at Tom. This really seemed to unnerve the other students to Tom's amusement.

After they were done, the two Fifth year prefects led the First years on a tour of the Slytherin dorm. Two of the doors led to the boys and girls dorms. The boys' dorms were one level down and underneath the girls' dorms. Each year had its own room.

The students were led into Slytherin House's private Potions lab. All kinds of potions ingredients and equipment filled the room. Tom was shocked. It was even better equipped then the lab Mum had at home. Dad told him that it seemed the Slytherins always seemed to be the strongest Potions students. It was no wonder if they had this and none of the other Houses did.

Tom was more excited to find the dueling practice area. The floor had a regulation dueling platform marked off. A magical shield to protect any observers from missed spells also surrounded the platform. Dad would have loved this. From what Dad said, the Gryffindor House dorms did not include anything like this.

After the tour, the students were dismissed to their rooms. Tom followed the other four boys into their new room. The room held a series of large beds colored in the green and silver of the House. The canopied beds were huge for eleven year old boys. Each of their trunks sat at the foot of their beds. Next to each bed were a wardrobe and a small desk.

The boys moved to their trunks and started getting ready for bed. Rosier complained, "Why didn't the house-elves put all of our stuff away?"

Tom dragged himself into his bed. He felt emotionally drained. Leaving home, riding the train and getting Sorted had pulled a lot out of him. The looks he was receiving from his new dorm mates made it even worse. No one was speaking to him just giving him weighing glances.

Tom wondered what today had been like for the Tom Riddle of Dad's past. Not knowing who his family was or his tie to Slytherin. What kind of greeting had he received on his first night?

A low growl interrupted Tom's musings. "I don't believe you really spoke to that snake. You were faking it."

Tom rolled over in his bed to look at the speaker. Not to his surprise, it was Dolohov. "Excuse me?"

"There is no way a half-blood like you could be a Parseltongue. Only the greatest of the Dark Wizards have had that gift. Not even Grindelwald has been granted that power."

Tom rolled back over, "He was also a Ravenclaw." Silence filled the room again.

"How do you know that?" asked a new voice.

Tom glanced up at the speaker. It was Skullian Mulciber. Mulciber was a stocky, somewhat chubby boy a little taller then Tom. "My father told me. I think he heard it from Dumbledore."

The boy sneered, "You would believe it coming from that blood traitor. He is a Muggle-lover."

"And you hate Muggles?"

"All right thinking Purebloods do!"


Mulciber and Dolohov took on matching looks of disgust. Mulciber answered, "They have no magic. They are beneath us. They are merely animals."

Tom pretended to consider this. Then asked, "Do you have a pet? Do you hate it?"

"So you are a Muggle-lover too!"

Tom realized he had gone too far. He would not survive in this room if he pushed them this hard. Raising an eyebrow, "Do I love them? No. However, I have very personal reasons for any hate I do have." Tom allowed a host of buried resentments rise up in his tone during his comment.

At the surprised silence, Tom again layback on his bed. The anger and hatred that rose to the surface surprised Tom. The images of the visit to the Riddles combined with his memories of the orphanage. The hate sat in his stomach like a ball of lead.

Tom felt the need to talk to his dad. He missed his mum and the twins. However, Dad understood. Dad knew the hatred that Tom felt. James had the same cause for hate Tom did.

Sleep was a long time coming that first night. Thoughts of all he had seen and done today ran through his head. As he finally drifted off to sleep, Tom could not shake the feeling that something was missing.

A/N: I am splitting this chapter in two parts. Originally, this chapter was supposed to include Tom's first day of classes. It got too long so I am posting it in two parts. Chapter 11 should be completed and up on Saturday, December 9th.

Thanks to all of the wonderful reviewers. I have been incorporating questions and comments made to improve the story. Some readers liked the James against the Nazis chapters. Some felt it distracted from the James-Tom main part of the story. I will have some of James's mission occurring again. (Maybe with Tom's involvement?) I may do some outtake chapters later using James from this story.

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