
Just In




Altered Destinies by DobbyElfLord

 Books » Harry Potter Rated: T, English, Supernatural & Suspense, Harry P., Tom R. Jr., Words: 289k+, Favs: 8k+, Follows: 3k+, Published: Sep 16, 2006 Updated: Sep 1, 2007 3,864Chapter 13: Winds of War

Chapter 13 – Winds of War

June 1, 1939

"Albus, Thomas, I am glad you could join us," James greeted the new arrivals. James was seated at his kitchen table with a member of the DoM research department and his wife.

Dumbledore smiled, "The students have now left and I have found the halls to be quite silent already. I am happy to visit."

"I understand that Tom gave you a hard time this morning," Sarah grinned.

"He made an excellent point," Albus pointed out. "Going to Hogsmeade Station to take the train to London so he can floo home to Hogsmeade. How did you know, my dear?"

"The twins and I ran into the students on their way to the station. I gave Tom a picnic lunch for the train and took his trunk. He complained to me then," the blond woman answered.

James looked sternly at his wife. "Did you embarrass Tom in front of his friends?"

Sarah smacked him on the back of the head. "This coming from the man who turned Tom into a wolf cub and sent biscuits that turned all the First year Slytherins hair blue!"

The rest of the table laughed at the smirk James wore on his face at his wife's retort. James took her hand and kissed it. Then, still holding her hand, he turned back to his guests.

"Thank you for coming today, all of you." James said with a serious expression. "You are all aware of how I came to be in this time. When I arrived, I never had any intention of staying. My plan was to complete my mission and spend the rest of my time in obscurity until I went home." James glanced at Sarah. "I have found the home I was looking for here already. I am looking for your help in separating myself from the Time Turner so I may remain in this time."

The Unspeakable spoke first. "Mr. Able directed me to assist you in this effort. Please call me Kay. I am unsure why the Department of Mysteries is involved, but you already have my assistance. I understand why you have asked Professor Dumbledore to become involved, but I am unsure about Mr. Potter's involvement."

"This effort is sealed to this room, Kay. Only Mr. Able is privy to the discussion. Understood?" James asked.

The Unspeakable started to object until she noticed the position of James's free hand on the table. The casual position of the hand and fingers seemed completely natural. However, she recognized it as a DoM recognition signal. Understanding of the situation came to Kay. She nodded her acceptance of both James's communications.

"I won't go into details today, Kay. I will say that Thomas and his wife are the closest things I have to family in this time except for my own wife and children. Thomas was the first person I told about myself. He encouraged me to discuss it with Albus. I told him early last autumn."

"I called you hear today to give you some details about how a came here. I will not discuss why I came here. No one here needs to know." James then proceeded to explain everything he knew about the Time Turner and its 10-12 year recharge period. He concluded with, "I arrived here in June of '34. That leaves me at least five years to discover a way to stop the return process."

"The person who sent you back said the Time Turner itself would only exist astrally as it recharges?" Kay asked.

"Yes, that is what I was told. I haven't seen it since it was activated so I have to believe he was telling me the truth." James had decided not to mention just who had sent him back.

Kay looked troubled. "To recharge it and keep it astral, he must have tied it to your magical core. Your own magic is its recharge source. Do you feel magically weaker?"

"My first couple of days were rough," James replied. "I haven't had a problem since."

"James is the strongest wizard I have ever met," Sarah commented. "He casually uses magic without the effort most of us use. It reminds me of Albus from when I was in school."

The Unspeakable looked at James with new speculation in her eyes.

"Can we break the tie between James's core and the Time Turner?" Thomas asked.

Albus rubbed has head in absent thought. "I am not sure. There could be several problems that could occur in trying to disrupt the link." He thought for a moment longer. "But we shall have to try. I will start researching this summer in the Hogwarts library. Also Professor Dippet may have some materials in the Headmaster's Library."

"The Headmaster's Library?" Sarah asked.

"Each Headmaster and many long term professors traditionally leave their rare collections to the school. Only those materials too sensitive even for the Restricted Section are kept in the Headmaster's Library adjacent to the Headmaster's office. Only the Headmaster and the Deputy Headmaster may enter uninvited."

'Blood hell!' Harry thought with a snort, 'Good thing Hermione never heard about that. It must not be in Hogwarts: A History.' The Unspeakable looked as if this was news to her also. Catching the look in her eye, James thought she looked almost a curious as Hermione would have. 'Must have been a Ravenclaw.'

The sound of the two-year-old twins waking up from their nap brought the meeting to a close. Kay took her leave first. She told James she would research the DoM archives for information on the development of the Time Turners and their usage. Then Albus left to make his way up to the school after promising to meet James and Thomas for their weekly visit to the Three Broomsticks.

Thomas asked to stay to see his great-grandchildren. "It is strange to meet my great-grandchildren before my son is born."

James nodded, "I only hope I haven't changed history too much. Would he be the same man as in my past? Would he still marry Mum and have me? It is giving me a headache just thinking about it."

Sarah came into the kitchen with her giggling children floating along behind her. They seemed to be having a wonderful time. James and Thomas grinned. From the kids' reactions, it seemed the Potter love of flying lived on!

July 5, 1939

Tom cruised along on his broom making a run at the goal rings with a Quaffle under his arm. Ed Nott moved to block him in the goal. Tom faked a pump and threw the ball towards the top left portion of the ring. The large ball caught the rim and deflected through the goal.

"Goal!" Tom yelled.

"Lucky shot!" Nott replied.

"It is the points that count!" Tom shot back.

It was four weeks into the summer break. Tom and Nott decided to work on their Quidditch skills. Tom wanted to play Chaser on the Slytherin team. One Chaser left school this year. The other two would be Seventh years this year. He would have a good chance of getting one of the open positions in the next two years. Nott wanted to play Goalie. The current Goalie was a new Sixth year. Nott, in pure Slytherin fashion, befriended the boy in an effort to become his heir apparent. Smithers knew why Nott courted him and seemed impressed with the younger Slytherin rather then offended.

Tom's Hogsmeade house had become the unofficial headquarters for the new Second year Slytherins. Located on the edge of the village, the students enjoyed roving the village and flying on their brooms. Because the town was the only purely magical village in Britain, they were free to use magical devices or talk about magic wherever they wanted.

Tom, Mary and Edward particularly enjoyed using the Dueling Room at the Evan's house. The house wards prevented the Ministry from detecting the underage use of magic. Edward claimed that the dueling automatons were much faster and agile then the ones at Nott Manor. James would occasionally join them to teach basic dueling technique and some of the more entertaining dueling tricks and hexes.

Xurana and Mary spent a good part of the summer sighing over James. Tom thought it was annoying. His mum laughed until tears ran in her eyes when he complained about it to her.

"Are you jealous, Tom?" she asked.

Tom got a disgusted look on his face. "No! It is just …. weird. They usually seem so sensible. It is like their brains dribbled out. They have this gobsmacked look on their faces whenever Dad comes by."

To Tom's disbelief, this caused her to laugh again even harder. When Sarah regained her ability to talk, she hugged Tom and said, "I think you will understand soon enough." Then she giggled.

Tom walked off with a scowl and grumbled to himself.

After a while on the pitch, the boys settled under a shady tree to rest. Settling into a comfortable spot, Tom noticed that his only real male Hogwarts friend looked uncomfortable.

"What's up, Nott?"

The dark-haired boy grimaced. "Tom, where are you and your family from?"

Tom blinked. That was not a question he expected. "I am an orphan. I lived in London until I was six."

Nott still pressed. "Where is your father from?"

"What is with the questions about Dad?"

Nott looked down and studied a blade of grass in his hand. "I heard my father and some of his friends talking last night. They talked about your father."

"Was it bad?" Tom asked.

Nott shrugged, "They seemed angry about something to do with his Foundation. I heard one suggest he might have been sent here by Grindelward as an agent."

Tom snickered. "I know that is not true. Believe me, Dad hates the Dark Arts. He spent a long time fighting another Dark Lord before he moved here."

Nott shrugged without looking up, "Mmm, my father told me to pay attention to anything I can learn here and let him know what I find."

Tom looked curiously at his friend. "Why are you telling me this?"

"A couple reasons, I guess. You are the first real friend I ever had. Growing up it was just my Father's "acceptable" playmates, like Dolohov. But there is something about you and your father. It is like you two know a secret no one else does. I think you have the potential to become the greatest wizard in our generation."

Thinking about the actions of the 'other' Tom Riddle from Dad's original timeline, Tom gave an uncomfortable shrug.

"I didn't tell him you are both Parseltongues," Nott added.

"Why not?"

Now it was the other boy's chance to shrug uncomfortably. "It doesn't seem like it should be any of his business." Nott paused and looked at his friend. "I did some research last year. You are one of six known paseltongues since Slytherin himself. Your father is also one of the six. One-third of the wizards in a thousand years that can speak to serpents live in this house. There is something important here."

Tom felt a bit nervous at Nott's observation. He decided to share some of the truth. "There have been more. Everyone in my birth family has the talent. They were never public about it."

Nott's eyes grew large. A family of parseltongues? "Are they still alive?"

"No, well, I had a biological uncle, but he died in a Muggle jail," Tom answered.

Tom though back to his father telling him the news. Not long after James and Tom visited the Gaunt and Riddle households, Morfin Gaunt decided to pay the Riddles a visit. The unstable wizard was drunk on firewhiskey when he appeared in the village. Morfin started a fight with several young men in the village. The Bobbies tossed the drunk into a cell. His wand was taken and used as kindling in the police station fireplace before the wizard sobered up. The DMLE decided to allow the outcast wizard to remain in Muggle custody since no magic was used in the altercation. The last Gaunt died as the result of injuries received in prison during a mini-riot he started with other inmates.

"I am sorry to hear that," Nott started.

Tom interrupted him, "Don't be sorry. He treated my mother horribly. My grandfather did too. I hope they both rot in Hell!" he snarled.

Nott looked shocked at the hatred revealed in Tom's comment.

After a moment, Tom's face cleared up and he waved his comment away. "So, what are you going to tell your father?"

"I've told him a bit about my time here." He waved in the direction of the pitch. "I told him about playing Quidditch, meeting your family, stuff like that. I didn't tell him we can use magic in the Dueling Room." Nott paused. "I know there is more, Tom, stuff you aren't telling me."

Tom nodded. "Yes, there is. I would like to tell you but some of it is not mine to tell. It is not that I don't trust you."

Nott grinned at him. "I understand. I am Slytherin after all. I will figure it out eventually."

Tom threw a blade of grass at his friend and they both laughed. The conversation turned to other topics. Tom reminded himself to talk to his father later.

August 6, 1939

"Good afternoon, Minister."

"Good afternoon, Count. Thank you for agreeing to meet on a Sunday afternoon. My time has been very busy."

James sat in the offered chair. "I am sure it is, Minister. What can I help you with today?"

The Minister moved to sit behind his desk. "I have several concerns. The suggestions coming out of your Planning Group seem rather costly. Are you really so sure that war is unavoidable?"

James sighed to himself. It seemed all Ministers were alike. "Minister Nott, I believe the war will start shortly. The Muggle German army has reached a high level of preparedness. One doesn't train as intensely as they have with out the plan to use it." James smiled within his hood. "The bureaucrats would scream about the cost if it was normal training."

Minister Nott barked a laugh. "That's the truth. They act like I am spending their money every time we meet. You may be right."

"Based on reports we have received, Grindelwald plans to use the Muggle war to cover his plans to conquer wizarding Europe. Hitler is fascinated with magic. Grindelwald did some tricks and brought in a fake Seer. Hitler bought it all."

Minister Nott wrung his hands in frustration. "I wanted peace on my watch, not a damn bloody war!"

"No sane man wants a war, sir. But whether we want it or not, it is coming. Gindelwald seeks power and the freedom to perform the Darkest magic. Our options are to fight him or let him unleash Hell on Earth. I agree with the American president Theodore Roosevelt when he said, 'Wars are, of course, as a rule to be avoided; but they are far better than certain kinds of peace'."

The Minister leaned back in his chair. "I agree, Count. I just don't understand why they would do this."

James just sat silently for a moment. Then he said quietly, "Be happy you have never been forced to deal with these types of people personally. I was never given a choice."

The minister stared at James for a moment. "Have you completed your defense plans for the Ministry and Hogwarts?"

"The Ministry is done. The wards were reworked and rekeyed for the first time in a hundred years. Grindelwald did a study on them during his Seventh year and may have found a weakness."

"And Hogwarts? My son is there and I am concerned they may make it a bigger target."

James frown slightly. "The school's wards are generally very effective. However making them too restrictive interferes with the school's operation. We are placing an Auror station in Hogsmeade with a direct Floo connection to the school."

"Dippet and the Board of Governors have agree to this?" the minister asked.

"Only the Headmaster's permission was needed for the Floo connection. The Aurors are posted off the school grounds. I would like to set up some roving guards around the castle at night. The prefects might be sufficient to catch students sneaking snogging sessions, but not for real security."

The minister smiled slightly at James's comment, "I suspect you are right. I assume the Governors will have to agree to the night guards?" James nodded. "I will talk to Sirius Black. He is a family friend and chairs the Board."

James felt a twinge at the reminder of "his" Sirius. "Madam Irma Back was included in our initial discussions with the Headmaster. But I would thank you for adding your influence, Minister."

The Minister smiled, "Knowing Irma, she has already told her brother-in-law what he needs to do. Witch scares me." Then he frowned slightly. "I have a concern in Hogsmeade. My son has been spending most of his summer at his friend's house in the village. The family simply appeared with no history. The man, James Evans, arrived and started a charity organization. He runs it from the background letting a Pureblood witch run it. My Aurors can find no information aside from what he publicly released."

James grinned in his hood. "We are aware of Mr. Evans."

The minister's eyes widened slightly. "You are? What do you know?"

"Your son is safe at the Evans house. In fact, it may be the safest place in Hogsmeade. Mr. Evans is an excellent dueler and takes security very seriously. He did all his own wards. I can safely say he is on the Light side."

The minister grimaced slightly. "The Aurors couldn't even get a Listening Charm through the wards. Told me it would take a Gringott's Curse Breaker three days to crash the wards. I wanted information, not an assault."

James frowned, "Mr. Evans takes his privacy very seriously. He is also very protective of everyone he considers family. I think he would be a dangerous wizard to antagonize." James paused a moment, "He often meets with Thomas Potter and Professor Dumbledore at the Three Broomsticks. They seem close."

"Dumbledore and Potter, eh? Interesting friends. Not supporters of mine but definitely not supporters of Grindelwald. Okay, I will accept he is not a security threat. I will have to arrange to meet with him to access where he stands otherwise." The minister thought for a moment. "Thank you again for coming, Count. Enjoy the rest of your Sunday." James nodded his head and walked out of the office.

The undertones of the comments angered James. The minister seemed more interested in deciding if association with the Evans family was damaging to his political life then his son's well being. Minister Nott was smarter and smoother then Fudge, but still of the same breed.

August 31, 1939

James was at his desk in the Ministry late on a Thursday night. Tom was leaving for his Second year at Hogwarts tomorrow. James planned to take the morning off to take his son to the train.

James laughingly offered to allow Tom to walk up to the school and skip the train. Tom declined saying, "I want to be with my friends."

James sat in his office in a hidden part of the DoM. The Department was divided into separate security sections. James's office area was hidden behind an illusionary wall that felt real unless you knew it was really an illusion. The Unspeakables responsible for the monitoring of intelligence and operations in Gindelwald controlled parts of Europe sat outside James's office. The office was quiet. Only James and the night monitor were still in the office.

The DoM area holding the prophecies and the veil was several halls away. James avoided it as much as possible. After joining the Unspeakables, James learned a great deal about the security for the Department. It amazed him that Harry and his friends made it to that area. It should have been obvious it was an ambush. The Death Eaters opened a path directly to the prophecy. Harry should have realized the Unspeakables would have strong protections on their department.

James looked up suddenly when a red flashing light started in the office area. He heard the duty monitor let out a yelp of surprise. James wandlessly summoned his battle robes and walked out of his office.

The silent red alarm activated in the DoM and the DMLE when the outer Ministry wards were breached. The wards occurred in three stages. The outer wards covered the perimeter of the Ministry. During the day, the wards remained passive. Only a large amount of magical energy directed at the Ministry would be deflected. At night, the wards prevented access to anyone without a Ministry pass or keyed to the wards.

The second layer of wards prevented unauthorized wizards from entering key areas of the Ministry itself. The wards were specific to certain departments. For example, a visitor may receive a pass to the DMLE courtrooms, but the pass would not permit entry to the DoM.

The final ward layer was actually a lock down mode over the first ward layer. These wards would prevent any access or exit from the Ministry for a twelve hour period. These wards were meant to entrap attackers within the Ministry until outside forces could rally.

James pulled on his robes while approaching the monitors. The monitors were magical one-way mirrors emplaced in certain key areas of magical Britain. The monitors covered the Ministry entrance, the courtrooms, Diagon Alley, and the main street of Hogsmeade. The DoM kept the monitors secret. Since the Unspeakables were legally barred from operating in Britain, the monitors were technically illegal. So the information developed from them could never be used in a criminal prosecution. It also meant the DoM did not share the charms to create them with the DMLE.

"Sir," the young female Unspeakable named Marie said as James approached, "we have at least five people making unauthorized entries into the Ministry. They hit the wards hard. I don't think they knew the night wards were in place."

"Are the Aurors reacting, Marie?"

"Sorry, Count. Most of them left on a call to Knockturn Alley. A couple of drunken werewolves are fighting some vampires."

Looking at the monitor, James absently asked, "They needed the whole duty watch for that?"

"Two went to stop the fight," came the answer. "The rest went to take bets, I think. Only Moody and their dispatcher are left."

"Contact the Aurors and let them know I am going to greet our guests. Tell Moody not to hex in my direction." Without waiting for a response, James walked quickly out of the room.

Three minutes later, James arrived in the Ministry atrium. Appartation and Portkey travel within the Ministry was impossible without massive amounts of magical energy. James had discovered another way of moving around. Placing a disillusionment charm on himself, James changed to his bat form and used the ventilation system to move through the Ministry. (He enjoyed the many rumors in the Ministry that the Count really was a vampire.)

The atrium was unchanged from fifty years in the future. The same fountain with its ugly statue dominated the center of the room. Although Muggle technology would advance greatly in that time, the magical world stagnated, locked in the memories of glories past. James was willing to bet even the furniture in the waiting area was the same. A series of innate pillars lined the wall across from the elevators.

James found four black robed intruders attempting to bypass the wards to enter the DoM elevator. James turned back into his human form. Marie mentioned at least five intruders. That meant one was missing.

James silently cast a charm he developed with Sarah. It created a magical radar the mimicked the abilities of his bat animagus form except it bounced off of magical cores instead of solid objects. After sending a sounding through the atrium, only the same four wizards were in the area. Either Marie read the ward alarms wrong or one of the intruders had left the atrium area.

James pulled one of his wands. He cast a Silencing Spell on his feet and moved to a better place to attack the intruders. Once he was ready, James spoke, "Stupify!"

The first of the four wizards dropped bonelessly to the ground. James fired another stunner as the wizards dove for cover. Two of the wizards down, James moved to stun the remaining two.

A sudden crack sounded in the atrium. James felt a burning hammer smash into his left shoulder. James looked down in shock as blood started to stain his robes.

James moved quickly behind a column while holding his hand over the bloody mess that had been his shoulder. His left arm hung limply at his side. Several more cracks rang out and little clouds of dust rose where the bullets hit the nearby wall, as James slide down to a sitting position.

"Come out, foolish wizard. I will be merciful," a German accented voice called out.

James placed his wand tip against his shoulder and whispered a basic healing charm. The charm would not repair the damage to the shoulder, but would seal the flesh part of the wound and numb the pain. Unless a more advanced form was used, scaring would occur but at least he wouldn't bleed to death.

"Come out wizard. I won't offer it again!"

James ignored it again. He placed his left arm against his chest. Straining to hold it there, James cast a low power Body Bind on the arm. It was enough to keep the arm immobilized against this chest and keep the shoulder from moving.

James pushed himself up against the column to regain his feet. He called out, "Very clever. Using a Muggle under an Invisibility Cloak is genius. I never saw it coming."

"Flattery won't help you, wizard. I will…"

James didn't wait to hear what he would do. James fired two fast and powerful Reductos are the side of the fountain. The side exploded pouring water out onto the atrium floor. Getting back behind the column, James heard several voices yelling curses in German.

James saw the water approaching him and fired a Lightning Spell into the water. "Electros!"

Lighting flashed from the wand and hit the water. An ozone smell filled the room as the electricity ran through the water looking for ground. James heard scream of pain as he held the spell in place. A sudden instinct caused James to stop the spell and duck. A split second later, the green light of a Killing Curse passed over his head.

James closed his eyes and fired a powerful light flare. "Luminos Maximus!" The flash was blinding. Even through his closed eyelids it was bright. The Weasley twins developed the charm for use in their magical fireworks. He heard at least one scream of pain as the flare exploded.

James forced his eyes open and cast a Drying Charm on the floor. Then he moved to where the intruders had been hidden. Four bodies lay on the ground. Two were the initial Stunning victims. The other two had been caught in the electrified water. The water actually touched all four of them. Silently casting Stunners into all four of them (One can't be too careful!), James started looking for the fourth.

Since one of the bodies was holding a Muggle automatic pistol, James knew his remaining opponent as a wizard.

James heard swearing coming from the corner behind him. It was in English with a recognizable accent. In spite of everything, James could not repress a small smile. The debrief discussion would be fun.

James stepped carefully around the fountain. The fifth member of the Dark Army squad was slumped against the wall. James fired a stunner at him and the body did not even twitch. Keeping his distance, James cast a medical diagnostic spell Sarah taught him. The spell told him the wizard had died of a brain aneurism.

James placed his wand back into the sheath and walked over to the body. He had heard rumors of such a thing. Voldemort never used it because Azkaban was a revolving door for his Death Eaters. Grindelwald didn't even care that much. He set his operatives with suicide conditions. It took a master Legilmancer to plant the command, but it would cause instant death as soon as the operative considered capture as unavoidable.

Out of habit, James summoned the wands and the gun. James placed the pistol on safety and placed it into a pocket. He walked over to the sound of the swearing. Sitting against the wall with his hands in front of his eyes sat 'Mad-Eye' Moody.

"Tough night, Moody?"

"Bloody hell. I should have known it was you, Count. What in Merlin's name did you do to me?"

James smiled, "A magical flare. It is about 50 brighter then the sun. Great for clearing a room. It won't permanently damage the eyes, just hurts like hell."

Moody growled, "Did you at least capture them?"

"No, they had a suicide conditioning. The one who didn't die in the fight died without a spell touching him." James paused, "What happened in Auror Central that you were the only one left?"

"The idiots lost focus," Moody growled. "They wanted to see the fight in the Alley. Director Johnston will be handing them all their heads stuck on their wand tips."

James laughed, "Maybe we can get Johnston to give them to us for 'remedial training'."

"I like that idea, Count."

"I expected you to come out of the elevators." James commented.

"Took the stairs. No cover in the bloody elevator." The stairs only opened out for emergency evacuations. No one could open them from the Atrium side.

"Good point." James commented as the elevator doors opened. Six Aurors sprang out of the elevator with their wands drawn. "At least you remembered to take out your wands first!" James yelled.

The aftermath of the battle in the Ministry resulted in four dead Dark Army wizards, one dead SS officer and one dead British ministry worker. Alber Malgoup, the night reception desk guard was killed by the Killing Curse before he could activate the manual alarm. Only the alarms tied to the new wards gave a warning about the intruders.

The bodies of the intruders were transfigured into matchboxes and disposed of. Mr, Malgoup's body was removed for delivery to his family. The damage to the Atrium and the fountain were repaired quickly.

James and Moody sat through a debrief in one of the DMLE conference rooms. After James and Moody gave their accounts, Director Johnston turned on the Auror night supervisor (who went to Knockturn Alley too) asked a series of pointed questions. James caught some grief for not taking any captives, but the Aurors recognized the conditioning made it unlikely in any event.

James asked a question that left the room wondering. "Why did they choose to attack tonight? The Ministry was unusually quiet tonight. I think the fight in the Alley was staged. I doubt they expected to get all the Aurors in the alley, but that is the only thing that makes sense."

The Aurors looked gobsmacked at the thought they had been led on a wild goose chase.

James stood up. "I am going to have my shoulder fixed." He fixed a glare at the Auror nightshift. "At 11 tomorrow morning, I expect a complete report on the incident tonight. Include their method of entry, the wards, our responses and what lessons we should learn from this."

Director Johnston added, "Something is going on girls and boys. We have to be ready. I want a brutally honest report, or I will hand you over to the Count Unspeakable for remedial training. Dismissed!"

When the room had cleared James looked at the Director. "The Count Unspeakable?"

Johnston grinned, "I thought it was catchy. Half of them are already convinced you are a vampire with that codename. Besides, did you see their faces when I threatened remedial training with you?" Johnston started laughing. After a minute, James joined him.

James Apparated from the Ministry to his house. The Aurors wanted James to go to St. Mungos for treatment. James knew his wife would prefer to do the work on him herself. He didn't look forward to it.

James walked quietly into his bedroom and gently woke his wife. "Sarah"

"Umm, are the kids up?" she asked.

"No, dear. I have a bit of a problem."

Her bright blue eyes opened, immediately awake. "What happened?"

"Muggle gunshot to the shoulder. I stopped the bleeding and immobilized it."

Grabbing her wand she growled, "I am sure you made a mess of it."

"Have I ever told you how sexy it is when you growl like that?"

Sarah pointed at the bed, "Sit down!"

"Yes, ma'am." James sat in the indicated spot. He released the charm on his battle robes that prevented their removal.

Sarah loosened the battle robes to reach his shoulder. She cast a strong local numbing spell. Then she stopped the spell on James's arm. Carefully and with minimal movement of his arm, Sarah removed the battle robes.

Sarah cast a spell on James's shoulder. "You are lucky. It looks like it missed most of the bones. It did sever a couple of tendons which is why your arm won't move."

Sarah walked over to a locked wardrobe. Casting an opening charm, she pulled out three potions. She handed one to James. "This one will repair the tendons, muscle and bones. This one is a blood restorer. This one will prevent any internal or external scaring."

"I know, I've used them before…"

She smacked him on the head. "Don't talk back to your healer. Drink them, now."

"Yes, dear." James dutifully drank the potions.

"Now lay back on the bed." Sarah banished the clothing and blood from James and tucked him under the covers. After clearing away the bloody robes and empty potions bottles, Sarah crawled into bed and curled up next to James.

Sarah gently kissed James. "I am so glad you made it back to me. I love you."

"I love you too, dear."

Careful of his shoulder, Sarah placed her head on James's other shoulder and held him tight. As he drifted off to sleep, James thought this was much better service then he ever received in the Hogwarts Hospital Wing.

September 1, 1939

The next morning James awoke to the sounds of pure chaos coming from the rest of the house. He could hear Tom yelling about getting his trunk packed for his return to Hogwarts. Katie and Michael were chanting something about their breakfast. Snuffles was howling his accompaniment. Sarah was telling all of them to quiet down and let James sleep.

James lay in bed with a smile on his face listening to the sounds of his family. It balanced the thoughts of what he had been forced to do the previous night. This was something truly worth defending.

James climbed out of bed, feeling only a mild stiffness in his shoulder. The wound from the previous night seemed completely healed. The soreness indicated the tendons and muscles still needed some healing time but on the whole the shoulder felt good.

Taking his shower, James thought about the inclusion of a Muggle solder with the Dark Army wizards. The invisibility cloak hid the Muggle from James visual inspection and the lack of a magical core prevented his detection via a magical detector. It was a very clever trick on someone's part. Most magical defenses protected against other magic, not Muggle weapons. It the Muggle had a larger weapon James would have been killed without ever knowing he was under attack. Bullets were much harder to dodge then AK's.

Throwing on some casual Muggle clothes, James walked out to join his family. Cillie was making pancakes for the family (in honor of Tom's leaving for school) while Sarah tried to get the twins to eat.

"Good morning," James said as he walked in. Receiving greetings from the speaking members in the family and giggles from Katie and Michael, James sat down for breakfast.

"All packed for school, Tom?" he asked.

"Yep. Can I take the Map this year?" Tom asked in an innocent tone.

Sarah mock yelled, "No! You don't need such a thing! I have no idea why your father keeps it! You got enough detentions last year!"

James matched his son's innocent expression, "But dear, it's a family heirloom!"

Tom protested, "But I would get caught less with the Map!"

Sarah glared at her husband. "If you give him that map, no blueberries for you!"

James looked at Tom and shrugged, "Sorry, she has blackmail."

"Curses, foiled again! Do you always have to ruin my plans?"

For a moment, James looked at his son and did not see Tom but Voldemort. How many times had Voldemort screamed that same question at Harry either in person or in visions? Now Tom said it not for Dark reasons, but for pranking material.

James laughed. Dumbledore had ultimately been proven right. Love did overcome Voldemort. James could see nothing of the once Dark Lord in this happy, thoughtful, funny boy in front of him. He had turned the Dark Lord into a Marauder! Sirius would be so proud. One thing was left to complete it.

James leaned over and whispered into Tom's ear. "Next summer we will start your Animagus training!"

"James, what are you planning?" Sarah asked suspiciously.

James smiled at his wife. "Don't worry. I will be keeping the Map in my possession."

Sarah looked concerned. That promise was too straightforward. It meant he was up to something else. She decided to distract him from his evil pranking plans.

The twins ignored the whole conversation. They were happy on their own. The two year olds were capable of using normal speech but between the two of them they used their own form of twin speak. Although they were not identical twins, they spent all of their time together and formed a very close bond. James occasionally had vision of the Weasley twins finishing each other's sentences.

Sarah called everyone's attention to herself by clearing her throat. "Since Tom is leaving soon, I wanted to make one last announcement." She looked directly at James. "Mr. Evans, I have the honor of informing you that you will be a father again in eight months. According to the Healer I saw, it is twins again."

Tom let out a shout of excitement as James sat with a stunned expression on his face. Sarah smiled at the complete lack of comprehension on James's face. Finally, he shook himself and ran around the table to hug his wife.

"When…How?" he asked in shock.

Sarah giggled. "I assure you, you already know the answers to those questions."

Now, James started laughing with his wife and son. The twins laughed watching the three big people carrying on.

Tom laughed, "Congratulations, Dad. Keep it up and you can have your own Quidditch team!"

The Daily Prophet owl flew into the kitchen on its daily delivery. Sarah took the paper and paid the owl. She let out a sudden gasp as she read the headline.

'Looks like last night's attack made the paper already,' James thought.

Wordlessly, Sarah handed James the paper. He read:


Early this morning the Muggle German army smashed across the boarder into neighboring Poland. The attack came with no warning. Reports of initial German victories started coming in at press time.

Further reports indicate the German Ministry of Magic wizards attacked the Polish Ministry in the early morning hours. Magical refugees have started Portkeying to the British Ministry international magical entry point shortly afterwards….

James set the paper down to look at his wife. The happy mood of minutes before completely lost. In a sad voice he said, "The war has started."

A/N: Some of you caught an error at the end of chapter 12. I edited out a scene with James telling Albus about himself, but left the conversation at the end of the chapter intact with Albus knowing about the time travel. James did not tell Albus he was an Unspeakable, the professor figured it out on his own. Congratulations to gallandro83 to be the first to point it out.

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