
Just In




Altered Destinies by DobbyElfLord

 Books » Harry Potter Rated: T, English, Supernatural & Suspense, Harry P., Tom R. Jr., Words: 289k+, Favs: 8k+, Follows: 3k+, Published: Sep 16, 2006 Updated: Sep 1, 2007 3,864Chapter 23: Defending the Heir

A/N: Sorry for the delay in posting. The new Dresden novel by Jim Butcher came out and that took priority! Also was having server problems so I couldn't post.

JKR still owns HP. I make no money here.

Chapter 23 – Defending the Heir

8 January 1941

James Evans returned to England with a slight crack that echoed in the predawn hours of Hogsmeade. The village was dark as a dog shaped animal ran from the point a man stood only a second before.

Only a centaur standing just inside the Forbidden Forest saw the wolf-animagus run through the village. The wolf ran so fast he seemed to float over the snow blanketing the ground. In a short time, the wolf reached his destination.

The large wolf was met at the destination by an even larger dog. The large dog gave a low 'woof!' in greeting. Then the dog sat on his haunches and cocked his head at the wolf. Wolf-James had no problem interpreting the expression. 'Everything is fine here. Do you think I would let something happen to my boy?'

James returned to his human form, pats Snuffles on the head, and walked into the house. The wards recognized James and allowed him to open the door. James immediately made his way through the dark house to Tom's room. He slowly opened the door to see Tom sound asleep in his bed. Two additional heads poking out of the blankets told James that Katie and Michael had snuck into their brother's bed.

James slumped in relief at the sight. For the last thirty-six hours, James had not stopped moving. In his stolen SS uniform, James talked his way onto a Luftwaffe bomber being transferred to the Normandy coast. James slipped off the German air base. Changing to his wolf form, James ran inland for over an hour. A dozen or more miles away from the airbase, James opened his trunk. Two old friends came out of the trunk; his father's invisibility cloak and the Firebolt. Only the very front of the broom was not covered by the cloak.

As James existed France over the Channel wards sounded on both sided of the Channel. The British wards recognized The Count's magical signature and merely reported his return to England. The Dark Army wards alerted Grindelwald's forces that an unauthorized broom flight had left France. This is why James did not leave directly from the airbase. He did not want a Dark Army team to backtrack the travels of a mysterious SS lieutenant. In his hurry, James did not really care the Dark Army knew he left their territory. He was sure that a large number of their analysts would be stuck in pointless meetings discussion what the Count could have been doing in France.

A glass clinked in the kitchen bringing James back to an alert state. He ghosted down the hall until he could peek into the room.

"Come in, James. I was expecting you soon."

James stepped out of the shadows. "What are you doing here, Elizabeth? Is Sarah okay?"

Cradling Ron in one arm, Elizabeth Potter finished pouring her self a cup of tea. After a quick glance at her grandson, she poured him one as well. James settled into his chair as she completed her ritual of preparing the tea. Finished, she took a sip and then set the cup down. Ron continued his serious business of sleeping on her shoulder.

"You have heard what happened to Sarah and Tommy on New Year's Eve?" She asked it like a question but it was more a statement.

"No details." James sipped his tea. Elizabeth's body language reassured James. It told him there was no immediate crisis.

"Sarah is sleeping. She received a concussion when Tom pushed her out of the way of a Dark Wizard's curse. It is all healed up and she is fine now. The attack shook her up very much. I came to help out with the little ones."

Elizabeth Potter gave Harry Potter his courage and iron determination to protect his loved ones. Looking at his grandmother, James could feel the magic pouring off of her in her anger thinking about the attack on her granddaughter-in-law and her adopted great-grandson. James was reminded of a certain incident in a Headmaster's office after his Fifth year.

Thomas and Elizabeth Potter married late in life for magical couples. Although wizards and witches lived about 75-90 percent longer then Muggles on average, they tended to marry before the age of twenty. (A witch or wizard's level of raw magical power dictated how much greater their life span would be then a Muggle.) Since most wizards and witches in Britain attended Hogwarts, they really got to know the limited pool of others in their age brackets. The Potters followed a different path. Thomas left school ten years before Elizabeth. It was not for ten years after Elizabeth left school that they married. Elizabeth played as a Chaser on the all-female Harpies Quidditch squad and did not settle down until after her retirement.

At 85 years old, Elizabeth Potter looked like a Muggle woman of 40. James knew his father would not be born (if he was in this timeline) until 1959. That would make Elizabeth 103 years old when his father was born or about 56 for a Muggle woman. In Harry's original timeline, both Thomas and Elizabeth Potter died of old age shortly before the birth of one Harry James Potter. Sirius once mentioned to Harry that James got away with a lot since his parents spoiled him because of his late birth.

James forced himself to use some of his Occlumency skills to maintain his calm. "What happened after Sarah was injured?"

Elizabeth gave James the complete rundown on the fight in Diagon Alley. James was relieved Tom did not have to kill anyone himself. Aside from the normal parent's concern that their barely 14 year-old son would have killed another person; James also worried about the emotional impact killing would have on Tom's efforts to fight the Slytherin curse.

James sipped his tea. "How is Tom handling this?"

"As well as be expected I guess." Elizabeth gave a little frown. "Some of his friends came to visit when they heard. Young Nott seems a fine boy. Some of the young ladies however seemed a little too competitive for my taste, too old fashioned Pureblood."

The elicited a genuine laugh from James. "Elizabeth, you are too much. I bet you drove them crazy when you were growing up."

Elizabeth gave a little mischievous smile in return. "I think it is safe to say the Bones Family was a little shook-up." James had been surprised a couple years prior learning Elizabeth Bones Potter was the great-aunt of his former schoolmate, Susan Bones.

James finished his tea. "I am going in to check on Sarah and then going to sleep. I've been up for a day and a half."

"I am going to put little Ronny down to bed and then go to sleep myself."

James stood and gave his grandmother a kiss on the cheek. "Could you please ask Thomas and Albus to stop by tomorrow after lunch? I have some things we need to discuss."

Elizabeth looked into James's eyes and nodded her agreement.

Sarah Evans was quite enthusiastically happy to find her husband home the next morning. James was slightly awakened when she curled up against his chest Things started to get interesting. James once again decided never to leave home again.

Before things could get too interesting, the bane of every parent's private life struck. James and Sarah received a double dose as twin raiders charged their room like goblins after a loose pile of Galleons. The raiders' war cries were all the parents warning before the twin hellions assaulted the bed.

James felt a small body slam into his back. He opened his eyes to look up. Hanging over his shoulder sat Hellion Number One with a huge smile on her face.

"How old are you?" came the low growled question.

A cheerful bubble answered the growl. "Three!"

"Do you want to reach four?"

Katie threw her arms around James's neck and giggled. "Daddy, you are silly!" James groaned and tried to pull the blanket up over his head. This caused more giggling from his eldest daughter.

Sarah was undergoing her own assault by Hellion Number Two, aka Michael, although she seemed to be tickling him in retaliation.

Without verbally discussing it, James and Sarah realized it would not do any good to stay in bed. James dragged the Hellions to breakfast while Sarah made her way to the shower. James found Tom (The Hellion Chief) sitting at the table and helping Elizabeth feed Ron and Tia (Hellions Three and Four, respectively) Tom was laughing as Hellion Four (Tia) had dumped an entire bowl of oatmeal on Hellion Three's head. Hellion Three (Ron) did not seem to care as he calmly ate the food dripping down his face.

James watched in amusement as the scene in from of him unfolded. 'I guess the food thing goes with the name,' James mused watching Ron.

Katie announced their arrival. "We brought Daddy! Mummy's taken a shower. She was stinky!" Then she giggled, "Mummy wasn't wear'n all her clothes!"

James fought laughing and blushing at the same time. Elizabeth laughed openly, while Tom looked slightly sick. The thought of how he would feel about the image of Petunia and Vernon in bed together would have made him sick at fourteen too. Then he reconsidered, that thought still could make him sick!

Tom walked over to James and said in a low voice, "I am really glad to see you home, dad."

James looked into Tom's eyes and saw guilt and fear. James embraced Tom and answered, "I am glad to be home too."

James glanced around the table. He had to wonderer if this much raw magical power had met since the Four Hogwarts Founders. The first was Albus Dumbledore, Hogwart's Transfiguration Master and Slayer of Grindelwald in another timeline. Next was Tom Evans, known as the Dark Lord Voldemort in another life, He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named. Then there was himself, Harry James Potter Evans, aka The Count and The Boy-Who-Lived, Slayer of the aforementioned Lord Voldemort. There was no simple way of comparing their magical power but based on the group's magical feats in both timelines, James was willing to put the three of them up against anyone on a pure power level.

With a snort, James looked around the rest of the table. The others around the table were no Squibs either. Thomas and Elizabeth Potter, Mr. Abel, and Sarah Evans rounded out the group sitting around the Evans' kitchen table.

James started the meeting. "Thank you all for coming. As you all know, I recently returned from abroad. I came across some information that caused me to cut my mission short." He glanced at Mr. Able. "The DoM agreed with my decision when I reported in today."

"You are all aware of the attack on the Ministry that Sarah and Tom became involved with. However, I learned from an informant what their objective was." James turned his head to look directly at Tom. "They want to use the Heir of Slytherin to access the Chamber of Secrets. The Dark Soldier who escaped heard Tom use parseltongue. Since they believe there is only on Parselmouth in England, they are now hunting for Tom."

Tom's face dropped at the news. The shocked reaction was mirrored around the table by everyone but Mr. Abel.

"Should young Mr. Evans be here for this conversation?" Dumbledore asked. "This should not be a concern for one his age."

James frowned at the Transfiguration professor. "Albus, Tom has to be here. The question of should he have to deal with this issue is moot. Grindelwald decided to involve Tom, not me. He needs to be included so he does not make mistakes due to not having all of the information." The last was said in a growl as James remembered all the information this man's future self hid from him.

Albus looked a little startled by James's vehemence and sat back in his chair.

"James, are you sure that want Tom?" Sarah asked in a concerned voice.

James sighed, "As sure as I can be. Too many of the details from the informant fit. The informant had no way of knowing who I was or my connection to Tom."

Sarah reached over and took Tom's hand. The fourteen year old looked stunned at the news.

"Tom, I want to tell you we will do everything we can to protect you. I am reactivating the Fidelous Charm on the house. I will be staying in the area at least until we are sure of our protections."

"Dad, what about Katie and Michael?" Tom asked.

James grimaced. "Fortunately, they are looking for a teenage boy with no solid description. I do think they will identify you quickly, Tom. Only the family really knows about the twins. Once they identify you, they won't pay attention to the twins. I think the twins are too young to be of any help to them anyway."

Tom still looked concerned for his younger siblings. James felt proud Tom was more concerned about them then himself.

Sarah squeezed Tom's hand, "I will keep the twins in the house or on our property. No one can get in here without an invitation."

Tom looked relieved. Then he asked, "How will they know about me soon?"

Professor Dumbledore answered that one. "You have not been shy about using your special talents, young Tom. All of Slytherin House and most of Hogwarts knows of your scaly affinity. I do not doubt my former schoolmate has informers in the school."

James recognized the slight twinkle in Albus's eyes. Although not nearly as pronounced as in Harry's time at Hogwarts, the professor still had a way of using his power to calm and influence people into doing what he wanted.

Mr. Abel cleared his throat. "Minister Nott has authorized the DMLE to provide additional Aurors to be stationed in Hogsmeade and Hogwarts. We would be interested in destroying the Chamber to prevent it from falling in Grindelwald's hands."

James looked at his nominal boss skeptically. "You want to destroy it?"

Mr. Abel grinned unrepentantly, "Yes, after cataloging its contents."

"No, we won't open it now and I want to review the materials before we allow any cataloging."

Dumbledore looked curious. "Why not, James? It seems a logical idea to me."

James shrugged, "Mostly because I don't want to wake the 60 foot long basilisk sleeping down there when there are students in the castle."

Abel and Dumbledore looked shocked. "There is a basilisk in my school?" Dumbledore demanded.

"I'd guess it was more under the lake, actually." Dumbledore started to get angry so James raised a calming hand. "Albus, that snake has been asleep for almost 1,000 years. It is no more a risk today then it was when you and Thomas were a First year."

Tom asked in an innocent voice, "Wasn't that about the time Great-grandpa Salazar put his pet to sleep?"

The Potters and Evans laughed at Tom's question. Dumbledore gave Tom a bland, disapproving look.

"Lighten up, Albus," Thomas Potter commented.

Dumbledore turned his gaze on his old friend. "You were there at the same time!"

"Yah," Thomas returned with an unrepentant grin, "and sometimes it feels like it has been a thousand years!"

Dumbledore's lips curled slightly and a twinkle crept into his eyes. "True." Tom relaxed a bit when he realized the deputy headmaster was playing with him.

For a second, James looked at Dumbledore. This Albus Dumbledore was not the same man that Harry Potter met in 1991. That Albus had already defeated Grindelwald and been the Headmaster of Hogwarts for many years. He had fought Voldemort's first rise. He served as the Head of the Wizengamut and the International Confederation of Wizards. Basically, the Dumbledore Harry met spent over forty-five years carrying the weight of the Wizarding World's hope on his shoulders.

This Albus, while renowned as a powerful wizard and accomplished researcher, did not command instant awe and hero worship. Since he also did not have the tendency to 'believe his own press', James rather preferred this Albus on the whole.

"Can we get back on topic?" Elizabeth asked in a no-nonsense tone. James grinned to himself to see Thomas Potter, Albus Dumbledore, and Tom Evans, immediately sit up straight at her tone. "What can we do to ensure my grandson is properly protected while at school?"

"Albus, can we get permission for Snuffles to stay with Tom during the week?" Sarah asked.

Dumbledore nodded, "I believe so. Snuffles has become a well-known, and loved, fixture on the Hogwarts grounds. His presence during the week will not cause a problem now."

Tom snorted, "Snuffles is the most popular creature on campus. I found him in the Hufflepuff common room the weekend before holidays. Sometimes I think all the girls hang around me to get at Snuffles."

His mother winked at him, "I am sure that is not the only reason." Tom blushed to the rest of the table's amusement.

"Might I suggest we send you to Hogwarts also, James?" Mr. Able asked.

James frowned, "Wouldn't an Unspeakable lurking around raise questions?"

"Not if you went undercover."

"As?" James asked.

Mr. Abel shrugged, "I would suggest use the cover of James Evans."

Thomas laughed, "That's a new one. Using your real identity as a cover for your fake one."

Mr. Abel smiled, "It might happen more often then you think." He looked around the table. "No one will question the presence of James Evans, founder of the largest private magical educational institution in Europe."

"Not to mention, only" Thomas quipped.

Mr. Abel nodded. "Yes, only. James is also known for teaching defense classes for Aurors."

James frowned. "I am not sure I like that idea. I was a little too vocal about my past experiences when I first arrived here. If someone starts digging, they will be able to connect James Evans and The Count."

"That is a risk," Mr. Abel agreed. "We can ask one or two other Unspeakables to make appearances around the Ministry as The Count when James Evans is known to be elsewhere. If Snuffles is to be seen around campus, isn't it possible he could bring a friend along?"

James snorted, "You mean like a wolf?"


Albus sighed, "At least the prank rate will go down."

"Are you sure, old man?" Elizabeth scoffed. She pointed at Thomas and James. "I've heard these two plotting with their young apprentice over there."

"Oh, dear." Dumbledore looked concerned. James would have bought it if not for the slight twinkle.

11 January 1941

Tom walked from Hogsmeade up to Hogwarts to start his new term. Snuffles and wolf-James ranged all around him, playing. "I can't wait to become an Animagus too," Tom grumped. "Those two are having way too much fun."

Tom didn't notice the two 'playing' animals investigated every bush, tree or stump between Hogsmeade and Hogwarts before Tom entered spell range.

Entering Hogwarts, Snuffles and wolf-James took up positions flanking Tom. Tom led the way down to the Slytherin dorms. The Express had not arrived so only a few students that remained over the holidays were in the common room. Unfortunately, one of them was Dolohov.

"Who said you could bring that dog in here?" the burly boy demanded. "And what's this other mutt?"

The wolf sat calmly with bright emerald eyes and considered the large Slytherin Third year. Then he gave the boy a wolf grin with his tongue hanging out the side.

Dolohov felt a sudden chill looking at the large dog. To cover his fear, he asked, "What kind of dog is that anyway?"

Tom continued on his way to his dorm. He absently replied, "He is not a dog. He is a wolf. He followed Snuffles home one night from the Forbidden Forest. Dumbledore said it was okay."

"A wolf! You can't bring a wolf in here! It's dangerous."

James slowly approached the yelling Third year. Dolohov went white as the wolf approached him. In his panic, he didn't even draw his wand. James stalked up and then circled the young wizard sniffing him.

Tom felt a sudden fear as James suddenly gave his son a mischievous glance. Belatedly he remembered that The Count was originally his father's prankster nickname, not an Unspeakable's codename. 'Oh Merlin!'

The large wolf paused and raised his rear leg. Tom looked on in shock as a stream of yellow liquid splashed against Dolohov's leg. Dolohov never moved until James moved away from him.

Then all hell broke loose.

"I am going to Professor Slughorn about this! I will have that mangy wolf skinned!" Dolohov ranted.

Tom drew his wand and pointed at Dolohov's leg. "Scrougify!" Then he put his wand away. "There, all cleaned up."

"I am still going to the Head of House! I'll have that stupid mutt as a throw rug under my bed!" Dolohov stormed out of the common room in mid-rant.

Tom looked at his father. "I thought you were supposed to be the mature one here?"

The wolf just seemed to laugh at the boy. His expression seemed to say, 'Don't blame me. I am an innocent wolf.'

Shaking his head, Tom walked down to his dorm. Snuffles and wolf-James settled by the fireplace in two clumps of fur. Looking back at his canine protectors, Tom realized this was going to be an interesting term.

Tom was reading his transfiguration text when the Slytherins returned. The portal opened to reveal a flood of students laughing and chatting. Tom looked up at the noise. Snuffles ignored the crowd while wolf-James looked on curiously. Nagini lay curled in his accustomed spot atop Snuffles.

"Tom! You're already back!" Nott yelled as he spied his best mate. He walked quickly over to the couch where Tom laid reading. Then he spotted James lying next to Snuffles. "Wow, did Snuffles get a girlfriend?"

Nott blanched as the wolf raised his head and growled at the boy. Tom laughed at the look on his friend's face. "Actually, the wolf is a male. He just decided to tag along one day. I apparently have no say in it."

"It's a wild wolf?" Nott asked looking nervous.

Tom grinned, "Don't worry, he seems harmless enough. I'd say he is housebroken too, but he just relieved himself on Dolohov's leg."

Nott laughed at the image. "Then he stays! Any animal that pisses on that git deserves to stay." James gave him a grin and wagged his tail in response.

Any further conversation was stopped due to a second invasion wave into the Slytherin common room. This was an entirely female invasion consisting of the Third year Slytherin girls plus Ella and Andrea.

Looking up, Nott remarked in a dry voice, "Your harem has arrived."

Tom shot his friend a dirty look.

"What? They are my friends too but they follow you around. I swear the only reason Evan is hanging around with us this year is he has a crush on one of the girls. Being your friend is the only way to get close to any of them." Nott gave his friend a cheeky grin. "I guess it is just your animal magnetism. After all…" Nott trailed off but looked at the clump of animals lying by the fire with a grin.

James let out a barking laugh and thumped his tail loudly on the floor.

Tom looked at the wolf (who was enjoying himself way too much) and realized he was living in a teenage wizard's nightmare. His father would be hearing all of his conversations with his friends and those friends wouldn't know not to say certain things in front of the 'wolf'.

He wasn't reassured when the wolf winked at him. Tom realized James understood exactly what his son had just realized. When the wolf shook his head slightly, Tom realized his father would try not to intrude on his privacy.

Mary was the first to notice the group by the fire. As she bounced over she noticed something that diverted her attention. "Snuffles!" she yelled out. Then she ran over to wrap her arms around the large dog.

Tom glanced at Nott. "I think your animal magnetism was focused on the wrong animal." Nott grinned back without saying a word.

The other girls followed Mary over towards the fireplace. They paused when Ella noticed James lying not far from where Mary was currently wrapped around Snuffles.

"Is that a wolf?" the Polish witch asked.


"Why is there a wolf in your common room?"

"To make it an uncommon room?" Tom suggested innocently.

Ella shot Tom a dirty look. "Is he safe?"

Tom shrugged while trying not to laugh. "He is a bit standoffish. He won't allow you to pet him but he won't hurt you either. He's Snuffle's friend."

James glanced at his son and then at the girls. He gave them a lazy dog grin and wagged his tail slightly. He slowly rose up on his paws and padded over to the couch. The whole room seemed to wait to see what the wolf would do. James slowly circled around the frozen group of students and sniffed them.

James and Tom decided last night that wolf-James would not be an overly friendly visitor. While playing tricks on the student population would be amusing, it could lead to issues later on. Imagine Laura or one of the others wrapping herself around the wolf only to find out later it was her friend's father. (The thought made James very uncomfortable also!)

The sniffing served a very real purpose. James committed each of the student's scents to memory. Polyjuice and glamours did not typically cover smells.

After circling the group, James drifted off to a shadowed corner of the common room. The position would allow him to keep an eye on the students while not being too obvious. Conversation in the room slowly returned to normal. Eventually the common room seemed completely normal, except for the occasional glances at the wolf in the corner.

The appearance of the wolf in Hogwarts created chaos for the first couple of days. The Wolf (as James was called by the students) and Snuffles never really stayed with Tom during the day. Snuffles would walk with him sometimes between classes, but the Wolf stayed away from the crowds. Part of this was part of his cover of a wild, if magical, wolf. Another part came from not wanting to be obvious as protection for Tom.

The Wolf seemed to inhabit the shadows of Hogwarts. He seemed to appear out of the shadows that had been empty only moments ago. The rumor ran amongst the students the he was a mythical Shadow Wolf, able to travel from shadow to shadow. The truth was not as grand. As a student, Harry learned all of the good hiding places and secret passages during his adventures. Turing into a bat also allowed him to move from place to place unseen. He found the Shadow Wolf rumor to be highly amusing though.

The only class the Wolf attended with Tom was Transfiguration. James enjoyed watching his old (and deceased) Headmaster teaching. Albus would often address the wolf with a greeting before class. Most of the students felt this confirmed the theory their professor was going barmy. James and Fawkes would keep each other company although their games of "Chase-the-Phoenix" were very disruptive to the class.

The next four weeks were highly educational for James. He learned more about Tom from watching him with his peers then in all the years since his arrival.

Tom's ability with people astonished James. Following his son through classes and free time, James watched Tom interact with people from all of the Houses. People seemed drawn to him and trusted his opinion. Tom was the undisputed leader of the younger Slytherins. The older Slytherins tended to treat Tom on the same level as a Prefect. Outside Slytherin, Tom was respected by all of the Houses. Aside from the Third year Richelieu boys, Tom was the undisputed leader of the students under Fifth year.

Tom's grades did play a role in his status. Tom displayed a devotion to his studies that would have done Hermione proud. It actually made James feel slightly ashamed about his own level of effort in his Third year.

On top of his grades, Tom showed hints of the power he would one day wield. The raw magical talent was unmatched by any other student. James had noticed the wizards and witches tended to automatically defer to stronger magic users. (It helped explain why Dumbledore had so much power in Harry's time.) The students seemed to recognize Tom's power and accepted his status.

Combining Tom's personality, his intellect, and his power, James could start to see how Voldemort gained the fanatical followers to form the Death Eaters. If Tom Riddle had half the influence of Tom Evans, he would have been a serious force to be reckoned with. James expected Tom Riddle probably had moreinfluence. After all, Tom Riddle had an agenda. Tom Evans was just being himself with no ulterior motive.

James particularly enjoyed observing Tom's friends and people James knew from Harry's time at Hogwarts. Hagrid seemed a happy little kids (for a 6 foot tall First year). He bounced through his classes with a naïve excitement that reminded James of the Creevey brothers rendered on a much larger scale and with no camera. Although he was on the lower half of the scale for both grades and power, Hagrid's open personality made him something of a pet for the older Gryffindors.

James's favorite Gryffindor to watch was Minerva McGonagall. James remembered meeting her twice in this time. Once was on Platform 9 ¾ where she lectured James and Tom on their behavior. The next time was outside the Gryffindor Tower the night of the Dark Army attack. That night she broke curfew to find out what was going on. Her reputation around the school was a no-nonsense student who had never received a detention or lost a House point. None of these things broke James's image of his stern professor from fifty years in the future and Hermione's hero.

The image was shattered one night when James learned why James Potter and the Marauders were the stern professor's favorite students. If any one had been watching they would have been stunned to find a large wolf rolling on the floor making whining laughing noises.

Minerva McGonagall was the Gryffindor prankster.

James was patrolling the school late at night in his wolf form. Snuffles was wandering the lower levels of the castle. In one of the upper halls, James found a cloaked figure conjuring water balloons and charming them to hand unseen above the portal to the Ravenclaw Tower. The balloons were green and silver. James watched for any sign the cloaked figure was a Dark Army infiltrator. James stole up quietly on the unknown intruder prepared to attack. The figure turned to see the wolf approaching her. James stopped in shock when he recognized the girl.

Minerva gave wolf-James a wicked smile and put her finger to her lips. With a small giggle, the Fourth year Gryffindor crept quietly back to her dorm. James could only sit and watch her leave in stunned disbelief. The only coherent thought in his brains as he watched her leave was, 'I guess she hasn't figured out her Animagus form yet.' Then he fell over laughing. Sirius, Remus, and the Weasley twins would have paid good Galleons to have this kind of information on their Head of House.

The wolf continued on his patrol that night with has tail wagging at the thought of his pranking Head of House.

Tom's 'inner circle' of friends provided items of interest also. As a group the Slytherins were a diverse group in many ways. All of them were Purebloods and shared a certain level of ambition as members of Slytherin. However, aside from that, the group seemed fairly open. James wondered if his Slytherin classmates had been the same away from the rest of the school or if Voldemort's influence prevented that diversity

Nott reminded James in some ways of Ron. Nott appeared completely loyal to Tom. As a Slytherin though, he did have ambitions of his own. While Nott didn't have the natural arrogance of his Minister father, he did have a certain willingness to bend the rules to get what he wanted. James also noticed that, like Ron, Nott seemed to prefer to allow Tom to take the lead role. Nott let Tom take the lead while he made snarky comments from the back. Tom made a comment about this once to Nott who replied, "Of course I let you take the lead, mate. You draw all the fire."

Mary reminded James on the surface of a 1940's version of Parvati and Lavender. Only on the very surface though. Mary acted as the social director for the group. She was THEauthority on social behavior, dress, and society. If you wanted to know anything about Pureblood history and traditions, she was your witch. Mary could have been obnoxious about her society focus but she also knew when those traditions were ridiculous and out of date. Her cutting remarks and accurate characterizations of the Pureblood left the group howling when she climbed on her soapbox. James wondered if Daphne Greengrass had her (probable) grand-aunt's cutting humor behind her Slytherin façade.

James decided there was no bloody way Laura Parkinson was related to Pansy. Laura was closer to Molly Weasley then Pansy. Laura was the 'mom' of the group. She checked homework and pestered people to not skip meals. Laura 'adopted' certain students as hers to mother. James did notice they all seemed to be gifted in some way greater then their classmates. James decided Laura was a kinder, gentler version of Slughorn. Laura may not have been aware of it, but she was building a network of students loyal to her who would one day occupy key positions in government, business, or magic.

Xurana refused to be figured out by James. She was a lovely girl who was the most intellectually gifted of the Slytherin girls. She was also the closest of the Slytherins to Tom in terms of raw power. (She was not close, but still the closest.) James noticed she spent a great deal of time observing those around her and analyzing what they said. James did not think her friends realized this as her face changed when she thought some one might be looking. She reminded James of a young Charlie. He decided she would probably make a good Unspeakable or spy if she learned Occlumency.

Of the non-Slytherins, James decided Ella would either have been Sorted into Slytherin or Hufflepuff, Andrea would probably have made a great Gryffindor, and Janek would have been a Ravenclaw.

Ela Zamoyska appeared the mirror image of Laura. Laura acted the Hufflepuff for Slytherin reasons, while Ella used Slytherin tactics to get Hufflepuff results. She was the peacekeeper, judge and jury of disputes within the group. She would use sweet reason to get tempers cooled. If that failed she would use any means necessary to put the malcontents into a suitably humbled state. She shared a lot of traits with Sarah. James wondered about Helga Hufflepuff's reaction to a "Hardcore 'Puff"?

Andrea Sardonnes was a textbook Gryffindor. She combined Hermione's love of learning with Ron's ability to go charging off on a full head of steam. The French half veela witch jumped into everything with both feet, never bothering to see if there was a bottom, never mind how deep it may be. As the student who went after the Philospoher's Stone, the Chamber of Secrets and other misadventures as a student, James realized he had been the same way. (He conceded that with a very large wince.) As a veela, Andrea was easily the best looking girl at Hogwarts. However, she treated anyone who reacted purely to her looks the same way Harry Potter reacted to the fangirls of the Boy-Who-Lived.

The final member of Tom's inner circle was Janek Nowicki. The Polish wizard was easily the quietest of the group. He was also the brightest of them with a sly sense of humor. James suspected him of helping Tom with some of the more subtle pranks played during the first half of the year. Janek was also a natural flyer. Watching him fly James wondered if another Eastern European wizard he knew could have been related to Janek. Whether Krum had Polish blood or not, the two wizards had very similar flying styles and ability. Janek, however, had no interest in going into professional Quidditch. He planned to go into magical research and spell creation. James felt the young wizard helped ground the group's flightier ideas.

1 April 1941

Two wizards stood on the dueling platform watching each other carefully. Each had their wand drawn. They had been dueling for over an hour. Curse marks pocked the walls. The center of the dueling platform looked like it had been set on fire. Little rubber ducks filled one corner of the room. (Don't ask.) Without a warning, the older of the two fired a spell without fully extending his wand.

"Frigium!" The light blue spell fired out of the wand, straight at the younger wizard's feet.

The spell caused a thin layer of ice to form on the platform. The young wizard landed on the side of it. "Hah!" he yelled. "Did you think I would fall for that one like you did Malfoy? Come on, I'm not stupid!"

The older wizard smirked and wordlessly gestured at the ice with his wand. The movement did not seem to be a spell. Suddenly an icy hand reached up to grasp the edge of the younger wizard's robe. The wizard yelled is it pulled him off balance. He toppled to the floor. His momentary distraction caused him to be hit with a over-powered Tickling Charm.

"S-s-stop it, Dad! I- I- can't g-get my b-breath!"

James Evans walked up to the writhing form of his son on the ground. "Are you going to stop running your mouth off in a duel?" he asked with a grin.

"Y-yes!" the giggling boy yelled.


Tom struggled to his feet and tried to catch his breath. He glared at his father watching from the comfort of a lounge chair called up by the Room of Requirement.

"Sometimes I think my Dumbledore was wrong. I don't think the "power he knows not" was love."

Tom looked at James in curiosity. It still bothered him to think the path he could have gone down and still might if the curse worked, but it also was a morbid curiosity for him. After all, that Tom Riddle had all the power and gifts of this Tom Evans.

"What do you think it was then?"

"The power to keep my mouth shut. Moldieshorts was always talking during the duels. I think it is an evil villain thing. He would mouth off and I used the time to escape or curse him. He was too busy trying to scare me or prove how tough he was to pay attention to his work. Kind of like someone else I know…"

Tom groaned. "How did you get me? I never saw a spell."

James grinned, "Hello? Room of Requirement?"

"You cheated!" Tom shouted in outrage.

"I prefer to think I improvised and adapted. We never said it was against the rules." James smiled unrepentantly. Before Tom could start on a tantrum, James said, "Let's work on your Animagus ability now"

The Third year smiled although he recognized the subject change. "Great! I think I caught sight of my form last night whilst I was meditating."

"Really? What was it?"

Tom shrugged, "I'm not sure. I think it was some type of cat."

James was impressed. Not many wizards could develop an Animagus form. For a Third year it would be astonishing. The Marauders managed it after their Fifth year. James did it after his Sixth.

"Dad, how did you get two forms?" Tom asked.

James smiled slightly in remembrance. "A Muggle author once wrote, 'Always listen to experts. They'll tell you what can't be done, and why. Then do it.' My Transfiguration professor and her prize student, who was one of my best friends, annoyed me by saying I could never do it. I was in a bad mood and didn't want to hear it. So I went out and did it to prove them wrong."

Tom laughed, "I think you got tricked, Dad. Were they in Slytherin?"

"Hermione and Min in Slytherin? Nope, they were Gryffindor."

"Dad, the best way to get you to do anything is to tell you that you can't do it! Mum uses it on you all the time! Even Katie and Michael know it. Hell, I bet Ron and Tia have too."

"Language, Tom," James said absently. Then he stood up with a shocked expression. "THOSE WITCHES MANIPULATED ME!"

Tom rolled laughing on the floor. "Dad, I think the 'power I knew not' is the fact you have no reverse gear. Someone probably told you that you were too young to fight Voldemort or not skilled enough. It must have driven you batty!"

James ignored the pun in his shock. "They all did that! Ron, Hermione, Ginny, the whole damn Order! They are lucky that are dead or not born yet! Wait Dumbledore is here! He was the ringleader!"

Tom started to get nervous visions of his father storming off to pick a duel with the Transfiguration professor. "Umm, Dad?"

James suddenly stopped in mid-rant and looked down at his son. Then he calmly sat down. "At least I would if I hadn't figured this out years ago. Ginny teased me about it the morning before the final battle. We were saying our goodbyes. I told her to stay alive or I would practice Necromancy and raise her. She told me I couldn't do that. So, I charge off into the past like a Gryffindor to prevent my friends from every being killed." James shrugged, "What can I say? I hate people saying I can't do something."

The conversation was cut short by a slight ping coming from James's pocket. He reached into his robe any pulled out a small coin. Any member of the D.A. would have recognized it. The DoM placed additional charms on the coin to allow more information to be sent. He closed his eyes for a second to listen to the message and then looked at Tom in shock.

"Grindelwald's launched an invasion on the coast of England!"

A/N: Yes, it is an evil cliffie! The next chapter will cover the invasion.

James's quote comes from Lazarus Long in Time Enough for Love by Robert Heinlein. One of the classic SF novels.

Timeline: 1941

Jan - Feb – British and Australian troops make advances against Italian units in Tobruk and Italian Somaliland.

Feb 1941 - German General Erwin Rommel and his 'Afrika Korps arrive in Tripoli, North Africa.

March 7, 1941 - British forces arrive in Greece.

March 11, 1941 - President Roosevelt signs the Lend-Lease Act.

March 27, 1941 - A coup in Yugoslavia overthrows the pro-Axis government.

April 6, 1941 - Nazis invade Greece and Yugoslavia.

April 17, 1941 - Yugoslavia surrenders to the Nazis.

April 27, 1941 - Greece surrenders to the Nazis.

May 10, 1941 - Deputy Führer Rudolph Hess flies to Scotland.

May 10/11 - Heavy German bombing of London; British bomb Hamburg.

May 15, 1941 - Operation Brevity begins (the British counter-attack in Egypt).

May 24, 1941 - Sinking of the British ship Hood by the Bismarck.

May 27, 1941 - Sinking of the Bismarck by the British Navy.

June 8, 1941 - Allies invade Syria and Lebanon.

June 14, 1941 - United States freezes German and Italian assets in America.

June 22, 1941 - Germany attacks Soviet Union as Operation Barbarossa begins.

In June - Nazi SS Einsatzgruppen begin mass murder.

June 28, 1941 - Germans capture Minsk.

July 3, 1941 - Stalin calls for a scorched earth policy.

July 12, 1941 - Mutual Assistance agreement between British and Soviets.

July 14, 1941 - British occupy Syria.

July 26, 1941 - Roosevelt freezes Japanese assets in United States and suspends relations.

July 31, 1941 - Göring instructs Heydrich to prepare for the Final Solution.

Aug 1, 1941 - United States announces an oil embargo against aggressor states.

Aug 14, 1941 - Roosevelt and Churchill announce the Atlantic Charter.

Aug 20, 1941 - Nazi siege of Leningrad begins.

Sept 1, 1941 - Nazis order Jews to wear yellow stars.

Sept 3, 1941 - First experimental use of gas chambers at Auschwitz.

Sept 19, 1941 - Nazis take Kiev.

Sept 29, 1941 - Nazis murder 33,771 Jews at Kiev.

Oct 2, 1941 - Operation Typhoon begins (German advance on Moscow).

Oct 16, 1941 - Germans take Odessa.

Oct 24, 1941 - Germans take Kharkov.

Oct 30, 1941 - Germans reach Sevastopol.

Nov 20, 1941 - Germans take Rostov.

Nov 27, 1941 - Soviet troops retake Rostov.

Dec 5, 1941 - German attack on Moscow is abandoned.

Dec 6, 1941 - Soviet Army launches a major counter-offensive around Moscow.

Dec 7, 1941 - Japanese bomb Pearl Harbor; Hitler issues the Night and Fog decree.

Dec 8, 1941 - United States and Britain declare war on Japan.

Dec 11, 1941 - Germany declares war on the United States.

Dec 19, 1941 - Hitler takes complete command of the German Army.

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