
Just In




The Nightstalker's Bow by LoganMidnight

 Destiny & Rising of the Shield Hero/盾の勇者の成り上がり XoverRated: T, English, Adventure & Fantasy, Ghost, Guardian, Naofumi I., Raphtalia, Words: 86k+, Favs: 589, Follows: 752, Published: Dec 31, 2019 Updated: Jul 8 223Chapter 8

Disclaimer - I do not own the Destiny franchise or The Rising of the Shield Hero

To add to that, the Guardian Charlom-1 belongs to my friend, The Taken Huntsman. Him and me have a combined Destiny-verse so we share OCs.

This chapter was also unexpectedly hard to write(I had to have my friend help me with the pacing of the events). I just wanted to get that out there.

Chapter 8 - The Shield And The Wall


He turned back to Raphtalia, deciding they should leave for the city and get some rest.

That's when something caught his eye, a glint of metal buried under the dirt, normally something he wouldn't bother with. Something urged him to investigate though.

He crouched down and brushed away the dirt, revealing the thin piece of black metal. Picking it up, he realized it was the same metal Lance's armor was made out of. Looking back at the Bow Hero, he saw that the antenna normally on the back of his cloak was gone.

Now, it was in his hand.

His first thought was to return it to Lance, but another one quickly overrode it, 'This metal survived the meteor blast without so much as a dent. I wonder what kind of shield it would give me. It was an antenna anyway, not like it could be much use in this world.'

With that thought, Naofumi placed it on his shield's gem. Like normal, the material disappeared and the shield changed.

It was bronze in color, a rich brown to be exact. The center was shaped like a dark circle with an hourglass in it, though it had no sand. Around this was a wide oval that matched the circle in height. The bronze itself was in the shape of a diamond that covered a good amount of Naofumi's arm. It felt… hollow though, like it was missing something.

It's information popped up a second later.

[Time Turner Shield - Legendary - Special Ability: Time Turner]

[Time Turner: ?]

[Level Up Requirements: ? - ?/?]

That was… strange. A shield has never been marked out like this before.

He shook his head. He would figure it out later, he needed sleep. Or food. Whatever he could get first. Standing back up, he started to make his way to Raphtalia.

Only to freeze at the sight. She wasn't moving, her mouth mid-word.

In fact, everyone, no everything, was frozen. From the knights to the villagers. From Lance to the two demi-human girls. Even the fires and their airborne cinders were suspended.


"What's going on?" He called out, only for nothing to respond.

Except for the shield that is.

It emitted a faint glow, one that grew in intensity by the second.

"What the!?" The Shield Hero exclaimed, but it didn't change anything.

The light grew brighter and brighter until nothing could be seen. That's when it happened.

Naofumi's body took the plunge.

(The Last City - Earth - One Year Before The "Taken King" Incident)

The Last City.

A monumental city that stood under the Traveler. It was as big as a small country and filled with millions of people all living their everyday lives in peace.

The Last City was a lively place sat atop a near-dead world. The only place to live your life on Earth was here, but it wasn't a bad life. Far from it in fact. Businessmen headed to work to start their late shifts while the busy night life was active in shopping and partying.

In this city, there was one building that stood out above the rest. A tower, the Tower in fact. The place where the Guardians lived and worked when they weren't on the field, keeping the city safe.

Thousands of Guardians called the Tower, and the city, home. Among these Guardians, three fireteams stood out above the rest.

The main one being Fireteam Wild, the true strikeforce of the Vanguard, led by the legendary Hunter, Salazar Stone. They had defeated the Black Heart, dismantled Atheon in its glass vault, and forever silenced Crota's soul in the Moon's pit.

The fireteam that commonly joined them in these endeavors was Fireteam Foothold, a team that went to create their namesake led by the immovable Titan, Charlom-1. They were the team to call if you need to stake your claim to something. Whether that was a piece of deep rooted enemy territory or an entire country, that was for the Vanguard to decide.

Then there was Fireteam Omega, the team some would call shadows. They were the ones you called if you wanted something done covertly. Skilled in the art of getting in and out of places unseen, they were pretty good at their job. They should be, they're led by a Hunter after all. A familiar Hunter in fact.

Lance Nightshade.

With the Voidwalker, Cornelius Pond, and the Sentinel, Reginald-3, they had made a name for themselves among the Guardian ranks.

But today, two Guardians would shine above the rest. The defenders who did everything they could to protect this wonderful city. They would shine today because of an unexpected event.

You see, during the infamous Battle of Twilight Gap, Fallen skiffs were shot down and left to crash. In an overlook due to the chaos, the crashed ships were not checked. The Guardians just assumed everyone on board died on impact.

To their credit, most did.

Only the crew of one ship survived. This crew had crashed relatively close to the city's wall. They were smart, not going out of their ship and instead using what Servitors they had to produce Ether to grow their numbers. They tunneled beneath the ground in an attempt to make room for more Fallen.

Among them were a few who had stealth tech that could fool city sensors for just a little bit. But it was enough for them to get to broken Spider Tanks to repair them.

They had prepared for a battle in retaliation to their loss at Twilight Gap so long ago, and today was the day they carried out this attack. Tunneling under the ground to the city had taken the better part of a year, but they were ready now.

Three Vandals using stealth tech made their way into the western wall and planted makeshift explosives and signal scramblers in a preplanned spot. With that in place, a breach was made.

The crew's captain, a low ranking Archon, was the first to enter in the confusion. It was followed by a force of Fallen that started to wreak havoc.

The Guardians responded quickly to the attack, but the breach was found by two Guardians. Charlom-1 and Reginald-3.

With the Fallen scrambling their comms, they were forced to defend the wall alone. At least, that's what everybody thought. What the official reports won't tell you is that there was someone else there.

And while he wasn't a Guardian, he was no less a hero.


The first thing Naofumi noted as the light faded was the haze of his vision. Dust clouded the ground around him as groaned, his face planted into the hard ground. He pushed up after a few moments, noticing his lack of aching bones.

The one and only thing he was tempted to thank his shield for.

The shielder glared at said shield at the very thought. The damn thing was still in whatever form it was forced into, the damn Time Turner.

Whatever that was.

The shield even refused to change to its normal form as he focused on it, leaving Nafumi to glare at the defensive instrument even harder.

He then groaned in frustration and threw his arm down before looking around him.

"What the hell just… happened?" He started with a raised, frustrated voice before he actually looked around.

All around him, tall buildings stood close together, all made of metal and concrete. Apartment complexes, office buildings, they were all around him.

He could see them clearly, even in the darkness that filled the sky, save for the peaking form of the rising sun.

It almost looked like… "Japan?" He asked rhetorically, no one around to answer him. His voice was quiet, filled with shock. He rubbed his eyes and shook his head before taking another look.

He then realized that it wasn't exactly Japan. At least, he hoped it wasn't.

First reason, he saw the wall as he turned around. It was massive, reaching higher than he was comfortable looking and spanning longer than his eyes could ever possibly see. Whatever this place wanted out, it was going to stay out.

Or maybe not.

His second observation was the fact that the city around him was trashed. Walls and ceilings were caving in, fires roared, smoke rised. As he concentrated, he even swore he heard gunfire and screaming coming from all around him, in the distance.

"What the hell is going on here." Naofumi muttered to himself as he started to move towards the wall aimlessly, picking his way through the wreckage with a clearer mind.

Whatever the answer to that question was, it wasn't like anyone was going to answer him right away.

Was it part of the waves? Coming to another… place and doing something there?

He shook his head. No, it had to do with the shield he just got. Its ability was marked off, so it could have done anything.

What did it want though? To ruin his life even more?

Naofumi growled at the thought. All the stupid shield had done since he had gotten it was ruin his life. It put a target on his back, for whatever reason, he didn't exactly know. All that was clear was that as soon as he figured out out to get rid of the damn shield, he was going t-

The shielder's eyes went wide before he brought his cursed shield up on his right, acting on reflex. Not a moment later, the shield sparked as two electric shortswords slammed into the metal. He gritted his teeth as he held back the blades, trying to get a look at what it was that was attacking him.

It, he thought, was an accurate term.

The thing was ugly and taller than he was by about a head. Speaking of which, its head was covered in a tattered purple hood that draped across its back, leaving only its ugly face visible. It had four to six eyes, he couldn't tell, and it had… mandibles that dripped slightly as it looked back at him curiously. Its long body was covered in dirty, rusted white plates of trash metal, almost like it found the metal laying around. It also had four arms, but two of them were too small to use.

He was unable to check above its head for a name as he pushed back hard, managing to barely get the creature off of him. It clicked in annoyance before letting out a battle cry and charging him again without hesitation. The shielder opted to roll out of the way of its next strike before quickly popping up and holding out his hand.

"Airstrike Shield!"

A large green shield materialized out of thin air at his command, rushing bottom first towards the creature. It seemed though that humans were not the only ones that could dodge a strike, and Naofumi noted that this creature definitely could as it ducked and crawled, no, scampered towards him like a spider, using all of its arms and legs.

Naofumi had to raise his shield in defense again as the bastard came down on him, both blades crashing into his guard. He idly noticed as his health partially drained. Growling in frustration at that, Naofumi pushed the creature off again and turned tail to run, facing the giant wall.

The creature would have immediately caught up to him if he didn't raise his arm and shout another command.

"Shield Prison!"

The creature found itself trapped in a sphere molded from shields and wrapped in chains, stopping its progress pretty fast.

The Shield Hero could hear it roar in outrage, and some foreign language, as he sprinted away. He didn't know if it could escape before its effect wore off, but he wasn't going to chance it.

Jumping over a slab of concrete, Naofumi could hear the gunfire getting louder. It wasn't but a minute later that he found himself at the wall, stopping himself before he could crash into the structure. I was even bigger up close, less solid though.

The shielder ran his hand along a large crack that had sprouted in the wall, going to his right horizontally. To where, he couldn't quite answer.

Mainly because his new friend had found him again.

Naofumi didn't even have any time to react as he was sent to the ground, back first so that the bastard was on top of him. It seemed annoyed to say the very least.

It shouted at him as he attempted to struggle, though the creature was surprisingly heavy for how it looked. All the Shield Hero could do was watch as the creature raised one of its arcing blades into the air and roar in victory.

Then, its skull caved in.

Well, he didn't exactly see what had happened to be honest, but that was his best guess.

The creature flew several feet and landed with a sickening crunch, no doubt dead, and Naofumi stared at it in surprise as it flew. He then turned his head as he heard feet stepping in the rubble next to him, and his eyes went wide.

Standing next to him was the biggest man he had ever seen.

The dude was seven foot tall, easy, and he was decked head to toe of strange looking armor. Heavy, brown, and bulky plates of steel covered most of his form, including his chest, lower legs, feet, shoulders, forearms, and his head. The helmet he wore was spiked backwards in two separate directions. A few grey pipes wrapped around his waist and secured a red cloth to himself, the same type and color of cloth being wrapped around his hands as well, that of which were also covered by a pair of black gloves.

"You must be lost." The man said almost casually as he held out a hand for the Shield Hero. Naofumi suppressed a glare as he stared at the hand for a few seconds, deciding to take it after a moment of consideration.

The man hoisted him up with ease, letting the shielder stabilize himself after he got up as he pulled a bulky brown AR off of his back. The armored giant held it with a practiced ease as he regarded Naofumi with an almost flat look, if a look could get through his helmet that is.

"Did evac not reach you?" The man then asked, getting the confused Naofumi to become even more confused.

"Where…" He started, shaking the new fuzz from his head, now that he could properly think. "What's going on?"

The man nodded, as if that was the answer he needed.

"I suspected as much." He started, his tone unchanged. "The Fallen have made it into the city and we are currently near the breach where they entered." He then informed the shielder, said shield hiding his confusion the best he could. "I'm Reginald-3, Guardian, Titan class."

A set of explosions went off nearby, as did more foreign screaming. Naofumi gained a tense expression, actual fear welling up inside of him.

He couldn't even faze one 'Fallen'. How was he supposed to defend himself here?

And how did this Reginald guy take it out in one punch!?

"It'll be safest if you stick with us for now." Reginald said, getting Naofumi's attention again. After a moment of consideration, the Shield Hero nodded in agreement. Reginald nodded as well before turning towards the sound of the explosions and heading that way, seeingly rushed as he did.

For one, the dude was crazy. Going straight in the direction of the sounds of death had to be a death sentence.

However, Naofumi was crazy enough to follow him. He had to be confident for a reason after all.

They strangely found no opposition as they headed for the epicenter of the noise, though Reginald kept his rifle up and Naofumi did the same with his shield.

The Shield Hero alos idly noticed the crack in the wall he saw earlier get wider and more jagged as they continued. It branched off and wildly swept up and down the wall, making it obvious that they were headed straight for the source of the break.

And he was right to assume so, for five minutes after they had started, they arrived at the source of the 'breach'.

Naofumi stopped and stared, slack-jawed at the sight. The wall was simply torn in two here, the concrete and metal that made it simply gathered at the bottom in pieces. The breach was so wide that a tank could fit through it with the greatest of ease. He even watched as several groups of those 'Fallen' came through with no trouble.

Well, not until they got in anyway.

The next sight that made Naofumi stop and think through everything was the sight of another man decked out in full armor. He was also easily seven feet taller, probably a few inches taller even, and he seemed almost rigid. His armor was pitch black and didn't have a single curve. The metal was all straight edges and sharp corners. It was textured too, like it was handmade. His helmet was a set of plates that converged at a single, long edge, an edge that glowed orange. His chest piece almost looked like Iron Man's from his old world, but it didn't glow.

Naofumi watched as this guy ignored any semblance of a weapon and simply ripped into these creatures with his bare hands. The gun was there, a black edgy shotgun attached to his back, but he just didn't use it.

And he didn't need to.

Every Fallen he hit seemed to simply die upon impact. Skulls caved in, chests collapsed, arms broken, nothing really survived. Not even a particularly large Fallen who was wearing a full purple cape and had blue energy surrounding it stood much of a chance.

The man simply slammed the shield on his right arm into the creature and it disappeared with little more than a cry of agony, fading into a purple mist.

Wait a second.

Naofumi focused on the man's arm as it moved in a deadly arc of death. Certainly enough, there was a round, purple shield on his arm. The shield glowed and radiated an eerie purple energy. He could feel the energy from where he stood, but at the same time, it felt empty. It was almost like…

The Shield Hero came to a sudden realization.

The bow that Lance had fired in the wave, the one that dragged all the monsters together. It felt like this, an empty energy. Were Lance and these people connected somehow?

His head was starting to hurt as he remembered something Lance said before, what he said when he introduced himself.

"Lance Nightshade. Guardian, Hunter class."

He called himself a Guardian, multiple times in fact. When he said he was a protector of the people, did he mean this?

Luckily, he was spared from his own thinking when a loud 'clang' rang out. The man in the middle of the frey had just slammed his shield into the ground, sending a shockwave in every direction that vaporized all that touched it. It was silent after that, his shield disappearing.

Seeing Reginald step forward, the Shield Hero decided to do the same.

Despite his confusion, he couldn't help but look to the black armored Titan with awe. While Naofumi himself could barely defend himself from the creature that attacked him, the hulking man took on an army of them without any trouble.

He was so shocked that he didn't even notice the brief glance the man took of his Time Turner shield. His attention was grabbed before Naofumi could notice anyway.

"I found a survivor Charlom." Reginald started, facing the man known as Charlom. "Are comms still down?"

Charlom nodded. "He'll stay with us then."

The hulking men then looked up to the sky as they heard the roar of a set of engines. Naofumi looked up too, getting a look at a set of what looked like bomber jets approaching them quickly.

Charlom seemed to nod, "Airstrike is he-"

He stopped dead when a strange, charging like sound echoed through the air. The Titan then summoned forth his shield again and jumped in front of them all, raising it as a wall of translucent purple energy formed in front of them all.

Not a moment too soon as an enormous red laser shot out from the gap in the wall and struck the front jet, sending shards of metal flying in every direction, including theirs.

Lowering his shield, Charlom watched as the jets turned around and did the best running they could do. He then hummed lowly as his gaze turned to the wall. He stared on calmly as the most terrifying thing Naofumi had ever seen came stomping through the breach.

"What the hell is that!?" Naofumi shouted, losing all of his cool as an enormous machine of twisted metal came through the wall.

It was easily the size of a decently sized house. It's entire body was made of rusted and dirty metal and it had two long barrels attached to the top of it, each one on its own swivel system. There were about six other guns lining the sides of what qualified as this things head. A large, spider-head shaped piece of scrap metal with six eyes, all glowing red. It carried itself on six thick metal legs, walking slowly and like an insect.

"Walker." Was all Charlom said as he pulled his shotgun off of his back, cocking it with one smooth motion.

"Heavily modified too." Reginald added, checking the ammo in his AR. "You're going to want to find a safe place, kid."

They didn't offer any more explanation than that before they both rushed forward towards the machine.

Naofumi just looked at them, shocked, "They're both crazy." He muttered to himself as he just stared on.

Charlom was the first to reach the Walker, immediately deciding to pump every round in his shotgun into one of the legs of the thing. The shotgun fired fast, cracks filling the air as pellets struck the metal, denting it slightly with every round.

The Walker tried to lift itself up to crush the Titan, but Reginald pulled its attention by firing his slower paced AR into its face.

It worked, the Walker deciding to focus on him instead. It charged the guns it had attached to its face and all six of them started to unload on Reginald. The only reason the Titan survived was because of the shield he summoned on to his arm.

The Titan raised it as the bullets reached him, blocking every one of them as he started to slide back with the impact. This continued for several moments before the entire machine stumbled, falling flat as it's leg was blown off by Charlom.

Naofumi looked at him amazed as he pulled his fist back towards him, the knuckle glowing with purple energy. Charlom then cocked his Shotgun again as he looked towards the neck of the machine.

He stopped though, almost tilting his head in confusion, like something that was supposed to happen didn't. All the while, Naofumi watched as what was left of the destroyed leg began to glow white hot.

It didn't take a genius to know that it was about to blow up.

Taking matters into his own hands, Naofumi raised his arm and shouted a familiar command, "Airstrike Shield!"

The air between the glowing leg and Charlom was suddenly occupied with a tall green shield. The Titan heard the shield form behind him and he turned back, now noticing the glowing leg beyond it.

Thinking fast, Charlom jumped up and placed a foot on the surface of the shield. He then pushed off of it, flying back just before the machine exploded.

Even though the machine was fine, as were the Titans, Naofumi suddenly felt himself get thrown off of his feet and to the ground. He groaned as he tried to get up, only to suddenly panic as the cursing of another Fallen that had successfully managed to sneak up on him filled his ears.

The creature had a foot on his chest and a sword raised by the time his vision cleared, giving him just enough time to raise his shield in an attempt to defend himself. Somehow, the defense succeeded and the sword aimed at his heart was stopped by his shield.

What was even more strange than that, and what was probably the most confusing thing he had encountered all day, was the fact that he no longer held his usual shield. Not even the Time Turner shield. Instead, he had a carbon copy of the round, mysterious shields the Titans wielded.

The sword was stopped dead in its tracks and, acting on instinct once again, Naofumi slammed his new shield into the creature. The Fallen barely gave out a sound of surprise as it was reduced to purple mist that floated away aimlessly.

Now that he knew it was there, he felt the power that it gave him. It was… incredible. He felt powerful.

He felt like he could fight.

As quickly as it had come though, the shield disappeared and Naofumi was left with the Time-Turner shield again.

He breathed heavily, his breath labored as he sat up, dazed. The Shield Hero barely even noticed as Reginald ripped the hatch off of the top of the Walker, jumping inside soon after.

What he did notice however was the fact the Charlom, who was running at him, suddenly slowed to a halt in front of the shielder. The two stared at each other silently, neither knowing exactly what to say as the Walker started to stumble not too far away.

"... Who are you?" Charlom asked Naofumi as the shielder caught his breath on the ground.

The Shield Hero stayed quiet for a moment longer before answering, "... Iwatani Naofumi."

Charlom nodded at his answer. He then noticed, along with the Shield Hero, that Naofumi's body began to glow like before. The shielder's initial thought was to panic, but something told him not to. That he wouldn't need to.

"I hope to meet you again Sir Naofumi, when we can better talk." The Titan told him, and he sounded genuine about it. It was a tone that the Shield Hero hadn't heard before, one of interest and genuine promise.

Naofumi just nodded, his mind in a sort of shock and at a loss for words.

And with that, he was gone again.



Raphtalia recoiled sharply as the thunderous sound reached her ears. Her sensitive ears became num, ringing loud enough for her to close her eyes to try to contain it.

'What was that?' She asked herself rhetorically, knowing what caused the sound.

But was it true? Was it really Rifana?

Raphtalia looked back up towards her and the man in black armor. The man was crouched over the Chimera's body, examining the wound. He turned to the supposed Rifana and supposedly said something.

She still couldn't hear much.

Her hearing was starting to clear though, enough to hear the clapping of the head guard. The guard that insulted Master Naofumi.

She gritted her teeth at the thought of it.

"Bravo! As expected from a companion of the Bow Her-" The knight attempted to say, only to be interrupted by the armored man.

"Oh buzz off!" The man said. Surprisingly, it made Naofumi chuckle just a little bit.

The man continued, "You didn't start fighting until I told you to. Isn't it your duty to fight the Wave either way?"

"U-um…" The knight stammered making Raphtalia giggle softly.

"Go find the other heroes or something." The armored man continued, "Just be useful."

The knight nodded, scampering off with a few others who decided to follow him, leaving just the four of them in the clearing.

Her ears still rang slightly, but Raphtalia was the first to move. More specifically, talk, "... Is that really you Rifana?"

The weasel girl's ears twitched as she turned to Raphtalia showing a confused face. That quickly disappeared though as her eyes widened in recognition, "Raphtalia?" She said it in a hopeful tone.

That was enough for her.

Raphtalia was on her in a second, arms wrapping around Rifana. The weasel girl was surprised at first before she returned the desperate hug with equal strength, dropping her strange weapon.

Tears were coming out of both of their eyes and they continued their desperate hug. She idaly heard the man in armor mutter under his breath, "Huh, I guess you did recognize that name."

Raphtalia didn't know how long they were like that, but when they finally separated most of the villagers from the mine could be seen. Naofumi was helping them clean up what rubble he could and the man in armor was gone somewhere.

She chose to not focus on that though, "What happened to you Rifana? You're so… different." She gestured to Rifana's body.

The weasel girl merely laughed, "I should ask you the same."

Raphtalia smiled before frowning as the memory of their last meeting came to mind, "I-I thought you were dead. I was- I was so worried."

Rifana frowned as well before a small smile appeared on her face, "I would have been if it wasn't for Lance."

Raphtalia tilted her head to the side, "Lance? You mean the guy in the black armor?"

Rifana's smile grew wider at that, "Yup, he freed me and taught me how to fight. He even gave me these weapons and clothes to use when I had nothing." She seemed to grow shy, "I owe him my life."

Raphtalia nodded before smiling softly, "I understand, Master Naofumi did the same with me."

It was Rifana's turn to tilt her head, "'Master' Naofumi? Does that mean your still a …" She didn't finish but Raphtalia understood what she meant.

"Yeah, I'm his slave." She confirmed before quickly reassuring her, "He's not making me do anything against my will though. He's been taking take of me, and in return I fight for him."

Rifana relaxed slightly, but not completely, "Fight for you? Can't he fight?"

"Not exactly." Raphtalia responded before standing a little taller, "He can't use a weapon because he's the Shield Hero, so I'm his sword."

At the mention of the Shield Hero, Rifana lost her demeanor of suspicion, "You're traveling with the Shield Hero?" She asked with awe.

Raphtalia seemed to turn a little smug, standing to her full height, which was about a head shorter then Rifana, "Yup, and he's just as nice as the stories siad. Even if he's rough around the edges." She said the last part a little quieter before smirking again, "You jealous?"

"A little." Rifana murmured in response before speaking up, "I'm still traveling with a hero though."

"Lance is a hero?" Raphtalia asked.

The weasel girl nodded with a smile, "Yup, he's the Bow Hero. He's really strong too."

The racoon girl thought of her meeting with Spear and the Sword Heroes before asking, "He's not mean is he?"

Rifana shook her head quickly, "No, of course not. He's the nicest person in the world." She ended the statement a little shyly.

Raphtalia smirked, "You like him, don't you?"

Rifana seemed to grow nervous, "W-what do you mean?" She asked, casting a quick look at Lance as he talked to the head guard, who came back a minute ago.

The smirk on Raphtalia's face grew more playful, "You know what I mean. You kept going on about marrying one of the heroes when we were younger after all."

The nervous look on the girl's face turned into a frantic blush, "W-what!? N-no, nothing like t-"

"Rifana." The Bow Hero's voice called out while walking over to them, causing said girl to squeak, "Sorry to interrupt, but we're about to head to the capital. The king wants to hold some kind of celebration with all of the heroes."

"A-alright." The girl responded through the blush, "I'm ready when you are."

"I'll get Master Naofumi then." Raphtalia said, getting the Bow Hero to nod. The racoon girl broke away from the conversation to get Naofumi, seeing him a short distance away.

When she got to him though, he had a weird look on his face while looking at his shield, "Is something wrong Naofumi-sama?"

He only then noticed her, looking a little bit surprised before shaking his head, "No, I'm fine."

She could tell he was lying, but she didn't push it, "Lance said that we have been invited to the castle for a celebration. We should go now if we want to make it before nightfall."

The Shield Hero just nodded, "Alright then, let's go."


The descriptions of the armor are purposely left a little vague as they will be different in different chapters. Those will be better as they will be current armors of the Guardians in game.

Chapter 9 - Afterparty - April 20

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