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Being Aerys by Xersin

 Books » A song of Ice and Fire Rated: T, English, Drama & Humor, Aerys T., Rhaella T., OC, Words: 167k+, Favs: 1k+, Follows: 1k+, Published: Jun 14, 2017 Updated: Sep 1, 2017282Chapter 17: 17


"Wake him up."

I wasn't sleeping merely resting, so there was no need for me to be 'woken up' especially with a bucket of cold seawater thrown into my face. Bastards, if they had given me a moment, I would have sat up or something.

As I coughed out seawater that had entered my mouth and tried, badly, to rub away the feeling of seawater in my nose, I couldn't help but glare at the bastard that was holding up the bucket of water, a stupid grin on his face.

Apparently, he didn't like the way I was looking at him and decided to show his displeasure by giving me a good kicking into my stomach. He said something in something that sounded like Valyrian but wasn't really Valyrian.

Another mongrel bastardisation of the Valyrian language and it was too dark to see which part of the Free Cities he came from. And I decided then and there that I hated this guy.

Someone else spoke, the person who had spoken earlier, but this time, I realised that voice was decidedly feminine. Whatever she said, it was enough to stop the fucker from kicking my ribs in. I suppose I should be thankful that none of the kicks had particularly aimed for my still broken, but slowly healing arm.

I was genuinely surprised that I had been treated as gently as I had been.

I slowly sat up. Again.

Wiping away the water from my eyes, I finally got a look through the shadows of the cell that I had found myself inhabiting. There were two of them, one of them the fucker that had decided to give me a good kicking and another that was slightly more feminine in body, but significantly taller and longer limbed than the guy.

Oh yeah, she seemed to be ripped as fuck also.

She stepped forward slightly into the light being cast by the moon from the small window of whatever prison I was being held in. Skin as dark as ebony, I figured her out to be from the Summer Islands, and like I said, very well ripped with muscular arms. I figured she was probably once a beauty in her life, but the scars on her face and clean shaven skull sort of ruined that.

She wasn't ugly by any stretch of the imagination, the scars themselves giving her something of a rugged beauty to her.

Did I mention that she was also rather tall? Like seven foot or something.

"I apologise about that," She said, speaking with a slight tilt to her voice that I couldn't recognise. Then again, I had yet to speak to anyone from the Summer Islands, and this would sound rather ridiculous, but her accent seemed to sound somewhat Caribbean to me. I know, silly, "I should have told him to be more gentle with you." She finished, I think her eyes drifting slightly to my still cast up arm.

"That was supposed to be gentle?" I asked, using my one good arm to rub at my stomach, I could just feel the bruises forming.

She gave me a white tooth grinned and something glinted in the moonlight. Oh lookie, she had gold grills, awesome, or was it gold teeth?

"More gentle than most."

Well, I suppose I didn't want to find out how worse they could treat me, so I decided to leave it at that, "So who are you anyway? I don't think we've met. I'm Aerys by the way."

"I have had many names, so many I have since long forgotten the name my parents gave me...but most know me as the Old Mother."

Oh, one of the Nine. Well would you look at me, going around the social circles and making friends, "Huh, you don't look that old." I more or less snarked.

"I age gracefully." She returned, almost amused.

"I still wouldn't be pleased with the person who gave me that little nickname." I craned my neck to see if I could see past her and towards the open door that more or less led to freedom or death, most likely death, "You know, if you release me right now, perhaps there would be something in it for you at the end of all this."

She hummed as if she was thinking about. I got the distinct feeling that she was probably going to reply just to play with me.

"Such as?" She asked.

I licked my lips, even if I knew deep down that this was nothing more than a lioness playing with her pray, "Lands. Gold. I'm a prince. I'm worth quite a lot of gold and lands. Don't forget the land...and the gold."

"Not just any prince, but the crown prince now, so that must be even more gold and land, yes?"

I blinked, "Oh, you know about that?"

She smiled that grin of hers again at me, "We have our own spies, just as you do yours. How do you think we were able to capture you?"

I grumbled, but I suppose that made a lot of sense. I shook my head, "So what, the whole burning down King's Landing and killing my father was some sort of elaborate trap to capture me?" Yes, I know that's not exactly how things went out, but hey, she didn't need to know that.

And to be very honest, capturing me didn't make all that much sense. Yes, I was the crown prince, but that still didn't make all that much sense to me as to why go through all this trouble of just capturing me, instead of just outright killing me. That's apparently how you take thrones, kill the men, wed the women.

"According to the Blackfyres, what happened to King's Landing had nothing to do with them." She crouched down and looked me straight in the eyes with eyes dark as sin, "So tell me, is what they say true?"

I wasn't all that good a liar, I tended to exaggerate my lies that made it rather obvious I was talking so much out of my ass that I actually tried to lie as little as possible. That or by deflecting, "Don't trust your own allies? How does that work?"

She smiled then her arm shot out and grabbed my broken arm. Her hand wrapped around my entire arm and then she squeezed. I think screamed. In pain.

"Why don't you answer my question instead?" She asked ever so politely as she continued to squeeze my hand.

I really didn't know why she cared all that much about what the Blackfyres were saying, and with my attention currently taken by the more pressing concern of my broken arm being abused by a woman who seemed to have the grip strength of a power claw, I really didn't care as to why she cared.

"Because I don't know!" Didn't mean I was just going to just blabber out what I knew. At the very least, I could be trusted to keep a secret.

"What do you know?" She asked, hand squeezing tighter.

I think I heard a bone creak or something and tears were stinging my eyes.

"I don't know, dammit!" I reiterated. And then she stopped and released my arm just like that. Oh thank god she-.

"Jino, question him." She suddenly said, standing up and making her way towards the door, "Thoroughly."

Oh fuck no. I didn't like the sound of that.

The guy known as Jino said something in bastard Valyrian and the Old Mother replied and I didn't particular like the savage looking grin on his face. The pirate queen left, slamming the door shut after her, leaving me alone with her pet psychopath.

I scrambled as far back as I could as this Jino fellow closed in on me, then I realised that I couldn't really scramble because there was a fucking wall behind me.

"Look, girls, gold, land, whatever you want, I can give it you." Just don't hurt me, please. Look, I wasn't looking forward to the prospect of being tortured. Especially considering what passed around this world for torture.

Jino didn't seem to care as he continued to make his way towards me. Then it hit me the son of a bitch didn't speak the Common Tongue.

What a horrible torturer. How was he going to ask me questions if he couldn't even speak the same language as me?

Then he lashed out with a kick, to my broken arm and this time, I definitely felt something go. I screamed. Again, but I think I can be forgiven.

Okay then, my broken arm, just got broke, again. I really wished this won't have anything damage my ability to use it as well as I did before. Jino pulled his leg back again and this time, I just didn't take the beating like a bitch.

I rolled away just in the nick of time to see him kick the fucking wall and let out a curse in his foreign tongue. Yeah bitch, hurts doesn't it? I really hoped that fucking foot was broken after the shit he had done to me.

Apparently, the gods weren't looking on me so much as he turned in the direction that I rolled away from him. He made ground and grabbed me by my now dirty and ruined shirt and hefted me to my feet. He then proceeded to plant punches into me, first into my stomach and it got worse from there.

"You are supposed to be questioning me, not beating me black and blue!" I yelled at him in-between beats.

Then the door slammed open and something glimmered in the moonlight before I felt a spray of water wash over my face. I blinked as Jino unceremoniously crumpled to the ground, taking me with him since I was still in his grip.

It was then that I noticed that he didn't have a head. Okay, what?

Someone stepped into the moonlight and damned was I pleased to recognise the face.

"Prince Aerys, apologies for my tardiness."

Gwayne Gaunt, you beautiful son of a bitch.

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