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Being Aerys by Xersin

 Books » A song of Ice and Fire Rated: T, English, Drama & Humor, Aerys T., Rhaella T., OC, Words: 167k+, Favs: 1k+, Follows: 1k+, Published: Jun 14, 2017 Updated: Sep 1, 2017282Chapter 20: 20


I have no idea what the fuck I am doing.

I try to convince my self that I know what I'm doing, but who am I kidding? No-one. Not even myself. I was blindly stumbling in the dark, occasionally hitting something, tripping and falling or worse, stubbing my little toe and spasming in pain from the results.

I had a general idea of what I wanted to do, and that was to survive the icepocalypse that was coming in forty years time. I was trying to ignore the fact that me being here, doing my random things or even just by my presence alone might result in said icepocalypse not happening in forty years time but sooner than I'd rather wish (if anything, I was hoping it would be later. Like later. When I'm dead by natural causes at the age of 117).

That was basically it.

Somehow survive the Long Night 2.0, along the way, do things that might make people question my sanity, but at the same time, ingratiate myself to the masses so much that people who didn't particularly like me and wanted me dead would at the very least, take a moment to pause and think 'Is this really worth it?'

In other words, survive long enough to reach Long Night 2.0 and then after reaching that milestone goal, survive the new milestone goal that had been set out.

I was thinking long term which was good, I suppose, but I wasn't thinking of how each of my little things I was working on would affect said long term goal.

For example the alchemists and the disaster that had happened to King's Landing.

Coming upon a scene of devastation the like that I had come across had made me stop and not think more along the prudent question of 'How did this happen?' I would have investigated, but fire has a habit of destroying evidence like nobodies business, even more so when it's magic napalm.

I had my suspicions to the whole fire thing now that I had been given time to not wallow in my own self pity and general angsting about said incident.

You would be suprised to the level of clarity milk of the poppy can give you. Yeah, sure, it addles your mind a little to deal with whatever pain you are dealing with, but eventually, you start thinking and thinking and eventually, you start connecting dots as you find most of your worries gone.

That stuff was fantastic.

Need to make sure I don't get addicted. I doubt I was the functional addict type.

But I really couldn't act without any sort of evidence as my main suspects all happened to be ridiculously connected and influential in one way or another. That sort of put me into a pickle.

Well, I had time, and if there's one thing that the humans of Westeros shared with the humans back home is that man, can we hold a grudge. And I was going to hold this one and nurse it for all it's worth.

That didn't mean my bumbling about should continue. That needed to stop.

So in that regard, I decided to at least come up with goals that added a little more information to my basic plan of surviving the Long Night 2.0.

Point one. White Walkers are real and are a pain to kill. Why? Because only two recorded elements have in story verification of killing them, obsidian and Valyrian steel. In other words, I needed to stark stock piling on said items like it was nobodies business.

Thankfully, Dragonstone had a lot of the obsidian that could be mined and fashioned into suitable weapons, arrowheads, daggers, maybe even swords of some kind. Valyrian steel was a bit more difficult, there probably was some more in the Doom, but...the Doom.

The tv series had touched on Valyria, but if I remember correctly, in the books, the Doom was very different and people stayed well the fuck away from that place.

I know for a fact magic is a thing, so whatever happened to Valyria could very well be magical in nature or the result of the Fourteen Fires going boom. So I'm either dealing with magic bullshit or the toxin gasses of erupted volcanoes or some unholy combination of both.

In other words, I was very undecided on what to do about that. I was personally not going to step anywhere near that place because, reasons, but I could probably find a group of people insane enough to at the very least, test out the toxin gases part of the theory.

Just need to somehow getting a working hazmat suit or a gas mask or something. I had time (probably) and there was always the Valyrian steel that already existed in Essos that I could acquire through...extra-legal means.

Hey, I needed it more than they probably did.

Point two. Wights are not your typical zombies and head shot-ing them does jack shit.

Fire is the way to go and thus, it's actually quite prudent and a good idea to see if something resembling a flame-thrower can be built. Loads and loads of them, because I had the feeling the Wights were going to be the most frequent thing we were going to face.

I wonder, does blowing them up to bits also work? Eh whatever, won't know until we find out so yeah, grenades, the explosive and incendiary kind would also very much be appreciated to be developed.

Point three. The state of the Night's Watch is atrocius. Need to do something about that. No current ideas at the moment apart from the usual that they actually need men that were vastly not rapists, murderers and the likes.

I can probably think of something.

Point four. Probably the most difficult one to see some sort of feasible solution but was somehow get any and all willing wildlings south of the fucking Wall. I don't need dead wildlings adding numbers to the army of the undead because that would suck.

The White Walkers and their army already has us beat in how easily they can get new recruits among many other things.

Oh, somehow try and get people to actually start burning bodies now instead of burying them. Like I said, the White Walkers have it easy as it easy on replacing their man power.

This one is probably my most politically suicidal plan and thus, I would need a lot of favours to call upon. In other words, I better start holding to my favours like I was Tywin Lannister nursing a slight.

Point five. Have a back-up plan.

Like seriously, as a just in case the Wall falls or some shit like that.

Secondary defensive line on the neck? Maybe doable, would need to find someone who knows about the place and ask some questions.

Third defensive line in the Red Mountains? Once again, need to find someone who actually has more military sense than me to find out.

Right, I doubt Dorne would be able to support a large influx of refugees like that and I should also think of having the necessary infrastructure and support to keep the refugees moving in case shit happens.

And if all that fails, let the White Walkers have Westeros. I can just bugger myself and my family to the Summer Islands or something. Probably wouldn't do morale all that good if their king high tails it, but whatever, there's only so much that I can do. If White Walker victory seems inevitable, might as well not bother anymore.

But in all respect, five is a last resort. Honest.

Thus with my five point plan that I was probably going to add to if I think of something, this was why I had essentially made sure that I was glued to Egg whenever he went about his kingly duties and oversaw the reconstruction efforts of King's Landing.

King's Landing had suffered it's equivalent of the Great Fire of London, but unlike said fire, hundreds of thousands had died.

You know Flea Bottom? Yeah, that was gone.

Flea Bottom was-had been a slum that consisted of closely packed buildings that wouldn't pass any safety standard in a modern world. It was filled with shanties. The streets were narrow and winding. And it was a rare thing indeed to come upon a building made of stone, not that would have stopped the wildfire.

In other words, it was a good a place as any for a fire to spread fast and quickly with minimal help from favourable wind conditions.

The docks was another thing that was high on the list of things that needed to be rebuilt as quickly as possible. Actually, most of the rebuilding effort was being concentrated on the docks.

It sort of made sense. We needed to bring in building materials and it was cheaper to transport them by sea rather than land, and our heavily damaged docks sort of limited the amount of material that we could bring in.

That, and the fact that House Targaryen got quite a good chunk of revenue from the import tariffs that were brought in. If it wasn't for the fact that we had to spend most of our monies in the daily running of a government and continent, I'm sure we would probably be as rich as the Lannisters from the amount of trade that came in.

So one of our primary income sources was stunted and sea trade traffic had to be redirected towards Duskendale. In other words, the Darklyns now had the opportunity to get filthy rich very quickly if they play their cards right.

They were probably thanking the Seven or something for this turn of fortune.

Back in King's Landing though, we had something of a housing problem. Half the city was charcoal and rubble and stone and that meant thousands had no place to live. So outside the city walls were there was space, more and more shanties were coming into existence.

Probably not the healthiest thing considering diseases and all that.

There was something we could do, and Egg had given the greenlight on the project, but the details were for later when it was actually up and running.

On the other hand, my attention had been taken by a task I had found myself not all that versed in, in that of an urban planner.

"...Rebuilding the docks is our primary concern at the moment, so that means there will be less builders and the likes for the rest of you." I looked around the table as we hovered over a map of King's Landing that fit around the entirety of the table, "But that doesn't stop us from at least making some head way in rebuilding the homes and shops that were lost in the fire."

I had no idea what I was doing. I was no urban planner. Then it was a good thing that there was a maester in the attendance of the masons and builders that were involved in this little get together.

Said maester, I never caught his name, moved his fingers around the destroyed parts of the city, "Wider roads for starters. From what I understood, the fire spread quickly through Flea Bottom because the streets were narrow, winding with no real planning insight. The buildings were too close to each other, allowing the flames to jump from one source of fuel to another easily."

I snapped my fingers in the direction of the youthful looking maester, "What he said. But before we can get into the rebuilding in earnest, there's another matter we have to see to first."

One of the masons, a guild leader or something I think looked up, "Your Grace, what could be so urgent to forestall the rebuilding of this magnificent city."

Was he serious or was he trying to kiss ass?

I just ignored it either way, "This magnificent city stunk. And as horrible a tragedy that was caused by the Blackfyres, some might say that from the ashes, a better, cleaner city could be built. One that didn't stink." I nodded in the direction of the maester who had been briefed on the subject to begin giving the first little details.

He cleared his throat and started speaking, "Back when King's Landing was still nothing but a babe, Aegon had decreed that his seat be built in a sustainable manner. That decree was followed well enough as the city grew through the reigns of Aenys, Maegor and Jaehaerys. King Jaehaerys improved on that decree by having a sewer system built. That, good sers and prince, is why the area in the shadow of the Red Keep can be considered to be the cleanest and least smelling of King's Landing.

"Unfortunately, unprecedented wealth through the reign of Jaehaerys and from then on attracted an unimaginable number of people to flock to this great city. The sewage system couldn't keep up and whatever sustainable growth that King Aegon the Conqueror had envisioned could not be met as buildings, shops, housing and the likes were thrown up to meet the new influx of people. Until eventually, King's Landing came to be the city that you all know."

One of the older gentleman in the meeting nodded, "So in other words, before we begin the building of housing, we need to rebuild the sewage system and build upon that to meet the demands of half a million souls?"

I nodded, "Exactly so, ser."

He grimaced, "That will be a tall task, my prince."

"Do it, and the rewards shall be worth it. Especially the greatest of rewards from this."

He raised an eyebrow, curious, "And that is?"

"Actually be able to breathe in fresh air instead of the stink of half a million souls."

Chuckles went throughout the room at that. The meeting continued from there. The builders were introduced to the idea of a apartment complex of varying designs that could hold quite a huge number of people.

That should save space.

The finer details were worked out. Which people would get to begin their work where, and how many builders they had available considering the vast majority of the building strength was concentrated at the docks.

Some said that more than likely, workers and masons among others from the other settlements in the crownlands or from further abroad might come looking for work in the future. There was no definite number, but it was said that the earliest trickle were beginning to make themselves known ever since the news spread and the call was made.

Having done that, we said our pleasantries and went our separate ways. In my case, I went to my family.

Here is a fun note. I was a trend setter or some kind of fashion setter or something.

Slow at first, I noticed that some of the guild leaders that had been in attendance and then from me moving through the castle, I noticed that trousers with zips were now a thing among the more affluent populace. I think even saw some blazers and waist coats thrown in their for good measure.

Nice to know that I was making more of an impact than I thought.

Through the help of some castle servants, I found Branda in the castle godswood. And she wasn't alone, not that I had been expecting her to be alone in the first place.

They were seated in the shade of the castle Heart Tree which wasn't exactly a proper Heart Tree. I wondered if there was something I could do about that.

There was Branda and in held lovingly in her arms was my daughter, Dany or Daenerys if you want to be technical. I was still calling all kinds of bullshit at that. There was something afoot here and I didn't know whether to like it or not.

Jenny of Oldstones was also in attendance along with her own bundle that held her son and my cousin, Daeron. Quiet kid that, don't think I've ever heard him cry or scream or anything. Most of the time, I'm sure that he was busy sleeping away to the world.

I winced slightly at the last person in attendance that was in the form of my sister, Rhaella. Ever since that particular day that I had returned, things had been civil between us, but that was it. In hindsight, I probably should have lied through my teeth or something, but maybe that could have made things worse.

I don't know.

Hindsight was 20/20 after all.

Rhaella wasn't cold neither was she warm with me. Just neutral.

I have no idea how to make heads or tails out of it.

Jenny was the first one to spot me as I made my approach towards them. She smiled as she greeted me, "Prince Aerys." She made to rise, but I stopped her.

"No, please don't." I said with a raised hand, "I don't want to disturb the babe. How is my favourite cousin today?"

Jenny smiled slyly, "'Favourite'? How will Steffon take to that?"

"Like a grown man. He's old enough." My worries and thoughts went out to my cousin still fighting in the Stepstones. I needn't have worried, the little bastard was busting heads and making a name for himself.

He had yet to get his hands on the Blackfyre that he really wanted to kill, but that was probably for the better. Steffon was good. But anyone that was able to kill Lord Ormund should be stayed well clear unless you were about as badass as Lord Ormund had been.

Someone like Duncan, Ser Gerold, Ser Harlan, Roger Reyne (His name had been mention quite a few times in the dispatches) and the likes. Even then, it would be better to shoot him with a crossbow and be done with it.

And speaking of Steffon, I couldn't forget Tywin and apparently, him and his brothers were making a good accounting of themselves. Here's a funny thing, Tygett Lannister, Tywin's brother, was squired to Roger Reyne.

I know I shouldn't but I found that hilarious. His brother was squired to the person that Tywin hated with a burning passion. Gods, Tytos was doing all he could just to screw himself wasn't he? Tygett was about as good as a hostage in case anything happened.

"Done with your business today?" Rhaella asked, as civil and pleasant as she could.

I nodded, "Most, but not all. Was just talking to the builders about the reconstruction efforts." I took a seat beside my lady wife and peered down at the bundle she was holding, "It's mostly concetrated on the docks, but give it time, we'll be building houses and the likes soon enough."

As I peered down into the bundle, lavender coloured eyes filled with all kinds of mirth looked back up to me. She must have recognised me or something, because those eyes sparkled. Never could understand the attraction about babies, but I had to admit, this one was alright by my books.

"Including these 'apartment complexes' of yours?" My sister questioned.

"Yeah." I answered simply enough, dropping a finger in front of Dany's face. Her own little hands made a grab for mine and started playing with it, "Sort of like an inn room, but bigger and probably fit entire families if we get it right. A good way to save space if you have little of it." I think. I was just talking out of my ass.

I think I had a point though.

She shook her head, "I have to admit, you've been surprising people ever since you came back from the north. What have you done to him, Branda?" She finished, mirthfully glancing at her goodsister.

Branda responded whilst shaking her head, "Nothing. I already assumed that he was already like this."

Already like what though? I mean, I think I was pretty normal, or something.

"He wasn't always like this," My princess sister said, "There was a time he cared for nothing more than skirts."

Hey now Rhaella, let's try not to ruin the mood, could we? I mean, Branda already knew about my pre-insert days, but I doubted this topic could be anything but fun.

"I grew up. We all have to sometime." I interjected and tried to quickly think of a different subject of talk.

Thankfully, it seemed like Jenny didn't care so much for the previous subject as well, "How's your arm? I hope it's not too much of an inconvenience for you." Or maybe she was just used to the relationship dynamic between me and Rhaella.

For anyone who knew us, this was probably nothing new.

I moved my finger away from my daughter and she seemed almost disappointed at having her fun stopped and patted at my now sort of useless arm that rested in a pocket along my waist. In other words, I was doing my best to replicate the hand-in-waist pocket look Napoleon always had on show.

Apparently, if I remembered correctly, it somehow indicated leadership in a calm and firm manner. I was hoping that I was pulling it off.

"The pain comes and goes, but nothing I can't deal with." Nothing a little milk of the poppy can't stop, but like I said, I don't think I was the functional addict type so I tried to take as little as possible. Gyldayn had done as much as he could without chopping my arm off. He had to re-break the bone because it hadn't been set properly and other things. I was in a opiate filled haze for the vast majority of it, "I'm more annoyed that I have to learn to use my left hand to write, draw among other things more than anything else."

"Really? Not that you'll be able to show your bravery on the battlefield?" Rhaella bit.

I held back a sigh and smiled, "Maybe if I strapped a shield or something to my right arm and learned to fight with my left. But that's a long way away." I think she was going to say something, but stopped short of saying it.

And anyway, hopefully, I can change the military thinking of Westeros as well from the leading in the front type to the more leading from the back, alla the Mongols. One of the many reasons they kicked ass was because it was all so rather easy to decapitate the command structure of the European armies they fought simply because the important people tended to be right in front of every single charge.

I could understand that due to the current communication technology why it's important to lead from the front, doesn't mean I didn't have to like it. Well, that was for something for later.

Eventually, Jenny and Rhaella excused themselves, leaving me alone with Branda, our baby and pretty sure that Gwayne was somewhere hanging around. Hidden no doubt, to give me and Branda the illusion of privacy.

It was a bit of a challenge to hold the baby bundle with one hand, but I think I was somehow able to make it work.

"I think we made something rather beautiful." Branda cooed as she dangled her fingers in front of Dany. Like before, Dany made a grab for them, but Branda would just pull them out of her reach.

Like I said, I never did quite understand the appeal of babies. Sure they looked cute, but nothing to coo over. But I liked to think that I was smarter than that to actually voice my opinion on my general attitude towards these little crying machines.

Thank the gods for the wetnurses and bless them for their suffering, "Clearly she took more after her beautiful mother."

Branda did a rather unladylike snort, "Please, I think everyone knows that you are prettier than half the ladies in court."

"But you aren't in that half."

She chuckled, "So this is the legendary charm that Rhaella told me that got you into the skirts of women?" She asked, eyeing me.

I thought about it, "A bit more than that, but sort off. What has Rhaella been saying about me."

"Oh this and that." Branda deflected. I see I was influencing her in more ways than I probably like, "Did something happen between the two of you? She seems more combative than the last time I saw you two talk."

"That? Nothing more than your average sibling banter."

She stopped playing with our child and looked at me, grey eyes that seemed like blue looked at me with a firmness in them, "Aerys," She breathed to me slowly, "Do you think me a fool? Something happened between the two of you. You vowed at our wedding that your secrets were mine and mine yours. So tell me."

"You wouldn't believe me if I told you."

She crossed her arms, "Try me."

I sighed and looked around the godswood. We seemed alone, apart from Gwayne who was probably hiding somewhere, or prowling or something. I ushered her closer and began to whisper into her ear, "Well, Rhaella thinks me responsible for the fire that killed our father and destroyed half the city...which is probably true. I do think I hold some of the responsibility, but probably not in the way that she is probably thinking. Probably. I'm no mind reader."

Branda blinked for a moment, "You? Responsible?" Then she blinked again and grimaced, "You were sponsoring the Alchemists." I nodded and she shook her head, "Why would you involve yourself with that lot?"

I sighed again and ushered her closer. She leaned in and again, I whispered into her ear to lessen the chances of being overheard by someone that shouldn't be overhearing anything, "I think the maester's not all, but some, are involved in this someone. I don't know how, but I'm sure of it. The relationship between the Alchemists' and the Citadel isn't at all positive."

She scrunched her nose, "Why would the maester's care about you sponsoring the Alchemists?" She asked quietly.

I thought about it for a moment and wondered if I was going to regret this. She had a point, I had made a vow to keep no secrets from her and at the very least, I think someone once said that a healthy marriage was built on honesty.

Actually, I think that applied to any relationship.

And considering trust was a rare commodity in Westeros, having someone that I could wholeheartedly trust like my wife wasn't such a bad thing. Equal partners and all that.

And then, I decided.

Ushering her closer once more, I enlightened Branda to all the conspiracy theories about the Citadel that I could remember from the Internet. Hopefully, by the end of it, she wouldn't look at me as if I was some sort of insane moron.

Yes, I suspected the maesters. It made sense when I finally had the chance to think about it.

What I still don't get is what exactly was their end game? Stop me from sponsoring the Alchemists? Destroying nearly half a city seemed a bit too extreme just for that.

So I couldn't help but wonder exactly what their angle was.


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