

Just In




Being Aerys by Xersin

 Books » A song of Ice and Fire Rated: T, English, Drama & Humor, Aerys T., Rhaella T., OC, Words: 167k+, Favs: 1k+, Follows: 1k+, Published: Jun 14, 2017 Updated: Sep 1, 2017282Chapter 23: 23


The Great Hall seated the Iron Throne atop it's dais, with the only way to climb it was through the high and narrow steps. By now, I was positive that I was more than likely in the book verse rather than the tv verse.

Seeing the Iron Throne was more than proof enough.

I could remember seeing the Iron Throne of the TV verse. Not really that impressive considering that the books and the history about said throne said that it was forged from the thousand blades of Aegon's enemies as an eternal monument to how he had thoroughly kicked their asses.

This one though...now this was more like it.

A monstrosity of jagged edges and sharp metal that had the reputation of killing many of the people that sat atop it. In other words, I was standing within the shadow of the most ruthless, infamous kingslayers of all. I doubt even Jaime could have the sheer blood of kings this thing had.

It's raised dais and it's position in front of the stained glass windows allowed the Iron Throne to cast a shadow that stretched as far as it could in the Great Hall. The Hall itself was a cavernous thing, capable of seating up to a thousand people within it's confines. Overlooking the hall were the skulls of the original gangsters Balerion, Vhagar and Meraxes, there very own shadows doing much the same as the Iron Throne into trying and intimidating the people they looked down upon.

Esteemed lords and ladies from across the realm filled the hall from the front to the very back and even in the galleries at the side. The court floor was a little more orderly than the galleries were some of the lesser lords and ladies had jostled for position to see the upcoming ceremony.

As usual in such an occasion, I was dressed to impress. By now, my fashion wouldn't have batted an eye lid to the lords and ladies that habitually called the Red Keep home, but to some of the other nobility that had come far and wide, I must have looked rather odd.

Along with every other lord that had copied my manner of dress.

King Aegon, the Fifth of His Name sat atop the Iron Throne dressed in red samite and black velvet. His simple crown of gold shone in the light of the that was casted through the windows.

A blast of trumpets garnered the attentions of the crowd. "Presenting Prince Duncan Targaryen," the court steward announced at the top of his voice that easily travelled throughout the Great Hall. "Son of His Royal Highness King Aegon Targaryen, Fifth of His Name and Queen Betha Blackwood!"

When Duncan began to make his approach, I had expected that memorable scene of Tywin Lannister riding into the throne room on top his horse, as absurd and stupid as I thought that was. Instead of that, Duncan merely walked the entire length of the hall atop the red carpet as majestically as he could, back up straight and his chin held high.

Duncan crossed the length of the hall in great, strong strides before he came at a stop at the foot of the throne. Egg then rose from his throne and made his way down with the ease of a man that had been walking down on the narrow steps of his throne for more than twenty years.

"You did the realm a great service in defence of her. Nothing expected more from one sworn to as such." Egg spoke, his tone firm and perhaps some pride hidden in their somewhere. "Even when the burden of command was placed upon you by the untimely death of one of the realm's greatest servants."

Queen Betha had made her way to her husband's side, a scroll held in her hands. "With all that you have done for the realm, it was decided that you shall be granted the lands and incomes of Oldstones."

A rapture of talk swept through the court for a moment. Not all that surprising. Anyone who knew anything knew that Oldstones was a ruined stronghold. It could barely even be considered a castle if it was not for the fact that it resembled one as such.

'Oldstones' wasn't even it's name. It had been there for so long, since the time of the Mudds that people had forgotten it's original name to the sands of time.

It's land and incomes by default of no-one claiming the land had been handed to House Tully. According to Egg, it had taken some wrangling and a good deal of gold to get Hoster Tully to hand the lands and incomes of Oldstones to House Targaryen.

In other words, it was certainly not the type of reward you would give to any respectable lord considering the wealth that would have to be sunk in rebuilding it. It was then a good thing then that it was being given to Duncan for him to rebuild and raise his own family there.

Duncan loved King's Landing. It was the city he had been raised in, but he loved Jenny even more. And Jenny longed for her home.

And if it hadn't been mentioned before, the royal court didn't like her all that much, since she was nothing more than a dirty commoner and all.

Duncan gracefully took the scroll that held the charter giving him the lands and incomes of Oldstones and bowed to his father and mother, "Thank you, but the satisfaction of knowing that I did my duty to serve the realm as a prince of the blood and as a knight is more than enough reward as it is." He cracked a small smirk as he straightened himself, "But I suppose I can take these lands off your hands if you don't want them that much."

When the King and Queen laughed, so did the rest of the court. Duncan then took his place on the raised dais, more accurately, beside his lady wife.

"Prince Aerys Targaryen, please come forth."

With Duncan's part done in the ceremonies, it was now my turn. Rising from my seat, I made my way towards my grandfather, back straight and face held high. Coming to a stop to stand in front of him, Egg gave me a nod of the head.

He made a small motion of the hand towards Ser Duncan the Tall, who merely made his way towards his king without the slightest sound. Although by now I knew better, whenever someone drew their sword, I always expected that little schling sound or the rasp of the blade as it escaped it's scabbard.

I got none of that before Ser Duncan gave his blade to Egg.

Egg had a small smile on his face, "If you could be so kind to kneel. It makes these things easier."

I dropped to a knee as the king had asked of me. It was considered something of an honour to have a king knight you. I felt honoured, but I was glad this was finally being done with. I had spent an entire night in vigil in the Great Sept of Baelor, then made my way through the city from the Sept itself to the Red Keep.

That had been one long walk.

I swore to faithfully serve my king.

I swore to protect the weak.

I swore to defend my lord and the realm faithfully from all those who threaten it.

I swore a whole lot in truth. Jaime Lannister had a point. There were so many oaths to keep to and some of them contradictory that it wasn't even funny. I had sworn to protect my king, but what if I was placed in the Jaime situation and my king was a mad man that was better off dead?

...Actually, that can be easily resolved by simply knocking out said king and stopping him from being an insane idiot. Still though, the point stood, some oaths just seemed to go against the other. Sort of pointless and I wondered if anyone had actually realised this and tried to change it.

Or was there something that made changing said oaths? Well, I suppose the supposed holiness and sanctity of said oaths might very well make it difficult to bring any sort of change, but someone could have tried, right? Something to think about.

When I had rose from my feet, I was now a prince and a knight. Glancing in the direction of the man that had agreed to giving me my spurs because I had earned it or because I was now particularly useless as a squire of any kind, Duncan gave me a barely noticeable nod of the head.

I returned it before going back to my seat.

Then the ceremonies continued.

The fanfare of trumpets heralded the arrival of the next heroes that had fought in the Stepstones and had done something significant one way or another. Men that had garnered much renown made their way towards the throne, heralds announcing all their deeds to the cheering of the assembled lords, ladies and affluent townsfolk who had been able to buy themselves a seat in the ceremony.

Well, more like a place to stand in the galleries.

The Tully brothers, Hoster and Brynden, but with special mention going to the Blackfish for being a badass that had build much renown around him. Lewyn Martell, the Prince of Dorne held a confident smirk on his face as his deeds were recalled, of how he had been the first to storm the walls of Grey Gallows, how he had killed a captain of the Golden Company.

With all of those things done, I wasn't surprised he seemed marginally pleased with himself.

Then came Tywin Lannister, closely followed by his younger brother Kevan. There was a dark look on Tywin's face and it didn't take long to understand why. Striding beside him, perhaps even just a tiny little bit in front of him, was Roger Reyne and to his side, seemingly not at all pleased, was his squire, Tygett Lannister.

The Red Lion was not what I expected. He was a tall, well built man, handsome even. A lone shallow scar ran over his eye but it seemed whatever blade that had given him that scar had not taken away his sight. A confident light shone in both of his green eyes and something of a smirk was threatening to come across his face.

Hopefully, no-one would come to blows in the ceremony and in the feast that was to happen later on. Tywin was a very controlled man and I doubt he would do anything to embarrass himself or his house's name, but I didn't know much about Kevan as a younger man other than that he was alright compared to his brother and I didn't even know anything about Tygett.

In fact, the youngest brother seemed downright menacing and that probably wasn't helped by the numerous small scars that dotted around his face. He must have seen and done some shit to get that many scars.

A northern party was the next to be heralded, Rodrik and his nephews in Brandon and Benjen leading the way. Among them, I recognised the giant of the Umbers along with the sunburst of the Karstarks, the merman of the Manderlys and quite disconcertingly, the flayed man of the Boltons, but I would be damned if I could put a name to any of the faces I saw wearing the heraldry.

None of the Tyrells had taken an active role in the fighting, but the might of the reach had been well represented by Ser Gerold, and said knight was already standing beneath the shadow of the Iron Throne doing his duty as a protector of the royal family.

Steffon and Quellon Greyjoy were the last ones to enter. Steffon seemed slightly bigger than the last time I saw him and the court was regaled with his deeds and the deeds of his fallen father. The court applauded the bravery of the fallen Lord Ormund.

Egg descended from his throne once more and stood in front of the assembled group of lords. "You have all done the realm and House Targaryen a great service. Whatever boon you may wish to ask of me, ask and it shall be yours."

Hoster and Brynden knelt before Aegon and the throne, Hoster speaking. "We wish for nothing, your grace. Serving the realm in the manner that we did is more reward than anything."

Which was complete bullshit because this had all been decided long before, this entire thing nothing more than a show for the masses and the lords and ladies that were not in the know. Whatever Hoster could have asked from Egg, he had already received as part of him handling over Oldstones to Duncan and his family.

Egg nodded his head. "If ever you wish to ask of something from me in the future, then feel free to do so."

Lewyn Martell was the next one to speak. "Your Grace, I beg the honour to serve in your Kingsguard whenever the opportunity arises."

So was this how Lewyn joined the Kingsguard? But he was going to have to wait. Aegon's Kingsguard was currently filled to the brim with all seven spots taken, but in the future, there was going to be an opening, a couple in truth.

Three of the members of the Kingsguard were elderly to the point that only four members of the Kingsguard could be considered active. One had begun to lose his wits. Another was slowly losing his eyesight that he could barely see several feet in front of him. And the last had been injured too badly in a tourney accident that he was all but bedridden.

"Granted." Said Egg in reply, a smile forming on his lips, "But not too soon, I hope."

Lewyn gave a silent acknowledgement before rising to his feet. Once more, this had been decided long ago. I didn't particularly know the reasoning why Lewyn chose to become a Kingsguard, maybe he truly wanted the honour to be serving in what was considered the premier order of knights in Westeros, or perhaps this had been decided by his sister and him to keep him close to the royal family and learn of anything that could impact Dorne in any manner.

I had been only told of what was going to happen in the ceremonies, instead of the why everything was happening the way it was. I suppose Egg considered me not yet ready to be involved in such dealings.

Like the Tullys, Tywin didn't ask anything from the king, but instead, led the court into a moment of silence for his fallen uncle, Ser Jason, who had fallen to the blade of one of the Nine, Spotted Tom, the Butcher. The only one who didn't even seem to try to seem sincere in his mourning was Roger Reyne who held a nonchalant expression on his face.

Considering that he had been the one to then go and kill Spotted Tom in single combat, if I didn't know about the Reynes, I would take this as a loyal vassal avenging his lord. But these were the Reynes. No doubt, Roger killing Spotted Tom in the manner that he did was probably another insult thrown towards the Lannisters.

I don't know how, but I'm sure somehow, it could be taken as that. Probably with something to do about the weakness of the Lannisters or something. Some of the more innocuous things can be easily twisted to mean something else depending on the perception.

When it came to Roger's turn to be given the usual spiel of what boon he wanted from the king, even though I knew what was coming, I did not enjoy the way his eyes danced with mirth when they glanced at me.

I sighed as I prepared myself for the shit that was probably going to come my way.

Roger knelt before the king. "Your Grace," He began, his voice noble and gallant. "If it would be so much to ask, I would ask that you allow Prince Aerys to accept a son of House Reyne to be his squire."

Gold eyes flecked with green snapped in my direction and I didn't let the intensity of the stare unnerve me, even though it felt like I should probably run out of the Great Hall screaming.

The king had a gentle smile on his face. "And what son of House Reyne would hold the honour of squiring for my royal grandson?"

"My firstborn is already squiring for a noble and courageous lord, thus I can only offer my second son Ryam." His eyes held their stare on my form. I returned the gaze. "I hope that is not much of an insult on your persons, Prince Aerys?"

I smiled, "None at all, my lord. I would gladly take Ryam Reyne as my squire." Once again, this had all been decided long before and I didn't have much of a choice in the matter.

Egg had just summoned me in a room with Duncan and had told me that I was getting a Reyne as a squire. His tone had broached a tone that essentially told me that I couldn't argue against his decision. I suspect there was more to his reasoning of giving the honour of a prince squiring the son of a rebel lord of a Lord Paramount.

It seems this announcement was going to be making the rounds among the court as they talked quietly among themselves over this announcement. I'm sure the words 'Lannister' 'Reyne' 'Tarbeck' 'Westerlands' were thrown in there somewhere and what it would mean for the westerlands as a whole.

The ceremony continued. When it came to their boon, Quellon and his iron islanders were rewarded with a subsidy on any food that was bought from the mainland, the same was asked off by Rodrik and his northern party, which Egg accepted.

When that was done, the lords went to take their places and the ceremony continued. More lords and knights that had distinguished themselves were rewarded for their efforts. A man-at-arms that had fought furiously in the defence of his liege was given a set of new freshly off the forge steel plate armour. Whatever sons he had were to be squired with knights in service of House Targaryen.

A squire, Josef Vikary of House Vikary that had killed a knight of the Golden Company and then had gone on to capture another was knighted then and there, given some gold and armour along with a pick of a warhorse from the royal stables.

His knighting wasn't the only knighting that happened that day. More and many squires and men were given knighthoods and by the time it had come to an end, I had by then lost interest after having lost count at around a hundred give or take a couple.

Due to having functionally four Kingsguard knights to do the knight, me and Duncan had chipped in with the knighting and my arms had never ached as much as they did. For some strange reason that I couldn't fathom, sarcasm by the way, mine and Duncan's line that we were knighting seemed to be longer than the others.


The sounds of music, singing and feasting could be heard throughout the castle. But at this very moment, the only thing that could be heard was the steps of one Tywin Lannister's footsteps as he paced back and forth, face dark.

I was expecting raised voices. You know, the tell tale signs that someone was really angry with you. But Tywin Lannister was a different kind of man but he was angry nonetheless.

Actually, he was fuming. Tywin stopped his pacing to level a stare in my direction. "You accepted."

"Tywin," I began slowly. "This had already been decided by the king, my uncle and Lord Roger."

"You know what he has done. What he and his ilk are doing. You could have very well denied him the honour in respect of our friendship." He began to pace again and spoke as he did so. "To accept a son of his as your squire is to give him an unprecedented amount of legitimacy. The lords of the West will look upon this and wonder more so than they are doing already." His voice threatened to rise, but in the end, it didn't.

"Like I have been telling you Tywin, I didn't have a choice in the matter. This was already long decided." I sighed. I hoped the next little bit of information would be able cheer him up a little. "At the very least, Tygett will stop from being held hostage against you and your family."

I had been able to get a quiet conversation in with the Lord of Castamere and was able to ask him to at the very least, allow Tygett to squire for someone else. Like his brother for starters. If Tywin goes and does his thing in the westerlands, he won't have to worry about his brother being used against him.

"An insult." Tywin responded, turning on his heel to face me. "Yes, Tygett's role as Lord Roger's squire could very well be used against me when I return to the westerlands and set it to right, but Tygett, along with the Lannister name shall have to live on with the shame and insult that one of our own was not a worthy enough squire for someone of Roger's calibre. Tygett would have better served House Lannister continuing in his role."

I cupped my chin in my hand as I went through what he told me, then decided to point out something to him. "But Tygett would have been killed when you decide to go against the will of the Tarbecks and the Reynes."

"He would have understood." Green eyes flecked with gold drifted to the window and stared out into the night sky. "If the roles were reversed, I would expect nothing less from a member of House Lannister. Especially if it means raising our name from the dirt that our fool of a father has made us make our bed in."

"But you would have gotten your brother killed." I stressed. He couldn't be serious. "I'm sure there is something against kinslaying."

"The blame would rest on the Reynes. They would have been the ones to kill him, nought I."

But wouldn't he hold some responsibility in the matter? His pressing of the attack could very well have been the reason as to why his brother get's killed in the first place. I'm sure there was something against that, or maybe I had just miss-thought the whole idea to kinslaying.

Maybe it was fine if someone else killed your kin despite you yourself provoking them? Man, this was confusing.

He faced me. "And Lord Roger cares for the honour of his family and his name. Killing his own squire would tarnish his name. Something I doubt that he would be willing to bare upon his name."

I wagged a finger in his direction. "That's a big if." In Westeros, people talked of honour, but their actions tended to go against what I would call 'honourable'. Maybe it was just values dissonance at work, but I don't know.

"An 'if' that would still give me the space I require to make my own moves." He then turned for the door and began to make his exit, nary sparing me any sort of glance. "Now if you will excuse me, I have matters to attend to. And in the future try not to insult my house anymore than you have already done, even if you had the best of intentions to heart."

Tywin Lannister was a weird kid. I don't think there was a way to make him happy. In other words, I had to know how Joanna did it.

I had yet to even get so much as a smile from him and Joanna spoke of how his smile was a beauty to behold and how his laughter was live the gentle sound of a thousand bells ringing at once. Mind you though, I think she was just saying things considering that she was betrothed to the guy.

I had a hard time imagining a sound that could be likened to a thousand bells ringing at once.

Looking out the very same window that Tywin had looked out of, I wondered whether I should just leave the general politicking to people who actually knew what they were doing, since apparently, I had no idea how to work with people. It was probably something I should see about doing.

Prince Duncan was more than likely going to be the new Hand of the King, and gods be willing, he was going to be Hand of the King for a very, very long time. Throughout my realm to help me smooth out any feathers that I might ruffle in my stumbling about.

Because apparently, doing something seemingly innocuous that you would think would help someone would very well mean another thing to another person. Sometimes, I wish I was a better people person that could do more than throw a pretty smile and say the right empty words when the situation called for it.

Sighing, I turned away from the window and went back to the party that was happening in the Great Hall and the castle grounds.


Egg might rule the Seven Kingdoms as it's king, but when it came to the Red Keep, it was Betha who ran the place with the help of her daughters, Princesses Shaera and Rhaelle. Rhaella, Branda and Jenny also helped out whenever they had the time.

In other words, among those six ladies, they knew how to throw a party.

If I was anymore of a heavy drinker, I would have had someone carrying me back to my rooms, but thankfully, my conversation with Tywin had put a damper on my drinking mood. I drank far less than I had been originally expecting, thus when I decided to retire to my rooms, I was pleasantly surprised to find myself walking in a reasonably straight line.

The feast was still going on strong, well past the time the moon had hung in the middle of the night sky to signify midnight. Thousands of people had filtered into the Great Hall, major and minor lords alike with many a storied knights.

And that was only in the Great Hall. In the castle grounds and in other halls throughout the Red Keep, similar scenes of festivities were going throughout. I had made it a point try and visit each and every hall to at least make the lords and ladies had a chance to see me and have some small talk.

Apparently, the party atmosphere also extended to the city below according to some with the smallfolk celebrating in their own way of the victory of the war in the Stepstones. The goldcloaks were going to have their work cut out for them.

I think before I go to bed, I'll check up on Dany and see how she is.

Dammit, I was to use the feast as a chance to talk to Rhaella but my sister had been about as elusive as a ghost. Well, I suppose I could try tomorrow, hopefully, she would still be in a good mood.

Turning a corner, I found myself staring at the back of someone I knew half hidden by the shadows of an alcove. I grinned and made my way to him before giving a hearty slap on the back. "Steffon! I was wondering where you were! I didn't catch much of you in any of the feasting halls."

The last time I had seen him, he had been in a drinking contest with Lord Buckler and seemed to have been making a good show of it. To the despair of his mother who looked on appalled.

My hearty slap made Steffon jump and then through my sort of hazy sight, I noticed that he wasn't so much alone, half hidden by shadows. He had happened to be with a young lady. I grinned at Steffon who quickly turned around to face me, face red, either from the drink or embarassment was a little difficult to tell. "Steffon, you utter dog. Now who's the lucky," I turned to get a better look at the young lady, stopped and blinked. I blinked again before my heart did a double take. "Rhaella!?" I more or less squeaked out.

Rhaella seemed to have a put out face as she straightened out her skirts as she greeted me. "Aerys."

Steffon's eyes darted between me and Rhaella. "This isn't what it looks like." There was a slight slur to his voice, but it was more stable than I would have thought given the amount of ale, wine and beer that I had seen him drink.

I side eyed my cousin. "So what does it look like?"

Steffon struggled to think of something to say judging by how he opened and closed his mouth like a fish. Thankfully, it seemed as if out of the two, Rhaella had the most of her wits about her. "Our dear cousin was merely escorting me to my chambers. Unfortunately, something caught our attention."

"I'm sure it did." I replied dryly. I looked around. "Where is Ser Harlan? He would have been more than willing to escort you to your rooms. That's his job."

She waved me off. "I felt Ser Harlan's services would be best protecting his king. Who knows what threat may lie in wait for grandfather in a hall filled with a thousand souls?"

"You are important as well."

"Not as much as a king."

Steffon shifted on his feet. "I honestly didn't mean for anything to happen Aerys. I would never dishonour your sister in such a manner."

I looked at my cousin and sighed. "I know." I placed a hand on his shoulder. "Why don't you go take a rest, coz? Maybe a walk through the castle grounds for some fresh air. It might do you a world of good come morning."

Steffon nodded his head before quickly walking away. Rhaella scowled as she watched him disappear around a corner. "You didn't need to do that. I can take care of myself Aerys."

"I'm not saying you can't." I replied to my sibling. "But I am curious. What happened to Ser Bonnifer? I thought you had your heart set on him?"

Rhaella's face went through a change of emotions in a speedy manner before she spoke. "I'm not a fool, Aerys. Ser Bonnifer is well below my status and the chances of a match happening between the two of us is only possible if I do as Father or Uncle Duncan did."

"Then why don't you? Doing what we want seems to be something that's slowly become a trait of our family."

She gave me a look. "Because I understand my role to both my family and the realm. I will not be selfish and do whatever whim that comes to mind. Unlike some." The barely concealed venom in her tone was definitely directed towards me.

"Now we both know me and you marrying would have brought nothing to our house. Me marrying Branda brought us much needed allies." I cocked my head to the side. "And you seducing Steffon doesn't bring us allies. Steffon is our cousin. His mother is our aunt. I don't particularly think this strengthens us in any sort of way."

She turned away from me and began to walk away. I quickly made sure to keep up with her as she spoke. "Prince Lewyn was my original target, but he has made it known his wish to join the Kingsguard. I doubt I would be able to convince him other wise."

"Brynden Tully?" I suggested.

"Apparently, he is not interested. His brother has tried to match him with countless suitors, but he has rejected them all."

"I doubt he would reject a princess."

"I'm sure he would if just to spite his brother."

Well, that was the case for many of the things that he did. If I remember correctly, one of the Blackfish characteristics was that him and his brother did not get along well.

I threw out another suggestion for a name. "Kevan Lannister?"

She grimaced. "I have nothing against the young Lannister, but I would rather not be associated with Tywin Lannister." She glanced at me from the sides of her eyes. "I do not understand how you can stand such a man. Nor Joanna as well...but at the very least, if it means doing much for the family, then I would gladly do it."

"But you would prefer Steffon."

"I know him. He knows me. In time...I may perhaps grow to even love him."

And I suppose that was very much important. I scratched at my head. "Rhaella, there's something I have to say."

"Save it Aerys. I have already given you more time than you deserve." She returned stiffly. She began to pick up her speed, but I stopped her by grabbing at her hand. She whirled to face me. "Release me, now."

"I will. If you just hear me out." She was silent for a moment but she gave me a single nod of the head. I released her hand but was prepared to make a go for it again if she tried to walk away. She didn't. "I know you blame me for what happened to Father. I don't blame you. I have a responsibility to that as well, but I think you are laying too much of the blame on my head."

"Really?" She asked, voice dripping with venom. "Then who should I be laying the blame on then? Do enlighten me, brother."

"The maesters."

She looked at me for a moment. Then promptly turned. "I think we are done here."

"No we are not." I grabbed her hand again. She spun and landed a slap on my cheek. The sound reverberated around the empty corridor that we where in. I rubbed at the slowly reddening cheek and nodded. "Okay, I might deserve that. But you will listen to me. Even if I have to hold you here until the end of days."

Rhaella tried to tug her hand away from my own, but I was just simply stronger. She stopped and then glared at me. "Go on then."

And once again, I began to explain my suspicions, telling her about my conversation with Gormon Tyrell from all the way back at Summerhall. Of how I thought the fire had been caused by a group of maesters that probably worried their position being threatened by a resurgent Alchemists' Guild.

To my surprise, Rhaella listened and slowly, inch by inch, the venom in her eyes and the daggers that she was shooting at me at the same time with her eyes seemed to lessen with each passing moment.

"Do you have any evidence of this supposed conspiracy among the maesters?" She eventually asked after I had finished telling her my suspicions.

I released her hand once more. "No. Whatever evidence there is was more than likely burned away by the fire. And I have yet to come across any surviving pyromancer to actually know what happened." I looked at her almost pleadingly. "You can still blame me if you want, but at the very least, you have to know that I did not intentionally set out to have our father killed or thousands of others to die."

Rhaella looked at me, purple eyes turned black in the dimly lit corridor looking at me, perhaps even through me, searching for something. "I shall have to think about this." She said, turning away from me. This time, I didn't grab her hand. "If what you say is true, and I hope to the gods it's not, for making any enemy out of the Citadel is a height of foolishness that no-one has yet to climb to, then whoever did this, committed a great treason."

"I know that." I said with a nod. "All I'm asking is that you try not to put all the blame on me."

"Not all." She replied to me as she began to walk away. "But perhaps just some of it."

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