
was amazing to Aegon how quickly people, who had so little, had no hope, could do the exact opposite when given the chance. For most of the slaves, they were given tasks similar, yet different ones that free people did to earn a living. The only real difference was the name of the jobs and tasks assigned. There was also the fact free men, women, and children were not whipped, starved, beaten humiliated, or violated by their employer.

In the end, Aegon, Daenerys, Ser Jorah, and Jon Connington were able to setup the first Council of Free Men within Yunkai. Each member would be in charge of a specific area related to the city. Each individual's purpose was to ensure the city prospered without having to resort back to slavery of any kind. It had not been easy to obtain the qualified people for this Council, much less other administration type jobs, but they did, and had setup various academic institutions to help the next generation learn how to govern the city properly in the absence of their liberators.

Because at the moment, Aegon was marching toward his next conquest in the form of the Free City of Meereen. And not just with the Unsullied and three dragons. Former slaves had volunteered to join the cause, to take up the sword and shield in order to free other slaves from the cruel chains and whip of the Wise Masters of Meereen.

And bolstering the ranks of Aegon's forces even further.

"Look at this. Crucifying children," remarked Daenerys while riding her horse beside Ser Jorah and Connington and seeing one crucified body after the next.

"A warning to whoever challenges the Wise Masters of Meereen my Princess. It is their way of sending a message and showing how cruel they can be to their enemies," replied Ser Jorah with Jon Connington looking at the scene with disgust.

"This whole area is filled with barbarism," commented Jon at the sight.

"I'll order the Unsullied to remove them Princess," offered Ser Jorah, but Daenerys had signaled him to stop.

"No. Keep them up there for now. I want to see them all. So does Aegon," said Daenerys while walking forward with a furious look on her face after seeing more children as well as adults in this same position.

When the army stopped in front of city of Meereen, they saw Wise Masters and slaves were all looking down at them from their position. Some worried. Some arrogant in the belief the invading army would fail in their attempts to attack. Others were indifferent since they did not know how to act.

At least until they saw three dragons flying right over the army and the banner of House Targaryen being held by the Unsullied and many started to show signs of fear.

"Slaves of Meereen. My name is Aegon of House Targaryen. I am the one called the Life Giver of Dragons. The Breaker of Chains. Beside me is my Aunt Daenerys Stormborn of House Targaryen. Like me, she is also a Life Giver of Dragons and Breaker of Chains. Together, we sacked Astapor and freed the Unsullied, who choose of their own free will to fight for us here. Near them, you will see former slaves of Yunkai. When we took their city, the Wise Masters were attempting to kill their slaves over the idea of letting them know the taste of freedom. Those former slaves are here now, as they choose to fight for me in the hopes of providing freedom to other slaves not unlike yourself." said Aegon in High Valyrianwith his words echoing loud for the people of Meereen to here.

"Catapults move into position," said Daenerys with the siege weapons moving into place.

"No doubt your Wise Masters would say otherwise to you. They would denounce me as a liar. A conqueror who would butcher everyone in the city once sacked and taken through violence. My counter to their words is to call them liars. Cowards all! They would sooner see you taste the steel of the sword to your throat and heart over the taste of freedom and without chains to hold you down. If you still doubt my words, let my actions speak for me so you can know what I say is the truth!" said Aegon before nodding toward Daenerys, who smirked and nodded toward Grey Worm.

Within moments, the catapults launched their projectiles toward the city, the people on the walls ducking, some shouting and screaming in panic. When no loud explosions or damage to the walls were found, everyone on the wall saw the projectiles were not large rocks or other forms of hurting others. No. The projectiles in question were chains and collars.

The chain and collars that were once worn by the now former slaves of Yunkai. Worn by some of the very former slaves marching in Aegon's army beside the Unsullied.

The Wise Masters looked at this action by Aegon with fear, realizing what this meant, and what the man was trying to do. The slaves however, looked at it with curiosity and dare they even think it...hope?!

"To the Wise Masters of Meereen, I give you the same offer I did the Wise Masters of Yunkai. Leave the Free City for another. Take what wealth and family you can take and do not come back. You will leave every slave living in Meereen unharmed, untouched, and unspoiled. If you refuse to comply with any of these demands, your lives will be forfeit. You have two days to decide. But know this, if you attempt to kill any of the slaves or citizens in Meereen out of spite, the horrors that await you following this will make you regret ever harming them. This I swear on my blood as a Targaryen!" said Aegon while his three dragons, who landed on a nearby cliff beside him let loose streams of fire from their mouth into the air to further enforce that last statement.

Do you think they will take the deal nephew?" asked Daenerys at last.

"No. They will choose to stay. They think were bluffing. They think we won't use our dragons and risk the slaves we intend to free," answered Aegon.

"What will they do exactly your Grace?" asked Jon curiously.

"On the second day, they will have every slave in the city stand on the wall and be their shield. They want us to cave into our bloodlust and do the dirty work in killing the slaves for them. They want us to betray our very convictions for victory," answered Aegon with Daenerys scowling in disgust with Jon looking furious.

"As if we would do something so dishonorable," replied Jon with Ser Jorah nodding.

"Agreed. Which is why I have a plan. We aren't going to wait for the two days to go by and let them agree to the terms. We are going to give the slaves the means to rise up and take the city for us," replied Aegon before walking away and motioned the others, plus Grey Worm to follow.

"How? And in what way your Grace?" asked Ser Jorah curiously.

"When the Sell Sword assassin Daario Naharis tried to assassinate me in my tent, I read his mind. All the places he has been to and all the secrets the Wise Masters of each Free City possessed about the walls. Including hidden entrances for more...discreet clients the Wise Masters employed and wanted to enter the city in secret. There is one located not far from here. We will use it to send a small team of Unsullied into the city to meet and arm the slaves within Meereen in the middle of night. By morning, every slave capable of wielding a blade will be armed. By morning, nearly every Wise Master will be dead, if not captured to face our judgment. By morning, the city will ours, and given to us by the very former slaves living in it," answered Aegon while explaining things further to Grey Worm and to have him select some Unsullied for this task along with a few former slaves of Yunkai for this assignment.

Sure enough, the secret entrance was where Aegon said it was located. Carefully lifting it up enough for one person at a time to go through, Grey Worm and those chosen for the assignment, all dressed as slaves with the collars on their necks entering the tunnel. They had misgivings of wearing the collars again, but it was required to fool anyone in the city when they made their way to the slaves locked up underneath the city.

"This is dangerous my Prince. If they fail, it could make the Wise Masters desperate and do what the Wise Masters did in Yunkai," warned Ser Jorah with Aegon nodding.

"I know. But the alternative of having the Wise Masters use the slaves as living shields on the city wall is unacceptable. If these slaves truly wish for freedom, let them earn it through the swords we give them and use the blood of the Wise masters to be their keys to unlock the chains binding their bodies and spirit," replied Aegon knowing that some things can't be done by outside forces like an invading army.

You wanted your freedom from slavery? You had to fight for it. Otherwise, what was the point of wanting it?

"When will we know?" asked Jon since the Sun was now setting.

"Tomorrow morning. If they succeed? The gates will open and they will welcome us with open arms," said Aegon confidently.

"And should they fail?" asked Ser Jorah while told to not be afraid of questioning if there was a worst case scenario.

"Then we do what needs to be done and contain the damage as appears Ser Jorah. One way or another, the Wise Masters will fall here in this city. We will answer their injustice against the slaves with justice for the slaves," replied Aegon darkly.

(King's Landing-Red Keep)

Tywin Lannister walked into the Small Council chambers. Proud, strong, and looking as fierce as any lion should despite all the signs of aging with his hair thinning as well as graying. Still, the man's spirit had lost none of its potency. He had molded himself to be an unyielding force that did not take being scorned, insulted, or challenged by others. He had made his House strong and feared by putting down a rebellion within his own lands, crushed two Houses with none of their bloodline left to retaliate, and led the sacking of the city of the King to ensure the Usurper Stag would sit on the throne with the lion's daughter becoming Queen.

And now it was being threatened by the possible return of the dragon. Unacceptable. He had helped crush one weakened dragon and wasn't about to see another one, strong, and healthy rise up to threaten his legacy. While Tywin had nothing against his old friend he had served as Hand for many years, the madness had destroyed what friendship they once had in their younger years. Denying the idea of a marriage between Cersei and Rheagar to tie their Houses together. Allowing Jamie to join the Kingsguard and deny Tywin his rightful heir to Casterly Rock and future Warden of the West.

It had been too much. When the rebellion first started, Tywin wanted no part in it. "Let the two sides fight it out" he told his brother when asked should if they consider the idea of calling their banners. Tywin knew with the way things were, the war could go either way. He also knew it would eventually come down to a fight between Rheagar and Robert with the winner of their fight being the winner of the war. He had conveyed as much to Lord Arryn on the issue and told the Falcon that if the Stag wanted the Lion's support, it would cost him.

And when Robert finally bested Rheagar at the Trident, it was clear where the winds of victory were blowing. The dragon would lose, but in a cornered position, Tywin knew the Mad King would not go down without a fight. The Lion knew his old friend to well and knew the dragon still had some fire left with no restraint on how it would be unleashed. Tywin knew Aerys well enough to know the man would unleash one final attack out of spite and would be so horrifying that any victory obtained in the war would feel like a defeat.

Hence the plan to come to King's Landing under the disguise of fighting for the Mad King out of respect for their past friendship. The trick was to get into the city, but Tywin knew Pycelle would come through for them. The Grand Maester knew it was better to serve the ruthless lion over the sickly weak dragon. When his finally army entered the city, a mere motion of the hand was all it took for Lannister army to suddenly strike in their surprise attack on King's Landing, making their way to the Red Keep while killing, destroying, looting, and raping where they could. The Lions ran free over the populace that day, to remind them that the dragon was not the most fierce or feared animal in the Seven Kingdoms. Not anymore.

Tywin Lannister had secured his legacy. His daughter was the Queen, his Grandchildren were the Princes and Princess of the Seven Kingdoms. All that was left to do now was to get Robert to dismiss Jamie from the Kingsguard. Of course, the last one was difficult to do since the Stag was feeling spiteful of Tywin's son killing Aerys before he could. So getting Robert to let Jamie go was becoming a growing annoyance. Fortunately, Robert owed his House quite a debt of incredible wealth thanks to the Master of Coin's dealings with him.

If Robert didn't' want the debt called in, Jamie would be dismissed from the Kingsguard and dismissed soon!

But that was the far future. Tywin had to focus on the present. Namely dealing with the threat of the dragons returning to take back what some Houses said was stolen from them.

"Lord Tywin. Thank you for joining us," said Robert, who was surprisingly sober today since this was a serious matter he knew couldn't be handle drunk.

"Of course your Grace. I am at your service in removing the Targaryens once and for all," replied Tywin while sitting down beside Lord Arryn since it was a close to showing his authoritative stance as possible.

"First, what news of the Targaryens? Where are they right now?" asked Robert to Varys with the Spider being as composed as ever.

"My little birds tell me whispers of them still in Essos your Grace. They have claimed the Free City of Yunkai, liberated all the slaves, and killed all the Wise Masters. They even setup a Council made up of well trained former slaves to run the city while they move to the Free City of Meereen. So far, the city has had no issues and the people in Yunkai are happy with the change," said Varys with Robert growling.

"Of course they are happy. The fucking dragonspawn freed them. If I freed them, I would have former slaves wanting to suck my cock left and right too," commented Robert with Jon sighing since this was serious.

"I also received the latest new from the Free City of Meereen last night your Grace. The city has fallen. The slaves apparently saw a chance to be free and took the city from the Wise Masters before opening the gates for this Aegon Targaryen," said Varys with the Small Council looking shocked.

"They overpowered their enslavers? And they just gave the city to the Targaryens after that?" asked Grand Maester Pycelle.

"From my understanding Grand Maester, a small infiltration force made up of Unsullied and former slaves, who willingly volunteered to be part of the Targaryen's army, entered the city through a secret passageway. They secretly armed all the slaves so they could rise up against the Wise Masters. Mostly due to the slaves outnumbering the Wise Masters by a considerable margin," replied Varys since it had happened before with slave revolts, but were usually put down and the poor slaves who didn't die in the revolt being punished to the point where they did wish for death.

"And he didn't use the dragons on the city?" asked Tywin with Varys shaking his head.

"No Lord Tywin. Aegon no doubt felt a more subtle approach was required over using dragons," replied Varys with Tywin saying nothing, yet clearly respected the tactic to achieve victory.

"The needle over the sword to the neck approach," said Tywin commented since there were some who used such finesse to end things over the more violent ways.

"The what?" asked Robert with a frown.

"A type of tactic your Grace. Rather then violently claim something like a city with lots of bloodshed or dragon's fire in this case, Aegon chose a tactic where the losses on his end were practically nothing while using very little in the ways of force to achieve total victory," explained Varys with many on the Small Council looking a tad unnerved.

After all, if this man could win with to little no force of arms against others, what could he do with an army fully unleashed on them.

"This also present a problem in the future for when they sail here brother. From what I have been told by my most trusted of man, Ser Davos, the Free City of Meereen has a port capable of taking in ships as well as building them. Depending on their funds, the Targaryens may try to build ships and eventually a fleet to come here," added Stannis with Robert frowning since this was going to be an issue.

"Can't we attack Meereen first? Destroy the port or lay siege to it?" offered Renly with Stannis shaking his head.

"Even if we did either one, it wouldn't be enough. Besides, those three dragons would destroy any kind of fleet we send. If we lay siege, the dragons will burn the ships and the crew. Same if we destroyed the port and the ships fled. The dragons would best any ship sent with speed alone and destroy them all with fire," countered Stannis while Robert was grumbling.

"So we can't attack. At least not with brute force. What about something more subtle? An assassin or a few who know how to end lives from the shadows?" questioned Baelish and saw them thinking it over.

"An assassin or three may work, but it is unlikely. While I am skeptical, my little birds tell me a rumor, a faintest of whispers regarding young Aegon. They claim the man has the power to wield magic no doubt from hatching the dragons," countered Varys with the Small Council frowning at this since magic had died out with the dragons, only to come back.

"I never placed much faith in magic. Slight of hand, smoke and flash to distract the eyes. Hardly something to be considered impressive," commented Baelish.

"Don't be so sure my friend. He somehow sacked the House of the Undying when in the Free City of Qarth, which were known to produce Warlocks capable of unusual acts of magic in their prime when dragons roamed the world. He used his connection to the dragons and magic to best them and, if the rumors are true, took absorbed the magic from the building to make himself stronger. Rumor has it, young Aegon can manipulate any objects or even people with a wave of his hand. Some have seen him move faster then any horse, becoming a blur of motion, striking like a wraith, leaping high over most roof tops. There is even one such rumor that the man even shot lightning from his hand," said Varys with Baelish smirked and Grand Maester Pycelle shrugged it off as nonsense.

"Rumors Varys. Mere rumors. Perhaps your little birds aren't very reliable when it comes to these sort of things," commented Baelish with Varys surprising him by looking in his direction with a sudden seriousness.

"Lord Baelish, I was born Essos. I have seen many things in my time. Experienced many things too. Some good. Most of them sadly not. I know what magic is and I know that many have tried to use different ways to conjure it. I have even done my own personal research on the matter and dragons were ultimately the source of its strength. With three dragons now alive and growing stronger by the day, it stands to reason such a thing with magic will happen. If half of these rumors are true about the man, who is to say the other half is not far behind," commented Varys with his words effectively shutting Baelish up.

"Since its clear that attacking the Targaryens using any kind of offensive plan, perhaps a defensive one is better," offered Stannis with the idea getting a few nods from the others.

"But is that even wise? We don't know when they will attack, if at all. They may wait a generation or two before coming over here. By that point, we will be dead and our future heirs and their heirs will be dealing with this mess. Sustaining such a defense for so long would be expensive," countered Renly with Robert becoming impatient.

"Piss on all of it! We can't attack and we can't defend for one reason or another. What can we do?" demanded Robert with Jon Arryn grimacing.

"At this point your Grace? Nothing. We can't do anything right now, except wait for them to make the first move," said Jon with Robert yelling and slamming his fists down on the table, causing it to shake.

"I'm going to train. Get back in shape. If I face another Targaryen again, I want to at least get back some of my strength so I can at least wield my damn war hammer again," said Robert before leaving the room.

And all the while Varys had to hide the smirk that wanted to appear on his face.

'All is going according to plan your Grace. With the way things are going, none of your enemies will know how to deal with you until its too late,' thought Varys knowing Aegon wanted him to use his position to cause the supposedly great men on the Small Council room to scratch their heads.

(Meereen-Sometime Later)

Aegon was currently sitting in what was considered to be the "throne room" within the great pyramid of Meereen where he would listen to the people talk to him about their problems. The young, the old, rich, and poor all came to him with their problems in the hope of him fixing it in some way. Aegon had no problem with that since he would need the practice once Westeros was taken.

For the poor, it was no problem since they just wanted a means of living past the next day in order to get by. A simple means to make some coin to pay for food and housing, which Aegon could provide once proper layout of the city was brought to his attention.

It was the wealthy who provided him with headaches. They weren't Wise Masters per se, but they certainly profited from their activities or were even related to some of them by blood or marriage. A group of them had petitioned at one point for Aegon to remove the Wise Masters, who were caught alive following the taking of the city, and later crucified alive to be taken down. The Prince had refused them outright, stating that if they can let all those poor slaves consisting of men, women, and even children be crucified alive, they shouldn't have a problem with their replacements. How if they could allow the bodies of those slaves to stay rotting in the hot Sun, this shouldn't be a problem for them either for their family and friends taking their place. Of course, these wealthy men protested, saying it was unfair that people of such wealth and power from such powerful bloodlines should be treated in such a way.

Some even went so far as to call him an invader, a destroyer of traditions, and calling his Mother a whore among other choice words.

Aegon's response? Killing half of them Force Lightning while the others jumped back in shock while their fellow protesters were electrocuted until only charred bones remained.

It had clearly upset the wealthy, but made the poor, who made up the vast majority of the city, pleased to know their liberator did care for them. The fact the Wise Masters who had survived into the morning had been crucified had proven it. The denial to have any of the Wise Masters taken down further enforced it, and the attack Aegon unleashed quieted any doubts they might have had.

It also didn't hurt the lowborn's opinion of Aegon when those with wealth, who had come to protest his change in various policies regarding slaves had said wealth removed. Seized and redistributed to further help and improve Meereen in all its now slave free glory.

And by the Gods, it was a lot of wealth. These wealthy or rather formerly wealthy people had so much wealth in their vaults that Aegon suspected they didn't know what to do with it. Just store it and spend what they wanted, when they wanted, and how they wanted to no real understanding of it all. Half the wealth of one wealthy family could feed nearly a quarter of all the poor in the city for Moons on end.

Which he did with just that one family. Aegon had taken a vast amount of wealth already from the Wise Masters killed when taking the city. Liquidating their assets had added a lot of coin to his own wealth, which went to the reorganizing, restructuring, and overall improvement of Meereen. Now this surplus from these fools who protested his changes only added to it and Aegon planned to make good use of such wealth in the end.

And it was coming along nicely. Many of the former slaves were looking for work and got it based on skills they may have had as slaves. The only difference was they were paid well for their services and given proper means of resting when tired. No fear of the whip or abuse from the one managing their progress.

Surprisingly, there were some former slaves who were not mistreated, though they were rare, and wished to return to the service of their former owner. When asked why, these former slaves explained how they were caretakers and teachers to the children of their former owners. How they loved to care for the children and the children themselves loved to be around them.

So Aegon allowed it to happen, provided the former owner paid the former slave wages with well written and understood contract that both sides must sign with his seal on it.

Aegon also opened up the Fighting Pits the city was well known to use in the past, but unlike before where (mostly) slaves fought in them for the amusement of the wealthy and the Wise Masters, he had them opened to all competitors. And it wasn't mandatory for that someone had to enter or even die since good fighters were hard to come by. Death was allowed, but Aegon made it known that should he command it, they would stop from delivering the final blow. After all, if the combatants put up a good fight, it would be best for everyone if they lived to fight another day.

In the end, Aegon had planned to remove most of the barbaric traditions of Essos while altering a few of the lesser ones to ensure all were happy with the transition.

They just had to remove the last remaining opposition slowly trying to gain momentum within the Free Cities they liberated.

"The Sons of the Harpy?" asked Daenerys with Ser Jorah nodding.

"Aye my Princess. They claim you and your nephew's actions are not one of liberators, but conquerors. Invaders and destroyers of their most ancient traditions. They claim it is their right to enslave others and force them into submission. They seek to undo all that you and Aegon have done. Even now, I hear rumors of their plans to take back Yunkai before they set their sights on Meereen. They hired several Sell Swords companies and infamous individuals throughout Essos to assist them in this endeavor," replied Ser Jorah with Jon scowling.

"It has to be those wealthy families who are related to the Wise Masters. They can't stand the changes you made, even if they make the Free Cities a better place for all," remarked Jon in disgust.

"This was to be expected Jon. Not everyone embraces change. Even when it is meant to help improve the life of everyone. Clearly, these Sons of the Harpy need to be put down, but in a way where they can never rise again. Ser Jorah, head to Yunkai with a substantial force to provide additional support. Find out who is empowering the Sons of the Harpy in the city. It is not the populace we liberated because they welcomed us into their ranks so its clearly a slow number of people who are traveling into the city. Ask the people for your help. Let them know we want to protect their newly obtained freedom, but also need their help to do it. These former slaves will hear things, know things, and help you with your investigation if it means keeping their freedom," commanded Aegon with Ser Jorah nodding since he was always good at finding out things when called upon.

"And a little bit of coin for those more hesitant to assist us," added Ser Jorah with Aegon nodding.

"That too. Take what funds you need. If more are required, you can coordinate with Lord Connington on the issue when the time comes," ordered Aegon with Ser Jorah nodding and left the room.

"The man has proven to be surprisingly loyal despite how he came into our service," said Daenerys while Aegon looked at her through his mask.

"Ser Jorah wants to come home. I understand that. He shamed his House, his home, and everyone in the North with his actions. He seeks redemption. To right his wrongs. The Usurper would have given him the pardon, but the actions the false King following taken against us following it would have haunted our loyal friend," said Aegon with Daenerys nodding since she could imagine what would have happened had Ser Jorah stayed loyal to the Usurper.

More assassination attempts. A risk to her life. To Missandei. To Lord Connington. To the three dragons they sired. Ser Jorah made the right choice in turning his cloak. While some would question his honor in the fact he did it once already, Daenerys knew the man would not do it a second time. He had seen Aegon act responsibly. With honor. He had seen that Aegon did not butcher innocent lives when taking a city. That Aegon didn't do what had to be done because of any form of madness like her own Father possessed. The man from Bear Island saw a future King who ruled as a King should and not the way the Stag did or the Mad King before him.

Someone worthy of the Iron Throne.

"Once we have secured Meereen and ensure things don't change back, we will be making our move on Westeros," said Jon with Aegon nodding since that was the next stage of the plan.

"And the dragons will rise once more like the Sun over Westeros," commented Daenerys with Aegon nodding again.

"And all who wronged us will cower under our shadow before dying under the fire we unleash on them," concluded Aegon with the image of the Falcon, Fish, and Lion being those brought to that point.

(King's Landing-Lord Baelish)

Lord Baelish was scheming as he usually did. Thinking up plans within plans where the outcome was in his favor no matter the outcome. He had schemed, plotted, planned, and other things to ensure his position was elevated beyond all others. Beyond High Lords, Wardens, Small Council members, and even beyond the Hand of the King himself. The once poor boy from the Fingers of the Vale had envisioned himself as King of the Seven Kingdoms. All those High Lords who once mocked, scorned, spit, and looked down on him were all swearing fealty to their new King.

King Petyr of House Baelish, the first of his name. Ruler of all the Seven Kingdoms. The Protector of the Realms. Dethroner of Dire Wolves, Lions, Flowers, Dragons, and other stupid sigils from so called High Lords he cared not to know. The man who took the wife of the stupidly honorable Lord Stark for his own and had several children with her to one day succeed him like they were always meant to have in life.

Of course, to make such a vision true, Petyr had to make it happen through his plans to rise above his station. So far, things had been going according to plan. His own actions in taking coin from the Crown to put in his own secret pockets for when the time came to bring it out of the red was coming along. The various Houses were filled with unrest and tension slowly growing with the desire to obtain more power. Him knowing everyone's dirty little secrets and getting their support in exchange for his silence. It was all coming together just like he had hoped it would and nothing was standing in his way.

At least until the fucking dragons made themselves known to the King and the King's old Hand.

Since then, Petyr had been trying to work around the issue. Hiding his actions further to ensure the King was never made aware of things if he ever asked. Fortunately, the issue with the Targaryens filled the man's mind every single moment of every single day. But it was not enough, as Varys provided them with information on the enemies progress, and of course Baelish himself relied on his own network to fill in the gaps the Spider may have conveniently chose to ignore.

With the way things were going, the Stag would never be able to best the dragons in any war. He was too bloated, fat, weak, and drunk most of the time. His attempts to get back in shape while admirable to a certain extent, were ultimately futile. The fat Stag would lose, those who followed him were going to fall, if not burn with him, and Lord Baelish was not about to be part of the losing side.

So he would need to accelerate his own plans for Westeros. Purge the old guard to make way for the new with him leading it just in time to deal with the dragons. From what he believed about the Targaryens currently in power over in Essos, it would be years before they were ready. Plenty of time to shift the landscape needed to make it impossible for the Targaryens to return to Westeros.

And the best way to do this, was to start a war that would cripple two major Houses so they would be weak enough to be influenced by his hands. But in order to do that, he needed to kill someone key to the two Houses his mind intended to cast down along with those who supported them. One House for the massive amount of wealth, the other one for more personal reasons dating back to the time Brandon Stark nearly killed him.

And the key to it all? Jon Arryn, the Hand of the King.

The man was already suspicious of Robert's "supposed" children not being his children considering how they had more Lannister traits over Baratheon. Of course, Petyr knew the actual truth long before Jon suspected it. Jamie Lannister was the Father of the three children Cersei brought screaming into the world and knew if the truth got out, it would put him in deep shit with everyone around them. Tywin would kill all three children if Robert didn't do it first with neither one allowing such shame to exist.

Something to have in his back pocket in the future.

But now, he needed to remove the Falcon. With him gone, Robert would have the perfect excuse to go see Lord Stark in the North and make him new Hand of the King. Once that happened, Petyr would leave little crumbs for a trail so the man could follow them in his investigating of Lord Arryn's murder. For that was what Petyr would help him conclude was the fate of his Foster Father and seek to bring justice to the criminal responsible for it.

As if Petyr would allow someone like Lord Stark to bring him to justice. Ha! Laughable in every sense of the word.

After creating the trail for Lord Stark to follow, Baelish merely had to make sure it led to the Lannisters. Words would be spoken, actions taken on both sides, Petyr in the middle to orchestrate it all until finally...WAR! Banners called, oaths of loyalty being reminded, and people coming to him for aid on both fronts.

Which Petyr would gladly provide...for a significant price. Favors and coin go a long way when you want things done. Coin from the Lannisters. Favors from the Starks. Especially from his beloved Cat. She would want the Lannisters dead by the time he brought it all to its peak. Want them dead for the death of her husband and children, which he would help the Lannisters (discreetly) accomplish of course.

And out of gratitude, Cat would marry him, becoming his Queen and giving Petyr all the children he always wanted to have with her.

'I think its time I speak discreetly to Lysa. After all, I am the Mother of our child she has trick the old Falcon into believing was his own. Shame the child is so sickly and weak. If I am lucky, the child will die in a few years and Lysa with him out of depression,' thought Petyr since he never wanted a child with Lysa, but the woman was insistent since the idea of having Jon Arryn's disgusted her.

She also had a crazed look in her eyes. The woman knew a few of his secrets and was not afraid to be vocal about them if it put Petyr in a "good light" as Lysa put it. She believed he could do no wrong. That everything he did was a blessing from the Seven and anyone who challenged him was his enemy. Her own family included. Lysa had no tact when it came to keeping her mouth shut on issues related to him and would eventually be a loose end.

One that Petyr would have to remove one way or another should Lysa's mindset became more unstable.

(City of Meereen-Short Time Later)

Aegon was meditating in his room in silence when he felt a shift in the Force. His Master had told him about moments like these. Something major was happening. Something big he should be made aware of and needed to see before it happened. Key moments in time that could happen if left unaltered by anyone interfering in the events to come.

And within moments, the Force had shown a vision of the near future.

Of Jon Arryn dead. Dying from poison. Poison given to him discreetly by his own wife Lysa Tully Arryn on the orders of the Master of Coin Petyr Baelish. He saw more of the vision following the man's death. His Uncle Stark becoming Hand of the King, blinded by his duty, honor, and sense of justice to avenge Jon Arryn. How his short time as Hand revealed how bad the Crown had become under Robert's rule and Jon Arryn's inability to halt Robert's vices. How his investigation would lead him to Lord Arryn's investigation about the Queen's children. How he tipped his hand for being honest with the Queen of knowing the truth. The Queen plotting to have her husband killed on a hunt using potent wine to get him drunker then usual. How Joffrey took the Iron Throne, dismissing the late Stag's dying wish, charged Lord Stark with treason, threw him into the Black Cells, and made him confess to said treason with his daughter held as a hostage with a sword to her throat. How Lord Stark did it and would take the Black, but in the end was killed with his own ancestral sword Ice on orders of the new Mad King ruling over King's Landing.

And through Lord Stark's death, plunging the Seven Kingdoms into chaos. A war with five Kings seeking to rule over what they called their own. All the while the scheming Master of Coin played all sides. Smiling all the while. Not carrying who he hurt or how he hurt them. Weakening strong Houses through this senseless war. Weakening the Seven Kingdoms so he could rule it and claim what was not his to claim.

And all the while, beyond the Wall, the Others waited. The White Walkers were growing stronger, waiting for the day they could march on a weakened, divided Seven Kingdoms, and bring about a new long night that (unlike last time) would never end. Even now, he could see the Night King. Vividly! He was currently sitting on an icy throne, his fellow generals, four in number, were sitting around him on their own icy thrones, but the Night King's was the most imposing in order to signify he was the true authority among them.

And what was worse, they were talking to each other. Of what, Aegon did not know. It was too fuzzy to make out. But the Ice King used his powers to raise a table in front of them and create his own war table, making hand various hand gestures to manipulate the landscape of the table, showing different things happening in it. Which Aegon believed was there way of planning for the day when they could march to victory over the realms of men.

Aegon could not allow it.

Calling an emergency Council meeting, Aegon soon sat down with Lord Connington, Daenerys, Grey Worm, and Missandei about what he saw through the vision. While they had been skeptical at first, Aegon had pointed out his powers allowed him to see events of the future that had yet to happen, but would happen without interference from outside forces. He also pointed out that it seemed a bit stupid on their parts to believe in dragons and magic, but not the ability to see future events considering they had seem some of his powers first hand.

"So the Stag falls. And the Falcon too. Surely you don't wish to save either of them your Grace?" asked Jon with Aegon shaking his head.

"No. Even if I wanted to save them from death, the events are of the near future so they will happen too soon to do anything. It is the events following their deaths that are more important, and we deal with the people involved in the future war Westeros is about to go through. It will cripple the Seven Kingdoms to the point where recovery will take years, if not several generations to heal all wounds, and to properly rebuild what was destroyed. I need to leave for Westeros immediately," said Aegon with Daenerys and the others now looking concerned.

"Alone? And without troops or some form of support?" asked Jon since a good portion of the Unsullied had been dispatched to Yunkai with Ser Jorah.

"I will take Vaderon and Revanchist with me. Drogon will stay here to further protect all of you and Daenerys. Besides, I can use this time to rally Targaryen loyalist like those in the Reach and maybe even Dorne if I can bring them something worth their time," replied Aegon while seeing they were still concerned about this.

"Is there anyway to carry even a small force of Unsullied with you? I would feel better if you had even a small group beside you," countered Daenerys while Aegon chuckled.

"Dragons are not slaves nor do they like to act as carriers like horses or oxen used to pull a wagon Aunt. Its demeaning and an insult to their pride. While what you are suggesting isn't like that in a sense, it would still be insulting to them to ask for such assistance," said Aegon with Daenerys grimacing.

"What about Ser Jorah and this business we are dealing with regarding Yunkai with the Sons of the Harpy. What if something happens while you are in Westeros?" asked Jon with Aegon being silent for a moment.

"Ser Jorah will deal with the issue related to Yunkai. He shouldn't have problems dealing with the Sons of the Harpy and commanding the Unsullied. I have complete faith in him to get the issue resolved properly. When I have finished creating a stable enough footing within Westeros, I will send a message for you to come with the rest of the Unsullied," said Aegon with the others reluctantly agreeing.

"Be safe nephew. You are the only family I have left," whispered Daenerys while giving him a hug.

"Not quite. There is another. Though he's old. Very old now," said Aegon with Daenerys looking shocked.

"Someone else? Who?" asked Daenerys curiously.

"Aemon Targaryen. He's nearly 100 years old and the Maester at the Wall. The man is a member of the Night's Watch," replied Aegon with Daenerys being upset a member of her family was in such a cold place alone without his kin.

"We have to see him. I want to see him. To let him know the dragon still lives. That his House hasn't perished into the dust for all time," said Daenerys firmly since she would not let one of her kin die alone in such a place.

"Agreed. But not now. He has some years left and we need to establish a firm position in the Seven Kingdoms before heading to the Wall in the North to meet him," replied Aegon and saw her nod knowing it was true.

"Move swiftly nephew. The sooner you do what needs to be done, the sooner we can save the Seven Kingdoms from destroying itself, and from the evil you saw beyond the Wall," commanded Daenerys with Aegon nodding.

"I'll see you soon," whispered Aegon before he called for his two dragons to come to him and leaped onto the back of Vaderon before both creatures flew right for Westeros at all speed.

(King's Landing-Sometime Later)

Jon Arryn was dead. His body being attended to by the Silent Sisters in The Great Sept of Baelor while people finished paying homage to the old man, who many knew was behind the Seven Kingdoms running. One by one, the people paid their respects to the Falcon at the Sept, and offered condolences to his family as well as the King himself.

When Jon had fallen ill and died, Robert initially suspected the Targaryens had a hand in it, spouting revenge against the dragonspawn. However, Varys said his little birds heard no such whisper, and the King's enemy was dealing with the Sons of the Harpy rebels who were seeking to reclaim what was taken from them.

Still, it raised the question of how the Hand of the King could perish suddenly without any real explanation. Rumors flooded King's Landing. From Targaryen agents poisoning the Hand to weaken the King to the Seven punishing the King for his vices. Other said the King himself was the actual target and the Hand was unknowingly hit instead.

All in all, it was a horrifying affair to consider given how word somehow spread about the Targaryens to the people within the city. Eventually, the news in the city spread out into the rest of the Seven Kingdoms and was causing quite a stir. Even more when the rumors told of the masked Targaryen having three dragons and each one getting bigger by the day.

But none of this mattered to the spirit of Jon Arryn, as he stood in front of his own body in the Great Sept, watching he Silent Sisters do their work. The area in the Sept around his body was surrounded by black wispy smoke to further enforce upon him that he was in fact dead. It was actually unnerving for him to be like this, standing in front of his dead body, and being complete unable to say anything to anyone.

How was this even remotely possible?

"Look how old you have become," commented Aegon while appearing near him with his arms folded across his chest.

"You are something far worse, I fear," countered Lord Arryn before turning and glaring at the Targaryen.

"You were right to fear me in life. My only regret is I wasn't the one to kill you," replied Aegon before turning to look at him.

"Are you saying this wasn't your doing?" asked Lord Arryn with Aegon nodding.

"Poison is a woman's weapon," said Aegon with the old Falcon not looking convinced.

"Last I heard, Daenerys Targaryen is a woman," countered Lord Arryn.

"My Aunt didn't want to kill you with poison. She wanted you to die facing a dragon's wrath. To face a dragon's judgment for crimes against our House. Poison defeats that purpose," said Aegon while Jon Arryn scoffed.

"Spare me your claims of being Aegon. The boy died when Tywin sacked the city. You are just a mummer. A pretender. At least admit that much to me before I leave for the Heavens," replied Jon with Aegon tilting his head and paused for a moment.

"You're right. Aegon Targaryen born from Elia Martell did die when Tywin sacked the city. But I'm not a mummer or pretender. I am Aegon Targaryen, but born from a much different Mother. Same Father though in case you are wondering," replied Aegon with Jon Arryn scowling further.

"Blackfyre. Even worse. A bastard Targaryen. Your colors and mask suit you well in letting everyone know it," said Jon Arryn before he was violent pushed into the table holding his dead body and surprisingly felt it.

"Careful Lord Arryn. This is my domain. Even in death, you can still feel pain, suffering, and more of my wrath," said Aegon with Jon Arryn struggling to get up.

"So what do you want bastard? To rub all of this in my face? To reveal your plans before I fade away? How you and your Aunt are going to take back the Crown your Father lost when Robert killed him at the Trident?" asked Jon Arryn with Aegon laughing at him.

"You presume too much Lord Arryn. I was never a bastard. I am true born. My Father and Elia Martell annulled their marriage so my Mother could marry him in secret. Of course, you don't really care about that. Not now and not when you were slandering my Father during your little war against the Crown and my House. Calling him a kidnapper and rapist. All because your Usurper for a Foster Son didn't get what he wanted from the woman arranged to marry him. If only my Uncle from my Mother's side of the family knew the truth. He would have killed you for your treachery. For your betrayal of his trust," said Aegon with Jon Arryn's eyes narrowing before they went wide.

"It can't be! She died! I saw Lyanna Stark's body when Ned was bringing her back to the North! She died from a fever in Dorne! You can't be her son!" exclaimed Jon Arryn while Aegon chuckling at the old man.

"According to who? Your Foster Son Eddard Stark? Do you really think he would simply tell you or Robert about my Mother being pregnant with Rheagar's child? He saw what happened to Elia Martell and her children. How Robert laughed and Tywin smirked. You standing by and doing nothing, except being silent. But I know the truth. You were happy inside. Robert would be King. You would be his Hand. You were in a position of power and had the ability to control or manipulate the one with absolute power," said Aegon and took his helmet off to reveal his face to Lord Arryn.

"Ned Stark's bastard son. Of course. My Foster Son knew better considering he had just married Catelyn Tully before the war. I always thought it was strange how he had sired a bastard child. The only reason I didn't investigate more into it was due to Howland Reed providing additional support to Ned's words on what happened in Dorne with Lyanna. I also wondered why Howland Reed was holding you while at a distance instead of Ned when my Foster Son told us everything," said Jon Arryn with Aegon walking over to the old man until they were face to face.

"Say what you will about my Uncle. He was wise to play it safe. To protect his sister's only child. From Robert Baratheon. From Tywin Lannister. And unknowingly...from the likes of you. You who conspired with others to take down my House. My family. Was the supposed shame of your ancestors kneeling so great you couldn't stand the dragons soaring high over the Falcon any longer?" asked Aegon with Jon's face becoming furious with rage at being called out on it.

"I had every right. Your ancestors wronged me ages ago. Your House wronged my own House. The Targaryens as whole shamed my House by making it bend the knee just so we could survive under the rule of the dragon. We lost our superiority to them and it has been a black mark on my House ever since it happened! The dragon burned the Falcon's wings and denied us our claim of being able to fly over all without contestation. So yes, my House has plotted, planned, schemed, and made decisions regarding the very purpose of taking down your family name. We clipped the wings of the wings of the dragon and crushed it beneath our feet. Do I feel any remorse over the issue? With the lies I made about your Father being a rapist? The betrayal and deception I played on your Uncle? No. I feel none of those things. Why should I? Besides, if anyone is to blame, it is your whore of a Mother. The she-wolf bitch was too stubborn and prideful to do her duty in marrying my Foster Son. Then again, she did help play the much needed part in our plans to take down the dragon in our war. So congratulations in having a traitorous bitch of a Mother, who chose to defy the natural order of things," said Jon Arryn while seeing Aegon getting angry for a second, his eyes taking a dragon like color to them before receding back to a dark purple.