

Just In




The Mountain's Range by The Passionate Admiral

 Books » A song of Ice and Fire Rated: M, English, Adventure & Suspense, Daenerys T./Dany, Jon S., Gregor C., Dacey M., Words: 854k+, Favs: 3k+, Follows: 3k+, Published: Sep 9, 2016 Updated: Nov 21, 2018 2,034Chapter 16: Planning Ahead

Note: Some of you may find this chapter short or uneventful. If so, I apologize. This last week has been very hectic for me. I had a project report due in one of my graduate school classes, and I had to study for a quiz in another one. I assure you that the next chapter will be more engaging. This one will mostly be a "morning after" update.

Gregor and Dacey slept until well past daybreak. They could have remained asleep even longer. But around mid-morning, there was a heavy knock on the door to the bedchamber.

The Mountain and the Bear Islander gradually started to stir. They were still a little fatigued from the activities of the previous night. After taking a minute to gain their bearings, the newlyweds looked to the door. Gregor yelled tiredly "Yes?"

"Good morning, my lord," Erryk Ruttiger's voice came from the other side. "Am I disturbing you?"

"Yes, but we can forgive you that," Gregor responded. He propped himself up in the bed and stated "After all, you must've a reason for doing so."

"I do, my lord," Erryk proclaimed, "Your family and Lady Dacey's are about to break their fast together. They were wondering if you'd join them."

Gregor was in the mood for a meal, but he could not speak for Dacey. So he turned to his new wife and waited for her input. She sat thinking for a moment, and then she shrugged and said "I suppose I can be coaxed out of this room. For a short while, at least."

She had flashed a lusty smile at her husband when she made that last statement. Gregor was amused by that response. Truthfully, he was thinking much the same as his wife. He too would have been content to just stay in the bedchamber for that whole day. Alas, that was an impossibility.

It's a shame there are no honeymoons in this universe. No conventional ones, at any rate. Oh, well. Dacey and I are already too busy to afford any time for a honeymoon, anyway.

The Mountain called out to his castellan "Alright, we'll join them."

"Aye, ser," Erryk acknowledged, "Shall I send in the maids?"

"Give us a moment first," Gregor requested.

"As you wish," Erryk conceded.

Gregor slowly rose to his feet and strode naked to the closed window. He opened the shutters, and daylight poured in, momentarily blinding the new couple. When his eyesight returned, Gregor peered outside. He noticed that the Sun was well over the eastern horizon. Curious, he looked over his shoulder and inquired "Have you the time, Erryk?"

"It's shortly after nine o'clock, my lord," the castellan informed him.

Gregor was a little surprised. He typically broke his fast an hour earlier. On any other day, he would be conversing with his council and the Legion's top officers.

Then again, he normally did not have the luxury of oversleeping. Neither did Dacey. Erryk Ruttiger would have woken them sooner, but he figured that his lord and his new lady deserved a few more hours of rest.

That was a prudent decision on his part. Because of it, Gregor and Dacey had slept very soundly that night. At the end of it, they were both fully rested. As such, they would begin their first day as husband and wife at full energy.

From that height, Gregor could spy the feasting grounds. They had not yet been disassembled. Or vacated.

Apparently, many of the guests had had too much to drink at the feast, and a number of them had not even reached their rooms or their tents before passing out. Several of them were lying unconscious around, on top of, or underneath the tables. They would be waking up before too long. They would all have a very unpleasant hangover, though.

Gregor and Dacey had avoided consuming too much wine, so they were spared the hangover. But they did have a number of aches and bruises, all of which could be attributed to the consummation of their marriage. Gregor discovered that the bear girl really had claws and fangs of her own after all.

Dacey slowly got to her feet. She was just as naked as Gregor, so she picked up one of the blankets and tied it around her waist. After that, she made her way across the room. She tried to walk steadily, but she moved with a pronounced limp. That limp would subside after a couple days, but until then, it would be a telltale sign of what she and her husband had done last night. Or rather, "who" they had done.

Dacey stood next to her husband and gazed out the window with him. She spent a minute admiring the sight of the surrounding structures and landscapes with him. It was a spectacular vantage point.

"What a view," Dacey commented.

"Indeed," Gregor conceded, wrapping his arm around his wife's waist, "Everything you see has been mine alone from the past three years. Now it's mine and yours."

Dacey smiled at that and placed a hand on Gregor's chest. He leaned down and pressed a soft kiss against his wife's lips.

When he pulled apart, he noticed that Dacey's breasts were uncovered. He deftly untied the blanket around her hips and lifted it to a position directly below her shoulders.

Dacey did not protest, but she was a little bewildered. "What are you doing?"

"Being cautious," Gregor replied as he began to retie the blanket around his wife's breasts, "If anyone down there has a far-eyes, they'll be getting an even better view than us."

Dacey snickered at that. She placed her hands over Gregor's to stop him, and she observed "From what I see, everyone down there is either unconscious or preoccupied with a task. I doubt any of them will be tilting their heads up."

Gregor took another look, and it appeared as though Dacey was correct. No one on the ground seemed to possess any interest in anything taking place above them.

Upon realizing that, Gregor scoffed and admitted Dacey had a point. As such, he let the blanket drop to the ground. Now he and Dacey were totally exposed.

Gregor pulled her close and traced her left breast with his hand. The movement was slight, but he produced the intended reaction out of her; she giggled in more than one type of pleasure.

As her husband fondled her bosom, Dacey casually allowed her own hand to drift down to his groin. She slid her fingers along the shaft of his manhood. Gregor's morning wood had passed, but Dacey's mere touch was enough to incite a hefty twitch from his member. Gregor smirked at the risqué action, and he caressed his wife's breasts a little more firmly in response.

At that, Dacey looked up at the Mountain and deviously suggested "Maybe we've time for one more round?"

As tempting as that offer was, Gregor had not forgotten that certain people were waiting on them. Reluctantly, he ceased his stroking of his wife's breasts and told her "Later, my love. Our families are expecting us to arrive soon."

"Very well, my lord," Dacey coincided, somewhat grudgingly. Despite her tense tone of voice, she understood that family affairs came before… family affairs.

The Mountain and the Bear Islander proceeded to get dressed. He slipped into a fresh tunic and a leather jerkin, along with a pair of riding boots and a pair of breeches. She dressed much the same. The only difference was she tied a green cloak around her neck. That was the only article of clothing she wore that indicated her birth house.

Dacey's wedding dress had not gotten too badly damaged in the bedding ceremony, but she chose to put it away for the time being. Gregor was hardly surprised. After all, Dacey generally preferred the typical attire of men over the customary attire of her own gender.

As they got dressed, the newlyweds surveyed the bedchamber. It honestly looked as though a tornado or an earthquake had struck it. Many objects had fallen over or gotten misplaced.

Gregor and Dacey had not confined their activities to the bed. The desk, the table, and even part of a wall were in poor condition. Even so, the bed was easily in the sorriest state. It was essentially a ruin. The sheets were covered in sweat, blood, and… other particular fluids. The supports had given out, as well. The slightest nudge could have caused the foundation to collapse. The mattress was in danger of splitting open.

"We'll be needing a new bed," Dacey noted cheekily.

"Quite so," Gregor concurred, smirking, "We'll worry on that later."

"Right," she said bluntly.

Once they were dressed, Gregor walked to the door and unlocked it. He opened the door to allow the maids entrance to the chamber. Other than the occasional murmuring of "milord," they said nothing. But their facial expressions spoke plenty. When they saw what their lord and his wife had done, they blushed furiously.

Gregor and Dacey were somewhat mortified to have the results of their intimate deeds on display. But they tried not to let their discomfort show; it would not have been "professional." So as their servants worked on cleaning the room up, the Lord and Lady of Moat Cailin headed down the stairs of the Lord's Tower.

They made their way to the Banquet Tower (another of the eleven that had been reconstructed). On their way there, every person they encountered bowed their heads to them and muttered "milord" and "milady." They also received many more congratulations on their marriage.

When they arrived in the Great Hall, they saw that the Cleganes and the Mormonts were all there. They were seated on the dais. The seats of honor were empty. Lord Jorah, Lady Maege, and her three youngest daughter sat to the left of them; Lady Daliah and her two youngest children to the right.

"Look who finally woke up," Sandor commented drily when his brother and sister-by-law approached the dais.

Gregor and Dacey chuckled and took their places at the center of the dais.

As breakfast was served, Ellyn let out a loud yawn. Even after that, she seemed very fatigued. Gregor looked over to his sister and noted "You look tired, Ell."

"Well, I didn't get a lot of sleep last night, Greg," Ellyn wearily revealed.

"Why not?" Dacey inquired.

"Probably because somebody was making a lot of noise," Ellyn mumbled irately.

Gregor and Dacey flushed at that and looked away. Daliah tapped her daughter on the shoulder and murmured crossly "Ellie!"

"She's got a point, my lady," Alysane Mormont stated, looking to her elder sister and her brother-by-law. She said jokingly "Have either of you heard of volume control by any chance?"

"We have, Aly," Dacey insisted, "It's just… well, from higher ground, it's easier for sound to carry in this fortress."

"Yes, and the bedchamber of the Lord's Tower is the highest point in all the moat," Gregor claimed, going along with his wife's argument.

"Whatever you say," Sandor murmured. Clearly, he was not buying that story. "I envy the drunk guests, though. They're the only ones who found sleep easily last night."

"Okay, enough!" Gregor shouted, starting to become impatient, "We're about to break our fast. This is hardly an appropriate topic to discuss at the table."

"Indeed," Jorah Mormont agreed.

No more was spoken on anyone's sex life. Everyone opted to focus more on eating instead. But they did not break their fast in silence. They spoke on family affairs and similar matters.

Jorah Mormont, his aunt, and his cousins would return to Bear Island in a few days. Daliah Clegane and her children would be travelling back to Clegane's Keep in about a week. Lady Daliah privately mentioned to her son that she expected to be informed within the next three months that she would soon be a grandmother. Gregor assured her that he would "endeavor" to fulfill her "wish."

Gregor's mother had been so preoccupied with wedding preparations that she hardly had any time to speak to her son of what had gone on back home. Luckily, this meal provided an opportunity for them to converse on the subject.

Gregor was aware of recent events in the Westerlands, but apart from the letters he exchanged with them, his knowledge of his family's activities was very limited. The only Legionnaires who had once been retainers of Clegane's Keep were the ones that had accompanied Gregor north.

Ever since Gregor left, House Clegane of Clegane's Keep had thrived. Ser Tarrence had not wasted those seven thousand golden dragons. Through them, the Keep had been refurbished, the household had been expanded, and their knights had multiplied in number.

They had also succeeded in gaining favor with Lord Tywin Lannister. Apparently, Sandor had been taken on as a squire by the liege lord of the Westerlands. Lord Tywin had plans to knight Sandor soon. Furthermore, during his time at Casterly Rock, Sandor got along very well with Tyrion Lannister. That was what really caught Gregor's interest.

Sandor claimed that recently, he and Ser Jaime had helped Tyrion save a young girl from a group of rapists. That must have been Tysha.

Sandor recounted how he had prevented Lord Tywin or Ser Jaime from discovering Tyrion's relationship with Tysha. He had also talked Tyrion out of his idea to marry Tysha. He had argued to the dwarf that if the marriage was discovered, not only would Lord Tywin have it annulled, but he would have his own men treat Tysha like a common whore just to teach his younger son a lesson.

Gregor was impressed that his brother had given such superb advice. However, Sandor admitted that it was mostly Gregor's advice that he had given to Tyrion. Thanks to his brother's guidance, Sandor had developed a more practical and realistic view of the world. So indirectly, Gregor had spared Tyrion a dreadful instance of his father's cruelty.

There was even talk of raising House Clegane of Clegane's Keep to lordly status.

Gregor was surprised that he had not heard any of this yet. He also found himself more than a little concerned. Before he moved to Moat Cailin, Lord Tywin had forced the Mountain to sever all his familial connections to the Westerlands. Tywin was infamous for judging an entire family on the actions of each member. Gregor had lost Lord Tywin's trust, and maybe his respect, too. As such, his sudden interest in Gregor's family was as startling as it was unsettling.

Perhaps Tywin was merely using them as insurance against Gregor in case the Mountain became too powerful. Maybe if the Legion without Banners clashed with Casterly Rock for whatever reason, Tywin would order Sandor to be killed. The lion lord certainly had the means to execute his brother. He also had the means to wipe out the occupants of Clegane's Keep if he wished. He had brought about the downfall of House Reyne and House Tarbeck without any hesitation or remorse, and both of those houses had been much larger than House Clegane.

In any case, Gregor decided to push all his qualms about Tywin Lannister's motivations to the back of his mind. Instead of preaching worries, he expressed his happiness for his family's endurance and prosperity.

Gregor also learned that his parents were trying to forge marriage contracts for Sandor and Ellyn.

Currently, Lady Daliah was considering making a match between her daughter and Raynald Westerling. Gregor was very displeased by that idea, and he let his mother know it. He pointed out that House Westerling was one of the smallest houses in the Westerlands, and its power and influence was lesser than House Clegane's had ever been. Gregor contended that his parents could do much better for his sister than the heir of the Crag.

When Gregor asked Sandor if he was involved in any potential betrothals, all the younger Clegane boy told his brother was "Not as of now." He actually seemed unwilling to speak on the subject. That made Gregor suspicious. The way he saw it, there could only be one of two reasons for his brother's avoidance of the topic. Either Sandor did not wish to talk about marriage in general, or he was secretly considering a match for himself but did not wish to talk about it for fear of rejection.

Whatever his motive, Gregor agreed to drop the issue.

Sandor was the first one to finish his meal. Once his plate was clean and his goblet empty, he rose from his chair, climbed down from the dais, and remarked "If you'll excuse me."

"Where you off to?" Gregor queried.

"The training yard," Sandor answered him.

Gregor nodded at that and offered "I can join you, if you need a partner."

"Thanks, Greg," Sandor said appreciatively, "But I already have one. Two, actually."

The younger Clegane boy then left the Great Hall without another word spoken. There was a smirk on Sandor's face which did not go unnoticed by Gregor. Dacey had worn a similar expression last night, just before the bedding.

Gregor watched his brother leave, and then he asked no one in particular "What did he mean?"

"Not long after the bedding ceremony, I saw Sandor with a couple of girls," Ellyn explained, "I think they were Dornishwomen."

"Is that right?" Gregor asked his mother.

Lady Daliah nodded and apprised her firstborn "He talked with them for the better part of an hour. When he finally rejoined us, he said that he and those girls would be meeting in the training yard after breakfast today. Evidently, they share a fondness for combat. Isn't that quaint?"

"Well, in Dorne, men and women are equals in everything," Dacey disclosed, "Including the ways of war. That's one thing the North has in common with the Dornish."

"I already knew the Legion accepted women," Daliah stated, "But these Dornishwomen must be quite proficient if they're willing to spar with Sandor."

"Did he say who they were?" Dacey inquired.

"No, but they looked like sisters," Ellyn recounted, "Half-sisters, at least. They were a little younger than Sandor, but a few years older than me."

That information was enough for Dacey and Gregor to figure out who Ellyn had seen with Sandor. The Mountain pronounced "I know them both. Their names are Obara and Nymeria Sand."

Ellyn simply nodded at that, but Daliah frowned. She assumed "You mean they're baseborn?"

"Yes," Gregor professed, "But as it happens, they're the two eldest daughters of Prince Oberyn Martell."

"His two eldest bastard daughters," Daliah remarked with a grimace.

While Daliah Clegane was normally a very tolerant person, she held the typical Westerosi disdain for children born out of wedlock. Especially when such individuals interacted with her unwed teenage son. Gregor could forgive her that bias; everyone had at least one flaw.

Still, he did not need that form of prejudice in Moat Cailin. Gregor sighed and stated quietly "Mother, a person's birth may denote their place in this world, but it should not influence how they are judged or treated. It certainly does not matter in the Legion without Banners. Bastards are just as valuable and useful here as people of legitimate birth. Besides, Sandor is just clashing steel with Obara and Nymeria. Just because he's exchanging blows with them, that doesn't mean he'll want to exchange vows, too."

Daliah reflected on her son's words. After a few seconds of silence, she murmured "I suppose you're right, Gregor. If I offended anyone, please know I am sorry."

"You needn't apologize, Mother," Gregor asserted, "I cannot fault you for your speaking your mind, or for believing what you were raised to believe. All I ask is that you respect what I believe. And I believe everyone – baseborn and trueborn – should be given a chance to prove themselves."

Daliah smiled at her elder son. Even if she did not share his ideals on the issue of one's birth, she was proud of Gregor for having them.

When breakfast was finished, the Cleganes and the Mormonts headed downstairs as a single group. By this time, all the drunken guests had regained consciousness. Many could be seen clutching their foreheads or retching on bare patches of grass. The Mountain, his wife, and their families made sure to avoid any such individuals.

Ser Jorah went to check up on those of his men that had accompanied him to the wedding. Lady Maege led Alysane, Lyra, and Jorelle back to their quarters. Lady Daliah and Ellyn got the idea to explore the fortress. Gregor offered them a guide, but they assured him that they could find their own way around the moat.

So Gregor and Dacey were on their own once more. Or alone as they could have been whilst outside and surrounded by scores of guests and fellow Legionnaires.

They had nothing on their immediate agenda. They decided to go on a short walk around the moat. They passed a number of different areas, including the kitchens, the arsenal, the barracks, and the harbor.

About twenty minutes in, they stopped by the training yard. Gregor expected to find his brother there.

Sure enough, Sandor was still in the training yard. He was armed with a longsword. Obara Sand and Nymeria Sand were there with him. They carried their trademark spear and whip respectively.

Obara and Nymeria were too young to be fully inducted into the Legion without Banners. Obara was fourteen; Nymeria thirteen. In a sense, they were mostly Legionnaires-in-training. So for the time-being, Gregor had them serve as squires to the other top officers of the Legion. Sometimes they even squired under their father.

Despite their youth, both girls were very adept in combat situations. Gregor and Dacey said nothing as they entered the training yard. They merely stood by and observed the skirmish between the heir to Clegane's Keep and the two eldest Sand Snakes.

Sandor was more dexterous with his bastard sword than either of the Sand Snakes were with her weapon. He dueled each of them separately. He was able to defeat Obara in five minutes. Nymeria, he defeated in three. Alone, neither girl stood a chance. Then he dueled both of them at once. That was when they made a comeback.

After parrying Obara and Nymeria's simultaneous attacks for four minutes, Sandor rammed his weight against Obara. She fell to the ground and laid still. He appeared to have subdued her.

Sandor focused his attention exlusively on Nymeria for the next two minutes. Just when he was about to best her, Obara reentered the fray. She thrusted her spear underneath Sandor's legs. He stumbled over it and nearly tripped. Before he could regain his balance, Nymeria coiled her whip around the wrist of his free hand and yanked with all her might.

As a result, Sandor ended up flat on his back. When he attempted to get back up, Obara stood over him. She held the tip of her spear directly above his chin, as though she meant to plunge it into his throat. Nymeria slowly went over to her half-sister and stood beside her. The two of them gazed down at their opponent, expecting some form of response from him.

Sandor remained on the ground for about fifteen seconds. Then he let out a deep sigh and muttered aversely "I yield."

Obara smirked and withdrew her spear. Then she and Nymeria helped Sandor back to his feet.

Gregor was impressed. Working together, the two Sand Snakes had managed to bring down the boy who would be the Hound. Whereas alone, they would not have stood a chance.

Although he was annoyed about having lost, Sandor's grimace was quickly replaced with an amiable grin. He eagerly proposed "Again?"

"Anytime you wish," Obara declared happily

"Yeah, we could kick your ass all day," Nymeria stated slyly.

"Kick it or kiss it?" Sandor cheekily countered.

"Whichever you'd prefer," Obara leered.

"Either one's fine with us," Nymeria claimed jokingly.

"It'd be fine with me, too," Sandor disclosed.

Gregor was amused by this exchange of dialogue. He was also a little intrigued. There was clearly some type of chemistry between Sandor and the two Sand Snakes.

Of course, he was used to seeing that type of benign interaction between the Legionnaires. However, Sandor was not a member of the Legion, and Obara and Nymeria were still pending members.

In other words, Gregor was witnessing firsthand proof that even total strangers from outside the Legion could find some way to coexist with each other. They could have seemingly little in common, but whatever facets they did share could be used to unite them.

In the case of Sandor, Obara, and Nymeria, it was their fondness for armed combat and their competitive nature that brought them together. That was the most fascinating aspects. Those were two subjects that normally drove people apart. But not here.

That made Gregor wonder…

He turned to his wife and proposed "Dacey, what say we have another meeting?"

The Bear Islander looked up at her husband and asked "What about?"

"Well…" Gregor did not really wish to discuss what was on his mind until the other eight members of his secret council were present. Instead, he pointed out the three people in the training yard and stated "This, I suppose."

Dacey raised an eyebrow and presumed "You want to tell the others how your brother got his ass handed to him by Obara and Nymeria?"

"No, no, no," Gregor bluntly disclosed, shaking his head and scoffing, "I want to tell them that in spite of how they beat him, the three of them are getting along famously."

"Alright…" Dacey was still a little perplexed, "If you do not mind my asking, Gregor, how is that noteworthy?"

"I don't intend for this relationship between Sandor and the Sand Snakes to be the sole talking point," Gregor enlightened her, "It'll just be buildup to the true topic of discussion. You see, there's a certain issue I've been planning to address for a while now. I figure today would be as good a time as any."

"Why today?" Dacey inquired.

He smiled down at her and stated "Because it also has to do with our relationship."

Dacey assumed that remark was meant to be flattering. While she did find it so, she was hoping for a little more clarity.

She did not even have to ask for any before Gregor elaborated with: "Specifically, the political advantages of our marriage. There won't be any discussion on the personal or intimate aspects of our relationship, if you were wondering."

"That's a relief," Dacey commented. After a bit of silence, she scoffed and observed "Of course, I doubt we'd have to tell anyone about our personal or intimate life, anyway. Given the number of people who heard us last night…"

Gregor chuckled and said wryly "The whole damn moat probably knows that by now."

Dacey gave a nod of agreement. Then she gazed back up at the Mountain and told him "Very well, Gregor. Let's see if we can find the others."

"Yes, let's," Gregor conceded. At that, he and his wife went to locate the eight men who had assisted them in the assassination of Petyr Baelish.

As they exited the training yard, Gregor heard Obara make some sly remark about Sandor's sword, and how she was "drawn" to it. Based on the context of her statement, the sword she was referring to was not the blade in his hand.

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