

Just In




Apex by JustBored21

 Books » Harry Potter Rated: M, English, Adventure & Romance, [Harry P., N. Tonks, Fleur D.], Words: 206k+, Favs: 4k+, Follows: 5k+, Published: Mar 30 Updated: Sep 2 3,475Chapter 4

Chapter 4 -

Harry was sitting in the chamber of secrets, one hand was stroking Selena who leaned into his touch while the other hand held up the book that Moody had given him. Moody had given him two books, one on spells and the other on occlumency and legilimency which were both mind magics. The first defended your mind against the second while the second was invading somebody else's mind.

Harry had no doubt that Snape and Dumbledore knew this due to the fact that in most of their conversations the two always tried to look him in the eye, something that was important when reading minds. Plus there was the fact that they both always seemed to know what was going on. Harry could easily believe Snape would read minds just to discover cheating or find a reason to punish people or even just because he wanted to. He could imagine the smug prick feeling proud and superior because he could read minds without people knowing.

As for Dumbledore, well at one point Harry would never have suspected the headmaster of it, but now things were different. When Harry first arrived in Hogwarts Dumbledore was looked at like Merlin himself. But Harry's opinion of the man changed over the years.

In his first year Dumbledore had tried to bait the dark lord by holding the philosopher's stone in the school, to Harry it was clear that the man did not prioritise the children of the school like he should. Because in Harry's opinion the stone should never have been brought into the school nor should Dumbledore be trying to use it to bait dark lords in a building full of children. Heck even his first trap, Fluffy the giant three headed dog, was dangerous and could have killed someone if it escaped.

However all the traps weren't enough to stop three first years, Harry knew that Dumbledore had earned his reputation as a great wizard and that told Harry that the man clearly didn't put as much effort into his traps as he could have. Harry wasn't sure but he couldn't help think that the traps were a test for himself, after all he was the boy-who-lived and Dumbledore clearly had a personal interest in him. The traps could all be countered by things that Harry had learnt throughout the year, apart from the chess set but everyone knew that Ron loved chess and he was Harry's friend at the time. Heck there was even a trap that could be dealt with by flying on a broom, something he as the youngest seeker in a century could easily do.

Then there was the mirror, the mirror that Dumbledore knew Harry had used before. After defeating Quirrell and waking up in the hospital wing Dumbledore had told Harry how his mothers protection defeated Quirrell, Harry had no idea how Dumbledore knew that but had accepted it, he was tempted to think that Dumbledore was lying but Quirrell did burn so perhaps the old man was right about it. Dumbledore had told him that the stone was destroyed and that the Flamels were fine with it.

Were they? Maybe they had a second stone, maybe the one they gave Dumbledore was a fake.

Harry didn't know and at this point they were probably dead or doing whatever it was they've doing for the last few hundred years so there was no point in caring. Harry had also asked Dumbledore why Voldemort was after him, Harry figured that as the boy who beat him twice and was going to be hunted by him in the future it made sense for him to know. Apparently Dumbledore disagreed and straight up refused to tell him.

After that was the monumental cock-up that was Harry's second year, Dumbledore hired Gilderoy Lockhart and that was just bloody unforgivable in Harry's opinion. Harry could understand letting the man try out as a teacher but after the first week of being in his presence anyone with a brain and wasn't affected by his looks and fame would realise that the man was an idiot who shouldn't be near kids. Then again Snape was allowed near kids so it was probably a bit much to hope for Dumbledore to do something about Lockhart.

That was also the year when the school turned on him for the first time, it was also hopeful thinking at the time that had Harry believe that the teachers would do something. Maybe it was just the fact that he expected them to be professional or maybe even at least stand up for him after he had stopped Voldemort a total of twice and had spent his previous time in Hogwarts doing his best to behave. Honestly if he had control of that basilisk then he would have killed Malfoy and Snape by first year. He supposed he could do that now, but no, that wouldn't be as fun. He wanted them to suffer.

Speaking of the basilisk, once again Harry was the who dealt with the big threat at the end of the year. He had no problem with saving Ginny as the girl, while incredibly shy around him, had never intentionally done something harmful to him. But with that being said Harry was more than happy to avoid fighting a giant basilisk if he could. Harry also struggled to believe that Hermione could work out it was a basilisk when Dumbledore couldn't.

Yes Hermione was book smart but the girl was a bit thick in other areas, for example her firm belief that Lockhart was not an idiot and she kept to that belief no matter how much evidenced proved her wrong. Of course she gave it up after hearing about what happened in the chamber but Harry was still never going to let her forget about it. Besides Harry had already looked through all the creature books in the library and never found a single mention of a basilisk. Then when talking with Lucius Malfoy Dumbledore made it very clear that he knew that Malfoy was responsible yet he didn't do anything about it and let the blonde prat walk free.

Then in the third year of his life at Hogwarts he had the misfortune of dealing with dementors. Dumbledore said he couldn't do anything about them but in Harry's opinion Dumbledore was the loved defeater of dark lords and also happens to hold two high up government positions and is the headmaster of the bloody school so he probably could have if he tried hard enough. Then at the end of the year Dumbledore had hinted to them to use the time turner to help Sirius.

That was wrong for Harry on so many levels. Not only did Dumbledore know that a thirteen year old girl was using the incredibly dangerous power of time, of all things, just so she could attend extra lessons but he also wanted Harry to do something about it that was probably illegal instead of using those government positions to demand Sirius a trial, something he should have got in the first place. Harry still couldn't believe that they let Hermione Granger have access to time itself just to attend extra lessons, which included muggle studies which was useless as it was outdated and she was a muggleborn, yet the same people who used and gave her that time turner were the ones that called Harry irresponsible and reckless.

And now there was the bloody tournament which Dumbledore failed to keep Harry out of. But that was far from Harry's only problem with Dumbledore. Not only did the man not get Sirius a trial, he also allowed Snape and Malfoy free reign. If those two fuckers could do whatever they wanted then it should be fair for others to have the same option. But no, Snape was free to torment and Malfoy was free to be a little shit. Then there was also the fact that Dumbledore kept sending Harry back to the Dursleys and for that Harry truly hated Dumbledore.

In his first year Harry had read up on one law that said that students could stay at Hogwarts over the summer with the permission of the headmaster and Harry had definitely asked, in fact he asked every year but still the old man forced him to go back. Some would say that he likely didn't know what went on at that house, Harry would say bullshit because if the man was half as smart as believed then he would be able to work it out. Heck Harry could spot abused children from a few glances and he wasn't the trained, experienced wizard that Dumbledore was.

Long story short Harry did not trust anyone with his mind, especially after his latest developments, so he was definitely going to get to work on his occlumency, the fact that it also made learning easier while making you smarter and giving you a better memory and more emotional control was an incredibly welcomed bonus.

"Can I have a spider daddy?" Selena hissed.

"You can have two." Harry smiled before he called Dobby who brought two spiders for Selena.

"Thank you daddy!"

"I spoil you." Harry smiled and shook his head.

"Harry!" A voice called which caused Harry to stop as he was about to make his way back to the chamber, he turned to see Ginny Weasley running up to him. She was dressed in casual clothes so Harry guessed that she was going to Hogsmeade. "There you are!" She panted as she stopped in front of him. "I have something to tell you, can we talk in private?"

"Sure...I guess." Harry said before he guided her towards an abandoned classroom, Harry closed the door and put up a silencing charm before turning to her. "So what's up?" Ginny was suddenly very nervous but quickly pushed it aside and began speaking.

"Well you know how my brother Charlie works with dragons, I got a letter and met him today outside of the castle. I'm not sure but I think dragons might be the first task."

"You're brilliant, did you know that?" Harry smiled at her.

"But...but..." She blushed but continued speaking. "but I just told you that the..."

"Ginny, I already knew." Harry cut her off. "But I am glad that you told me."

"Oh...oh okay." She said, looking embarrassed. "Did...did Ron tell you?" She asked.

"No...did he know?" Harry raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah...but maybe he plans to tell you later!" Ginny said hopefully.

"We'll see," Harry said sceptically. "but it was actually Hagrid that told me. However back on the topic of you, I really am thankful you know."

"It's nothing...I just..."

"No," Harry said as he walked forward and took her hand in his own. "you not only believed me when I said I didn't enter my name but you also tried to help keep me alive, it means a lot."

"It's...it's only fair...I mean you did save me in my first year."

"Consider us more than even," Harry said with a smile that made her blush. "however I do have an offer for you."

"An...an offer?" She asked, looking him in the eye.

"Yes, I am not looking for a girlfriend Ginny." Harry said, causing her to nearly go as red as her hair. "Nor do I think I want one at the moment, probably not this year, maybe not even the next year. And when I do it might not even be you Ginny."

"Oh." She responded, looking incredibly disappointed.

"Here's where my offer comes in, do you want to snog?"

"What?!" She blurted out as the embarrassment came back in full force.

"It's quite simple." Harry shrugged. "I want to snog someone and I want to thank you so this is a win-win for me. I assume you want to kiss me, and this way you'll grow more confident and experienced as a woman and eventually you'll be able to move on and find a nice guy who is willing to settle down, so win-win for you as well. Don't you agree?"

"I..I suppose." She shifted on her feet.

"Ginny, this'll just be two friends having fun. And honestly I think we should do it now, however I don't want to hurt you either. We can stay friends with...'benefits'...but I am not looking to have you as a girlfriend or fall in love with you or anything."

"I...I understand." She sighed as she looked at him. "You know it's funny, I've had a massive crush on you for ages." She admitted. "Not just the boy-who-lived...but you as well."

"Really? I couldn't tell," Harry said dryly. "the squeaking and running meant you had a crush on me, here I thought I was just intimidating."

"Shut up," She laughed despite her embarrassment. "that's not funny."

"Then why are you laughing?" Harry countered. "Besides look at you Ginny, I think if you act more confident you're going to grow up into a nice woman with a nice husband."

"But not you though?" She asked.

"Not me," Harry shook his head. "I'm sorry Ginny, you're a nice girl and all but I've spent the last few years pretending to be nice and little polite Harry Potter for other people. Now I'm done acting and I am different, I don't think I'm the sort of guy you should be with. But...I do hope we can stay friends."

"Friends." Ginny nodded with a small smile, yes she was disappointed but she supposed it could be worse.

"I'm glad you're taking this well." Harry said.

"That's because whenever I imagined getting rejected it was with you telling me I was ugly or stupid or something and then laughing. This is much nicer in comparison."

"True but you are not stupid and you are definitely not ugly." Harry said as he wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her in close, causing her to gasp. "So...you want to snog now?"

"I...I suppose I wouldn't object." She said as she grabbed both sides of his face and pulled him into a kiss.

Harry noticed that her lips were much softer than Rita Skeeter's, Harry started slow as he figured that this was Ginny's first kiss and it was his second. Though to be fair when he snogged Skeeter he didn't give two shits how she felt, Ginny on the other hand was a friend who took the time to warn him about a potential danger so Harry wanted her to feel good. As the two got more into it their lips parted and tongues got involved. Several minutes later the two broke apart.

"Wow!" Ginny said as she panted and leaned her head on Harry's chest. "That was nice." She added in a quieter voice.

"Yeah," Harry agreed as he kissed her on the top of the head. "it was."

"So...what are we now?" Ginny asked as she looked up at him. "I know you said we're not boyfriend-girlfriend so what is this?"

"Friends with benefits I suppose." Harry replied. "Is that fine with you?"

"I suppose, how often do we have to do it?"

"Whenever we both feel up to it, doesn't even have to be a daily or weekly thing. For example let's say three months from now I have some tension and need it released and if you're in the same situation then we can snog it out of each other."

"That's fine I suppose, I guess we're keeping this secret. I don't want mum to know about this, if she doesn't get angry then she'll probably start planning a wedding."

"No offence to you but your mum does seem to be a bit...of a control freak."

"Huh?" Ginny laughed as the two let go of each other. "And here I thought you loved the woman like a mother?"

"Ginny I've only been around her for a couple of weeks and most of the time I had to listen to her shouting or giving orders, the woman seriously needs to learn how to relax." Harry said as he shook his head. "Anyway I'm off, see ya later then yeah?"

"Yeah sure." She smiled at him as he walked off. She supposed that if he wasn't going to be her boyfriend then friends with benefits was probably the next best option.

The next day people were surprised when they saw Harry Potter sitting at the Gryffindor table at dinner, he hadn't been seen at the Gryffindor table in a while. Occasionally he was seen around the castle and he was occasionally seen talking to the Gryffindor chasers but for the most part he was not expected to be there. They definitely didn't expect to see him smiling as if nothing was wrong in the world.

A few minutes later the owls arrived with a late newspaper from the daily prophet. Harry took one from Hedwig and rewarded her with bacon and stroked her as he read it.

In this latest article Rita had unleashed her journalistic powers on Hogwarts as a whole. She did not hold back either and talked about how the school had turned on their saviour for the second time in a row, she showed the Hufflepuff's no mercy as they had been the worst of the lot. She mentioned how it was a good thing that Hufflepuff's didn't get much glory if they were willing to go out of their way to attack anyone who dares take the spotlight from them while also stressing how she wasn't sure if they knew what loyalty meant as they turned on him for a second time.

The article had also took shots at tournament officials for using the goblet to select a champion when far more safer methods were available, methods that did not involve

The teachers were not spared either as they did absolutely nothing to help Harry nor did they do anything significant to stop any bullying. She had also gone to town on Ron and Hermione for abandoning their friend of three years while also mentioning how Harry had sworn a magical vow to say that he hadn't entered himself into the tournament. Of course Harry hadn't done that yet but that was why he was here now when there was the largest amount of students.

"By the way," Harry stood up on the table and continued speaking once he was sure that he had the whole schools attention on him. "I just want to say something."

"Potter!" Snape shouted. "You arrogant brat, get off the..."

"Snape!" Harry shouted back, cutting him off. "For once, once, in your miserable excuse of a life learn when you're wanted! Hint, it's never so shut the fuck up!" Harry said causing many gasps across the hall, Harry decided to speed things up before he spent the night arguing with the Hogwarts staff. "I, Harry James Potter, swear on my life and magic that I did not knowingly nor intentionally put my name in the goblet of fire, nor did I ask anyone else to do it for me, so mote it be! Lumos." A light shined from Harry's wand, signalling that he still had his magic. "Hmm, still alive." Harry said out loud as he patted himself.

Nobody said anything, even Draco Malfoy wasn't going to say that Potter was able to trick magic itself and all the purebloods and educated people in the hall knew that Harry would be dead if he was lying.

"What a productive night." Harry said before he jumped off the table, he walked out of the hall, making sure to send a wink at the chasers and Ginny on his way. He stopped in the doorway and gave Snape the finger before he walked off. The hall was silent until they were broke out of it by the sound of Moody laughing.

On the day of the first task the champions were sat in a tent, awaiting instructions. If one looked at how Harry currently looked and compared it to how he looked before the tournament then they would've been amazed by the difference. Before the tournament he had a thin face, black hair and bright-green eyes. Now his face was still thin but it possessed an aristocratic look to it, he had had his hair changed yesterday and now it was much shorter but it was still just as wild and messy as before, something which in Harry's opinion made him look very handsome (A.N: just think of his hair in prisoner of Azkaban if you can't picture it). His eyes were still the same, though in Harry's opinion they were slightly brighter than before but no so much that it was noticeable.

He was also physically taller and bigger, it turned out that good exercise combined with nutrition potions and good food could work wonders. He was in no way a massive muscular person but he was much more muscular than before.

"Hello Rita," Harry smiled when Rita entered the tent along with her camera man. "how are you today?"

"I'm fine, thank you for asking." She said, pretending that nothing was wrong. Her camera man took a picture of the champions. "I was hoping you all would like to have a quick talk before the event."

"This is a tent for champions and friends, you have no business being here." Krum frowned.

"A no would have sufficed." She replied just as the heads of each school walked in along with Barty Crouch and Ludo Bagman.

"How are we all?" Ludo said in a cheery voice.

"Gather around champions." Dumbledore said, he gave Harry an odd look but continued as normal. "Now you've waited, you wondered but at last the moment has arrived. The moment that only four of you can appreciate."

"Oh this is brilliant." Bagman clapped his hands in excitement.

"Barty the bag if you please." Dumbledore said to Barty who pulled out a small bag.

"Champions, in a circle around me." Barty said, once they had circled around him he showed the bag to Fleur. "Miss Delacour if you would." Fleur reached into the bag and pulled out a small green animated model of a dragon. "The welsh green." Barty said, telling her the name of the dragon that was currently walking around in her hand. "Mr Krum, the Chinese firebolt." He said when Krum pulled out another dragon. "The Swedish short snout." He said when Cedric pulled out his dragon. "And that leaves Mr Potter." He said as he showed Harry the bag.

Harry took a small breath before he reached in, he let out a small gasp of surprise when he felt a pain in his hand but he picked out a dragon. He looked down at the model which breathed out a small burst of fire before snarling at him.

"The Hungarian horntail." Barty Crouch said.

"Cute little thing isn't he?" Harry said sarcastically.

"I'm glad you think so Mr Potter," Barty replied, either ignoring or missing Harry's sarcasm. "these models represent four very real dragons. Each of which had been given a golden egg to protect, it is your job to collect the egg. This you must do as the eggs contain a clue which you will need for the next task. Any questions?"

"Can I keep this?" Harry asked as he gestured to the dragon in is hands.

"Um...yes." Barty nodded, a little surprised. "Any more?" Harry shook his head in the negative. Seeing that there was no more questions they were wished good luck before everyone left the champions tent apart from the champions and Ludo who pulled Harry to the side so he could talk with him in private.

"Are you alright Harry? Not nervous are you?" He asked.

"Not really." Harry shrugged.

"Oh that's good," Ludo smiled. "it's just that if you need any advice or anything..."

"I won't." Harry cut him off.

"Right then...well I'll be off." He said before walking out.

Harry just shook his head before he took a seat and closed his eyes, he continued working on his occlumency as he figured that that would help him in the task.

"Aren't you nervous?" A female voice said several moments later, he looked up to see Fleur Delacour talking to him.

"Don't see the point in being nervous." Harry shrugged.

"Hold on, you three don't look that surprised about the dragons." Cedric noted. "You three knew about the task?!"

"Pretty much yeah." Harry nodded.

"Well why didn't you tell me?!" Cedric demanded.

"I assumed you wouldn't believe me," Harry shrugged again. "I mean when I told you that I didn't enter the tournament you didn't believe me then so why would you have believed me about the dragons? Besides you should have had all the members of your house helping you prepare for the task instead of letting them go after me." Harry said calmly.

"But...but that's not fair..."

"If life was fair then I would have parents and the school wouldn't have turned on me twice when I literally didn't do anything. Your Hufflepuff mates have been throwing spells at me since the champion selection and if you're not going to show enough kindness to stop that then don't expect me to help you against a dragon."

"But that's different, the dragons could kill me..."

"And you think getting hexed all day has no effect on me? When I was thrown down a flight of stairs I nearly landed on my neck, the story of Harry Potter would have ended with me dead at the bottom of the stairs. You have a choice, forfeit the task or work something out. I don't care what you do but for Merlin's sake stop whining about it." Harry said before he closed his eyes and got back to his occlumency, ignoring the reactions from the other three.

Nearly two hours later Harry was sent out to compete, the other champions had competed and Fleur was currently winning. Harry walked out into the stadium, the seats were all full of people. He noticed the judge's tower where the three school heads along with Barty Crouch senior and Ludo Bagman were sitting. Harry took a second to look at the area, it was made up of stone and rocks, obviously meaning to replicate the dragon's habitat.

Harry then took a second to look at the dragon, it was massive and covered in spikes, a very deadly species of dragon known as the Hungarian horntail. A species of dragon known for being wild and dangerous.

Harry calmly walked forwards, the dragon locked eyes with him and shot out a burst of fire that speeded towards Harry, Harry quickly dodged and hid behind some rocks. The dragon kept firing but eventually stopped

"Stop!" Harry shouted in parsletounge, causing the dragon to stop, Harry's face had a complete look of relief as he definitely did not know if the dragon would be able to understand parsletounge.

"A speaker?" The dragon asked.

"Indeed noble fire breather" Harry nodded, glad it seemed willing to talk. "I must say that you're flames are most impressive. I come here to ask you for one of your eggs."

"You will not take my eggs two legs!" The dragon hissed and raised it's wings threateningly.

"I do not intend to take your eggs," Harry said calmly even though he was far from that on the inside. "though I would like to take the fake egg they've placed in your nest."

"Fake egg?" The dragon asked as it lowered it's wings and inspected it's eggs, it began sniffing them, it's nose eventually reached the gold one and rested on it for several minutes "It's a fake!" It growled.

"I know" Harry said apologetically "I apologise but I will die if I do not retrieve the fake or at least attempt to, I do not wish to fight with you nor harm your eggs. May I please have the fake?"

"No! Fuck off! It's still mine!" The dragon roared before firing a blast of fire in Harry's direction.

"Well...I tried to be nice." Harry said before he raised his wand. "Accio Horntail model!" He yelled and the horntail model flew into his hand, he was going to just bring it with him but apparently they were only allowed their wands when they entered, luckily the rules didn't stop him from summoning things. Harry tossed the horntail in the air and aimed his wand at it. "Engorgio!" Harry shouted, putting a lot of power into his spell.

The model grew until it was nearly the same size as the horntail, the two horntails roared at each other while the audience clapped. Harry began casting spells, from his position behind the rocks, at the real horntail so he could assist the model. He started by firing an arrow from his wand that managed to hit the original in the eye, causing it to shriek in pain. Harry did not support animal cruelty but he had tried to be nice and the thing was trying to kill him so he couldn't really care at this point.

The model sent a burst of fire at the horntail just as Harry followed up with blasting curse, Harry followed up with several other damaging spells as the model closed the distance and the two dragons engaged in combat. Harry aided the model by firing more spells, however he made sure to always have a clear shot and always did his best to hit either the head or the wings. During their fight Harry had sent out a flock of birds at them to make things even more chaotic, after doing that Harry summoned several snakes and sent them to attack the horntail.

Harry decided that now was probably the best time to get to work, he snuck towards the dragons nest while the horntail was distracted and picked up the egg. On his way to the exist he made sure that the dragon was sufficiently distracted and it was, so he ran for it and luckily made it back to the tent uninjured. The adrenaline had appeared to have worn off and he was now experiencing exhaustion from his spells. Tired as all hell yes but uninjured and that for Harry was the important part.

"Mr Potter, are you hurt?" Madam Pomfrey the Hogwarts nurse said as she began casting diagnostic charms on him.

"Not even a single scratch, just tired from all the spells." Harry said before taking a breath and shrugging his shoulders.

"Yes, you are fine." She said before handing him a pepper up potion and walking off as he drank his potion. Harry couldn't help but think that she looked a little disappointed. He shook his head and decided that he did not want to think about whatever fetishes she had.

Harry looked at the other champions, Cedric had a burn on his right arm while the others looked unharmed apart from Fleur's skirt which was slightly burnt. They all looked at him.

"So...everyone have fun?" Harry asked, not quite sure what to say.

"Ve saw your task." Krum said with a small nod to Harry.

"Oui, it was...impressive." Fleur said, Harry wondered if it was his imagination that caused him to hear a purr in her voice when she said the last word.

"Thank you," Harry smiled at her, he remembered her treating him like he was an unworthy peasant child during the champion selection but now maybe the fight against the dragon changed her mind. "it means a lot." He smiled at her, and if she happened to change it enough to sleep with him then he wouldn't object, he was pretty sure that blowjobs don't count as losing your virginity and he couldn't think of anything better than losing it to a Veela.

"I got burnt." Cedric complained, the 'because you didn't tell me about the task' went unsaid.

"Yes well most people avoid the flames." Harry said dryly. "Besides I got stabbed through the arm in my second year just to prove to your house that I don't go around hunting muggleborns, you don't hear me complaining, man up." Harry said with a shake of his head, he was about to walk out when he came face to face with two people he did not want to see, Hermione and Ron.

"Harry!" Hermione screamed and ran towards him to hug him.

"Nope." Harry said as he side stepped and she nearly fell when she missed. "The hell are you doing Granger?"

"Harry we were worried about you! You could've died!"

"I could've died simply walking down a school hallway, matter of fact I could die at any time, maybe even in three seconds from now. Give it a sec...nope, still alive. But if you were so concerned about my death why didn't you support me before I came face to face with a fire breathing dragon?"

"Harry, we're sorry!"

"Really? Both of you?" Harry said as he looked from Hermione to Ron who had kept quiet so far.

"Harry," Ron shifted on his feet and fidgeted with his hands before he walked up to him. "I reckon you have to be barking mad to put your name in the goblet of fire, I think someone's trying to do you in."

"Caught on have you? Took you long enough. I mean it would've taken anyone with a brain all of about ten seconds but seeing as you don't have one I suppose it's fair that you take longer."

"Hey!" Ron complained. "I told you I was sorry."

"Hmm, no you didn't. I did not hear the words 'I'm sorry' come out of your mouth."

"Look it was a mistake, come on, mates?" He said with a hopeful look.

"Harry please, you need us." Hermione said. "We can be friends again."

"We could." Harry nodded, causing them to smile, though that smile vanished when he continued. "But I don't want to be friends again."

"What?!" The two blurted out at the same time.

"But Harry..." Ron started only for Harry to interrupt.

"I've got to be honest, I was sad at first but I realised that I don't need you two anymore." Harry smiled brightly. "I've had the time of my life once I got past all the unpleasantness of my situation, really I have. No idiotic redheaded garbage disposal eating more food than Africa while complaining about lack of food and anything else he can complain about in-between bites. No arrogant, bossy anti-social bookworm, who can't use a comb, trying to take control of my life and order me around. I breathed fresh air and I am not letting you two dead weights pull me back down."

"Harry James Potter! How dare you?!" Hermione shrieked.

"Oh I dare Granger," Harry smirked. "I bloody well dare. I spent the last few days not dumbing myself down, I've done that before so Ron doesn't get jealous and you don't get competitive, but now I've stopped and I was able to defeat a dragon on my own. My own research at my own pace without interruption and I defeat a dragon, can't imagine doing that with you two."

"But you need us!"

"Maybe I did at one point but that was back when I was happy to just be the boy-who-lived like everyone wanted, now...now I'm Harry Potter and I do not need your help. So if you'll excuse me, I've got better things to do than waste my time with you two idiots." Harry turned and walked away when Ron grabbed him by the shoulder and turned him around.

"What the hell is wrong with you?!" Ron demanded with an angry expression. "We said we're sorry! Who do you think you are?! You arrogant little..." Ron found himself cut off as Harry blasted him away which caused him to land on Hermione.

Harry looked up and saw that there was currently nobody else in the tent besides the champions but they didn't look likely to interfere. Harry looked up to see both of his ex-friends drawing their wands. Harry cast an expelliarmus that hit Hermione and took away her wand, he did this as she was obviously more dangerous with her wand than Ron. Ron fired a spell at Harry but Harry dodged it and hit Hermione with a body bind, when Hermione fell to the floor Ron looked towards her and Harry took advantage and hit him with three spells.

Harry's first spell was a disarming spell that shot Ron's wand out of his hand, his second was a body bind and Harry's third spell was one of Ron's favourites so Ron ended up spitting slugs. Harry calmly walked towards the two, he saw that the champions weren't going to do anything. In fact he was positive that he saw lust in the eyes of the French champion, he remembered reading about how Veela were attracted to power but he didn't actually think that was true.

Harry grabbed Ron and placed him so he now had his face on Hermione Granger's chest.

"Harry! Stop this!" Hermione screamed as a slug popped out of Ron's mouth and landed on her.

"Hmm...nah, your so smart, you stop it." Harry smirked before walking out the tent.

A.N: Hi guys, I know there was nothing too big in this chapter but you can't expect it every chapter. As for Ginny, don't worry Ginny haters, she's not going to be a big part of the story. I know some don't like her and I can guess why but I do. She'll have some mentions here and there but nothing big, they're not being paired together, they are just friends (with benefits). After all Harry at this point is just a teenager looking to enjoy his life.

There will be more on the Malfoy's getting sued next chapter, along with Harry's first meeting with Dumbledore in this story.

Masso 2010: I don't like most dark Harry stories is becuase the writers of those stories always makes Harry dark and has him do ridiculously dark things just for the sake of it.

Me: I get that and I do my best to make sure he has a reason for all he does.

Thanks for reading, feel free to leave a review.

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