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A Farmer's Tale by alltheuntold

 Books » A song of Ice and Fire Rated: M, English, Fantasy & Family, OC, Words: 287k+, Favs: 2k+, Follows: 3k+, Published: Feb 17, 2018 Updated: Sep 21,957Chapter 78: Act 2: Chapter 23

Twenty-third day, Tenth Moon, 253 AC (+15 days)

"Did everything go well for you in White Harbor, Michael?"

"Very much so, Edwyle; I picked up a variety of skilled tradesmen and got along with Theomore and Mateo quite well. Ryden also greatly enjoyed Alice's company, and made good friends with Marlon and Wyman."

Edwyle nodded seriously as he leaned back in his great chair. It had been a while since I had last been inside Edwyle's solar – it had been a simpler time. "Good; good. It is good that you are becoming more accustomed to your situation. Is the dowry settled and a date set?"

"We have tentatively agreed on the summer of the year closest to when Ryden turns 18 namedays. The dowry has also been settled – Theomore is putting up a large trading ship," I replied.

"Eighteen is a bit old – but Alice is a year younger is she not?" asked Edwyle.

"Aye, thereabouts."

"Not an unreasonable age then. A ship is a grand price – but then House Manderly has always been willing to show their wealth in such a manner."

"I am happy that we came to an agreement in the form of a ship rather than coin. A method of trade is much needed, especially as it will be a few years yet until we can make our own ships."

"Do you have the ability to repair such a ship before you can even make them?"

"It's something we need to work on still, but I have plans in the works. We might have to end up going down to Lannisport for a while, but we'll make do. Even still, we are already logging and drying out timber in preparation for repairs and building ships."

"Your foresight does you credit."

"Thank you, Edwyle. Truthfully, ships are only one part of my plan for trade – the other, which I hoped to talk to you about today was about trading over land."

"Ah, you speak of improving the roads between Sunset's Rest and Deepwood?"

"Of a sort. Even the road from Deepwood to Winterfell is very rough in certain sections and is frequently washed out. Even the Kingsroad here in the North is not comparable to the portion in the south, or even some of the bigger roads like the Goldroad."

Edwyle scratched his chin. "I know of what you mean, but it's just not viable. Even the Kingsroad as it now stands sees little traffic, and if it were not mandated by the King, I would see it reduced."

"Ah, well I suppose there are two issues then. The first being that the Kingsroad is good, but it doesn't benefit the North in the best way possible."

"What do you mean?"

"Goods can easily be brought north or south along the continent easily enough because of the shape of it – just like Essos can go east to west. Goods can be moved from Lys to Astapor much easier than from Lorath to Qarth, just as Storm's End to White Harbor is easy compared to Karhold to Deepwood Motte. The shape of the land dictates how trade is done."

Edwyle chuckled. "I see what you are getting at. You want a road running from Sunset's Rest to White Harbor?"

I nodded. "Of a sort. Winterfell to White Harbor is already served by both the White Knife river and the Kingsroad well enough. But an extension to The Dreadfort would bind the North together." I stood up and walked over to a map that Edwyle had on the wall. I dragged my finger along the proposed route and said, "This would create a belt to connect the North and facilitate trade. Goods can travel much easier across the continent and lead to new growth."

"New growth?"

"New villages would have to sprout up to support all of the merchants carrying goods back and forth. Inns to rest for the weary and for more production of goods. The highway in the Wolfswood, which I have been calling the Wolfsway –"


"Ah, it's just a term I use for the Kingsroad. It's much bigger than a normal road, and is elevated above the surrounding land – hence, highway."

"Interesting… continue."

"Alright. So, this Wolfsway will help to open up the Wolfswood a bit and can help with tree cutting and the making of lumber. The villages would also see coin from the inns that host the travelling merchants – and it would make it a lot nicer for people like you and I to be travelling along."

"And in regions already somewhat occupied – like the land between Winterfell and The Dreadfort?" he asked, saying the last place's name with a hint of something that I couldn't quite place. Derision? Disgust?

Continuing the discussion, I replied, "The land is not fully settled as the North has always lacked the people to have every acre of land under plow, and there is still room. Opening of this road would drive new opportunities for the smallfolk and new places to settle. One of the blacksmiths I picked up from White Harbor lacked any such opportunities. He's fully trained but was unable to work fully as there is a glut of blacksmiths inside the city. I've heard similar stories from others that have come to settle in my land."

Edwyle looked at me with sharp eyes. "And why do you think that is?"

"That long winter back in 230AC. It killed a lot of people, especially those who were poorer, which tended to be those without any sort of skills. This left a lot of people with extra skills with no one to sell them to."

Edwyle scratched his chin. "That is close to the conclusion that I have determined as well. You think this road would solve that?"

"To a degree. With new opportunities, the smallfolk will have more children, and with more wealth, those children will grow and have children themselves and complete the cycle of life."

"I can see some of the logic behind what you say, but I remain unconvinced that the cost of building such a road would be feasible."

"Which is the second problem. However, I think I have solved that issue."

Edwyle gave me an amused look. "You've managed to make roads cheap?" he asked, skeptically.

"Not cheap, no. But cheaper I think I can do. I've made a creation that allows for the digging to trenches and levelling of earth. This has already allowed for making a big road, quickly, from Sunset's Rest to Redbridge."

"Is it truly that much quicker than digging by hand?"

"Much, but it does require some upfront cost in either horses or oxen, as well as the machine itself."

"I suppose that helps to level the ground, but it does little to clear the ground or to prevent washouts."

I nodded. "True, but if the roads are carefully constructed and topped by stone, it would do much to prevent that and make upkeep cheaper over the long-term."

"Stone? How would making a stone road be cheaper? Shaping stone is incredibly time consuming."

"I've actually solved that issue as well. By utilizing the motion of a river, we can crush stone into a small size."

Edwyle raised an eyebrow. "That certainly sounds impressive. Provided that these 'creations' work, and that it makes the project cheap enough, will there be enough traffic?"

"I believe so. Trade is already picking up in my lands, and it will continue to increase – especially after the merchant fleet from White Harbor arrives, and word begins to spread of the opportunities available. Additionally, I am attracting experienced miners or at least people who can pass on the knowledge of the trade, to my lands as I plan to prospect the mountain range thoroughly to determine if any profitable materials can be found."

Edwyle laughed. "Hoping for gold, eh?"

I smiled wryly. "One can always hope, but even copper or tin would be a nice find."

He scratched his chin while he thought over the proposition. "The mountains haven't been heavily prospected before, but exploratory investigations have not yielded fruit before – so there may be a chance. I do like the vision you have painted, but I cannot authorize such an expenditure at this time. For now, my Uncle is set to accompany you back to your castle, and while he is there, he will look at these creations of yours and assess their validity. If they prove promising, I will rethink this.

I smiled, disappointed but not overly surprised. "I hope that they will meet your Uncle's expectations then."

Edwyle refilled his cup and poured some wine for me as well. "You look parched – have a drink."

I took the cup from him gratefully and raised it. "To a good future," I toasted.

Edwyle looked thoughtful. "To a strong North."

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