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A Farmer's Tale by alltheuntold

 Books » A song of Ice and Fire Rated: M, English, Fantasy & Family, OC, Words: 291k+, Favs: 2k+, Follows: 3k+, Published: Feb 17, 2018 Updated: 2h ago1,957Chapter 84: Act 2: Chapter 28

Fourteenth day, Eleventh Moon, 256 AC (+154 days)

The pickaxe swung down, marking the start of the construction of the castle of Stonefisk.

Donovar was beaming as he handed off the pick to his son, who also took a swing. The workers who had been watching then dispersed to go about their tasks as work officially started on the castle.

Over the past few months, we had been ferrying down supplies from Redbridge to prepare the castle as well as workers. It had been hard, but I managed to convince a fair number of workers to move from Redbridge to Stonefisk. Work would go slower with fewer people, but the castle was smaller and crushed stone much easier to come by. Along with the iron and steel that we traded the Ironborn for, which had stayed here, our supply situation was well in hand.

The old ruins were being torn down, and the footprint of the castle expanded. The previous storage cellars would stay the same as no one wanted to mine through bedrock to expand them – and they were of a good enough size already.

The Lady Alice was currently ferrying cement and wood so that we had enough supplies. Housing for the new workers had been the first thing to be built, then storage for our materials, and now, finally, the castle. Once things settled, Master Build Jon – who I had managed to retain for another few months – and Tylan would head down to the future sight of Osend to start some surveying and to complete Tylan's education.

They were currently overseeing everything here, but with an experienced crew and command structure, they would hopefully be able to take the Lady Alice or our longship, Sown Wind, down and within the month.

Industry had also gotten a kickstart in Stonefisk. A blacksmithing apprentice that had graduated from Redbridge had moved here to supplement the single blacksmith already here, and the forges were working nonstop. Apprentices had been taken in, and the village was already busy. Garum production was increasing, and some cottage industry was picking up as well.

Farming had also seen marked improvements as Koryn had fully finished his teaching program – managing to capture everyone from Stonefisk all the way to the Wolfswood. Births were also way up, though not on the same level as Redbridge – but with the surrounding people beginning to migrate to Stonefisk in search of better opportunities, the village was growing.

Donovar took in another ten recruits and would be staying with his family in Stonefisk until his castle was complete. One of my senior guardsmen, Rickard, would be taking on the role of the Captain of my guard, while Tormund would be the Captain of the Rangers. It was a long time in coming, but things were progressing as planned, so the transition was going smoothly.

Speaking of progress, I signaled Tormund over. "Tormund, do you remember that contest I set up down to the south? About the rice farming?"

"Aye, Master Ragnar."

"The tax collectors haven't passed word that it has been completed and they don't know what the progress of it is. Can you select three men to accompany someone there to investigate?"

"Of course, Master Ragnar."

I rolled my eyes. "At least just use Master Michael."

Tormund grinned. "Aye, Master Ragnar. Who will be going with the Rangers?"

"I'm not sure yet. Probably my nephew, Bran. He's only here because Koryn wanted him out of the town after he had some girl trouble."

Tormund coughed to cover his laugh. "That's one way to put it, Master Ragnar."

"Yes, well as a young man, it can be hard to resist the attentions of that many young women, which is only made worse by him reveling in his new station. Regardless, Koryn wants him out of the town for a while to get some responsibility pushed into him. A trip like this might be beneficial."

He nodded. "I will get the men prepared. When do you want them to leave?"

"Tomorrow will be fine."

Tormund raised his fist to his heart in a salute and left me to my thoughts. Rice would be a huge benefit if we could get it going, and it would provide this area with another revenue source. Seaweed farming was picking up and was quite delicious. With some rice, I could finally satisfy that Japanese food craving I've had for the past few decades. Now if only I could get some Chinese food, Mexican, and some damn chicken wings.

It wasn't that I didn't have chickens, but you only got two per bird! And birds were too bloody useful to kill. Tomatoes would be nice too, for a nice, greasy, cheesy, extra meat pizza.

My stomach rumbled loudly as I silently cursed myself for getting worked up. Brushing my thoughts aside, I went in search of Sig, who I had left in charge of my fledgling tree nursery.

After asking around, I found him at the original site that we had picked out to start the nursery, and I could see a wide variety of trees in the field before me. Some looked to be freshly planted and looked incredibly tiny, especially next to some of the older trees which looked to be ready for transplant. The edges of the field were lined by taller, more established trees that were roughly between 4 feet and 6 feet. I couldn't see Sig from where I was, so I wandered the rows inspecting the trees.

They all looked good, and I was happy to finally be able to inspect them. When I had come a few moons back for the Ironborn trade, I was unable to get more than a cursory look around to make sure that things were as Sig had said they were, as I left soon after the Ironborn had.

Finally, I spotted Sig sitting down and the far end of the field, potting some saplings. I called out to him, "Sig!"

He looked up and waved when he saw me. He stood up, brushing the dirt from his clothes and met me halfway. "Master Michael," he said, bowing his head deferentially.

"Sig, it is good to see you again."

"You as well, Master Michael. Has work on the castle started?"

"It has, they will be in a frenzy for a while, so I thought I would come by to see you. How are things here?"

"Good! As you can see, the trees are taking hold nicely and I have already established trees in many valleys!"

"Do you have a map?"

"I do, but not with me. I can show you later if you wish?"

I nodded. "That'll be fine. Has there been any notable difference in the soil erosion and quality?"

He waved his hand in a so-so motion. "A tiny bit, I think. The trees are still young so they don't provide the full benefit, but there is less wind in the valleys with trees now, so I would think that it would affect the rain too."

"And have you had any trouble with the nursery itself?"

"Not once I've got the hang of it. Getting the right manure mixture to build a good soil took a while, but I've got it now – thanks to your help through letters."

"That is good to hear. And have you been enjoying the job so far?"

He nodded eagerly. "Yes, Master! My parents are right proud of me and the girl I got my eye on thinks I'm good!"

I chuckled. "That is good to hear. Any questions for me while I am here?"

He shuffled a bit before asking, "When you first taught me all this, you said something about a glass house? T' raise the plants in? Is that still something you want t' be doing?"

"Aye, but it will be a few years yet. I've put in an order for Myrish glass for a greenhouse for Redbridge already so that we can begin to grow winter roses. It will be a while before I can turn my attentions here."

Sig nodded. "Understood, Master."

"Good, well I-"

"Master Ragnar!" a voice called out, interrupting me.

Sig and I turned to see one of the villagers running over to me. "Master Donovar requests 'yer presence!"

"What's the matter?" I asked.

"Someone got caught stealing."


"So, he was caught stealing three chickens?"

"Aye, they caught him trying to leave the pen of one of the new villagers," Donovar replied.

I rubbed my face tiredly. "Damn, I knew that at some point I would have to dispense justice. I just didn't want to."

Donovar tried to comfort me. "At least it is not a hanging crime."

"True, but I cannot shirk from my duty regardless," I replied.

Donovar nodded proudly. "Aye. Perhaps, we can try that new thing that you wanted to try out? With the orange suits?"

I smiled. "Yes, it would be a good time to try that."

"None of the chickens were killed or harmed, so no fines are needed."

"We can just have him work for the village then for a year, perhaps?"

"We will need to explain to the villagers how the punishment works – though I worry that some of the other lords might see it as slavery."

I shook my head fiercely. "It is not slavery – merely community service. His actions threaten the community, and the community needs to be compensated. He will be given a definite time to serve, that if he fails to serve, and to the best of his ability, the alternate – more traditional – form of punishment will be carried out instead. He will not be whipped, he will be given food, and forced to only wear the orange jumpsuit."

"The punishment for trying to flee should be high, though."

I nodded. "I shall send a letter to Lord Stark and see what his opinion is on the matter."

"And what work should he do?"

"I will leave that to you since you will be staying here. However, I would suggest simple, if laborious tasks. Perhaps, just hauling rocks or digging or mining. You could even set him to preparing the ground for the road to be put in."

"I will not let you down, Michael! If I do, I shall do all the work again myself, and ensure that Lord Stark likes your idea!"

I chuckled. "I know you have your reservations – there is no need to lie. With just the one man and not a serious case either, this is easy to manage. Have faith, Donovar. Hard work will see us through."

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