

Just In




Wolf Pact by DizzyDG

 TV » Game of Thrones Rated: M, English, Family & Romance, [Robb S., Myrcella B.], Words: 163k+, Favs: 1k+, Follows: 1k+, Published: Dec 24, 2015 Updated: Sep 13, 2018865Chapter 24: XXI: Fear Inside

A/N: Sorry this is a day late guys! Not enough hours in the day, and all that! Anyway, it is here, and I hope you all enjoy!

Guest: Thank you very much, I'm glad you're enjoying it, and how different it is. Hope you continue to like it!

Valia: Thank you so very much!

unnamed visitor: Thank you much, glad you enjoyed the chapter and their reunion. Yes, Robb certainly wasn't pleased about the servants behaviour, but like you said, if he dismissed them then it would make it worse. I think Myrcella has definitely found her place within the family and is feeling secure there. Hope you enjoy the update!

Guest: Thank you very much, never fear I will continue this until it's completed.

Boramir: Thank you! Aha, you know me too well, she might well indeed. Indeed, Robb and Cat just need to say nothing and it doesn't need to be an issue. I get why it would make Robb feel a little awkward, but I think it would make things worse if he tried to stop any interaction. The servants are trickier, I do think it will just have to be a gradual process for them. In the end I suppose they will just "get over it" so to speak.

Guest: Thank you very much!

Right-ho folks, on we go!


XXI: Fear Inside


Myrcella was sat happily talking with Robb about nothing of importance when it hit her. One of the servants had laid out a tray of crispy bacon and she balked, her hand coming up to her mouth as she almost gagged. "Take it," Robb said at once, waving the tray away. Thankfully the serving girl did as she was bid quickly, not even pausing to fix Myrcella with her usual disdainful look. She moved her hand away from her mouth when she was safely out of sight, taking a shuddering breath. "Are you alright?" Robb asked her concernedly, and she nodded her head.

"I'm fine now, I'm sorry," she said, "I don't know what came over me."

"Here, I'll get you some water," Robb said, already reaching for the flagon when she stopped him.

"I'd rather milk," she told him, and he moved his hand to that instead. He carefully poured her a measure, and she thanked him, reaching out to begin sipping it down slowly. She could feel his eyes boring into her as she drank, but he didn't say a word until she had set her cup down again.

"Perhaps you ought to see the Maester," he suggested, but she shook her head.

"I feel fine now," she assured him, but he did not look placated, a strange look in his eyes. She felt slightly uncomfortable under his piercing gaze, and so she picked up her cup again and drank down some more of the milk.

"You know, there may be a reason for your change in appetite," Robb said slowly, almost tentatively. She set her cup down again, studiously avoiding his gaze.

"What's that?" she asked him, hoping her voice sounded normal, though her heart was pounding wildly in her chest.

"You could be with child," he said quietly, and she swallowed hard. "Myrcella?" he questioned her, but still she couldn't bring herself to look at him. "Are you?" he pressed her, and she shook her head automatically. "Are you certain of that?" his tone was almost urgent now, and she took in a shuddering breath.

"No," she finally said, her voice shaking.

"Would it really be so terrible?" he asked her, definite irritation seeking into his tone now.

"Of course not," she shook her head in protest, "why would you even think to ask that?"

"Perhaps because you have been unable to look at me since I mentioned it," he retorted heatedly, and she couldn't help but curl her fingers back towards her palms.

"You're being ridiculous," she told him as calmly as she could manage, and from the corner of her eye she saw him turn away from her, his eyes blazing. She'd angered him now with her evasiveness. It was something she had promised herself many years ago that she would not do. She had promised herself that she would never give him cause to be angry with her, no matter what state their marriage was in. Since they had grown so happy together she had thought that keeping that promise would be easy. What she hadn't considered was his intuitiveness.

Her suspicions had been aroused during his second absence. Before, really. She had bled after their marriage, while he was away dealing with matters at Torrhen's Square. Since he had returned though, her moon's blood had failed to visit her. It ought to have done before he had ridden out to Long Lake, but it hadn't, and it had still not come. She knew what it meant. She knew damn well what it meant, and it seemed that Robb had worked it out too. He had been back less than a day and he had already realised. She took a shuddering breath, trying to find the right words for him, but he appeared to have found his voice too.

"I thought you might at least be a little pleased at the prospect," his voice was quiet, but accusing and almost cold. It almost made her flinch away from him.

"Of course I am," she said, though she was not even convinced by her own words. Robb wasn't either, it was evident from the incredulous snort that left him.

"No you're not," he said bitterly, practically throwing his fork down against his plate. This time she really did flinch. "I thought we were happy?!" he accused her, his eyes turning on her and forcing her own to look down at her fidgeting hands.

"We are," she told him firmly, her fingers curling back against her palms again.

"Try looking me in the eye when you say that," he hissed at her, "it might make it more convincing." Tears stung her eyes at that, and she closed them tight shut to try and avoid crying here in the middle of the dining hall. She was only grateful that it was mostly deserted. That she and Robb had been so late coming to break their fast that most people were gone already. They were alone up at the high table, thank the Gods.

"I am happy with you," she told him, every word shaking with suppressed emotion.

"But not happy to bear my child?" she had never heard him so bitter, and it hurt.

"Don't you dare say that!" she finally lifted her head. "Don't you ever say that, not after what you -," she cut off, shaking her head. His hand came to her wrist, wrapping around it almost too tightly.

"After I what?" he demanded of her, and she pulled her wrist free of his grip.

"You're hurting me," she told him, and for a moment a look of regret flashed in his eyes.

"Why are you being like this?" he asked her, his tone softer now. "I thought you would be happy at the prospect of us having a family. Isn't that what you want?"

"Of course it's what I want," she snapped at him, her nails digging hard into her palm.

"Then why are you doing this?" he asked her gently, prising her fingers away from her palm. His tender touch was too much. She pulled her hand away from him, rising up from the table quickly. "Myrcella, don't," he said warningly, but she ignored him, striding as quickly as she could without running. She didn't stop until she was out of the dining hall, across the entrance hall and bowed out of the keep by the guards. It was freezing outside, and she had no cloak nor furs about her. Her teeth chattered as she made her way across the courtyard, her eyes fixed on her destination. If she were lucky Robb would not think to look for her there right away.

She scurried up the steps of the Sept, glancing around to make sure that no one was paying her any mind. They didn't appear to be, and so she cracked the door open just wide enough to slip inside, closing it firmly behind her and leaning back against the solid wood, a long breath of relief leaving her. Guilt was seeping through her veins now, her pounding heart pumping it quickly through every inch of her body. Robb was angry with her, and she couldn't blame him. He was right. It should have been a happy moment. They should both have been thrilled, smiles so wide they could have cracked their faces. He would have held her. Kissed her. Looked on her adoringly.

Tears leaked from her eyes before she could stop them, and she brushed them impatiently away and walked shakily towards the altar. Her eyes lingered on the statue of the Mother, her hand coming to rest against her still unchanged stomach. She would change soon enough, if all went as it should. A sob rose up before she could stop it, and she sank down to her knees in front of the Mother and prayed harder than she had ever prayed before.

She tiptoed back into the keep when dusk began to settle. Guilt was set in deep now. She knew Robb had been looking for her. The Maester had told her so when she had finally gone up to see him when her knees were aching from being knelt on the stone floor of the Sept for so long. When she had re-entered the keep though, it appeared that there was no one around save the guards. She wondered where Robb might be. If perhaps he was waiting up in their chambers for her to finally come back. For a moment she considered heading right for the stairs, but then she decided to check his study first. Just in case. She walked quietly down the hallway that led her there, seeing the door standing slightly ajar.

It seemed she had been right to come here first after all. She considered knocking, but then decided just to push the door open. He was in there, sat behind the desk with his head in his hands. She swallowed hard, knowing it was her doing. "I'm sorry," she said, and he jumped, his head lifting up and his eyes meeting hers. She swallowed hard, somehow holding his gaze. "I'm frightened," she confessed to him, voice barely more than a whisper. This time he moved, pushing back from the desk and striding towards her. In the blink of an eye she was folded into his arms and she clung to him, tears leaking from her eyes again as he rocked her gently, his lips pressing to the top of her head.

"What are you frightened of?" he asked her, his soft tone laced with urgency. It only served to make her cry harder, clutching him even closer and sobbing into his chest. He rubbed his hand up and down her back, the other stroking through her hair until she eventually began to calm. After what seemed like forever she felt she could breathe evenly again, though she kept her face pressed into his chest.

"I'm frightened I will be like my mother," she told him lowly, her voice muffled by his doublet. "I'm scared it won't live," she continued before he could comment, "I'm scared it will die inside me. I'm scared it will kill me. I'm afraid that winter will be too much for such a tiny, precious thing. I worry that I won't be good enough, that even if all goes well I will never be good enough," she could say no more as her emotions were rising up in her again. Robb hushed her gently, his hand still tenderly rubbing up and down her back.

"You're nothing like your mother," he told her firmly, and she choked on a sob. "I cannot promise you anything else, but I can promise you that," he continued, gently prising her away from him and cupping her tear stained face in his hands. "But I believe," he said fiercely, "I believe that you will live. I believe that you will both live."

"It should have been happy, and I ruined it," she whispered, her eyes welling with tears again.

"Enough of that," he soothed her, rubbing the pads of his thumbs against her cheeks to wipe away her falling tears. "I wish you had just told me, Myrcella," his voice was pained, and she could see the regret in his eyes.

"I didn't know how," she responded, and he sighed heavily, before tugging her closer and pressing his lips to her forehead.

"I shouldn't have got angry with you, I should have known there was something wrong, I'm sorry," he whispered against her.

"You had every right to be angry," she whispered back, her hands coming to clench around his forearms.

"I know it must be overwhelming," he said, "but would you please promise to talk to me when it all gets too much? Even if you think you're being foolish. I want to know when you're afraid, Myrcella. I want to be there to try and make things better."

"I promise," she said. It was all she could manage, her words trembling again.

"Hush now, come on," he pulled her back into his arms, and she leant against him, her arms tight around his waist as he rocked her slightly and murmured soothing things for what felt like forever. "Are you certain?" he finally murmured, and she opened her now dry eyes. "About the…baby?" he elaborated, and she couldn't help but smile at the word on his lips.

"I am now," she whispered, "the Maester confirmed it." She was almost crushed in his embrace in response, and she choked out a little laugh. "I'm not sure you holding me this tightly is good for my health," she told him, and his grip slackened at once, though he made no move to release her.

"What is good for your health?" he pulled back so he could look down and meet her eyes. "Did the Maester say? Ought you to be resting, or -?"

She cut him off by standing up on her toes and pressing her lips to his. "The Maester said that I am perfectly well, and I can continue on as normal. I only need to make sure I am careful on the snow," she smiled up at him, seeing the relief in his eyes.

"I cannot believe this is happening," he said incredulously after a moment, "I have wanted this for so long. The people have been waiting for this for so long."

Her smile dropped slightly at that, and he clearly noticed, a little frown coming to crease his brow. "What is it?" he asked, and she reached up to caress his cheek gently.

"I know you must want to tell the world," she said, "but you have to promise you won't, not yet. The Maester said it is best not to make any announcements until I feel the child stir, lest it be lost."

"Then I suppose we must obey the Maester," he sighed, looking slightly disappointed. She nodded her agreement, and he leant his forehead down to rest against hers. "Will you tell me, when you feel it?" he asked her almost shyly, and she nodded at once.

"Of course I will," she promised him, and he pressed another kiss to her forehead.

"Thank you," he murmured, and she knew from his tone that he was thanking her for more than her assurance that she would tell him. She could think of no more words, and so she just settled for taking hold of his hand and moving to lay on her stomach. His smile made his eyes light up almost boyishly, and tears of happiness were stinging at her eyes in response.

"Don't think I don't want this," she whispered, "I swear, I am proud to be carrying your child, Robb."

Over the next days the confirmation that she was indeed expecting a child was better sinking into Myrcella. It was hard to worry about everything that could potentially go wrong when she saw just how happy the news had made Robb. He was in such good cheer that she was afraid that those closest to him might begin to get suspicious. Thankfully no one had said a word, and she could only imagine that they assumed him happy because he had returned home. That was what made Myrcella happiest of all. Knowing that he was home, and would now be here for the duration of the winter, no matter what word came from outside. There would be no question of him leaving now. While the snows were not yet impassable, they soon would be, and the temperatures were far too cold to be exposed to the elements at night.

No. He would be here now until spring decided to rear its head. Meaning it was more than likely that he would be here with her until the baby came, all being well. She was glad of that. Glad that he would be here to see her grow and change, to reassure her when all her fears came bubbling up to the surface again. They still resided within her. She was still afraid that she would never feel the child stir. That she would bleed. She was afraid that even if she didn't, that the precious little thing would be snatched from her by winter's cruel hands. Myrcella knew the stories. She knew that mother's would smother their babies in their cradles rather than have them starve or freeze to death. Robb had told her to put that from her mind, that those were stories of desperate smallfolk trapped away from any great settlement.

It would not be like that for them, that's what he promised her. Winterfell would always be warm inside, no matter how deep the snows fell, or how low the temperatures dropped. It was hard not to believe him when he was curled around her under their mountain of furs. His breath was warm on the back of her shoulder as he continued to sleep soundly. Dawn hadn't come yet, though it seemed to come later and later each day. The sun would never be up for long any more, and even when it was up it was weak. Rarely did it break through the near constant cloud. It could never be described as shining brightly any more, all it served to do was cast a dim half-light over Winterfell for a few hours each day.

Robb shifted a little in his sleep, the arm that was draped carelessly across her hip tightening a little. She pressed herself further back against him at the movement, shuffling herself down under the furs until she was leaning against his chest, her head tucked under his chin. He murmured in half-sleep, his hand slipping over her waist and splaying across her stomach. It was there it came to rest often now, such a softness in his eyes that it was a wonder to behold. Seeing it made it hard to believe that he was the same man who had once confessed to her that he was unsure if he had it in him to love their children. Robb loved his child already. She could see it in his eyes. He was desperate for this. Both he and the North had been waiting a long time for an heir. For over eight years he had been King, eight years of waiting for her and waiting for an heir.

Gods, she hoped it would all come good, her own hand coming to lay across his as he let out a shuddering breath and a groan. She couldn't help but smile at his clear reluctance to wake up. Robb was usually the first to wake, and didn't protest all that much about leaving the warmth of their bed. Since he had returned from Long Lake though, he had been far more reluctant to slip from beneath the furs in the morning. Not that she could blame him. If she had had to spend that long out in the open then she would likely have missed a real bed more than anything else too. Robb huffed in the next moment, before he somehow curled himself more closely around her, burying his head in the crook of her neck.

"Morning, husband," she said in an amused tone as he nuzzled against her for a moment.

"Morning, wife," he returned, his voice thick with sleep but still laced with slight amusement. "How long have you been awake?" he asked her groggily, and she shrugged her shoulder.

"A little while, I suppose," she answered him, and he hummed, pressing a kiss to her shoulder before he rolled away to stretch himself properly awake. She rolled onto her own back, turning her head so she could contemplate him, seeing his eyes still clouded with sleep.

"You have been a lazy husband these past days," she told him teasingly, and he grinned, turning his head towards her and blinking slowly.

"I think you mean, you have been too irresistible to tear myself away from," he corrected her, and she couldn't help but giggle. "I've missed that," he told her seriously, rolling onto his side and looking down on her. "Are you feeling better?" he asked, his eyes searching her features.

"I am," she confirmed to him, "I do not think my fears will ever truly disappear, but I am far happier now."

"Good," he said, holding her eyes for a long moment before he bent his head down to kiss her. She kissed him back gladly, her hand moving up to trail along the arm he was using to prop himself up, as his own hand wound its way into her hair. He pulled back too soon, and she huffed in irritation, to which he merely grinned once more. "You are the one who pointed out how lazy I've been, now you don't want me to get out of bed?" he quirked his brow and she bit down on her bottom lip.

"Just stay a little longer," she used her most persuasive tone, holding his eyes and hoping he would snuggle back down with her.

"Fine," he tried to sound exasperated, but she could hear the amusement in his tone as he wrapped his arms around her and pulled her against his chest.

His lips found her forehead as she nestled herself against him, savouring the soft warmth of his close proximity. All the furs in the world could never compare to Robb. Myrcella believed that she could sleep under the thinnest blankets and still be warm so long as she was secured in his arms. Slowly she traced her fingers over the scars left by the dragon's talons, running them along each smooth, white line. Robb exhaled deeply as she progressed, his own fingertips whispering down her back before he began to curl a lock of her hair around his fingers. "Do you think anyone would miss us if we stayed up here all day?" she asked him with a sigh.

"And what would we do up here all day?" he asked her in a rather suggestive manner, which had her smiling at once.

"Whatever we pleased," she answered him, shifting a little closer and pressing a kiss to his scarred shoulder.

"Hmm, it is tempting," Robb's voice was laced with satisfaction, "but I have yet to see the accounts since I returned, and I promised the steward I would give them my full attention. Not to mention, you need to eat, and I cannot imagine you lasting a whole day without any of your warm, spiced milk."

She giggled again at that. Robb was right, she did not think she would manage the day without her milk. She could only imagine that it was the baby that had increased her appetite for it. The Maester had thought it likely too when she had asked him about it. Robb mentioning food had also drawn her attention to the fact that her stomach was on the verge of snarling in protest. She groaned, and Robb kissed the top of her head in response. "Hungry?" he asked her knowingly, and she nodded against him, earning another kiss.

"I could have them bring breakfast to you," he murmured, "that way you will not have to worry about reacting badly to the bacon again. If you come over ill in front of the others they will start to ask questions, and you know what my mother is like."

"That's likely a good idea," Myrcella agreed with him. Since that morning they had dined up here together, and thankfully none of the family had thought it strange. "I cannot dine up here forever though," she grumbled, "they will notice eventually and start asking questions." Robb hummed his agreement, his hands smoothing through her hair.

"No doubt," he spoke after a few moments, "though, if I ban bacon from the breakfast table then Arya is going to be an absolute nightmare. Awkward questions will be the least of my worries, believe me."

A/N: Think a lot of you had guessed a baby Stark was on the way! Hope you all enjoyed, more next weekend!


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