

Just In




Wolf Pact by DizzyDG

 TV » Game of Thrones Rated: M, English, Family & Romance, [Robb S., Myrcella B.], Words: 163k+, Favs: 1k+, Follows: 1k+, Published: Dec 24, 2015 Updated: Sep 13, 2018865Chapter 26: XXIII: Unwelcome

A/N: Hey guys! I know I said Monday, and I'm so sorry this is hideously late but R/L has been manic, and we have a new addition to the family who's still settling in. Anyway, better late than never, right? To those waiting on an update on 'United We Stand', I'm sorry, but it will probably be next week when I get that up to you - unless I can finish it tonight/tomorrow, as I'm away at the weekend again. Honestly, this month is going to be crazy busy for me, so I can't promise when I will get the next chapter of this up either - but it will come, I promise!

Anna: Thank you very much! Sorry to keep you waiting for the update, but I hope you enjoy it. Glad you like what I've done with it so far.

unnamed visitor: Nope, no letter from Jaime I'm afraid, but stay tuned! I'm sure Cersei did know that Joffrey bullied the younger ones, but I'm not sure she quite knew the extent of it. Thanks so much as always, glad you liked the way they declared their love to one another. Hope you enjoy the update!

Guest: Thank you.

Guest: Thank you!

Boramir: Thank you! Glad you liked the forshadowing (and remembered it, since it was a while ago). Yes, Tyrion is at the Rock, and you're right that Tywin would have developed some kind of respect for the way he deals with him. He may not like him, but he's the best person to run things. Plus, if he's at the Rock he's out of sight. He will definitely suceed to the Rock if Jaime doesn't seek to reclaim his inheritance, which he probably won't. Cersei would probably hate it, but Tommen wouldn't stand against it, that's for sure.

Guest: Thank you! Glad you enjoyed it, not long to wait now!

Right-ho folks, on we go! And sorry for making you wait!


XXIII: Unwelcome


He told her every day now. Each and every day, and each time it still sounded like magic. It still seemed as though she was living in some kind of dream. Robb loved her, truly loved her. Loved her in a way she had never imagined nor ever hoped to understand. It was overwhelming, but it felt so wonderful, like a fire had been lit in her heart that refused to go out. Love was something she shared with Tommen, a fierce need to protect him set deep inside her. Love was something she had always felt she should feel for her mother. Love was what her mother claimed to feel for her.

Myrcella knew that this was different though. What she shared with Robb was something so difficult to put into words that she was prone to giving herself a headache if she thought too hard about it. In the end she had given up trying to work it out. She just accepted it, and returning his words was now as easy to her as breathing. Her skin seemed etched with the words that he would murmur to her, as though every touch of his hand imprinted that simplest of phrases into her skin. There was not a mark on her, but Myrcella could feel it inside. It was burning, and it felt so good.

Everything. Everything that she had once imagined could never be hers was now at her fingertips. A husband who adored her, and his child swelling her stomach. It was almost obvious now, and she felt the baby move inside her every day. Robb wondered over the changes in her, keeping his hand pressed against her stomach as they waited for sleep to claim them, just waiting for the day when he would feel it too. He was desperate for it, and she herself could not wait. She was longing to see the look in his eyes, his eyes that had seemed to shine that much brighter since she had confirmed her pregnancy to him. He had waited so long. All she could do was pray that everything would progress as it should.

She believed that her baby was strong, and the Maester assured her of a healthy heartbeat each time he came to examine her. At her request he came once a week, and he always assured her that everything was just fine. That was always enough to placate her until his next visit. She knew Robb thought her overcautious, but he never said a word in protest. It was something she felt she needed to do. She had no control over the changes the baby was making to her, and no control over how well her pregnancy would progress. Seeing the Maester was one thing that could calm her beyond all else. That and the insistent movement within her.

She felt it strongly as the door to their chambers opened, smiling at once as Robb walked through the door. He smiled back widely, closing the door behind him before coming towards her and claiming her lips for a long moment. "Would you come to dinner tonight?" he asked her. "I think it high time we announce our news." Myrcella bit her lip at that. Since her sickness had begun to abate she attended more meals in the hall, but the thought of all eyes on her as Robb announced her pregnancy made her feel more than a little ill.

"If you're sure," she said, unable to think of any reasonable reason for him not to announce it. The child was strong and healthy, and her stomach was growing rounder now. If he did not announce it soon then everyone would work it out for themselves. The only reason they likely hadn't already was because she was so often draped in thick furs. They kept her deliciously warm, and hid her condition from prying eyes, something which she had been most grateful for.

"I know you're nervous," he met her eyes, smiling knowingly, "but this is a good thing, Myrcella. The people will be thrilled, they want this almost as much as you and I do." She returned his smile, the excitement in his voice was undeniable.

"Alright," she nodded her head, and his smile widened. "You can announce it, I know you have been dying to for the past few weeks." He leant in to kiss her again at her words, and she slipped her hand up to run through his hair, twisting his curls around her fingers. Too soon he pulled away, and she made a slightly irritable sound which had him chuckling.

"Is it my imagination, or are you becoming more insatiable by the day, my queen?" he asked her with a quirk of his brow and she couldn't help but smile widely. She could feel that a slight blush had risen up on her cheeks. It was true, it seemed all she could think about at the moment was Robb bedding her. He was usually more than compliant, so she could not complain.

"I can't help it, I get so bored up here, and I miss you when you're gone," she pouted at him, twisting her finger around the lacings of his doublet. He raised a brow at that, smirking slightly.

"Nice try," he said, pulling away from her, "you know damn well I have to go to council. Beron is insistent that we discuss rations now that the Kings Road is well and truly blocked to wagons." Myrcella couldn't help but huff in response, though Robb seemed unconcerned, moving towards his desk and shuffling a few papers around. He seemed to find what he was looking for after a while, gathering them up before approaching her once more. "You could always venture outside for a while," he raised a brow, "fresh air will do you and the baby some good. Just watch yourself on the snow."

"I will," she promised him easily, "perhaps I will take a walk out to the Sept, I haven't visited for a long while. I ought to thank the Gods for my good fortune."

"Our good fortune," he corrected her, placing his hand atop her stomach before leaning in to peck at her lips.

"Of course, husband," she replied teasingly when he pulled back again, rolling her eyes slightly.

"Don't pray too long, remember we have a feast to attend tonight," he told her pointedly.

"I know," she sighed, rolling her eyes again. He only grinned in response, before kissing her again.

"I love you," he murmured against her lips when he pulled back.

"I love you," she returned, and he pressed one more kiss to her lips before moving away.

"I'm off to council before you ensnare me," he said as he moved to the door, "be careful out there, and don't be late for dinner."

"I won't, I won't," she waved him away and he shot one more wide smile at her before disappearing through the door, closing it firmly behind him. She slumped back against the cushions when he had gone, resting her hands on her stomach before sighing in contentment. She was still not overly keen on the idea of telling everyone that she was with child, but Robb was set on it and she couldn't deny or disappoint him. Especially since she had no good reason to. She would just have to grin and bear it, and hope that the whispers were not too loud. At least she had the comfort of knowing that the rest of the Starks would likely be thrilled. That brought a smile to her face as she rose up from her chair and moved to gather her warmest cloak and furs for the journey to the Sept.

It was warmer in the Sept, with the braziers burning brightly along each wall, so Myrcella discarded her furs, leaving them draped across one of the benches as she made her way to the altar. She lowered herself to her knees before the Mother, knowing she ought to give thanks to her above all others, and pray to her for continued good fortune. It was only a few minutes before she felt a light breeze against her back telling her that someone else had entered the Sept. She could only imagine that it was Lady Stark, her good-mother seemed the only other person to ever enter the space.

"I was beginning to think you would never emerge." She snapped her head around at the voice, her breath deserting her. He was stood, hooded, half way between her and the door. Somehow she struggled to her feet, backing almost into the altar as he pulled his hood down. It was relief and terror in equal measure.

"What in the name of the Gods are you doing here?" she whispered. "If Robb sees you, if anyone sees you! Are you mad? You do know what will happen, don't you? What agreement was made?!"

"Agreement that if I ever stepped foot in the North or the Riverlands that I would be a dead man, I remember," her uncle sounded irritatingly calm, and she shook her head incredulously at him.

"What are you doing here?" she asked him again. "Did mother send you?"

"She thinks she did," Jaime smirked slightly, and Myrcella made an irritated noise in response. Her uncle seemed to think that this was funny. Did he seriously think that Robb would not take his head? Myrcella knew he would, unless Jaime had a damn good reason for being here.

"Why are you here?" she demanded through gritted teeth, and for the first time his expression became serious.

"I'm here to warn you, Myrcella," he told her, "but first you have to promise me that you're happy here. Promise me that the words I've seen from you are true."

"I have only ever written the truth, I am happy here," she met his eyes as she said it.

"Could be warmer though, couldn't it?" he raised a brow, and she couldn't help the half smile that twitched at one corner of her mouth.

"You're not funny," she responded.

"Best leave the japes to Tyrion," he smiled, and she finally smiled back at him.

"What are you here to warn me about?" she asked him, and again his expression became serious. It was so serious it had her heart pounding in her chest. Jaime came closer to her, looking as though he were struggling to find the right words. "Uncle Jaime, what is it?" she asked him, fear starting to creep into her now. "You're starting to really worry me."

"Myrcella!" Robb's clearly exasperated call was accompanied by the opening and closing of the Sept door, and Myrcella closed her eyes in despair. Jaime turned his head, and she cringed at the look that came across the face of her approaching husband. On instinct she took several steps forward until she was stood between the two men. Robb looked murderous, and for the first time she could imagine him in battle. She could imagine him killing. "What is he doing here?" he practically spat the words.

"I don't -" Myrcella started, but he cut her off at once.

"Forget it," he snapped, looking passed her and towards her uncle. "I don't care why he's here, but now that he is… You remember the treaty, Kingslayer? You remember the conditions?"

"I do," Jaime said calmly, "now why don't you ask yourself why I would risk my life to travel to Winterfell in the midst of winter. Why would I do that, unless it was of utmost necessity and importance?"

"I don't know, and I don't care," Robb said shortly, "all I care about it that your head will adorn the gatehouse on the morrow."

"Robb," Myrcella finally found her voice, shaking her head as she stepped closer to him. She reached out to clasp her hands around his upper arms, feeling his tension that did not abate despite her touch. "He says he has come to warn us," she continued. "I know he ought not to be here, but please, won't you just hear him, for me? Please, Robb."

He stared at her for what felt like an eternity, and she kept her eyes on his, willing him with everything to soften just a little. She squeezed her hands just a little more tightly around his upper arms and he finally blinked. His expression was still hard, but there was an underlying reluctance shining from him. "Fine," he growled, confirming her assumption. "Speak quickly, my patience has already been worn thin," he directed towards her uncle, and Myrcella finally felt safe to let go of Robb's arms.

"My sister is intent on seeing you dead, Sta-, your Grace," Jaime corrected himself quickly as Myrcella shot him a warning look. "And she believes she has sent me to do it," he continued, "and believe me, I had every intention of granting her wish."

Myrcella gasped at that, but her uncle continued before she could say a word in protest.

"However, that was before I learned the truth," Jaime went on, "before I found the true letters from Myrcella that she thought she had well hidden. I know you're happy here, Myrcella," he turned his attention to her now, "and after all that your life before now has brought you, you deserve to keep this happiness for the rest of your days. Somehow, I think cutting short the life of your husband would have rather the opposite effect."

"You assume you could even take me," Robb snarled, and Myrcella blindly moved her hand back to find one of his, her eyes still fixed on her uncle.

"Mother sent you to kill Robb?" she asked him, her voice trembling slightly.

"She believes she did, but I came to warn you," he said insistently.

"A raven would have sufficed," Robb muttered darkly.

"A raven could have been easily lost in this winter," Jaime returned. "I thought you might at least be a little grateful, Stark. Do you really think my sister is going to take well to me failing to kill you? She will find another to do her bidding, then another, then another, until she gets what she wants."

"Then you have to make her stop!" Myrcella clenched her fists together. "You have to make her see sense! What does she hope to achieve by murdering my husband?!"

"She hopes it will get you home," Jaime shrugged.

"I will never go back there," Myrcella snapped, "this is my home, this is more home to me than that place ever was. I am safe here. Even if she were to take Robb from me I would stay, I would stay to raise our child at Winterfell. No, more than that, I would stay to raise the North and the Riverlands against her."

"Against Tommen, you mean," her uncle's tone was almost warning.

"No, never against Tommen," she shook her head, "but I would make it so she was punished. I would not stop until she paid for what she had done. You go back to the Capitol, and you tell her that. You tell her, that if anything befalls my husband then I will never forgive her. That I will never stop until she is burning in the seven hells!"

Her voice broke at the end, and Robb's arms enclosed around her, pulling her back against his chest as she tried to take calming breaths. She didn't want to break down and cry here, not when she needed to appear strong in her conviction, but the thought of being without Robb. A strangled gasp left her, and he pulled her even more tightly into his embrace.

"I cannot promise she will hear me, Myrcella," her uncle said, evident regret shining in his eyes.

"Make her," Myrcella snapped back, and he sighed, before nodding ever so slightly.

"Does she know about the child?" he asked, and she shook her head.

"And you will not tell her," she told him warningly, and again he inclined his head.

"You leave tonight," Robb snarled, his hold on her almost painfully tight. "If you are still here come morning then I will have your head. If you are recognised and brought before me, I will have your head. I will have no choice, my lords would not allow me to let you go if they heard but a whisper that you were here. So keep your presence unknown, Kingslayer, and be gone before dawn breaks."

"Very gracious of you," Jaime said drily, and she frowned at him.

"I'm not doing this for you," Robb spat, before loosening his hold on her and moving to gather up her furs. She could say nothing as he moved to drape them around her shoulders once more, the look in his eyes almost unrecognisable as she briefly met them. Part of her wanted to thank him, but she was more than a little wary of what his reaction might be. "We need to go," his tone was slightly stiff, "we are late for dinner as it is."

Myrcella nodded mutely at that, her eyes finding her uncle's for a moment. He inclined his head the slightest fraction, and she allowed the tiniest of smiles to grace her lips before allowing Robb to usher her away. "Robb?" she tried in a tiny voice as they made their way to the door of the Sept.

"Not now," he returned, and she bowed her head in response, obediently leaving the Sept first at his invitation. The slam of the door behind them was rather ominous, though she did take comfort from his hand on the small of her back as they carefully made their way across the courtyard back to the keep. She was slightly more hopeful now that he was not too angry with her.

Perhaps announcing her pregnancy would cheer him before they retired for the night. She could only hope it would, she hated it when Robb was angry, especially when his temper was aimed towards her. It had only happened once, but she had promised herself to never let it happen again. Though she could not see how she could have avoided what had happened in the Sept. It wasn't as though she had known her uncle was coming. As though she had invited him. Robb had to see that, surely?

The guards bowed them through the main doors, shutting them immediately behind them. Robb kept his hand on the small of her back as they walked through into the dining hall. Myrcella self-consciously pulled her furs more tightly around her as they made their way towards the high table. She breathed in the scents of the dinner that was being set down around them, thankfully not smelling anything that set her stomach churning. It was rare that she was sick now, but she was still wary of it, especially when pork or bacon was set out. Now it seemed that it was only wine she balked at, and even Robb declined it more often than not so that she would not taste it on him when he kissed her.

It seemed he would indulge tonight though, pulling a flagon towards him as soon as they had settled themselves at the table. Myrcella could see Lady Stark frowning slightly as Robb drained half his cup of wine in one go. She inwardly prayed that he would say nothing of Jaime being here. The Starks were kindly, but she knew damn well that all of them had good reason to want her uncle dead. She only needed to look down the table where Bran was sat to remember all too well. Bran turned his head as though he had sensed her eyes on him, a smile coming to his face in greeting. She returned his smile, hoping it did not look as strained as she felt.

Robb placed his empty cup down in the next moment, before he rose up to his feet. Myrcella's heart skipped slightly, her stomach clenching. She had been expecting them to eat their meal first, but it seemed that Robb had other ideas. Those present in the dining hall all seemed to turn their attention to him as they stood up, all heads all eventually turning in his direction. Myrcella swallowed hard.

"People of Winterfell," Robb's voice carried effortlessly through the large space. He held his hand out towards her then, and she placed hers in his before rising up to her own feet. As she rose up she noticed the knowing little smile playing about Lady Stark's lips. Perhaps she had not been hiding her condition as well as she had thought. Unless Robb had given in and told her. She doubted it though, likely her good-mother had just guessed. "It is my great pleasure to announce to you that the queen and I are expecting a child," Robb continued, and she held her breath.

"So," he was smiling widely as she peeked up at him, "I implore you all to raise your cups, and drink deeply to a new heir to the North, and your queen!"

"The queen!" the cry was louder than she expected, so much so that she almost jumped. But she couldn't help but smile at seeing real, genuine smiles on the faces of many around the hall. The eyes that were on her seemed softer than usual, and there were but a few people dotted around that were whispering behind their hands. Robb squeezed her hand, and she looked from the people to him. Whatever anger he was feeling over Jaime had clearly abated – for the time being at least – and he was smiling down on her, his eyes radiating happiness.

"I told you they would be thrilled," he murmured to her as they dropped back into their seats. Lady Stark's hand found the back of Robb's for a moment before she leaned further across him so she could grasp Myrcella's.

"Congratulations," her good-mother said warmly, "I am so thrilled for you."

"As if you didn't know," Robb chuckled, and his mother swatted him.

"I may have had an inkling," Lady Stark admitted, and Myrcella smiled widely.

"Thank you, Lady Stark," she said warmly.

"When will the baby come?" Rickon asked with wide eyes.

"In a little under five moons most like," it was Robb who answered.

"You will not be joining us for any snow fights for a while yet, then," Arya smirked.

"No," Myrcella agreed, laughing slightly.

"You could always join me on the side lines and help me keep them in order," Bran smiled.

"I could indeed," she agreed, "thank you, Bran."

"Will it be a boy?" Rickon demanded next.

"I don't know," Myrcella told him, her eyes sliding to Robb, seeing him looking perfectly relaxed.

"Boy or girl, this baby is a blessing, to the whole family," Robb said, and she couldn't help but smile. It had worried her that Robb would be disappointed if she delivered him a daughter. She had not asked him either way, but she had heard the sincerity in his voice when he had said it didn't matter. It was hard not to breathe a sigh of relief, and sneak her hand under the table to rest on Robb's knee. Thankfully he turned his head and smiled at her, his own hand coming to rest on top of hers. There was such a softness in his eyes that she could almost be hopeful that there would be no more talk of her uncle tonight. Likely it was a futile hope, but right now she would bask in the happiness surrounding them, and hope that Jaime would heed Robb's warning and leave Winterfell before dawn.

If he didn't, she was in little doubt that Robb would have his head, and she could only guess at what horror would engulf them should that come to pass.

A/N: Hope you guys enjoyed, more when I actually have something ready! Hopefully next week sometime.


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