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Reborn: Into the Wild Westeros by Arkane007

 Harry Potter & Game of Thrones Xover Rated: M, English, Adventure, Harry P., Eddard S., Words: 161k+, Favs: 8k+, Follows: 9k+, Published: Jan 17, 2018 Updated: Jun 14, 2019 3,349Chapter 5: Ripples in North

This is the last chapter from Ned's angle. From next chapter it will be from Aryan's angle.

North would not be super powerful. I am going for a realistic approach. So no special scientific or technological developments.

Aryan is not a very moral person but will do anything to protect the Starks.

This is not a harem story. Aryan may take occassional lovers. I am planning to pair him with Daenarys.

My story is also partially based on 'A Song of Ice Fire' book series.

Winterfell, The North

The sound of clashing swords could be heard through out the courtyard. Ned was looking at the courtyard where his nephew was practicing with Winterfell's master-of-arms Rodrik Cassel while Rob and Jon sat behind them cheering for Aryan. Already he could see that Aryan was a good swordsman. What made Aryan special was that he had incredible reflexes and his movements were quick. He felt rather proud of his nephew. Even though Aryan was only twelve years old he could easily pass for someone fifteen years older. He was just shy of 6 feet height. Almost eight years had passed after Ned had returned to Winterfell . And in these years there had been lots of changes and developments across the North.

Although Jon's existence remained a sour issue between him and Cat, they got past it. Cat had given him four wonderful children and was pregnant with the fifth. She remained cold towards Jon and barely tolerated him. Aryan had noticed this and asked him why she was treating Jon like this he, he had told the boy about the southerns attitude towards bastards was because bastards were a sin according to the seven as well as the Blackfyre Rebellion. From then even though Aryan was polite and courteous to her there was always distance between them.

Aryan was a very independent yet extremely intelligent child. When Master Luwin started his education he easily could grasp the subjects. Whenever he was not practicing his sword he could be seen in the library reading different books. Luwin was greatly impressed by his intelligence and started to teach him about arithmetic, Geography, art of war etc. By the time he was seven his nephew was proficient in Valyrian language of which Ned had just bare knowledge. Soon Ned started involving him in decision making regarding the ruling of North. He was impressed by his nephews ideas and far thinking ability and started implementing several of those ideas.

When Ned had returned to Winterfell after the war he was greeted by Benjen who was ready to go to take the black due to grief over losing his family after meeting and talking with Aryan he surprisingly changed his mind and stayed back at Winterfell and started helping him in the administration.

The war had taught him many things. One of them was that North needed to change to keep up with the South. Being kept out of the affairs of the realm was greatly affecting the North. So he began to build a small spy network to know the happenings at important places across the Westeros. North also needed a navy for troops movements below the neck and for its own protection. He did not trust Hoster Tully or Walder Frey. So he commissioned a hundred war-ships to be built by Lord Manderly financed half by Winterfell while the rest by the Manderlys.

His nephew used to explore the castle of his own sometimes. One day he fell into a hole in the crypts and discovered a room. When he showed Ned and Benjen the vault, their eyes bulged out. It seems that the previous Stark lords had hoarded their wealth in secret while living a simple life. During all these eight he had taken Aryan to meet all the Lords of North by taking him to their castles and also discussing possible alliance or development projects. He wanted Aryan to be ready to understand and know the North first so that he can rule easily when Ned moved out of Winterfell. Moat Cailin was coming along fine with its twenty towers and soon would be incredible sight to behold. It was just a few months away from completion and he was waiting their word.

To undertake many of his nephew's ideas they needed more laborer's as the population in North was less. Then he had another brilliant idea. He wrote to King Robert to send any beggars and homeless people or anyone who needs work to North. Within a few months they had massive influx of people in thousands migrating to North for work. They were distributed throughout the North as required. He also brought a large chunk of them to Winterfell to begin the renovation and extension of the castle. A thick outer wall was belt built replacing the old one, with guard towers in between. The space between the inner and outer walls could be used to grow food during siege. The whole castle was renovated and the first keep was replaced. The barracks were increased. The size of glass gardens were increased. A new guest block was built. While Winterfell would never be the most beautiful castle in Westeros but after the renovations it had become one of the largest and formidable castle in Westeros.

One day Aryan came to him and said," Uncle we spend too much money for food from Reach and Riverlands. So we are spending most of our money for food and are growing dependent on them. I think it is time we grow our own food and become more self reliant. We could also save more money and use it for other matters."

When Ned remained skeptical of the idea, Aryan called Master Luwin and they together explained their findings and ideas. Ned was now convinced that these ideas could finally solve North's problem of growing its own food. So within a few weeks he called for a council of lords and called for Aryan who who was now 8 years old. Aryan began to speak,'' My lords, it is a pleasure to meet you all. As far as we remember we were dependent on south for our food. Most of our hard earned money is spent on food that we don't have much money to spend on other things. They take our money and grow rich while we suffer. I say we need not depend on the southerners anymore. We can grow our own food. I have come upon a solution for this problem."

The Lords looked at Ned for not completely convinced. So Ned told them proudly," He is being humble. Most changes I have started in North, they are all his ideas.

Aryan continued," We have procured a few new kind of cereals from Essos which can grow in the cold weather of North. We have tested them at Winterfell and they all have given good yield."

The Lord's looked intrigued. He told them about her Rye and Barley which can be grown in the cold weather. He gave Lord Reed a new cereal called which can be grown and in the swampy areas of Greywater Watch. They were then told about potatoes, apple, carrot, cabbage etc. Also they could be stored for long duration which would mean people could easily survive during long winters, as food would not be a problem anymore. To convince Lords they were shown the new farms around Winterfell, where after seeing the crops they looked impressed. Master Luwin explained to them about the farming techniques.

On a sudden inspiration, Ned ordered all of Lords to set up fishing villages wherever possible throughout their coasts to get a steady supply of fish even in winters as well as to increase the breeding of milk and meat producing animals. He gave them tax reduction for a couple of years so that the Lords can use the money to start the necessary work.

His nephews ideas bore fruit and within a couple of years food production had increased many times in North and due to this his nephew became more respected by the northern Lords. All available land was used for agriculture. Even Roose Bolton has sent him a letter thanking Aryan. Now they had enough food to feed is growing population.

People were still migrating to North as work and food was available to them. Population around Winterfell was slowly increasing. When Aryan told Ned about making planned settlements, Ned thought about Kingslanding and its stench so he ordered construction of a proper sewage system throughout Winterfell and Wintertown.

A few years ago reports came to him that a man named Holder is selling a new drink called Vodka in Wintertown. Ned went to shop and had a taste of the drink. It was strong but its filled him with warmth. He immediately liked it. He gave told the man to increase its production so that would could be exported to other places also. Soon small industry based on Vodka production started in Wintertown under the direct protection of Starks. As Vodka was affordable even smallfolk were buying it. People used to call vodka a man's drink. Vodka's demand and production gradually increased over the years. He heard from merchant that these days Vodka was slowly gaining popularity in the south too. Vodka production brought more money into the Winterfell coffers.

One day representatives from the Hill Tribes of North led by Word Wull came to him and showed him certain shining stones they found while digging in the mountains. Master quickly identified them as diamonds. They started mining and got much money from mining and selling of diamonds. Aryan thanked the clan leaders and based on his recommendation Ned gifted each clan the Wulls, Flints, Norrey, Liddle etc with hundreds of cattle to each clan as they don't need money. They thanked the Starks in gratitude. This event cemented the loyalty between the Starks and the Hill tribes.

The miners also found large deposits of iron and coal among the hills. Soon Winterfell became the source of superior quality steel weapons.

Ned married off Benjen to Dacey Mormont. He also built them a port town at the stony Shore as well as few merchant ships. Soon Benjen and Dacey moved out to their new place. In time Story Shore would become a major port at the Western side of Westeros by trading with Yi Ti, Qarth and even Asshai.

Just a day after Aryans ninth name day an earthquake had occurred at the Neck which has resulted in a great canal that linked the Bite to the Blazewater Bay, through the fever river. The same day the sept at White Harbour and small sept he built for Catelyn in Winterfell were also destroyed. Rumors started that old gods are not pleased with the religion of Andals in the North. Slowly the followers of Faith in North started change to Old Gods. Even though Catlyn and the Septa Mordan insisted on rebuilding the Sept Ned ignored them.

His nephew came to him after the earthquake had happened and told him to make the newly formed canal proper, so that ships from Essos could sail through it to reach the Sunset Sea. But due to so many ongoing projects the coffers of Winterfell were low at that time.

Aryan told him," We can negotiate with the Iron Bank uncle. If the canal opens it will benefit Bravos the most. As their ships can reach the Sunset Sea at half the time than going around Dorne."

Ned considered this and within a week he and Aryan along with few soldiers for their protection set out to White Harbour There they discussed the proposal with Lord Wyman Manderly who knew more about financial dealings than him. He was very interested in the proposal, as it would also increase the number of ships coming to White Harbor. It seemed that Aryan was able to charm the fat Lord to accompany them to Braavos.

At Bravos they met the Sealord who approved their proposal and set them a meeting with Iron Bank representatives. They were also interested in this project. Also with the skillful negotiation by Lord Manderly, Iron Bank gave them two million dragons loan free of any interest. As the canal would benefit Bravosi trade greatly. They were also able to negotiate trade of wood, fur, diamonds etc with the Sealord. Their journey to Braavos was a major success.

They returned to North after a month. As there were enough workers in North these days, they were able to complete the canal within a couple of years. The canal passed just a few miles north of the Moat Cailin. Two massive gates were being setup at both sides of the canal where it joined the sea, which would be under the control of Lord of the Moat Cailin. These gates had a massive high tower which Aryan called light house to guide the ships at night or during low visibility. The passing ships would pay a toll for passage through the gates. They also built a movable bridge across the canal which could be raised or lowered from both sides as and when required. Slowly a settlement was forming on both sides of the canal near the bridge. Ships started making short halt at the settlement for trade and refilling of supplies. The settlement near the bridge would in time grow into a city. Acting on another suggestion from his nephew he also built several boats for faster transport of goods through the White Knife river.

A few months ago a delegation of Masters led by Archmaster Marwin came to Winter fell. It seemed that his nephew while studying at the library of Winterfell had made a few theories and discoveries of his own. Master Luwin had sent these theories of his nephew to the Citadel, which was the reason for the arrival a Masters. They met with Aryan and interacted with him and were impressed by his knowledge as well as his ideas. Archmaster Marwin even announced his decision to stay at Winterfell for the rest of his life as the castle's official master. That was surprised Ned because as far as he knew only Highgarden had an Archmaster. After consulting with the Citadel it was agreed that Master Luwin would with Ned to the Moat Cailin.

He was now convinced that his nephew was charismatic, had a strategic mind and was also a long term planner everything required for a Lord Paramount. Even though he disliked Cat, Aryan adored Ned's children. His thoughts were interrupted by Master Luwin

"A letter for you, my lord," he said. Ned read the latter. It seems that Moat Cailin was finally ready to occupy and he would be moving out soon.

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