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Reborn: Into the Wild Westeros by Arkane007

 Harry Potter & Game of Thrones Xover Rated: M, English, Adventure, Harry P., Eddard S., Words: 161k+, Favs: 8k+, Follows: 9k+, Published: Jan 17, 2018 Updated: Jun 14, 2019 3,349Chapter 11: The Fat Flower's Folly

Many reviewers have asked some questions. I have not answered them as those will be answered throughout the story in later chapters.

Casterly Rock, Westerlands

He observed the approaching Northern Army with wolf banner of the Starks in front followed by the horse of Ryswells, the fist of Glovers, the axe of the Cerwyns, the giant of the Umbers, the twin axes of Dustins etc. But where were the Boltons or Manderlys he wondered. A servant came and informed him, "My lord, the King has requested your presence."

'Of course he would' he thought. 'Robert Baratheon would never miss any chance of meeting his friend Eddard Stark.'

He finished his last sip of vodka which even he hated to admit, he was rather fond of. Admittedly though it was the 'dwarf' who started drinking it when he forbade any wine for him.

The King was at the gates of the castle by the time he joined the welcoming party. The hand Jon Arryn was beside him. Why the hand was here instead of ruling the Kingdom in the absence of the King was beyond him.

"Ned," Robert exclaimed, "You are finally here. Where were you for all these years?"

"Guarding the North for my nephew Your Grace." Eddard replied. Then turning to Jon, Eddard greeted him as well. Finally looking at him Eddard addressed, "Lord Lannister, good to see you." But anybody could see the disdain towards Tywin in his eyes.

Tywin nodded to him, though his eyes bore the same coldness as ever. Tywin then nodded to Kevan. Kevan nodded back and then led the Northern Lords inside with the King and the Hand accompanying him. Tywin retreated to his room thinking about the recent events.

The Ironborn attack was a surprise, one he had not anticipated and had paid the price. Reach was still paying the price heavily. Only the North was relatively unaffected. Though he could not find a fault in their response. Instead of ignoring the small skirmishes like him and others, the Northerners were alert and ready when the ironborn came and were repelled back. He had also seen the Northern army. They were well armed and equipped compared to the last time he saw them no doubt due to their new found steel production. 'A good commander must observe these things.' He mused.

The North's new found prosperity and power had attracted his attention early on. He was keeping a close watch on them. The new Lord Paramount of North even though yet to come of age was rapidly changing the North. From the reports he received he had learned that Aryan Stark was a visionary. All the changes he had implemented were based on long term benefits of the North. And that miraculous canal had changed the tide in favor of the North. The once poorest of the seven Kingdoms were now no longer so. Even Westerlands were benefiting from it as the canal had cut the travel time to Essos by half. 'With even more small folk flocking to the North due to better living conditions the North would grow even more powerful' he thought.

By the evening they were all seated at the War Council. Only a selected few were present. The King Robert Baratheon, the Jon Arryn and Lord Yohn Royce from the Vale, Tywin, Kevan Lannister and Damond Marbrand from the Westerlands, Elden Estermont from the Stormlands, Ser Brynden Tully and Jason Mallister from the Riverlands, Mace Tyrell and Randyll Tarly from the Reach. The Dorne was noticeably absent. Also present were his son Jaime and Ser Barristan Selmy as the Kingsguard.

Jon Arryn started, "As we all know Westeros had been attacked by the Ironborn, we are assemble here to discuss about how to deal with them. Mostly the Reach, the Westerlands, the Riverlands and the North were attacked. Let us begin by discussing the how much they were affected by the krakens attack. My lords please tell us about the current situation, in your kingdoms."

Mace Tyrell puffed his chest and began, "Lord Hand, these savages have reached as far as Oldtown but were repelled back. They attempted to reach Highgarden through the Mander, but I stopped them and made them retreat. We have lost the Shield Islands though. Other than that the other Lords are handling those Krakens well. The Redwyne fleet is engaging them."

Tarly was burning a hole at the back of Mace's head, no doubt angry at Mace Tyrell for taking credit for his efforts again. Tywin observed the look of disdain directed at Mace Tyrell by many other lords. Jamie was smirking at the idiot Tyrell's stupidity..

'The fat fool' thought Tywin. He had known from his sources that the Reach had been ravaged hard by the ironborn. While the North was relatively untouched and had battle hardened soldiers, the Westerlands were heavily defended after the first attack due to its excellent military, the Reach could not do so. Even though the Reach could command the largest army they were all summer knights with no experience in war. So the Reach had suffered heavy casualties. The ironborn had raped and reaved through the shores taking thralls and women while the Reach lords retreated inside their castles. Euron Greyjoy had effectively engaged the Redwyne fleet while the others attacked the mainland Reach.

Then Jason Mallister said, "We were attacked at Seaguard almost immediately after they burnt Lannisport. As Seaguard is nearest to the Iron Islands we suffered heavily during their initial surprise attack. Many of my men were killed. They had taken hunderds of thralls and women. They had laid siege to Seaguard under the command of Maron Greyjoy. But then due to the timely arrival of Ser Brynden Tully with his men, we were able to break them." He finished nodding at Brynden the Blackfish.

When prompted Tywin told them about the ironborn attacks going on at Banefort, Crakehall and Fair Island and how they were being defended. He then told them that he had sent ten thousand men under his brother Tygett Lannister.

Jon then asked Eddard Stark, "What is the situation in the North Ned?"

Eddard Stark began, "Fortunately we did not suffer much losses. When we got reports about the initial skirmishes Aryan had alerted the Lords along the Western Coast and increased the military throughout those parts. We killed almost a thousand at many places before they retreated."

Everyone listened to Eddards report, many of them including him jealous that the North had not suffered much like them. Once they had got the reports they began the next stage that is to attack the ironborn at their homes. It was Randyll Tarly who began the discussion.

"My Lords" he began "We are stuck here while those savages attack our homes and people. The Lannister fleet is burnt and the Redwyne fleet is engaged by the Crowseye. The Royal fleet will take a moon to reach here or more if they have to fight Euron or Victarion. Though I am sure Lord Stannis will triumph over them. That leaves us the North. Lord Stark perhaps we could use yours to reach the Iron Islands."

Now that got everyone's attention. 'Seems like most of them forgot about the new naval fleet of the North.' He mused.

Eddard Stark began, "I was coming to that Lord Tarly. Currently the Stark fleet is yet to be completed. So we are using them to defend the North. We are using the Manderly fleet to attack the Islands. As we speak my Nephew Aryan is probably attacking the Islands. We had planned to establish a base there in the Iron islands before transporting troops. He had told me that once it is done, he would send ships to Lannisport."

Robert sat straight and asked Eddard in a rare show of concern, "Really Ned. Aryan is also with those who will be attacking those squids."

"Yes Your Grace, in face he is leading the attack with the Stark, Bolton and Manderly men." Eddard answered,

'Well that explains the absence of the Boltons and Manderlys' Tywin thought.

Suddenly someone started to laugh. It was Mace Tyrell. "The little shit is probably playing at war. It seems Lord Stark that you clearly didn't teach the boy anything. The little wolf pup is keen on dying at such a young age." Mace Tyrell said while still laughing. The man seemed to have drunk too much wine.

No else was laughed. Tywin looked at Robert and sure enough Robert looked pissed. His face had turned red and eyes were burning in fury. He had known from Pycelle's reports that insulting the Starks in front of Robert was not a good thing. Some of the Lords were looking back and forth between Robert and Mace waiting for the inevitable explosion.

William Dustin seemed to get ready to retort back to Mace with an angry look but Eddard silenced him with a look. Lord Hand seemed to finally notice Robert's expression and immediately tried to diffuse the situation saying, "I am sure what Lord Tyrell means is, isn't Aryan too young to fight in a war Ned?"

Mace Tyrell finally seemed to stop his laugh when he noticed no one else seemed to share his joke. 'Or survival instinct' Tywin thought then he dismissed it. 'Survival instinct is for seasoned warriors and not to someone like Mace Tyrell.'

With his hard eyes fixed on Mace, Eddard Stark began to say, "My nephew is the Lord Paramount of the North. The North is a hard place to live and so it breeds hard people. Aryan is a strong boy. It is because of him the North has changed. He is a good strategist which we all northeners agree on. He is also a good swordsman. So forgive me Lord Tyrell, when I didn't see any reason to discourage him from leading his own men to protect him homeland."

And then Robert Baratheon exploded, "Tyrell you fat flower. While your sons are swinging swords and playing knights or sucking your wife's tits, Aryan is protecting his people. And you are making fun of him. You don't know anything about war or battle or strategy. It was Randyll Tarly who defeated me at Ashmark and you took the credit for it. Did you think that I will not know about that? If it wasn't for Jon trying for peace and his second chances, I would have turned your head into a paste with my hammer. Watch what comes out of your mouth you fool or next time someone will chop your head off."

Mace Tyrell whimpered while many Lords were smiling at Tyrell's foolishness.

Robert said, "You all heard about what Ned said. Let us go to Lannisport tomorrow to wait for the Northern fleet. Dismissed." And he went out with the Kingsguard following him.

Sometime later Tywin was sitting in his solar meeting his brother Kevan and Jaime.

"What do think father, will the wolf pup return alive. The young wolf must have gone to the war with hope of glory like many other young men these days." Jaime said.

Tywin glared at him, "Like you did in your time and now you are just a glorified bodyguard to drunk King, instead of ruling the Westerlands like you should." That shut him up and Jaime looked away from Tywin's eyes.

"I don't think so nephew." Kevan said. "The Northerners are not stupid or idiots like many others. Like Robert said, they are hard people seasoned by the harsh conditions of the North. Aryan Stark has single handedly changed the North. That too when he is yet to come of age. Even though Eddard Stark is the regent in name, he has given his nephew full freedom to do whatever he wants. And righteously too, as the boy is doing at a good job at it."

Tywin said, "Whatever it is we must be careful. If Eddard Stark was the Warden of the North, we could have the support of North for Joffery when he becomes the king, using the Wolf's friendship with Robert. But it is not the case. It is someone else. Brandon Stark was said to be unpredictable. So when it is his blood that is ruling the North we can expect some of that unpredictability in his son too. The winds of change are flowing announcing the North's new power. We must have bound with us to avoid any clashes with them in future."

"Perhaps a marriage alliance. One of our nieces Cerenna or Myrielle. Or princess Myrcella maybe." Kevan stated.

Jaime scoffed, "I doubt Cersei would agree on sending her precious child among those Northerners."

"We will discuss this later. Perhaps after the war." Tywin said. They then began to discuss their family matters then.

The Pyke, Iron Islands

Sitting on the black Seastone chair the self-proclaimed King of the Iron Islands Balon Greyjoy was taling with his brother Aeron and a priest of the Drowned God. The priest said, "Your Grace the Drowned God has shown me visions of our victory. Soon the greenlanders will tremble before us we will regain our lost glory of our Old Ways, Your Grace."

Balon looked pleased, "You may go priest. What is dead may never die."

"What is dead may never die, but rise back stronger," repeating this the priest went away.

Then turning to his brother he asked, "How is our campaign going brother?"

"It going well with the Drowned Gods blessings Your Grace, "Aeron began "Euron is reaving along the Reach. We have captured the Sheild Islands. He has decimated half the Redwyne fleet. Most of their ships were merchant ships being used for navy. Euron has brought back lots of riches and thralls from there. After burning Lannisport Victarion is now attacking the Banefort, Crakehall and the Fair Island. Last we heard Prince Maron was laying siege to Seaguard though the Mallisters are giving a good fight."

Balon was pleased at hearing all that. He then asked, "What about Rodrick. I saw him at the harbor a few weeks ago. Then he just sailed away with his ships not even talking to me. How is his campaign against the North,"

Aeron hesitatingly said, "There seems to be a bit of problem our campaign against the North, Your Grace. Our initial attacks along the West Coast of the North were all repelled. Prince Rodrick then attempted to capture the Moat Cailin and kidnap Eddard Stark's wife as a salf wife but was discovered. So after returning he has taken more men and ships to attack the North. The North is ruled by a greenboy Your Grace. I am sure Prince Rodrick will be victorious."

"I am sure of that brother. After all the Drowned God has given us his blessings." Balon said.

Aeron then went away as he was going to lead his men against Casterly Rock which he was planning to capture.

Standing on one of the towers of the Pyke, Balon looked down to see his twelve year old daughter Yara and ten year old Theon playing in the beach. 'They would make good reavers when they grow up' he thought. But still he could not shake away a feeling that something bad has happened.

Lannisport, Westerlands

The remnants of the after effects of the Ironborn attack could be still seen at the Lannisport. Burnt shops, blood spots here and there as well as smell of death. The debris of the burnt ships had been cleared when they received the news about the arrival of the Northern ships two days ago. The Manderly fleet had started to arrive bearing the Merman sigil on its sails. Eddard was waiting for Benjen who would be arriving soon. He was accompanied by young Jorah Mormont and Greatjon Umber. The combined army was now assembled to board the ships. Most them looked happy to be finally going for fight after waiting so long. He saw many thralls and women that the fleet had brought with them. They looked broken and tired with empty eyes. Many of the women were sobbing praising his nephew who finally rescued them when all their hopes were dashed. Seeing these Eddard finally understood what Aryan was saying when he wanted to kill all the Ironborns. If only one island had so many thralls he feared how many more would be there in all others.

"Ned" he was interrupted by a shout.

"My Lord, it is Benjen Stark," informed Jorah.

"Ben, how had you been? How is Aryan?" Eddard asked rapidly.

Benjen smiled, "All is well brother. We have captured the Blacktyde Island, killed all those squids to the last man, took their ships and freed their thralls without losing any man there. And also guess who we captured?"

"Who did you capture? Victarion?" Eddard asked.

"No. Your nephew has fulfilled his promise to your wife. We have captured Rodrick Greyjoy." Benjen smirked.

"Really. How did you get him? Where is he? I want to kill that squid?" Eddard said with fury.

Benjen said, "Calm down Ned. I doubt it would make any difference. Besides I doubt you can do anything better than what Aryan did with him. He is alive though. We intercepted them when they were going to attack the North again. It was a short battle or better a slaughter. Rodrick challenged Aryan, within a short time was defeated. Then we killed all those squids with him. By the time I was sailing here, he was going to attack Orkmont. And look what I got?"

Benjen then showed him his new sword and said, "Red Rain. The ancestral sword of House Drumm which now belongs to House Stark."

Eddard nodded. They were interrupted by Kevan Lannister who led them to the King's was waiting in a tent with the Robert and Jon. Benjen bowed to the King and reported back the North's campaign till now. When he told about killing of all the ironborn in Blacktyde, Jon Arryn exploded, "What, you killed all of them. You cannot do that. It is not honorable. Ned what had you been teaching him. Robert clearly the boy cannot be given the wardenship of North. Ned?"

Eddard stubbornly refused to meet his eyes. After sometime he said, "You know Jon I would have agreed with you once. But past few events have changed me. Did you know, they tried to attack Moat and Rodrick Greyjoy tried kidnap to Cat. Today I saw the thralls that Ben brought back. The dead look in their and the sobbing women when they were rescued. So right now I cannot be very honorable. Aryan has captured Rodrick and I am waiting to get my hand on him. Do not expect any mercy from me. But still Aryan has agreed to spare the children and women at my request."

Robert exclaimed, "They tried to kidnap your wife, Ned! They dare. Do not worry. We will together kill those damn squids. And its time to meet your nephew, the Bloody Wolf indeed. We will attack the Pyke. Let the others attack the other islands. Stannis has already defeated Victarion and smashed the iron fleet at Fair Island. He will be coming soon. Let us go with your fleet. Others will follow on with Stannis."

They had got word that Stannis after defeating the ironborn in Reach had then proceeded to Fair Island, where he defeated the combined fleet of the ironborn under Victarion Greyjoy. This victory in such a short time, had given them more fleet power to attack the iron islands. This victory has also established Stannis Baratheon a respected commander in Westeros.

Jon said, "Robert I taught you better than that. You cannot kill all the people of a kingdom for the crime s of their lord . It will create a bad precedence."

Robert said, "We will discuss this later Jon. Right now I am ready to go. Come Ned."

And they all followed Robert to set sail towards the Iron Islands.

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