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Reborn: Into the Wild Westeros by Arkane007

 Harry Potter & Game of Thrones Xover Rated: M, English, Adventure, Harry P., Eddard S., Words: 161k+, Favs: 8k+, Follows: 9k+, Published: Jan 17, 2018 Updated: Jun 14, 2019 3,349Chapter 14: A Deal, A Wand and some Truths

I have read the Harry Potter books after some of the readers pointed out that apparation can be wandless. But I did not find in such instance. Whenever Harry apparated wandlessly it was side-along apparation.

Still, thank you for your constructive criticisms. I have edited some of the previous chapters following the some of your reviews.

I am going to describe the Children of the Forest based on 'A World of Ice and Fire' book and not on the TV series.

And to many reviews who requested for many technological innovations, unlike many SI stories who are well versed in technologies Harry Potter is first and foremost a wizard. So expect him to have only basic technological knowledge.

Aryan appeared inside a cave and promptly collapsed, his new body unaccustomed to the sensation of squeezing through a tube. Unlike Harry Potter, Aryan Stark was more taller and muscular at this age. He shook his head to clear it and warily looked around. He found that he was in an underground cave surrounded by Weirwood roots. Somehow he knew that he was not in Westeros any more. Most of the cave was in darkness. He saw several pairs of glowing green eyes looking at him in the darkness.

' I hope they are not big cats, like the shadow cats that are said to be at North of the wall.' he hoped. He was helpless and unarmed. Suddenly green lamps lighted around the him and he got a better view of the cave.

"The Children of the Forest" he whispered. The source of those glowing green eyes revealed to be lean and short beings with pale skin and green eyes. They were beautiful in their own way. Their dress were made of leaves and carried spears and bows made of Weirwood all of which were aimed at him presently.

"At ease my friends, Lord Stark is a guest. We do not harm our guests do we." A voice behind him said, which he recognized belonged to Bloodraven.

'I have not even taken the guest rights.' Aryan mused to himself as he turned towards the source of the voice and was taken aback by Bloodraven's appearance.

He was a pale, skeletal man in rotted, black clothing in a weirwood throne of tangled roots. His skin was white, aside from a red blotch on his neck and cheek. Bloodraven had fine, white hair long enough to reach the earthen floor. He was missing one eye, while the other was red. Weirwood roots surrounded the man and grew through his body, including his leg and his empty eye socket. His voice was slow and dry, as if he had forgotten how to speak.

'A cursed life' Aryan thought looking at Bloodraven.

"In a way Lord Stark but I am used to it." Bloodraven said reading his mind.

"It is considered to be rude to read other's minds." Aryan said irritated at the fact that Bloodraven was able to bypass his shields easily.

"I apologise. It had been far too long since I had a human contact." Bloodraven replied.

Aryan nodded and asked, "So who are you exactly and what is your name? I doubt you were born by the name Bloodraven."

"I wore many names when I was quick, but even I had a mother, and the name she gave me at her breast was Brynden. As I was a bastard born in Crownlands my last name is Rivers" Bloodraven replied.

Aryan racked his brain to remember the history Maester Luwin taught him. 'Yes, Brynden Rivers, the bastard son of King Aegon IV Targaryen and his sixth mistress, Lady Melissa Blackwood. A spymaster and the Hand of Aerys I and Maekar I Targaryen and a Lord Commander of the Night's Watch, who forced to take the black by Aegon V Targaryen.' Aryan remembered.

"The one with thousand and one eyes. Isn't that what some used to call you." Aryan asked.

Bloodraven replied with a faint smile,"That credit goes to the faith. I used to follow the Old Gods like my mother's family. I also exposed some of the High Septon's schemes which the faith did not take kindly to. So they accused me of sorcery and tried to rally the smallfolk against me".

"In which they obviously failed, considering you remained the Hand to two generations of Kings." Aryan finished for him.

Brynden did not say anything. So Aryan asked the next obvious question, "So what happened to you?"

Brynden told him, "It would be more better if I showed you. Would you allow me to show you."

Aryan reluctantly agreed.

*Memory Begins*

The next moment he saw that he was standing somewhere with ice everywhere. Mountains of ice could be seen could be seen at the horizon. He saw three rangers walking through the ice, though the visibility was clear.

"We are inside the Lands of Always Winter. My two fellow brothers and I were on a ranging operation. This is when I first met them." Bloodraven said standing beside him.

"Who?" Aryan asked.

"You will see." Bloodraven said looking intently towards the three rangers.

Suddenly wind started to blow and a dense fog came. The visibility was low. An unearthly screech echoed through the surrounding. The rangers stopped, drew their swords and started to look around.

"They are coming" Bloodraven said gazing at a certain direction.

Aryan followed Bloodraven's gaze and saw two otherworldly beings coming towards the rangers on horses. They had very pale skin and glowing blue eyes and mist was surrounding them. The horses too reflected their riders, but looked rotten with some of its flesh and skin missing.

Remembering Old Nan's stories he said, "I assume they are the Others." Bloodraven nodded at that.

One of the two Others came towards the rangers and attacked them. The first ranger blocked the Other's first blow but his sword broke into pieces as it got into contact with the Other's unnatural blue sword. The man gaped at that and the next moment the Other killed him. The second ranger also followed the same fate. The Other then moved to the third ranger and attacked, who also blocked with his sword. But unlike the first two his sword did not break. Both the ranger and Other looked surprised and they started to fight. It was clear that the ranger was more experienced as he was gaining the upper hand. The hood of the ranger fell of displaying his pale white hair.

'So this ranger is Bloodraven.' Aryan decided. Finally Bloodraven slashed the Other with his sword and the Other burst into thousand ice pieces. Bloodraven was panting and then looked towards the next Other who had yet not joined the fight. This one looked more regal with a bluish armor and a ice spear in his hand. The Other then made some kind of gesture. The two fallen Black Brothers then got animated back which Bloodraven did not see, and stabbed him in the back. Bloodraven gasped and fell down after the first blow. The animated corpses repeatedly stabbed him in his weakened state and then went towards the Other, and soon all of them disappeared into the mists. Bloodraven laid there in a pool of blood.

"That one is the Night King. Apparently they could be killed by Valyrian swords as you saw be killing one of them with Dark Sister. Let us go back Lord Stark." Bloodraven informed him.

*Memory Ends*

They were back in the cave. Aryan asked, "You should have been dead. If not from the wounds but from the cold."

Bloodraven replied, "Even I thought so but I was not dead. When I opened my eyes, I was here surrounded by these Children who using their powers nursed me back. But I was wasted. My hands and legs had stopped functioning. They then gave me a paste of Weirwood trees prepared with their magic and my greenseer abilites woke up. Since then I was always lying here surrounded by these roots. Some of them even grow inside me but I cannot feel them. As I had all the time in the world, I honed my skills as greenseer. I have been watching you. All of you. All you lives, with a thousand eyes and one."

"Do you know everything that is happening in the world?" Aryan asked curiously.

Bloodraven said, "I not arrogant to say that I know all of them, but most of them. The Weirwoods present throughout the Westeros help me to know most what is happening in those places. But in places Weirwoods are not present I am essentially blind. For several decades I sat here sitting and seeing only one future, the whole world covered in ice with the dead crawling out of their graves. But the day you were born the future changed. From that day I am no longer able to look into the future. The future has become unclear."

Aryan then asked, "You mean that the Others will invade Westeros and end the humanity, while the seven kingdoms continue to be busy in the Game of Thrones?"

"Like I said, Lord Stark that was before you were born. Now that future is no longer set. Perhaps you were destined to stop it. There is even a prophecy of the Prince who was promised. It goes like this..."

"Stop. Just bloody stop. Not one more about any prophecy. I had enough of prophecies. One prophecy ruined my life in my old world. I do not want to hear another. I was never able to recover from it throughout my life. I was unhappy and broken throughout my entire life. That is why I jumped to oppurtunity to come to a new world. But no, here also it like that. I will not let a bloody prophecy ruin my life. Do hear that you old fossil." Aryan roared at Bloodraven.

"Like you I have my own ghosts, Lord Stark. A brother that I loved, a brother that I hated, a woman I desired. Through the trees, I see them still, but no word of mine has ever reached them. The past remains the past. We can learn from it, but we cannot change it." Bloodraven said not at all offended.

Aryan asked, "What ghosts of my past are you talking about?"

"The day you were born I had vision of your previous life and of others whom had connection with you. Watching your life from my perspective I came to a conclusion. Whether you realised it or not you were a broken man after your war with Voldemort, I believe his name was. You did not have an anchor in your life. Throughout your life you were in search of that anchor to balance your life. A failed marriage and a series of failed relationships, for all which you were responsible but never accepted the blame. Did you know one of your lovers died the same day you left that world? I suppose not. But you love your family don't you. Didn't you promise yourself to protect your pack at any cost. If not for the prophecy do it for your family. You were a powerful sorcerer in your world. Perhaps you can deal with the Night King and others easily. When they are finished then I can pass on peacefully." Bloodraven said.

During the conversation Aryan thought about his past. He agreed with Bloodraven. Everything was his fault. He never considered about Ginny's aspirations and what she wanted. Instead he only thought about having a family. And when she did the abortion he flipped out and ruined their relationship instead of discussing amicably. Poor Gabi loved him with all her heart. She went against even Fleur and her family to be with him but still in the end he ruined it. The same happened with many others.

With a sigh Aryan said, "You are right. I blamed others for my own shortcomings and ruined many lives. But it is in the past and I cannot change it. I will deal with the Others. Not for the prophecy but for my family. Anything to protect them. But like I told you I need my wand to use magic to my full power. Can you provide me wand like you said?"

"With the Weirwood and the Children's help you will have your wand. But then you must promise me that you will deal with the Others." Bloodraven said.

Aryan told him, "In my old world the wand chooses the wizard and not the other way round. If this wand does not work for me then there will be no hope. Marwin and I had researched for years and my only hope is the Children of the Forest. But if the wand works for me then I will promise to deal with the Others provided you tell me where I can find them and about their origins."

"That will do. The Night King and the Others are in the Lands of Always Winter where there are no life ( so no Weirwoods ). So I cannot find them unless they come out of it. As for how they were formed, well..."

*Memory Begins*

Aryan and Bloodraven were standing in ice at an unknown location. Aryan looked around and saw stones arranged in a spiral formation with an ancient Weirwood tree at the centre. A man was bound to the tree while the Children of the Forest surrounded him. Then one Child came forward and stabbed him with a shining black stone which Bloodraven identified as Obsidian. Slowly, the man's features changed and his skin as well as his eyes turned blue. Finally he transformed into what Aryan saw earlier, The Night King.

*Memory Ends*

Looking at the Children Aryan asked in a mocking tone,"Somebody rightly said, we create our own demons. What made you do this? Necromancy is considered as the vilest magics even in my old world."

One of the Children came forward. It was the one who stabbed the man in the memory. The Child began to speak in a sing song voice in the Old Tongue, "It was the time when we were at war with the first men during the Dawn Age. They were cutting the forests and Weirwoods for their settlements and thus destroying our homes. We fought with them for several centuries. and were losing. In a desperate situation and to get an upper hand in the war we created the first Other. It was supposed to listen to us, but the Other turned on us and started to destroy all life form. When all was lost, then he came."

Already having heard Old Nan's stories Aryan asked, "The Last Hero?"

The Child nodded and suddenly Aryan was standing in another memory.

*Memory Begins*

Aryan was standing in middle of a war. The humans and the Children were fighting the Others and their army of the dead. But his attention was drawn towards another sight. A man was busy burning the Others and dead army surrounding him with a smiling face like this was a game to him. And he was using - Fiendfyre. The remaining Others were retreating while the Night King observed their defeat from a distance. Aryan started to run towards the dark haired man and soon was standing facing him. His eyes bulged out on seeing the familiar face.

*Memory Ends*

The black hair, aristocratic face with a mischievous smile and the grey eyes.

"Sirius," he whispered to himself.

Bloodraven said, "Yes, Your Godfather, Sirius Black is that person. He defeated and drove away the Others. Then taking the name Brandon the Builder with the help of the Children and Giants he built the wall. After that he built Winterfell and where he found the House Stark."

By then Aryan had already guessed that. The characteristic grey eyes of the Stark line like in Eddard, Benjen, Jon and Arya's originated from Sirius. He must have changed the memories of the humans after that to hide the role of his magic in the war. So now legends only said of The Last Hero or in case of R'hlor's followers Azor Azai and his sword The Lightbringer.

'Brilliantly executed, Sirius. Best prank on the whole humanity. But how did you come didn't his Stark descendents exhibit any magic.' Aryan wondered. 'A question for death the next time we meet.'

"After the Last Hero's death we slowly retreated to the North of the Wall as the Age of Heroes began." The Child finished.

"Why don't you back to the South again. I can offer you protection in the North." Aryan offered them.

"We will speak of this some other time human. Now let us make your wand. Give me your blood." The Child said. She then showed him a wooden bowl. Aryan hesitated then bit his finger and poured few drops of blood into the bowl. The Child then walked away followed by several others.

Aryan was about to follow them but Bloodraven stopped him saying, "They don't trust you yet Lord Stark. Wait here till they are finished."

Aryan did not trust the Children with his willingly given blood, especially after what he had seen in the memory. But he didn't have another choice. A wand was very necessary for him. So he started to pace inside the cave. After sometime he asked Bloodraven, "Didn't you say you can see the past. Show me the circumstances leading to my cousin Jon's birth."

*Memory Begins*

Bloodraven and Aryan were now standing in midst of a tourney. The dilapidated but humongous Castle of Harrenhal was looming in the background.

"We are now at the Great Tourney of Harrenhal where everything began. Rhaegar had financed the whole tourney. The Tourney was a ruse for Rhaegar to meet certain lords and gain their support for overthrowing Aerys and taking the throne. But it failed." Bloodraven told him.

They saw a Knight in mismatched armour defeating three other Knights and humiliating them. He then rid away calling himself the Knight of Laughing Tree. The Mad King with uncut nails and hair and a gaunt face became angry and ordered Prince Rhaegar to catch the mysterious Knight. The Prince then bowed and left to pursue the rogue Knight.

Aryan was now standing in a Weirwood grove. He saw the the Knight removing the armour. It seemed that the Prince has also found the Knight but he hid himself behind a tree to identify the Knight. When the Knight finally removed his helm, the Prince was surprised because it was a woman beneath the armour.

Rhaegar revealed himself saying, "So you are the Knight of Laughing Tree. I must say I never expected a lady in a Knight's armour."

The woman with Dark hair and grey eyes replied, "I am no Southern flower who only want to get married and have beautiful babies. I am a warrior too."

Rhaegar smiled and said, "Of course My Lady. It is refreshing to see a change. May I know your name?"

"I am Lyanna Stark of Winterfell." she introduced herself and with a hesitation added, "My Prince."

Aryan saw Lyanna had a wild beauty in her. She looked like a grown up version of Arya. No wonder King Robert still remembers Lyanna and ignores Cersei. Lyanna Stark is like Helen of Troy. Kingdoms bled for both of them. The difference is Helen lived after the Trojan war, Lyanna did not.

Suddenly they heard distant approaching footsteps. After nodding to Rhaegar, Lyanna disappeared. Soon Arthur Dayne and Lewyn Martell came and Rhaegar showed them the armour telling them that the Knight had escaped.

The scene changed...

Rhaegar in his armour and dragon helm defeated Arthur Dayne in the final tilt. He passed over his wife and then crowned Lyanna as his Queen of Beauty.

Here Aryan started examining the reactions of some people. Lyanna was blushing while her brothers, his father Brandon, Uncle Eddard and Benjen looked angry. Another person was Robert Baratheon who looked pissed. Elia wore a sad smile while her brothers Doran and Oberyn looked angry too. The Mad King himself was indifferent to the whole issue and was more interested in looking around suspiciously for possible threats. The red haired Hand who Bloodraven identified as Jon Connington looked jealous. While most of the other people looked scandalised.

Again the scene changed...

They saw several memories where Rhaegar and Lyanna walking and talking privately showing that they had begun their romance.

The scene changed...

"We are at the Red Keep." came Bloodraven's voice.

Rhaegar and Elia were sitting in their bedchamber.

"I apologise My Lady for dishonouring you." Rhaegar said.

"I understand i am also sorry for being unable to provide you anymore children." Then looking at the crib nearby she asked "How long can we continue this farce. When your father finds about this he will most definitely kill me. Already Varys is sniffing around."

"Don't worry. Only me, you, mother and Arthur knows of this. Father will never find out." Rhaegar assured her.

"I have also written to Ashara to tell her of this. She is my most trusted friend. Knowing my brothers reactions I have not even told them. Ashara's son Aryan is of the same age as Rhanys. Brandon Stark has secretly married her. I wish perhaps we could marry Rhanys to Aryan when they grow up." Elia asked Rhaegar in a hopeful tone.

Rhaegar did not give any reply to that. After some time he said, "Darkness is coming Elia and to face that the Prince who was Promised must come. Once I thought I was that prince. But now I know it will be my son. The dragon must have three heads. I already have my Rhanys. Now I need Aegon and Visenys. I am going to marry Lyanna Stark. Not only this will unite two ancient blood lines, it will also fulfill the Pact of Ice and Fire made between Cregan Stark and Rhanyra Targaryen."

"But what of that's child. How would you explain about him when you get your Aegon." Elia asked indicating the crib again which carried a silver tufted baby.

"When Aegon is born this child will be disposed off. Father will also be taken care of by then. Everything will be alright." Rhaegar said calmly.

"And what of Lyanna Stark. Does she know that you only want her as a broodmare for your children and all because of a prophecy. You are destroying her life and her dreams." Elia asked.

Rhaegar said without any emotion, " Sacrifices have to be made for greater good. Perhaps i will dispose her once she has done her part. Nobody will replace you as my Queen."

Elias raged with fury in her eyes,"Don't even think about that. Unlike my mother and brothers I am not much interested on being a Queen. I will accept her as your wife and her children will be my children too. Let her stay with us forever."

Rhaegar did not say anything and then he was about to go out Elia warned him don't do anything stupid. Your are obsession with this prophecy will damn all of us."

The scene changed...

Aryan identified the location as the clearing in the Wolfswood. Rhaegar was standing there in a cloak with his close friend and Aryan's uncle Ser Arthur Dayne. After some time Lyanna Stark came there accompanied by Benjen. After a tearful goodbye between the siblings Lyanna rode away with the Prince and Arthur.

The scene changed...

Aryan was standing a Weirwood grove. In front of him Rhaegar and Lyanna were reciting their wedding vows, officiated by a Septon. Then they kissed. 'At least Rhaegar respects the Old Gods or may be this is an act to woo Lyanna.' Aryan mused.

The were in the next memory...

Bloodraven said, "This is the last memory which I think may be important. After the marriage most of their time was spent on love making which I don't think you would be interested on viewing."

Aryan nodded and saw that they were standing in front of a lone tower in middle of nowhere. He could hear the crashing of waves at a distance.

"This is the Tower of Joy. Though it didn't give any joy to its last inhabitants." Bloodraven toned.

Aryan saw his Uncle near Howland Reed helping him tend an injured William Dustin.

Several people lay dead, three Northmen and three Kingsguard. He saw his silver haired uncle the legendary Arthur Dayne lying dead still clutching Dawn tightly.

A scream came from the tower following which Eddard hurried towards the source. Aryan followed him slowly knowing what to expect. He found his Uncle kneeling holding Lyanna's hand while she was breathing heavily and sobbing. She was lying surrounded in the Blue Roses of Winterfell. Her clothes were coated in blood while a child wrapped in linens was sleeping besides her.

"I am sorry. I am so sorry. Father and Brandon and so many others all dead because of me." She sobbed.

Eddard assured her, "No Lyanna. It was not your fault. All fault lies with that Mad King. He started everything."

"I wrote Father a letter when we were at Riverrun but it never reached him. If it had then this war would not have happened." Lyanna said with tears in her eyes.

"Lets not talk about the past. Rest. I will take you some soon. You will be well." Eddard said.

"No Ned. I think my time has come. Love is very beautiful song Ned, but I have come to realise it always does not have a happy ending." Lyanna said and then pointing at Jon she asked Ned, "Give him to me Ned. I want to hold him one last time."

Eddard gave her the baby. Lyanna kissed Jon and then gave him back to Eddard saying, "His name is Aegon Targaryen. Rhaegar has married me secretly. He is the heir to the Iron Throne. I have heard from Arthur of what happened to Elia and her children. Will you protect my only child Ned."

"I will protect him with my life Lya. Don't worry. Nobody will harm him in the North." Ned said sadly finally realising that there was no hope for Lyanna.

"Promise me Ned. Promise me." Lyanna pleaded for one last time her voice failing her.

Ned held her hand tightly and said, "I promise."

And then Lyanna closed her eyes and lay still.

*Memory Ends*

Aryan was back in the cave. He started to pace back and forth inside trying to piece together what he had seen. Rhaegar never loved Lyanna. She was just a broodmare for him to produce heirs to fulfill a prophecy.

"Rhaegar believed in the prophecy. He had grand plans. He knew that the Others are coming. But Aerys never agreed with any of Rhaegar's ideas. Rhaegar wanted to unite the seven kingdoms and form a combined army to deal with the Others when the time came. That was why he sponsored and organised the Great Tourney of Harrenhal believing Aerys would never attend. This was an opportunity to meet with other like minded lords and to form an alliance to overthrow the king. But Aerys surprised everyone by attending the tourney and Rhaegar's plan fell apart. In the end Rhaegar was also mad like many of his ancestors but he hid it well."

Aryan told Bloodraven, "In a way I don't blame Rhaegar. He was doing what is best to protect the humanity. So he did what must be done. In my old world Albus Dumbledore did the same thing. He was ready to sacrifice me for the greater good of the people. While I know nobody cannot decide my fate I understood his intentions. Good leaders must be ready to make sacrifices. I only feel sad that Aunt Lyanna had to die in the process."

"I don't think that the prophecy is valid any more. With your arrival I am now sursure that humanity will have a better chance against this threat. You are more powerful than the Last Hero and can easily defeat the Night King.

"We will see about that." Aryan said. "The baby Aegon who was supposed to be killed by the Mountain was a fake. Who was that baby?"

"Somebody from Dragonstone. I know there are still enough dragon seeds left. Rhaella somehow procured one to pacify Aerys and protect Elia." Bloodraven informed him.

They were distracted by the sound of Children coming back lead by the one who took his blood. She then held their creation.

Aryan gingerly took the wand from her hand and was assaulted by the same feeling he experienced when he got Holly and Phoenix from Ollivander. A breeze blew inside the cave and he felt a warmth filling him. Then to test it he performed the Patronus charm concentrating on the memory of his new family. He waited for Prongs to come out but what came out was a large majestic direwolf. The whole cave was filled with positive emotions. Even the children looked happier compared to their gloomy look from earlier.

"Thank you for making me this. I always felt incomplete without my magic. Now that I have full access to it I can now complete several of my projects." Aryan thanked them.

Bloodraven chocked with emotion and rasped, "Even though I did not see whatever magic you did but I definitely felt it. For an old man sitting here wastes, that magic of yours brought back my old memories."

Sunlight started to peek at the cave entrance seeing which Aryan said, "I think if I stay here for anymore moment the people would be worried about my unexplained absence. Once again I would like to invite all of you to Winterfell."

The Children looked at each other and their leader who identified herself as leaf said, " We will see. We cannot leave the three eyed crow here alone."

Aryan agreed to them and was about to leave when Bloodraven spoke to him again, "Remember ou deal Lord Stark. And now before you leave I want to show you one more memory. This one concerns you and if it weren't for me, you or anyone will never know of this."

Memory Begins*

Aryan blinked and then found himself in a familiar location, the tower of Starfall. When he was small his mother used to bring him there and show the Torrentine. This was the same tower from which she committed suicide.

He saw that Ashara was standing near the edge crying.

"This is of the day she died," Bloodraven's voice came.

Impatiently Aryan shouted, "She jumped to death. I already know else is there to see here.?"

"Watch closely Lord Stark, everything is not as believe." Voiced the Three Eyed Crow.

A servant entered the tower silently and slowly creeped towards his mother. Aryan noticed that the servant did not share the dornish look or complexion which was common among the servants of Starfall. After making sure that nobody else was there the servant pushed Ashara over the edge. Aryan did not think of anything else and jumped after her. She did not scream. She had a look of surprise first followed by sadness and finally resignation to fate as she touched down. As waters of the Summer Sea came nearer he blinked out of existence.

Memory Ends*

Aryan stood there dumbfounded by this new revelation. He had thought that she must have committed suicide unable to handle the deaths of his uncle and father. But something else was going on.

"As you can guess the killer was just a pawn who was later found dead. Even though I have my suspicions on who ordered this I think it would be better you yourself find out who is behind this. I will even tell you this, your father Brandon Stark was also killed by someone's machinations. In the Game of Thrones you win or you die. And if you want to win you must think big and look at the bigger picture. Now I think you can go." Bloodraven finished.

Nodding at Bloodraven's parting words Aryan Stark disapparated back to Winterfell with two new mysteries in his mind.


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