Just In

Across The Way by Victortoery12
 High School DxD/ハイスクールD×D & X-overs Xover Rated: M, English, Fantasy & Supernatural, Valerie T., Words: 43k+, Favs: 749, Follows: 949, Published: Aug 31 Updated: Nov 1 189Chapter 9
I was human-shaped, creating nigh-infinite magic, and was ready for an adventure. With that thought in mind, I placed my hands in front of me and spoke.
"Dimensional Rift." With a mental heave, I was telekinetically sent flying into the void through my Rift. "Dimensional Rift." With another heave, I sent myself through another quickly created Rift chaining them and allowing myself to go farther out into the void then I had previously been.
"Dimensional Rift." With each Rift, I flung myself further and further away from the DxD-verse and into the Unknown. "Dimensional Rift." I flung myself further into the void for the fourth and final time.
I let myself drift for a while, content to watch the inky blackness for any sign of life or light. I saw nothing and promptly decided I was wasting my time.
I stared out at the primordial horror of Nothingness itself and marveled at the lack of eldritch or demonic beings that I had expected to see.
Though a complete absence of everything might be scarier than eldritch horrors or void dwelling demons.
With a thought, I coated myself in a sphere of Demonic Power and extended it into the surroundings. I continued to let the sphere of power build and waited in minor suspense for some sort of cosmic entities or abomination to appear and cause problems.
Alas, no cosmic entities or abomination came to greet me.
I floated around in my sphere of power, silently extending Rifts in every direction in search of something that was not the usual nothing of the void.
I let go of the hold I had over my human form and extended myself through the rifts and peered at what lay on the other side.
I was met with nothing, more void.
"Sigh..." My body gathered at a single point and I retook my human appearance once again with a sigh of relief.
Why was dimensional travel so hard?
"Temporal Rewind." I sent myself back in time to before I had even entered the Gap. I quickly went about sealing myself as I could feel the wards straining against my own naturally released power.
"Whew..." I exhaled a breath of relief when my wards stopped shaking in distress. Valerie stared menacingly at me, probably for disturbing her 'alone time' I scoffed and turned my eyes away from her.
"What were you doing?" Valerie nudged me with the spine of her book, pulling my attention towards her.
"Trying to travel dimensions." My bluntness caused her to blink. "I'm not having much luck though, there were a few worlds or realms but nothing that I want to explore."
Heaven, Hell, and the mystery realm were not the friendliest of places. Especially when one 'invaded' them.
"I've been trying to find somewhere interesting, but I've had no luck." I rubbed my nose thinking about the annoyance that was the DxD-verse. It should be easy to travel dimensions, especially when the DxD-verse had many such dimensions.
"Are you running from something?" Valerie blinked cutely at me, earning her some head-pats. I ran my hand over her head for a moment while lost in thought.
"I don't think so." I eventually settled on my answer. "I want to experience different things." In reality, I didn't know what I wanted.
I was already somewhat powerful and would live for a pretty long time. There wasn't much more one could want in life.
"Can I experience them too?" Valerie turned towards me and we met eyes causing me to blink at her.
"Of course, that was the plan." I nodded in affirmation and Valerie hugged the book to her chest and smiled sweetly.
"Thank you." She muttered before fleeing the room without looking back.
I stared at her as she retreated, not sure how I was feeling.
One thing was certain. If I wanted to bring my favorite Dhampir with me she'd have to be stronger then she was now.
Time travel was weird.
I couldn't seem to travel to the past as a separate version of myself. Every time I tried, my past self would be erased and the 'me' from the future would replace him.
I wanted my past self to continue as he was and do things as I did in them in past. But time travel didn't seem to work like that, or at least it didn't for me.
I wanted Harry Potter time travel but got my own weird version that reminded me of a video game. I could 'restart' and jump back into the past for a do-over.
I could live the same day endlessly, getting new memories every time, I could time travel until I eventually perfected my day.
It wasn't necessarily bad, just weird.
Actions had consequences for everyone but me. To me, everything was just a meaningless series of events that I could 're-do' at my convenience without any true repercussions.
The only limitation that I had was the length of time I could move forward or backward at any given time.
Even with that slight limitation I was simply too overpowered. It took meaning away from my life as everything I did was meaningless and easily reversible.
What use was there in being alive if everything I did had no meaning?
"What do you even do all day?" I was pulled from my slowly spiraling thoughts by Mihaela, who looked as bored as I was as she entered the living room.
"Pardon...?" I spoke, mostly to buy myself time, but partly because Mihaela had just showered and I needed a minute to cleanse the air in the room, artificial rosemary and mint wasn't a flattering smell.
"You are always out but you never do anything, what do you do all day?" I stared at her, mentally weighing the amount of effort this conversation would entail.
I could act offended that a 'mere human' was questioning my 'royal self' in my own home or alternately I could ignore her. Both seemed reasonable, but both required more effort then I felt comfortable using.
"I train and experiment all day." Though training and experimentation were also frequently mixed with Vampire genocide. After all, why settle for one thing when you could do two at the same time?
"Experiment?" Mihaela was seemingly interested and had sat on the couch nearest to me and stared at me intently.
"With, magic." Mihaela leaned forward, looking interested. "Space and Time Magic to be specific." Though shadow and darkness were also on the table depending on how tired I was of one particular magic on any given day.
"Oh, can I join you in your experiments?" Mihaela fluttered her eyes at me, trying to get a response other than the blunt 'no' that was immediately on my lips.
"Maybe..." I said noncommittedly.
Mihaela frowned and stood, smoothly strutting out of the room. I watched her go for a moment before sinking into my armchair with a heavy breath.
Why couldn't I brood in peace?
"Heiress Sitri, what brings you to my humble abode?" I eyed Sona and Tsubaki, who Valerie had let in. I hadn't expected guests and I was in my pajamas, quite an embarrassing for a 'noble' Devil such as myself.
Sona looked serious, which was her usual look. I took that as a good sign and let myself space out while she spoke.
"It appears that some local criminals went missing last week." Sona's eyes met mine, trying to impart the seriousness of the situation onto me. "All they could find was some scattered bones at a nearby slaughterhouse."
"Hmmm...?" I hummed, in slight interest. Stray Devils did have the bad habit of eating people. Or maybe they just had the bad habit of not finishing their food. "Do you want me to take care of it?"
"Yes." Sona pushed her glasses up.
"Sure, I'll get around to it." Valerie arrived, bringing tea and snacks. I accepted the tea and gestured to the couch offering Sona and her Queen a seat.
They did so, occupying spots on the couch closest to me. I blinked at them slightly surprised they accepted the offer to stay.
Now I had to make polite conversation...
"So, what brings you here? A Stray Devil is not enough to warrant a visit from the Sitri heir." Sona frowned, and I took a sip of my tea to cover my smile.
"Rias and her peerage are spending their summer in the Underworld." Sona nodded at Valerie and accepted the offered tea.
"And?" I said, playing along despite not wanting to bother with the conversation. I usually didn't have the patience required to endure these conversations.
"And they will be spending their summer training." Sona sipped her tea, giving her time to mentally compose herself. "Would you be willing to train with my peerage and I?"
"Shouldn't you be asking your parents or sister to train you?" I avoided answering with a question of my own.
Sona remained silent and continued sipping her tea. I stared at her waiting for her to continue, eventually, it became clear that she was going to remain silent.
"Well alright then." I waved my hand, and Sona was teleported back to Kuoh Academy. "You too." I waved a second time and Tsubaki was teleported away, probably landing beside Sona.
Valerie blinked slowly at me, and I blinked back.
"Was that necessary?" Valerie sent me a dull look as she went about collecting the tea and snacks that clearly weren't going to be eaten.
"No." It wasn't necessary. "But I wasn't in the mood to entertain guests." I realized that I didn't have to entertain her if I didn't want to. Hence, the abrupt teleport Sona experienced.
Valerie just nodded and left the room bringing the gathered tea and snacks with her. I watched her go while ruminating on my conversation with Sona.
Though it wasn't much of a conversation...
A day later I found myself in the Gap with a sufficiently protected Mihaela, demonstrating my magic. With a little flourish, I held my hand in front of me and went about forming my magic.
"Rift." A black magic circle appeared and I opened a Rift allowing Mihaela to observe it for a moment before closing it. "Rift." I opened another Rift and allowed Mihaela to stare at it a little longer before closing it.
"So, what do you think?" I closed the Rift and stared at her expectantly. I didn't expect much, but anything would help. The Rift's weren't working and I needed to improve them somehow.
"They are inefficient." I stared at her feeling slightly disappointed. Perhaps seeing my disappointed look, she continued. "Why don't you have a defined border around your rift? You could make it more like a portal or gate."
I raised an eyebrow and waited for her to continue. She shifted uncomfortably for a moment before speaking.
"If you give your spell a defined border and make it a portal you wouldn't have to fight to keep it open, allowing you to get more out of the spell." She mimed drawing a circle in the air, to show me what she meant.
"Hmmm..." I just hummed as it was a fair point. But it probably wouldn't get me any closer to dimensional travel. "Any other ideas?" Mihaela looked slightly hesitant but I motioned for her to continue.
"What exactly are you trying to do?" I raised an eyebrow and went to speak but was cut off. "It's clear you aren't using your rifts to attack or to travel."
I stared at Mihaela, not really sure how I wanted this conversation to go.
"I'm trying to travel dimensions." Mihaela seemed shocked, but not as shocked as I thought she would be. I turned away from her and allowed her to gather her thoughts.
I turned my attention to my magic willing it to gather in front of me. "Gate." I opened a tear in space leading to Hell, though this time it was a circle seven feet across, that had defined borders and was a little easier to maintain.
I stopped holding it open and the space sealed itself once again becoming unmarred by my magic. I smiled. I had gained something even if it wasn't much.
I just bullshitted another spell into existence...
"You're just connecting two different 'Rifts', right?" My smile faded and I nodded, not immediately seeing what she was getting at. "You seem to be connecting space between rifts to travel."
I just nodded again and motioned for her to continue. Mihaela smiled brilliantly at my nod, looking pretty smug.
"You're just connecting two points in space, in the same universe of course it won't work." She smiled smugly at me.
"Ah." I blinked. "I think I get what you're saying." I was trying to breach dimensions but in reality, was just ripping up space, which probably wasn't the same thing.
It meant that Heaven, Hell, Earth, and the mystery universe were probably within the same universe, which was why I was able to travel between them but not to other universes like I wanted to.
My lack of dimensional travel was probably because of my lack of understanding, not because of my lack of power.
"You might have just helped me immensely." I ran a hand through my hair feeling more relived then I have been in a long time. "Is there something you desire? Something that I could give you?"
"Ummm..." She trailed off looking nervous. "Could you age some wine for me?" She fluttered her eyes, though she still looked nervous.
"Sure." I blinked languidly at her. I hadn't expected such a simple request. I had figured she would ask to be my Contracted Magician or maybe for something expensive. "I'll do you one better."
The shadows in the room darkened and writhed. Various bottles of alcohol, some hundreds of years old, rose from the Shadow's and occupied different surfaces throughout the room.
"This is my collection, take what you want." It was my family's collection, but with some time shenanigans, I also had a collection of my own.
Mihaela's stared, wide-eyed at the number of bottles occupying the room. Eventually, she gathered herself and went about exploring the field of bottles, while being careful not to knock them over.
My first breath in a new world was suffocating. Not because of a lack of air but because of a lack of magic. The air here was nearly devoid of magic, I was left with only what my soul naturally produced and what little I could get from the surroundings.
It didn't feel like enough, I was a being of magic, suddenly having no magic in the air was disorientating and painful in equal measures.
I opened my eyes and took stock of my surroundings.
I was in the lobby of a hotel of some kind. Dark blood on the floor, a couple of dead bodies, and a destroyed interior let me know that someone a very fun afternoon.
"Ick." I took a deep breath and scrunched my nose in disgust. The smell of death and rot permeated the room, replacing what would have been the chemical smell that occupied most human buildings.
I stood and slowly made my way over to the entrance eager to see what this world would show me. Sadly, it wasn't much.
Upon opening the door, it became clear that I was in a post-apocalyptic world of some kind. Zombie's of various gender and age shambled towards me, each groaning noisily and attracting more of their fellows.
"Nope." I promptly shut the door and sealed it shut with an earthen wall. I felt the surrounding earth not resisting my magic as I shaped it, but pushed on and ignored it.
I shook my head as various Shadowy Beings crawled out of my shadow and quickly dispersed throughout the hotel in search of prey.
Thud* Thud* Thud*
A few quiet thuds later my Shadows returned to me, though lacking souls. I had expected the zombies to provide some souls, but that didn't seem to be the case...
"Whatever..." I shook my head and started towards the elevator. The building still had power, so I should be able to ride right to the top...
After a quiet and boring elevator ride, I was standing on the roof of the hotel overlooking the city.
The city was Japanese, the signs and Japanese zombies said as much. The giant billboard featuring an upcoming anime release only cemented the fact.
"The lights are still on..." Which meant whatever happened, happened recently. Within the last few day's if I had to guess.
I couldn't hear more than the occasional groan and the shuffling of feet despite how sensitive my hearing was.
It meant that there wasn't a concentrated military effort to oust the zombies. Taking that thought further, one could assume that whatever made people zombies affected almost everyone.
"Fuck, what a hellhole." I scratched my neck and stared down at the shuffling corpses allowing myself to get lost in thought.
Since I couldn't get souls from the zombies there was almost no point in me staying here. Currently, the only thing keeping me here was my worry about bringing whatever virus made the zombies back to the DxD-verse.
The DxD-verse didn't need a zombie epidemic, humans there already had it rough enough. Bringing a zombie virus from another dimension over was just kicking the humans while they were already down...
"But kicking the humans while they are down is typical of the DxD-verse." I wasn't desperate to return anyways...
I blinked and tilted my head as I head someone walking somewhere within the building. It was different from the shuffling that the zombies seemed to do, meaning that this person was very much alive.
I turned towards the rooftop entrance, hearing the steps getting closer before deciding looking down at the city was a much cooler look. I turned back and patiently waited for my guest.
Slowly, cautiously the person made their way up the stairs. Their heart was beating and their breathing was heavy but silent.
I smiled to myself when I heard the person take a deep breath before pulling the busted door open causing the door to screech as metal rubbed against metal.
I gave them a moment to gaze upon my majestic form before turning to see who was lucky enough to survive whatever the hell happened here.
"Lovely day isn't it?" I spoke, turned, and stared at the busty green-eyed brown-haired police officer who was currently aiming her tiny revolver at me. I eyed her short skirt, deciding that this was definitely an anime world of some kind.
A beautiful busty Japanese police officer in a way-too-short skirt was something that only came from the minds of Japanese animators.
"I wouldn't say that." She sneered at me. The sneer warping her face and causing some of her beauty to fade. "What are you?"
"Pardon." I blinked innocently at her.
"Humans don't raise walls with a wave of their hand! What are you?" She moved her finger to the trigger causing me to smile.
Trust the Japanese to see magic and assume you were a monster of some kind.
"What makes you think..." I leaned forward and smiled, taking some small joy in her slight flinch. "...that I'm not human?"
"Stay where you are!" She shook her gun at me in what she thought was a threatening manner.
I took a few steps back bringing myself to the edge of the building.
"It's because I'm blond isn't it? What do you have against blond people?" I mockingly shook my fist at her, causing her to scowl at me.
"You killed the zombies in the building, right?" Her scowl disappeared, replaced with a more neutral look.
"No." I lied shamelessly. "They were like that when I got here."
The woman stared at me, clearly not believing me.
"You're going to do that again or I'll shoot you." She waved her gun at me, causing me to nearly burst into laughter.
The woman didn't find the situation as amusing as I did and aimed the gun at my head.
"So, you think I killed every zombie in the building?" I gestured to said building for emphasis. The woman nodded. "And you think it's a good idea to threaten me?"
The look of realization on her face was delicious.
"I'm sorry, I'm just hungry." She lowered her gun and stared at her feet. I eyed her wondering where all her spunk went. "I haven't eaten in so long."
Eventually, she stopped staring at her feet, placing her gun in its holster but maintaining a distance away from me.
"Well, this isn't fun anymore." I had wanted to dramatically fall off the edge and appear behind her when she looked for my corpse. But it seems I wasn't going to have too much fun today.
I took a few steps away from the edge and towards the now depressed lady officer. She backed away causing me to pause.
We stared at each other, both unsure what to do. I wasn't even ready when I first opened a Dimensional Gate to this world. I had just jumped in and tripped on the other side, accidentally closing the gate behind me.
I wasn't really ready for an adventure, I just jumped through the gate on a whim. And now I was too nervous to return for fear of bringing a zombie virus back with me.
"Well, what do you want to do?" I plastered a smile on my face, ready to embrace the role of a mysterious stranger. "Should we go find some food?"
The woman looked hesitant and nodded unsurely walking to my side. I reached out, causing her to flinch, and gave her some head-pats.
She stood, stiffly and unsure but received my head-pats without complaint.
"Alright let's go." I started towards the stairs, with a few plans flying through my mind. The woman lagged behind but quickly jogged to catch up.
After a little coaxing police lady led me to a nearby convince store that she had been eyeing for the past few days.
Apparently, she had been making her way there when she had spotted me and heard my prompt 'nope' upon seeing the zombies. She was also able to witness my subsequent magic usage and had concocted a plan to force me to protect her while raiding the small store.
It wasn't a smart plan by any means but she was hungry and desperate, as she hadn't eaten much in the past three days.
"So, any idea what happened?" The woman turned to me, brushing some chip crumbs off her hands as she did so. "I didn't hear anything on the news before this all happened." I again lied.
"No, me neither." She shook her head. "Everyone but myself and a few others fell unconscious, becoming those things moments later." She took a deep shuddering breath at the memory.
"It must have happened everywhere. I haven't seen a single living person since this whole thing happened." She stared, clearly not including me in the 'person' category. "You're the only thing I've found."
I stared at her dully, feeling slightly annoyed at her lack of fear despite my 'non-human-ness' and mysteriousness.
"At least pretend to respect me. There's no need to be so rude." The woman rolled her eyes at me, apparently comfortable enough to do so. "What's your name, police girl?"
"Chifumi, Amaya" She grumbled unhappily, not looking pleased with me knowing her name.
"My name is Surnothal Agares." Her first name translated to 'night rain' or so my power told me. The Japanese have good naming sense. "Alright Amaya get a backpack and fill it with whatever you will need, we're going on a trip."
"Who said I was following you." She scowled at me, clearly taking offense at my assumption. "I'm staying here." She crossed her arms defiantly, a scowl still on her face.
I smiled in amusement.
"The fact that you think you have a choice in the matter is cute." Using considerable speed, I reached over and pinched her cheek. "I've decided to adopt you, so you're coming with me." I pinched her cheek for a moment longer before letting her go with a smile.
"Don't touch me!" She went to smack at me, but I dodged with little fanfare.
"Boop!" I booped her on the nose and danced away from another smack. "Boop!" I booped her again and danced away with a twirl easily avoiding her hits.
Thousands of my Shadows were scouting the city in search of something interesting. They would of course steal anything of value and kill any zombies inhabiting the area I had temporarily decided to inhabit for the night.
"Do you want to claim the Hotel or should we go somewhere else?" I kicked my shoes off and jumped onto the bed closest to the door ignoring police girl's scowl.
I took a moment to wonder why police girl hadn't said anything about my weird lightly-glowing red eyes but figured she didn't care enough to mention it.
"Hello?" My arm extended across the room and I jabbed her in the side, quickly retracting said arm before she could turn around. She stared at me clearly confused at how I managed to touch her from across the room.
"What are we going to do about housing?" I pulled the covers over myself and made a cocoon with the blankets, not minding that I was still completely dressed.
Police girl still hadn't answered.
"Maybe we can travel around and look for other survivors?" I peeked at police girl from within my cocoon. She didn't seem very enthusiastic about the idea.
"I've already searched for people." She didn't look at me as she spoke, instead digging through her backpack. "Very few survived the initial changing, and fewer survived getting swarmed moments later."
"Even fewer survived the following week, as the fresh zombies could still run as fast as a human before they started decomposing." She took out a bunch of pajamas causing me to blink. "I don't think we will find anyone if we look." She tucked the pajamas under her arm and made her way to the bathroom.
I stared at her from my cocoon, wondering what to do. She was right, we probably wouldn't find anyone. My Shadows hadn't found anything and they had been through a good part of the city by now.
There wasn't enough magic in the air for there to be anything interesting in terms of magic nor did this world produce anything valuable material wise. The various pieces of jewelry and precious metals were the only things of value in the city. My Shadows were already collecting those, so they could be melted and stored.
The world was boring. I probably wouldn't find anything interesting, but at least wandering around with police girl would occupy some of my time if nothing else...
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