

Just In




Rebirth In The Naruto-verse (SIOC) by Victortoery12

 Anime » Naruto Rated: M, English, Fantasy, Kakashi H., Gai M., Minato N., Kushina U., Words: 205k+, Favs: 1k+, Follows: 1k+, Published: Apr 22 Updated: Nov 1924Chapter 15 : Revised

I was back in Konoha and on a week-long break.

Minato used the break to run missions by himself, while Kakashi and I pursued individual training.

I planned on using my free week to add the lightning palm to my repertoire.

I however finished ahead of schedule completing the lightning Palm in one day.

I had met all the requirements before I started learning it.

All I needed to do was make it seal-less or to get it down to one hand-seal.

And that could be done later.

So, I need to find something to do for the rest of the week.


I think ill try for another Lightning Jutsu.

Off to the library, I go…

I was in the library under a Henge and sitting in the Genin section, I was of course using my Byakugan to read the books in the Chunin section.

I had a few choices in jutsu.

Lightning Release: Lightning ball.

Lightning Release: Wall.

Lightning Release: Lightning Arrow.

The lightning ball was out, it required that the user be able to manipulate the chakra away from the body.

Lightning release: wall, was a multi-person jutsu and thus too draining to use, so it was also out.

That left the simple lightning arrow.

Sorry lightning ball and wall maybe next time.

I focused on the Lightning Arrow scroll and memorized it with Kokoro no kyōka.

My work was done, I exited the library and made my way to my favorite training ground, I had a lot to do today after all.

I sat down and started on the lightning arrow technique.

'The user molds then shapes lightning-natured chakra. They can then throw the lightning as a projectile, or combine it with a Water Release technique to electrocute a target.'

This technique was a simple C-Ranked jutsu only requiring the ram hand-seal.

I set my hands into the shape of the ram hand-seal then gathered lightning chakra on my palm shaping it as arrow-like as possible.

I then launched the lightning arrow to the nearest tree.

It hit the tree leaving a small scorch mark.

Alrighty, that wasn't quite where I aimed but that's fine, I'll get better.

I spent the rest of the day shooting lightning arrows.

I experimented with the size and number of the arrow.

Eventually, I got low on chakra and had to call it a day.

I arrived home around mid-evening.

I was met with my mother who looked visibly nervous.

She waved me into the dining where took a seat at our Chabudai.

She motioned for me to join her, and I did after a moment of hesitation.

She stared into my eyes for a moment before she looked away and seemed to get lost in thought.

I kept my silence, only raising an eyebrow when she met my gaze after a few moments.

"Shiro… I've been ordered to watch you…"

By who and for what?

"Why have you been ordered to watch me?"

And who would order a mother to watch their son, that sounded a bit crazy?

"The Hokage was concerned about your mental stability when you experimented on some bandits."

What did he not like? He lets Danzō abduct children into root and doesn't bat an eye.


My mother drummed her fingers on the table for a moment before replying.

"The Hokage doesn't want you to experiment on people from the village."

Not a problem, don't eat where you shit and all that.

"That's not a problem, I wouldn't experiment on anyone that was not already meant to die."

Which was true, if you accepted the fact that everyone from the second they were born was meant to die.

"Yes, I know, that's why I'm telling you this. Don't even heal any non-ninja from the village, it might be taken the wrong way."

Was she concerned for me? This was rather touching.

"Thanks, mom."

A smile appeared on her face at the word mom.

"Anytime Shiro."

We sat in silence for a while longer.


She started finger drumming on the table again.


After a moment she stopped.

"Don't bring up experiments anywhere even around your team. If you do need to experiment make sure no-one knows of it, not even myself."

Uh-oh, this doesn't sound good…

"Can you tell me the reason?"

She looked me in the eye, the most serious expression I had ever seen her make was on her face.

"Greatness and Madness are neighbors and sometimes they borrow each-others sugar."

She took a deep breath before continuing.

"Every great person you'll ever meet is mad, to become great, they sacrifice relationships, public perception, morals, family, and even their own well-being."

My eyes widened, this wisdom was unexpected. My impression of my mother rose with her words.

"Shiro, ninja fear greatness, they will fear your greatness. Ninja will do anything to stop greatness before it becomes a problem."

She took another breath and continued.

"When your great you don't just have to watch your enemies but also your allies. The Third Hokage and Danzō Shimura being a prime example. Danzō and The Third used to be friends, but The Third rose to greatness and became Hokage, a position that Danzō desired.

Now Danzō does his best to undermine The Third."

She stopped for a moment, I figured this was the time to ask a question.

"Why hasn't The Third done something about Danzō?"

I knew that it was because of his past friendship, but I wanted to hear an outside perspective.

"A mix of weakness and morals. The Third and Danzō were friends, The Third probably thinks fondly of his past friendship with Danzō and is hesitant to put him in his place."

She blinked and looked to the side.

"No one can ever prove Danzō has done anything. And when they can they disappear."

She focused back on me.

"If the Hokage executed Danzō for something he couldn't prove it would be seen as morally wrong."

I sighed and rubbed my eyes, Danzō was one of my biggest worries, and just talking about him was giving me anxiety.

"Shiro, I believe you will be great, and I want you to hide your greatness for as long as you can until no-one can stop you from doing what you want to achieve."

I think that was a nice way of telling me to hide my madness.

"So, the Hokage thinks I'm mad?"

My mother sighed and rubbed her nose.

"You are attracting too much attention, and need to hide your greatness so your life doesn't end before it even begins."

She didn't say I wasn't mad…

"I was healing people at every village we stopped at during missions, should I stop doing that?"

My mother shook her head.

"No that's a point in your favor, it's the reason you're not being interrogated by a Yamanaka

right now."

I felt the hair on the back of my neck stand-up, I was pretty close to a session of mind-rape.

"Is there anything else I should be aware of?"

She hummed in thought.

"Keep making attempts at friendship with your teammate, and stay friends with Gai. Those were both a point in your favor."

I was mentally thanking the power of Youth when my mother continued interrupting my thought.

"Your Jonin-Sensei is also tasked to watch you, so be careful of what you say and do around him."

I felt a bit of betrayal but realized that this was Minato I was thinking about, the man who will sacrifice himself, and his child for the village. I doubt he would lose any sleep if I were to die for the betterment of the village.

"Thanks mom."

That got another smile out of her.

"Anytime Shiro, sorry for ranting at you about madness I was anxious."

I smiled at her.

"No worries, I appreciate the warning and enjoyed talking to you."

I needed that warning, I would have bumbled my way into a Yamanaka mind rape.

My toes curled at the thought.

I couldn't wait to get out of this shit hole.

"Thanks again mom, and goodnight."

She smiled at me.

"Goodnight Shiro."

I made my way to my room, I figured I wouldn't get any sleep tonight but at least I could curl up in my bed and be comfortable while I stewed in anxiety.

I had so many experiments I wanted to do, the reason I hadn't started on them was that I needed long term test subjects.

I knew I couldn't stop on my path of medical ninjutsu, it had gotten me the most results after all.


Do I need to pursue something else for a while until I'm not under scrutiny?

Perhaps Fuinjutsu?

Fuinjutsu tied nicely into medical ninjutsu and I had planned to look into the Strength Of A Hundred seal anyway.

The next day I sent a clone to the Hyuga and public Library's they were tasked with looking for books and scrolls about Fuinjutsu, so I could later burn it into my memory.

I sent a third clone to go see Kushina and ask what she knew about the strength of a hundred seal.

I was headed shopping I had to find a new outfit, I no longer deserved to wear a Youthful jumpsuit.

The Hyuga library clone predictably had no luck finding stuff about seals.

The public library had some of the basics, but nothing that would let me go past making a basic storage seal.

The clone that I sent to Kushina was Missing In Action, so I figured he was dragged into some sort of traumatic social experience and would be a while longer.

I was still looking around for a new outfit I wanted something white but was hesitating.

I'd look good.

But id also have to buy a new set of clothes if I got blood all over them, which was pretty much a given.


I exited the store with my outfit after many assurances from the clerk that there are cleaners capable of getting blood out of clothing.

Both the shirt and pants of my outfit were white, I had wanted a white sweater but I couldn't find any white pants that looked good with it.

So, I ended up with a baggy shirt and pant combo.

I disliked the buttons but I was willing to put up with them…

I wonder what my clone is doing...

When they last this long they usually start acting silly.

I was a bit worried about what my clone had gotten up-to, but figured that it would Henge if it wanted to pull something…

Sigh… Time to get home.

I was taking my pre-sleep shower when my clone dispelled.

The clone had gone to Kushina and was promptly manhandled.

The clone finally got down to business when it was having its nails painted.


She didn't stop painting my nails as she responded.

"Yes, Shiro?"

How do I word this…?

"I'm looking to learn about The Strength Of A Hundred Seal, I figured since you know a lot about Fuinjutsu id ask you about it."

Kushina bit her lip for a moment and paused her nail painting.

"The Strength Of A Hundred Seal doesn't have a lot to do with Fuinjutsu, it has more to do with chakra control."

She refocused her attention back to my nails and resumed painting.

"The easiest way I can explain it is that you're crafting a seal with your chakra. When you finish the seal, you can use it to store excess chakra."

Kushina moved onto the next nail this time changing colors.

"In order to make the seal, you have to constantly store most of your chakra at a point in your forehead for three years straight. This also means while you are asleep. This can only be done by people who have excellent chakra control."

Kushina finished with my fingernails and moved on to my toenails.

"When making the seal you have to dedicate about 80% of your chakra reserves, meaning that you will only be able to use the remaining 20%."

It was quiet for a moment and Kushina started humming to herself.

I was quietly contemplating the seal. I had needed to slow down anyway, but this seal was a three-year-long investment.

I brought up my memory of the timeline.


I still had about four years until the war, that seemed like enough time to make the seal.

But in those three years, I wouldn't improve much and my combat power would be extremely limited.

I wouldn't be able to make any more progress on my Ninjutsu.

I probably wouldn't be able to use any Ninjutsu at all.

And would the Hyuga Elders take the chance to seal me when my attention was focused on making the seal?

What if they did and I had to fight back?

Would I have to restart the seal?


She was done my right toes and had moved onto the left ones.


I think I need the seal.

"Where could I get the scroll for the technique?"

It was such a huge boost in combat-power and survivability I couldn't pass it up.

"I could get it for you, my sensei practiced the technique. You only need permission from the Hokage."

Danm roadblock.

"Could you ask the Hokage for me?"

I didn't want to ask him.

"Aww Shiro! Are you shy?"

Sure, let's go with that.

"Yes! the Hokage is my idol and I can't even get a word out in his presence!"

I tried my best to sound nervous.

"Aww, that's so cute! Don't worry Shiro ill ask the Hokage for you!"

I smiled.

"Thanks, Kushina, this means a lot to me!"

She smiled back at me.

Eventually, the clone's nails were finished and Kushina had no-more things to braid or paint, so he exited the apartment and made his way to the forest where he could dispel.

I was still in the shower I had sat down and was letting the water hit my back while I got lost in thought.

My healing factor would benefit a lot from the seal.

The only limit to my healing was the amount of chakra I had and with the seal that would no longer be a problem.

I would be almost unkillable.

That alone was worth the 3 years of probable stagnation.

To prepare for the seal id have to be better at managing my chakra.

And I'd have to map out the chakra cost of all my techniques and then only stick to low-cost techniques.

That meant no Shadow Clones and no Lightning Release.

I had meant to "Create" the Rasengan but that might be impossible as well.


The benefits were greater than the costs.

I stood up and turned off the shower.


I might not even be allowed to learn the technique…

I guess I'll see what happens…


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