

Just In




Rebirth In The Naruto-verse (SIOC) by Victortoery12

 Anime » Naruto Rated: M, English, Fantasy, Kakashi H., Gai M., Minato N., Kushina U., Words: 205k+, Favs: 1k+, Follows: 1k+, Published: Apr 22 Updated: Nov 1924Chapter 18

Credit to rivo and Pinkpuffy69 for spit-balling ideas with me.

If anyone has any ideas for the story PM me and we'll chat.

Eventually, we made it back to Konoha.

The trip back was quiet and nothing noteworthy happened.

When we got through the gates I turned to Minato and Kakashi.

"Well it's been fun being on a team and all, I'll see you guys around..."

Though hopefully not too soon.

"Thanks, Shiro, I enjoyed your company and hope we can still meet up now and then for lunch."

Not on your life Minato.

I looked at Kakashi who was silent.


He nodded.

"Never break someone's heart, they only have one."

Kakashi nodded again.

"Break their bones instead, they have 206 of them."

Kakashi looked away and scratched his face.

"All right I'm off, Cya around…"

Hopefully I wouldn't see those two bastards for a while.

Though who knew…

Kushina might drag them over…

I arrived home eager for a shower.

I was thinking about the things I'd need to do before I started on the seal when my mom interrupted me.


Delaying my shower seems to be a theme…


She gave me a half-smile.

"We need to talk again."


Is she interrupting my shower time on purpose?

"Let's talk now, my shower can wait."

She nodded and started toward the dining room.

We were both seated and facing each other.

Mom had brought out the tea and was filling her cup when she spoke.

"The Hokage scheduled another meeting."

Fuck off!

"What is it this time?"

The bastard wouldn't leave me alone.

"Nothing serious, the Hokage wants to know why you permanently left your team and he's also giving you another look at the Strength Of A Hundred scroll."

I didn't need another look but I apricated the thought.

I just hummed and waited for her to continue.

"I would also like to know when you decide stuff like that."

I blinked at her.


She winked at me.

"If I don't have anything to report to the Hokage, I likely won't be included in the talks about you."

You gotta give some, to get some…

Got it.

"Anything else?"

She took a sip of her tea.

"I want to train you while you're building the seal."

I raised an eyebrow at her.

"What would we practice?"

She shrugged.

"Depends on how far you've gotten since I've last seen you spar."

Ok, good point…

"Alright, that it?"

She nodded and I jumped up, eager to get in the shower.

I stopped before I left the room.

"When's the Hokage want to see me?"

I heard her chuckle.

"At seven, tomorrow morning."

Alright, now it's shower time.

The next morning I was again seated in the waiting room, waiting for my turn to be called.

Eventually, an annoyed-looking male receptionist told me to proceed and I made my way to the Hokage's office.

I didn't waste any time and knocked as soon as I arrived at the door.

Knock! Knock! Knock!

"You may Enter!"


I opened the door and made my way inside hoping that this meeting wouldn't be too nerve-wracking.

I stood in the middle of the room and gave him a bow.


I stood still and waited for the Hokage to start.

He spent a little time staring at me before he started speaking.

"It was quite a surprise when I heard you were permanently leaving your team."

It was a surprise to me as well…

I didn't have it planned out until I was filling out my paperwork for a leave of absence.

"You told Minato the reason you were leaving his team was in search of friendship."

The amused tone in his voice told me what he thought of that statement.

I just nodded. Sometimes the best answer was no answer.

"I don't believe that was the real reason, would you mind sharing your thoughts."

Although he asked nicely, I knew it was an order and not a question.

I hummed and stared at the ceiling buying myself time to compose my reason in my mind.

I had planned on using the same excuse on the Hokage when he asked.

But he wasn't buying what I was selling.

It was a flimsy excuse, to begin with, I had just said it to take a shot at Kakashi and Minato.

A mistake in hindsight.

I focused back on his face.

"I don't mind telling you, as long as you don't tell Minato or Kakashi."

He lifted an eyebrow at me.

"Hmmm… What you say here will stay between us."

Yes… us and the Anbu listing in…

"When I said I wanted friendship that was a half-truth."

I looked at the floor for a moment.

"I want a team that wouldn't sacrifice me to complete a mission."

I chuckled.

"I also want people to laugh at my jokes and by extension friendship…"

I trailed off and the office descended into silence.

"What gave you the impression that you would be sacrificed?"

I didn't think I would be sacrificed I just wanted to use this opportunity to throw some shade at Minato.

"Under Minato's cheerful façade is a hidden ruthlessness. I can tell that, should he deem it necessary he wouldn't hesitate to let me die."

The Hokage didn't confirm nor deny my words but continued.

"Hmm... and Kakashi?"

He's a bastard.

"I've tried to reach out to him and become friends on many occasions but was met with disdain. We have no bond and I believe should I become a burden, Kakashi wouldn't hesitate to sacrifice me."

I sighed to give myself more time to compose my next reason.

"But that was only part of why I left my team. I can handle Minato's ruthlessness and Kakashi's apathy as I have faith in my abilities and believe I can keep myself alive."

I tapped my foot trying to disperse some of my nervous energy.

"Minato is a terrible teacher."

That got a surprised blink out of him.

"How so?"

I took a deep breath.

"I don't think I can even call Minato a teacher as one has to teach something to be a teacher."

The Hokage waved his hand.


I started shifting around, an action that was not faked as I was feeling genuinely nervous.

"Minato never taught me or Kakashi anything during the time we were together. We did weekly spars and Minato gave criticism but he never actively taught us any ninja skills."

Not entirely true, Minato had shown us how to use the fire starting jutsu.

"Did you ask Minato to teach you anything?"

No, I hadn't. But should I have had to ask?


I paused for a moment before continuing.

"I didn't think Minato liked me so I was too nervous to ask."

The Hokage nodded.

I waited for him to continue with his line of questioning.

But he just stared off into space.

"I'll have a talk with Minato about his teaching."

What happened to this staying between us?

The Hokage seemed to have guessed my thoughts.

"I have ways to look over the village, I'll tell Minato that was how it came to my attention."

I gave him another deep bow.

"Thank you."

He gave a nod in response and picked up a scroll on his desk and held it out.

"This is the Strength Of A Hundred scroll, you can take it into the room across the hall and study it. When you are done leave the scroll on the table, it will be collected later."

I bowed again though this time for longer.

"Thank you, Hokage-sama."

Hopefully, this will cause Minato some trouble.

Though I doubted it would.

I sat in the room staring blankly at the scroll I was given.

I wasn't sure if anything I had said would be taken seriously.

Or if it was the right thing to do…

Minato was causing me trouble…

So I figured, I'd return the favor…

Though I doubted anything I said would have an effect.

Pettieness thy name is Shiro Hyuga...

I sighed and stood up, leaving the scroll on the desk.

I wanted to get home and get a start on the seal.

I was seated on my bed gathering chakra on my forehead.

I had gotten started as soon as I got home.

I currently wasn't having any problems but figured that I'd start to have difficulty when I had to sleep.

Though for now, I was fine.

I sighed and stood up, I was hungry and ready to eat.

I spent the rest of my day reading and practicing calligraphy before heading off to bed.

As I had predicted I was having trouble keeping my chakra under my control while I slept.

As soon as I fell asleep my control would start drifting, and the chakra would disperse through my body…

The feeling of my chakra dispersing through my body also woke me up.


I'd need to keep doing this until holding my chakra in my forehead was an automatic process…

It might take longer than six months to complete the seal…

I gathered my chakra and sent it to my forehead once again.

It seems this will be a long night…

I spent the next two weeks trying and failing to keep my chakra in my forehead while I slept.

During the days I would read books from the Hyuga library and sometimes practice calligraphy.

I didn't have any luck until today where I had my first uninterrupted sleep in two weeks.

I'd see if this kept up for a few more days and then I'd adjust my schedule.

My good luck proved true and I had a few more days of uninterrupted sleep.

Now I was ready to get my ass into gear.

I was going to learn all I could from my mother and then spend some of this free time with Gai and Duy where I'd further practice Taijutsu.

While I used this time to shore up my basics, I'll write down all my ideas for experiments I want to do.

I'll have to better plan them so I can use any 'resources' I acquire to the fullest extent.

The more I thought about my experiment with the bandit the more disappointed in myself I got.

I could have used that opportunity better and made better use of my time…

That experiment caused me a lot of grief…

I think that was the last time I'll experiment around anyone else…

I was sitting with my mom and enjoying a cool drink.

We had been training for a few hours and were now taking a break.

I had been pondering the whys and how's of human intelligence when my mother spoke.

"You need a plan for when you rejoin the active shinobi force."

What was she talking about…?

"What do you mean?"

I got an eye-roll in response.

"When you become an active shinobi again you will have to choose between joining a team that has lost a member or joining the Genin corps."

I didn't like either of those options…

"Is there a research and development department I can join?"

She nodded.

"Yes, but it's not something you should waste time on."

What was the deal?

"How so?"

She looked absently into the distance while she spoke.

"If you joined research and development you wouldn't have time to pursue your projects, anything you do would be for the village."

But how does Orochimaru get to experiment?

She continued.

"To get time for your research you have to prove your worth to the village or have good connections."

So, I need connections or I need to prove my worth…

That's annoying…

"So, my time is better spent pursuing projects on my own?"

She nodded.

"Yes, at least until you establish yourself as valuable enough to have your own lab."

That's annoying…

I decided to change the topic.

"Is there anything you would recommend I take the time to learn?"

She shook her head.

"Not that I can think of at the moment."

Hopefully, that means I'm doing well.

"Alright, I've rested enough let's get back to it."

Daylight is burning after all.

I woke up to someone knocking on my window.

The knocking stopped and I laid in my bed wondering who was so eager to die on this fine morning…

The knocking started again and I rolled out of bed ready to find out who was bothering me.

I opened the curtains and came face to face to Kushina.

I heard a muffled "Good morning Shiro!" from outside.

I just stared in disbelief.

I opened the window and let Kushina in.

I told her to make herself at home while I showered.

I returned to see that Kushina had indeed made herself at home.

She was sitting on my bed curled up in my blankets…

Why are you violating my bed?

My place of comfort…

"What brings you here?"

I was happy to see her but also annoyed at being woken up.

"I wanted to see you!"


"What for?"

Seriously the sun isn't even up yet…

"I was thinking about you, Shiro."

I wasn't sure I believed it but I'd give her the benefit of the doubt.

"Alright what do you want to do?"

How do I continue this interaction?

"I want to know what you've been up to."

Kushina was of course still on my bed and rolled up in my blankets and I was leaning against the wall out of grabbing distance.

"I've just been practicing Taijutsu and reading since I don't have access to my chakra."

I also spent my time wallowing in near-crippling anxiety and thinking about the future.

"Oh, that's good! Taijutsu is like the most important part of being a ninja!"

I'd say chakra is the most important part of being a ninja, but I know what you mean Kushina…

Kushina and I continued chatting for a while longer.

Before I decided that I might as well introduce her to my mother since she was here.

"Kushina we're going to go see my mother."

I figured I'd give her no choice in the matter.

That's some Social Fu that I learned from Kushina.

"Yea! Let's go see her! What's her name!"

She had a broad grin on her face.

"I have no idea, I've always called her mom."

Well, I called her mother until recently…

I led Kushina down the hall and to the dining room, which was the space my mom occupied for a good part of the morning.

My mother was in the dining room as expected.

She didn't look too happy to have a guest though.

I watched as she frowned at Kushina while she introduced herself.

"Hi! I'm Kushina Uzumaki what's your name!"

Blunt and to the point, this was the reason I liked Kushina.

"My name is Sumiko it's nice to meet you Kushina."

Sumiko meant child of goodness or beautiful child, it's a good name…


My mom and Kushina continued talking for a while.

I looked at the gentle smile that had replaced her earlier frown and decided that things were alright and my presence wasn't needed...

I think It's time for breakfast…

Perhaps some fruit today…

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