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A Gamer's Life When He Wants To Avoid The Plot by flameclawsxx

 Anime » RWBY Rated: T, English, Humor & Adventure, OC, Words: 26k+, Favs: 834, Follows: 1k+, Published: Oct 17 Updated: Oct 31191Chapter 5: First Day of Travel

Don't Own Rwby Or The Gamer Ability, Only The Oc



"Tvs, Radios, and Text via book or newspaper... when those are around..."

Gamer Ability Notifications

(Mid Chapter Authors Notes)

A large wall springs to life in between my house and the bear.

I reach into my inventory and quickly Frisbee four pieces of stone onto the ground in front of us.


The wall of earth shudders as it is hit.

"Get into position! DPS!"

Five crystal figures step out my door, each in full plate armor and wielding a massive sword.


The wall is hit again.

"When it breaks through that wall-"


"Rush in and attack it. Focus on avoiding attacks while striking it when you can!"

The crystal figures leap off the mobile home and land in crouched positions.

"Avoid the stone circles at all cost!"

I look to the small turret still sat on the very front of my walker.


"Fire at will."

The wall bends inwards, large cracks forming throughout.



I hold out a hand towards the wall.


A four foot section of the wall crumbles as the Ursa's arm pokes through.

'huh... maybe wall spells are Op.'


I slowly blink at the large bear as it begins clawing around the hole.

It peeks its head through it.


It promptly gets a face full of holy water.

It lets out a growl of pain as it pulls its head back through the wall.

'fuck it.'

I look down at my five golems still waiting. "Just go around and stab it in the back."

I see the bear's head peek up over the wall as it slams both its paws down on the top of the wall, my five soldiers taking this moment to zoom off.



My shoulders slump as the ursa falls backwards.


"I thought this would be more epic... the boss you run from in the tutorial only to come back later and fight on par with it."

The wall cracks again as it slams its body into it, a large crack forming along the wall's length, starting at the hole.

I hear a snarl, then a shattering sound, then a growl of pain.

I slowly blink and hop off the walking golem and walk out into my mine field and lay out a couple more stone tablets.

I slowly take a couple of steps back and hold out a hand towards the wall.

I glance to my walker. "Back up."

The ground rumbles as it begins slowly walking backwards.

I hear another quiet shattering sound.

'so... it's killed two of my golems so far... that's a little annoying.'

There's another shattering sound.


The wall buckles, shards of red crystal flying over the top.

The Ursa starts repeatedly pounding on the wall again.


A large split forms in the wall as the top half folds over, revealing the battle damaged ursa in all its glory.

Ursa Major Level 50

27652/42500 Hp

0/0 Mp

'the fact that a bunch of level fives can do that to a level fifty is bullshit.'

It lets out a thunderous roar- only to get a dose of holy water down its gullet.

It writhes in pain for a moment and charges forwards-

A fairly large chunk of its health continues ticking downwards.

'huh it was actually mostly holy water that did that damage.'

An orb of light springs from my finger tip and rockets towards the ursa, exploding on its mask with a bright flash.

I watch one thousand Hp get shaved off instantly.


I shoot another, watching with a giant grin as the bear stumbles back, health rapidly trickling down from its coating of holy water.

The turret takes this time to shoot it again, making it let out a roar of outrage.

It charges forwards, foot brushing against one of the many stone circles I placed around the path before my walker.


The earth rockets up, piercing cleanly through the bear's shoulder, stone tip poking out of the grimm's back.

It falls forwards slightly as it is tripped up, landing on another mine, causing it to let out a small whimper of pain as its lower jaw is pierced.

It gets up and charges forwards in a last-ditch effort.

A crystal blade appears in my hands as I wait for it to near.

It somehow manages to slip past most of my remaining mines.

'what the hell?!'

It swings its paw down at me, I had fully expected it to trip on another mine and slide to a halt in front of me.

'it's so fast.'

I hold out a hand, summoning a stone circle and tossing it forwards.

The grimm's skin lightens as I hop back, just barely avoiding the attack as it slows down. I slowly blink as it is now a dark grey color.

'what did I- Oh shit... I just hit it with stoneskin.'

I had prepared a couple stone skin stored spells, but... I saw no need to really continue seeing as how I don't have any allies... plus it doesn't work on me so there was no point... I must have grabbed one of those instead of an earth spike.

'I should really label these... they all look roughly the same in my inventory.'

A title has been unlocked.

The bear lunges forwards, but I leap past, slashing the crystal blade along its extended arm.

Critical Hit! (x2 Damage)

I widen my eyes as its entire arm is cleaved off.

Ursa Major Level 50

10257/42500 Hp

0/0 Mp

I reach into my inventory and toss a mine at him, as soon as it brushes against him. It folds inwards and rockets deeper into the bear's side.

A large pink greatsword smashes into the grimm's neck as my last remaining 'dps' appears.

Crystal Golem: Level 5

225/225 Hp

-/- Sp

0/0 Mp

Str: 100

Dex: 50

Vit: 40

Int: 1

Wis: 0

Luc: 0

I shoot the grimm in the back of the knee with a light bolt, sending it tumbling forwards onto another mine, this one piercing completely through the grimm and pinning it to the floor.

I finish it off with a few more light bolts, the entire time we were fighting it was being melted by holy water, so it really didn't take much.

I let out a few slow pants as I look around at all the destruction.

I walk around and quickly pick up any remaining mines, then look at the stone coated golem that is now a good fifty feet away. "Crouch down."

It lowers its body and after a quick jog over, allows me to hop back on, along with my single remaining golem friend.

Such is the life of the youngest self-made millionaire.

Grimm drop Lien, I have a dancing light set up that is now a farm constantly killing weak grimm... simple as that.

I walk past my turret while pondering life's secrets. 'man, maybe casting Stone Skin on the grimm saved me there... it lost quite a bit of dex from it... buuut gained quite a bit more armor... ah well, simple mistake... a mistake that might kill me if I make it again, but now I can avoid making that mistake again.'

As I reach the door I proceed to ponder on the finer things in life...

'What is the thing I want most...'

I hold open my door and allow my remaining idiot to walk through and go stand in the corner.

'A girlfriend. Followed shortly by fast food.'

I'd kill for a pizza right now.

I let out a hum and sit down on my chair. 'what food should I have today? I'm feeling... pineapple... or grapes.'

'ah shit I should probably refill my turret.'

I get up again and walk outside, create water, turn it into holy water, then walk back inside.

'oooh maybe I could make a sauna... I have Steam magic after all.'

'or I could work on that frid- Inventory... I have an Inventory... a primitive fridge would be less than worthless for me.'

I tap my fingers of the stone and crystal table as I snap back to my original thought. 'ah right, food.'

'wait... I've been grabbing fruits from my abilities, but what about vegetables? I'm going to make soup!'

'Or would it be stew... stew is the thick one, right?'

I shrug and get up, walking through my sea of crystal men and picking up a couple chopped logs.

I set one of them in the fireplace and-


Absolutely coat it in flames.

Then I toss the other four in and hang the stone pot just over the fire.

The pot is filled with water as a pink jagged knife appears in my hand, a potato in the other.

Peeling the potato is pretty easy, then I chop it up and toss it in the pot.

I blink as I realize something and rapidly open my status sheet.


The Gamer: Does nothing

Utility Mage (unlocked by using a buff spell to hinder an opponent) All spells with a downside have their benefits and downsides increased by 100%

I tilt my head. 'so... this would make my stone skin... block one hundred- plus whatever bonus I get for earth spells- and lower my dex by... twenty percent...'

I shrug and wordlessly equip the title. 'eh, that's pretty good. Maybe a little worthless on the Ursa considering it hits for upwards of like seven hundred damage, but will definitely be a worthy trade if I grind it just a bit.'

'mental note: take off Utility mage title when fucking with blood magic'

I summon a carrot and chop it into the pot.

'maybe I should figure out some more buff spells... but how would I do that? Maybe wind to get a flying spell?'

I shrug and summon another potato to peel. 'I'll mess around after I peel more potatoes... and carrots... maybe some lettuce. But ugh... vegetables are just so bland though... hn, I wish I had some salt... or maybe a pepper grinder.'

I return to my buff thoughts 'out of all my affinities, the only ones I can think of having buff spells would be... blood... Ironically enough. Maybe I'll take a page from Luffy's book and attempt a 'Gear Second'.

I summon another carrot after I finish chopping up the potato.

'maybe I'll add some spicier peppers to make it actually taste like something.'

I tilt my head. 'but I feel like I'm forgetting som- TOMATOS!'

It's a simple fix when you can summon plantmatter.

I nod resolutely and chop up the red- technically fruit- and put it in the pot.

'alright let's see here... speed up bloodflow annnd-'

I collapse backwards, clutching my chest as I let out a shout of surprise and agony.


I let out a couple low pants.

A skill has been developed through a specific action.

Blood Rush has leveled up.

Your Vitality Has Increased By 1

Blood Rush: (Level 2: 0.0%) (Cost: 1000 Mp, 1000 Hp per 10 seconds)

You use hemomancy to make your blood pump faster in order to provide your body parts with more oxygen and nutrients, however this horribly strains your body. Increases your Str and Dex by 15%(21.7%)

I equip the 'Utility Mage' title and let out a long sigh. "For science?"


I let out another pant and nod resolutely. "For science."



I briefly spasm on the floor. 'ow...'

Blood Rush has leveled up.

Your Vitality Has Increased By 1

A skill has been developed through a specific action:

Pain Tolerance has leveled up.

Pain Tolerance has leveled up.

Pain Tolerance: (Passive) (Level 3: 88.4%)

You are darkness, you are death, you can look the person who just stabbed you in the chest and say a snappy one-liner... in the future... at the moment you are still a pussy bitch. 4% pain resistance

I take a brief look at my health.

4440/7440 Hp

4960/4960 Sp

11987/14987 Mp

0/0 Ap

'Alright... it worked... the ability to increase my stats by nearly fifty percent... at the cost of being literally killed in under forty seconds... also incredible pain.'

'ah yes... I do have a way to resist the pain... but I basically have to cut myself repeatedly to level that up to a point where it actually matters.'

I tilt my head and tap my chin. 'would the pain lessen as my health increases? The last one did seem to hurt worse than the first...'

I shrug and slowly get off the floor. "Ah well, Black Magic is like exercising, both hurt your body at first and drain you of your energy, but the more you dabble in it, the stronger you get~"

I frown and narrow my eyes at the ground. 'need to improve my healing rate, though...'

I slowly scratch my chin. 'the only easily achievable way would be... aura, right? But that would basically just broadcast my position to all of the Grimm.'


'thus, giving me more exp...'

I look up at my ceiling and let out a long hum. 'I'd probably flip a coin for it... but how would I even unlock my aura? Huh... nah I don't feel like it... I like my stealth mode... just stay in my house, don't look out the windows, and the grimm don't even notice me... maybe when I get closer to Mistral... then I can play off my golemancy and earth fuckery as a hereditary earth semblance that has been cultivated for generations.'

'Might need to chill out with the spontaneous plant creation though...'

I shrug and take a small stone bowl off the table and walk back over to the soup pot, taking a stone ladle and scooping out a fairly large portion.

I sit down at the table and gaze out the slightly blue window, watching trees slowly pass... it's calming... the gentle sway of the walker... the peaceful silence- barring the quiet *THUMP* *THUMP* *THUMP* of my golem's walking which is slightly muted from my stone walls.

Ah... this is the life...

I pull out a wooden spoon and take a small bite of my stew. 'ugh... a little bland, but hey... it's what I've got now...'

I lift a small crystal mug to my lips and take a sip of the orange juice within...

Orange juice is technically plant matter so I can summon it... it has no additives though, no sugar, spice, or anything nice... it's a little bit sour, but I manage.

'after my health regenerates... maybe I should try and figure out a low-cost blood magic spell I can grind...'

I slowly slip a sharp needle through a piece of dark furry fabric, a small white string attached to the end.

I loop it around, stabbing it cleanly through another piece of fabric as I give the needle a slight tug, pulling the two pieces together.

'stitching is a little hard... but I think I've got it down... who knew I could just make yarn with my plant magic... eh, I mean, it's technically a plant... sort of like how wooden boards are- as the name implies- made of wood.'

I'm currently working on a little cloak...

Or a blanket... I haven't decided yet... I'll probably use it as what my next observe of it determines.

With a final stitch, the smaller piece of beowolf fur is connected to the rest.

I mentally observe it.

Grimm Cloak: (Uncommon)

A piece of fabric made by sewing the hides of many Beowolves together. There's a 5% chance for grimm of any kind to completely ignore you while you are wearing this cloak, and a 20% chance for grimm to ignore you if they are lower level than you... these chances are doubled if it is a grimm from the beowolf family.

'eh, I'm feeling Blanket more than cloak...'

I wrap it around me with a smile as I sit on my bed.

I look at the small crystal sewing needle and wordlessly toss it into a small stone bucket, serving as a garbage bin.

I glance to my Mp with a smile.

'alright. It's full. so let's get back to that new project of mine~'

I hold up a small black crystal handle, it has a T Shape, but at the same time has two rings perpendicular to each other just above the surprisingly smooth handle, making it look a little like an Ankh

Crystal Golem: Level 2

100/100 Hp

-/- Sp

0/0 Mp

Str: 1

Dex: 1

Vit: 40

Int: 0

Wis: 0

Luc: 0

Damage Reduction: 50

Crystal of Purity: Anything 'alive' touching the golem gains +10% Str, and +10% Dex, while any creatures of darkness gain –20% to both Str and Dex. (Does not stack with self)

I'm making me a kickass sword! I plan to have three pieces, the handle, the blade, and the edge... each doing different jobs... the perk I gave the handle is quite interesting, a fairly large buff to strength and speed, while a massive decrease to each of those abilities if it is touching a Grimm... that nearly makes me want to make some sort of harpoon gun, and just fire crystal golem spikes, but that seems like a lot of energy to waste for a one shot weapon... I maaaay do it eventually... but not now...

Another point of the ability, is that, while it says 'does not stack with self' it CAN actually be purchased additional times... each further purchase increasing the buff and debuff by ten percent... the whole 'does not stack with self' thing basically just states that you can't have two items with Crystal Of Purity on your person and gain the benefits of both.

The base cost of Crystal of Purity is six thousand Mp... and it increases by three thousand every additional time you want to purchase it.

I sigh and shake my head.

'ah well. Let's work on the blade... and leave the edge for last.'

Apparently, I can make golem weaponry... huh... who knew?

I gaze down at the black crystal handle and blade of my weapon, a large white crystal holding it all together, a streak of white trailing downwards and covering the very bottom of the single-edged blade and curving up, around its length till it teaches the tip, just barely folding over the end.

Technically, this could be called an enchanted weapon... hell, maybe even a SENTIENT weapon...

I look to the black blade

Crystal Sword (Blade): Level 4

125/125 Hp

-/- Sp

300/300 Mp

Str: -

Dex: -

Vit: 20

Int: 80

Wis: 0

Luc: 0

Damage Reduction: 10

MPR 1 per 10 Minutes

Shoot Light (200 Mp)

Your golem can bounce sunlight within its body to create beams that deal 50+Int Damage to enemies (+50% against creatures of darkness)

Oh yeah... after I completed the weapon, it changed all their names to 'Crystal Sword' then what their piece is...

I look to the edge.

Crystal Sword (Edge): Level 1 (Cost 14950 Mp)

50/50 Hp

-/- Sp

0/0 Mp

Str: -

Dex: -

Vit: 20

Int: 0

Wis: 0

Luc: 0

Damage Reduction: 50

Attack Damage: 140+Str*1.5

Yep. One hundred and forty base damage... and one point five strength... this blade is BETTER than the regular greatswords summoned by Crystal Armory... and it is a one-handed sword...

'Maybe I should get back onto grinding Power Attack... that ability was always really good... or maybe I should figure out some more stamina using abilities. '

I tilt my head and slowly nod. 'more Stamina abilities would be good... but what?'

"Eh, I'll figure all that out later." I shrug as I walk over to the sword rack just beside my bed and put the crystal sword up on it.

'it's a shame that I can't put golems in my inventory... believe me, I've tried.'

I glance out the window towards the slowly setting sun.

'huh... I've been traveling for an entire day now, hm?'

I flip down a window cover so grimm don't spy on me while I sleep then walk downstairs, covering the windows near the stairs as I walk past. "More stew time!"

Welp, he kicked that bear's ass... and got a couple cool new toys...

So, what did you think?

Again, I'm sorry for last chapter being more or less stat sheet, but I felt that it is necessary to state what exactly he has been doing during the last 6 months since his Isekai.

Guest Reviews:

Guest 001: They're gone in this story... but y'know, they'll eventually be back.

Deku Rose: Correct.

Sir Jerington: Probably. Might even name it something dumb like 'Ballertopia' or something. And I have noticed that quite a bit...

Anyways, I'll see all of you later~ toodles~

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