

Just In




My Trans-Dimensional, Overpowered Protagonist, Harem Comedy is Wrong! by Sage of Eyes

 My Teen Romantic Comedy SNAFU/やはり俺の青春ラブコメはまちがっている & Dungeon ni Deai o Motomeru no wa Machigatte Iru Darou ka Xover Rated: M, English, Humor & Adventure, Hachiman H., Bell C., Words: 274k+, Favs: 2k+, Follows: 2k+, Published: Jan 5, 2017 Updated: Oct 5 795Chapter 10

Interlude: The Lover (Part 2)

They had come to harm.

By happenstance, through a gap in knowledge, and a shift in circumstance, both of those who had taken my heart so fully were thrust into danger.

It had not been an outright attack aimed upon them, one which he already defended himself against, but a bludgeon that they were mere collateral against. An attack upon Orario, by an unknown force comprised of monsters, that sought to destroy it.

They would have been mere footnotes. Numbers upon paper. Ignominious expirations. Vaults of treasure yet filled, art yet completed, simply cast down at the side of rubbish and waste. Never reaching their full potential, never facing me, never lavishing me with their unceasing love or their lashing at me with incessant hatred.




Yet, even knowing that, acknowledging that, I could not help but be grateful for those who attempted to do so.

For the first time in centuries, the flame of indignation and hatred boiled within my breast. Umbrage against those who dared to raise their hand against my chosen. I'd wanted for violence for the sake of violence. Harm and massacre as an answer in the stead of coy, clever maneuvers. I wanted those who struck against Orario to be found and rendered infirm, mutilated, and crippled at my feet.

For striking against those who held my heart and soul in their hands, for endangering my venerated dream, I could only allow them to lose their lives at my own hands. To have them at my mercy, powerless, crippled, maimed, half-dead, and…

I steadied myself. Held myself. Patience is the finest of virtues. Efficacy and fruition went hand in hand. Though I could lose myself in the throes of righteous wrath, it would be unbecoming of me to tilt my hand so swiftly, especially after I interfered and gave weight to the budding alliance of Loki, Dionysus, Hestia, and Hecate.

He will undoubtedly charge forward, suspicious and paranoid, delaying himself and creating weaknesses to draw in enemies for an opportune strike. If I played my hand so early, even to aid him, I'd invite his wrath unprepared, unsharpened, and crude. It would not be anywhere near the moment that I wished for. The bliss that I yearned so completely for needed him to be dominant, mighty, and with my life completely and utterly in his hands. Such a delight could not occur with him so… insufficiently experienced.

For such an outcome, I'm more than willing to wait. The act of merely skulking and probing about warred against my compulsions. The danger they presented was immense. They were an inexcusable crucible that invited too many lethal outcomes. Yet, I reminded myself, that while changes and addendums are possible, complete and utter control is unreachable. To attempt to grasp everything is as impossible as loving everything.

Just as they would contrast one another with love and hatred, I knew that many times will come when release of control is necessary for the best outcome. The tantalizing mystery, the suspense of failure at the precipice of success, and the need to act when one could not… all of it was present when I bore witness to the chaos that encompassed Orario so fully mere days ago. I had hated my lack of information, nearly as enraged as I had been at the multitude of rejections he had leveled upon me long ago, but the elation upon hearing of their victories, against unknown monsters, and the many powers they wielded… it had been a moment of rapturous relief.

Even the gifts I learned from him spoiled me, weakened me, using what I learned from him was undoubtedly a double-edged sword. In my own incompetence, I'd believed my web to be able to inform me during chaos, when he so clearly made no effort to utilize his own in the heat of battle. Misunderstanding his methods, just as I had misunderstood him, only served to reveal more and more of my own inefficacies and decrepitude.

Though he was nowhere close, I could imagine the vindictive pleasure in his eyes, the enjoyment and delight he'd gain, from knowing I had failed to be as capable as him on tools and methods I took from him.

…He would laugh cruelly, render judgements without an ounce of regret, and layer upon layer a multitude of truths upon me…

Seated… away… disgust at my action and inadequacies both… clear in his eyes…


…that attack was good for one matter at the very least.

Still, no squalid nook, secluded home, or smuggler's den will hide them from my Familia. My fine, brilliant, and powerful warriors capable of feats only a select few could match given time and power, will find them, confront them, and drag them before me for their most fitting of punishments.

The day will come when they'll plead, whimper, and wail for my leniency, quarter, and… mercy.

They will find none.

The shelter of death shall not be given to them.

For their impertinence, I'll take all of their lives.

Only this one life, only a particular moment, and only of continuous suffering.

Pain and misery, that which only a god could hope to render, is all they were fated to the moment they almost harmed my most precious dream and my most beloved nightmare.

"Freya-sama." Ottar, ever stalwart and diligent, came forward without hesitation whereas all others in my Familia would hesitate. Why would he when I had raised him from birth? The thrill of fashioning a being suited entirely for myself had faded swiftly. Not even I, in my addled, forlorn state before my fated meeting, would've believed in such a facetious, manufactured affection. No other would bring my Mirror to me as I cleansed myself of the price to use it. "Hikigaya and Cranel have engaged the Goliath."

"I see." All he needed was a simple gesture to place it before the tub, and he took his place at my back. No straying eyes, much like myself, he was wholly interested in the action of both my current interests. I was tempted to tease him of a forming rivalry, but I knew that he held no interest in men. "Do you believe them in any danger?"

"None at all, Freya-sama." Disappointment faintly tinged Ottar's voice, but also a measure of respect. Though my mightiest warrior could undoubtedly destroy the Goliath in a single blow, he and all adventurers knew of the terror of fighting the first of the mightiest monsters in the Dungeon. To face it without the chance of death was both to be commended and a disappointment. "Not with the students and aid he has at his side."

"Ottar…" The water parted as I raised my hand from its depths. I touched upon the Divine for a moment and willed the Mirror to life. The din of battle filled the room. The roars of pain and anguish from the massive beast almost drowned out the battle cries and orders that came from the miniscule figures fighting the massive monster. Closing my eyes, I felt myself calming and relaxing at the sound of battle and the warmth of liquid that surrounded me. Still, even as I basked in the luxury, a creeping doubt surfaced. A ceaseless discontent when I should have been pleasured. One that needed to be addressed immediately. "Do you believe that it is possible for either of them to become stronger from this?"

"No, they will not." I wondered if others would have decided to lie in Ottar's stead. However, I had no doubt that my mightiest warrior would not lie to me. As he said so himself, my interests and his own coincided, with his happiness rising with my own. What a beautiful, selfless being I have raised. None come to mind who are worthy of his affection. I supposed that I must keep him until such a being exists. "They are too strong, too well prepared, and they are in no danger because of the Loki Familia members keeping watch at their backs."

"I see." I mused, debated, and traced the contours of my cheek with the back of my hand. I allowed myself a moment of narcissism. No mortal could ever compare… The thought struck me, and I stood fully from my bath. With a gesture, I willed away the Divinity that empowered the Mirror, before stretching out my hand. Yes. Both of them needed to become stronger. To become mightier. Were they not at slight fault for worrying me so much after the attack? I have no need to exercise so much patience now, had they not been in so much danger during the attack. "Ottar, a cloth, please."

"You have something in mind, Freya-sama?" Ottar attended to me as he spoke, as I fully left the waters in which I had been immersed. Brushing both moisture and stray petals from my body with soft cotton, I was pleased with his focus on more important matters. Pleased enough to attend to myself after plucking the cloth from his hands. "To create a true threat for them?"

"Indeed, I do." Coy and filled with mischief, the words left my mouth as elation spread throughout my body. Yes, I had been far too inactive. They had been heated by the fires I had placed them through mere weeks ago. They needed to be struck and tempered still. How inexcusable of me to let all their effort to gather friends and allies go to waste! To challenge them as singular individuals would not be to challenge them completely. Their full might must be tested, their lives must be at risk, and death must caress them for them to grow into the powerful, inspiring, and mighty beings that I knew they could become. I reached my closet, walked past dozens of dresses and clothes worth the wealth of entire nations, before coming to the common clothing I favored for inconspicuous travel. "According to the reports, they are heading into Under Resort afterward, correct?"

"Ah, you intend to provoke the Dungeon, Freya-sama?" Ottar intoned as he passed me a particular coat. It was not the one I preferred, giving me pause, but I realized that I would draw attention if I wore cloth similar to what they wore. The embroidered silk will have to do in place of the durable leathers. I would've enjoyed looking so similar to them. So close to them. But, that would not do, would it? Secrets and masks served as the best spice. I intended to savor them completely. "I will gather an escort for you."

Ottar parted, no word of discontent upon his lips, and I was left to myself and my thoughts.

I would be risking them, my entire Familia, yet they would follow me earnestly still. Should I be caught, my time upon this world will end, and they will lose their power until another takes them in. My Familia, filled with my lovers and children, would follow me to the ends of the world, all of whom I loved without reserve, yet I would risk them all in such a matter?

I thought of the promise I saw in them both. The promise of love and hatred. Of two beings at the ends of what I yearned for. The pinnacle of what I wanted and the very depths of those who were disgusted with who I was.

Would they not allow me to love my Familia more fully? To see past their simplicities and enjoy the complexity of their love?

I would not know until my efforts bore fruit, but until that moment came… I was prepared to risk anything.


And so, the Plot Moves Forward. (10.1)


The fight against the Goliath went smoothly, as expected. Between Cranel's Argonaut, Challia's own magic, and my own spells, the Goliath went down after about an hour of sustained fighting. Given the fact all the fighters involved, save for Mikoto and Crozzo, were experienced in prolonged combat, it wasn't as terrible as it sounded. The fighters shifted the attention of the Goliath individually while the three of us bombarded it with spells. Once it was crippled enough, Cranel simply dispatched it with a Magic Sword enhanced by his Argonaut Skill.

I didn't have to waste my time using Mend or Nourish after the fight. The fact that we didn't have to use a single Health Potion after the fight was an added bonus as well. Better for our bottom line, especially since the Goliath's Monster Crystal wasn't worth very much, even if we decided to cart it all the way up to the surface instead of just selling it at our destination. I supposed that we just had to do some serious farming in the Dungeon before exiting it.

Still, despite all of our success, I didn't feel well about our unscathed victory against the Colossal Titan's full-skinned cousin. Pay-to-win items and absurd skills aside, it wasn't the dangerous affair that I expected Cranel to Level Up from doing. Hell, I'm sure that Nelly, Laulos, and Erisuis weren't levelling up from that fight. Fat chance of it happening to me. Crozzo was most assuredly worried that he wouldn't be getting his third Level either, given how easy the fight was.

If that wasn't a climactic boss fight that I expected Cranel to become more powerful from… then what was? Needless to say, it was quite an accomplishment for a Level 2 of just a few weeks to kill a Goliath, but given the mechanical, formulaic nature of our fight… well, it wouldn't have been fun to watch or read about. There was no danger, especially given the fact that Viridis and Hiryute were at our backs, acting as a Level 4 and Level 5 safety net, respectively.

Also, since I didn't end up using my newest weapon, it was obvious that something terrible was going to happen. No way in hell something like what I was carrying on my back, a massive object wrapped in white cloth, wouldn't get dramatically unwrapped in the middle of a pitched battle. Zaimokuza absolutely loved unveiling shitty, overpowered weapons in the middle of combat to show that a character is 'cunning' for 'thinking ahead.' It really just wasn't Zaimokuza's style to not gratify himself with completely overblown, inexplicable fight scenes that the hero or his party were somehow prepared for.

So, even as we entered Under Resort and my student's basked in its safety and beauty, I couldn't help but keep my guard up.


"Congratulations on your first boss kill, everyone!" Hiryute, as expected of her tomboy warrior archetype, was very pleased by the destruction of the Goliath. As we were all gathered around a table in the singular inn of Under Resort's Adventurer Town, the Amazon had already bought three rounds of drinks for the entire bar and raised several toasts. Though how the short-haired amazon chose to lean against me was somewhat odd, it was clear that given the flush on her face she was slightly inebriated. "Great work, everybody! It was an amazing fight!"

"I-indeed, it was an exceptional method of taking care of the G-goliath." Despite the fact Viridis was stumbling on her words, she was not drunk at all. It seems that becoming higher in level didn't somehow raise someone's confidence. Though, I had to admit that the long-haired, blonde elf was probably much, much stronger now. She was being more careful in her actions, acting as though the world was made of glass. "Y-you all destroyed it nearly as quickly as we usually do!"

"To be compared to the Loki Familia in terms of proficiency is an immense amount of praise." Challia mused thoughtfully over her cup of tea. Of all of us, even Viridis, she was the most prim and properly dressed. Given the rough nature of the town, the black-haired elf was ignoring more than a few stares… or returning them with glares and a pointed comment that could pierce a man's heart. I supposed that, despite her casual air, the elf of Dionysus was pleased with her part in the fight and didn't want her good mood sullied by cat calls. "Thank you very much, Viridis-sama."

"Uwa… there's no need to speak to me so formally…" Viridis protested weakly, flushing lightly as she offered a smile. The blonde elf played with a lock of her hair, probably trying to hide the red on her cheeks. Oh, I already know how this little routine was going to go. Star-struck rookie meets the shy prodigy. Standard anime skit. "We're the same age, after all."

"I cannot possibly do so." As expected, Challia rejected the offering without an ounce of hesitation. The ebon-haired elf seemed to be brimming with the resolve to crush Viridis's hopes of having a friendship! What can the recent Level 4 do in order to make herself seem less untouchable and more open!? Find out next time! "I respect you too much to refer to you as such, Viridis-sama."

"Uwaa…" Viridis pulled off the 'depressed and despondent' look very easily. Downcast features, sagging shoulders, and her small cry of concentrated cuteness painted the very picture of a depressed elf. I knew that I'd trip a flag by helping her out or referring to her with her first name, but I knew better than to do so. My apologies Viridis, despite the fact you're the nicest elf I've ever met, I must allow you to suffer being the comedic relief for the time being. "…You really don't need to at all…"

Arde was speaking with Cranel, Mikoto, and Erisuis. The three of them were probably discussing something along the lines of setting up a celebration party at the Abandoned Church. Something that I looked forward to going to, of course. No reason for me to be missing from that place at all. Definitely going to be the life of that party. Challia, having finished Viridis off, was speaking with Crozzo regarding getting an outfit like her own but reinforced like ours. The red-haired blacksmith seemed to be looking forward to the challenge of making a dress that could turn aside knives and swords with ease. At this point, I'm sure that Crozzo's going to be known as a tailor rather than a Blacksmith. Nelly and Laulos were debating in regards to weaponry rather loudly. Hunk of sharpened metal against fists clad in metal, hmmm, I wonder which one of them was going to 'win' this time around? Hiryute was completely lost in the celebration, laughing and being chummy with other tables.

Overall, it was the very picture of a group of well-adjusted social people… people who were living the lives of successful, well-acquainted adventurers in Orario. Companions, friends, and teammates that relied on one another simply lavishing in their victory.

So, of course, I had to excuse myself before I got too involved.

Rivira is a seedy town, no matter how someone looked at it, but there was no denying that it wasn't a sturdy and well-kept one. Most of the people living in it were criminals or lone wolves, but nonetheless they worked together for the sake of staying alive in the Dungeon. Even if the 18th Floor is clear of monsters, they still streamed into the Floor from the adjacent floors. Working together, the various Level 2s and 3s in the city are a hardy, cunning bunch in order to scrape out a living within the Dungeon. They mostly got by because Level 4s and above used the place as a staging area to gather money from the Deep Floors. Despite their differences, they were a close-knit and wary bunch that made sure to keep an eye out for trouble.

So, it wasn't at all surprising that I, as the leader of a small group of adventurers that took down the Goliath, would be approached by its leader.

"Hikigaya, right?" Bors Elder was a muscle-bound, short haired man with an eyepatch. His voice reminded me of grinding gravel. Still, his approach was a quiet one, I hadn't noticed him coming until he was just a few meters away. That short of a distance could be crossed in less than a second by either one of us. The man was definitely a very experienced, skilled Level 3. Still, despite his quiet approach and gruff attitude he didn't have any weapons on his person, and he raised a glass towards me before standing to my right with his other hand in his pocket. Trying to be cool, eh? "Heard a lot about you from your students. You're taller than I expected. Younger, too. They make it sound like you're an old man, y'know?"

"..." Small talk, I supposed that I picked up a bit of it over the last few years. Still, I had to wonder if there was an unknown conversation going over my head. Some conversation between men that I was missing? A code between men that I was meant to understand behind his little questions and comments that led to nothing? I wasn't very good at small talk. I preferred ordering people around or just telling them what I thought. So, I decided against 'beating around the bush.' "You want something, Elder-san?"

"Straight to the point, aren't you? Can't blame you for that, I suppose." Elder gave a grunt, pulled his bottle away from his lips, and shook his head. I noticed that the bottle was still full. Definitely more clever than I originally thought, given that I almost thought that he was actually, slightly drunk. "I'll just tell it to you straight then: you're doing good work, kid." He jammed a meaty, large thumb into his chest. "I've seen a lot of young, cocky, and stupid adventurers in my day, and those students of yours are something else. It's-."

"I'm not taking in any students at the moment." I read between the lines. I saw the concern in Elder's face. Not for himself, but for another person. I saw it often enough on Hestia's face as she looked at Cranel's back. I connected one clue with another and I knew what he wanted. Unfortunately, for him, I didn't feel the need to make any more lives more difficult by taking in another student. My own included. I was going to leave this world. I needed to stop making so many attachments to it. "Sorry, but I'm busy."

"Even for an old friend, Hikigaya-kun?"

That voice made my heart stop many times before, so it was no surprise that it made it do so again. Though it was impossible, she was there in front of me. As always, there was a smile on her face and a slight flush to her cheeks. The ends of her hair were curled and wavy, even as it was cut shorter than it used to be. It was her. Dark, amber eyes, familiar, warm, and entreating, met my own. Instead of a Kaihin Sougou High School uniform, she wore an armored vest and boots over a tunic and leggings with swords at her sides, a bow at her back, and a slender, metallic whip at her belt.

"What..." My tongue felt like a lead weight. I didn't know what to feel. Was I supposed to be happy since I wasn't alone? Horrified by the fact that others could be here? "How?"

"H-hilarious, Hikigaya. Ha ha… ha…" My classmate in Elementary school, fellow Japanese native, and first love answered with a slow, measured shake of her head, an attempt at a chuckle, and a faltering smile. Despite the strong front she put up, I saw that her resolve was weakening. She stepped forward, only to almost fall forward. I caught her. The grip she had on my arms was almost painful, but it only brought to mind that this was undoubtedly real. There was moisture in her eyes as she met my gaze again. "I-I w-was hoping you'd know, y'know?"

Undoubtedly, the person in my arms was Kaori Orimoto.

I was still reeling from the revelation, when suddenly a pillar of light smashed into the Crystal roof of the Dungeon, and the sky began to crack apart.

Twin roars, familiar but more impossibly powerful, invaded Under Resort from a pair of maws coming forth from the cracks.

And so, the Plot Moves Forward. (10.2)

Expendability. I prided myself in being able to distance myself from the concept of worth for the sake of efficiency. Of course, limited as I was in terms of foresight, my habit and action stemming from it once ended with an unexpected, painful consequence, once upon a time. I was forced to confront the fact that even if I was fine with getting hurt for the sake of accomplishing my task, that the same couldn't be said for the people who I was close to. In the end, I'd promised, if tangentially and unsaid, that I wouldn't sacrifice myself, allow myself to be the only one hurt, as I would cause more pain to not just me, but also those I didn't want to be hurt.

Somewhere along the last few years, I must have forgotten of that promise. Somewhere along the line, I'd crafted myself into some facetious martyr who suffered so that others wouldn't have to. Somehow, I'd believed that I was important enough to believe that I'd be the only person sent over here, when there were hundreds, thousands, millions, and billions that could've suffered the world of Orario to a greater degree than me.

After all, wasn't that the point of all this? For suffering? To behold the terrible things people would do for power, all the while facing hundreds of thousands of monsters for the sake of mere survival? To act for something's amusement, struggling in their sandbox, and either surmounting or dying within it?

If that were the case, then why had I believed I was the only one who was here? How arrogant was I to believe that I was some sort of special case! That I could suffer enough on my own, gather power ever so slowly and methodically, and never have to worry about the fact that there could be other people from Japan that could've used my help?

How many died, I wondered, because I hadn't been quick or fast enough? Even if they were given powerful skills to survive, even if they had the very same ones I did, how could they have survived? How many of the unmarked graves added to the fields outside Orario were actually that of fellows, because I chose to be secretive and quiet? And what if I was the only one who was sent to the 'safety' of Orario, while all the others were simply placed in the Dungeon, spread along the trail that I was supposed to follow home?

I should have known, all this time, that there would be others. That people with more to lose than me were here. That I hadn't been alone all this time.

So… why?

Why was I, instead of being disgusted and horrified at myself upon coming across someone who represented every single one of those possible mistakes… so happy?

In the end, I supposed that I just had to accept the fact that I was an incredibly selfish person.

Twin, ebony forms ripped themselves free of the crystal ceiling. Where they touched, the light faded and darkness crept into the 18th Floor. Torches began appearing from doorways from Rivira, along with Magic Lanterns, held by wary Adventurers. Immense chunks of crystal began to fall forth from the ceiling. An immense piece fell right atop the entrance to the Floor. Large, but not immovable, but something that couldn't be moved with the twin, ebony giants dragging themselves out of the crystal sky.

Screams of both fear and frustration started to echo from the town.

"Bors, rally Rivira!" Orimoto, despite nearly crumbling with the same relief I felt upon locking gazes with her, acted swiftly. In the blink of an eye, at the sudden danger, my former schoolmate seemed to change personalities. Already, I knew that the two of us must have variations of the same mind-altering skill. Perhaps hers was based on focus, due to the fact she was using weapons that required great accuracy? Those thoughts of mine subsumed the myriad of emotions welling within me, only to be replaced in turn by the scenario. "We'll need everyone for this, they're nothing like the regular Goliath! Sound the alarm!"

"You got it!" Elder ran off, sprinting with the speed expected of a veteran level 3. I was curious as to why the scarred man took orders from Orimoto, especially since he apparently wanted to have me teach her, but I supposed it could've simply been a layer of subterfuge. My students used my name often enough to be known by Elder, so I was sure that there was no reason for my former classmate to not catch wind of it. Though, probably out of caution, she didn't pry in case she somehow misheard. Only problems and difficulties could arise from being wrong, after all. "Stay alive, Orimoto!"

"I don't plan on dying now." Orimoto's words, accompanied by the firmness of her gaze, told me everything I needed to know regarding that little byplay. I supposed that even though I was too spineless to attempt to do it myself, the same couldn't be said for others. Despite the fact my classmate was obviously being subsumed by her own combat mindset, there was resolution in her eyes when she locked gazes with me. "Especially not now." The moment, whatever it was, passed quickly and she turned away and began to run towards Rivira. I followed. "Hikigaya-kun, we need to get to your students. You have a Level 4 and 5 with you, correct?"

"Tiona Hiryute and Lefiya Viridis." I supplied, however, she gave a slight shake of her head, and I knew that I had to specify. I didn't know how long my brown-haired fellow was present in this world, but given the fact that she acted familiarly to Elder, I assumed it was safe to use the terminology that Adventurers preferred to use. "Experienced Level 5 Warrior and New Level 4 Mage. They haven't fought anymore more than a few monsters on the way here."

Earthquake. Roar. Evaluate foes. Massive. Larger than original type. Black skin? Upgrade to defense likely. Moving away from one another. Splitting up. Searching for something. One facing Rivira. Slow gait. Purposeful. Terror method? No. Still searching despite obvious dangers. Taking time. Cautious. Knows something can defeat it. Intelligent? No. Cunning. Powerful opponent. Knows own weaknesses. Deadly if underestimated. Possibly capable of killing all adventurers present. Need to rally forces. Forces already being rallied by ally. Focus on supporting ally.

"Then, this shouldn't be impossible." Oh? The look of absolute concentration on Orimoto's face, was how I imagined I would look while in combat. To live in Under Resort, my former classmate at least had to have some powerful Skills at her disposal. If I never heard of her in Orario, that could only mean that she's been in Rivira all this time. Given how Elder had treated her, I had the feeling that the leader of Rivira knew of the 'special' nature of people like Orimoto and I, and decided it was for the best that she wouldn't go to Orario to be exploited. "We can win this with them taking on one of those. The rest of Rivira can take on the other one. One hundred and one Level 3s, 254 level 2s should be capable of taking one on no matter what tricks or changes it now has, even possibly killing it, but not both. How about your students-."

Incoming projectile, crystal, push ally away from path. Ally hadn't noticed? Inept in battlefield? No. Not possible with current environment. Tension on features. Aware of what happened. After effect of Skill? Currently gathering information, formulating plan. Already constructing plan to confront threat. Obvious trust by village leader. High chance skill based on monofocus. Would allow for rapid mastery of various weapons on body. Detriment is lack of attention to other matters. Surmounts one challenge supremely, but fails in others. Powerful, but with obvious weaknesses, similar to Tireless Consciousness's ability to cause Madness with prolonged stress. Cannot address weakness. Move on. Provide better support. Cover weakness.

"Don't worry about the rocks. I'll keep them off you." I grunted past the flash of information that flooded my head. My mind didn't know whether to focus on Orimoto or the twin, ebon-skinned Goliaths that were searching for something within Under Resort. What my brown-haired, former classmate had, as expected, was the opposite of my own. It made her focus on a single target, no, a single goal, while almost ignoring smaller matters. I can only imagine how much of a nightmare she must be while fighting in combat. Especially if she could use each weapon she had on her person masterfully. Also, from what I could tell, her Skill didn't need the time to 'build up,' meaning she could change her Focus from one goal to another with ease. "Keep doing what you're doing. Don't stop."

"We need to deal with the other one decisively." Orimoto corrected herself from my push, still speaking despite nearly being crushed by the fragment of Floor eighteen's sky. Soon enough we were within Rivira, running atop the rooftops, as Adventurers below were amassing weapons, supplies, and donning armor to confront the massive threat. More than a few ballistae were being ushered out from storage sheds, their Monster Crystal arrowheads glinting in the dim torchlight, and Mages were gathering in groups of three with escorts carrying massive shields. From the way they moved, so organized and efficient, it was completely possible that Orimoto had been putting whatever her Skill was to judicious use here. "We're going to need the Goliath Crystal you brought in."

I had to admit, that I was already liking the sound of this plan.


Group consists of Students. Capable fighters. Single Mage. Cranel. Need to utilize effectively. Erisuis, Nelly, and Laulos can only suffice as backup. Keep together. Arde will be second-in-command. Possible use of Arde as deliverer of Goliath Crystal. Flight capable. Drop from above reach? Would greatly diminish effect on friendly individuals.


Yamato Mikoto. Level 2 Swordswoman. Capable of tracking monsters. Also capable of powerful area-of-effect spell of unknown damage type. Hesitant to use unless in dire circumstances. Keep in group with Cranel. Will be more inclined to utilize high-risk maneuvers. Filvis Challia. Level 3 Mage. Focused on fighting singular monsters. Spells do mediocre damage to Goliath. Give Amplify Stave. Also pair with Cranel.

"Hikigaya, where have you been?!"

Welf Crozzo. Level 2. Blacksmith, but capable warrior. Has single, powerful, Magic Sword and several, lighter backups. Request all be given to Cranel for use with Argonaut. Place with frontline Students. Capable of inflicting high amounts of damage thanks to Strength. Attach to Mage Group first and switch to Frontline. Possible to convince to turn Goliath Crystal into Magic Sword. Enough time available to do so?


Viridis. Level 4 Mage. Most powerful of group. Multiple Skills towards amplifying magical damage and currently has powerful Amplify-Guidance Combination Stave. Incapable of Concurrent Chanting. Long-Range Artillery Support.


Hiryute. Level 5 Fighter. Frontline. Might be completely capable of taking on Goliath alone. Adamantium Blade. Extreme Magic Resistance. Immense physical resistance. Vanguard. Partner.

A chorus of voices greeted us as soon we entered the Bar. It was empty of all the other patrons, food and dishes simply left on tables, and even the barkeeper was nowhere in sight.

It was just going to be them, me, and someone they've just met against some sort of empowered Monster King on a warpath. A dozen people to save every adventurer in Under Resort from the first ever appearance of two Monster Kings enhanced and changed by the Dungeon for some unknown reason. No matter what happened to lead up to this moment, this attempt of destruction of Rivira, I knew that upon surviving, there could only be a new outcome from this event.

A new legend, a new mythos…

And a plethora of problems and enemies.

And so, the Plot Moves Forward. (10.3)

Relatively speaking, the more massive a weapon, the more damage it tended to do. However, in a world without magic, some sizes rapidly became impractical. Toting around a slab of sharpened iron and swinging it around with one arm is indeed an effective method of killing things, demons especially I'm sure, but most gigantic weapons tended to stay within the realm of fiction. Mostly because of the fact that such things were impractical, especially when not every soldier in an army can swing around massive swords to their hearts content.

Signal whistle. All allies are in position. Mage Elements beginning chanting. Cranel utilizing Argonaut Skill. Fighter support close by. Fighter support carrying Magic Swords. Start attack on enemy… now.

Of course, the same can't be said for this world. Since this was most definitely aimed at the Shounen audience, Adventurers, even Level 1s, are stronger than the average human being. The only reason why so many Adventurers are dying in Orario is the fact that monsters, even the ones on the very first floors, are downright deadly against normal human beings. Overall, as expected of a typical 'I'm special and you're not' power fantasy, most practical rules of weaponry didn't apply to Adventurers thanks to their superior physical attributes, the fact that Blacksmiths can create weapons that are unbreakable, and that the Dungeon provides magical materials.

Hiryute attacks first. Adamantium Twinblade proves effective against monster's defenses. Blade fully cuts through ankle. No. Regenerating. Rapidly. Defense isn't reliant on toughness. Regenerates from attacks. Need to disrupt. Arrows sprout from wound. Orimoto. Rapid-fire accuracy even while moving. Arrows explode. Archer Skill or Monster Crystal arrows? Irrelevant. Need to follow up with own attack. Charge forward. Soil not impeding weapon. Soft. Good.

Taking all of that into account, there're many reasons why so many Adventurers tout massive weapons into battle. Hiryute's Urga alone is the perfect example of a weapon that only an Adventurer could hope to wield to great effect. There were also other examples, such as massive, spiked greatshields, or mauls and maces that could dislocate regular arms with a single, improper swing. Of course, given my fighting style, I focused on using modified, regular weapons that were very cheap to replace. However, given the fact I was now within the main plot, and the fact that I was abducted by someone with such superior strength that I couldn't even attempt to fight them… I had needed an equalizer. Something suitable for killing monsters and taking on Adventurers of superior strength.

Utilize increased physical durability. Halt all body momentum. Transfer force of stop into weapon. Lever action. Body is lever. Guide superior mass with arms, shoulders, and back. Force weapon into horizontal cut. Must cripple Goliath mobility. Silver arc of destruction. Skin gives way. Flesh parts. Bone crushed to splinters. Weapon still moving. High possibility of whiplash or spinal fracture without corrections to form. Apply corrections. Reorient arms. Latch self onto weapon. Allow weapon momentum to bleed out. Recapture weapon. Distance between self and target has increased.

It was an axe, but suitably overblown and massive for Zaimokuza's adolescent fantasies. Around three meters long, the 'handle' alone would've been a powerful, dense weapon that I could've used to crush armor and break walls. However, the double-headed axe piece at the end was about five times the weight of the staff. In truth, the edge to the axe head was largely superfluous. It was more of a hammer with edges than an actual axe. It was a ridiculous sight, but there was no denying its effectiveness. Swung correctly, meaning swung without breaking my back or any limbs in the process, while coupled with the Continuous Haste I was using, my movements instantly turned the massive weapon into a ridiculously fast, speeding object that I had to move in synch with rather than try to reign in.

Flashes of light. Gold, blue, and white. Challia, Cranel, and Viridis. Force, supercharged Magic Sword, and light. Goliath head is annihilated by force of blows. Arms are mangled. Chest… chest holds against the attack. Monster Crystal of Goliath had been in chest. Chest contains Monster Crystal of aberration. Extremely well defended in comparison to regular Goliath. Need to launch overwhelming strike on weakness. Fighters arrive. They begin harrying attacks. Won't kill. Need to regroup with fellow Vanguards. Need to inform Mages.

"Orimoto!" The Vanguard consisted of Hiryute, Orimoto, and myself. Our job was to attract its attention because we could either take the punishment or avoid it entirely, while the Attackers whittled down it, and the Mages did their best to kill it completely. My former classmate was using her whip to drag herself out of harm's way, something I could see myself doing as well, but only against the regular Goliath. This one was stronger and faster than the original, yet she reacted to it as though she's fought it dozens of times before. Whatever her skill was, I was most assuredly correct in my assumption that she would be a nightmare to face in single combat. "Get to the Mages! Tell them to aim for the torso!"

Ally yells affirmative. Attackers withdrawing. Need to attract enemy attention again. Hiryute already engaging. Cuts off Goliath Arm with leap. Hiryute's strength is steadily increasing. Possible skill. Not relevant to current situation. Not gaining strength fast enough to make difference. Hand rapidly regenerating. Will be fully regrown in five seconds. Monster becoming less attentive to wounds. Learning. Trusting its power. Will soon attack fully exploiting regeneration power. Cannot allow. Direction Staff currently slotted into weapon. Begin chanting for Ceaseless Thunderbolt Battery.

Though I wouldn't lie about the fact that I disliked the look of Staves when they were made to enhance more than one quality of a Spell, there was another reason why I wanted to keep all my Staves simple. Namely, it was because the most 'basic' of staves, hardly half a meter in length, could fit snuggly into the end of the axe and fastened with the use of a clamp. The simple, geometric design of the single-class Magic Focus also didn't interfere with the curved, double head of the axe. The blades only 'framed' the protruding end of the stave. So, in a way, my weapon was actually two in one, and well-suited for my work, my maximized stats, and my infinite magic.

Twenty seconds until Ceaseless Thunderbolt Battery is complete. Enemy attention still upon Mages. High Risk of wounds without intervention. Draw Magic Sword. Fifty thousand Valis distraction. Concern irrelevant. Distraction required. Fire. Flames surge forward. Tight. Concentrated. Very well made. Empowered Goliath jawline, upper throat, and eye vanishes. Goliath attention gained. Still two blasts left before Magic Sword breaks. Prepare for attack. Enemy raises fist to attack... Too quick to evade! Utilize weapon as guard. Arm breaks. Ribs crack. Cry of anger. Pressure suddenly vanishes. Hefted by back of coat. Ally rescue. Can't heal. Nine seconds until Ceaseless Thunderbolt Battery Chant finishes. Heal after Chant is finished.

"What were you thinking!?" Tiona Hiryute was not pleased with my course of action. The Amazon's eyes were a bright scarlet, nearly glowing, reminding me of the eyes of Monsters. Berserker. It isn't a very rare skill, it's common in fact, but the amount of people who have it are rare thanks to the fact that many with the skill get themselves and their teammates killed. Still, given the fact Hiryute saved me despite being so furious, I knew that she had her temper in control. I couldn't help but marvel at the power of a Level 5 with such a skill either. I had thought that she had lopped off the Goliath's hand with her Adamantium Twinblade, but she had actually lopped it off by the elbow, shot herself off it towards me, and retrieved me in under five seconds. "Are you trying to get yourself killed, Hachiman!?"

It was really too bad I couldn't reply. From what I could see, I had inadvertently taken the brunt of the fall upon myself again. I should've known better than to do so. I told myself that I shouldn't do so. I supposed that old habits were difficult to put down. I supposed that I had to apologize for my actions later, if I didn't want the situation to devolve like it did before. However, unfortunately, that would have to wait until later. For now, no matter how Hiryute felt, I had to simply hope she could understand what I'm doing after we've killed the massive monster that was about to kill us.

Finish chant. Level Stave towards enemy. Ally making efforts difficult. Ally affected by Skill. Not in full control. Need to move from line of fire. Superior strength won't allow to push away. Pull forward. Surprise. Embarrassment. Skill mental effect reduced. Ally capitulates to forced movement. Hold close. Finish leveling Control Stave. Focus power into massive, powerful construct. Spread damage across means of mobility. Fire Ceaseless Thunderbolt Battery.

Ceaseless Thunderbolt Battery is my most powerful Spell, but I had acquired it for a very, very low price. Understandably, while Continuous Chain Lightning and Everlasting Bolt can be used by most Mages in a pinch, Ceaseless Thunderbolt Battery's drain on Mind is a ridiculous one. It's a full-scale artillery spell, meant to destroy hordes of monsters, that doesn't cease until the Caster wills it to do so. The spell unleashes a tidal wave of thunderbolts, thousands of Everlasting Bolts, all at once. Holding Everlasting Battery for a few minutes can wipe out a Mage's reserves of Mind, making it necessary to use a Mind Potion, so it's understandable that Ceaseless Thunderbolt Battery isn't in high use despite the fact it's ludicrously powerful when combined with a powerful Control Stave.

Of course, that just meant it's perfect for me.

Harness. Amass. Beams. Ten of a thousand thunderbolts each. Two for each eye, arm, and leg. Creature roars. Push lightning down throat. Punch through chest. Flay defenses. Tear through skin and muscle. Must Locate Monster Crystal. Need to heal. Begin chanting Mend. Administer to arm for greater guidance. No. Ribs. Will need to move. Rate of Regeneration for each location perfectly matching damage output. Regeneration is for individual body sections, not limited amount for entire body, can't be spread out. Need to forcibly extract or greatly damage Monster Crystal. Enemy roars of frustration. No longer bothered with pain. Focus efforts on destroying ability to move. Vanguard Ally has recovered. Ally supplementing efforts. Combined attacks are achieving success. Heal Ribs. Relocate.

Another trio of magical attacks issued forth from afar, the same three colors once more, however, each one zoned into where I was making my most earnest efforts to dig through the Empowered Monster's Defenses. Challia's attacks hit first, the speed of her attacks still present despite the Amplified nature of her spells, and it burst through a layer of thick, defensive muscle on the abdomen. I saw a glint of eerie, strange obsidian crystal within, just as Viridis's attack hit in synch with Cranel's. The streak of blue and white slammed into the strange Monster King's core, burst through it, and erupted straight through the creature's back.

For a moment, I thought that we had won, that we just needed to do the same for the one already being harassed by over a hundred other Adventurers…

Then, there was an overwhelming amount of pressure, the forest around me ripping itself apart, and I felt myself flying alongside soil, wood, and crumbling stone. As I felt power wash over me, I knew that I would've died if not for my Dragon Hide coat.

It had been an Amplified version of the Goliath's most powerful attack. A roar that could scatter entire Familias and send battalions of Adventurers flying. The attack that made it necessary for most who fought the Goliath to be Level 2, just so that they weren't killed by the sheer amount of magical power that the Monster Rex unleashed.

As I rose from the debris that I had landed on, my mind spinning even as I was already chanting Mend and healing my arm, I froze at the sight before me.

The other Goliath was being struck and whittled down. Most of its body was gone, it was aflame in some areas and frozen in others, and an immense number of bolts stuck to its body.

However, it was moving steadily and with purpose, not allowing itself to be stopped, and each of its steps seemed to last a lifetime in my eyes.

Everyone present knew what it was going to do.

The fire upon it redoubled, but I knew that it wouldn't be enough. We had the most powerful mages, and they had just cast their spells, and the attack had caused me to deactivate my spell instinctively out of fear of hitting my own allies with lightning.

Everyone could only watch and stare as it came upon the massive, obsidian crystal that its defeated kin left behind, hefted it to its maw, and swallowed it whole.

The 18th Floor was bathed in light as the Monster King transitioned into a new existence altogether.

A Calamity.

And so, the Plot Moves Forward. (10.4)

Calamities are peerless monsters, the apex of their own kind, and generally speaking they're not something anyone wants to deal with. However, they're rare because Monsters ignore the Crystals left behind by their dead fellows. When it does happen, however, even a normal kobold from the first floors can become something terrifying to behold. A Troll from the Middle Floors, who are normally easily dealt with by Level 2s, became a Calamity and slaughtered dozens of adventurers before it was dealt with by a Level 4. Considering the fact that a jump in Levels means almost an increase in strength proportional to how much one already has… it's safe to assume that a Calamity is a monster that has doubled in strength and power.

Tamers who try to make Calamities typically end up dead or with a carcass at their feet, no matter how 'docile' they made their monster, leading me to believe that a monster knows just how much more powerful it becomes afterward. They become more willing to attack adventurers because of their newfound power and also begin to search for more Monster Crystals to eat. They effectively change from dumb enemies that barely know to back off from powerful opponents, into ones that can adapt and know rudimentary tactics.

So, understandably, a Calamity is something that cannot be underestimated, should never be confronted with anything less than full force, and above all else, shouldn't be confronted while not prepared. They had to be treated and studied under very, very well-controlled situations. The Guild made sure that every adventurer could discern a Calamity from others, so they knew what they were dealing with, and run when needed. Typically speaking, a small group of Level 4s is what is regarded as the minimal requirement for a single Calamity from the Middle Floors.

A regular Goliath is considered a Level 3 Monster, which is unsurprising for a Monster King, and can typically be dealt with by a well-trained group of Level 3s or a dozen Level 2s working exceedingly well with one another, or a smattering of specialized individuals backed by a lot of resources. The group that I had gathered for the Goliath was a combination of the three, with backup from a Level 4 and Level 5. Needless to say, we had handily defeated the Goliath without so much as a scratch.

Still, when we had faced the Black Goliath, which was more powerful than the last, we had help from our Level 4 and Level 5, along with someone who was able to focus on the miniscule details in order to supplement my own plans. From my estimation, it was a Level 4 Monster that was empowered with high-speed regeneration. I was injured by the time we defeated it, and our supply of Magic Swords was spent, but it was handily dealt with. Hiryute and Viridis could've taken it on alone, if not for the fact that it could regenerate its limbs within a few seconds.

However, taking into account how becoming a Calamity doubled the strength of a Monster, and since the one we just killed was already a Level 4… I had no doubt that what we were facing was going to be anything less than a Level 6.

So, the moment I realized what was happening, was it any surprise that I immediately decided that fighting it was nothing short of futile and that we had to evacuate?

It was an ugly, horrific thing to look upon. Monstrous in every sense of the word. It had grown immensely under a pale, faded light. Muscles and bones bulged beneath the power it ingested, cracks formed on its skin, and sickening, crunching echoes reverberated through the entirety of Under Resort. It's face curled into its chest and melded into it. The same happened to the rest of its limbs, until the entirety of the massive giant became a massive orb of pulsing, black flesh emitting a baleful glow. Crystals, similar to the ones upon the rooftop, were forming upon its skin. Assaults against it went unanswered, the attacks found purchase against the skin uncovered by crystal, but all injuries healed within seconds. Everyone knew it was metamorphosing, like a grotesque caterpillar that curled into a cocoon, changing into something that was never encountered before.

"Get those things packed up and ready!"

"If you need to be healed get over here, you're no use half-dead!"

"We need to be out of here yesterday! Work quickly or sit in a corner and don't be an idiot!"

Needless to say, no one knew when it was going to erupt from its 'shell,' and no one planned on sticking around and finding out. Under Resort was transforming. Walls and lumber being shaped into sleds and packs being placed upon it. Adventurers were being healed, cutting down trees, or carting around supplies. Blacksmiths were making weapons, repairing armor, or any myriad of others things. Injuries were being treated, starting from the most severe. It was efficient. Practical. Wholly something that I never expected to see in Under Resort, the lawless, near-criminal Adventurer town of the Dungeon. Though, I most certainly had a guess as to who brought about the changes that were saving so many lives and just might save my own.

It was more than I'd ever did, just training select people in the hopes that they were the Protagonist, or amassing wealth and money to fund my own expeditions. Why hadn't I done any of this? Organized and aided Orario as a whole, made the system better, instead of just spitting at it and turning my back? What if I had come here with more people, with a Familia instead of just my students? Wouldn't they be safer, would their lives not be on the edge of a knife if I had more Adventurers, stronger ones, to help out? If I had joined the Loki Familia instead of just clinging to my own pride… there would be four Level 6s here, three Level 5s, six Level 4s, and dozens of Level 3s and 2s.

I wouldn't have dragged my students into a place where they might die.

Digesting that fact was difficult. In the back of my mind, a voice told me that I should use Cranel. That I should trust in my conclusion that he was the Protagonist and that he could overcome the problem. However, what if I was wrong? I had been wrong before, and it ended with five people dead. Even if I could accept the fact that I wasn't fully at fault for their deaths, that they had fallen because of their own decisions as adults and adventurers, the same couldn't be said for this case. I had wanted to deal with the Goliath to force the plot along, to make Cranel progress, and continue training for my own plans to get home. My students and allies were here because I had asked them to be. So, without a doubt, if they died it would be truly my responsibility. They'd be leaving behind their dreams, the people they were close to, and whatever else they had in their lives if they died.

So, even if it was cowardly and spat in the faces of those who died in the fight, I had to force everyone to accept that we were leaving.

That we all had to run.

"So, this is where you were." Once again, Elder managed to sneak up on me, but I was consumed by my Skill enough to just take his presence in stride. The acrid smoke from his cigar soon filled the air. I noticed that he had a great shield on his back and a mace at his waist. His arms were tightly bound by bandages. He must have blocked one of the Goliath's blows with the shield to be damaged so heavily. "Keeping out of sight while you brood and think, Hikigaya? Don't want your subordinates to be demoralized, eh? I can respect that."

"… No." Elder's words were simple, but they weighed heavily on my mind. Was that really what I was doing? Making sure that my own feelings weren't known for the sake of my group. Putting it that way made me seem a lot more thoughtful than I was. In reality, I just wanted to be alone. To keep telling myself that running away was a good thing, that there weren't any expeditions from the deeper floors that would get ambushed by the monster that was forming in Under Resort. There was no way I would let Elder's line of thinking continue. This time, I won't let the misconception stand. "I'm doing nothing like that." I shook my head, the words I was looking for weren't coming, but I supposed that I could put what I heard earlier to work. "I'm just sitting in the corner and doing my best to not be an idiot."

"There's that sense of humor Orimoto never stops talking about. Can't say that I like it very much, but I suppose there's no shame in admitting the new generation's humor is lost to an old man like me." Elder took a seat and produced another cigar. He offered it to me, but I declined. "Suit yourself." He grunted before he shifted his shield to make himself more comfortable. "I know what you're thinking, Hikigaya. Probably because I've been in your place many times before. What's the right thing to do in this situation? Run away or stand and fight?"

"Against something that might be a Level 6, running away is the right choice." Bluntly, I told him what I thought. I didn't have time to argue about this. I wouldn't argue about keeping my students and allies alive. No matter how often I thought about them as fictional characters, that wasn't truly the case. They were people. I wouldn't risk their lives. "Keeping everyone alive, amassing our forces, and hitting this monster with more Familias is the better choice."

"It isn't running away, it's a tactical retreat." Elder snorted and shook his head as he gave the statement. "I told you, Hikigaya, I've heard all of that before. Under Resort's been destroyed dozens of times, but…" He hesitated, but when he spoke again, I had to close my eyes. His tone… was almost like Hestia's. Fervent, trying to hold himself back, but failing. People being selfish for the sake of other people. They were both the easiest and hardest people to manipulate. "But, y'know, this is the first time it'll happen since Orimoto came here."

"… I'm sorry." What could I have said besides that? I could see it clearly now. I easily remembered their brief interaction, little more than three hours ago, before the 'sky' shattered. Elder obviously cared for Orimoto like a child. Who wouldn't? When people were weak, they clung to others, desperately so, and once you rescued someone, you took responsibility for their future. Elder wanted Orimoto to succeed. It was easy to discern that Orimoto worked extensively to build Rivira up to what it was now. "If it was just another Goliath, even one empowered by the Dungeon again, then…" It was an excuse. I could still fight. All my students and allies could. I just didn't want to risk their lives. "…But fighting something like this, something we don't even know, is suicidal."

"It all comes down to that, doesn't it? Living to fight another day instead of dying. Playing it smart." There was a bitterness to Elder's voice that was uncomfortably familiar. The eye-patched man gave a sharp bark of laughter. I thought that he would get up and leave, but instead he leveled his single-eyed gaze onto me. I felt a chill go down my spine as I matched his gaze. It was an experienced gaze. One that saw far more tragedies and deaths than one could without something breaking. "But… do you really think that the Dungeon would let us leave after we've angered it so much already? That we'll really have any choice whether we want to fight or not?" A chuckle, soft and slow, left his mouth. "The Dungeon's the most cruel, hateful existence in this world… I knew that since I saw that thing in the sky that it simply wanted us to crush every ounce of hope we held close to our hearts."

A cracking sound resounded across Under Resort, silencing every voice and stilling every heart. From the bottom of the sphere of crystal and ebony erupted a deluge of pitch black tar. Slowly it opened, twitched, and shuddered as it expelled its contents. One pair of arms, then another pair, and then another came forth dripping in blood. Each one took hold of the sides of the opening of its birthplace, only to rip through it completely.

Five faces of wrath, six arms wreathed in pitch, two legs that carried its immense form towards the sky.

I already knew its name.


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