

Just In




You had your chance by XLUFERX

 Anime » Naruto Rated: M, English, Adventure, Sasuke U., OC, Words: 65k+, Favs: 1k+, Follows: 1k+, Published: Dec 2, 2019 Updated: Oct 28303Chapter 8

Disclaimer: Long live copyright or it shall strike us down for going against their unfair codes and laws.

After we were sure that Suigetsu and Juugo could walk without issue we immediately left the inn after gathering our things, Karin insisted in leaving behind some money to the owner since we were partially responsible for the property damage but I wanted to leave that sort of things to Jiraiya to handle since it was mostly his fault that walls were destroyed.

In the end, I only gave a small sum of money and told the owner to bill the rest to Konoha, even if that works or not it wasn't going to be my problem but at least the money was able to shut him up.

We headed to a tavern in search of informants but we were sent to another location where an informant was currently residing. He sold us all the information we needed and the expected date for the Chunin exams that being in a matter of weeks and even sold us an updated map. Suigetsu used the opportunity to ask more about the rest of the Legendary sword but didn't look pleased with hearing that Kirigakure recovered four of them, meaning the only way to recover them was to kill their users.

At least the Kiba blades weren't one of the swords that had been recovered.

The last sighting of them was at the Katabami gold mine where Raiga used to live, enforced his twisted law and had a humiliating death at the hands of kids. At our speed it took us less than 2 days what could have taken weeks in a carriage, with Karin around, working as our radar, we didn't encounter any problem.

I was sure that by the time I arrived at the mining town Jiraiya finished the talks with Tsunade and Tayuya was waiting for my notes along with their answer. But my plan after recovering the Kiba blades wasn't directed to meeting her any time soon, I wanted to practice my Kirin and all of my abilities against real shinobis.

Suigetsu liked the idea of fighting and Juugo didn't seem to object, but Karin was another story.

"I don't think is a good idea to have her waiting." She said

I assumed she wanted to catch up with her as soon as possible since the last meeting was rather abrupt.

"The Katabami gold mine is not that far from Tanzaku gai if we make a run for it, besides that town is famous for the entertainment it can provide to visitors so she won't get bored." Booze and gambling, the worst of the addictions to a human but perfect to supply the hedonistic desires of one.

"I know but…" She tried to protest further.

A hand immediately grabbed her shoulder and pulled her back.

"But nothing, as long as I get my blades I'm happy and if she gets pissed then is a plus." Suigetsu inserted himself into our conversation without any regard of respect or patience earning a hard glare from Karin.

I rolled my eyes, perhaps it was true that his hobby was to piss off people as much as possible.

He simply ignored her as his attention shifted towards a loud crowd. "Was the town supposed to look that alive?"

We all turned our attention to the crowd mentioned by him, many were leaving and coming with plastic bags while others were sitting on the ground eating something with or without manners.

Karin adjusted her glasses. "I don't think so, is odd that a mining town has this much attention, even if it produces gold."

The three of them looked at me expecting an answer.

"Is a restaurant, nothing special." I answered with only my judgment, a lot of people gathered in one place and were eating. A restaurant had to be, and a good one, that can attract tourists from outside.

"How long till lunch?" Suigetsu suddenly asked as he rubbed his stomach.

"Sasuke-kun?" She looked at me with expecting eyes while the other two looked at me for a positive answer.

"No, we get the blades and move on." The sooner the better, they needed a lot of training and I needed more fighting experience for the moment of truth against our first Akatsuki duo, we were weeks away from that moment.

Our waterboy shrugged and kept walking while Juugo blinked once and followed.

"Awww." Karin whined but didn't insist.

I didn't want to drop the facade but I too was a bit hungry and the smell didn't help either.

We kept moving forward until we arrived at the town itself except it was desolated as expected, only the restaurant from before had all the attention.

Nobody came to greets us or at least to watch the newcomers, it was a good thing tho.

When we reached the cemetery I gave the order to scatter and search for clues, however, we only found a small stone tablet right on the edge of the cliff. The rest of the place looked unscathed as if a fight never took place.

"So the last moment of Raiga was on this cliff." I commented.

I walked up to the edge and appreciated the natural sight of the landscape before my gaze went down.

A sea of trees, the blades are somewhere in that place.

Suigetsu walked next to me and clicked his tongue when he saw the green scenario. "Ugh, he could have committed suicide on land, it would have made things far easier for us."

I looked around hoping to find a road that led us to the valley below us but there were none, going back and search for a route would take time.

"Don't complain and jump." I said before taking the lead and jumping off the cliff, channeling my chakra to my feet to stick on the small edges or rocks. I looked up to see if they were following me but I was met by the falling figure of Juugo who simply jumped off and went directly to the ground. I could see a small cloud of dust form thanks to the impact below us.

I wanted to facepalm, I could have used my wings from the cursed seal to go down.

No sooner I felt the regret the same strange sensation on my back reappeared, I looked at my now grey-skinned hand to confirm the partial transformation before I jumped off again. Those appendages worked like a parachute slowing me down enough to maneuver and avoid the trees and land without issue.

Suigetsu soon landed as well, except he turned into a puddle splashing water everywhere while his sword buried deep into the ground. But merely seconds he fully reformed his body and strapped his sword on his back again.

Karin was the last to arrive, just as I tried first she used chakra to stick to the walls and ran the way down until she reached a height where she could safely jump.

We immediately separated into two groups to cover more ground, she wanted to tag with me but I send her off with Juugo.

Suigetsu was excited for the search always taking the lead and looking at every stone for any sort of clue of the Kiba's location while I was passively looking at my surroundings trying to see anything out of the ordinary.

However, the more time passed the more my anxiety grew. I was beginning to believe that the blades had been taken away before we could reach them but whenever those thoughts came I shook them off if anybody would have claimed them then the news would have spread like wildfire.

"Oi Sasuke!"

But my personals train of thoughts was interrupted by the loud voice of my teammate calling for me, call which I answered and went towards him.

"What?" However the moment I arrived a foul stench invaded my nostrils forcing me to cover myself out of instinct, I really couldn't believe that he called me just to show me shit, the reason I abstained myself from cursing.

"Look at this poor bastard." Suigetsu pointed me a charred body that had no recognizable features except but skin burned to the crisp and a strong stench of overcooked rotten meat.

However, there was a very noticeable feature, the corpse had no arms.

"This doesn't look recent," I said based on the flies already made their nests in various places all over the body and even some places had visible bones.

"I give him around two months, as you can see the Kiba blades are quite severe against the unworthy." Suigetsu commented followed by his sadistic grin.

"Let's keep looking." I assumed the blades weren't that far away.

The stench of the dead didn't dissipate, it was renewed wherever we went they were similar but weren't the same. We kept finding charred corpses and all of them had the same pattern, the arms were missing. Occasionally finding bodies that were eaten by the local wildlife.

But the difference started that they were recent cases compared to the first corpse.

I couldn't come up with an explanation after finding more than 10, if it was less then I would have accepted that they were unlucky idiots who wanted to keep the swords but that disturbing number made me think otherwise and the Kiba blades weren't around.

As we kept looking through the forest for more clues Karin landed in front of us followed by Juugo.

"Karin?" For her to appear in front of us could only mean two things, she found the blades or warn me of new chakra signatures.

"Sasuke we aren't alone." She answered with the second option.

"How many?" I felt it was inevitable to encounter others, but at the same time, I felt a rush of adrenaline to the surprise.

A fight against real shinobis was waiting for me.

"Ten and all of their chakra is strong." Karin said.

"Were you able to see them?" I asked any bit of information was important to plan our next move against them.

She shook her head. "No, the moment I detected them I came to inform you." Karin was a living radar, after all, not a satellite with a panoramic view.

I turned to our big guy. "Juugo?"

He extended his hand and gave a long whistle, not soon after he finished a bluish bird landed on his finger and started to chirp.

Soon after we heard the chirping of various birds coming from many directions for a long while before the woods went silent.

Advantageously, he can communicate with animals, somehow.

"Their camp is simple however is centered around an object and all of them wear the same symbol." He petted the bird on his hand.

Then he gave the bird a couple of seeds before it flew away.

"There we go, my blades are right there." Suigetsu grinned as he took the lead but was quickly stopped by Karin who instead of pulling him back she grabbed his arms and threw him back.

He didn't retaliate, only grinned with more savagery but quickly calmed down as I stepped between the two. Suigetsu couldn't move through the forest with reckless abandon unless he was looking for death, Karin was right to stop him.

Only then we proceed towards the shinobi camp with Karin taking the lead.

We carefully followed Karin directions to avoid being detected until their camp was within our view.

In our field of view, we noticed the Kiri symbol in their headbands.

"So Kiri already found one of their swords but do not have a wielder." That was the only explanation I could come up with since the legendary sword is still there untouched.

"If the charred bodies we have been finding scattered around mean anything, then they are still looking for one." Suigetsu said.

In other words, they had been trying for quite some time but failed miserably with each try which is why they established a camp and some supplies.

"Sasuke-kun I feel three more coming," Karin warned me.

I frowned at the news, 13 shinobis was a large numerical advantage to ignore it was clear that we couldn't force our way through.

"If we try to recover the blades Kiri will immediately tag us a missing nins and send Hunter nins after us," I warned it was obvious that they wouldn't let their relics go at any cost. And it was counterproductive to become enemies with the villages, however, the Kiba blades were a necessary tool for my fight against the Akatsuki, giving up was out of the question.

"Unless we kill every single one of them." Suigetsu suggested.

I pondered the possibility but I shook my head. "Is impossible, even with Karin's help we aren't enough to pursue and destroy." I could fight them for getting the fighting experience and polishing my skills but the risk wasn't worth it, if it was less than 7 then I would have gone for the attack.

Even a stealth attack wouldn't give better results.

One could always slip away while the rest fight us to the death, even with Karin pinpointing his location the others would stop us from pursuing.

"Why don't you use the Kirin?" Suigetsu suggested a very good idea.

For a moment I felt the light of realization hit me, but as soon as it came it faded.

"Look at the sky, you see any storm forming?" I pointed at the sky clear as the water, having an extremely powerful jutsu in my arsenal was a godsend but being so restricted with the condition after condition didn't help.

"Just saying." He shrugged.

But he was right, if I could use the Kirin I was sure of a total wipeout and reduce them to ashes, only a Suusano could survive as far as I knew.

"Sasuke look." Karin pointed to a specific Kiri shinobi.

My eyes narrowed the moment I saw the bluish short hair a pair of goggles and a large bandaged weapon strapped on his back, impossible to not recognize Chojuro's overall appearance.

"Another of my swords!" Suigetsu happily exclaimed.

"So they brought their new generation," I commented as my memories resurfaced, he was tasked by Mei Terumi to recover the legendary swords and with the information we bought is more than clear that he had been doing a good job.

I had a feeling both would end up facing each other sooner or later but didn't expect to be that soon.

Suigetsu snickered at my comment. "Heh, that? He is way too weak to properly wield that sword, to begin with, and look at the way he walks, he clearly lacks spine."

I didn't say anything but those two were from different generations, Suigetsu's generation being way more brutal in their teachings and lack of morals.

"Let's see."

Chojuro walked up to the blades and pulled them out of the ground as if it was nothing and started to practice his swings and proceeded with different sword stances.

"I will be damned."

"It seems the Kiba blades accepted him." Karin turned to look at Suigetsu with a smug look on her face, clearly enjoying Suigetsu frustration.

"What the hell is wrong with them?!" He yelled, which earned a direct hit to the face to shut him up.

We were close to the enemy he couldn't just go running around and screaming.

"Sasuke-kun, I feel chakra gathering in a single point." She pointed at the sky, more specifically the clouds slowly moving around in circles as their white color slowly darkened.

My gaze went towards Chojuro who had been pointing the Kiba blades towards the sky doing small circles in the air.

"He is testing them."

"Heh, now you have the storm." Suigetsu said.

I looked again at the now darkened sky with the dark clouds still circling us.

Chojuro pointed one of the blades to a tree relatively far and almost immediately a thunder struck the poor tree. The other shinobis were quick to act and stopped the fire before it could spread to the rest of the forest.

How convenient.

"No witnesses."

I raised my right arm as I looked at the scene below us, I felt the chakra flowing towards my hand.

So ignorant of the truth and the incoming calamity while they were cheering for Chojuro's success with a smile on their faces.



AN: For some reason, I don't get any alerts for PMs which is odd, I just found out I got PMs that date from February, sorry to those who send them I genuinely didn't know since no notification was sent to my inbox.

I expected mixed reviews about the last chapter and well I guess I suck at delivering obvious but not so obvious messages if you catch my meaning, I need more practice then. Anyways, there is no point in being op if you lack confidence without it you are going to lose against opponents weaker than you I guarantee you that. But convenient intervention and all that stuff, yeah expect them to happen since is a trope I will be using since well I said I would be using many tropes and cliches that my other story won't have (the numbers are getting closer NOOOOO), dammit I should have been more specific then.

Though, how can I write an epic fight if you are so broken that you can end the fight in a second should I approach the One punch man theme? Haha, joking doesn't worry fights and all the stuff you have been expecting will come from this chapter onwards.

But I'm Curious, why when I update I barely see an increase of favs and follows but the next day my feed has flooded those alerts? I mean that's great but does it mean that I have a crippling lag?


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