
Cerenna nodded her head at this and said "we live at Casterly rock; they say you could live your entire life there and still not visit all its rooms, galleries and tunnels. It's vast, overwhelming, and you feel so far away from everything, perched up above Lannisport."

That tickled his mind, so he decided to ask, it was not as if he had anything to lose by it, they after all would have the rest of their lives to hate each other "you are a Lannister, you father is goodbrother to Lord Tywin, and you are unmarried as yet?"

The girl did not react to this apart from the slightest clenching of her jaw and she replied after barely a second's hesitation "my father had certain definite aspirations with that regard, they never matured, or at least they had not up to now. When Lord Tywin commanded him to bring my sister and I to Kings Landing with the prospect of marrying two Great Lords, he forgot all his previous wishes with regard to the hands of his daughters."

Did he hear the slightest undertone of bitterness, resentment perhaps?

"Is, was, I mean, was there someone, well, that you, were, were sweet on?" he asked, damming himself for blushing.

"No, the man my father wanted me to marry was his choice and his choice alone. I am the daughter of a Great House, you are the son of a Great House, our concerns for marriage are not ours, only that of our fathers. In your case you will be marrying at the behest of your future goodbrother, Lord Tywin, but in the end it's the same, not your choice."

At that a peal of female laughter could be heard distantly, he would bet that this was Lady Cerenna's younger sister enjoying Lord Edmure's sure to be witty lines and easy conversation.

If this conversation was anything to go by all he could look forwards to was a cold wedding bed and a loveless marriage, and he felt his anger boil at Tywin Lannister and his insufferable arrogance.

Tyrion XIV

"My Lord father" he intoned, giving his customary bow.

"Tyrion" his father replied, Lady Sansa, ever the immaculate Lady gave him a little curtsy in greeting "My Lord" she said sweetly, a smile on her lips.

Oh yes, the Stark girl had learnt much since he had come across her being beaten by that idiot Trant in the Throne room with Joffrey egging the Kingsguard on and the rest of the court doing nothing. Now he could scarce know what was going on behind those huge, pale blue orbs, her composure and control over her face and body language were impressive, no doubt his father was delighted by his little wolf's composure.

He hid the mirth that threatened to erupt on his face at the thoughts of this slip of a girl being his mother by law, and even more hilarious would be his dear sister's reaction, and speaking of which, Cersei entered the dining room at just this moment, escorted by Jamie. His brother was not in his Kingsguard armour, instead he wore dark trousers and a dark red doublet, Cersei wore one of her trademark heavy and overly complicated golden and crimson gowns, with her hair done up elaborately and she dripped with gold jewellery.

Sansa by contrast wore a simple cut gown of sky blue with subtle red panels in the sleeves and skirt, the bodice was embroidered with a faint pattern, highlighted with pearls, on her ring finger was a golden band set with a single ruby and she sported ruby earrings, visible as her hair was done up into a single plait that was wound around itself at the back of her head.

The girl looked radiant, demure and with the very slightest hint of steel beneath her Ladylike exterior, aye the girl he had come across weeping and stripped in the Throne Room was well and truly banished and in its place was something altogether different.

He wondered idly if his father could see this, but he dismissed this thought almost as quickly as it entered his head, of course he could, for he would wager that part of Lady Sansa's transformation was as a direct result of the influence of the Old Lion. He gave his father a surreptitious glance, yes, even though his father was hiding it well, he looked rather pleased with himself. And why would he not? He had eliminated Joffrey, hobbled Cersei and virtually ended the War of the Five Kings, with one of the prizes, the most beautiful and eligible bride in the Seven Kingdoms on his arm, and soon to be in his bed.

Nobody could ever accuse Tywin Lannister of not being a player of the Game of Thrones but his father had scored for himself a rather large win he mused, and he envied the Old Lion his success. Bitterly he envied the Old Lion, aye bitterly, and he being pawned off to a Frey of all things, likely some weak chinned, lank haired drudge, a castoff from Walder Frey's overactive loins.

"Father" Cersei slurred, drunk as usual Tyrion noted, and he could not help but notice the ever so slight tightening of the skin around his father's mouth at this.

"The pair of you are late" the Old Lion announced, his tone as icy as if he was talking to an enemy.

Sansa gave her usual courtesy to Cersei, to which his sister barely deigned to respond to, a bad move on her part he knew but completely in character for his sister, drunk or not.

Gesturing with his hand the Old Lion guided Lady Sansa to her chair, at his father's right hand side he noticed, the first woman to sit at his father's right hand side since Lady Joanna had died, for he had never seen any woman, even Cersei seated at his father's right hand side.

Cersei narrowed her eyes at this, a glare of pure hatred blazing across her face, which Sansa ignored completely as she gave his father a glance of devotion and respect, before she looked up and set her vision to the middle distance.

They were in the small dining room that was part of the Hand's personal quarters, his Lord father had invited them all to dine 'as a family', and the presence of Sansa as their impending 'mother by law', was probably his father's way of formally announcing it to his three children. Not that Jamie or him were unaware of the upcoming nuptials, and Cersei of course knew pretty much immediately after they had returned, no doubt Jamie had informed her after he had buried his cock into their dear sister. Or maybe before, mayhaps Cersei in a rage was a better fuck than Cersei just aroused?

The first course was served, a fish dish of some sort, small fillets of fish, preserved in vinegar, crab meat, prawns and an accompanying salad. Tyrion tucked in, meals with his father were something of a culinary revelation these days, and he looked forwards to them, not only for the food but for the simple fact that his father seemed to have unbent himself massively in respect of hating him, and now even sometimes treated him with something of ordinary decency.

He wondered if his wedding would further improve his father's relationship with him, would ploughing the Lady Sansa's flame haired cunny relax the Old Lion's sour disposition even more? He would certainly be a happy man at the thought of being wedded to the Stark girl; she was a beauty and only growing lovelier with each passing day, her body blossoming into a much more womanly shape. And gone was the meek and scared girl, and in its place was developing a formidable lady, sure to be an asset to any husband.

And least he get too misty eyed over his new found favour with the Old Lion, he had to remind himself that his father was not totally a new man, he was still as capable of ruthlessness and cruelty.

His pondering was interrupted by Cersei announcing "I see that the Frey chit promised to Tyrion has yet to arrive in Kings Landing, Lord Walder is either late again, or has spurned your offer father" she spat out, spitefulness dripping from every word despite her being quite drunk.

Before he could say anything the Old Lion paused a second and placed his cutlery on his plate and looked at Cersei "Lord Walder did not trust the roads, with good cause I might add, his daughter is coming by sea, and I have word that the vessel carrying Tyrion's intended has been sighted just an hour ago off Blackwater bay. We shall meet the girl herself tomorrow morning no doubt, soon she will be a Lannister, and due the respect that entails Cersei."

Left unsaid was that Sansa would also be a Lannister soon, and she would be the Lady of Casterly rock, and that his father would stand no disrespect being shown to her, from anyone.

But of course Cersei had to walk straight into the trap her father had laid for her "A Frey is I suppose all Tyrion could hope for, but you father? You are the Lion of Casterly rock! You deserve better than a simpering, idiotic child from the heathen north!"

Tyrion barely kept the smirk off his face at this, his dear sister really was so very, very stupid, and wine had not improved her wits by any amount, he ducked his head to gaze at his plate to select the next morsel to consume, but not before he caught sight of the alarm on Jamie's face.

"Her Grace forgets herself, her Lord father made my hand a precondition of the peace that has just been signed. That self same treaty binds house Lannister to House Stark and House Tully, both of whose heirs will wed Lannister daughters. In addition your Lord Father ensures the continuation of his line by marrying me, you are a Baratheon and Ser Jamie cannot continue the Lannister line, Lord Tyrion's line through his Frey bride will provide a valuable extension of Lannister blood."

This was quite the speech for Sansa Stark to make, and in direct confrontation to Cersei also, my, my but the little wolf had a bite to her now. His father moved his head to glance at his wife to be and Tyrion saw a brief flash of respect dance in his father eyes at this repost to Cersei from his bride to be.

"You dare to think that you could replace my mother? You? The daughter of a traitor!!" Cersei shrieked, her voice breaking with the force of her scream, having seen the look his father and Sansa had just shared.

His father swept his cold gaze back to rest upon his daughter "Lord Stark is not a traitor, and nor was he, Joffrey's order to remove his head was illegal as he had not attained his majority. In addition Lord Stark was afforded neither a trial nor any of the legal protection a Lord of his station is entitled too, thus his 'confession', such as it was, is rendered moot. The Lady Sansa offered her hand to me in marriage as a means to return Ser Jamie, my son, to me and to end this war once and for all. Lady Sansa acted as any Great Lady should; she put the interests of her family first, before her own wishes and desires, something which you seemed to have been unable to do, ever....."

Peeking up he noticed his father was glaring at Cersei, who seemed to have received a large dose of reckless courage from the wine she had been drinking, because she was scowling right back at Lord Tywin.

"Your brother refuses to give up his role as a glorified bodyguard and become the Lord he was born to be, Tyrion, despite his wit and brains, could never be Lord of Casterly Tyrion, I do not do this to spite you, my bannermen would never follow you, not the way they would follow me or Jamie. It is regrettable, and unfair, but it is the truth....."

He did not reply to this, it pained him deeply to hear his father say this, but he had know all throughout his life that this was how his father felt, but at least it was being said in the most palatable way possible. Though the look of savage triumph on Cersei's face he could do without, but before the riposte about how even though he was 'monstrous and deformed', at least he did not fuck his own sibling had time to leave his mouth, his father continued.

"And thus Cersei, it falls to me to ensure that the Lannister name continues and that my line leads our House. So I must wed, and just who would you have me wed Cersei? Margaery Tyrell? A maid as conniving as her grandmother is old, though admittedly she is possessed of a pleasant aspect and no doubt a fertile womb. A bannerman's daughter Cersei? Sure to set her father's pride alight but more likely to inflame the rest with jealously. Or the daughter of a House that has stood for eight thousands years, who has ruled the North for that time and seen off all threats and usurpations to their rule? And whose daughter had the sense of duty to know what had to be done, despite the stupid and senseless cruelties inflicted upon her by that idiotic boy of yours that you had not the wit to halt? Well Cersei, I am waiting?"

Tyrion finished his fish course and took a deep gulp form his wine, surveying the truly delightful family dynamic at the table – his father coldly furious, his wife to be looking imperious and calm, his sister hateful and sour, and his brother helpless and forlorn.

When Cersei either could not, or would not reply to her father he continued "The Lady Sansa and I will be wed, she will become the Lady of Casterly rock, the wife of the Hand of the King and your mother by law. I will expect that she will be treated with all the courtesy and respect that her station entails, and I will not be in any way disposed to show mercy to any of you should you forget this."

Though addressed to all of them he knew this message was for Cersei, he did hope that his father was prepared for the sure to be idiotic next move on Cersei's part in response to all this.


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Think an SI into Ned Stark with a Homo Drakensis twist sounds like fun? Well the Black Wolf [NSFW] is the story for you then!

What would you did if you woke up in Westeros and discovered you had been subjected to an enforced gender change? See the adventures of The Littlest Lioness for all the delightful details...

Ever fancied being Tywin Lannister? Well now you can find out, courtesy of The Lion in Winter

Sbiper, Jun 29, 2019Report

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animetheme, Fantasyfan1764, ColeDeucalion and 315 others like this.

Threadmarks: Robb IV

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SbiperNot too sore, are you?

Joined:Feb 6, 2018Messages:459Likes Received:45,844

Robb IV

At a nod from the guards the doors of the Throne room were swung open and he and Lord Edmure were announced, he strode along the giant hall, a group of his bannermen and guards walking along behind him. The Throne room was vast, high ceilinged, huge columns soared up on either side of him to hold up the roof that arched two hundred, maybe three hundred feet above him, and at its far end, the hulking, twisted splendour of the Iron Throne.

Perched atop the great mass of melted swords was the tiny form of the King he would bend the knee to, Tommen Baratheon, but he knew he was really bending the knee to the man dressed in black who stood on the dais that flanked the Iron Throne to its right, Tywin Lannister.

As they approached the gathered crowds of courtiers gradually ceased their muttering and whispering until they arrived at the foot of the Iron Throne, and of course Ser Jamie would be there, resplendent in his white Kingsguard armour.

Atop Robb's head was his crown, the one he was here to surrender as he bent the knee, he purposefully avoided making eye contact with Jamie Lannister, the smirk he had seen on the insufferable Lion's face had been enough for him.

Halting and drawing himself up to his full height, Edmure likewise doing the same the voice of Tommen Baratheon rang out from his perch on the Iron Throne "Your Grace, Lord Edmure, welcome to Kings Landing and the Red Keep, are you ready to swear your fealty to the Iron Throne?"

"We are" the both of them replied, neither of their voices wavering he noticed.

With that King Tommen began the ceremony "I will accept your crown King Robb and you will become my leal bannerman, the Lord of Winterfell and Warden of the North, will you accept?"

"I do your Grace" Robb intoned as went to one knee on the marble floor of the throne room, removing his crown and holding it out from his head, he saw Jamie Lannister's boots appear in his vision and felt him take the crown from his hand.

"Then rise Lord Stark" King Tommen said from far above him, the boys voice echoing slightly.

Robb rose to stand as Tommen addressed Edmure, his child's voice surprisingly firm and confident "Do you Lord Edmure foreswear you allegiance to the former King in the North and reaffirm your ties of loyalty to the Iron Throne?"

"I do your Grace" Edmure replied, from where he had gone to one knee.

"Then rise Lord Tully, Lord of Riverrun and Lord Paramount of the Riverlands."

"My grandfather, the Lord Hand Lord Tywin Lannister once said to me that 'a House divided cannot stand' and much like a House, the Seven Kingdoms cannot stand if they are divided, but much has been injured by this war, and so we must seek to bind up the wounds of our great Kingdom. As part of that binding Lords Stark and Tully will wed the Ladies Cerenna and Myriella of House Lannister, Lord Tyrion Lannister will wed the Lady Roslin Frey and my Lord Hand, Tywin Lannister will wed the Lady Sansa Stark. The wedding of all four Lords will take place in one week's time at the Great Sept of Baelor, and will be a joyous occasion with which to celebrate and cement the peace that has been offered and accepted here today."

At this thunderous applause broke out from the assembled crowd, and Robb wondered how much of what he just heard were the words of Tywin Lannister and not the young King. Most likely all of them he thought sourly, for the Hand was the real King, and everybody knew it. He risked a glance over at the man himself, he was clapping politely, his face neutral, beside him his sister was clapping with a little more enthusiasm, she was not yet cloaked in Lannister crimson but there was no mistaking who she belonged to now, not in the way she held herself nor in the way she was looking at her betrothed.

With the ceremony of him bending the knee over King Tommen descended from the Iron Throne, he, like everyone else went to one knee as the young King exited the Throne room accompanied by several Kingsguard.

"Probably off for a glass of warm milk and his afternoon nap" whispered Greatjon Umber from behind him, he did not make any reply to the Greatjon's comment and kept his face neutral.

"Or maybe to beat off to the thoughts of his Tyrell bride....." came the Greatjon again, and he could not resist taking an involuntary glance at the Tyrell girl, who was talking to Sansa now. Lady Margaerey was dressed scandalously, the amount of her flesh on display was much greater than that of any other lady, and he noticed many of them giving her disapproving glances, Cerenna Lannister among them.

"Then again, if he's really lucky, the Tyrell girl might join him to suck his royal little cock....." whispered Greatjon, equal mirth and jealously in his voice.

Cersei Lannister was absent he noted, and he had heard rumours that the former Queen was rapidly descending into madness after witnessing the death of her first son. No great loss he was honest enough to admit to himself, given what he knew about how she had acted and how she had been party to the betrayal of his Lord father.

Lord Tywin descended from the dais to shake their hands all round, Sansa did not accompany him, but he noticed that the two Lannister sisters did, each one demurely greeting them. He kept a smile on his face as he greeted Cerenna "My Lady."

"My Lord" she replied, and now there was a definitive smile on the Lannister chit's face, but of course there was, he had surrendered his crown and was now beholden to the Lannister's, a muzzled and leashed wolf.

The sisters were dressed in customary Lannister crimson and gold, both sisters had been amply blessed by the gods with womanly figures; Cerenna's a little fuller than her sisters he noted, but no less appealing to the eye for all that. Both had their teats thrust up high by the bodices of their gowns, a sight which Lord Edmure seemed to have difficulty tearing his eyes away from.

Lady Cerenna took his elbow and steered him through the thronged crowd, much to his initial surprise but he let the girl lead him. She greeted some courtiers that she knew, Westerlanders no doubt, until they reached a quiet spot behind one of the massive columns.

"Now, was that so hard?" the girl asked, the slightest of grins on her face.

"Easy for you to say..." he responded, his mood hardly improved by the fact that he was standing beside a stunning young blonde noblewoman who would soon be his wife.

"Really? 'easy for me to say' is it? You are not the one being married off to a Northerner, banished to a vast land of heath and forest, where it snows in summer?"

"As you reminded me my Lady, we are not free in this respect; we have to do 'what is best' do we not? What is best for Tywin Lannister....."

"We may be being forced into this, but that does not mean we have to hate each other, a lifetime despising each other will hardly make either of us happy now will it?" the girl replied, hope in her voice, but steel in her eyes.

"I was supposed to marry a Frey, Lord Walder's price for me and my army crossing The Twins, but instead I find myself marrying a Lannister, I'm not sure which is worse."

"Why the Frey girl of course!" Cerenna scolded him, mockery heavy in her voice. "I will grant you that the maid Lord Tyrion is to marry is pretty enough, she does not come with the advantages that I bring."

"Oh? And just what would that be my Lady?" Robb asked, though not in anger, he was too tired of all the fighting and politics to care anymore.

"Men don't fear Lord Walder Frey Robb Stark" Cerenna husked as she leaned close to him, far too close that propriety would allow, but he did not move back "but men fear Lord Tywin Lannister, your family will be bound to his, twice over. You have a realm to re-conquer, and land to repair after the ravages of war. Who would you prefer to do it with as your good father, a penny pinching Walder Frey as your good brother, or the Old Lion himself Tywin Lannister?"

this last bit was breathed into his ear by the girl before she suddenly walked off back into the throng of people, leaving him confused and vaguely annoyed.


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Think an SI into Ned Stark with a Homo Drakensis twist sounds like fun? Well the Black Wolf [NSFW] is the story for you then!

What would you did if you woke up in Westeros and discovered you had been subjected to an enforced gender change? See the adventures of The Littlest Lioness for all the delightful details...

Ever fancied being Tywin Lannister? Well now you can find out, courtesy of The Lion in Winter

Sbiper, Jun 30, 2019Report

#1599Like+ QuoteReply

I_love_magic, animetheme, Fantasyfan1764 and 287 others like this.

Threadmarks: Tywin V

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SbiperNot too sore, are you?

Joined:Feb 6, 2018Messages:459Likes Received:45,844

Tywin V

The bending on the knee had went off as well as can be expected, with Robb Stark, who did look a little bit like that Scottish guy who played him in the show, and Edmure Tully, who looked nothing like his show self, formally surrendering.

Tywin was supremely pleased with himself, and I had to keep reminding him that this was only part one, and frankly the easy bit, of what we needed to do. There was still Euron Greyjoy and his likely penchant to murderfuck a cosmic horror into existence and Danerys with her three dragons, and lastly, but by no means least there were the White Walkers and the Army of the dead to be dealt with. And even then, was it show or book White Walkers/Others? Which one it was would have a huge impact on, well, my personal chances of survival.

And to be honest, without the frankly incredible levels of self belief and willpower that Tywin possessed I'd have collapsed into a gibbering wreck by now at the thoughts of the numerous existential threats to my skin that lurked on the horizon.

To be fair to Tywin he had been pretty scared when I had shown him what was coming down the line, but he had pretty soon started thinking along the lines of stabilising Westeros first and then preparing for the long night part two.

Regarding the Iron Born so long as (book) Euron did not show up we were confident that these cheap Viking knock off's could be dealt with. Stannis was a slightly more difficult proposition due to his pet Red Witch, who terrified me to be frank, but who was not omniscient it had to be said. But relying on Mel to fuck things up was hardly a reliable strategy, and gods only knew what she saw of me in those flames she was so fond of, religious nut job probably wanted to burn me alive at the earliest opportunity she could. Or jump my bones, or leach me, who knows what that 400 year old milf witch wanted?

I noticed Cerenna Lannister wander off with a rather hapless looking Robb Stark on her arm, her younger sister was flirting outrageously with Edmure Tully, who seemed to be lapping up the attention from the younger of the sisters.

'Luba and Nadya Shemeyko, I mean who would have thought' I muttered in my head, just my luck that my favourite Ukrainian super hot twins happened to be my nieces eh? Those two lucky bastards Robb Stark and Edmure Tully would get to fuck stupid the two chicks who had long been my ultimate fantasy....At my sour musings Tywin laughed and called me an idiot, but still I was butt hurt over this cosmic injustice, I was only rescued from my funk by Tywin being pestered by several courtiers over minor matters, I let him deal with this bollocks while to take my mind off my jealously of Robb and Edmure I pondered the situation that I had found myself in, a rather frequent pastime of mine and one which Tywin thought overly self indulgent.

In a week's time I would be married to Sansa Stark, a girl young enough to be my daughter and Tywin's granddaughter, and this only barely bothered me, maybe it was Tywin's influence on me, maybe it was Westeros. I don't know, maybe it was the fact that the girl herself was very good looking and I had always been a sucker for a 'damsel in distress', and once Tywin and I had decided we were stuck with each other and that we needed to work together to sort out the mess Westeros was in for he had originally thought to marry Margaery once Joffrey had been disposed of.

Because once the Old Lion had been made aware of his twin's antics he had decided that new heirs were required forthwith and Margaery Tyrell, or at least Natalie Dormer, had caught the old pervert's eye. Margaery did look like a younger and bustier version of mizz Dormer, and had things not been thrown a dramatic curve ball by Sansa Stark we would be marrying her, with Sansa most likely marrying Tommen. Of course Olenna Tyrell and Mace would not have been happy, but with what we had on them both of us were confident we would have been burying our cock into Margaery's cunt to our hearts content. Which would have been quite the pleasant experience to look forwards to I had to admit, the Tyrell girl was very easy in the eye and was sure to be a formidable Lady of Casterly Rock and valuable asset to our plans.

Tywin had remarkably little interest in Sansa sexually, as far as he was concerned she was a means to an end and little better than a walking womb, though he did admit that she was blooming into a capable great lady and she would likely make a more than an adequate Lady of Casterly rock.

Me? I was looking forwards to some tight teenage virgin pussy to fuck with our impressively sized cock, Tywin being quite over endowed in that area, a majority of male porn stars would look on his equipment with jealously. Tywin's size had terrified his first wife Joanna on their wedding night, and was likely to equally terrify Sansa, so lots of foreplay and gentle preparations were likely in order.

Tywin scoffed in my head at this train of thought, he seemed not to care so long as Sansa gave him heirs, though I suspected he was just being 'Tywin' i.e. being incapable of admitting weakness or softness.

"My Lord" came a soft and familiar voice beside me; I turned and gave a bow as Catelyn and Sansa Stark approached, both ladies giving me a curtsy, Sansa's being noticeably lower and longer, her mother's being the barest necessary. Catelyn looked nothing like her show character, being quite a bit younger and considerably hotter, to my eyes she looked like Sophie Turner would look in her mid 30's. Tywin did not find her unattractive either, but thought her irredeemably stupid, though he did find the modern concept of a 'revenge fuck' hilarious and would not be averse to fucking the stupid out of Catelyn Stark.

"Lady Catelyn, Lady Sansa" I replied, letting Tywin's usually calm and cool features settle on my face, regarding my intended and my future mother in law, though here they say 'by law' and not 'in law', or 'good mother'.

"Lord Tywin" responded Catelyn coolly, Sansa's similar response was said in a considerably warmer tone, and her greeting reached those huge Tully Blue eyes of hers.

"I have met the Frey Lady who will wed your son my Lord, the Lady Roslin is as fair and sweet natured a maid as I have ever met" said Lady Catelyn, her voice cool, but not really hostile. Though why she decided that Roslin Frey was a topic of conversation eluded me. Thankfully the little Frey chit was the image of Alexandra Dowling, pretty as a button, petite and delicate, but with an impressive bosom for her size. She would be perfect for Tyrion, Genna had proposed her and I had agreed, hoping that she was 'show Roslin', and sure enough she was.

"Aye, but apparently Walder Frey's daughter was just as tardy as her Lord Father, the good Lady only arriving yesterday. I admit I am disappointed that Lord Frey thinks this matter to be due the same belated attendance as he gave to your father and King Robert during the rebellion."

In truth I was pissed off with Walder Frey, and if I was annoyed with him Tywin was incandescent with rage at his behaviour. The slimy old weasel had twisted and turned and drove a bargain which was outrageous, and which Tywin would have never agreed to, except, well, Tywin had been longing to deal with the Freys ever since Genna had been married into that clan. But Lannister's not only always paid their debts but they also always collected on them and Walder Frey had incurred a rather hefty debt in Tywin's eyes.

"The good lady made her way here by ship, down the Green Fork and then out into the narrow sea and straight to Kings Landing. No doubt she is suitably joyous the on occasion of her becoming a member of House Lannister."

It felt good to twist the knife into Catelyn Stark, both over the disgraceful conduct of one of her father's banner men and to remind her that her precious little daughter would soon be mine, and boy did she not like the thoughts of that one bit. If this dammed bint had of had a single ounces of sense then half of the stupid shit that had happened in Westeros would not have taken place. I mean kidnapping Tyrion, knowing what Tywin was like when it came to slights against his family, what was the daft cunt thinking? And then spiriting him away to the Eyrie for a kangaroo court to find him guilty on the flimsiest of evidence?

If I was honest she deserved to have her throat cut at Red Wedding, and Tywin shared my opinion of our soon to be good mother.

"I hear that Lord Walder will not be attending his daughter's nuptials?" asked Catelyn Stark, somewhat frostily but I could see that she was trying to make conversation for the sake of her daughter. Or equally she could be trying to be a cunt, I cared little either way, Catelyn Stark would soon be out of my hair for good, Cerenna Lannister would soon be dealing with her. And if the Lannister girl had any sense, and from meeting her several times I knew she did, Robb Stark would be listening more to his wife than his mother.

"I have heard so yes, apparently Lord Walder is ill and cannot travel. He has delegated a minor knightly House sworn to the Twins to provide escort for his daughter and to act in his stead at the wedding. The northern Riverlands are apparently badly beset by banditry and lawlessness and he requires all of his forces to quell these disturbances, hence only the good lady herself and some of her handmaidens will be present from House Frey."

I let something of Tywin's cold anger leech into my voice at this, for what old Walder had pulled was an unforgivable insult, effectively throwing away his daughter and not having the common decency to send at least one senior male Frey to accompany her. No skin off our noses though in the end, if Walder wanted to cut off his nose to spite his face he could go on right ahead, the old bastard was livid that the plotting that would have led to the Red Wedding had been aborted and that he and his brood would not get the prize of the Riverlands for conspiring with Tywin to remove the Young Wolf. Add to this that his daughter was getting Tyrion instead of Edmure and Walder was all full of piss and vinegar. The fact that Roose Bolton and a good portion of his senior banner men had suffered a rather bloodily abrupt end after our plotting had been aborted had apparently not been sufficient of a warning to Walder Frey to quit while he was ahead.

All this talk and thinking of Walder Frey was making him, well both of us annoyed, so I excused myself from the two redheads, citing pressing business of state. Both women excused us; I would be dining with them later on anyway so no doubt we would have to endure more of Catelyn's sour, cuntish conversation.

Assembling our guard I returned to the Tower of the Hand and to the never ending work that was needed to keep the medieval ship of state functioning, of course letting Tywin drive when there was boring paperwork to be done. I went for a snooze instead, much to Tywin's annoyance and woke up as we made our way into the private dining room of the Hand of the King.

Present were Robb, Sansa and Catelyn for the Starks and Cerenna and her father Lord Stafford and our good selves, for the Lannister's. The fact that Stafford Lannister was still alive was something of a shock for me, hadn't he been killed at the battle of Oxcross?

After pleasantries were observed, such as they were, we sat down for our meal, nothing too fancy or ostentatious, and thus nothing that might upset touchy and parsimonious northern sensibilities. Good wine was served; I stuck to my favourite tipple, dark Westerlander beer, which Robb also liked, commenting on how good it was. Well bonding over beer was a start I suppose, the lad seemed to pay his intended little attention, something Sansa had noticed and she was trying to draw the two into conversation.

Stafford was his usual boring, and as he consumed more alcohol, boorish self, he appeared to be completely unaware of the attempts being made by Sansa and Cerenna to engage Robb in conversation, even Catelyn was trying to jolly her son along to join the conversation.

And failing it had to be noted, Robb was far more interested in talking to me than talking to the ladies present, and even at that he was not exactly over bubbling with sparkling wit and repartee. That was something of an overstatement, the young Lord of Winterfell was almost as monosyllabic as his father was, I really should have invited Tyrion and Genna along, they might have helped with the funeral like atmosphere.

The lad needed to cheer up, he was going to get to dip his cock repeatedly in a super hot blonde from a fabulously rich family, and the girl was not an idiotic bimbo either, there was a calculating mind behind those cool green eyes of hers. She would do well as the Lady of Winterfell, of that I was sure, and maybe Catelyn Stark knew this also as she had not warmed to Cerenna at all, despite her show of trying to get Robb to talk to her.

Eventually Robb Stark finally got to what was eating him, thank god, when he announced that he had found out about the deal that Roose Bolton had made with me for the release of Ser Jamie.

"And? I treated with Roose Bolton for my Son's release, he accepted my gold without any compunction, and he returned my son and Brienne of Tarth to my agents without any further ado."

"Gold, it's always about gold with you Lannister's isn't it?" Robb asked, anger bristling in his voice.

"Robb" hissed Catelyn, trying to silence him.

"Let the Lord of Winterfell speak, he is a man grown" I replied, coolly cutting off Catelyn Stark, who looked frankly terrified, a heavy silence filling the room.

"Let me ask my betrothed a question Lord Stark?" I said in Tywin's trademark low, even voice. Turning to Sansa I fixed her with my eyes and said "Lady Sansa, am I an honourable man?"

Holding the girl's gaze I saw the calculation dart across the pale blue depths of her eyes before Sansa replied "No my Lord, you are not an honourable man" to multiple hisses of indrawn breath.

"Clever girl" I replied to Sansa, keeping my gaze on her until I languidly returned it to Robb Stark "Your father was an honourable man and Kings Landing destroyed him, and his fall nearly destroyed your family, wiping out a dynasty that has stood proud for eight thousand years. You cannot afford to let that happen, my own father very nearly toppled the Lannister's."

"Ah yes, I was wondering when you would get the Rains of Castamere" Robb spat.

"Everyone knows what happened, thanks to that song, or at least they think they do. Few know what happened before that, and what led to 'the rains to weep ore their halls'. I gave the Reynes three chances boy, three chances to come to terms and return to be loyal banner men. And each time they refused, they refused only paying back the principle they owed Casterly rock, they refused paying back with reduced interest and with it only being calculated from the day they bent the knee, and they finally refused to send hostages and pay back all that they owed, principle and full interest. What would you have done boy, in my place, when two of your most powerful banner men spat in your face like that? I seem to remember that the Greystarks are no more, nobody wrote a song about them, did they?"

Robb did not reply, only glaring at me, the room was deathly quiet as I continued "You took the Karstarks head, as you had to, I removed the Boltons the moment I knew a negotiated peace was at hand, for I have no use for traitors, or leaving long running threats to my family un-dealt with."


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Think an SI into Ned Stark with a Homo Drakensis twist sounds like fun? Well the Black Wolf [NSFW] is the story for you then!

What would you did if you woke up in Westeros and discovered you had been subjected to an enforced gender change? See the adventures of The Littlest Lioness for all the delightful details...

Ever fancied being Tywin Lannister? Well now you can find out, courtesy of The Lion in Winter

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Threadmarks: Sansa XV

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SbiperNot too sore, are you?

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Sansa XV

The ballroom in the Maidenvault was filled with the ladies of court and the three other brides to be, including Lady Roslin Frey. Their prospective husbands were all away, in the Kingswood on a 'stag hunt', along with about a hundred Men at Arms, Lords and servants. They would be spending two days away hunting, drinking to excess, and engaging in generally bawdy behaviour before returning two days prior to the weddings.

Or at least that was what several women had told her was likely to be happening on the 'stag' as Lord Tywin referred to it, though she could not imagine Tywin or Robb partaking in the sort of drunken revelry that Lord's Edmure and Tyrion would no doubt be indulging in.

Her brother still looked none too happy to be marrying the Lannister girl and seemed to have a scowl on his face most of the time, so he was unlikely to want to 'enjoy' himself, and Tywin? Well she could not see her husband to be letting go of his iron control and unbending enough to join in the drinking and singing that was sure to ensue.

She quirked her lips slightly, the thoughts of Tywin carousing were amusing to say the least, a sight she would pay a gold dragon to see! Speaking of gold dragons Tywin had started to let her participate in the running of the Household of the Hand and he had informed her of her monthly allowance as his Lady wife. It had seemed an inordinately large amount to her mind if she was honest and had said so, Tywin had dismissed her concerns by simply stating that she would be the Lady wife of the Hand and the Lady of Casterly rock.

More dresses had also arrived from the dressmaker, in styles she favoured and with a greater preponderance of reds and gold, Tywin having obviously ordered them before they had left Kings Landing to treat with Robb. It did show that Tywin had been confident of the outcome of the negotiations, something that did not annoy her, on the contrary, it made her feel a little thrill of satisfaction.

She had to also give him credit for the styles and cut of the various new gowns, none met with her disapproval, all were similar to her favourite gowns, she did not think Robb, or any other man would know the first thing about ordering garments for his Lady. Mayhaps it was because he had already been married that he knew this, but she doubted it.

Her thoughts returned to her intended once more, and she realised she felt little of what the stories and tales she had liked as a girl had said she should feel for her husband to be. Yes Lord Tywin was tall, strong, a great Lord, and not un-handsome in his own way, but all she felt was a certain satisfaction at the thoughts of becoming his wife. For in taking Lord Tywin's name, along with its attendant power would provide for her the security that she needed, that her family had been unable to provide. And in becoming a Lannister should atone in part for her sins in betraying her family, she would be the sacrifice that would save Robb and her mother, in spite of themselves if needed.

She had talked some with her mother about her upcoming marriage, frosty conversations if she was honest, but at least her mother had deigned to talk to her, unlike Robb, who seemed to nothing but hate in his eyes when he looked at her. She had tried to reason with her mother that her marrying Lord Tywin was not unlike the marriage that she had been forced into with her father Ned, in that they had barely known each other and the marriage had been for purely political reasons.

Her mother had icily declared that her father Ned had been an honourable man who was only doing his duty, and that while she had not loved Ned at the start, she had come to deeply love his quiet, honourable ways. Left unsaid by her mother was that she did not think Sansa's future husband was in any way honourable or kind, nor that Sansa would ever come to love him.

She was not so sure about that though, while Lord Tyiwn was a cold, ruthless man, and intensely dominant at the best of times, Sansa had increasingly seen another side to him after their betrothal had been announced. Those cold, utterly unyielding emerald eyes seemed to soften on occasion when glancing at her, and an unexpected warm mirth had sparkled in their depths. That granite hard face of Lord Tywin would relax momentarily and even break into a smile, and that her intended would on occasion even flirt with her. While Tywin was still completely absorbed by the demands of running the Seven Kingdoms he would never refuse her time, nor would he stint on gifts, her new wardrobe being the prime example of this generosity. Her coterie of Ladies in Waiting and maids had expanded to match, and she was expected to be much more of a presence in the Red Keep, something which she had secretly delighted in.

It saddened her to think that her mother would never make peace with what was about to happen, her mother had reacted poorly when she had discovered that it had been Sansa who had proposed the match with Lord Tywin. Did her mother think she was still a stupid little girl? And how could her actions be anything but a desperate act of sacrifice and not the actions of an empty headed girl? In the months she spent as a prisoner of Joffrey and Cersei her mother and brother had made no attempt to trade Ser Jamie for her, despite protestations from her mother that getting her and Arya back had been her only priority. And then to cap it all her mother had thrown away the only advantage they had over Tywin Lannister, his son, in an act of monumental stupidity that thankfully had not ruined everything.

The more she thought about her mother and her actions the less she respected her if she was honest, Tywin had told her some of what had transpired 'behind the scenes' as it where. The letter from Lysa Arynn, its accusations and the fact that Baelish was behind it, her mother's kidnapping of Lord Tyrion and her putting him 'on trial' in the Eyrie. As she had pondered this Tywin had said nothing, until she had remarked that she thought her mother had acted rashly and had endangered her father in Kings Landing by her actions.

Tywin had just nodded in agreement with her and had said nothing more on the subject, what she took as him being pleased with her response.

She brought her mind back to the present, tables and chairs were laid out in the ballroom around its walls; a quartet of musicians played quietly from the far end, the whole affair was quite informal and was designed to allow the ladies to mingle and gossip, while eating various snacks and drinking wine. Her mother sat beside her, stiff and formal, and not at all like how she would have expected her mother to react to her impending nuptials to a High Lord of Westeros

Putting aside her thoughts she let her eyes rove over the room, before she would have just seen finely dressed courtly ladies, and thrilled at the style and fashion on display, but now? Now she saw more, and saw much more clearly. She beheld the false smiles, the cliques and power blocs, the manoeuvring for position, the struggle for dominance. There were three factions in this room that she could clearly identify, with a good half of the crowd either neutral, observing warily or blithely unconcerned.

The Queen's supporters, of which the best that could be said was that their numbers were showing a marked decline, were gathered around Cersei. Rumours were circulating that the Queen was to be married off soon and thus removed from the Red Keep. And so only the most fanatical, or stupid, of her former coterie still surrounded her, and the Queen herself looked haggard and seemed to be permanently drunk.

And to think that she once idolised that woman, but thankfully she was no longer that stupid little girl anymore, and despite it being a bitter pill to swallow, Sansa knew she had Cersei to thank in part for lifting the veil of innocence from her eyes.

Lady Margaery's supporters were mainly from the Reach but some of Cersei's former supporters had gravitated to the Rose of Highgarden, as she would be the next Queen and they saw the writing on the wall for Cersei. The former Queen was almost completely bereft of power, mainly as a result of the actions of Tywin, who seemed to positively hate his daughter, or so she believed based on how he treated her. It was obvious to her that Cersei was deeply wounded by this behaviour on her father's part, and it was eating away at Cersei.

And lastly there were the increasing numbers of ladies aligning themselves to her, once the announcement of her betrothal to Lord Tywin the invites and calls upon her had become a veritable torrent. Some were so patently transparent in their false sincerity that it sickened her, especially those who had once consorted closely with Queen Cersei, but there were a few who she felt she could use, not trust, no, never trust. For such was the lesson of the Game of Thrones – smiles were false, trust was quicksand and loyalty always had a price.

"Little Dove!!" slurred Cersei, loud enough to cut through the hum of conversation, which began to rapidly die down as all eyes turned to watch, the courtiers finely attuned senses knowing that a confrontation was brewing.

"Your Grace?" Sansa replied, her voice level and proper.

"Has your mother told you what will happen on your wedding night little dove?" Cersei glared at her, a maniacal smile gashing her generous mouth, her emerald eyes shining with a disturbing light.

"She has your grace, I am fully aware of what my duty as a wife entails."

Of course her mother had told her nothing, neither had her Septa, but Lady Genna and her Lyseni pillow book had thought her more than she had even dreamed about the ways of men and women.

"You will bleed and breed little dove, bleed and breed for the Lannisters! He won't be gentle, my father, he will take you for what you are, a womb to be filled with his heirs, nothing more, nothing less. You will never mean anything more to him than that, never forget!"

At this Cersei lurched to her feet and made to stagger off, before turning back to face her, swaying slightly "You will never replace my mother in his heart little dove, enjoy your loveless marriage!"

With this Cersei stormed from the ballroom, followed by her ladies in waiting but by noticeably less other courtiers than she entered with.

Sansa's eyes narrowed slightly and a scowl threatened to mar her face at Cersei's disgraceful behaviour, she wondered if she should mention this to Tywin, once they were married Cersei's behaviour would be unpardonable.

After a few seconds of shocked silence the room returned to normal, well not quite normal, the Queen mother's outburst and exit obviously being the main topic of whispered conversation.

"I, I never wanted this for you Sansa" her mother said in a low voice, pitched to just about be heard over the hubbub of frantic gossiping.

"I was to marry Joffrey, who turned out to be a monster" she replied, not turning her head nor changing the look on her face "nobody protected me from him, nobody came to rescue me, all those tales of knights and fair maidens were lies. I lived the truth, and the truth is that there are monsters in the world mother, and you cannot protect yourself from them if you are weak."

"Your, your husband to be, he, he is a monster Sansa...."

"He is, but he will not harm me, I am too valuable to him, he needs my womb to bear his heirs. That's what I am, what all of us here are, wombs to guarantee the dynasties men found. And none will dare harm me when I am Lord Tywin's wife, precisely because he is a monster mother. You and father never thought any of us about fear, about power, about how dangerous life is, you tried to protect use and all you did was make us weak and vulnerable, pawns in other men's games."


"I don't hate you mother, or resent you, you did what you thought was right, but all actions have consequences, and debts must always be paid, no matter the price."

"My, my little girl, she....she is no more, she is a Great Lady now.....I, I am proud of you Sansa, you have become what you always wanted to be. I, I'm just sorry that the price you had to pay was so high."

"As am I mother, as am I."