

Just In




God-Emperor of Essos and beyond (DISCONTINUED) by Paperpuscher 101

 Harry Potter & A song of Ice and Fire Xover Rated: M, English, Adventure & Fantasy, Harry P., Words: 337k+, Favs: 4k+, Follows: 4k+, Published: Jan 7, 2017 Updated: Jun 25, 2018 1,146Chapter 7: Meeting New People

"Slowly, slowly." chanted Harry as he stood again at the main-stone for the wards. This time to place the city back onto the ground. The location was the western shore of the Poison Sea. His wives were on the ground or to be more specific in the water with a bubble-head charm active. With the help of their mind-link the group could coordinate better where to place the city.

'I think that is low enough, Harry' Narcissa thought through their link as the city now was a ten meters above the level of the water, letting the cold, salty fluid touching the underside of the city. The runes they set up there and at the bottom of the lake would purify the salt from the water and deposit into a specialised silo for storage. Tomorrow it should be a freshwater lake.

'We just have to fuse the city together with the ground and everything should be ready by then.' remarked Andromeda's voice.

'Yeah, you begin without me I'll join you shortly.' with that he cut the connection and made his way towards the Bridge of Dreams that now connected the city to the land.

On his way he again admired the fruit of his and his wives labour. The city was in one word glorious. Everything was repaired from the houses to the palace. From the new harbour to the many different districts.

On the streets many people greeted him, though it was done much in the same manner as back home with the boy-who-lived hype. A sigh escaped him, but the smile remained on his face. In this case it was different. Back in the wizarding world he was praised for a thing he didn't do or even had a hand in. Here it were his own accomplishments that brought him this. Something he could at least understand, even though Harry was still uncomfortable in large crowds.

As he exited the city and arrived on the bridge the last Potter tried to imagine the landscape how it would be after the ritual with the Well of Paradise was performed.

The artefact now stood in the middle of the square where prince Garin's cage had hung from the highest tower, near the main ward-stone. It was more like a big fountain after they enlarged it again and connected with the canals. It stood once again proud and ready to use.

Just as Harry came to the end of the bridge, wanting to prepare to dive into the water his eyes caught sight of something on the horizon. It looked like a long and wide line of people wandering.

'Was I too long in the sun and am hallucinating?' he asked himself. It was highly unlikely that something like this was happening right now. As far as Harry knew nobody ventured on his or her own free will into the Red Waste.

Although, just that was happening right now in front of him. A larger host than the one he and his wives defeated a month before. There was something different about this one.

'The Dothraki don't have sheep and they sure as hell won't set a foot near salt-water.' Harry mused as he saw the many smaller beings that were likely livestock. The book Fire Upon the Grass from Terrio Erastes was quite helpful in learning more about the savages.

In the end it was taken out of Harry's hands. The host made out of approximately more than six-thousand people seemed to disperse or run towards the city like an anthill thrown in with a rock. When he saw correct, it were again the Dothraki.

'I really start to dislike these idiots.' Harry thought annoyed. It seemed that these savages either wanted revenge or followed the caravan's trail in hopes of easy prey. Both were likely and both ended in the same result. Dead Dothraki.

Opening the link again Harry send a quick message to all of his wives. 'We have a problem here. A Dothraki horde is approaching the city.'

'What?!' shocked exclamation back. 'What are these bastards doing here?' asked Marcella confused and incredulously. She didn't thought that these people were so set on revenge.

The next to speak was Bellatrix. 'I thought these savages wouldn't set foot in here?' she was just as confused as the rest of them.

'They aren't here for us.' Harry began while mentally preparing for battle. 'There is a large caravan just a few kilometres outside of the gates. Which is the target of the Dothraki.' a short while later all four arrived clad in armour and with Harry's own.

There was no time to put it on the conventional way so a quick spell was uttered after he stripped naked and all of it flowed like water on his skin. He put his hood up, saying "Lets go!"

With that finished all five flew towards the commotion using Voldemort's unsupported flight spell, which allowed them to fly without a broom while a black smoke cloud surrounded their bodies. It let them look like black clouds, flying in the sky at the speed of a Firebolt broom.

Upon coming closer and seeing the size of the khalasar Harry asked through the link 'Marcella can you try and guide the people towards the city?' the size of this force was not too big to fight with the four of them alone.

Sure, in flight and with their protection nothing what the Dothraki had could harm them, but they had to protect the people below or the one thousand odd screamers would be upon them if nothing was done. So a delay tactic was chosen. Marcella only nodded and flew to the ground before the running people. 'Be careful.'

'We will!' they all assured her and flew further north over the water towards the horde. 'Bellatrix and I fly to engage them and you two will cut off the pursuit as good as possible with a wall of fire beginning at the water.'

Andromeda and Narcissa broke of shortly after, firing a big fireball each towards the ground where the caravan ended. The balls of flame exploded and under their careful guidance erected itself into a two and a half meter high wall of fire that stretched to the south-west from the lake out in a straight line, curved this time in the direction of the bridge and finished on the right side of the entrance so that the people had enough space to enter without pushing.

Meanwhile Harry and Bellatrix prepared for their own attack, which they already had in mind. Harry lowered himself to the surface of the water and created a massive wave of water that swung itself upwards with his momentum. It would drain his reserves considerably, at least a fourth of it, but it would push back the attackers and give Bellatrix's attack the opening.

Moments later his freak wave of eighteen meters height and thirty-six meters length crashed against the khalasar's flank, pushing the whole lot back and against the rest. Toppling horses and warriors alike, killing the ones at the direct impact and drenching the surrounding three-hundred ones in salt-water. All the while his arrow-shield disintegrated every projectiles coming his way from the archers on their horses.

As Harry's attack hit Bellatrix performed her own. She used an old Norse spell that conjured chain-lightning. Normally it would take more than one wizard to perform, but none of their group needed to consider this requirement. The lightning didn't hit the water itself, but the masses a few metres away for maximum effect when it arrived at the water.

The lightning sprang forth from her fingertips, cackling in synch with Bella's laughter, as the smell of ozone hit the air. The first Dothraki that fell victim to it had a few seconds to scream before he was a smoking husk. The lightning arced outwards through fifty warriors until it hit the drenched Dothraki. Aided by the salt-water the effect was enhanced and killed nearly a three hundred-fifty of the enemy in a single stroke.

A few Dothraki tried to escape and burned for it. Their agonizing screams as they jumped through the firewall and burned alive, were music to Bellatrix ears.

While this was happening Narcissa and Andromeda had returned and erected a second wall of fire to block the escape of the horde. Now encircled from one side by fire and from another by salt-water the Dothraki had no escape. In the time the enemy was being trapped Harry and Bellatrix formed a new attack.

This time both shouted. "Aqua Eructo!" a powerful jet of water burst forth out of both their right hands, connecting with the water. It looked like a useless action, but the spell was capable of controlling the water summoned and every bit of water connected by it. If one had the power, of course. It was fortunate that the water here was not yet purged of its salt or the combination attack of water and lightning would be useless with conjured water that was no conductor.

Again, a freak wave, this time even higher and wider, crashed once more onto the shore drowning warriors and horses alike. Smashing and breaking flesh and bone and man and beast apart, no distinction was made.

The gigantic wave doused the flames of the firewall, but before one of the savages could escape like the last time Narcissa and Andromeda were already there with another chain-lightning spell, hitting the first ones trying to flee. Under their combined strength and power the rest of the small khalasar died screaming and smoking. Their blistering corpses laying scattered across the red earth.

Marcella returned, flying to their side as the last screams died. All five looking at the gruesome sight of smoking and overcooked flesh from men and horse.

"Is everyone save?" inquired Harry as he dusted the bit red dirt on his arm off.

Marcella nodded. "Yes, all arrived unharmed. Expect..." just as she wanted to continue Harry interrupted her as he turned.

"One?" the answer was unnecessary to give. The one person who apparently had no regard for her safety stood before them. Clothes in all red with white hair, pale wrinkled skin and ruby red eyes. Still sitting bent forward on her paint as if not just now happened the slaughter of a small Dothraki horde with magic. Though, Harry guessed that it wasn't important to her if she died or not with how old she looked.

Walking towards the woman Harry inclined his head in greeting towards the old woman. "Good day." with his wives beside him and his and their hoods still up.

"Yes, it certainly is a good day. Isn't it?" she said in a mysterious and enchanting voice, that at the same time was old and rasping. Her smile showed a mouth missing all teeth expect a few loose looking ones. With the few strands of hair she looked every bit an old crone. Nearly even resembling a hag.

"It is." the only wizard agreed. "When you don't mind me asking, but why is an old woman like you here in the Red Waste?" his wives beside him were a bit startled at how he described the woman. The only one who understood was Marcella after she noticed the glowing ruby at her choker.

The woman was just as startled and asked with the only indication being the slightly widening of her eyes. "Old?" now she laughed, but there was no real emotion behind it. "Do I look old to you?" while she presented herself with a flourish of her hand. Running those same hands over her wrinkly skin and saggy breasts.

This time Harry deadpan reply was. "Yes!" he now ignored the few snickers coming from Bellatrix and Andromeda. "However, that isn't of importance now. The question remains why are you here and not inside the city?"

"I knew no harm would befall me!" she stated after her shock wore off, though she looked a good bit more uncomfortable. Clearly not liking him knowing her true age for whatever reason.

Now Marcella asked sceptical with her arms crossed and a brow raised under her hood. "Really? And how did you know that to be the case?"

Before they would be all day out here Narcissa proposed. "Lets go inside the city. We can discuss all of it with refreshments." it was one of the things from her pureblood upbringing that she found useful. Namely to be a good host.

All agreed and made their way towards Chroyane. Not a word was spoken on the short way. Not until a voice from an middle aged man with hair coming out of his ears and nose shouted through the crowd of activity in the city at the red clothed woman. "What were you thinking? You could've been killed." it wasn't said in a caring or worried way more someone talked with an idiot.

Andromeda turned her head to the woman in question and asked dryly. "Your husband?" though it was obvious from the glare the woman send the man that there were no lost feelings between them.

"No!" the old crone spat, venom evident in her voice. "We were travelling together for a time, nothing more." she then looked at Harry ignoring the sputtering man and in an one-hundred eighty degree turn asked gently as a small fire heating a fireplace. "Where to?"

Harry pointed towards the Palace of Love. "You just have to find the gigantic island complex. You can't miss it."

Seeing that the man in the grey robes wouldn't leave he whispered to Bellatrix's ear. "Escort them to the Palace and ensure these two don't do anything suspicious." These two didn't belong to the Lharzeen and where the only ones not from them. It was highly unlikely to be a coincidence.

Bellatrix nodded her head and marched of with the two after she yanked at the man's elbow to get him to follow her.

Among all the new faces Harry saw the face Mirri. He let Marcella, Andromeda and Narcissa go and deal with finishing the stabilizing of the city in the lake. "I take it you have something to do with all these new people being here?" he asked dryly after removing his hood and knew it was true from the smirk on her lips. "Why?"

She shrugged her large shoulders and replied. "I don't know. I just had this feeling that it was safer to come here than to remain in Lhazar and be in constant danger from the Horse lords." the last words were spat out like poison. One could see she had no more love for the Dothraki savages than Harry himself had.

He smiled to ease the tension in the air a bit. "Well we certainly have enough room for you. I don't know how much space there is in the stables and if all the horses will fit into them." Harry had certainly not anticipated to have an influx of people so soon together with their livestock.

She waved his concerns away and answered "Don't worry. The sheep will be herded outside the city again. The same with the horses that are too much." Here she grew a bit more serious even grave. "Though you'll want to work your magic on the land soon. We only have food for us and the animals lasting a month at most on our wagons."

Harry only nodded that he understood and departed to towards the Palace. 'The ritual with the Well of Paradise will have to wait until tomorrow until I and the others have recovered our strength.' he grimaced 'These bloody Dothraki' cursing them in his mind quiet a bit. 'What were these even doing here? Revenge only because we wiped out another khalasar or hope of loot and slaves from the caravan?' the city was after all not in the middle of the Red Waste more like at the northern edge and on the western side of the Poison Sea.

His pondering was cut short as he entered the palace, walked to the chambers Bellatrix mentally directed him to and was greeted with sight of his wives and the two strangers. The old woman sat serenely on a couch while the man seemed to be sulking. Curiously enough his wives still had their hoods up. Glasses of water stood empty before them all. A quick mental conversation told him that the city was stable.

"I apologize for the delay, but I had to do something else before I could meet with you." Harry decided to go with the nice approach. It was always better to be nice to enemies, even potential ones. After all being hateful or uninviting would serve no purpose at all. It would only serve to antagonize them.

"What can I and my wives do for you?" he inquired as his wives now let their hoods fall back and everyone had introduced himself. The man seemed to stare at his wives, while the woman only glanced briefly and paid them no further mind. Completely concentrated on him and giving him the 'fuck me' eyes, which looked disturbing coming from such an old woman.

The old woman was the first to speak. "I would like to offer my advice and council to you." she offered "The only request I have is that you teach me some of your magic."

Narcissa annoyed with the man's staring cast a weak summoning charm at his head that caused said head to crash against the table before him, narrowly missing the glass. Crossing her arms under her bust she asked with a raised eye-brow. "And how much of a council and advice can you give us?" with his other wives agreeing and nodding their heads.

Still unruffled and slightly amused at Marwyn's treatment she replied. "I lived for a long time and know Essos better than most and I could teach you some things as well." she found her counteroffer to be sufficient. Although, she had to hold back accepting any proposal they offered when she remembered the high and hot firewalls with their exquisite colours and the cackling of the cold fire of R'hllor that caused the sweet screams of before.

The sheer euphoria from the display of power had her body trembling in excitement still. Where Azor Ahai before her alone and not with women clearly of superior magical strength than her, Melisandre wouldn't have hesitated to claim her place by his side in an instant. As it stood it was unwise to do so now.

Here Marcella added a bit amused and impressed. "Yes, we know. Excellent glamour to hide your appearance, by the way. I only noticed it after Harry commented on it." and she meant it. While she herself only had to modify the glamour to let the eyes see what she wanted and the hands fell what she wanted.

The woman before her had to do more. Adjust it so the difference in height was accounted for and that her steps were either silent or so that the sound they made fitted her glamours strides. All this on top of what she herself had to keep active. At least they knew she had talent.

The calm expression of the old crone didn't waver . "Thank you." she folded hands in her lap and continued to wait for their decision. Then she sighed. "I think it would be better to remove the glamour if you all know that it is there anyway."

The only one who made a noise was Marwyn who shouted indignantly "I didn't know!" and nursing his head wound.

All of them took in her new appearance calmly after she removed the snugly golden chocker from her throat. Expect Marwyn, who again made noise this time shrieking, pointing an accusing finger at the now revealed old woman, saying. "You lied to me! You said you would teach me, but this you didn't." it was said with an angry undertone.

Now the woman was highly amused. "You really thought I would tell you all my secrets?" here she laughed mockingly with condescension thrown in. "Oh, Marwyn. I only said I would teach you. Not how much or what." the only reason she hadn't burned this oaf in the name of R'hllor was because she saw herself travelling with him in the flames. Now she could at least ignore him and focus on the important people.

While the rest was equally amused Harry consoled the man somewhat, but was also holding his snickers in. "You didn't know that the world of magic is full of lies, half-truths and misdirection?" everyone had to learn that lesson quickly or be left behind. Only family and spouses could be trusted completely. In a world where mind-control, potions to assume someone else's form and so much more was possible deceit was at every corner. It was also one of the reasons Harry trained himself and his wives so much.

Marwyn only nodded, that yes he had not given it much thought. "Don't worry about it. All people are blinded to it when they first encounter the wonders of magic." he himself included. It was fortunate that he woke up fast enough or it could've gotten ugly.

After the moment has passed the air grew serious again. "So you want to exchange information against information?" Andromeda mused after thinking it over she went on. "I think it fair." It went unsaid that they wouldn't teach Melisandre everything.

"Now, wait a moment." said Bellatrix indignantly. Pointing a finger at Melisandre she asked. "Why would we need her? We have a library full of knowledge concerning this continent. This makes her dispensable." The eldest Black had no intention to trust this woman. Sure, she could pose no real threat to them, but she thought the same of the muggles and that didn't turn out well.

Still Melisandre smiled unperturbed. "Then I suppose you know that you five already are in the focus of one organisation, possibly two?" it was good that she didn't mention the warlock she saw in his astral form on her way here. Always having an ace was something she knew was important. She also knew that Marwyn had a glass-candle and was a Archmeaster, but not if he told his fellows that magic returned.

Just as calm as the red woman Narcissa accused with a dangerous note in her voice as well as narrowed eyes. "And I suppose that you had nothing to do with that, at all?" Bellatrix, Andromeda and Marcella beside her tensed and were ready to take this woman down in an instant. Unknowingly releasing their magical presence and aura. While Melisandre was calm and fresh as a daisy Marwyn quivered in his seat and hoped for survival.

She shook her head "No, I did not." then she felt a presence enter her mind, brushing gentle as a breeze against it and leaving just as fast. "What did you just do?" the question was directed at the raven-haired man with the oddly shaped scar atop his forehead in the form of a lightning bolt, Harry or as she thought of him Azor Ahai.

Relaxing a little and signalling his wives to do the same Harry explained. "I read your surface thoughts to confirm if you told the truth." looking her in the eyes he said. "You did!" that at least was a positive point in her favour. He did not believe her capable of Occlumency on the level to forge memories or thoughts that weren't true. She had some training in it, but not enough to keep him out of anything, it only slowed him down.

Excitedly Marwyn fired of question after question now that the oppressive feeling was gone. "You can read minds? How does it work? Can you do other magic that affect the mind?" it was an endless stream until Bellatrix silenced him with a wave of the hand and muttered "Silencio". Smiling smugly at the panicked look of the Archmaester she said. "Ah, that's better."

Melisandre seemed to agree, if her smiling expression was any indication. "Thank you. He doesn't know when to keep quiet." it had been a real test of her patience to travel with someone who wouldn't shut up and have her peace.

"No Problem." Harry replied, but his face revealed nothing as he asked bluntly and to the point. "I personally think it would be good to have someone who knows all of this from experience rather than book knowledge." remembering Hermione as he heard Marwyn fire off his questions.

He was kind of sad to have lost her, but she never apologised and so Harry assumed she thought their friendship not good enough. He himself wouldn't apologise, because he had nothing to be sorry for. Now, he asked himself if he was maybe a bit to prideful in dealing with it like he had.

He had to shake his head to get back to the present. "Would you give us the information as to who knows about us when we accept your deal?" Harry queried with a raised brow. The woman shook her head in the negative. "Thoughts so." Harry frowned in thought and sighed. "Ok. What do you want for it?" while his wives complained, well Bellatrix and Marcella that is, that they could just rip it out of her skull. Harry wouldn't allow it. A surface scan was as far as he would go. It wasn't something he would like to be done to himself after all.

At least she didn't gloat. "I know that you have a method to give me back my youth." before she could go further Harry interrupted.

"And you obviously would like to have your youth back!" it was a statement not a question. Well Harry had nothing against it. It only made her younger and not more powerful or anything.

Nonetheless he narrowed his eyes and said harsh as the northern winter. "I don't know how you came across that information, but I need an unbreakable vow from you to not spread that knowledge. I don't have to explain it to you what would happen when it leaks out." as he said that he fired a quick stupefy at Marwyn. The memories had to be erased and modified.

"Narcissa would you be so kind and modify Archmaester Marwyn's memories?" even though it was phrased as a question it was an order. Something Harry rarely did, letting her know that he was slightly pissed of that this women knew something he really wanted to remain secret.

"Of course." the blonde-haired Black replied as icy as the Land of Always Winter, showing why she was known as the Ice Queen of her time at Hogwarts. Sending a frosty glare that would let grown man wet themselves at the old crone. Narcissa levitated the man with a flick of her wrist and let the body follow her to another room. She would do it properly like they did on Lys and not like the fool Lockhart, that left his victims as little more than a vegetable. He even exaggerated his proficiency of the memory charm.

Once Narcissa was out of the room Marcella demanded with her own angry gaze pointed at the woman. "How do you know about that?" when this woman made one wrong move her brains would be fine pink dust on the new carpet from the Reducto Marcella had in store for her.

Now a little less sure, but outwards it still looked as if nothing could bother her. "The Lord of Light shows me many things in his flames. This included." she stated with her mysterious air around her. She didn't state that she knew what exactly it was, even though she knew. One more thing to displease the women and it would be her last. That much Melisandre was aware of.

The four of them groaned out loud. 'Great we have a fanatic at our hands.' Andromeda thought irritated. It was bad enough they had to deal with this at all, but that she knew of the Elixir of Live was worrying.

Bellatrix interjected with a proposition of her own. 'Why don't we just obliviate the knowledge from her mind, just like with that other guy.' it spoke volumes of what Bellatrix thought of "that guy" when she didn't even bothered to remember his name. Namely nothing.

Before Andromeda and Marcella could agree Harry intervened. 'As much as I would like that, she said it was shown to her. If it was this god of hers I don't know. But I won't risk that she throws of the spell and tells other people about it. An unbreakable vow would be better.' No one could obliviate the knowledge of an unbreakable vow made from someone else's mind. Otherwise you could just do that and hope the affected person would violate it and die or even encourage the person to break it.

'Or they could mind-rape her and kill her later.' was the consensus of his wives.

'We aren't at war anymore' Harry reminded them through their link and ended the mental conversation not five seconds after it started.

Bellatrix had a curse on her lips, Andromeda reluctantly nodded her head and Marcella huffed.

Harry only said. "First you give us the vow and then you can have it." he wouldn't say it, but Harry was kind of impressed with this woman's poker-face. Harry quickly summoned the trunk with all his potions. It was a good thing he had a bit more of the Elixir of Life than necessary for the ritual tomorrow.

Enlarging the trunk, he asked. "How old are you?" his guess was ninety to a round hundred years old. So he took the appropriate dosage.

"I don't remember." she stated with contemplative look on her face.

"You don't remember?" echoed Harry flatly, increasing his glare on her. She didn't seem to be lying. That means either amnesia or she has a method of extending her lifespan other than the Elixir, which on his world only Morgana le fey could do and involved stealing life-force from others. Something immensely complicated and "dark". Other methods were Horcruxe, but the body aged normally with only the soul remaining bound in need for a new vessel, should the body die prematurely. Then a light went off in his head.

"How many bodies have you stolen so far?" he was ready to protect himself and his wives when the woman so much as breathed wrong. He wouldn't allow one of them to be possessed. Though for this kind of possession the victim had to be soulless for it to be absolutely complete. The question was could she remove the soul from ones body?

Now Melisandre's and their own eyes were open wide. Bellatrix, Andromeda and Marcella all were ready to attack her on a moments notice. With a finger on her chin the woman replied, her mouth forming a disturbing grin. "I think this is the seventh." counting on her fingers, while mouthing the names as she reached seven the red woman nodded in satisfaction at having remembered the fact. "But I believe this vessel is about hundred years old." was the offhand reply.

Despite his wariness he had for the woman Harry inquired curiously. "Then why aren't you stronger? You should know much more and if you do then you wouldn't be here, requesting help." he much like his wives was ready to cast a Protego followed by nasty curses. From there he would cast to kill. A woman roughly as old as Nicholas Flamel would be dangerous. If Flamel would still be alive, Harry would not fancy himself to duel with the man. Even if Harry himself was magically stronger now.

"Valyrians!" the word was said with such venom Harry thought her spit would be acidic. "They hogged all of the spells and knowledge for themselves and their precious Dragonlords." here her eyes took on a fierce glint as she seemed to fall back into the past. "After all it would not do when people could actually withstand them despite the fact that they already had thousand dragons. Something no nation could compete with."

Here her arms were crossed before her. "In my first body I was enslaved and sold to Valyria and their Red Temple. Before the Doom I was sold and went to Asshai and there I stumbled through luck on a few scrolls containing the spells for possession." Meaning she likely killed the one who had them first.

She grew quiet again and the rasping voice of the old woman grew creepy. "The first try was... messy. The woman fought harder than anticipated or maybe I was simply too weak in my advanced age after I mastered the spell on animals, without instruction." here she lost herself a bit in memory like most old people were prone to do sometimes.

Just as Harry wanted to get her attention back to the present Melisandre did it herself. "We fought constantly for dominance and after only a year I had to search for a new vessel, because the body broke down. The question was how to get a body that didn't fight back. The answer was..."

Before she could elaborate Andromeda interrupted hotly. "A soulless body." the memories of her old husband dead from the Dementors kiss, back when Voldemort had control over them, coming to the fore. Harry's hand over her own snapped her out of it. She send him a watery, grateful smile. Though her rage burned hot at the memory and at the woman in front of her that did the same, multiple times!

Seeing the display Melisandre nodded. "Yes, but how to acquire something like that?" the obviously rhetoric question was left unanswered. "The answer I found in the form of a shadow demon the Valyrians introduced to the Isle of Tears in their torture camp near Sothoryos. It could suck the soul out of ones body, but leaving it intact."

Now Andromeda was a breath away from cursing the crap out of this woman with the rest of her sister-wives not far behind. "So you threw peoples lives away for you to live longer." working up steam with her slitted eyes now glowing with unrestrained power she snarled. "We should kill you now and be done with it!" her sister-wives agreeing with various exclamations.

Harry just stared at the woman, waiting for her to continue, but tense nonetheless. Narcissa was meanwhile finished and standing outside as a surprise should it come to a confrontation.

Now more than a bit of fear had entered the eyes of Melisandre, seeing Harry nod tensely she continued. "I didn't take people who had much to live. The opposite actually." taking another deep breath. "Forced slavery was and is an abomination! I took only little girls who were forced to work in brothels. After only a short few months sometimes a year the light left their eyes and they only became walking corpses, nearly completely unresponsive to anything and without emotion. I could not do much for them, without resources of my own. So, I purchased the ones that would be disposed off and used them." her words grew more heated herself the more she spoke and Melisandre had to get her emotion back under her mask with a short few breaths. All of them could imagine what 'disposed off' meant. Though it was curious that she chose the word forced slavery, probably meaning willingly serving subjects or slaves were fine. However rare that was.

All was deathly quiet in the room, no one moved as they digested the words spoken. In the next moment Andromeda was up in a flash and snapped. "Crucio!" the attack so fast and ferocious that Melisandre's old body had no chance of escape from her sitting position. Scarlet clashed against red, followed by screams erupting in the room.

The doors burst open and Narcissa entered with an arrow in the string and Marcella making herself ready for an attack as well.

Before it could escalate Harry petrified Marcella and Andromeda in their single-minded focus on their victim, but let their heads unaffected. Bellatrix was calm, but clearly wanted to curse as well and Narcissa chose that moment to lose her arrow nocked in the bow towards the now spasming form on the couch. Reacting fast and with reflexes honed to perfection the last Potter banished the projectile into a wall. It was a magical projectile and the arrow-shield there for useless against it.

"STOP!" he roared out, halting all action in the room effectively. "You will take no further action against her!" he commanded as if the bond was still in the initial stage. The next command followed shortly, ignoring the shouts of his two immobilised wives. "Narcissa heal her!"

The betrayed faces belied what they really wanted to do right now. "Why are you defending her? She stole the bodies of children, snapped the connection between soul and body!" exclaimed a shouting Andromeda not understanding why he did that.

"Yes, she did." Harry agreed as calmly as he possibly could.

Pointing at Bellatrix, he continued. "She tortured people into insanity, killed countless others and obviously to her shame took joy in their suffering." Bellatrix hung her head, but managed a weak smile as he said that in the past tense.

Pointing towards Marcella's petrified form Harry stated. "She took husbands she clearly didn't love and killed them for their money. Tainting the union between man and woman in marriage and love." Marcella hung her head in shame too, as she remembered the actions she wanted to take concerning Melisandre and what she herself did in the past.

Now Harry pointed towards Narcissa, who was busy treating the now less spasming Melisandre, while her own eyes grew wet at the memories. "She also killed her husband, in cold blood no less, as well as countless others. No matter how deserved the punishment was."

Then he pointed towards the now rapidly cooling Andromeda. "And you." pausing to take a breath of his own and hearing the settling of Melisandre's. "You took your time killing the ones responsible for attacking your home and past husband. You also had a hand in Dumbledore's death and killed countless others as well." her face now resembled a pale white. She didn't thought he knew that she was partly responsible for the old idiots death. The bitter-sweet smile he sent her only confirmed it. She hung her head at that like the rest.

Harry wasn't finished though. "And last but not least. Myself. I too have killed countless in the war in our homeland. Nobody here has any right to condemn anyone without knowing why they did what they did!" he stated firmly with a wetness in his eyes, Harry ignored it. "Regardless of it all we are family and I love you!"

"I'm sorry." said Andromeda as little sobs wracked her shoulders with a few tears escaping her eyes. With Bellatrix saying the same, even though she was the only one having done nothing wrong in this instance. She wanted though, that was enough for her to be seen as having erred.

All of them thought Melisandre the same as the slavers who choose the path of violence and misery willingly with the prize being gold. Bellatrix knew it was a weak consolation, but she at least fought for an ideology in her insane years. Harry gave them all a chance in the past, no matter how small or impossible it seemed and here they were condemning another without doing the same. Much like Harry always said everyone wanting to change deserves a second chance. Only a second and not a third that was how he always did things. Although it remained to be seen what Melisandre's motives were.

"I know." more didn't need to be said. Releasing them from their petrified state Harry turned to Narcissa and asked concerned. "How is she?" he had every reason to be concerned. Melisandre's body was old and probably didn't take too kindly to being tortured with such intense pain, however brief.

Narcissa wiped her eyes to get the few tears in them out of the way and answered. "I had to use Unicorn blood to not lose her, but after that the potion to numb nerves did its job and now she heals." it was a close call. A few moments later and the heart would have probably given out. Though Melisandre seemed to be made out of strong stuff.

An audible sigh of relief was let loose by all as Andromeda and Marcella slumped back into their seats.

Harry took the vial with the correct dose of Elixir of Life and handed it to Narcissa. "Give it to her it should help a good deal as well." the blonde woman nodded mutely and held it to the old woman's throat while casting a quick Anapneo to get the throat to open and swallow.

Before their eyes the bald spots on her head filled out with long hair the colour of burnished copper. The wrinkled skin tightened and became unblemished once more. The saggy breast seemed to pull themselves up and were getting firm and full again. Her face under the wrinkles was heart shaped, her figure a perfect hourglass, with delicate hands, fingers and full lips. The cracking of bones could be heard as her hunchback was made straight again. Like his wives Melisandre's age was now in the mid twenties again. Harry picked her up from the floor where Narcissa had been working on Melisandre and put her on the couch.

"Let her rest, while we put up a few more wards. That people have an eye on us worries me more." with that he turned and walked out of the room with his silent wives following behind.

The setting up of the scrying obscuring ward as well as anti-apparition for good measure was also done in silence. When they returned Melisandre still slept, so Harry gave her a Dreamless Sleep potion, duplicted her clothes, transfigured the clothes she wore into a red nightgown and put her in one of the many bedrooms of the palace, with a note on a table nearby for when she woke up in the morning.

He and his wives retreated to their own bedroom, cuddling in bed and sleeping fast.

The next morning with the first rays of sunshine penetrating the clouds the copper-haired woman named Melisandre stirred in the bed as she felt the presence of R'hllor in form of the sun graze her with its presence. Its rays coming into the window and shining down on her body, illuminating the room with glorious light of day.

She opened her bleary eyes and it took a moment to notice that she was in an unfamiliar room. It was richly decorated with a beautiful carpet and exquisitely furnished with chairs, wardrobe and trunks of high quality only made in Qohor.

First she was baffled at to how she came here, but the events of today, 'or was it yesterday?' she thought, caught up with her.

Frowning she sat up without the usual pain in her back or body in general. She was used to it and could ignore it. Although it was a welcome surprise. Noticing that she wore a scarlet nightgown instead of her usual red robes. That she slept so long at all surprised her.

Though, from the amount of pain she had felt from the curse it was appreciated. It didn't bother Melisandre that someone apparently changed her out of her clothes and saw her body naked.

'And why should I? Working as a female slave has sex-slave included every time.' Her time as a slave to man was over, but from her time as one she still could walk around in public while naked and not be bothered by anything, expect being touched without consent.

She stood up from the bed and stretched a bit. Next she walked over to where her dress was folded neatly, it was even cleaned.

She noticed that her steps seemed a bit larger and stronger than normal. Looking down on her body Melisandre saw nothing out of the ordinary. It was the typical form of her glamour.

'When did I put the chocker back on?' she pondered. The answer came as she picked up the dress and said chocker fell out of it. She stared at the piece of jewellery. The ruby reflected the light of the sun, sending glimmers into the air as the gem seemed to glow. It wasn't the same glow as the one it assumed when she cast her magic, that much Melisandre knew.

Regardless of these new changes she did her morning absolutions in the bathroom attached to hers and put on her, for Westerosi standards, much too revealing dress. It left her shoulders bare, showed a good amount of cleavage and was form fitting. Next came her chocker, though she removed the glamour from it.

Only then did she notice a note on the table. It was an invitation to break the fast with Harry and his wives. From what she could remember besides the red, hot pain, it was due to his interference that she wasn't dead right now.

The red woman reserved judgement for his wives until after the meal. However, she could understand why they reacted so badly to what she had done. She herself was always uncomfortable around these demonic creatures and was glad she only ever had to go there once a century. Now though Melisandre was young again, due to Harry accepting their deal.

'Though the vow I have to take sounds... restricting.' shaking her head, the copper hair acting like a waterfall of fire. 'It will be well worth it. No doubt about it!' she just had to have faith in her god and visions he send.

On her search for the dining room she noticed flaming arrows hanging in the air, which seemed to be the directions left for her, by Harry most likely. Following the directions she could only marvel at how the palace looked. White, green and black marble worked together in such a way that they seemed one. Inlaid with golden veins, which spiralled and twisted across the walls like water. It was beautiful and certainly different than she had expected. Namely a ruin.

'Though I suppose one year is enough time for people with their abilities to repair it. Making it better even' Melisandre thought as she remembered the runes in the bathroom. 'Truly marvellous.'

It took a few more turns and the red woman arrived at a big double door made out of oak. Pushing it open the room revealed rivalled that of any king and more. Sitting at the table were the four woman. Harry's wives. Harry and Marwyn were not there. The table was long enough for six people to sit at it. Two seats were free. One between the black curly haired woman, Bellatrix and the honey-blond haired one, Narcissa. Another between the other two. One was apparently for Harry and the last for herself.

Melisandre choose to sit next to Andromeda, showing no fear or wariness one might expect from sitting next to someone who clearly was not fond of her to the point of wanting her dead. Though, it wouldn't do to show weakness.

'Not that the other three are less dangerous' she thought, calculating.

No one said a word until Harry entered with a few plates of food floating behind him. Upon seeing her he looked relieved and happy. "Good morrow to you Melisandre. I'm glad to see that you recovered completely." the smile sent was genuine and bright.

She responded with a smile on her own that was entirely honest and replied. "Thank you. I know that without you I wouldn't be alive right now." yesterday she felt as if every nerve was being stabbed by white hot knifes that twisted themselves. A few short seconds later and her heart would've given out.

"Should I assume that you accepted my deal knowing that you restored my youth?" she couldn't be for certain until she heard it from himself.

He nodded, levitated the plates on the table and seated himself. "Yes, I did. Before we eat I believe Andromeda wants to tell you something."

Andromeda looked much like a child while she pouted with crossed arms. She sighed, knowing there was no way around this. It was comical when one knew how old she was in comparison to Harry, but she didn't want to disappoint him again. Andy ignored Bellatrix's giggles and comments in her head.

"I want to apologise for my behaviour yesterday as well as the unwarranted attack on you. It was my fault and I beg your forgiveness." it took a little work to not let her teeth grind at having to do that. She still was not sure if it was a wise idea to let this woman in. Although, Andromeda couldn't refute that she and her sister-wives weren't paragons themselves, which was the deciding factor in the end.

Melisandre just nodded her head in acknowledgement, while she gave the food a once over. "Apology accepted. I certainly can understand why you reacted that way. Though I would've wished the reaction to be a bit less... extreme." it was said with a little mocking smirk, but nothing more. That was all she allowed herself. It would certainly not be a good partnership when her life might be constantly in danger from the ones she wanted to learn.

In turn Melisandre received only a tense nod and the subject was dropped. The first one to speak was obviously Harry. "Well, tuck in. Afterwards we can discuss how things are going to be." with that all put things on their plate. It was a modest breakfast with how little their group had at their disposal.

"We really have to get that ritual under way." commented Marcella as she ate her berries. With that the farming could start and their many seeds be used. 'At least we now have a bit of cattle, chickens and many many sheep. Some even in human form' she mused eating some of the honey on bread.

Bellatrix agreed. "Yeah. I hope we don't have to sacrifice something this time." it wouldn't do to train and get these abilities only to get weaker later on.

Shaking his head Harry denied. "Nope. The Well of Paradise should act as a catalyst, so we don't need a sacrifice." popping some of the fruit slices in his mouth, he commented after swallowing. "We only need the Elixir of Life, Unicorn blood and Phoenix tears, as well as purified water for it." After a bit of thinking he continued. "Other than that I have two potions for the fruit and nut trees. The first is the Essence of Evergreen..."

At that point he was interrupted by Narcissa, who only had a delicate brow raised. "Isn't that extremely volatile and difficult to brew as well as needing a massive amount of ingredients?" it was more like a waste. Dragon dung fertilizer was in most cases better and cheaper. Though, the dung was unavailable to them. At the moment at least.

"Yes, but you forget we have the cauldron of plenty which should multiply it so that all the seeds of fruit and nut trees get some. Now where was I." tapping his chin in thought he snapped his fingers and went on. "Like I said it lets the trees grow on any soil, they bloom and carry fruit all year around as well as making them immune to harmful insects, poisons, rot, disease and corrosion." upon the astonished looks he continued smugly. "The second is a potion I found in a book from the library of Alexandria. It lets the fruits never spoil and they don't fall off the trees."

"Truly?" asked Melisandre astonished. She was not a day here and already witnessing things she not even saw in Valyria. It sounded more like the legendary figure Garth Greenhand. Sprouting farms and orchards where he walked, it even matched with how he made her, a crone, young and fertile again.

"Can't we use the same on the vegetables and other plants?" inquired Marcella as she ate some of the rarer things. Namely boiled eggs.

Harry and Narcissa shook their heads, while the honey-blond answered. "No, these have to be sowed again and again after each harvest and aren't constant, like the trees." she explained it while biting her lip in an afterthought, turning to Harry she asked. "What with the magical trees we have?" she believed it were five in total. From each they had a few seeds 'liberated' from the DoM.

"You have Weirwoods?" Melisandre butted in, eyes narrowed. 'Do they worship the old gods?' their puzzled looks and glances send at each other, said all she needed to know.

They had no idea what weirwoods were, so she elaborated. "Weirwoods are trees with a white bark and red sap. It is said the old gods can see all through them." that was all she herself knew of them. Enough to know the people worshipping them were heathens.

"Ah, no we don't have those. Though it would be interesting to see what properties they have." mused Narcissa as she thought about what potions she could devise out of them. "We have Fairy Lindens, which are mostly accommodations for fairies like the name suggests." counting on her fingers she went on. "Then we have Whoomping willows, with their whip like branches, which are mostly used to defend locations." another finger. "Silverthorn Spruce, which are aggressive and shoot their needles at anyone coming too near. The needles penetrate nearly everything and inject a poison that gives the victim hysteria and convulsions." a fourth finger. "The Bifröst pine. The sap of this tree has enormous healing properties and its leaves circle the colours of the rainbow. When someone looses and arm, leg or is even cut in half at the waist you just need to apply some of it on the body and missing part, stick them back on and it heals back together." the fifth and last finger. "Then we have the Mimameiör. Its fruits can aid a pregnant woman and heal the child in the womb from ailments. The fruits are gold in colour and its leaves and sap are silver, while the bark is a red-brown."

Harry waited until Narcissa finished her explanation to answer her question. "No, we can't use it on these trees. Although, it would be extremely useful for the Mimameiör." too bad the tree only had a fixed number of fruits each year. The magical plants for potions also couldn't be treated with the stuff, sadly.

That disappointed Narcissa and the rest a bit. The breakfast was over shortly after this. Narcissa seemed to annoy Melisandre with her questions regarding the Weirwoods. If she did this on purpose or not Harry wasn't completely sure, but he would put his money on the first.

They lingered for a while at the table with Harry still trying to solve the riddle of the empty book from the library.

"Still trying to find what is written in there?" asked a smiling Marcella. What could she say? It was just funny to see him become obsessed over that book with his curious nature. Harry just nodded in reply.

All four of his wives were smirking with Andromeda commenting. "I still think it was a joke left there by the Rhoynar. There is nothing special about it and it contains only blank pages. Nothing more." while it was a good thing that Harry had such a drive, she thought it was wasted on finding things were nothing was.

"What is a joke?" upon the red woman's question Andromeda pointed at the book Harry was reading. The thing was in good condition with various golden lines in it, much like the walls, and other decorations.

Pointing at the book Harry read Andromeda said. "We found this book in a vault on top of the library. The problem is that the pages are void of anything and no enchantments seem to be on the thing. Only empty paper."

"May I see?" inquired Melisandre, trying to prove herself to them. It would go a long way to show she was serious about this. Holding her hand out the book was given her shortly after with Harry nodding his head and sighing a bit frustrated. Inspecting the book, scanning over its pages in search for something.

In the back of her mind Melisandre knew that it wasn't the first time she saw something like this. The book was from the Rhoynar, which were known for their water-magic. Valyrians did as much as they could with fire. Heating up the earth to shape the molten rock in new forms, forging etc. They even had a few lava streams in their capitol, which was something ridiculous, but it looked at least impressive.

Acting on a hunch, Melisandre took her glass full of water, wine was not available at the moment, and poured it over the pages.

The various exclamations of shocked anger were soon replaced by awe as ink was revealed on the pages. It spread, snaked and twisted out further and further like a snake on the hunt.

Not long after all its contents were revealed Melisandre said in her restored sonorous voice with a barely audible superior undertone. "It may not be enchanted, but the pages were made out of special paper. The ink would only be revealed when it came in contact with water. Something no one who wanted to preserve the book would normally do."

The same was done with Valyrian texts only that those had to be hold over flame. The book was snatched out in front of her quickly as Harry with his wives over his shoulder poured over it.

Pouring over the pages Harry's eyes devoured it with vigour. The book contained spells mostly focussed on water. Healing spells, spells to attack and defend, but the most prized ones would be the ones that could make dry streams flow again and deserts bloom. Something extremely valuable for them right now.

The Well of paradise could only affect a water source in the way of making it more fertile but could not at the same time do what these spells could. "Bella, do you think we can incorporate these spells in our ritual?"

Their resident enchantress as well as woman for rituals together with Harry read the descriptions themselves and they didn't seem too hard or difficult to do. "Yeah, a few modifications in the runes and arithmancy would enhance the ritual and give the lake more water as well." Something they all knew the Poison Sea needed.

Otherwise the canals of the city wouldn't be filled with water and the Well would be useless. Before, the five of them wanted to fill it up, but it was better to also fill the dried up rivers connected to it as well was.

Not shortly after that they made Melisandre swear the vow to Harry with Bellatrix as the binder. It only said that she couldn't tell their secrets, betray or harm them willingly, and does her best to help them. In return she received protection and tutelage in the magical arts.

"Where is that other guy from yesterday?" asked Marcella as she looked puzzled around and at Narcissa. Much like Bellatrix not having paid much attention to the man who only ogled them.

The woman in question shrugged and replied. "I put him in a small room where I modified his memory and planted a new one where we all talked a bit about inconsequential things and left him to explore the city a bit." the blonde suggested next "Maybe he is not an early riser?"

Melisandre agreed with that assessment. "He is not!" it was just one more point against him in her book. Missing out on the sunrise's glory and R'hllor bestowing his blessing on the world once more. Banishing the annoying man out of her thoughts she concentrated on the here and now, which was before the magnificent Well of Paradise, like Harry had called it.

"Well I suppose it doesn't matter." Andromeda said and with that the subject of Archmeaster Marwyn was dismissed and they focussed on the artefact before them. Bellatrix described for all what had to be modified, which runes were to be added, altered or removed altogether. It took only an hour to modify it, thankfully.

The next step was the same as with the ritual to make the city fly. Channelling enough magic into it to make it work. This was even more draining than last time. The lake was vaster, spanning more than hundred kilometres. It took all they had, sucking them dry, not letting up until the magic of the ritual was satisfied.

In the hour of feeding their magic into the process the water of the Poison Sea responded. It rose slowly at first, but increased in speed after a time. Lifting, lifting and lifting higher still as it finally filled the canals again after a year of its absence. Filling them once more with freshwater. The flood of live spending substance finally arrived at the well, filling it.

As the water touched all of the well the artefact activated while it sucked the last drop of magic Harry, the sisters Black and Marcella had to give without dying.

The next moment the whole square was bathed in an aquamarine light, creating the illusion as if it all was underwater. It vanished as fast as it came, but the well pulsing in intervals and sending the same light out every minute for a few hours.

The two hundred litres of unicorn blood, Elixir of life and two and a half litres of phoenix tears from their five litres in total reacted with the artefact and together acted as a catalyst. Amplifying the magic, sending it out into the whole sea connected to the city and to the rivers which would flow with water again after this day.

All this was not seen, heard, felt or in any way experienced by Harry, Bellatrix, Andromeda, Narcissa and Marcella. All five of them lay unconscious to the world the moment the ritual stopped taking their magic to fuel itself.

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